Judicial Statistics of 2002

Annual Reports of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Federal Shariat Court & the Provincial High Courts

NATIONAL JUDICIAL POLICY MAKING COMMITTEE c 2003 National Judicial (Policy Making) Committee This Annual Report is published by the Secretariat of the and Justice Commission of Pakistan

This report can be viewed at the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan website http://www.ljcp.com.pk. Comments and sugges- tions may be sent to the Secretariat of the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan, Supreme Court Building, Islamabad. Tel: 051-9220483 Fax: 051-9214416 email: [email protected]. Contents


2 SUPREME COURT OF PAKISTAN 5 2.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice of Pakistan ...... 5 2.2 Judicial Statistics ...... 7 2.2.1 Court Performance During the Year 2002 ...... 7 2.2.2 Distribution of Work: The Principal Seat of the Court and Branch Registries 8 Statatement of Court Sessions, 2002 at Principal Seat, Islamabad ...... 8 Branch Registry, Lahore ...... 10 Branch Registry, ...... 11 Branch Registry, Peshawar ...... 11 Branch Registry, Quetta ...... 11 2.2.3 Statistics on the Institution and Disposition of Cases During the Year 2002 .12 2.2.4 Some Visible Trends ...... 22 Analysis of the Pending Balance ...... 27 Pending Balance According to Age of Cases as on 31-12-2002 ...... 29 Data for the Last Five Decades: Increase in Institution of Cases as Compared to Increase in the Number of Judges ...... 30 2.3 Budgetary Statistics ...... 35 2.3.1 Expenditure During the Last Financial Year 2001–2002 ...... 35 2.3.2 Budgetary Allocation for the Year 2002–2003 ...... 36 2.3.3 The Share of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the Federal Budget ..... 37

3 FEDERAL SHARIAT COURT 41 3.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice of the Federal Shariat Court ...... 41 3.2 Judicial Statistics ...... 43 3.2.1 Category-wise Consolidated Position During the Year 2002 ...... 43 3.2.2 Consolidated Position at Principal Seat and Bench Registries During the Year 2002 ...... 43 3.2.3 Consolidated Position for Criminal Matters at the Principal Seat and Bench Registries During the Year 2002 ...... 44 3.2.4 Category-wise Consolidated Position for Criminal Matters During the Year 2002 ...... 45 3.2.5 Consolidated Position for Shariat Matters at the Principal Seat and Bench Registries During the Year 2002 ...... 46 3.2.6 Category-wise Consolidated Position for Shariat Matters During the Year 2002 47 3.3 Budgetary Statistics ...... 48

4 LAHORE HIGH COURT 53 4.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice Lahore High Court ...... 53 4.2 Judicial Statistics ...... 55 4.2.1 Consolidated Statement for the Lahore High Court from 1990 to 2002 showing Institution, Disposal and Pending Balance of Cases ...... 55

i 4.2.2 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Lahore High Court at its Principal Seat and Benches from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 ...... 56 4.2.3 Consolidated Statistics from the Districts ...... 58 4.2.4 Case Category-wise Statistics from the Districts: Sessions Dvision ...... 60 4.2.5 Case Category-wise Statistics from the Districts: Civil Judges and Judicial Magistrates ...... 75 4.2.6 Court-wise Statistics from the Districts: Sessions Dvision ...... 88 4.3 Budgetary Statistics ...... 124 4.3.1 Budget Allocation for the Financial Year 2002-2003 under head of account no.21000-Justice Law Courts 21105-High Court ...... 124 4.3.2 Budget Allocation for the Financial Year 2002-2003 Under Head of Account No.11-21000–Justice Law Courts—21106–Session Courts ...... 126 4.3.3 Budget Allocation for the Financial Year 2002-2003 Under Head of Account No.11-21000–Justice Law Courts—21106–Civil Courts ...... 136

5 HIGH COURT OF 147 5.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice of the High Court of Sindh ...... 147 5.2 Judicial Statistics ...... 149 5.2.1 Consolidated Statistics for the High Court of Sindh ...... 149 5.2.2 Statistics for the High Court of Sindh Principal Seat at Karachi ...... 151 5.2.3 Statistics for the High Court of Sindh Sukkur Bench at Sukkur ...... 155 5.2.4 Statistics for the High Court of Sindh Circuit Court at Hyderabad ...... 158 5.2.5 Statistics for the High Court of Sindh Circuit Court at Larkana ...... 161 5.2.6 The Subordinate Judiciary of Sindh ...... 164 5.2.7 Consolidated Statistics for the Subordinate Judiciary of the Province of Sindh 164 5.2.8 Statistics for the Subordinate Judiciary of the Province of Sindh for the Period 01-01-2002 to 31-12-03—Districts and Small Causes Court ...... 177 5.3 Budgetary Statistics ...... 186 5.3.1 Annual Budget of the High Court ...... 186 5.3.2 Budget of the Sessions Division (Collective and for each Sessions Division) . 188

6PESHAWARHIGHCOURT 197 6.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice Peshawar High Court ...... 197 6.2 Judicial Statistics ...... 198 6.2.1 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Peshawar High Court at its Principal Seat and Benches from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 ...... 198 6.2.2 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Peshawar High Court at its Principal Seat from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 199 6.2.3 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Peshawar High Court Abbotabad Bench from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 . 202 6.2.4 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Peshawar High Court Dera Ismail Khan Bench from 01-01-2002 to 31-12- 2002 ...... 204 6.2.5 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance per Judicial Position in All Districts from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 ...... 205

ii 6.2.6 Consolidated Statements showing the Case-Wise institution, disposal and bal- ance for District & Sessions Courts from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 ...... 215 6.2.7 Consolidated Statements showing the Case-Wise institution, disposal and bal- ance for Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 . 219 6.3 Budgetary Statistics ...... 223 6.3.1 The Budget for the Year 2001–02 and 2002–03 ...... 223

7 HIGH COURT OF BALOCHISTAN 227 7.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice of the High Court of Balochistan ...... 227 7.2 Judicial Statistics ...... 229 7.2.1 Consolidated Statement for High Court of Balochistan ...... 229 7.2.2 High Court of Balochistan, Principal Seat at Quetta: Statement Showing Category-wise Pendency, Institution and Disposal of Cases for the Year, 2002 230 7.2.3 High Court of Balochistan, Bench at Sibi: Statement Showing Category-wise Pendency, Institution and Disposal of Cases for the Year, 2002 ...... 231 7.2.4 Consolidated Statement for the Entire Subordinate Judiciary of Balochistan 232 7.2.5 Statement Showing Category-wise Pendency, Institution and Disposal of Cases for the Subordinate Judiciary for the Year, 2002 ...... 233 7.2.6 Consolidated Statement for Sessions Courts Balochistan ...... 234 7.2.7 Consolidated Statement for Civil Judges, Judicial Magistrates and Qazis . . 235 7.2.8 District-wise Consolidated Statements for the Subordinate Judiciary ..... 236 7.2.9 District-wise Consolidated Statements for the Courts of Sessions Judges ... 241 7.2.10 District-wise Consolidated Statements for Civil Judges and Judicial Magistrates244 7.2.11 Data for Majlis-e-Shoora and Qazis for the year 2002 ...... 249 7.2.12 Case category-wise Pendendency for the Subordinate Judiciary for the Year 2002 ...... 252 7.3 Budgetary Statistics ...... 256


It gives me great pleasure to publish the report on the Judicial Statistics of Pakistan. The present report includes statistics for the Superior Courts, namely the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Federal Shariat Court and 4 High Courts. The report in future is intended to include statistics on all the Superior Courts, the Subordinate Courts, Special Courts and Administrative Tribunals functioning in the country. It goes without saying that the publication of such a report is a pioneering effort in the entire South Asian region. The main idea behind the publication of annual reports is to show how the Courts in the country are striving to provide to the public greater and swift access to justice. It is through these reports that the Courts, while working with limited resources and in the face of ever-emerging problems, present a measure of their performance. In addition to this, the reports provide vital data to all stakeholders, who may wish to participate in enhancing the performance of the courts through their ideas and suggestions. Finally, the reports are an important source for researchers, who may wish to understand the nature of the problems faced by the courts in the administration of justice. The publication of the annual reports of all the Courts and Tribunals in the country is a function of the newly formed National Judicial (Policy Making) Committee (NJPMC). The NJPMC is headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan, who is the Chairman of the Committee, and comprises the Chief Justice, Federal Shariat Court and Chief Justices of four Provincial High Courts as its Members. Section 4 of the statute enumerates the functions of the NJPMC as follows:

4. Functions of the Committee.- The Committee shall coordinate and harmonise judicial policy within the court system, and in coordination with the Commission, ensure its implementation. The Committee shall also perform the following functions, namely:—

(a) Improving the capacity and performance of the administration of justice; (b) setting performance standards for judicial officers and persons associated with per- formance of judicial and quasi judicial functions; (c) improvement in the terms and conditions of service of judicial officers and court staff, to ensure skilled and efficient judiciary; and (d) publication of the annual or periodic reports of the Supreme Court, Federal Shariat Court, High Courts and courts subordinate to High Courts and Administrative Courts and Tribunals.

Section 4(d) speaks about the publication of annual reports, but it can be readily seen that all four functions are interlinked and interdependent. Annual reports employ performance measures to gauge the performance of the courts. The performance measures employed depend, in turn, on the performance standards set for the courts as a whole, the judicial officers and persons associated with performance of judicial and quasi judicial functions. These performance standards look up to the main goals that the courts are to achieve as depicted by the targets set for the courts. Reports, both internal and annual, then measure whether performance has been adequate, whether standards have been met and the goals attained. The areas needing remedial action or an effective response from the courts are thereafter identified and steps taken for improving the capacity and performance of the administration of justice so that the goals that the courts have set for themselves are attained with a certainty. The interpretation of the data, however, may not always conform to the perception of the general reader. Thus, the rising trend of litigation is seen as a healthy sign of rising awareness among the public and a signal that the engines of economic activity and growth are gathering pace leading to both economic and social development. The courts, fully aware of such trends, will react to the data by developing consistent law that is essential for growth, and will at the same time

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Foreword: 1 smoothen the path to progress by providing effective and swift justice always striving to remove backlogs. The NJPMC, along with the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan, is at present occupied with all this and much more. In particular, a new system of data generation is being put in place. This new system will then be linked with the automation plan for the entire judiciary so that the activity of generating desired reports, for both internal and external evaluation, is streamlined. A major task for the NJPMC in all this is to bring about uniformity in the statistics generated and the adoption of uniform case and other categories. This will help in performance measurement across court-systems and will foster a healthy sense of competition, thus setting the environment for future planning enabling the judiciary to devise better methods for clearing backlogs, providing expeditious justice to the public and making a signal contribution to economic growth, social development and good governance. Insofar as judicial performance and activity is not dependent upon the courts alone and is a cooperative effort of many institutions, agencies and organisations, in particular the Bar, the investigating and prosecuting agencies and the Police, future planning and hence the annual reports, will address and comment upon the performance of such other agencies as well, to the extent that they impact the performance of the courts. The NJPMC has published, for the year 2002, the following five reports:

1. Annual Report of the Supreme Court of Pakistan; 2. Annual Report of the Federal Shariat Court; 3. Annual Report of the High Court of Sindh; 4. Annual Report of the High Court of Balochistan; and 5. The Judicial Statistics of Pakistan (the present Report). In this report, we are providing data for the Lahore High Court and the Peshawar High Court as well along with that for their subordinate courts.

Data received from some Special Courts, Tribunals and Labour Courts is also under process. The NJPMC will expand the activity of publishing annual reports from the year 2003 to include the annual reports of all the Superior Courts, the Subordinate Courts, as well as the Administrative Courts and Tribunals. Preparations are being made to undertake this comprehensive and vital task. In the present report, it will be noticed, that the modes of data presentation and analysis differ with the courts; there is lack of uniformity. An effort is now being made to gradually bring about greater uniformity and to employ uniform performance measures. The systematic publication of the reports of the courts, however, is a commendable achievement that will improve with time and sustained effort. I would, therefore, like to thank the Consultant, the staff of the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan, which has been assigned the implementation of the functions of the NJPMC, as well as all the staff of the Courts who were responsible for the generation of data and the reports. I am determined to ensure that the effort of publishing these reports annually is kept up and improved through better quality, analysis and presentation.

(Dr. Faqir Hussain) Secretary Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan & National Judicial (Policy Making) Committee

2 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Foreword SUPREME COURT OF PAKISTAN

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 3 4 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court 2 SUPREME COURT OF PAKISTAN

2.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice of Pakistan

(In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful)

It is my proud privilege to present to the people of Pakistan the Annual Report of the Supreme Court for the year 2002. A strong feature of this year’s report is the detail that has been provided along with the enhanced analysis through which the data has been scrutinized. The purpose is to present to the reader not only the achievements of the Court during the year 2002, but also to highlight some of the core problems that continue to beset, and even haunt, the legal system of Pakistan. As the Court grapples with these problems, by stretching to the limit the resources provided, the reader of this report—whether legal expert, researcher or interested citizen—is invited to share his or her ideas with the Court for the solution of the problems facing the legal system of Pakistan. The reader will find that the Court is always ready to listen to such ideas and to implement them if found suitable. As I contemplate my term as Chief Justice, I am amazed at the variety of measures that are underway for strengthening the legal system of Pakistan. The processes for strengthening the system have now been institutionalised in the shape of the National Judicial (Policy Making) Committee (NJPMC) in which all the Chief Justices of the Superior Courts are participating to harmonise and formulate judicial policy. The tasks facing the NJPMC are the setting of performance standards for the entire legal system as well as for each category of Court, the building and strengthening of institutional capacity through training programmes and by improving the service conditions of, and facilities for, the judiciary and finally by erecting a vast system of automated judicial statistics that will provide accurate and meaningful data for adopting corrective measures and formulating sound judicial policy. Concrete first steps in all these areas have already been taken and they are expected to bear fruit in the near future. This Annual Report that I present to you today is also part of this comprehensive strategy. I am convinced that the measures we have initiated will soon bring inexpensive, swift and timely access to justice for the people of Pakistan. In working towards this goal the Supreme Court will continue to strengthen the tried and time-tested methods of delivering justice. The central pillar of all systems of justice is the qualified and competent judge. Pakistan has been fortunate in this respect, and today it gives me enormous pleasure to say that I am in the midst of competent colleagues who are second to none. It is with their dedication and hard work that the lofty goals we have chosen for ourselves will be achieved. The problems that the legal system of the country faces today provide a tremendous challenge and are by no means simple or transient. One of the most prominent problems is the rising crest of litigation riding the bulging waves of population and enhanced commercial activity. As compared to this dynamic growth, the number of Judges of this Court is static, and despite their unending efforts there is a natural physical limit to what can be achieved. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court is well aware of all such problems and continually searches for timely solutions to them, for solutions must be found.

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 5 As we look back at the year 2002, once again a record number of 13847 cases were filed. To this figure, if the previous balance of 13070 pending cases is added, it yields a figure 26917 that the Court faced during the year 2002. This figure alone speaks volumes about the enormity of the problem. In order to understand the situation better we have to look, even though momentarily, at some of the figures from the past. In the years 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000 respectively, the following cases were instituted: 34, 487, 2019, 3853, 5300, 11,702. Perhaps, this conforms to the rate of increase in population. A graphical representation within the report narrates a more detailed story. Whatever the message within these figures, the Court is occupied with the adoption of strategies to overcome the problem and the problem will be resolved not only for the Supreme Court, but for the rest of the country as well where the picture is more or less similar. Despite this pressure of rising litigation, the Supreme Court continued to accord importance, during the year 2002, to cases of national importance. The time devoted to these cases naturally affected the time allocated to other cases. Summarised versions of a few such significant judgements have been included in this Report. To deal with these important cases as well as all the other cases a Full Court meeting was held to carve out strategies from among a number of options available to the Court. It has been my endeavour to implement these plans and strategies well in time so that swift, inexpensive and effective justice is provided to the people of Pakistan at their doorstep. Accordingly, larger benches of 11 Judges, 7 Judges, 5 Judges and 4 Judges had to be constituted. At the Principal Seat, the sittings of the Court lasted for 44 weeks. At Lahore, it was 24 weeks, at Karachi 14 weeks, at Peshawar 10 weeks and at Quetta the sittings were for 12 weeks. Collectively, the Court disposed of 9547 cases during the year 2002. On the whole, the rotation of Judges and sound management, the performance of the Court has been excellent. In conclusion, I would like to congratulate everyone who participates in the activity of the Court, in particular my brother Judges. I also acknowledge the very efficient services rendered by the Registrar and the Court staff in processing the cases before the Court. I wish to thank the Secretariat of the Law and Justice Commission for providing the necessary support to the National Judicial (Policy Making) Committee for bringing out this report.

(Sh. Riaz Ahmad) Chief Justice of Pakistan

6 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court 2.2 Judicial Statistics 2.2.1 Court Performance During the Year 2002 The past trend of increase in litigation continued throughout the year 20002. Once again a large number of cases, both petitions and appeals, were filed. To deal with the situation the Supreme Court of Pakistan refined its earlier strategy for clearing the backlog of cases. A Full Court meeting was convened to review the situation and to adopt strategies and adjust the mechanism for reducing the mounting pressure of new filings added to the backlog. Accordingly, the Chief Justice constituted different benches varying the number of Judges. Consequently, a substantial number of cases, both old and new, were disposed of and the pressure was managed adequately. The measures adopted led to decisions in 9547 cases during the year 2002. The earlier pending cases prior to this were 13070, but during the year an overwhelming number of 13847 cases were filed. This trend of increase in the number of cases is in keeping with that in all the provinces of the country. The causes may be attributed to the bulging population and an increase in commercial activity. At the Principal Seat, Islamabad, against the balance of pending cases from the previous year, a total of 5098 were decided. After 6130 new cases were instituted, the balance of pending cases at the end of the year was 7915. At Lahore, the Branch Registry, against the previous balance of 5199 pending cases, 2534 cases were disposed of. After 5125 new cases were instituted, the balance of pending cases at the end of the year stood at 7788. At the Karachi Branch Registry 1090 cases were decided against the previous pending case balance of 276. With 1684 new cases having been filed, the balance of pending cases for the year 2002 stood at 870. At the Peshawar Branch Registry 565 cases were decided when the figure for pending cases was 620. The institution of 615 new cases, the balance of pending cases rose by 50 to reach 670. At the Quetta Registry 92 cases were pending, while 258 cases were decided, but with 293 new cases, the balance of pending cases became 127. The consolidated figures for the Supreme Court, as a whole, reveal that against a pending balance of 13070, 9547 cases were decided. The institution of 13847 new cases raised the balance of pending cases for year 2002 to 17370. All these figures reveal the rising pressure of new institutions upon the resources of the Supreme Court. Despite a large number of disposals by the Court at the Principal Seat as well as the Branch Registries, the pressure of litigation continued to mount. The Supreme Court continued to accord importance, during the year 2002, to cases of national importance. A few such significant judgements have been included in this Report. To deal with these important cases as well as all the other cases, larger benches of 11 Judges, 7 Judges, 5 Judges and 4 Judges had to be constituted. At the Principal Seat, the sittings of the Court lasted for 44 weeks. At Lahore, it was 24 weeks, at Karachi 14 weeks, at Peshawar 10 weeks and Quetta the sittings were for 12 weeks. The detailed statistics of judicial activity during the year 2002, including the constitution of benches, are provided in the tables within this section. An effort has been made, where necessary, to highlight the significance of the tables through graphic representations.

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 7 2.2.2 Distribution of Work: The Principal Seat of the Court and Branch Registries Statatement of Court Sessions, 2002 at Principal Seat, Islamabad

S.No. Working Period No. of weeks No. of Benches 1. 01-01-2002 to 04-01-2002 1 week 4 2. 07-01-2002 to 11-01-2002 1 week 5 3. 14-01-2002 to 17-01-2002 4days 5 4. 18-01-2002 1day 4 5. 21-01-2002 to 24-01-2002 4days 4 6. 25-01-2002 1day 5 7. 28-01-2002 to 29-01-2002 2days 5 8. 30-01-2002 to 31-01-2002 2days 6 9. 01-02-2002 1day 5 10. 04-02-2002 1day 6 11. 06-02-2002 to 08-02-2002 3days 4 12. 11-02-2002 to 13-02-2002 3days 4 13. 14-02-2002 to 15-02-2002 2days 3 14. 18-02-2002 to 21-02-2002 4days 1 15. 25-02-2002 to 28-02-2002, 01-03-2002 1 week 1 16. 04-03-2002 to 08-03-2002 1 week 3 17. 11-03-2002 to 15-03-2002 1 week 4 18. 18-03-2002 to 19-03-2002 2days 3+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 19. 20-03-2002 to 21-03-2002 2days 4+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 20. 22-03-2002 1day 5 21. 26-03-2002 to 29-03-2002 4days 4 22. 01-04-2002 to 05-04-2002 1 week 3+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 23. 08-04-2002 1day 3+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 24. 09-04-2002 1day 4+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 25. 10-04-2002 to 12-04-2002 3days 5 26. 15-04-2002 1day 5 27. 16-04-2002 1day 4 28. 17-04-2002 to 19-04-2002 3days 5 29. 22-04-2002 1day 3+1(9 Judges Larger Bench) 30. 23-04-2002 to 24-04-2002 2days 2+1(9 Judges Larger Bench) 31. 25-04-2002 to 26-04-2002 2days 1+1(9 Judges Larger Bench) 32. 29-04-2002 1day 4+1(9 Judges Larger Bench) 33. 30-04-2002, 02-05-2002, 03-05-2002 3days 4 34. 06-05-2002 to 10-05-2002 1 week 3 35. 13-05-2002 to 17-05-2002 1 week 3 36. 20-05-2002 to 24-05-2002 1 week 4 37. 27-05-2002 to 31-05-2002 1 week 4 38. 03-06-2002 to 05-06-2002 3days 4 39. 06-06-2002 to 07-06-2002 2days 3+1(Sh.A. Bench of 5 Judges) 40. 10-06-2002 to 14-06-2002 1 week 4+1(Sh.A. Bench of 5 Judges) 41. 17-06-2002 to 22-06-2002 6days 1 (Sh. A. Bench) 42. 24-06-2002 to 28-06-2002 1 week 1 43. 01-07-2002 to 05-07-2002 1 week 2 Continued. . . .

8 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court S.No. Working Period No. of weeks No. of Benches 44. 08-07-2002 1day 3 45. 09-07-2002 to 11-07-2002 3days 1+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 46. 12-07-2002 1day 3 47. 15-07-2002 1day 2 48. 16-07-2002 1day 1 49. 17-07-2002 to 19-07-2002 3days 2 50. 22-07-2002 to 26-07-2002 1 week 5 51. 06-08-2002 1day 1 52. 08-08-2002 1day 1 53. 12-08-2002 to 13-08-2002 2days 1 54. 15-08-2002 to 16-08-2002 2days 1 55. 26-08-2002 1day 1 56. 09-09-2002 to 13-09-2002 1 week 6 57. 16-09-2002 to 20-09-2002 1 week 6 58. 23-09-2002 to 27-09-2002 1 week 6 59. 30-09-2002, 01-10-2002 to 02-10-2002 3days 6 60. 03-10-2002 1day 5+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 61. 04-10-2002 1day 6 62. 07-10-2002 1day 4+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 63. 08-10-2002 1day 5+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 64. 09-10-2002 1day 6 65. 11-10-2002 1day 4 66. 14-10-2002 to 15-10-2002 2days 4 67. 16-10-2002 to 18-10-2002 3days 5 68. 21-10-2002 to 25-10-2002 1 week 3 69. 28-10-2002 1day 5+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 70. 29-10-2002 1day 4 71. 30-10-2002, 31-10-2002, 01-11-2002 3days 6 72. 04-11-2002 to 07-11-2002 4days 6 73. 08-11-2002 1day 5 74. 11-11-2002 to 15-11-2002 1 week 6 75. 18-11-2002 to 19-11-2002 2days 6 76. 20-11-2002 to 21-11-2002 2days 6+1(5 Judges Larger Bench) 77. 22-11-2002 1day 6 78. 25-11-2002 to 28-11-2002 4days 6 79. 29-11-2002 1day 5 80. 02-12-2002 04-12-2002 3days 1 81. 09-12-2002 to 13-12-2002 1 week 1 82. 16-12-2002 to 17-12-2002 2days 1 Grand Total:— 44 weeks, 3 days

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 9 Branch Registry, Lahore

S.No. Working period No. of weeks No. of Benches 1. 23-01-2002 & 24-01-2002 2days 1 2. 06-02-2002 to 08-02-2002 3days 2 3. 11-02-2002 to 15-02-2002 One week 2 4. 18-02-2002 to 21-02-2002 4days 1 5. 25-02-2002 to 01-03-2002 One week 1 6. 04-03-2002 to 08-03-2002 One week 2 7. 11-03-2002 to 15-03-2002 One week 2 8. 18-03-2002 to 22-03-2002 One week 1 9. 26-03-2002 to 29-03-2002 4days 1 10. 01-04-2002 to 05-04-2002 One week 1 11. 08-04-2002 to 12-04-2002 One week 1 12. 15-04-2002 to 19-04-2002 One week 2 13. 22-04-2002 to 26-04-2002 One week 1 14. 29-04-2002 to 03-05-2002 4days 2 15. 06-05-2002 to 09-05-2002 4days 2 16. 10-05-2002 1day 1 17. 13-05-2002 to 17-05-2002 One week 2 18. 20-05-2002 to 24-05-2002 One week 2 19. 27-05-2002 to 29-05-2002 3days 2 20. 30-05-2002 to 31-05-2002 2days 1 21. 03-06-2002 to 07-06-2002 One week 1 22. 17-06-2002 to 21-06-2002 One week 3 23. 24-06-2002 to 28-06-2002 One week 3 24. 01-07-2002 to 05-07-2002 One week 3 25. 07-07-2002 to 12-07-2002 One week 2 26. 15-07-2002 to 19-07-2002 One week 1 27. 02-12-2002 to 04-12-2002 3days 3 28. 09-12-2002 to 13-12-2002 One week 2 29. 16-12-2002 & 17-12-2002 2days 2 Grant Total:— 24 weeks, 2 days 50

10 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court Branch Registry, Karachi

S.No. Working period No. of weeks No. of Benches 1. 21-01-2002 & 22-01-2002 2days 1 2. 18-02-2002 to 22-02-2002 One week 2 3. 25-02-2002 to 01-03-2002 One week 2 4. 26-03-2002 to 29-03-2002 One week 1 5. 06-05-2002 to 10-05-2002 One week 1 6. 13-05-2002 to 17-05-2002 One week 1 7. 24-06-2002 to 28-06-2002 One week 1 8. 01-07-2002 to 05-07-2002 One week 2 9. 08-07-2002 to 12-07-2002 One week 1 10. 15-07-2002 to 19-07-2002 One week 2 11. 22-07-2002 to 26-07-2002 One week 1 12. 12-08-2002 to 16-08-2002 One week 1 13. 02-12-2002 to 04-12-2002 3days 2 14. 09-12-2002 to 13-12-2002 One week 2 15. 16-12-2002 to 17-12-2002 2days 2 16. 23-12-2002 to 27-12-2002 One week 1 Grant Total:— 14 weeks, 2 days 23

Branch Registry, Peshawar

S.No. Working period No. of weeks No. of Benches 1. 14-01-2002 & 24-01-2002 2 weeks 1 2. 25-01-2002 1day 1 3. 18-02-2002 to 01-03-2002 2 weeks 1 4. 17-06-2002 to 24-06-2002 1 week, 1 day 1 5. 15-07-2002 to 19-07-2002 1 week 1 6. 14-10-2002 to 17-10-2002 4days 2 7. 18-10-2002 1day 1 8. 21-10-2002 to 23-10-2002 3days 2 9. 24-10-2002 to 25-10-2002 2days 1 10. 02-12-2002 to 17-12-2002 2weeks,2days 1 Grand Total:— 10 weeks, 3 days 12

Branch Registry, Quetta

S.No. Working period No. of weeks No. of Benches 1. 18-02-2002 to 21-02-2002 4days 1 2. 25-02-2002 to 01-03-2002 1 week 1 3. 04-03-2002 to 08-03-2002 1 week 1 4. 06-03-2002 to 10-05-2002 1 week 1 5. 24-06-2002 to 28-06-2002 1 week 1 6. 21-10-2002 to 25-10-2002 1 week 2 7. 02-12-2002 to 04-12-2002 3days 1 8. 09-12-2002 to 13-12-2002 1 week 1 9. 16-12-2002 to 17-12-2002 2days 1 Grand Total:— 12 weeks, 3 days 10

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 11 2.2.3 Statistics on the Institution and Disposition of Cases During the Year 2002

Statement Showing Institution, Pendency and Disposal of cases at Islamabad (1-1-2002 to 31-12-2002) PETITIONS1

Petitions Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.P. 1440 29092 4349 2692 1657 Crl.P. 201 441 642 251 391 C.R.P. 179 241 420 160 260 Crl.R.P. 39 53 92 39 53 Crl.Sh.P. 43 34 77 32 45 Crl.S.R.P. 06 – 06 03 03 J.S.P. 25 72 97 72 25 J.P. 130 460 590 394 196 CONST.P. 72 40 112 32 80 C.S.R.P. 00 – 00 – 00 H.R. 59 01 60 20 40 G/T 2194 4251 6445 3695 2750

1Abbreviations provided in the tables below are to be interpreted according to the following table.

ABBREVIATIONS MEANING C.P. Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal Crl. P. Criminal Petition for Leave to Appeal Cr. R. P. Criminal Review Petition C.R.P. Civil Review Petition Crl. SH.P. Criminal Shariat Petition Crl. S.R.P. Criminal Shariat Review Petition J.S.P. Jail Shariat Petition J.P. Jail Petition CONST.P. Constitution Petition C.S.R.P. Civil Shariat Review Petition H.R. Human Rights C.A. Civil Appeal CRL. A/CRL.As Criminal Appeal/Appeals CRL. SH. A. Criminal Shariat Appeal C.S.A. Civil Shariat Appeal Crl. O.P Criminal Original Petition SMR Suo Moto Review G.T Grand Total 2This figure breaks up into 2509+400, where 400 cases are from other Registries.

12 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court APPEALS

Appeals Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.A. 3602 15763 5178 1259 3919 Crl.A. 932 2994 1231 144 1087 Crl.Sh.A. 91 04 95 – 95 C.S.A. 64 – 64 – 64 G/T 4689 18795 6568 1403 5165


Cases Opening Institution Total Disposal Pending Remarks Balance as on 31-12-02 Petitions 2194 4251 6445 3695 2750 Increased by 556 Appeals 4689 1879 6568 1403 5165 Increased by 296 G/T 6883 6130 13013 5098 7915 Increased by 1032

3This figure is 1901-325=1576. 325 cases were registered at Islamabad, but institution is shown in Branch Registries 4This figure is 470-171=299. 171 cases were registered at Islamabad, but institution has been shown in Branch Registries as L.G. there. 5According to the explanations given in the previous notes, this amount is arrived at through the following calculation: 2375-496=1879.

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 13 Statement Showing Institution, Pendency and Disposal of Cases at Lahore (1-1-2002 to 31-12-2002) PETITIONS

Petitions Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.P. 4622 39616 8583 1600 6983 Crl.P. 420 8587 1278 695 583 C.R.P. 129 135 264 73 191 Crl.R.P. 25 05 30 01 29 J.P. 00 05 05 05 00 Crl.O.P. 00 20 20 20 00 Const.P. 00 03 03 03 00 G/T 5196 4987 10183 2397 7786


Appeals Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.A. 03 100 103 101 02 Crl.A. 00 38 38 38 00 G/T 03 138 141 139 02


Cases Opening Institution Total Disposal Pending Remarks Balance as on 31-12-02 Petitions 5196 4987 10183 2397 7786 Increased by 2590 Appeals 03 138 141 139 02 Decreased by 01 G/T 5199 5125 10324 2536 7788 Increased by 2589

6This figure was 4244, but 283 cases were sent to Islamabad Registry: (4244-283=3961). 7This figure was 975, but 117 cases were sent to Islamabad Registry (975-117=858).

14 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court Statement Showing Institution, Pendency and Disposal of Cases at Karachi (1-1-2002 to 31-12-2002) PETITIONS

Petitions Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.P. 190 1261 1451 884 567 Crl.P. 43 152 195 136 59 C.R.P. 27 40 67 27 40 Crl.R.P. 01 01 02 01 01 H.R. 11 00 11 00 11 G/T 272 1454 1726 1048 678


Appeals Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.A. 03 220 223 34 189 Crl.A. 01 10 11 08 03 G/T 04 230 234 42 192


Cases Opening Institution Total Disposal Pending Remarks Balance as on 21-12-02 Petitions 272 1454 1726 1048 678 Increased by 406 Appeals 04 230 234 42 192 Increased by 188 G/T 276 1684 1960 1090 870 Increased by 594

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 15 Statement Showing Institution, Pendency and Disposal of Cases at Peshawar (1-1-2002 to 31-12-2002) PETITIONS

Petitions Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.P. 523 429 952 383 569 Crl.P. 92 138 230 132 98 C.R.P. 05 04 09 06 03 Crl.R.P. 00 01 01 01 00 J.P. 00 00 00 00 00 G/T 620 572 1192 522 670


Appeals Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.A. 00 34 34 34 00 Crl.A. 00 09 09 09 00 G/T 00 43 43 43 00


Cases Opening Institution Total Disposal Pending Remarks Balance as on 31-12-02 Petitions 620 572 1192 522 670 Increased by 50 Appeals 00 43 43 43 00 — — G/T 620 615 1235 565 670 Increased by 50

16 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court Statement regarding Institution, Pendency and Disposal of Cases at Quetta (1-1-2002 to 31-12-2002) PETITIONS

Petitions Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.P. 55 108 163 126 37 Crl.P. 34 60 94 55 39 C.R.P. 00 04 04 04 00 S.M.R. 00 02 02 01 01 J.P. 00 34 34 30 04 G/T 89 208 297 216 81


Appeals Opening Institution Total Disposal Balance as Balance on 31-12-2002 C.A 01 79 80 34 46 Crl.A. 02 06 08 08 00 G/T 03 85 88 42 46


Cases Opening Institution Total Disposal Pending Remarks Balance as on 31-12-02 Petitions 89 208 297 216 81 Decreased by 08 Appeals 03 85 88 42 46 Increased by 43 G/T 92 293 385 258 127 Increased by 35

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 17 Consolidated Statements for the Principal Seat and Branch Registries PETITIONS

Location Balance as Institution Total Disposal Balance as on 01-01-2002 on 31-12-2002 Islamabad 2194 42518 6445 3695 2750 Lahore 5196 4987 10183 2397 7786 Karachi 272 1454 1726 1048 678 Peshawar 620 572 1192 522 670 Quetta 89 208 297 216 81 Total 8371 11472 19843 7878 11965

Quetta Registry

Peshawar Registry

Karachi Registry

Lahore Registry

Principal Seat

1 2345678910 Thousands Pending (Current) Disposal Institution Pending (Old)

8This figure includes 400 cases received from other Registries (3851=400).

18 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court APPEALS

Location Balance as Institution Total Disposal Balance as on 01-01-2002 on 31-12-2002 Islamabad 4689 18799 6568 1403 5165 Lahore 03 138 141 139 02 Karachi 04 230 234 42 192 Peshawar 00 43 43 43 00 Quetta 03 85 88 42 46 Total 4699 2375 7074 1669 5405

Quetta Registry

Peshawar Registry

Karachi Registry

Lahore Registry

Principal Seat

1 2345678910 Thousands Pending (Current) Disposal Institution Pending (Old)

9The figure for institutions was 2375, but 496 cases were sent to other Registries (2375-496).

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 19 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT FOR ALL CASES FROM 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Cases Previous Institution Total Disposal Current Remarks Pendency Pendency Pendency Petitions 8371 11472 19843 7878 11965 Increase by 3594 Appeals 4699 2375 7074 1669 5405 Increase by 706 G/Total 13070 13847 26917 9547 17370 Increase by 4300




1 23456789101112131415161718 Thousands Pending (Current) Disposal Institution Pending (Old)


Cases Islamabad Lahore Karachi Peshawar Quetta Total Petitions 354 416 121 48 17 956 Appeals 157 12 19 4 7 199


Cases Islamabad Lahore Karachi Peshawar Quetta Total Petitions 308 200 87 44 18 657 Appeals 117 12 4 4 4 141


At the current rate of 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 disposal, it will take a little more than 38 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 months to clear the backlog of all the pend- 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 ing appeals 141 141 141 141 141 141 141

141 141 141 141 141 141 141

141 141 141


At the current rate of 657 657 657 657 657 disposal, it will take a little more than 18 657 657 657 657 657 months to clear the backlog of all the pend- 657 657 657 657 657 ing petitions 657 657 657

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 21 2.2.4 Some Visible Trends


Yearwise Institution, disposal & Pendency of cases (1993 to 2002)

PETITIONS AND APPEALS Pendency Institution Disposal


16000 15243

14000 13847 13171 13070 11702 12000 11668 10998 10751 10371 10349 10229 9547 9538 9409

10000 9289 9029 8834 8608 8413 8205 8000 6607 6498 6439 6079 5826 6000 5658 5230 5134 4955

4000 3866



1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

22 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court Trend of Pending Cases Over the Last Ten Years

Increase/ Year Current Previous Decrease 1993 5134 3866 1268+ 1994 5658 5134 524+ 1995 5826 5658 168+ 1996 9289 5826 3463+ 1997 9409 9289 3463+ 1998 9029 9409 380- 1999 8834 9029 195- 2000 10998 8834 2164+ 2001 13070 10998 2072+ 2002 17370 13070 4300+

19 18 17 16 THE STEEP CURVE 15 OF PENDING CASES 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7

6 Thousand Cases 5 4 3 2 1 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 23 Trend of Institution of Cases Over the Last Ten Years

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 6498 6079 6607 11668 10349 10371 8413 11702 15243 13847


12 11 10 9 8

7 6 Thousand Cases 5 4 3 2 1 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

24 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court Trend of Disposal of Cases Over the Last Ten Years

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 5230 4955 6439 8205 10229 10751 8608 9538 13171 9547


9 8 7 6

Thousand Cases 5 4 3 2 1 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 25 Comparative Graph of Cases Filed, Decided and Pending


12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Thousand Cases 5 4 3 2 1 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

26 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court Analysis of the Pending Balance To understand the balance of pending cases, the following tables may be examined. The pending balance for all cases for the year 2002 is 17370, while the pending balance for appeals is 5405 and that for all petitions is 11965.

Civil Petitions at the Principal Seat and Branch Registries

Civil Opening Current Petitions Balance Insititution Total Disposal Balance Islamabad 1440 2909 4349 2692 1657 Lahore 4622 3961 8583 1600 6983 Karachi 190 1261 1451 884 567 Peshawar 523 429 952 383 569 Quetta 55 108 163 126 37 Total: 6830 8668 15498 5685 9813 The pending balance of 9813 for civil petitions is 82.01% of all pending petitions and 56.49% of all pending cases.

Criminal Petitions at the Principal Seat and Branch Registries

Criminal Opening Current Petitions Balance Insititution Total Disposal Balance Islamabad 201 441 642 251 391 Lahore 420 858 1278 695 583 Karachi 43 152 195 136 59 Peshawar 92 138 230 132 98 Quetta 34 60 94 55 39 Total: 790 1649 2439 1269 1170 The pending balance of 1170 for criminal petitions is 9.7% of all pending petitions and 6.7% of all pend- ing cases.

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 27 Civil Appeals at the Principal Seat and Branch Registries

Civil Opening Current Appeals Balance Institution Total Disposal Balance Islamabad 3602 1576 5178 1259 3919 Lahore 03 100 103 101 02 Karachi 03 220 223 34 189 Peshawar 00 34 34 34 00 Quetta 01 79 80 34 46 Total: 3609 2009 5618 1462 4156 The pending balance of 4156 for civil appeals is 76.89% of all pending appeals and 23.92% of all pending cases.

Criminal Appeals at the Principal Seat and Branch Registries

Criminal Opening Current Appeals Balance Institution Total Disposal Balance Islamabad 932 299 1231 144 1087 Lahore 00 38 38 38 00 Karachi 01 10 11 08 03 Peshawar 00 09 09 09 00 Quetta 02 06 08 08 00 Total: 935 362 1297 207 1090 The pending balance of 1090 for criminal appeals is 32.01% of all pending appeals and 6.25% of all pending cases.

28 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court Civil Petitions


6.65% Remaining 6.25% 6.7%

23.92% Criminal Petitions Criminal Appeals

Civil Appeals

Civil Petitions and Civil Appeals form 80.41% of the bal- ance of all pending cases.

Pending Balance According to Age of Cases as on 31-12-2002

Cases Cases Cases Instituted Instituted Instituted Prior to Prior to After Location 1990 2000 2000 Total Islamabad 12 1617 6286 7915 Lahore 00 32 7756 7788 Karachi 00 104 766 870 Peshawar 00 08 662 670 Quetta 00 25 102 127 Total: 12 1786 15572 17370

There are only 12 cases that were instituted prior to 1990, while 1786 cases that are still pending were instituted prior to the year 2000. The balace of 15572 cases were all insti- tuted after 2000.

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 29 Data for the Last Five Decades: Increase in Institution of Cases as Compared to In- crease in the Number of Judges


APPEALS Last Fresh Year Balance Institution Total Disposal Pending 1950 — 25 25 11 14 1951 14 31 45 19 26 1952 26 53 79 31 48 1953 48 65 113 95 18 1954 18 50 68 48 20 1955 20 140 160 92 68 1956 68 63 131 42 89 1957 89 44 133 59 74 1958 74 1 75 16 59 1959 59 210 269 91 178 1960 178 288 466 285 181 1961 181 287 468 285 183 1962 183 382 565 273 292 1963 292 454 746 326 420 1964 420 367 787 316 472 1965 472 392 864 379 485 1966 485 371 856 384 472 1967 472 328 800 335 465 1968 465 426 891 341 550 1969 550 829 1379 359 1020 1970 1020 541 1561 343 1218 1971 1218 118 1336 350 986 1972 986 138 1124 387 737 1973 737 166 903 249 654 1974 654 174 828 259 569 1975 569 207 776 225 551 1976 551 1208 1759 170 1589 1977 1589 603 2192 182 2010 1978 2010 1284 3294 579 2715 1979 2715 765 3480 613 2867 1980 2867 1334 4201 410 3791 1981 3791 772 4563 536 4027 1982 4027 1127 5154 661 4493 Continued....

30 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court Last Fresh Year Balance Institution Total Disposal Pending 1983 4493 1459 5952 1242 4710 1984 4710 541 5251 878 4373 1985 4373 978 5351 866 4485 1986 4485 1186 5671 1060 4609 1987 4609 1130 5739 972 4767 1988 4767 1415 6182 1012 5170 1989 5170 2279 7449 1472 5977 1990 5977 1301 7278 5601 1677 1991 1677 1208 2885 1095 1790 1992 1790 4808 6598 4245 2353 1993 2353 1525 3878 1559 2319 1994 2319 1200 3519 692 2827 1995 2827 1872 4799 876 3823 1996 3823 4919 8742 3227 5515 1997 5515 1949 7464 2487 4977 1998 4977 3282 8259 3817 4442 1999 4442 1883 6325 2237 4088 2000 4088 3055 7143 1806 5337 2001 5337 3100 8437 3738 4699 2002 4699 2375 7074 1669 5405

PETITIONS Last Fresh Year Balance Institution Total Disposal Pending 1950 - 9 9 1 8 1951 8 154 162 93 69 1952 69 141 210 186 24 1953 24 213 237 217 20 1954 20 205 225 210 15 1955 15 228 243 199 44 1956 44 278 322 268 54 1957 54 305 359 314 45 1958 45 408 453 408 45 1959 45 218 513 385 128 1960 128 199 327 251 76 1961 76 886 962 861 101 1962 101 1277 1378 1337 41 Continued....

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 31 Last Fresh Year Balance Institution Total Disposal Pending 1963 41 1218 1259 1069 190 1964 190 1318 1571 1341 230 1965 230 2038 2268 1999 269 1966 269 1845 2114 1912 202 1967 202 2316 2518 1923 595 1968 595 1857 2452 2018 434 1969 434 1728 2162 1740 422 1970 422 1478 1900 1489 411 1971 490 640 1130 230 900 1972 900 974 1874 489 1385 1973 1385 1092 2477 678 1799 1974 1799 633 2432 373 2059 1975 2059 5755 7814 4266 3548 1976 3548 2370 5918 1746 4172 1977 4172 2651 6823 2676 4147 1978 4147 2651 6798 1153 5645 1979 5645 2455 8100 2734 5366 1980 5366 2519 7885 3804 4081 1981 4081 3689 7770 2249 5521 1982 5521 3365 8886 2399 6487 1983 6487 2888 9375 3270 6105 1984 6105 3934 10034 2302 7737 1985 7737 3663 14400 3616 7784 1986 7784 2935 10719 3486 7233 1987 7233 3803 11036 4379 6657 1988 6657 4429 11086 5942 5144 1989 5144 3534 8678 7528 1150 1990 1150 3999 4771 3621 772 1991 772 3560 4332 1604 2728 1992 2728 1818 4546 3033 1513 1993 1513 4973 6486 3671 2815 1994 2815 4879 7094 4263 2831 1995 2831 4735 7566 4663 2003 1996 2003 6749 8752 4978 3774 1997 3774 8400 12174 7742 4432 1998 4432 7089 11521 6934 4587 1999 4587 6530 11117 6371 4746 2000 4746 8647 13393 7732 5661 2001 5661 12143 17804 9433 8371 Continued....

32 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court Last Fresh Year Balance Institution Total Disposal Pending 2002 8371 11472 19843 7878 11965


Chief Period Justice Judges 1947-1950 1 — 1950-1951 1 2 1953-1955 1 4 1955-1956 1 5 1956-1977 1 6 1977-1979 1 7 1979-1981 1 8 1981-1986 1 10 1986-1987 1 12 1987-2002 1 16

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 33 Institution of Cases Over the Last Five Decades

Cases 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2002 Petitions 199 1478 2519 3999 8647 11472 Appeals 288 541 1334 1301 3055 2375 Total 487 2019 3853 5300 11702 13847

19 18 17 16 THE CURVE FOR CASES FILED 15 OVER THE LAST FIVE DECADES 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6

Thousand Cases 5 4 3 2

1 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

34 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court 2.3 Budgetary Statistics 2.3.1 Expenditure During the Last Financial Year 2001–2002 Statement Showing the actual expenditure incurred during the last financial year 2001-2002.

HEADS OF ACCOUNT ACTUALS 01101-Pay of Officers Rs. 17,845,917 01201-Pay of Staff Rs. 12,533,587 02000-Regular Allowances Rs. 14,438,397 03100-Overtime Allowance Rs. 760,869 03200-Night Duty Allowance Rs. — 03300-Honorarium Rs. 444,040 03400-Medical Charges Rs. 3,244,686 03700-Pay of Contingent Staff Rs. 9,903,084 03800-Leave Salary Rs. — 11000-Purchase of Transport Rs. 4,232,399 12000-Purchase of Machinery Rs. 12,175,488 13000-Purchase of Furniture Rs. 3,103,502 19000-Purchase of Others Rs. 253,138 41000-R&M of Transport Rs. 1,682,962 42000-R&M of Machinery Rs. 308,519 43000-R&M of Furniture Rs. 8,989 49000-R&M of Others Rs. 21,518 51101-T.A. to Govt. Servants Rs. 8,690,254 51200-Transportation of Goods Rs. 1,027,473 51300-Cost of Petrol Rs. 3,404,053 51400-Conveyance Charges Rs. 727,108 52100-Postage & Telegraph Rs. 333,764 52200-Telephone Charges Rs. 5,734,859 52400-Courier Services Rs. 237,344 53100-Gas Charges Rs. — 53300-Electricity Charges Rs. 6,062 53400-Hot & Cold W/Charges Rs. — 54000-Office Stationery Rs. 1,040,576 55000-Printing Charges Rs. 679,370 56000-Purchase of Books Rs. 2,050,876 57000-Uniform & Liveries Rs. 197,352 58100-Rent of offfice building Rs. 16,350,000 58600-Rates & Taxes Rs. 96,512 59300-Law Charges Rs. 77,500 59500-Advertisement Charges Rs. 272,963 Continued....

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 35 HEADS OF ACCOUNT ACTUALS 59900-Other Expenditure Rs. 1,437,505 67000-Entertainment Charges Rs. 466,589 95000-Conferences Rs. — GRAND TOTAL:— Rs.123,787,237

2.3.2 Budgetary Allocation for the Year 2002–2003 Details of budget allocation under the following Sub-heads for the current financial year, 2002-2003 are as under:—

HEADS OF ACCOUNT ALLOCATION 01101-Pay of Officers Rs. 23,328,000 01201-Pay of Staff Rs. 16,219,000 02000-Regular Allowances Rs. 22,513,000 03100-Overtime Allowance Rs. 600,000 03200-Night Duty Allowance Rs. 20,000 03300-Honorarium Rs. 400,000 03400-Medical Charges Rs. 3,000,000 03700-Pay of Contingent Staff Rs. 29,459,000 03800-Leave Salary Rs. 50,000 11000-Purchase of Transport Rs. 3,000,000 12000-Purchase of Machinery Rs. 1,500,000 13000-Purchase of Furniture Rs. 500,000 19000-Purchase of Others Rs. 500,000 41000-R&M of Transport Rs. 1,400,000 42000-R&M of Machinery Rs. 225,000 43000-R&M of Furniture Rs. 100,000 49000-R&M of Others Rs. 75,000 51101-T. A. to Govt. Servants Rs. 5,700,000 51200-Transportation of Goods Rs. 1,200,000 51300-Cost of Petrol Rs. 2,600,000 51400-Conveyance Charges Rs. 600,000 52100-Postage & Telegraph Rs. 300,000 52200-Telephone Charges Rs. 5,700,000 52400-Courier Service Rs. 200,000 53100-Gas Charges Rs. 50,000 53300-Electricity Charges Rs. 300,000 53400-Hot & Cold W/Charges Rs. 10,000 54000-Office Stationery Rs. 1,100,000 55000-Printing Charges Rs. 650,000 Continued....

36 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court HEADS OF ACCOUNT ALLOCATION 56000-Purchase of Books Rs. 1,100,000 57000-Uniform & Liveries Rs. 120,000 58100-Rent of offfice building Rs. 20,000 58600-Rates & Taxes Rs. 150,000 59300-Law Charges Rs. 4,000,000 59500-Advertisement Charges Rs. 400,000 59900-Other Expenditure Rs. 800,000 67000-Entertainment Charges Rs. 400,000 GRAND TOTAL:— Rs. 128,289,000

The increase in pay of officers, staff, regular allowances, over- time allowance and pay of contingent staff is due to revision of pay scales with effect from 1.12.2001 and also due to revi- sion of salaries of Judges with effect from 1.12.2001. Increase in expenditure for purchase of library books is due to pur- chase of books for the libraries of the Branch Registries of the Courts at Lahore and Karachi. Increase in the purchase of machinery head is due to purchase of computers for the Court and purchase of walk-through gates for the Main Registry at Islamabad and Branch Registries of the Court at Lahore and Karachi.

2.3.3 The Share of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the Federal Budget

Year Total Budget Supreme Court Budget As %age of Federal (Rs in Million) (Rs in Million) Budget 1993-94 327,316 38.471 0.01 1994-95 375,427 71.741 0.02 1995-96 450,475 40.262 0.01 1996-97 482,612 42.916 0.01 1997-98 554,696 75.768 0.01 1998-99 613,658 83.949 0.01 1999-2000 688,125 79.408 0.01 2000-2001 686,104 84.587 0.01 2001-2002 741,959 115.229 0.02 2002-2003 747,674 128.289 0.02

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court: 37 38 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Supreme Court FEDERAL SHARIAT COURT

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court: 39 40 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court 3 FEDERAL SHARIAT COURT

3.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice of the Federal Shariat Court

(In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful)

The Federal Shariat Court was established by virtue of the President’s Order No.1 of 1980 as incorporated in the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 under Chapter 3-A. The Court is a unique institution with no parallel in the entire Muslim world. It is backed by powerful provisions of the Constitution. The Preamble to the Constitution explicitly affirms that sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust. Article 2-A lays down that the principles and provisions set out in the Objectives Resolution are a substantive part of the Constitution. Article 227 makes it incumbent that all existing shall be brought in conformity with the Injunctions of as laid down in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), and Chapter 3-A, which pertains to the functions and organisation of Federal Shariat Court, empowers the Court and entrusts the Court with the responsibility to examine and decide the question whether or not any law or provision of law is repugnant to the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The functions of this Court are:

(1) to examine any law as defined in Article 203-B(c) and to decide the question whether or not any law or provision of law is repugnant to the Injunctions of Islam; (2) to exercise appellate jurisdiction, to hear and decide appeals in Hudood cases if the sentence of imprisonment awarded by the trial Court exceeds two years; (3) to confirm or pass other appropriate order about any Hadd punishment awarded by the trial Court in Hudood laws—until the Court so confirms, no Hadd punishment can be executed; and (4) to exercise revisional powers to call for any case decided by any Criminal Court under any law in relation to the enforcement of Hudood.

The Judges of the Court, since its inception in 1980, armed with the provisions of the Constitu- tion, serving the glory of Islam, and dedicating themselves to the sacred task, laid down a sizable body of judgements, which taken together constitute a remarkable chapter in the history of Islamic law. The task continues as new problems emerge and the consistent stream of fresh legislation gives rise to new questions. It is for this reason that in this first Report of the Federal Shariat Court, it has been considered desirable for the education, enlightenment and easy reference of all concerned to also include herein a brief narration of some of the leading judgements of this Court passed in Shariat Petitions, Suo Moto matters and Criminal cases. The judgements of this Court are regularly reported in the leading Law Journals of the country which are subscribed to by the legal fraternity. As non-professionals do not subscribe to these journals they normally remain quite unaware of the

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court: 41 judgements of this Court. The glimpses of the judgements appearing in this Report will add to their knowledge the salient points enunciated in the judgements in their true perspective. This Annual Report is the statutory requirement under Ordinance LXXI of 2002. An effort has been made in the Report to make an account of the working of the Federal Shariat Court in a frank and transparent manner. The Report contains an objective analysis of the over-all governance which is also a reflection of the efforts made by this Court to provide simplicitor and speedy justice to the litigant public. The policy of the Federal Shariat Court is that the delay in the disposal of cases may be averted. Islamic norms demand the very prompt redressal of grievances. In fact, the concept of ‘Adl in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) demands that there should be no delay in the dispensation of justice. Even the Western concept is that justice delayed is justice denied. The Judges of this Court exercise tact, wisdom, knowledge and authority to see that the hearing of cases may not be unreasonably delayed at the instance of any one. The Rules of the Court provide for free legal representation in cases where an appeal is filed from jail and the appellant is not in a position to pay for the services of a lawyer irrespective of the quantum of his sentences. Federal Shariat Court has taken a lead in this respect as compared to the most advanced countries in the world. The legal representation over there is generally provided to a pauper accused mostly through free legal aid societies and the Courts rarely pay the bills of such representation. Another important feature of the working of this Court is that no Court fee is payable either on petitions or appeals. While exercising its suo moto jurisdiction, the Court’s policy is to take into confidence, and to associate in its working, the lawyers, the Ulema, the social reformers, the intellectuals and other members of the public. With this purpose in view public notices are published in the leading newspapers of the country inviting comments as well as representation from the citizens of Pakistan. Lastly, I may here add that the foremost requirement of the successful enforcement of Islamic Law and the implementation of Islamic Judicial System should be that it is administered by those persons who believe in it, and perform their duties conscientiously with a true Islamic spirit. I congratulate my learned brother Mr. Justice Dr. Fida Muhammad Khan and members of the Editorial Board for compiling the Report and rendering it useful for the readers.

Justice Ch. Ejaz Yousuf Chief Justice Federal Shariat Court

42 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court 3.2 Judicial Statistics 3.2.1 Category-wise Consolidated Position During the Year 2002

Pendency Institution Disposal Balance on from 1.1.02 from 1.1.02 as on S.No. Category of Cases 1.1.02 to 31.12.02 Total to 31.12.02 1.1.03 CRIMINAL MATTERS 1 Cr. Appeals 511 780 1291 688 603 (Against Conviction) 2 Cr. Appeals 291 182 473 78 395 (Against Acquittal) 3 Cr. Revisions 7 10 17 7 10 (Against Conviction) 4 Cr. Revisions for Enhancement 70 66 136 52 84 5 Cr. Revisions other matter. 21 89 110 81 29 6 Cr.P.S.L.A. 10 11 21 8 13 7 Cr. Murder Ref: 36 19 55 15 40 8 Hadd Reference 5 - 5 - 5 9 Cr. Suo Moto. 8 6 14 6 8 10 Cr. Review. - - - - - 11 Cr. Misc. 217 820 1037 861 176 SHARIAT MATTERS 12 Review Sh. Petition 157 14 171 2 169 13 Shariat Petition 5 - 5 - 5 14 Sh. Reference 3 - 3 - 3 15 Shariat Misc. 27 78 105 56 49 16 Shariat Suo Moto. 36 - 36 - 36 Total 1404 2075 3479 1854 1625

3.2.2 Consolidated Position at Principal Seat and Bench Registries During the Year 2002

Pendency Institution Disposal Balance on from 1.1.02 from 1.1.02 as on S.No. Principal Seat & Benches 1.1.02 to 31.12.02 Total to 31.12.02 1.1.03 CRIMINAL MATTERS 1 Principal Seat Islamabad 329 618 947 537 410 2 Bench Registry Lahore 487 841 1328 791 537 3 Bench Registry Karachi 56 160 216 103 113 4 Bench Registry Peshawar 51 90 141 84 57 5 Bench Registry Quetta 253 274 527 281 246 SHARIAT MATTERS 6 Principal Seat Islamabad 162 89 251 57 194 7 Bench Registry Lahore 39 3 42 1 41 8 Bench Registry Karachi 18 - 18 - 18 9 Bench Registry Peshawar 8 - 8 - 8 10 Bench Registry Quetta 1 - 1 - 1 Total 1404 2075 3479 1854 1625

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court: 43 3.2.3 Consolidated Position for Criminal Matters at the Principal Seat and Bench Registries During the Year 2002

Pendency Institution Disposal Balance on from 1.1.02 from 1.1.02 as on S.No. Principal Seat & Benches 1.1.02 to 31.12.02 Total to 31.12.02 1.1.03 1 Principal Seat Islamabad 329 618 947 537 410 2 Bench Registry Lahore 487 841 1328 791 537 3 Bench Registry Karachi 56 160 216 103 113 4 Bench Registry Peshawar 51 90 141 84 57 5 Bench Registry Quetta 253 274 527 281 246 Total 1176 1983 3159 1796 1363

410 537 618

537 PrincipalIslamabad Seat 791 841

113 Lahore 103 Bench Registry 160 Pending 57 Disposal 84 BenchKarachi Registry 90 Institution 246 281 BenchPeshawar Registry 274

Quetta 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Bench Registry

Number of Cases Principal Seat and Registries: Criminal Matters

44 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court 3.2.4 Category-wise Consolidated Position for Criminal Matters During the Year 2002

Pendency Institution Disposal Balance on from 1.1.02 from 1.1.02 as on S.No. Principal Seat & Benches 1.1.02 to 31.12.02 Total to 31.12.02 1.1.03 1 Cr. Appeals (Against Conviction) 511 780 1291 688 603 2 Cr. Appeals (Against acquittal) 291 182 473 78 395 3 Cr. Revisions (Against Conviction) 7 10 17 7 10 4 Cr. Revisions (for Enhancement) 70 66 136 52 84 5 Cr. Revisions (other matters) 21 89 110 81 29 6 Cr.P.S.L.A. 10 11 21 8 13 7 Cr. Murder Ref. 36 19 55 15 40 8 Hadd Reference 5 - 5 - 5 9 Cr. Suo Moto 8 6 14 6 8 10 Cr. Review - - - - - 11 Cr. Misc. 217 820 1037 861 176 Total 1176 1983 3159 1796 1363

603 688 780

395 78 182 Criminal Appeals

(Against Conviction) 10 7 Pending Criminal Appeals 10 Disposal (Against Acquittal) 84 52 Institution 66 Criminal Revisions (Against Conviction) 29 81 89 Criminal Revisions (For Enhancement) 13 8 11 Criminal(Other Revisions Matters) 40 15 19 Criminal P.S.L.A. 5 0 0

Criminal MurderReference Ref. 8 add 6 H. 6

0 0 0 Criminal Suo Moto 176 861 Criminal Review 820 0 250 500 750 1000

Criminal Miscellaneous Number of Cases FSC Consolidated: Criminal Matters Category-wise

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court: 45 3.2.5 Consolidated Position for Shariat Matters at the Principal Seat and Bench Registries During the Year 2002

Pendency Institution Disposal Balance on from 1.1.02 from 1.1.02 as on S.No. Principal Seat & Benches 1.1.02 to 31.12.02 Total to 31.12.02 1.1.03 1 Principal Seat Islamabad 162 89 251 57 194 2 Bench Registry Lahore 39 03 42 01 41 3 Bench Registry Karachi 18 - 18 - 18 4 Bench Registry Peshawar 08 - 08 - 08 5 Bench Registry Quetta 01 - 01 - 01 Total 228 92 320 58 262

194 57 89 Pending 41 PrincipalIslamabad Seat 1 Disposal 3 Institution 18 Lahore 0 Bench Registry 0

8 0 BenchKarachi Registry 0

1 0 BenchPeshawar Registry 0

Quetta 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Bench Registry

Number of Cases Principal Seat and Registries: Shariat Matters

46 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court 3.2.6 Category-wise Consolidated Position for Shariat Matters During the Year 2002

Pendency Institution Disposal Balance on from 1.1.02 from 1.1.02 as on S.No. Category of Cases 1.1.02 to 31.12.02 Total to 31.12.02 1.1.03 1 Shariat Petition 157 14 171 02 169 2 Review Sh. Petition 05 - 05 - 05 3 Sh. Reference 03 - 03 - 03 4 Shariat Misc. 27 78 105 56 49 5 Shariat Suo Moto 36 - 36 - 36 Total 228 92 320 58 262

169 2 14 Pending 5 0 Disposal 0 Shariat Petitions Institution 3 0 0

49 Review Shariat Petitions 56 78 Shariat References 36 0 0

Shariat Miscellaneous0 50 100 150 200 250

Shariat Suo Moto

Number of Cases FSC Consolidated: Shariat Matters Category-wise

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court: 47 3.3 Budgetary Statistics

HEAD OF ACCOUNT BUDGET ALLOCATION EXPENDITURE 00000-Establishment Charges 20,479,000 20,453,802 01100-Pay of Officer 7,835,000 7,832,937 01200-Pay of other Staff 5,770,000 5,764,756 02000-Regular Allowanced 5,808,000 5,791,754 03000-Other Allowances 1,066,000 1,064,355 10000-Purchase of Durable Goods 406,500 405,817 11000-Transport 12000-Machinery and Equipment 132,500 132,297 13000-Furniture and Fixture 274,000 273,520 40000-Repair and Maintenance of Goods 579,800 576,838 41000-Transportation 370,000 367,435 42000-Machinery and Equipment 175,000 174,930 43000-Furniture and Fixture 34,800 34,473 44000-Building 50000-Commodities and Services 5,576,300 5,547,442 51000-Transportation 2,993,000 2,977,322 52000-Communication 1,721,000 1,720,110 53000-Utilities 15,400 15,031 54000-Office Stationary 185,000 184,501 55000-Printing and Publication 9,200 9,050 56000-Newspaper and Periodicals 100,000 99,870 57000-Uniform and liveries 62,800 62,602 58000-Rent Royalties Rates and Taxes 15,500 15,301 59000-Other Expenditure 474,400 463,655 60000-Transfer Payments 20,400 19,949 67000-Entertainment & Gifts 20,400 19,949 90000-Misc:Expenditure 66,000 65,772 92000-Delegation Abroad 66,000 65,772 Grand Total 27,128,000 27,069,620


Sanctioned Suppl./ Net Budget Proportionate Deptt. Figure A.G Figure Object Head Budget reappropr./ Budget During the Progressive During the Progressive Surrender month Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:FdrlSaitCut 49 Court: Shariat Federal 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 00000-Establishment Charges 20,398,000 (+)81,000 20,479,000 20,479,000 2,287,515 20,453,802 2,287,515 20,453,802 01100-Pay of Officer 7,280,000 (+)555,000 7,835,000 7,835,000 785,315 7,832,937 785,315 7,832,937 01200-Pay of other Staff 4,825,000 (+)945,000 5,770,000 5,770,000 595,341 5,764,756 595,341 5,764,756 02000-Regular Allowanced 7,708,000 (-)1,900,000 5,808,000 5,808,000 423,490 5,791,754 423,490 5,791,754 03000-Other Allowances 585,000 (+)481,000 1,066,000 1,066,000 513,369 1,064,355 513,369 1,064,355 10000-Purchase of Dur. Goods 500,000 (-)293,500 406,500 406,500 1,350 405,817 1,350 405,817 11000-Transport 1,000 (-)1,000 12000-Machinery and Equipment 300,000 (-)167,500 132,500 132,500 1,350 132,297 1,350 132,297 13000-Furniture and Fixture 199,000 (+)75,000 274,000 274,000 273,520 273,520 40000-Repair & Maint. of Goods 550,000 (+)29,800 579,800 579,800 34,832 576,838 34,832 576,838 41000-Transportation 400,000 (-)30,000 370,000 370,000 26,012 367,435 26,012 367,435 42000-Machinery and Equipment 100,000 (+)75,000 175,000 175,000 2,450 174,930 2,450 174,930 43000-Furniture and Fixture 45,000 (-)10,200 34,800 34,800 6,370 34,473 6,370 34,473 44000-Building 5,000 (-)5,000 50000-Commodities & Services 5,086,000 (+)491,300 5,576,300 5,576,300 532,682 5,547,442 532,682 5,547,442 51000-Transportation 2,500,000 (+)493,000 2,993,000 2,993,000 202,988 2,977,322 202,988 2,977,322 52000-Communication 1,500,000 (+)221,000 1,721,000 1,721,000 257,000 17,201,100 257,000 17,201,100 53000-Utilities 180,000 (-)164,600 15,400 15,400 1,809 15,031 1,809 15,031 54000-Office Stationary 175,000 (+)10,000 185,000 185,000 8,374 154,501 8,374 154,501 55000-Printing and Publication 60,000 (-)50,800 9,200 9,200 4,800 9,050 4,800 9,050 56000-Newspaper and Periodicals 100,000 100,000 100,000 3,333 99,870 3,333 99,870 57000-Uniform and liveries 40,000 (+)22,800 62,800 62,800 8,090 62,602 8,090 62,602 58000-Rent, Royalties, 30,000 (-)14,500 15,500 15,500 15,301 15,301 Rates and Taxes 59000-Other Expenditure 500,000 (-)25,600 474,400 474,400 46,288 463,655 46,288 463,655 60000-Transfer Payments 45,000 (-)24,600 20,400 20,400 2,177 19,949 2,177 19,949 67000-Entertainment & Gifts 45,000 (-)24,600 20,400 20,400 2,177 19,499 2,177 19,499 90000-Misc:Expenditure 200,000 (-)134,000 66,000 66,000 65,772 65,772 92000-Delegation Abroad 200,000 (-)134,00 66,000 66,000 65,772 65,772 Grand Total 26,778,000 27,128,000 27,128,000 2,858,556 27,069,620 2,858,556 27,069,620 50 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Federal Shariat Court LAHORE HIGH COURT

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 51 52 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 4 LAHORE HIGH COURT

4.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice Lahore High Court

(In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful)

This work is a compendium of the endeavors, achievements and accomplishments of the Lahore High Court during the year 2002. It also gives a brief account of the history and evolution of the court. Being the first of its kind it is a source of exaltation for me to have had the opportunity of pioneering it. The Lahore High Court has its Principal Seat at Lahore and permanent Benches at Rawalpindi, and . It has a sanctioned strength of 50 Judgeships. It supervises and controls 35 courts of District and Sessions Judges, 290 courts of Additional District and Sessions Judges, 654 courts of Senior/Civil Judges-cum-Judicial Magistrates, 117 courts of Special Judicial Magis- trates, one Judge small Causes Court, special Courts concerning Anti-Corruption, Drugs, Narcotics, Anti-Terrorism, Labor, Accountability, Customs, Anti-Smuggling, Environment and Banking, LDA Tribunal and Service Tribunal. It also deputes judicial officers to the Federal Law Ministry, the Federal Law Ministry, the Provincial Law Department and other Government Organizations for legal services. By virtue of the size of its structure and responsibilities the Lahore High Court is one of the larges integrated Justice Systems of the world. Good Governance is a high priority of the Government. Economic development and poverty alleviation is central to this policy. The achievement of this goal primarily hinges on the rule of law pivotal for which is the existence of a sound judicial system. Daniel Webster observed:—

Justice, Sir, is the greatest interest of man on earth,. It is the ligament which holds civilized beings and civilized nations together. Wherever her temple stands, and so long as it is duly honored, there is a foundation for social security, general happiness and the improvement and progress of our race. And whoever labors on this edifice with usefulness and distinction, whoever clears its foundation, strengthens its pillars, adorns its entablatures, or contributes to raise its august dome still higher in the skies, connects himself in name and fame and character with that which is and must be as durable as the frame of human society.

In the words of Robert Ingersoll:—

A government founded on anything except liberty and justice cannot stand. All the wrecks on either side of the stream of time, all the wrecks of the great cities, and all the nations that have passed away all are a warning that no nation founded upon injustice can stand. From the sand enshrouded Egypt from the marble wilderness of Athens, and form every fallen or crumbling stone of the once mighty Rome comes a wail as it were the cry that no nation founded on injustice can permanently stand.

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 53 The emblem and inscription of the Lahore High Court, “Be just: that is next to piety” enshrines the spirit and the mission of the Lahore High Court. For a considerable time the subordinate judiciary has suffered neglect and has been confronting formidable problems affecting its performance. Unfavorable working conditions, absence of appro- priate infrastructure, shortage of Judges, lack of adequate court rooms, residential accommodation, salary and other facilities to the Judges and ministerial staff of the courts are seriously hampering the efficiency of the sector. On assuming the office of the Chief Justice on 6.9.2002, I took steps to alleviate the woes and miseries of the subordinate judiciary by rationalizing the policy of postings and transfers of the judicial officers and the court staff. In this behalf it was decided that regard shall be had to the convenience and domicile of the person concerned while making his posting and transfer. Measures were adopted to remove the gloom and despair prevailing in the subordinate judiciary to restore its confidence and thereby to enable it to discharge its duties with independence and dignity. Cognizant of the need to refurbish and strengthen the judiciary to enable it to discharge its onerous responsibilities efficiently, soon after entering office as Chief Justice, I called a conference of all the District and Session Judges in the on 21-9-2002 to identify the ways and means to improve the working conditions of the subordinate judiciary. The delegates, inter-alia, suggested that enhancement of salary and perks of judicial officers; and various other facilities are required to improve the performance of the judiciary. A detailed report of the conference was prepared and a copy of the same was sent each to the Law Ministry and National Judicial Policy-making Committee for consideration. Under the aegis of the Access to Justice Programme, schemes for automation of the judiciary and building judicial complexes (i.e court rooms and residences) where state land is available have been initiated. Efforts are being made to acquire state land is acquired building schemes for it will be commenced. Several proposals for providing better package to the member of the Judiciary are on the anvil and would be placed before the National Judicial Policy-making Body. The Establishment (i.e office and branches) of the High Courts is being re-modelled to improve its efficiency and to provide better administration. A Wing will be dedicated to attend to the work pertaining to the development of judiciary. To give the Establishment a clean and tidy look and to enhance its efficiency, uniform and identity badges have been prescribed for the staff this scheme will soon be extended to the staff of the lower courts. During the year, the Lahore High Court disposed of about 100,100 cases while 7,80,811 cases were disposed of by the courts subordinate to the Lahore High Court. Disposal of such a large number of cases without automation and modern equipment is indeed a remarkable achievement. This year-book is being published to apprise the public about work done y the courts of the Province during the year 2002. It is an effort to sensitize the public about the output of the courts which are in urgent need of funds, hardware and equipment to boost their efficiency so that the ever increasing work-load is handled effectively and expeditiously. I am proud of the faith and confidence the general public reposes in the judiciary and hope that the judiciary will stand up to the expectations and aspirations of the people.

Iftikhar Husain Chaudhry, Chief Justice, Lahore High Court March 3, 2002

54 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 4.2 Judicial Statistics 4.2.1 Consolidated Statement for the Lahore High Court from 1990 to 2002 showing Institution, Disposal and Pending Balance of Cases

Pendency at Institution Disposal Pending Beginning During During Balance at Years of Year the Year Total the Year End of Year 1990 66539 59283 125822 74760 51062 1991 51062 55335 106397 54663 51734 1992 51734 48041 99775 54719 45056 1993 45056 63320 108376 54822 53554 1994 53554 66360 119914 56663 63251 1995 63251 70563 133814 69214 64600 1996 64600 56531 121131 49940 71191 1997 71191 79108 150299 70984 79315 1998 79315 85767 165082 85239 79843 1999 79843 83941 163784 89707 74077 2000 74077 91669 165746 89990 75756 2001 75756 88247 164003 99576 64427 2002 67867 96959 164826 99141 65685

110000 Institution 100000 Disposal 90000 Pending





40000 Number of Cases 30000



0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2000 2002

Years Consolidated Statement for Lahore High Court (1990–2002)

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 55 4.2.2 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Lahore High Court at its Principal Seat and Benches from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Lahore High Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Principal Seat 30993 59253 90246 61208 29038 Bahawalpur Bench 7681 8706 16387 8334 8053 Multan Bench 19939 20192 40131 21039 19092 Rawalpindi Bench 9254 8808 18062 8560 9502 Total 67867 96959 164826 99141 65685

Institution 100000 Disposal 90000 Pending






Number of30000 Cases



0 Bench Multan Bench Bench Rawalpindi Bahawalpur at Lahore Principal Seat Lahore High Court: Principal Seat and Benches

56 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 L.P.A./I.C.A 1195 1381 2576 1544 1032 R.F.A 5567 1476 7043 1281 5762 R.S.A 1098 75 1173 282 891 F.A.O. 967 748 1715 693 1022 S.A.O. 194 224 418 208 210 C.R. 16368 5370 21738 7413 14325 W.P. 15864 49054 64918 48294 16624 W.P. (Sett). 634 120 754 345 409 I.T.A 2534 426 2960 359 2601 Service Appeal. 0 17 17 17 0 R.A. 312 363 675 395 280 T.A. 243 1109 1352 1136 216 P.T.R. 303 327 630 79 551 T.R. 198 188 386 4 382 Custom Appeal. 564 1170 1734 472 1262 C.O. 401 117 518 210 308 E.F.A. 14 88 102 77 25 C.O.S.(B). 61 66 127 0 127 EX.A.(B). 28 36 64 53 11 P.L.A.(B). 0 144 144 144 0 P.S.L.A. 128 143 271 131 140 Murder Ref. 2571 1044 3615 635 2980 Crl.A. 10315 4198 14513 4026 10487 Crl. Rev. 2187 2165 4352 1945 2407 Crl.Misc. 1864 18463 20327 19401 926 Crl.Misc.(Q). 139 337 476 372 104 Crl. Orginal. 2200 3161 5361 3304 2057 Report 20 17 37 43 -6 E.P. 3 13 16 12 4 Objection Case. 124 221 345 345 0 Cross Objection. 2 5 7 7 0 Petition Cooperative. 1305 4019 5324 5324 0 Tax.Appeal 305 111 416 26 390 C.T.R. 28 36 64 64 0 Commercial Appeal. 18 10 28 1 27 S.T.A. 10 5 15 5 10 C.O.S. 0 96 96 93 3 EX.Petition. 0 1 1 1 0 Labor Appeal 21 3 24 10 14 Crl. Reference. 0 5 5 5 0 EX.Appeal. 0 5 5 5 0 C.M.(Independent). 60 62 122 35 87 D.NO. 0 114 114 114 0 Complaint. 0 1 1 1 0 State Bank Petition. 0 218 218 218 0 Banking Matter. 0 4 4 4 0 Office Report. 0 1 1 1 0 E.S.A. 0 2 2 1 1 EX.Application. 16 0 16 0 16 Total 67,861 96,959 164,820 99,135 65,685

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 57 4.2.3 Consolidated Statistics from the Districts

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 Attock 1148 4414 5562 5459 103 2 Bahawalnagar 1711 5800 7511 6003 1508 3 Bahawalpur 2612 8140 10752 7693 3059 4 Bhakkar 1145 2587 3732 2734 998 5 Chakwal 824 1983 2807 2121 686 6 D.g.khan 1233 1779 3012 1968 1044 7 1897 22165 24062 21617 2445 8 1189 10165 11354 9156 2198 9 Gujrat 819 4476 5295 3917 1378 10 Hafizabad 426 103 529 220 309 11 Islamabad 712 3847 4559 3429 1130 12 80 8286 8366 5612 2754 13 656 2370 3026 2223 803 14 2267 9318 11585 9768 1817 15 Khushab 641 2433 3074 2439 635 16 Khanweal 867 5901 6768 5157 1611 17 Lahore 2162 27740 29902 21200 8702 18 1042 3064 4106 3058 1048 19 Lodhran 694 6280 6974 5862 1112 20 Mianwali 1041 4448 5489 4451 1038 21 Multan 3331 9620 12951 10670 2281 22 Muzaffargarh 1831 6040 7871 5927 1944 23 M.b.din 826 4460 5286 3909 1377 24 Narowal 907 3625 4532 3890 642 25 Okara 1850 11279 13129 11354 1775 26 Pak Pattan 1263 5585 6848 5801 1047 27 R.y.khan 2411 8487 10898 7487 3411 28 Rajanpur 593 2668 3261 2709 552 29 Rawalpindi 3754 14465 18219 13812 4407 30 2244 8364 10608 8569 2039 31 2632 9158 11790 9393 2397 32 Sheikhupura 2932 13348 16280 13935 2345 33 Sialkot 2969 8744 11713 9228 2485 34 T.t.singh 1195 3050 4245 3171 1074 35 2146 10289 12435 7954 4481 Grand Total 54050 254481 308531 241896 66635

58 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 Attock 10561 14581 25142 14352 10790 2 Bahawalnagar 17522 17146 34668 13180 21488 3 Bahawalpur 25589 28132 53721 25443 28278 4 Bhakkar 9623 7897 17520 7434 10086 5 Chakwal 10904 13679 24583 11484 13099 6 D.g.khan 13355 9137 22492 6449 16043 7 Faisalabad 35394 32176 96570 33805 62765 8 Gujranwala 35068 22393 57461 19798 37663 9 Gujrat 18779 13450 32229 14357 17872 10 Hafizabad 3659 12176 15835 8209 7626 11 Islamabad 12192 13726 25918 11058 14860 12 Jhang 34566 43322 77888 43741 34147 13 Jhelum 8991 8390 17381 9428 7953 14 Kasur 24245 19420 43665 19566 24099 15 Khushab 6339 7374 13713 6387 7326 16 Khanweal 14464 17348 31812 14997 16815 17 Lahore 81532 99632 181164 78914 102250 18 Layyah 11804 13167 24971 12895 12076 19 Lodhran 8269 8484 16753 7774 8979 20 Mianwali 6662 9753 16415 7683 8732 21 Multan 27433 45399 72832 43688 29144 22 Muzaffargarh 20665 21924 42589 18806 23783 23 M.b.din 15761 9163 24924 8224 16700 24 Narowal 11332 10064 21396 10222 11174 25 Okara 47265 35405 82670 33819 48851 26 Pak Pattan 13755 20757 34512 19544 14968 27 R.y.khan 28447 29615 58062 16435 41627 28 Rajanpur 12134 6417 18551 7527 11024 29 Rawalpindi 57847 33261 91108 35921 55187 30 Sahiwal 18211 26120 44331 19126 25205 31 Sargodha 29786 23895 53681 23541 30140 32 Sheikhupura 22580 24434 47014 20982 26032 33 Sialkot 33220 30295 63515 26746 36769 34 T.t.singh 17906 16077 33983 16461 17522 35 Vehari 22581 16931 39512 17658 21854 Grand Total 768441 761140 1558581 685654 872927

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 59 4.2.4 Case Category-wise Statistics from the Districts: Sessions Dvision

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ATTOCK 1 Session Cases 66 184 250 246 4 2 Hudood Cases 36 164 200 198 2 3 Narcotics Cases 211 1066 1277 1248 29 4 Crla 40 122 162 160 2 6 C.a 511 1184 1695 1672 23 7 C.r. 39 122 161 160 1 8 Lunacy Petition 2 1 3 3 0 9 Execution Petition 0 2 2 2 0 10 Civil Suits 0 16 16 16 0 11 Miscs. 48 233 281 239 42 Total 953 3094 4047 3944 103

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 BAHAWALNAGAR 1 Session Cases 174 241 415 228 187 2 Hudood Cases 190 301 491 292 199 3Crl.a.2947765917 4 Crl.r 52 164 216 185 31 5 Narcotiee Cases 10 87 97 47 50 6 Civil A 561 903 1464 999 465 7 Civil. R 63 23 86 214 -128 8 Civil Suits 97 255 352 222 130 9 Execution Petition 59 92 151 80 71 10 Election Petitions 81 8 89 58 31 11 Bail Applications 189 3454 3643 3416 227 12 Misc. Application 202 219 421 199 222 13 Lunancy Act 4 6 10 4 6 Total 1711 5800 7511 6003 1508

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 BAHAWALPUR 1 Sessions Cases 135 185 320 175 145 2 Hudood Cases 231 261 492 157 335 3 Narcotics Cases 15 26 41 16 25 4 Civil Appeals 1052 1030 2082 832 1250 5 Civil Revisions 171 364 535 352 183 6 Criminal Appeals 19 17 36 21 15 7 Criminal Revision 48 241 289 209 80

60 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 8 Original Suits 440 418 858 362 496 9 Election Petition 48 2 50 32 18 10 Bail Applications 245 4633 4878 4585 293 11 Misc 208 963 1171 952 219 Total 2612 8140 10752 7693 3059

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 BHAKKAR 1 Succession Case 13 48 61 38 23 2 Hadood Case 75 111 186 116 70 3 Narcotic Case 14 48 62 35 27 4 Crl. A 14 47 61 43 18 5 Crl. Rev 52 131 183 147 36 6 Bail Applications 44 1022 1066 1035 31 7 C.a. 710 669 1379 789 590 8 C. Rev 73 139 212 143 69 9 Civil Suits 51 63 114 64 50 10 Misc Application 35 282 317 264 53 11 Execution Petition 25 17 42 15 27 12 Election Petition 39 9 48 45 3 13 Crl. Case 0 1 1 0 1 Total 1145 2587 3732 2734 998

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 CHAKWAL 1 Sessions Cases 30 48 78 51 27 2 Hadood Cases 45 75 120 75 45 3 Narcotices Cases 17 66 83 45 38 4 Civil Appeal 463 465 928 544 384 5 Civil Revision 33 108 141 79 62 6 Civil Suits 22 31 53 25 28 7 Criminal Appeal 30 23 53 38 15 8 Criminal Revision 17 79 96 81 15 9 Election Petition 3 0 3 3 0 10 Execution Petition 10 9 19 9 10 11 Sessions Other Cases 8 1 9 5 4 12 Waqaf Cases 1 0 1 0 1 13 Inquiries 0 3 3 3 0 14 Applications/s 12 (2) 0 2 2 1 1 15 Misc. Applications 145 1073 1218 1162 56 Total 824 1983 2807 2121 686

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 61 Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA GHAZI KHAN 1 Sessions Cases 109 73 182 82 100 2 Hudood Cases 122 79 201 131 70 3 Narcotics Cases 47 72 119 57 62 4 Civil Appeals 305 453 758 421 337 5 Civil Regision 60 53 113 72 41 6 Criminal Appeal 11 15 26 13 13 7 Criminal Revision 62 59 121 93 28 8 Civil Suits 108 167 275 166 109 9 Habeas Corpas Pet 0 24 24 19 5 10 Application Reg Cases 0 0 0 0 0 11 Hasassment Petition 0 0 0 0 0 12 Bail Application 40 670 710 675 35 13 Others/misc/execution 369 114 483 239 244 Total 1233 1779 3012 1968 1044

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 FAISALABAD 1 Session Cases 272 896 1168 875 293 2 Sessions Complaints 31 111 142 120 22 3 Hudood Cases 276 738 1014 789 225 4 Hudood Complaints 21 94 115 92 23 5 Narcotics 49 87 136 116 20 6 Criminal Appeal 21 401 422 374 48 7 Criminal Revision 43 610 653 295 358 8 Civil Appeals 399 2520 2919 2507 412 9 Civil Revisions 85 529 614 529 85 10 Civil Suits 111 396 507 412 95 11 Proceedings U/s 514 CrPC 60 192 252 113 139 12 Bail Applications 291 14959 15250 14740 510 13 Misc Applications 80 456 536 405 131 14 Inquiries 3 26 29 25 4 15 Lunacy Act 5 7 12 9 3 16 Review Petitions 5 19 24 21 3 17 A.o.13.20.65 11 11 7 4 18 Election Petitions 105 1 106 80 26 19 Executions Petitions 37 103 140 98 42 20 Objection Petitions 3 3 6 4 2 21 Service Appeals 6 6 6 0 Total 1897 22165 24062 21617 2445

62 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 GUJRANWALA 1 Sessions Cases 201 374 575 297 278 2 Hudood Cases 137 246 383 209 174 3 C.n.s.a. Cases. 260 273 533 266 267 4 Civil Appeals. 555 1259 1814 981 833 5 Civil Revisions. 89 331 420 222 198 6 Crl.appeals. 8 72 80 63 17 7 Crl.revisions. 24 124 148 115 33 8 Civil Suits. 46 46 92 47 45 9 Civil Misc. 37 467 504 380 124 10 Crl.misc. 85 803 888 700 188 11 Execution Petitions. 27 36 63 22 41 12 Election Petitions. 14 2 16 15 1 Total 1483 4033 5516 3317 2199

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 GUJRAT 1 Session Cases 155 414 569 196 373 2StaCases 58 1674 37 37 3 Hadood Cases 94 213 307 110 197 4 Narcotics Cases 75 146 221 97 124 5 Juvenile Cases 6 16 22 4 18 6Crl.A 9 1423 16 7 7 Crl. Rev 15 65 80 65 15 8 C. A 279 762 1041 607 434 9 C.rev 46 98 144 55 89 10 Election Petition 42 3 45 30 15 11 Execution 7 4 11 3 8 12 Misc Petition 45 377 422 361 61 Total 831 2128 2959 1581 1378

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 Sessions Cases 37 148+12 197 144+1 52 2 Hudood Cases 26 116+5 147 113 34 3 Special Cases 2 1 3 1 2 4 Narcotic Cases 14 63+4 81 68 13 5 Criminal Appeals 5 16 21 15+2 4 6 Criminal Revisions 3 41+3 47 41 6 7 Civil Appeals 140 352+13 505 400 105 8 Civil Revisions 11 52+2 65 50 15 9 Service Appeals 0 3 3 3 0

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 63 10 Civil Suits 1 07+2 10 7 3 11 Election Petitions 88 11+9 108 101 7 12 Bail Applications 98 1923+3 2024 1966+2 56 13 Criminal Misc. 0 48 48 45 3 14 Civil Misc. 1 74+2 77 68 9 15 Appeal U/s 491 CrPC 0 35 35 35 0 Total 426 103 3371 932 309

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ISLAMABAD 1 Sessions Cases 48 202 250 70 83 2 Jujvenile Cases 10 3 1 3 Hudood Cases 44 120 164 47 60 4Crl.Appeals 4 2731 19 4 5 Crl. Revisions 13 150 163 102 40 6 Special Cases Narcotics 142 410 552 189 157 7 Bail Applications 86 1613 1699 1498 120 8 Civil Appeals 201 730 931 406 351 9 Civil Revisions 23 124 147 85 41 10 Labour Court Cases 34 43 77 33 44 11 Execution Petitions 16 62 78 3 22 12 Original Civil Suits 91 237 328 136 161 13 Arbitrator Cases 1 1 1 0 14 Succession Certificates 0 0 15 Guardian Certificates 3 3 4 0 16 Habeas Coirpus Petitions 25 25 25 0 17 Misc. Applications 100 100 54 46 Total 712 3847 4549 2675 1130

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 JHANG 1 Session Cases 176 384 560 398 162 2 Hadood Cases 338 493 831 435 396 3 Narcotics Cases 48 70 118 77 41 4 Crl. Appeal 31 72 103 54 49 5 Crl. Revision 103 199 302 178 124 6 Civil Appeal 874 1401 2275 1340 935 7 Civil Revision 167 333 500 296 204 8 Bail Application 447 5559 6006 5209 797 9 Launency Petition 0 0 10 Election Petition 0 0 11 Execution Petition 49 24 73 45 28 12 Civil Suits 96 128 224 101 123 13 Misc. 157 242 399 195 204

64 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 14 Session Complaints 165 716 881 695 186 15 Hadood Complaints 42 117 159 96 63 Total 2693 9738 12431 9119 2754

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 JHELUM 1 Civil Suit 4354 2787 7141 3004 4137 2 Family Suits 522 914 1436 905 531 3 Guardian 158 226 384 272 112 4 Rent Cases 39 44 83 54 29 5 Successions 79 406 485 364 121 6 Misc Application 540 752 1292 568 724 7 Executions. 411 283 694 266 428 8Others. 2 5 7 6 1 9 Crl. Cases 2886 2973 5859 3989 1870

Total 8991 8390 17381 9428 7953

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KASUR 1 Sessions Cases 254 305 559 333 226 2 Hudood Cases 241 263 504 291 213 3 Hadood Narcotics 78 130 208 137 71 4 Civil Appeal 633 902 1535 1019 516 5 Civil Revision 117 207 324 231 93 6 Crl.appeals 42 44 86 69 17 7 Crl. Revision 81 178 259 218 41 8 Original Suits 30 105 135 112 23 9 Bail Application 494 6387 6881 6492 389 10 Misc-application 153 511 664 537 127 11 Execution Petition 37 82 119 48 71 12 Election Petition 78 9 87 60 27 13 Transfer Application 29 195 224 221 3 Total 2267 9318 11585 9768 1817

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHANEWAL 1 Session Cases 73 207 280 112 168 2 Session Complaints 18 76 94 40 54 3 Hudood Cases 156 298 454 102 352 4 Hudood Complaints 21 65 86 27 59

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 65 5 Narcotics Cases 42 91 133 36 97 6Crl.Appeal1741584612 7 Crl. Revisions 49 121 170 131 39 8 Civil Apeeal 287 702 989 601 388 9 Civil Revisions 68 170 238 140 98 10 Civil Suits 63 197 260 162 98 11 Misc. Applications 135 552 687 480 207 12 Election Petitions 126 33 159 120 39 Totol 1055 2553 3608 1997 1611

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHUSHAB 1 Sessions Cases 30 100 130 100 30 2 Huddod Cases 50 115 165 129 36 3 Narcotics Cases 22 30 52 49 3 4 Crl. A. 4 69 73 42 31 5 Crl. Rev 26 98 124 94 30 6 Civil A. 293 698 991 672 319 7 Civil Rev 74 180 254 149 105 8 Bail Application 46 872 918 892 26 9 Inquiry 0 0 0 0 0 10 Lunency Petition 0 0 0 0 0 11 Election Petition 85 13 98 81 17 12 Execution Petition 0 0 0 0 0 13 Civil Suits 4 6 10 5 5 14 Misc 0 252 252 219 33 15 St.a. Case 7 0 7 7 0 Total 641 2433 3074 2439 635

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LAHORE 1 Sessions Cases 156 800 956 449 507 2 Hudood Cases 151 700 851 200 651 3 H. Narcotic Cases 907 2500 3407 1377 2030 4 Criminal Appeals 41 112 153 111 42 5 Criminal Revisions 167 473 640 413 227 6 Bail Applications 915 13285 14200 12421 1779 7 Civil Appeals 1075 3800 4875 2713 2162 8 Civil Revisions 293 725 1018 582 436 9 Civil Suits 375 818 1193 506 687 11 Inquiries 27 47 74 29 45 12 Election Petitions 153 56 209 87 122 13 Spl Fia Sb 10 0 10 1 9 14 Habeas Corpus 0 272 272 267 5

66 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Total 4270 23588 27858 19156 8702

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LAYYAH 1 Sessions Cases 40 56 96 73 23 2 Hudood Cases 83 185 268 185 83 3 Narcotics Cases 73 108 181 149 32 4 Criminal Appeals 29 49 78 64 14 5 Criminal Revisions 38 121 159 124 35 6 Bail Applications 19 550 569 532 37 7 Civil Appeals 382 489 871 466 405 8 Civil Revisons 48 110 158 87 71 9 Civil Suits 87 212 299 183 116 10 Misc. Applications 224 1176 1400 1177 223 11 Execution Petitions 1 7 8 2 6 12 Lunacy Act 1 0 1 1 0 13 Election Petitons 17 0 17 14 3 14 Application (Set. Aside) 0 1 1 1 0 Total 1042 3064 4106 3058 1048

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LODHRAN 1 Sessions Cases 38 116 154 94 60 2 Hadood Cases 92 91 183 106 77 3 Narcotics Cases 10 39 49 11 38 4Crl.A 9 1827 18 9 5 Crl. Rev 22 44 66 53 13 6 Civil A 238 389 627 265 362 7 Civil Rev 27 102 129 86 43 8 Bail Application 133 2234 2367 2187 180 9 Inquiry 0 0 0 0 0 10 Lunency Petition 0 0 0 0 0 11 Election Petition 85 0 85 71 14 12 Execution Petition 29 60 89 15 74 13 Civil Suits 11 47 58 25 33 14 Misc 95 3045 3140 2931 209 Total 789 6185 6974 5862 1112

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 Sessions Cases 24 241 265 110 155

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 67 2 Hudood Cases 9 372 381 152 229 3 Narcotics Cases 15 43 58 40 18 4 Civil Appeal 300 781 1081 583 498 5 Civil Rev: 24 105 129 86 43 6 Crl. Rev: 23 137 160 132 28 8 514 Cr.p.c. 32 71 103 59 44 9 Misc. 257 259 516 228 288 10 Election Petition 97 18 115 79 36 11 Civil Suit 0 6 6 2 4 12 Crl. Appeal 26 51 77 43 34 Total 807 2084 2891 1514 1377

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MIANWALI 1 Sessions Cases 70 211 281 100+96 85 2 Hudood Cases 72 179 251 89+82 80 3 Narcotics Cases 159 882 1041 502+415 124 4 Arms Cases 6 9 15 5+2 8 5 Crl. Appeals 40 72 112 82+8 22 6 Crl. Revisions 65 146 211 126+36 49 7 Civil Appeals 336 618 954 397+67 490 8 Civil Revisions 46 88 134 76+4 54 9 Election Petitons 20 1 21 12 9 10 Civil Suits 4 14 18 7 11 11 Bail Applns. 165 1994 2159 1990+109 60 12 Civil Misc. 45 137 182 150+3 29 13 Crl. Misc. 10 90 100 83+5 12 14 Exec. Petitions 3 7 10 5 5 Total 1041 4448 5489 24 1038

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MULTAN 1 Session Cases 101 247 348 265 83 2 Hadood Cases 306 317 623 291 332 3 Narcotics Cases 276 244 520 272 248 4 Crl. Appeal 84 144 228 210 18 5 Crl. Rev. 84 226 310 280 30 6 Civil Appeal 1365 1956 3321 2597 724 7 Civil Rev. 237 270 507 392 115 8 Civil Suit 294 359 653 383 270 9 Bail Application 451 5404 5855 5549 306 10 Execution Petition 46 100 146 92 54 11 Habias Petition 211 211 199 12 12 Harassment Petition 43 43 23 20

68 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 13 Registration Of Case 91 91 36 55 14 Juvenile Cases 9 9 6 3 15 Auqaf Cases 6 5 11 10 1 16 House Building 2 2 1 1 17 Election Petition 70 3 73 64 9 Total 3331 9620 12951 10670 2281

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 Sessions Cases 140 154 294 140 154 2 Hudood Cases 200 205 405 151 254 3 Narcotics Cases 109 189 298 156 142 4 Criminal Appeals 23 29 52 51 1 5 Criminal Revisions 44 97 141 99 42 6 Civil Appeals 649 718 1367 728 639 7 Civil Revisons 145 155 300 192 108 8 Civil Suits 79 133 212 109 103 9 Bail Petitions 257 3781 4038 3812 226 10 H.b.f.c 4 0 4 2 2 11 Transfer Petition 19 318 337 304 33 12 Election Petition 22 0 22 21 1 13 Auqaf Petition 1 0 1 1 0 14 Misc: 109 151 260 76 184 15 Exections 28 31 59 11 48 16 Guardian Petit: 2 3 5 3 2 17 Revision Petit: 0 1 1 1 0 18 Under Section 491. 0 75 75 70 5 Total 1831 6040 7871 5927 1944

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 NAROWAL 1 Session Cases 92 215 307 198 109 2 Hudood Cases 61 113 174 129 45 3 Narcotics Case 1 20 21 6 15 4Crl.Cases31431 5Crl.Appeals 4 1519 17 2 6 Crl. Revisions 12 60 72 60 12 7 Civil Appeals 489 513 1002 759 243 8 Civil Suits 0 3 3 3 0 9 Civil Revision 48 80 128 99 29 10 Bail Applications 100 2318 2418 2293 125 11 Civil Misc. 33 105 138 130 8 12 Crl. Misc. 11 163 174 138 36 13 Service Appeals 0 4 4 1 3

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 69 14 Election Petition 53 3 56 44 12 15 Inquiries 0 5 5 3 2 16 Habeas Corpus 0 7 7 7 0 Total 907 3625 4532 3890 642

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 OKARA 1 Sessions Cases 241 475 716 473 243 2 Hudood Cases 317 537 854 598 256 3 Narcotics Cases 52 121 173 117 56 4 Criminal Appeals 14 32 46 35 11 5 Criminal Revisions 28 189 217 182 35 6 Civil Appeals 529 1008 1537 1027 510 7 Civil Revisons 58 238 296 229 67 8 Bail Application 226 7577 7803 7537 266 9 Inquiry 0 3 3 1 2 10 Lunency Petition 2 1 3 3 0 11 Election Petition 117 8 125 111 14 12 Execution Petition 59 100 159 106 53 13 Civil Suits 145 211 356 224 132 14 Misc. Other Cases 61 724 785 658 127 15 S.t.a/session 1 55 56 53 3 Total 1850 11279 13129 11354 1775

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 PAKPATTAN SHARIF 1 Session Cases 50 255 305 231 74 2 Hudood Cases 139 275 414 269 145 3 Anti Narcotics Case 8 56 64 34 30 4Crl.Appeals 7 1118 15 3 5 Crl. Revisions 30 78 108 101 7 6 Bail Applications 212 3576 3788 3600 188 7 Civil Appeals 326 434 760 535 225 8 Civil Revision 61 113 174 121 53 9 Civil Suits 129 137 266 148 118 10 Election Petition 128 128 98 30 11 Civil Misc. Petition 70 278 348 266 82 12 Crl. Misc. Petition 6 195 201 175 26 13 Proceding U/s 514 83 173 256 194 62 14 Others 10 10 9 1 15 Enquiry 3 4 7 4 3 16 Lunancy Cases 1 1 1 0 Total 1263 5585 6848 5801 1047

70 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 Session Cases 178 207 385 192 193 2 Hadood Cases 173 262 435 177 258 3 Narcotics Cases 11 55 66 27 39 4Crl.Appeal1641573819 5 Crl. Revision 59 197 256 179 77 6 Civil Appeal 908 1100 2008 791 1217 7 Civil Revision 166 306 472 228 244 8 Bail Application 398 4928 5326 4666 660 9 Launency Petition 0 0 10 Election Petition 75 26 101 33 68 11 Execution Petition 25 72 97 19 78 12 Civil Suits 201 351 552 243 309 13 Misc. 201 942 1143 894 249 Total 2411 8487 10898 7487 3411

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 RAJANPUR 1 Sessions Cases 100 163 263 197 66 2 Hadood Cases 85 146 231 189 42 3 Narcoticas Cases 27 159 186 175 11 4 Crl. A. 1 10 11 9 2 5Crl.Rev 6 1824 20 4 6 Civil A. 106 283 389 309 80 7CivlRev.1748655411 8 Bail Application 122 1435 1557 1470 87 9 Inquiry 0 0 0 0 0 10 Lunency Petition 0 0 0 0 0 11 Election Petition 58 5 63 46 17 12 Execution Petition 19 40 59 28 31 13 Civil Suits 25 81 106 0 106 14 Misc 27 280 307 212 95 Total 593 2668 3261 2709 552

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 RAWALPINDI 1 Session Cases 233 245 478 223 255 2 Hadood Cases 395 195 590 231 359 3 Narcotics Cases 700 1230 1930 1203 727 4 Crl. Appeal 26 98 124 90 34 5 Crl. Revision 80 250 330 246 84 6 Civil Appeal 1270 1335 2605 1317 1288

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 71 7 Civil Revision 147 248 395 240 155 8 Bail Application 309 4235 4544 3839 705 9 Execution Petition 2 6 8 5 3 10 Civil Suits 74 105 179 99 80 11 Misc. 518 6518 7036 6319 717 Total 3754 14465 18219 13812 4407

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SAHIWAL 1 Session Cases 162 417 579 374 205 2 Hadood Cases 369 333 702 354 348 3 Crl. Appeals 33 64 97 71 26 4 Crl. Revisions 52 169 221 177 44 5 Civil Appeals 626 924 1550 1048 502 6 Civil Revisions 112 215 327 212 115 7 Civil Suits 142 253 395 237 158 8 Bail Applications 481 5442 5923 5514 409 9 Election Petitoin 2 2 1 1 10 Execution Petition 58 111 169 86 83 11 Misc. Applications 221 407 628 480 148 12 Proceeding U/s 514 29 15 Total 2258 8364 10593 8569 2039

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SARGODHA 1 Sessions Cases 220 456 676 495 181 2 Hadood Cases 262 473 735 567 168 3 Narcotics Caes 85 181 266 228 38 4Crl.A.4240824933 5 Crl. Rev 92 181 273 204 69 6 Civil A. 901 1004 1905 1044 861 7 Civil Rev 138 162 300 179 121 8 Bail Application 416 4504 4920 4596 324 9 Inquiry 1 2 3 2 1 10 Lunency Petition 0 0 0 0 0 11 Election Petition 28 0 28 10 18 12 Execution Petition 0 0 0 0 0 13 Civil Suits 46 126 172 85 87 14 Misc 400 2029 2429 1933 496 15 S.t.a. Case 1 0 1 1 0 Total 2632 9158 11790 9393 2397

72 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SHEIKHUPURA 1 Sessions Cases 349 455 804 517 287 2 Sessions Special Cases 51 0 51 24 27 3 Special Cases 107 25 132 54 78 4CriminalCases 7 1320 14 6 5 Hudood Cases 273 331 604 398 206 6 Criminal Appeals 14 52 66 55 11 7 Criminal Revisions 41 150 191 176 15 8 Narcotic Cases 192 254 446 354 92 9 Civil Cases 812 1202 2014 1512 502 10 Civil Revosions 152 328 480 358 122 11 Civil Suits 31 65 96 58 38 12 Auqaf Cases 2 1 3 3 0 13 Election Petitions 257 13 270 220 50 14 Lunancy Cases 1 4 5 3 2 15 Execution Petitions 39 22 61 19 42 16 Bail Petitions 452 9291 9743 9120 623 17 Misc. Applications 148 847 995 841 154 18 Enquiries 4 6 10 7 3 19 Habeas Corpus (391 CrPC) 0 93 93 89 4 20 Civil Service Appeals 0 1 1 1 0 21 Writ Petitions 0 195 195 112 83 Total 2932 13348 16280 13935 2345

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SIALKOT 1 Sessions Cases 338 288 626 336 290 2 Hudood Cases 327 182 509 208 301 3 Special Sta Caess 40 8 48 22 26 4 Narcotics Cases 369 439 808 493 315 5 Crl. Appeal 24 8 32 29 3 6 Crl. Rev: 38 110 48 125 -77 7 Bail Application 476 6169 6645 6174 471 8 Civil Appeal 1118 862 1980 1155 825 9 Rent Appeal 14 27 41 33 8 10 Family Appeals 93 84 177 150 27 11 Guardian Appeals 11 12 23 17 6 12 Civil Revision 111 164 275 186 89 13 Civil Suits 42 57 99 63 36 14 Election Petition 24 51 75 70 5 15 Aquaf Cases 1 0 1 0 1 16 Execution/luncy Act 16 66 82 0 82 17 Misc 26 211 237 162 75 18 Juvanile Cases 1 6 7 5 2

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 73 Total 3069 8744 11713 9228 2485

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 TOBA TEK SINGH 1 Session Cases 82 92 174 105 69 2 Hadood Cases 112 105 217 94 123 3 Narcotics Cases 21 31 52 31 21 4Crl.Appeal2952815823 5 Crl. Revision 20 85 105 75 30 6 Civil Appeal 296 597 893 500 393 7 Civil Revision 62 139 201 124 77 8 Bail Application 134 1840 1974 1879 95 9 Launency Petition 2 2 2 10 Election Petition 328 8 336 211 125 11 Execution Petition 29 8 37 11 26 12 Civil Suits 32 44 76 31 45 13Misc.4849975245 Total 1195 3050 4245 3171 1074

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 VEHARI 1 Sessions Cases 210 312 522 182 340 2 Hudood Cases 427 542 969 203 766 3 Narcotics Cases 61 134 195 35 160 4 Civil Appeals 961 1721 2682 1145 1537 5 Civil Revisons 138 424 562 238 324 6 Crl. Appeal 36 74 110 41 69 7 Crl. Revision 64 251 315 173 142 8 Civil Suits 252 349 601 208 393 9 Other 407 5671 6078 5729 349 Total 2556 9478 12034 7954 4080

74 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 4.2.5 Case Category-wise Statistics from the Districts: Civil Judges and Judicial Mag- istrates

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ATTOCK 1 Civil Suits 4435 3968 8403 3144 5259 2 Executions 552 610 1162 667 495 3Rent 19 3655 40 15 4 Ref Under Land Acq 1733 24 1757 501 1256 5 Seccession 121 354 475 406 69 6 Family 432 1011 1443 1030 413 7 Guardian 177 205 382 251 131 8 Misc 473 499 972 737 235 9 Crl. 1st Class Cases 2048 7155 9203 7097 2106 10 Crl. Sec: Cases 571 719 1290 479 811 Total 10561 14581 25142 14352 10790

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 BAHAWALNAGAR 1 Civil Suits 5874 5833 11707 4466 7241 2 Family 1961 3240 5201 3161 2040 3Rent 32 4678 31 47 4 Execution 921 709 1630 587 1043 5 Insolvency 4 4 3 1 6 Successions 96 312 408 193 215 7 Guardian 224 340 564 319 245 8 Objectionappl. 10 11 21 13 8 9 Misc. 629 855 1484 664 820 10 1st Class Case 6906 4888 11794 3297 8497 11 Sec 30 Cases 856 912 1768 445 1323 12 Land Acq 9 9 1 8 Total 17522 17146 34668 13180 21488

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 BAHAWALPUR 1 Civil Suits 6837 8812 15649 7928 7721 2 Family Suits 2521 4705 7226 4670 2556 3 Guardianship Cases 232 353 585 353 232 4 Rent Petitions 82 92 174 117 57 5 Execution Petitions 1865 1063 2928 1147 1781 6 Insolvency 26 10 36 18 18 7 Succession 149 297 446 339 107

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 75 8 Misc 1814 1306 3120 1553 1567 9 Others Catagories 22 884 906 895 11 10 Section 30 Cases 1673 982 2655 950 1705 11 Ist Class Crl. Cases 10368 9628 19996 7573 12423 Total 25589 28132 53721 25443 28278

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 BHAKKAR 1 Civil Suits 4797 3680 8477 3496 4981 2 Family Suits 759 1142 1901 1163 738 3 Rent Application 7 25 32 16 16 4 Executions Petition 461 268 729 174 555 5 Insolvency 16 8 24 14 10 6 Custody Of Minors 127 120 247 115 132 7 Succession Petition 45 125 170 126 44 8 Misc. Application. 767 421 1188 528 660 9 Crl. Cases Ist Class 2103 2103 1767 3870 1583 2287 10 Crl. Cases Sec 30 541 341 882 219 663 Total 9623 7897 17520 7434 10086

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 CHAKWAL 1 Civil Suits 5539 3786 9325 3270 6055 2 Execution 634 606 1240 433 807 3 Rent Cases 42 66 108 62 46 4 Land Acquaition 12 8 20 10 10 5 Successions 138 453 591 405 186 6 Family Cases 611 905 1516 804 712 7 Guardian Cases 107 265 372 178 194 8 Misc. Application 301 518 819 408 411 9 Others Cases 1 1 2 1 1 10 Inquaries 1 9 10 8 2 11 Criminal Cases Sec. 30. 430 1118 1548 844 704 12 Cr. Cases (Other) 3088 5944 9032 5061 3971 Total 10904 13679 24583 11484 13099

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA GHAZI KHAN 1 Civil Suits 4121 2639 6760 2233 4527 2 Family Cases 1249 1337 2586 1293 1293 3 Guardian Cases 64 255 319 198 121

76 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 4 Rent Petition 48 25 73 33 40 5 Crl: Cases Ist Class 6163 3398 9561 1773 7788 6 Crl: Cases Sec: 30 927 386 1313 271 1042 7 Others 783 1097 1880 648 1232 Total 13355 9137 22492 6449 16043

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 FAISALABAD 1 Civil Suit 16097 12614 28711 13454 15257 2 Election Petition 2 2 2 3 Insolvency 17 25 42 30 12 4 Execution 1779 1024 2803 1027 1776 5 Rent Cases. 502 485 987 347 640 6 Land Acq. 39 3 42 21 21 7 Sucession 347 1071 1418 1064 354 8 Family Cases 3796 5824 9620 5651 3969 9 Guardian 535 1115 1650 1150 500 10 Misc. 2476 2114 4590 2024 2566 11 Pauper Application 58 20 78 14 64 12 Objection 36 60 96 61 35 13 Inquiry 37 42 79 48 31 14 Review 6 10 16 13 3 15 Ist Class 3227 6470 38697 7407 31290 16 Sec.30 6440 1299 7739 1494 6245 Total 35394 32176 96570 33805 62765

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 GUJRANWALA 1 Regular Suits 6395 5327 11722 4750 6972 2 Execution Cases 863 754 1617 484 1133 3 Rent Cases 144 192 336 187 149 4 Succession Cases 159 587 746 543 203 5 Family Cases 1339 2777 4116 2341 1775 6 Guardian Cases 272 517 789 518 271 7 Misc. Cases 1686 1299 2985 1251 1734 8 Crl. Cases Sec 30 3394 2269 5663 1150 4513 9 Crl. Cases 1st Class 20816 8671 29487 8574 20913 Total 35068 22393 57461 19798 37663

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 GUJRAT

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 77 1 Civil Suit 7246 4306 11552 3941 7611 2 Family Cases 959 1575 2534 1575 959 3 Rent Cases 56 73 129 75 54 4 Execution Petition 957 706 1663 440 1223 5 Succession 188 703 891 846 45 6 Guardian Cases 189 366 555 376 179 7 Insolvency 1 1 2 0 2 8LandAcq: 1 3 4 2 2 9 Misc. 1063 756 1819 888 931 10 Paupor Applicant 0 2 2 0 2 11 Crl. Sec: 30 815 1193 2008 951 1057 12 1st Crl. Misc 7304 3766 11070 5263 5807 Total 18779 13450 32229 14357 17872

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 HAFIZABAD 1 Civil Cases 821 2834 3655 1934 1721 2 Execution Cases 138 285 423 172 251 3 Rent Cases 0 18 18 10 8 4 Land Acquisition 3 3 3 5 Succession Cases 24 79 103 72 31 6 Family Cases 250 964 1214 851 363 7 Guardin Cases 51 209 260 152 108 8 Mis.cases 608 869 1477 869 608 9 Criminal Sec.30 483 834 1317 608 709 10 Criminal 1st Class 1273 5371 6644 2839 3805 11 Bail Application 8 713 721 702 19 Total 3659 12176 15835 8209 7626

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ISLAMABAD 1 Civil Suits 5171 5616 10787 5388 5399 2 Rent Cases 101 475 576 324 252 3 Executions 727 800 1527 657 870 4 Family Cases 338 1324 1662 1179 483 5 Succession 48 318 366 316 50 6 Land Acquisition 39 23 62 3 59 7 Guardian Applications 114 432 546 349 197 8 Misc. Applications 489 1447 1936 1081 855 9 Cases 5165 3291 8456 1761 6695 Total 12192 13726 25918 11058 14860

78 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 JHANG 1 Civil Suits 10374 9022 19396 8471 10925 2 Insolvency Cases 3 4 7 0 7 3 Execution Petition 976 894 1870 1715 155 4 Rent Cases 105 103 208 98 110 5 Land Acquisition 10 2 12 1 11 6 Succession Cases 167 526 693 634 59 7 Family Cases 2992 3950 6942 3981 2961 8 Guardian Cases 433 435 868 589 279 9 Misc. 6365 18945 25310 18925 6385 10 Crl. Sec. 30 Cases 1231 840 2071 817 1254 11 Crl. 1st Class 11910 8601 20511 8510 12001 Total 34566 43322 77888 43741 34147

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 JHELUM 1 Civil Suit 4354 2787 7141 3004 4137 2 Family Suits 522 914 1436 905 531 3 Guardian 158 226 384 272 112 4 Rent Cases 39 44 83 54 29 5 Successions 79 406 485 364 121 6 Misc Application 540 752 1292 568 724 7 Executions. 411 283 694 266 428 8Others. 2 5 7 6 1 9 Crl. Cases 2886 2973 5859 3989 1870 Total 8991 8390 17381 9428 7953

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KASUR 1 Regular Suit 7207 2919 10126 5247 4879 2 Execution 989 317 1306 393 913 3 Rent Cases 30 58 88 39 49 4 Land Acquision 55 30 85 27 58 5 Succession Cases 142 176 318 238 80 6 Family Cases 1476 2537 4013 2351 1662 7 Guardian Cases 231 173 404 237 167 8 Misc: Petitions 991 1330 2321 878 1443 9 Crl. Ist Class Cases 10906 9442 20348 8633 11715 10 Crl. Cases S:30 2218 2438 4656 1523 3133 Total 24245 19420 43665 63085 24099

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 79 Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHANEWAL 1 Civil Suits 4178 5416 9594 4792 4802 2 Family Suits 1305 2758 4063 2824 1239 3 Rent Petitions 7 56 63 36 27 4 Successions Pet. 92 303 395 291 104 5 Guardian Pet 139 296 435 269 166 6 Execution Pet. 564 591 1155 327 828 7 Ejectment Petitions 7 10 17 2 15 8 Misc. Petition 652 921 1573 779 794 9 Criminal Cases 7520 6997 14517 5677 8840 10 Total 14464 17348 31812 14997 16815

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHUSHAB 1 Civil Suits 2859 3082 5941 2531 3410 2 Family Suits 476 1069 1545 1020 525 3Rent1229412219 4 Succession 28 206 234 186 48 5 Guardian 25 116 141 128 13 6 Insolvency 1 1 2 0 2 7 Misc. 157 306 463 218 245 8 Execution 257 208 465 167 298 9LandAct51624 10 Crl. Sec. 30 752 449 1201 146 1055 11 Crl.1st.class 1767 1907 3674 1967 1707 Total 6339 7374 13713 6387 7326

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LAHORE 1 Civil Suits 30074 29536 59610 25461 34149 2 Small Causes Cases 150 141 291 130 161 3 Insolvency Cases 43 59 102 42 60 4 Execution Petition 4267 2927 7194 2515 4679 5 Rent Cases 2055 1789 3874 1841 2033 6 Land Acquistion Cases 125 15 140 9 131 7 Cases Under Succession 874 2088 2962 2017 945 8 Family Cases 7443 9577 17020 9663 7357 9 Guardian Cases 974 2235 3209 1646 1563 10 Misc. Cases 7062 8605 15667 7710 7957 11 Other Categories 2041 82 2123 17 2106 12 Sec.30 Cases 5779 11615 17394 6304 11090 13 Other Than Sec. 30 20645 30963 51608 21559 30049

80 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Total 81532 99632 181194 78914 102280

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LAYYAH 1 Civil Suite. 3528 2868 6396 2779 3617 2 Family Suits. 841 1236 2077 1445 632 3 Insolvency. 1 1 1 4 Rent Matter. 17 9 26 7 19 5 Execution Petitions. 281 223 504 212 292 6 Misc. Applications. 488 306 794 419 375 7 Guardian Cases. 111 161 272 195 77 8 Successioncertificate. 66 107 173 137 36 9 Crl. Cases. Ist Class. 3132 4612 7744 4475 3269 10 Crl. Cases. Sec. 30. 352 550 902 520 382 11 Others (crl.) S.j.m. 2987 3095 6082 2706 3376 Total 11804 13167 24971 12895 12076

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LODHRAN 1 Civil Cases 2902 2832 5734 2945 2789 2 Family Cases 849 1563 2412 1410 1002 3 Ejectment Petition 10 4 14 4 10 4 Execution 537 260 797 322 475 5 Successions 26 83 109 74 35 6 Guardian 69 191 260 217 43 7 Misc. 368 468 836 413 423 8 Crl. Sec 30 602 557 1159 489 670 9 Crl 1st Class 2906 2526 5432 1900 3532 Total 8269 8484 16753 7774 8979

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MANDI BAHAUDDIN 1 Civil Cases 5396 3141 8537 2910 5627 2 Family Cases 972 1545 2517 1510 1007 3 Ejectment 14 17 31 23 8 4 Execution. 515 286 801 295 506 5 Succession 60 233 293 205 88 6Guardian432770619 7 Hisanat 70 107 177 108 69 8 Insolvancy Suits. 9 9 3 6 9 Misc. 875 451 1326 442 884 10 Pauper 11 8 19 3 16

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 81 11 Crl. Cases 30 1213 319 1532 534 998 12 Crl Ist Class. 6589 3020 9609 2127 7482 13 Rent Cases 3 3 3 0 Total 15761 9163 24924 8224 16700

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MIANWALI 1 Civil Suits 2148 2386 4534 1670 2864 2 Insolvency 1 4 5 5 3 Land Acquisition 5 12 17 17 4 Guardian 80 400 480 312 168 5 Succession 36 173 209 182 27 6 Family 592 1192 1784 1027 757 7 Execution 233 319 552 259 293 8 Rent 15 8 23 18 5 9 Misc. 222 168 390 170 220 10 Crl. Sec. 30 865 1623 2488 994 1494 11 Crl. Ist Class. 2465 3468 3051 Total 6662 9753 16415 7683 8732

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MULTAN 1 Regular Suits 8053 10770 18823 10052 8771 2 Insolvency Cases 0 21 21 11 10 3 Execution Cases 1975 2122 4097 2006 2091 4 Rent Cases 207 371 578 375 203 5 Land Acquisition Cases 53 19 72 5 67 6 Successions 174 568 742 567 175 7 Family Cases 3522 7379 10901 7023 3878 8 Guardian Cases 1738 1103 2841 1204 1637 9 Miscellaneous Cases 1924 2803 4727 2629 2098 10 Section 30 3088 3107 6195 4337 1858 11 1st Class 6699 17136 23835 15479 8356 Total 27433 45399 72832 43688 29144

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MUZAFFARGARH 1 Regular Suits 6637 5798 12435 5436 6999 2 Insolvancy Cases 4 1 5 3 2 3 Execution Cases. 1182 773 1955 725 1230 4 Rent Cases 22 39 61 31 30

82 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 5 Land Acquisition Cases 33 33 2 31 6 Succession Act Cases 44 218 262 166 96 7 Family Cases 1963 4352 6315 3966 2349 8 Grardian Cases 147 281 428 243 185 9 Misc. Applications 801 3122 3923 3010 913 10 Other Cases 6 6 2 4 11 Section 30 1217 986 2203 607 12 Other Than S. 30 8615 6348 14963 4615 Total 20665 21924 42589 18806 23783

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 NAROWAL 1 Civil Suits 3008 2539 5547 2613 2934 2 Insolvency Cases 3 2 5 2 3 3 Execution Petitions 425 362 787 341 446 4 Rent Cases 13 14 27 20 7 5 Land Acquisition 0 1 1 0 1 6 Succession Application 104 225 329 243 86 7 Family Suits 420 1164 1584 940 644 8 Guardian Application 94 156 250 145 105 9 Misc. Application 637 560 1197 515 682 10 Enquiry 0 1 1 1 0 11 Criminal: Sec 30 Cases 940 915 1855 586 1269 12 Criminal 1st Class Cases 5646 3402 9048 4066 4982 13 Bail Application 42 723 765 750 15 Total 11332 10064 21396 10222 11174

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 OKARA 1 Civil Suits 10267 8233 18500 8065 10435 2 Family Suits 3020 3250 6270 3137 3133 3 Rent 101 69 170 63 107 4 Objection Petition 3 2 5 3 2 5 Execution Petition 811 1038 1849 638 1211 6 Succession Cases 55 143 198 180 18 7 Misc. 3456 15820 19276 14725 4551 8 Pauper Application 3 1 4 2 2 9 Crl. Sec. 30 26315 5791 32106 5891 26215 10 Crl. Sec. 30 2793 497 3290 536 2754 11 Contempt Court 21 11 32 6 26 12 Sale Of Property 19 53 72 61 11 13 Insolvency 3 4 7 0 7 14 Gaurdian 398 493 891 512 379 Total 47265 35405 82670 33819 48851

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 83 Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 PAKPATTAN SHARIF 1 Civil Suits 3083 5407 8490 5031 3459 2 Family Suits 1470 3143 4613 3049 1564 3 Guardian Cases 170 280 450 294 156 4 Succession Cert. 56 126 182 133 49 5 Exec. Petitions 600 659 1259 526 733 6 Rent Cases 42 23 65 43 22 7 Civil Misc. Petitions 478 895 1373 761 612 8 Arbitration Petitions 4 8 12 7 5 9 Inquiry 1 5 6 6 0 10 Contempt Applications 29 27 56 24 32 11 Crl. Cases Sec: 30 920 846 1766 657 1109 12 Crl. Cases 1st Class 5739 7028 12767 6685 6082 13 Bail Applications 12 1053 1065 1060 5 14 Proc. U/s 514 CrPC 98 150 248 139 109 15 Crl. Misc: Petitions 541 808 1349 565 784 16 Security Cases S.107/151 468 297 765 546 219 17 Cases U/s 182 PPC 44 2 46 18 28 Total 13755 20757 34512 19544 14968

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 RAHIM YAR KHAN 1 Civil Suits 13566 9570 23136 6698 16438 2 Family 1701 3737 5438 3622 1816 3 Rent 94 148 242 103 139 4 Execution 735 1150 1885 544 1341 5 Guardian 143 865 1008 430 578 6 Insolvency 54 72 126 65 61 7 Misc 1171 1587 2758 1798 960 8 Crl. 1st Class 10140 11469 21609 2889 18720 9 Sec. 30 Class 843 1017 1860 286 1574 Total 28447 29615 58062 16435 41627

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 RAJANPUR 1 Civil Suits 2392 1622 4014 2245 1769 2 Family Cases 539 889 1428 997 431 3 Execution Petion 405 183 588 303 285 4 Succession Case 29 82 111 83 28 5 Guardian Cases 94 126 220 134 86 6 Misc. Application 347 283 630 338 292 7 Rent Cases 8 5 13 8 5

84 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 8 Crl.cases 1st Class 7627 2331 9958 3009 6949 9 Crl.cases S. 30. 693 896 1589 410 1179 Total 12134 6417 18551 7527 11024

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 RAWALPINDI 1 Civil Suits 13904 6382 20286 7337 12949 2 Family Cases 3199 2982 6181 2980 3201 3 Rent 306 245 551 210 341 4 Succession Cases 352 135 487 170 317 5 Execution 2758 797 3555 835 2720 6 Guardian 1384 395 1779 370 1409 7 Misc. 15288 6388 21676 6818 14858 8 Insolvency 5 2 7 3 4 9 Papuer Suits 5 0 5 2 3 10 Land Acquistion 152 2 154 27 127 11 Arbitration 4 2 6 2 4 12 Crl. Cases 1st Class 3084 1398 4482 1433 3049 13 Sec. 30 17406 14533 31939 15734 16205 Total 57847 33261 91108 35921 55187

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SAHIWAL 1 Regular Suits 6112 8437 14549 7058 7491 2 Insolventy Cases 16 7 23 13 10 3 Execution Cases 896 821 1717 653 1064 4 Rent Cases 46 47 93 45 48 5 Land Acq. Cases 6 0 6 1 5 6 Succession Cert. 114 322 436 288 148 7 Family Cases 1379 3334 4713 2866 1847 8 Guardian Cases 220 328 548 275 273 9 Misc. Applications 925 1192 2117 916 1201 10 Criminal Cases 8436 11471 19907 6981 12926 11 Proc. U/s 514 CrPC 61 161 222 30 192 Total 18211 26120 44331 19126 25205

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SARGODHA 1 Civil Suits 11255 8298 19553 8388 11165 2 Insolvency 62 40 102 42 60 3 Execution 1318 615 1933 564 1369

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 85 4 Rent Cases 60 176 236 110 126 5 Land Act 23 2 25 3 22 6 Succession 224 527 751 473 278 7 Family Cases 2206 3953 6159 3899 2260 8 Guardian 210 680 890 488 402 9 Misc. 1770 1448 3218 1339 1879 10 Sec.30 2932 1078 4010 1429 2581 11 Ist- Class. 9726 7078 16804 6806 9998 Total 29786 23895 53681 23541 30140

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SHEIKHUPURA 1 Civil Cases 8985 8133 17118 7941 9177 2 Family Cases 1500 3253 4753 2985 1768 3 Guardian Cases 123 377 500 337 163 4 Rent Petitions 100 116 216 114 102 5 Execution Petitions 1282 663 1945 588 1357 6 Enquiries 22 22 44 33 11 7 Succession Cert. 105 534 639 476 163 8 Land Acquisition 32 3 35 13 22 9 Misc. Applications 1353 1316 2669 1487 1182 10 Cr. Cases Ist Class 7222 6577 13799 5555 8244 11 Cr. Cases Section:30 1856 3440 5296 1453 3843 Total 22580 24434 47014 20982 26032

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SIALKOT 1 Civil Suits 9597 6975 16572 5453 11119 2 Insovency 18 21 39 21 18 3 Exectution 1299 684 1983 614 1369 4 Rent 162 182 344 148 196 5 Land Acquisition 1 1 1 6 Succession 182 586 768 612 156 7 Family Cases 1592 2469 4061 2679 1382 8 Guardian Cases 232 512 744 453 291 9 Misc. Applications 1861 1054 2915 1130 1785 10 Criminal Sec-30 2042 571 2613 485 2128 11 Criminal 1st Class 11047 6214 17261 4031 13230 12 P.p.c 1385 266 1651 565 1086 13 Islamic Laws 820 504 1324 550 774 14 Social Security 560 559 1119 504 615 15 Summary Cases 2422 9698 12120 9501 2619 Total 33220 30295 63515 26746 36769

86 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 TOBA TEK SINGH 1 Civil Suits 4900 3635 8535 3305 5230 2 Family 1303 1451 2754 1796 958 3Rent1429433112 4 Guardian 386 260 646 331 315 5 Successin 132 127 259 131 128 6 Insolvancy 3 0 3 0 3 7LandAcquistion 0 0 0 0 0 8 Objection Petition 4 1 5 2 3 9 Execution 650 635 1285 1015 270 10 Misc. 1040 1035 2075 1080 995 11 Crl. Sec. 30 2067 1969 4036 1948 2088 12 Crl.1st Class 7407 6935 14342 6822 7520 Total 17906 16077 33983 16461 17522

Institution Disposal Ser. Category of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 VEHARI 1 Civil Suits 6713 6016 12729 6880 5849 2 Family Cases 1835 2973 4808 3170 1638 3 Guardian Cases 247 306 553 316 237 4 Succession Cases 70 307 377 109 268 5 Rent Cases 24 49 73 33 40 6 Execution Cases 1205 645 1850 527 1323 7 Insolvency Cases 3 2 5 5 0 8 Land Acquisition 3 1 4 4 0 9 Misc. Application 606 753 1359 976 383 10 Criminal Cases 11875 5879 17754 5638 12116 Total 22581 16931 39512 17658 21854

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 87 4.2.6 Court-wise Statistics from the Districts: Sessions Dvision

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ATTOCK 1 Mr. Manzoor Hussain 270 1389 1659 1643 16 Malik D SJ 2 Mr. Sohail Nasir, Ad SJ 189 1585 1774 1724 50 3 Mirza Rafi Uz Zaman Ad 346 688 1034 1034 SJ 4 MianMuhammadAnwar 0 1030 -1030 Ad SJ 5 Rao Sultan Ali Tahir Ad 427 151 578 578 SJ 6 Mr. Muhammad Saleem 37 37 615 -578 Uppal Ad SJ 7 Rao Javed Akhtar Ad SJ 473 473 429 44 8 Mr. Tahir Sabir Ad SJ 91 91 72 19 9 Mr. Mehmood-ul-hassan 3421 1073 4494 1565 2929 Sr. C.J 10 Mr. Zafar Iqbal Tarar 1727 2172 3899 1602 2297 C.J. 11 Mr. Ameer Mukhtiar 511 2070 2581 2251 330 Gondal C.J. 12 Miss Samia Asad C.J. 472 1661 2133 1468 665 13 Mr. Mohd. Iqbal Khala- 1212 857 2069 1415 654 yar C.J. 14 Mr.mohd Saeed Raza 546 1166 1712 876 836 C.J. 15 Mr. Faiz Ahmed Zaheer 1003 727 1730 894 836 C.J. 16 Mr. Mohd. Sarfraz 1419 1013 2432 1304 1128 Akhtar 17 Mr. Ibrahim Ullah Khan 318 3809 4127 3819 308 Total 11861 18962 30823 20707 10116

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 BAHAWALNAGAR 1 Mr. Muhammad Khalil 117 630 747 618 129 Chaudhary, District Ses- sions Judge, Bhawalna- gar 2 Mr. Masood Arshad 196 915 1111 947 164 Addl. Distt. Session Judge, Bahawalanagr 3 Mr. Shahid Mehmood 255 754 1009 689 320 Addl. Distt, Sessions Judge, Bahawalnagar

88 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 4 Rao Javed Akhtar, Addl. 338 725 1063 810 253 Distt Sessions Judge Ba- hawalnagar 5 Mr. M. Mushraf Hassan 146 775 921 740 181 Sumra Addl. Distt. Ses- sions Judge, Bahawalna- gar 6 Mr. Khalid Mehmood, 261 1174 1435 1167 268 Addl. Distt. Sessions Judge, Chishtian 7 Mr. Ikram Ullah, Addl. 149 724 873 724 149 Distt. Sessions Judge, Haroonabad 8 Mr. Ikram Ullah, Addl. 101 405 506 408 98 Distt. Sessions Judge, Haroonabad Camp At Fortabbas 9 Mr. Ghazanfar Haider 1600 1700 3300 1192 2108 Pasha, Sesnior Civil Judge/mag.sec. 30, Bahawalnagar 10 Mr. Muhammad Zafar 2241 1600 3841 1239 2602 Iqbal, Civil Judge 1st Class Class/mag, Sec. 30, Bahawalnagar 11 Saradar Muhammad 2263 1130 3393 1338 2055 Iqbal Dogar Civil Judge 1st Class/mag, Sec 30 Bahawalnagar 12 Mian Muhammad 00000 Ali, Civil Judge 1st Class/mag. Sec. 30, Bahawalnagar 13 Mr. Nishat Afzal, Civil 1230 1108 2338 1101 1237 Judge-cum-judicial Mag. 1st. Class, Bahawalnagar 14 Mr.nadeem Khizar Ran- 0 1157 1157 2 1155 jha, Civil Judge-cum- judicial Mag, 1st Class, Bahawalnagr 15 Mr. Muhammad Ashraf 1857 1791 3648 1499 2149 Bhatti, Civil Judge 1st Class/mag. Sec. 30, Chishtian. 16 Mr. Naveed Ahmad 1711 1937 3648 1875 1773 Khan, Civil Judge-cum- judicial Mag. 1st Class, Chishtian 17 Mr. Irfan Haider, Civil 1303 2398 3701 2102 1599 Judge 1st Class/mag. Sec, 30, Minehinabad

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 89 18 Mr. Muhammad Saleem 1198 1462 2660 1092 1568 Shaikh, Civil Judge- cum-judicial Mag. 1st. Class Minehinabad 19 Ch. Muhammad Hus- 1347 1726 3073 1152 1921 sain, Civil Judge 1st Class/mag, Sec. 30, Ha- roonabad 20 Zulifqar Ahmed Naeem 1390 1265 2655 1138 1517 Ranjha, Civil Judge 1st Class/mag, Sec. 30, Ha- roonabad 21 Mr. Israr Zada, Civil 956 1857 2813 1375 1438 Judge 1st Class/mag. Sec, 30, Fortabbas 22 Mr. Amjad Bashir Spe- 1716 1805 3521 2570 951 cial Judicial Magistrar, Bahawalnagar 23 Mahr Ameer Baksh, Spe- 1116 864 1980 816 1164 cial Judicial Magistrare, Chishtian 24 Mr. Toqeer Qureshi, Spe- 889 1961 2850 1888 962 cial Judicial Magistrate, Minhinabad 25 Mr. Ahmadyar Khan 292 767 1059 779 280 Special Judicial Magis- trate, Haroonabad 26 Ch. Muhammad Akhtar 243 527 770 426 344 Ali, Special Judicial Magistrate, Fortabbas Total: 22915 31157 54072 27687 26385

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 BAHAWALPUR 1 Mr. Badar-uz-zaman 236 1007 1243 1152 91 Chattha , D SJ, Bwp 2 Muhammad Afzal Javed 185 937 1122 751 371 Ad SJ, Bwp 3 Ch. Khaliq-uz-zaman Ad 158 846 1004 799 205 SJ, Bahawalpur 4 Malik Naseem Hassan 115 587 702 592 110 Ad SJ, Bahawalpur 5 Mr. Masood Arshad, Ad 117 391 508 378 130 SJ, Bahawalpur 6 Mr. Shahid Rafiq Sh. Ad 165 299 464 378 86 SJ Bahawalpur 7 Qazi Waqar Hussain Ad 169 1013 1182 962 220 SJ, Bahawalpur 8 Mr. Muhammad Shafiq 0 903 903 399 504 Butt, Ad SJ, B/pur

90 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 9 Mr. Nazir Ahmad Aqeel 1240 2088 3328 1899 1429 Ad SJ, Ahmadpur East 10 Mr. Shahid Rafiq Sh. Ad 227 405 632 393 239 SJ , Hasilpur 11 Mr. Muhammad 2160 919 3079 1449 1630 Shafique Butt Mr. Muhammad Amjad Ali Khan Senior Civil Judge, Bahawalpur 12 Mr. Muhammad Iqbal 1729 2199 3928 1077 2851 Khan Civil Judge Ist Class, 13 Mr. Khizar Hayat 1806 1246 3052 1311 1741 Gondal Civil Judge Ist Class 14 Mr. Muhammad Munir 1898 446 2344 2344 0 Gondal Civil Judge Iii Class, Bwp 15 Syed Zaigham Abbas 1442 2085 3527 1096 2431 Rizvi Civil Judge Iii Class, Bwp 16 Mr. Naveed Bari, Civil 1166 2142 3308 912 2396 Judge Iii Class, Bwp 17 Mr. Muhammad Abu 00 Bakar Sidiq Civil Judge Iii Class, Bwp 18 Mr. Sarfraz Ali Mirza 00 Civil Judge Iii Class, Bwp 19 Mr. Shahzad Muzafar 0 274 274 41 233 Hamdani Civil Judge Iii Class, Bwp 20 Mr. Imran Shafi Rana, 0 443 443 35 408 Civil Judge Iii Class. Bwp 21 Mr.muhammad Ahte- 0 481 481 41 440 sham Sadiq Civil Judge Iii Class, Bwp 22 Mr. Muhammad Tariq 1629 1581 3210 1634 1576 Javed, Spl. Judl. Magis- trate, Bwp 23 Syed Azhar Ali Bukhari 1200 1146 2346 1267 1079 Civil Judge Ist Class Ahmedpur East 24 Mr. Muhammad Ata Ra- 866 357 1223 1223 0 bani Civil Judge Iii Class Ahmedpur East 25 Mr. Muhammad Yunas 957 2045 3002 1545 1457 Lar Civil Judge Iii Class, Ahmedpur East 26 Mr. Muhammad Qa- 1310 1510 2820 1518 1302 maruz Zaman Civil Judge Iii Class, Ahmed- pur East

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 91 27 Mr. Mansur Ata Baluch 778 1429 2207 1074 1133 Civil Judge Iii Class, Ahmedpur East 28 Mr. Muhammad Amjad 0 511 511 11 500 Khan Civil Jugde Iii Class. Ahmedpur East. 29 Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad 278 470 748 748 0 Shafique Mag: Sec: 30, Ahmedpur East 30 Mian Jamil Ahmad Spl. 1012 2457 3469 1631 1838 Judl. Magistrate, Ape 31 Mian Muhammad 2063 1111 3174 1533 1641 Yaqoob Civil Jugde Iii Class, Yazman 32 Mr.m.yasir Arfat Civil 727 768 1495 582 913 Jugde Iii Class,yazman 33 Mr. Shahbaz Ali 724 891 1615 898 717 Paracha, Civil Jugde Ist Class, Khairpur Tamiwali 34 Mr.alam Sher Civil 0 281 281 5 276 Jugde Iii Class, Khair- pur Tamiwali 35 Mirza Muhammad In- 540 464 1004 655 349 ayat Judl. Magistrate Khairpur Tamiwali 36 Mr. Muhammad Iqbal 1755 1208 2963 1405 1558 Khan Mr. Ahmed Nawaz Khan Civil Judge Ist Class, Hasilpur 37 Mr. Zahid Hussain 817 1049 1866 881 985 Bakhtiar Civil Jugde Iii Class, Hasilpur 38 Mian Imam Bakhsh 732 619 1351 527 824 Spl. Judl. Magistrate, Hasilpur. Total 28201 36608 64809 33146 31663

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 BHAKKAR 1 Muhammad Hanif Khan, 144 1086 1230 1078 152 District Sessions Judge, Bhakkar 2 Malik Riaz Ahmad 397 514 911 582 329 Khokhar Addl: Dis- trict Sessions Judge-i, Bhakkar 3 Mr. Zafar Hussain 425 659 1084 747 337 Bhatti, Addl: Dis- trict Sessions Judge-ii, Bhakkar

92 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 4 Mr. Shafique Ahmad 179 328 507 327 180 Bhatti, Addl: District Sessions Judge, Kallur Kot 5 Senior Civil Judge 1982 907 2889 1299 1590 6 Civil Judge Sec. 30 1825 1366 3191 1490 1701 7M.JamilAhmad 1791 1001 2792 852 1940 Shahzad 8 Ch. Ishfaq Ahmed C.J. 815 1494 2309 1093 1216 9 Mr. Ijaz Ahmed Basal 957 1226 2183 1115 1068 10 Syed Ali Abbas C.J. 669 739 1408 598 810 11 Mr. Mohd. Farukh 1593 1178 2771 1006 1765 Hameed. 12 Dr. Noor Mohd. Awan. 70 2470 2540 2490 50 Total 10847 12968 23815 12677 11138

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 CHAKWAL 1 C.h Riaz Ahmed D SJ 303 1370 1673 1433 240 2 Hussan Mubror Ad SJ 243 644 887 644 243 3 Ad SJ Tala Gang 339 635 974 722 252 4 Mian Mansab Ali Joyia, 1747 1825 3572 2322 1250 Scj, Chakwal. 5 Rifaqqt Ali, Cj, Chak- 1411 1576 2987 1471 1516 wal. 6 Mr. Abid Ali, Cj, Chak- 1744 1404 3148 1140 2008 wal. 7 M. Masuood Hussain, 1821 1951 3772 1429 2343 Cj, Chakwal. 8 Miss. Farkhanda Bahar, 843 2115 2958 1286 1672 Cj, Chakwal. 9 Raja Jehenzeb Akhtar, 0 1001 1001 37 964 Cj, Chakwal. 10 Muhammad Shafiq Ch. 1389 1258 2647 1374 1273 Cj, Chakwal. 11 Mr. Hussain Raza, Cj, 1429 1427 2856 1191 1665 Chakwal. Total 11269 15206 26475 13049 13426

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA GHAZI KHAN 1 Muhammad Latiq 217 514 731 532 199 Qureshi Distt Sessions Judge 2 Mr. Salah-ud-din Ad SJ, 0 264 264 145 119 D. G. Khan

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 93 3 Mr.shaukat Mehmood 264 835 1099 823 276 AdSJ,D.G.Khan 4Mr.BashirAhmad 218 851 1069 947 122 Bhatti Ad SJ, D.g.khan 5Mr.IshtiaqAhmadAd 290 1188 1478 1150 328 SJ, Taunasa 6 Senior Civil Judge 1408 839 2247 878 1369 7 Khalid Mahmood Ran- 1853 832 2685 694 1991 jha Cj 8 Mr. Nusrat Ali Siddiqui 1346 884 2230 603 1627 9 Mian Abdul Jhaffar 2670 553 3223 521 2702 10 Waseem Ahmad Sheikh 2396 616 3012 839 2173 11 Mr. Abdul Jabbar 496 987 1483 656 827 12 Rao Furqan Ahmad 741 1096 1837 698 1139 13 Mr. Abdul Razzaq 818 1583 2401 632 1769 14 Malik Allah Ditta 715 638 1353 280 1073 15 Ch. Perviz Nawaz 912 1109 2021 648 1373 Total 14344 12789 27133 10046 17087

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 FAISALABAD 1 Jawed Iqbal Siddiqui D 296 12199 12495 12339 156 SJ 2 Mehboob Illahi Sheikh 127 1144 1271 1150 121 Ad SJ 3 Sanaullah Khan Niazi 104 476 580 493 87 Ad SJ 4 Rana Abdul Hafeez Ad 231 900 1131 898 233 SJ 5 Zulfiqar Khan Naisr Ad 166 1211 1377 853 524 SJ 6 Nazir Ahmed Aqeel Ad 197 1148 1345 1229 116 SJ 7 Rana Riaz Ahmed Khan 71 736 807 721 86 Ad SJ 8 Ch. Muhammad Rafique 140 1033 1173 996 177 Ad SJ 9 Muhammad Mushaf 122 1234 1356 1123 233 Hassan Sumra Ad SJ 10 Rana Masood Akhtar Ad 70 657 727 622 105 SJ 11 Khalid Naveed Dar Ad 108 472 580 484 96 SJ 12 Ch. Zafar Iqbal Naeem 135 418 553 484 69 Ad SJ 13 Malik Muhammad 103 549 652 544 108 Rafique Ad SJ 14 Mr. Wamiq Javed Ad SJ 260 1204 1464 1149 315 Samundari

94 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 15 Ch. Muhammad Din 599 2050 2649 2017 632 Basra Ad SJ Jarawala 16 Mr. Habib Ullah Aamir 955 955 522 433 Ad SJ Jarawala 17 Senior Civil Judge, Fsd. 1045 2711 3756 3086 670 18 Mubashar Nisar, Cj, Fsd. 1260 307 1567 1567 0 19 Mr. Asmat Ullah Khan 1625 3541 5166 2141 3025 20 Mr. Qamar Ijaz 1685 2215 3900 3220 680 21 Mrs. Mah Rukh Aziz 1187 2173 3360 2285 1075 22 Muhammad Abdul Rafiq 1857 2227 4084 1464 2620 23 Mr. Shahzad Hussain 449 4032 4481 2333 2148 24 Muhammad Iqbal Chad- 1595 2309 3904 2799 1105 har 25 Mr. Muhammad Aamir 525 2152 2677 1568 1109 Habib 26 Mr. Zahid Ghaznavi 420 2721 3141 1603 1538 27 Muhammad Aslam 308 676 984 984 0 Bhatti 28 Mumtaz Ahmad Doger 499 4442 4941 1891 3050 29 Rana Attiq Ur Rehman 592 2412 3004 1104 1900 30 Muhammad Saleem 378 2616 2994 2203 791 31 Mr. Salabat Javed 507 5 512 512 0 32 Umer Sharif Shaikh 392 2408 2800 1935 865 33 Miss Ashan Ijaz Sufi 1343 1458 2801 1831 970 34 Mr. Nadeem Anwar Ch. 308 3528 3836 853 2983 35 Muhammad Ramzan Sh. 426 2219 2645 1645 1000 36 Miss Hina Muzaffar 1079 1911 2990 1774 1216 37 Usman Hameed 463 2679 3142 1888 1254 38 Mr. Nazar Abbas Gondal 103 3586 3689 1035 2654 39 Mr. Farooq Anwar Mian 245 1609 1854 896 958 40 Mr. Amir Zia 265 1691 1956 1186 770 41 Mr. Ikramul Haq Ch. 122 1589 1711 1095 616 42 Mr. Hassan Akmal 284 1830 2114 1291 823 Qureshi 43 Muhammad Ishaq 219 4658 4877 940 3937 Bashir 44 Mr. Yasir Hayyat 165 1528 1693 1101 592 45 Mahr Abdul Haq Jappa 811 310 1121 1121 0 46 Mr. Gulzar Ahmad 515 2472 2987 890 2097 Khalid 47 Mr. Shahbaz Hussain 228 2843 3071 512 2559 48 Mr.nadeem Hassan 489 2336 2825 569 2256 Wasir 49 Mr. Shoiab Amir 369 2242 2611 469 2142 Qureshi 50 Mr. Javaid Iqbal Sipra 245 1564 1809 558 1251 51 Malik Favad Arif 255 2140 2395 552 1843 52 Ijaz Hussain Awan T/w 468 2558 3026 834 2192 53 Mohd. Riaz Bhatti 115 2389 2504 551 1953 54 Mr. Jamshed Mubarik 322 1215 1537 330 1207

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 95 55 Mr. Safdar Ali Bhatti 169 1175 1344 494 850 56 Dr. Mohd. Anwar 268 897 1165 482 683 Gondal 57 Mohd. Ilyas Rehan 280 1028 1308 586 722 58 Raja Afzal Faheem Cj/s 707 2014 2721 1070 1651 59 Mr. Ahmad Iqbal Mian 746 1657 2403 1120 1283 60 Mr. Muhammad Saeed 304 1259 1563 594 969 61 Mr. Qamar Yaseen 525 525 12 513 Nadeem Total 28366 120243 148609 82598 66011

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 GUJRANWALA 1 District Sessions Judge. 178 1753 1931 1636 295 2 Sh. Liaqat Ali Ad SJ. 50 260 310 223 87 3 Syed Iftikhar Hussain, 84 173 257 178 79 Ad SJ 4 Abdul Mustafa Nadeem, 32 32 32 Ad SJ. 5 Sana Ullah Khan Niazi 95 1000 1095 1012 83 Ad SJ. 6 Jamshaid Hussain, Ad 300 811 1111 485 626 SJ. 7 Khalid Mehmood Malik, 417 1291 1708 1197 511 Ad SJ 8 Mr. Tariq Abbasi, Ad SJ. 66 926 992 921 71 9 Sardar Ahmad Khan 137 834 971 832 139 Maikan, Ad SJ. 10 Mr.m.tanvir Mir, Ad SJ. 99 738 837 733 104 11 Abdul Razzaq, Ad SJ 265 468 733 422 311 12 Ch. Muhammad Salee, 10 10 3 7 Ad SJ 13 Mr. Muhammad Salee, 555 555 445 110 Uppal, Ad SJ 14 Rai Muhammad Ayub 138 138 136 2 Khan, Ad SJ 15 Malik Mushtaq Ahmad 554 554 404 150 Ojla, Ad SJ 16 Mr.parvez Ismail Joiya, 604 604 472 132 Ad SJ 17 Mr. Hamid Hussain, Ad 107 50 157 57 100 SJ. 18 Senior Civil Judge 835 1612 2447 1444 1003 19 Malik Shabbir Ahmed 1469 1156 2625 1026 1599 20 Miss Misbah Khan 1716 1607 3323 608 2715 21 Zubair Shahzad 617 629 1246 624 622 22 Mohd. Asif Rana 1403 963 2366 920 1446 23 Mr. Khurram Ali 2126 995 3121 2014 1107

96 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 24 Mr. Abdul Jabbar 1494 734 2228 832 1396 25 Mr. Asad 2306 1148 3454 1260 2194 26 Mr. Hafeez 1805 1234 3039 1134 1905 27 Mr. Zafar Ullah Khan 938 1911 2849 873 1976 28 Mr. Ghulam Murtaza 1389 1679 3068 1022 2046 29 Mr. Fukhar Aftab 977 998 1975 868 1107 30 Mr. Shamsh Hussain 3751 715 4466 939 3527 31 Hakam Khan Bakhar 2172 654 2826 852 1974 32 Sahibzada Naqeeb 1307 1143 2450 855 1595 Shahzad 33 Mohd. Ashraf Bhatti 1653 1329 2982 838 2144 34 Mr. Gulzar Ahmad 2062 2009 4071 2627 1444 35 Mr. Imran Shahbaz 40 3 -3 36 Mr. Fasail Ahmed 738 3059 3797 1130 2667 37 Mr. Irfan Ahmed Sindhu 2382 1470 3852 2289 1563 38 Mr. Jahangir Ahmed 955 938 1893 1309 584 39 Mr. Tasir Ahmad J.m. 1017 28 1045 49 996 Total 34942 36216 71118 32672 38446

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 GUJRAT 1 Abdul Qayyum Rja, D 194 1075 1269 680 589 SJ Gujrat 2 Syed Akhtar Hussain Za- 128 536 664 502 162 hid, A.d. s.j. Gujrat 3 Mian Mureed Hussain 208 732 940 842 98 A.d. S.j. Gujrat 4 Rana Nisar Ahmad A.d. 0 504 504 391 113 S.j. Gujrat 5 Ghaffar Jalil, A.d. S.j. 106 276 382 115 267 Kharian 6 Mian Muhamamd An- 378 1358 1736 1438 298 war, A.d. S.j. Kharian 7 Ch. Muhammad Tariq, 1281 1553 2834 1274 1560 Senior Civil Judge, Gu- jrat 8 Mr. Abdur Raheem, 2008 1164 3172 1604 1568 Civil Judge, 1st Class, Gujrat 9Mr.AnjumMumtaz, 2385 1052 3437 1026 2411 Malik, Civil Judge, 1st Cl. Gujrat 10 Muhammad Zafar Iqbal 687 1432 2119 1030 1089 Goraya, Civil Judge, 1st Cl, Grt. 11 Mr. Ghulam Farid 1975 666 2641 762 1879 Qureshi, Civil Judge, Gujrat

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 97 12 Muhammad Nawazish 1897 745 2642 1047 1595 Khan, Civil Judge, Gujrat 13 Sardar Hamid Hussain, 1141 696 1837 902 935 Civil Judge, Gujrat 14 Rai Muhammad Nawaz 1951 1446 3397 1816 1581 Marth, Cj, 1st Class, Kharian 15 Mr. Iftikhar Un Nabi, 1863 1259 3122 1456 1666 Civil Judge, Kharian 16 Mr. Sahir Islam Butt, 1080 1574 2654 1875 779 Civil Judge, Kharina 17 Mr. Munir Hussain Gill, 1355 878 2233 1016 1217 Civil Judge, Kharina 18 Mr. Ghulam Mustafa, 661 1179 1840 903 937 Civil Judge, Kharin 19 Mr.farid Aslam Lone, 837 3870 4707 3810 897 Special Judicial Magis- trate, Kharian 20 Rizwan Mehmood, Spe- 3681 7359 11040 7876 3164 cial Judicial Magistrate, Gujart Total 23816 29354 53170 30365 22805

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 HAFIZABAD 1 Ch. Muhammad Hussain 116 704 820 752 68 Maikan 2 Mian Muhammad Ilyas 113 680 793 678 115 A.s.j. 3 Maqsood Ahmad Sulehri 197 1561 1758 1633 125 4 Muhammad Ghulam 800 2099 2899 1946 953 Sarwar Scj 5 Bashir Ahmad Ch. Cj 3804 3804 1773 2031 6 Muhammad Faizul 1300 1585 2885 2064 821 Bhatti 7 Civil Judge 647 2398 3045 1366 1679 8 Civil Judge 1472 2222 3694 1873 1821 9 Syed Muhammad Shah- 226 136 362 190 172 baz Channa 10 Muhammad Amin 254 202 456 307 149 Ansari Total 5125 15391 20516 12582 7934

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ISLAMABAD 1 Ch. Asad Raza D SJ 366 1066 1432 1169 263

98 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 2 Muhammad Tariq Ab- 347 1871 2218 1768 450 basi Ad SJ 3 Qazi Waqar Hussain 0 910 910 493 417 4 Mr. Mohd. Irshad Ali Scj 801 1204 2005 751 1254 5 Mr. Javaid Iqbal Basal 1339 2511 3850 1012 2838 Cj 6 Mr. Amer Saleem Rana 2421 2547 4968 2457 2511 7 Mr. Mohd. Aslam 473 1390 1863 1015 848 Gondal 8 Mr. Mohd. Mumtaz Hus- 2208 3131 5339 2642 2697 sain Total 7955 14630 22585 11307 11278

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 JHANG 1 Mr. Ikramul Haq Ch.d 316 1574 1890 1566 324 SJ,jhang 2 Mr. Mohd. Yousaf ASJ 328 944 1272 938 334 3 Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad 246 753 999 779 220 4 Mr. Salahuddin Saddiqi 117 997 1114 801 313 5 Ch. Jameel Ahmad 181 910 1091 911 180 6 Mr. Shakeel Ahmad 647 1964 2611 1667 944 7 Mohd. Saleem Khan 374 1499 1873 1258 615 8 Mr. Khalid Saeed Akhtar 535 1231 1766 1297 469 9 Mr. Aqil Hasan Scj. 2946 1945 4891 3144 1747 Chohan 10 Ch. Munir Ahmed Cj 2595 2235 4830 2797 2033 11 Malik Munsif Khan 2477 2103 4580 3635 945 12 Rana Muhammad Arif 2959 2502 5461 3089 2372 13 Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed 1407 1500 2907 1829 1078 14 Mr. Shaukat Javed 1214 1282 2496 1449 1047 15 Mr. Mustahsan Ahmed 888 1797 2685 1228 1457 16 Mr. M. Yousaf Hanjra 1762 6993 8755 7405 1350 17 Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmed 4860 2599 7459 6113 1346 18 Rana Zaheer Ahmed 00000 Razaq 19 Mr. M. Yasir Nadeem 1062 1118 2180 1059 1121 20 Mr. Nadeem Anjum 801 962 1763 959 804 21 Mr. Ejaz Ahmed 1547 1624 3171 2242 929 22 Mr. Sajid Mehmood 1127 932 2059 1046 1013 23 Mr. Muhammad Kaleem 2323 1021 3344 2039 1305 Khan 24 Malik Shafiq Ahmed 2106 2528 4634 2652 1982 25 Mr. Asif Nadeem Ashiq 211 1523 1734 1010 724 26 Mr. Iftikhar Hussain 1682 920 2602 1732 870 27 Mr. Waseem Afzal 614 1639 2253 1457 796 28 Mr. Saeed Ahmed 950 1951 2901 1726 1175 29 Malik Azmat Ullah 1515 1286 2801 2018 783

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 99 30 Mr. Muhammad Mush- 306 2893 3199 1951 1248 taq Total 35352 41353 76705 50580 26125

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 JHELUM 1 Hakeem Syed Akhtar Ir- 244 1191 1435 1125 310 shad 2 Tair Pervaiz ASJ 193 441 634 340 294 3 Khalid Mehmood Malik 219 738 957 758 199 ASJ 4 Ch. Abdul Haq Scj 1225 1196 2421 1450 971 5 Malik Mohd. Sajid Cj 1079 1062 2141 1332 809 6 Hamid Mehmood Khan 1123 565 1688 866 822 7 Syed Naeem Abbas 1150 1440 2590 1719 871 8 Ch. Abdul Sattar 0 314 314 38 276 9 Mr. Irfan Akram 0 367 367 22 345 10 Malik Shabbir Hussain 1198 897 2095 875 1220 11 Ch. Tajamal Hussain 1032 834 1866 1149 717 12 Mumtaz Ahmed 1989 676 2665 941 1724 13 Nazar Abbas Gondal 303 1068 1371 1058 313 Total 9755 10789 20544 11673 8871

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KASUR 1 Ch Ihsaan-ul-haq D aj 108 731 839 753 86 2 MianMuhamadIqbal 113 594 707 651 56 Bhati A SJ 3 Asghar Ali Fahim Bhati 790 2286 3076 2329 747 A SJ Chunian 4 Malik Nazir Ahmed A SJ 0 1337 1337 719 618 5 Syed Hamaid Hasain A 569 1617 2186 1954 232 SJ 6 Raja Muhammad Ar- 0 381 381 230 151 shad A SJ 7 Senior Civil Judge 1600 1073 2673 1014 1659 8 Mr. Ashfaq Mehmood Sh 847 1904 2751 996 1755 9 Mr. Hamid Hussain 1271 1513 2784 814 1970 10 Civil Judge 2029 1163 3192 1459 1733 11 Mr. Nadeem Ahmed So- 1112 1149 2261 643 1618 hail 12 Mr. Tajmal Shahzad Ch 1300 1609 2909 1723 1186 13 Miss Farzana Bashir 373 1360 1733 854 879 14 Mr. Mohamad Yousaf 1469 689 2158 650 1508 15 Nazar Hussain Khokhar 1722 783 2505 1049 1456

100 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 16 Mobasshir Nadeem 1579 1683 3262 783 2479 Khan 17 Mr. Jahanzeb Ali Gondal 1145 2161 3306 726 2580 18 Mr. Khalid Saeed Wat- 2610 1289 3899 1425 2474 too 19 Mr. Faiz Ahmed Ranjhu 1006 4572 5578 2190 3388 20 Mr. Fayyaz Ahmed But- 416 1312 1728 652 1076 tar 21 Ch. Khalid Mehood 197 274 471 277 194 Tippu Total 20256 29480 49736 21891 27845

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHANEWAL 1RaoAkbarAliDist.Ses- 177 1318 1495 823 672 sion Judge Kwl 2 Mr. Saleem Akhtar Addl. 218 998 1216 960 256 Dist. Session Judge Kwl 3 Mr. Mohd. Akram Khan, 207 840 1047 735 312 Ad SJ, Kwl 4 Ch. Habibur Rehman Ad 351 1534 1885 1534 351 SJ, 5 Mr. Mohd. Islam Ad SJ, 340 1211 1551 1158 393 Mianchannu 6 Mr. Abdul Haseeb Sh. 915 1397 2312 1170 1142 S.c.j. Khanewal 7 Ch. Muhammad 1460 1231 2691 1201 1490 Ramzan, C.J. Khanewal 8 Mr. Fahim Shahid 1488 1354 2842 1605 1237 Saleemi, Cj, Kwl 9Mr.ZaffarIqbalCj 899 1034 1933 776 1157 Khanewal 10 Mr. Hafeez Ur Rehman 1291 868 2159 1041 1118 Cj, Kwl 11 Mr. Nadeem Tahir Syed, 917 1489 2406 1050 1356 Cj, Minachunu 12 Mr. Muzamil Musa Cj 1076 1571 2647 1030 1617 Mianchunnu 13 Mr. Akleem Raza Cj Mi- 540 1457 1997 1149 848 anchunu 14 Mr. Mazhar Abbas, Cj 610 610 16 594 Mianchunu 15 Malik Saeed Awan, Cj, 1082 1476 2558 1310 1248 Kabirwala 16 Mr. Muhammad Ali, Cj, 2119 1538 3657 1720 1937 Kabirwal 17 Mr. Muhammad Akram 673 673 43 630 Azad, Cj, Kabirwala 18 Mr. Muhammad Azam 1212 1324 2536 1575 961 Khan J.m. Kabirwala

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 101 19 Mr. Shahid Islam, Cj, Ja- 856 686 1542 930 612 hanian 20 Mr. Anwar Ullah Sh. Cj, 609 642 1251 856 395 Jahanian Total 14464 17350 31814 15472 16342

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHUSHAB 1 Sheikh Liaqat Ali, Dis- 203 1115 1318 1188 130 trict Sessions Judge, Khushab 2 Malik Abdul Rashid, 200 737 937 688 249 Addl; District 7 Sessions Judge-i Khushab 3 Mr. Muhammad Arshad 238 596 834 602 232 Malik, Addl; Dis- trict Sessions Judge-ii, Khushab 4 Ch. Abdul Hameed, Se- 1601 1339 2940 1749 1191 nior Civil Judge, Kb. 5 Muhammad Iram Azaz, 1255 2087 3342 1671 1671 Civil Jdge 1st Class, Kb. 6 Ghulam Shabir Hussain, 1173 1787 2960 1424 1536 Civil Judge, Khushab. 7 Syed. Muhammad Ilyeas, 1375 1238 2613 1208 1405 Civil Judge, Khushab. 8 Rafaqat Ali Qamar, Civil 1026 1209 2235 1086 1149 Jdge, Noorpur Thal 9 Rafaqat Ali Qamar, Civil 674 270 944 486 458 Jdgecamp Total 7745 10378 18123 10102 8021

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LAHORE 1 The District Session 274 5098 5372 2433 2939 Judge, Lahore 2 SyedNasirAliShahMr. 394 984 1378 947 431 Khaqan Babar 3 Mr. Khalid Mehmood 179 1635 1814 1354 460 Mr. Khalid Shabbir 4 Syed Ijaz Hussain Shah 465 106 571 97 474 5 Mr. Khalid Shab- 757 550 1307 616 691 bir/mehboob Qadir Shah 6 Mr. Zawar Ahmad / Mr. 179 457 636 337 299 Tahir Sabir 7 Mr. Hassan Mabroor 110 1155 1265 1010 255

102 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 8 Mr. Arshad Mehmood 354 1121 1475 1078 397 Tabassam / Mr. Tariq Iftikhar Ahmad 9 Syed Maroof Ahmad Ali 207 767 974 699 275 10 Sardar Ahmad Naeem 286 1445 1731 1406 325 11 Mr. Allah Bakhsh Khan 442 1302 1744 1065 679 / Muhammad Anwar Nazir 12 Mr. Tariq Iftikhar 296 1006 1302 1064 238 Ahmad / Mr. Sajid Mehmood Chattha 13 Miss Uzma Akhtar 431 1298 1729 776 953 Chughtai 14 Mr. Shaukat Iqbal Ah- 294 630 924 529 395 mad 15 Mr. Mustafa Tanvir 104 698 802 650 152 Sufwat 16 Mr. Muhammad Sid- 204 850 1054 664 390 dique /mr. Shaukat Ali Zaidi/ Mr. Khaliq-uz- zaman 17 Mian Murid Hussain Ch. 487 1630 2117 1349 768 Zafar Iqbal 18 Mr. Zafar Hussain Bhatti 461 659 1120 721 399 19 Mr. Muhammad Ikram 471 959 1430 562 868 Shaikh 20 Mr. Ikram Ullah / Mian 137 588 725 424 301 Ghulam Hussain 21 Mr. Muhammad Akram 619 689 1308 583 725 Ch. 22 Mr. Mehr Muhammad 168 647 815 479 336 Nawaz 23 Mr. Nisar Baig 119 609 728 453 275 24 Mr. Sohail Ikram 53 769 822 701 121 25 Mr. Sadaqat Ullah Khan 45 509 554 472 82 26 Syed Aoun Muhammad 0 513 513 225 288 Rizvi 27 Mr. Shafiq-ur-rehman 4 311 315 195 120 Khan 28 Malik Naseem Hassan 0 389 389 239 150 29 Mr. Ahmad Nawaz Ran- 0 386 386 101 285 jha 30 Mr. Tahir Naeem. 26 189 215 71 144 31 Sr. Civil Judge 2595 1948 4543 3064 1479 32 Mr. Mohd. Sharif 1939 2176 4115 1813 2302 33 Mr. Anjum Raza Sayyad 2049 1855 3904 1478 2426 34 Mr. Khalid Mahmood 3087 1787 4874 2230 2644 35 Mr. Dawood Sahi 3091 1514 4605 1412 3193 36 Ch. Mahboob Ahmad 2523 204 2727 2907 -180 37 Ch. Zafar Yab 1620 2495 4115 1447 2668 38 Mr. Javaid Iqbal Bosal 3376 1512 4888 1529 3359

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 103 39 Ch. Mohd. Azam 5884 2669 8553 3356 5197 40 Mr. Mohd. Akram Rana 2511 1397 3908 2310 1598 41 Mr. Muzaffar Ali Sh. 832 1484 2316 1853 463 42 Mr. Jahangir Mir 2009 733 2742 1199 1543 43 Raja Safdar Iqbal 3605 2946 6551 1096 5455 44 Malik Rehmat Ali 1242 25206 26448 1953 24495 45 Mr. Saeed Khurshid Ah- 1613 1459 3072 1551 1521 mad 46 Mr. Mesun Mehdi 1551 1830 3381 1684 1697 47 Mr. Tariq Zubair 1634 1443 3077 1192 1885 48 Mr. Shariyar Bukhari 516 92 608 608 0 49 Miss Sarwat Mumtaz 1351 1671 3022 1553 1469 50 Miss Samina Ijaz 1815 1273 3088 1417 1671 51 Miss Aysha Rab 594 1622 2216 1024 1192 52 Mr. Naeem Abbas 14996 1099 16095 1025 15070 53 Miss Sadia Naeem 1369 1961 3330 1479 1851 54AhmadArshadMah- 2115 1081 3196 1485 1711 mood 55 Shahbaz Iqbal Tarar 473 2235 2708 1390 1318 56 Tamsal Zaib Manzoor 1493 1518 3011 1585 1426 57 Miss Shahzadi Najaf 2011 1776 3787 2215 1572 58 Miss Nabeela Jaffari 258 2447 2705 1402 1303 59 Miss Asma Tehseen 215 2645 2860 1432 1428 60 Miss Farhat Jabeen 240 3555 3795 1533 2262 61 Javaid Iqbal Sh. 0 1942 1942 771 1171 62 Sana Khan Atiq 0 411 411 44 367 63 Ch. Farrukh Hussain 0 10371 10371 13 10358 Total 76173 116306 192479 72350 120129

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LAYYAH 1 Mr. Muhammad Ashraf 111 635 746 525 221 Ch. District Sessions Judge, Layyah 2 Mian Arshad Mehmood, 530 628 1158 838 320 Addl. District And Ses- sions Judge, Layyah 3 Mr. Muhammad Akram 401 1180 1581 1278 303 Ch. Addl. District And Sessions Judge, Layyah 4 Addl. District And Ses- 0 185 185 88 97 sions Judge, Karor-lal- easonCampAtLayyah 5 Mr. Jehandar Khan 0 436 436 329 107 Banth, Addl., Distt, And Sessions Judge, Karo-lal Eason

104 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 6 Rana Muhammad Ali, 1535 1860 3395 1986 1409 Scj/ms-30, Layyah 7 Abdul Rehman Muham- 2280 2272 4552 3025 1527 mad Arif, Cj I/ms-30, Ly. 8 Malik Nisar Ahmad, Cj- 1032 1503 2535 1240 1295 iii/mic, Ly. 9 Mazher Gilani, Cj 796 2060 2856 1637 1219 Iii/mic, Lh. 10 Hafiz Pir Bakhsh, SJm, 2366 2300 4666 1374 3292 Lh. 11 Afaq Ahmad, Cj I?ms- 1421 1168 2589 1220 1369 30, Karor. 12 Muhammad Asim, Cj- 00 iii/mic, Karor. 13 Muhammad Asim Sadiq, 1028 391 1419 458 961 Qureshi, J.m.karor. 14 Rehmatullah Khan Buz- 621 795 1416 1332 84 dar, S.j.m, Karor. 15 Mehr Abdul Haq Jappa, 725 536 1261 523 738 Cj I/ms-30, Chobara. 16 Mehr Abdul Haq Jappa, 282 282 100 182 Cj-i/ms-30, Camp Lh. Total 12846 16231 29077 15953 13124

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LODHRAN 1 Ch. Muhammad Iqbal 161 1494 1655 1315 340 Naru, DSJ Lodhran 2 Abdul Mustafa Nadeem 369 1065 1434 1055 379 AdSJ Lodhran 3 Shafique-ur-rehman 210 806 1016 761 255 AdSJ Lodhran 4Ch.HumayonImtiaz 290 1197 1487 1149 338 AdSJ Kehror Pacca 5Mr.QamarEjazSenior 1215 1061 2276 1136 1140 Civil Judge 6 Rana Arif Civil Judge 1899 1192 3091 1319 1772 7 Asim Mansoor Civil 1277 1381 2658 1134 1524 Judge 8 Muhammad Arif 913 794 1707 1072 635 Hameed Sheikh Civil Judge 9 Ch. Muhammad Asif 774 1460 2234 1040 1194 Civil Judge 10 Mehmood Hayat Civil 1413 1342 2755 1349 1406 Judge 11 Munawar Hussain Malik 0 892 892 58 834 Civil Judge

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 105 12 Muhammad Zubair Civil 838 803 1641 597 1044 Jjdge 13 Jam Bakka Muhammad 1796 1320 3116 2784 332 Special Judicial Magest: 14 Babar Husain Warich 880 499 1379 1186 193 Special Judcial Magest: 15 Pervaiz Iqbal Special Ju- 675 596 1271 1010 261 dicial Magest: Total 12710 15902 28612 16965 11647

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MANDI BAHUDDIN 1 Sardar Ahmad Ch. Distt: 232 1357 1589 277 1312 Sessions Judge M. B. Din 2 Mr. Allah Bakish Khan, 163 621 784 607 177 Addl. District Sessions Judge M.b.din 3 Mr. Abdul Rzzaq, Addl: 203 242 445 321 124 District Sessions Judge, M.b.din 4 Sardar Ahmad Khan, 373 965 1338 838 500 Addl: District Sessions Judge, M.b.din 5 Qazi Waqar Hussain, 0 646 646 406 240 Addl: District Sessions Judge M.b.din 6 Muhammad Azam Mina, 183 626 809 689 120 Addl: D SJ M.b.din 7 Syed Tahir Hussain 1108 862 1970 893 1077 Kazmi, Sej, M.b.din. 8 Safdar Ali Jasra, Civil 2633 883 3516 1302 2214 Judge, M.b.din. 9 Mr. Khalid Mehmood 1304 1021 3325 1121 2204 Warriach, C.J.m.b. Din. 10 Mr. Khalil Ahmad Khan 1203 863 2066 1027 1039 Rana, C.J.m.b.din. 11 Mr. Baber Hussain, Civil 405 1292 1697 773 924 Judge, M.b.din. 12 Malik Ahmad Arshad 1797 604 2401 744 1657 Jasra, C.J, Phalia 13 Mr. Irfan Saeed, Civil 1062 1020 2082 901 1181 Judge, Phalia. 14 Mr. Muhammad Zafar 1493 873 2366 593 1773 Iqba, C.J. Phalia. 15 Mr. Abdul Razzaq, Civil 1812 994 2806 723 2083 Judge, Malakwal. 16 Mr. Atiq-ur-rehman, 2159 1123 3282 465 2817 C.J. Malakwal. 17 Mr. Mehboob Alam, Sp 1029 2161 3190 1583 1607 Jud. Mag. M.b.din.

106 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 18 Mr. Ali Arshad, Sp. Jud. 00 Mag, M.b.din. 19 Mr. Aziz Ahmad Joya, 579 280 859 346 513 Spec. Jud. Mag. Malak- wal Total 17738 16433 35171 13609 21562

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MIANWALI 1RaoAkbarAliDSJ,Mi- 331 1157 1488 688+638 162 anwali 2 Rao Shafay Ali Khan Ad 228 1140 1368 1063+48 257 SJ, Mianwali 3 Mahar Muhammad 164 1182 1346 1001+53 292 Yousuf, Ad SJ, Mwi 4 Abdul Manan Khan, Ad 268 409 677 381+5 291 SJ, Mianwali 1.1.02 To 18.5.02 5Mr.TahirPervaizAd 0 506 506 475+19 12 SJ, Mianwali 25.5.02 To 11.11.02 6 Rana Muhammad 0 50 50 25+1 24 ShafiAdSJ,Mianwali 16.11.02 To 1.1.03 7 Mian Khadim Husain Ad 50 0 50 50 0 SJ, Mianwali 8 Ch. Muhammad Yousaf 1332 1920 3252 1885 1367 Aujla Scj/magistrate Sec. 30 Mwi 9 Syed Amjad Ali Shah, 1399 1788 3187 1485 1702 Civil Judge Ist/mag. Sec.30 Mwi 10 Malik Shabbir Ahmad, 1115 1410 2525 950 1575 Civil Judge Ist/mag. Sec.30 Mwi 11 Ch. Shahid Hussain, 1097 1183 2280 846 1434 Civil Judge Ist/mag. Sec 30, Isakhel. 12 Mian Naeem Amir, Civil 726 1908 2634 1063 1571 Judge Iii/mag. Ist. Mwi 13 Tariq Mahmood Shad, 746 1286 2032 888 1144 Civil Judge Iii/mag.ist. Mwi 14 Muzaffar Nawaz Malik, 261 261 19 242 Civil Judge-iii/mag. Ist. Mwi 15 Khadim Jelani, Special 247 365 612 507 105 Judl. Mag. Mianwali. Total 7703 14565 22268 7693 10178

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 107 Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MULTAN 1 Dist. Session Judge, Mul- 312 1572 1884 1597 287 tan 2 Mr. Abdul Sattar AdSJ 371 1142 1513 1207 306 3 Mr. Mohd. Arshad Ma- 564 1141 1705 1442 263 lik, AdSJ 4 Mr. Arshad Iqbal, AdSJ 497 1501 1998 1692 306 5 Ch. Mohd. Saleem, AdSJ 474 818 1292 1068 224 6 Mr. Bahadur Ali Khan, 373 264 637 426 211 AdSJ 7 Mr. Javaid Mahmood 355 959 1314 1027 287 Sindhu, AdSJ 8 Ch. Mohd. Sadiq, AdSJ 989 989 846 143 9 Mr. Mashar Hussain Ch. 386 1530 1916 1626 290 10 Addl. SJ, Shujabad. 247 765 1012 662 350 11 Senior Civil Judge, Mul- 1873 2692 4565 1617 2948 tan 12 Rana Akram (c.j) 1184 798 1982 710 1272 13 Mr. Ali Raza (c.j) 1676 2248 3924 1275 2649 14 Mr. Parvaiz Iqbal Sipra 1892 1063 2955 1455 1500 (v.j) 15 Mr. Sadiq Masood (c.j.) 1187 1382 2569 2195 374 16 Mr. Anwar Ali (c.j) 867 2703 3570 2301 1269 17 Mr. Riaz Khuram (c.j) 1440 1945 3385 1822 1563 18 Mr. Amir Munir (c.j) 845 1240 2085 1384 701 19 Mr. Nadeem Khyzer (c.j) 874 2097 2971 1633 1338 20 Mr. Waseem Anjum (c.j) 578 2037 2615 815 1800 21 Ch. Tariq Mehmood (c.j) 704 279 983 2347 -1364 22 Mr. Haris Ali Mian (c.j) 556 2773 3329 983 2346 23 Mr. Mian Ghulam Hus- 248 0 248 1488 -1240 sain (c.j) 24 Ch. Muhammad Nawaz 1048 0 1048 248 800 (c.j) 25 Rana Zaid Iqbal (c.j) 848 705 1553 1048 505 26 Mr. Saghir Anwar (c.j) 651 544 1195 683 512 27 Ch. Bashir Ahmad (c.j) 791 559 1350 635 715 28 Nishat Afzal (c.j) 348 675 1023 638 385 29 Mr. Masood Bilal C.J 0 743 743 17 726 30 Mr. Naveed Khalid C.J 0 61 61 0 61 31 Mr. Shakeel Ahmad 0 110 110 0 110 Sipra C.J 32 Mr. Ejaz Rana C.J 0 133 133 4 129 33 Mr. Majid Hussain C.J 0 137 137 6 131 34 Mr. Yaseen Mohal C.J 0 125 125 9 116 35 Mr. Barkat Ali C.J 0 35 35 2 33 36 Mr. Ali Abbas 0 26 26 2 24 Total 17610 25110 42720 23317 19403

108 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MUZAFFARGARH 1 District Session Judge 163 1149 1312 1163 149 M. Garh 2 Addl. Sessions Judge (i) 320 223 543 415 128 M’garh 3 Addl. Sessions Judge (ii) 213 721 934 635 299 M’garh 4 Addl. Sessions Judge (iii) 230 954 1184 965 219 M’garh 5 Addl. Sessions Judge 437 1896 2333 1626 707 (kot Addu) 6 Addl. Sessions Judge (ali 468 1097 1565 1123 442 Pur) 7 Muhammad Anwar Butt 1997 1788 3785 1241 2544 Scj, M. Garh. 8 Muhammad Ijaz Butt 2270 1648 3918 2813 1105 C.J M.garh 9 Abdul Hameed Mirza 614 614 328 286 C.J. M.garh 10 Ch. Imtiaz Nadeem C.J, 1624 3015 4639 1748 2891 M.garh 11 Yasir Hussain Khan C.J, 1680 646 2326 792 1534 M.garh 12 Khaja Muhammad Aj- 1205 838 2043 543 1500 mal C.J Kot Addu. 13 Muhammad Arshad An- 1476 310 1786 1665 121 jum, Cjj Kot Addu. 14 Tahir Abbas Sipra, C.J, 1412 1555 2967 1385 1582 Kot Addu. 15 Yasir Nadeem Razaq 845 1496 2341 999 1342 C.J, Kot Addu. 16 Muhammad Aslam C.J, 1893 1542 3435 824 2611 Kot Addu. 17 Muhammad Iqbal Haral 1784 2050 3834 1325 2509 C.J., Kot Addu. 18 Allah Ditta Anjum, C.J, 1477 622 2099 684 1415 Ali Pur 19 Rizwan Faiz Malik C.J, 1557 1236 2793 2537 256 Ali Pur 20 Rana Muhammad Ishfaq 692 1966 2658 609 2049 C.J, Ali Pur 21 Shafiq Abbas Shah, SJm, 644 2493 3137 1151 1986 M’garh 22 Saqib Ali Atteel, SJm, 109 105 214 162 52 Jatooi Total 22496 27964 50460 24733 25727

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 109 Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 NAROWAL 1 Mansoor Akbar Kokab 63 863 926 880 46 DSJ 2 Sardar Muhammad 218 949 1167 1034 133 Babar Ad SJ 3 Imtiaz Hussain Ad SJ 37 524 561 470 91 4 Rana Muhammad 180 680 860 704 156 Yousaf, AdSJ 5 Subeh Sadiq Khan Ad SJ 409 609 1018 802 216 Head Quarter Narowal 0 0 1 Shahid Hussain Ch. Sr. 1885 907 2792 2190 602 Civil Judge, Narowal 2 Muhammad Saeed Awan 1739 1844 3583 2003 1580 Civil Judge, Narowal 3 Adnan Mushtaq Bhatti 1733 1036 2769 1602 1167 Civil Judge, Narowal 4 Muhammad Sher Abbas 698 1494 2192 1083 1109 Civil Judge, Narowal 5 Tariq Mahmood Shad 619 2289 2908 1301 1607 Civil Judge Narowal Total 0 0 Sub. Division Shakar- garh 1 Wajih Ud Din Civil 1396 1161 2557 821 1736 Judge, Shk. 2 Shafqut Ullah Khan 1858 812 2670 737 1933 Civil Judge Shk. 3 Tahir Aslam Civil Judge, 1404 521 1925 485 1440 Shk. 00 Total 12239 13689 25928 14112 11816

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 OKARA 1 Malik Ghulam Hussain 183 1706 1889 1741 148 Awan D.s.j. 2 Irshad Ullah Khan Sial 264 1722 1986 1771 215 Add S j 3 Zawar Ahmed Add. S.j. 259 1440 1981 1485 496 4 Muhammad Nawaz 0 963 1440 787 653 Smith Add S j 5 Ch. Mehmood Ahmed 448 1164 1411 1331 80 Shakir Add. S j 6 Addl. D SJ 263 1493 1427 1524 -97 7 Ch. Mushtaq Ahmed 246 1467 1739 1404 335 A.s.j.

110 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 8RajaPervaizAkhtar 414 1270 1881 1485 396 A.s.j. 9 Mr. Khizar Hayat 2522 2888 5410 2780 2630 10 Mr. Mahhtair Ahmed 1887 1756 3643 1471 2172 11 Syed Serwat Mumtaz 1070 2356 3426 2333 1093 12 Civil Judge 1373 2031 3404 1459 1945 13 Mr. Waji-ud-din-tariq 936 1554 2490 1434 1056 14 Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed 1280 2058 3338 1381 1957 15 Malik Muhammad Ak- 717 2122 2839 1324 1515 bar 16 Amin Shahzad 825 2139 2964 942 2022 17 Abdul Gaffar Ch. 793 793 77 716 18 Mr. Iqbal Gorgia 846 2112 2958 1352 1606 19 Muhammad Ikram Sh. 1318 713 2031 1192 839 20 Civil Judge 3925 2517 6442 2298 4144 21 Mian Qamer Islam 2441 2277 4718 1648 3070 22 Kizar Hyat Malik 2481 1291 3772 1421 2351 23 Hussain Ahmed 2348 1367 3715 1738 1977 24 Civil Judge 1907 2244 4151 1155 2996 Total 27953 41443 69848 35533 34315

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 PAKPATTAN SHARIF 1 M. Zahoor Abbasi Ses- 167 1803 1970 1651 319 sions Judge Pak Pattan Sharif 2 Ch. Abdul Hameed, 377 300 677 677 0 ASJ. I Pakpattan Sharif 3 Malik Mushtaq Ahmad 383 1503 1886 1485 401 ASJ-ii Ppn 4 Nazir Ahmad Galona 382 2026 2408 2026 382 ASJ Arifwala 5 Zia-ul-qamar Scj, Ms-30 1346 1840 3186 1949 1237 6SyedAwaisAshraf 2079 3003 5082 2810 2272 Gillani Cj/ms-30 7 Rai Muhammad Yaseen 1175 2918 4093 2354 1739 Shaheen Cj/ms-30 8 Irfan Ahmed Sheikh, 1083 2503 3586 2181 1405 Cj/juddl. Magistrate 9Mr.M.Usman 1028 2477 3505 1926 1579 Cj/y.magistrate 10 Mr. Saeed Akhtar Cj/j. 0626262 Magistrate 11 Mr. Shoukat Ali Mirza, 727 782 1509 487 1022 S.j.m Ppn 12 Mr. M. Kasif, Cj/ms.30 1740 1380 3120 1266 1854 Arifwala 13 M.m. Tariq Ayyub Cj. 1300 2168 3468 2195 1273 Since Transferred

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 111 14 M. Amira Javed Ranjha 1183 2049 3232 1506 1726 Cj/since Transferred 15 Rana M. Ishfaq, Cj/j 1003 981 1984 1347 637 Magistrate, Arifwala 16 Mr. Shoukat Ali Mirza, 1091 594 1685 1061 624 S.j.magistare Total 15064 26389 41453 24921 16532

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 RAHIM YAR KHAN 1 Ch. Muhammad Aslam, 123 1355 1478 1093 385 District Judge Ryk 2 Mr. Muhammad Rashid 178 621 799 466 333 Qamar, ASJ, Ryk 3 Mr. Muhammad Kaleem 00000 Sh. Adj, Rahimyarkhan 4Mr.MushtaqAhmad 00000 ASJ, Ryk 5 Mr. Muhammad Aslam 122 741 863 681 182 Pervaiz ASJ, Ryk 6 Mr. Wajahat Hussain 160 548 708 398 310 Khan, ASJ, Ryk 7 SyedAuonMohammad 00000 Razvi, ASJ, Ryk 8 Mr. Muhammad Ajmal 1434 3212 4646 2256 2390 Hussain Scj, Ryk 9 Raja Safdar Iqbal Cj 1st 718 3424 4142 1138 3004 Class/ms.30 10 Mr. Sajjad Hussain 00000 Khan, Cj/m.s. 30 11 Rana Tariq Mehmood Cj 1485 2360 3845 865 2980 Class-iii/mic, Ryk 12 Mahar Muhammad 1318 1673 2991 764 2227 Mahzar Cj Class-iii/mic, Ryk 13 Mr. Muhammad Ja- 1553 2422 3975 1008 2967 hangir Ashraf, Cj/mic, Ryk 14 Mr. Akhtar Hussain 1179 2142 3321 1036 2285 Kalyar, Cj, Ryk 15 Mr. Muhammad Ahmad 0 1346 1346 32 1314 Hussain, Cj/mic, Ryk 16 Mr. Iqtidar Ali Khan Cj 0 771 771 31 740 Class-iii/mic, Ryk 17 Mr. Hidayyat Ullah 53 4373 4426 2198 2228 Khan, SJm, Ryk 18 Mr. Abdul Rashid, Addl. 540 1545 2085 1299 786 Sessions Judge, Sdk 19 Mr. Muhammad Ejaz 1630 1538 3168 843 2325 Butt Cj 1st Class/m.s.30

112 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 20 Mr. Muhammad Ayyaz 1804 1002 2806 918 1888 Malik, Cj/mic, Sdk 21 Syed Muhammad Azam 977 1894 2871 1104 1767 Javed, Cj/mic, Sdk 22 Mr. Khalid Ahmad Kam- 1207 418 1625 426 1199 boh, SJm, Sdk 23 Mr. Muhammad Ahmad 680 1936 2616 1693 923 Farooqi, ASJ, Khanpur 24 Mr. Muzammil Sipra, 1576 1485 3061 1068 1993 Cj/m.s.30 Knp (s.t) 25 Mr. Khalid Ishaq Cj 984 1758 2742 791 1951 M.s.30 Khanpur (s.t) 26 Mr. Khurshid Ahmad 792 1191 1983 863 1120 Anjum C.J, Khanpur 27 Mr. Muhammad Shahid 1292 929 2221 857 1364 Siraj, C.J. Khanpur 28 Mr. Nazir Ahmad Khan 1310 821 2131 847 1284 Spl. Judl. Mag. Knp. 29 Ch. Javid Iqbal, Addl. 615 1877 2492 1543 949 Sessions Judge, Lqp. 30 Ch. Jamil Ahmad, Ch. 1023 1287 2310 1099 1211 1st Class/m.s.30, Lqp 31 Mr. Imtiaz Nadeem, Cj 1692 1539 3231 1449 1782 M.s. 30, Liaquatpur. 32 Mr. Shahbaz Ahmad, Cj 1314 1962 3276 1254 2022 Class-iii/mic, Lqp. Total 25759 46170 71929 28020 43909

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 RAJANPUR 1 D SJ 255 783 1038 925 113 2 Ad SJ 145 622 767 682 85 3 Ad SJ 193 1263 1456 1242 214 4 Scj 1535 684 2219 842 1377 5 Cj/1st Class Rjp 1585 769 2354 973 1381 6 Cj/iii 1221 679 1900 663 1237 7 Vacant Court 799 515 1314 561 753 8 Cj/1st Rojhan 1222 1044 2266 716 1550 9 Cj/1st Jampur 1961 1524 3485 1668 1817 10 Vacant Court 2258 552 2810 925 1885 11 Cj/iii Jampur 939 472 1411 633 778 12 Cj/iii Jampur 758 430 1188 568 620 13 Spl Judl Mag: 81 715 796 428 368 14 Odo 123 1168 1291 727 564 Total 13075 11220 24295 11553 12742

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 113 Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 RAWALPINDI 1 Sessions Judge, 184 2286 2470 2308 162 Rawalpindi 2 Rao Sultan Ali Tahar, 266 975 1241 1085 156 ASJ 3 Ch. Abdul Qayyum, ASJ 882 882 545 337 4 Mian Mohd. Shafi, ASJ 158 817 975 825 150 5 Malik Mohd. Akram 224 555 779 549 230 Awan, ASJ 6 Syed Pervaiz Ali Shah, 176 1129 1305 1098 207 ASJ 7 Sana Ullah Malik, ASJ 566 566 317 249 8 Addl. Dist. Session 256 996 1252 1021 231 Judge 9 Mr. Suhail Akram, ASJ 168 1014 1182 951 231 10 Khawaja Hassan Wali 339 465 804 583 221 Kha, ASJ 11 Mirza Jawad A. Baig, 331 554 885 653 232 ASJ 12 Mr. Mustafa Tanveer 750 1223 1973 1518 455 Safwat, ASJ 13 Mohd. Zubair Aziz 2471 1200 3671 1492 2179 Cheema, Sr.cj 14 Mohd. Javed Ul Hassan, 2038 3102 5140 1936 3204 Sr.cj 15 Mohd. Nadeem Shaukat 2411 2410 4821 1886 2935 16 Hidayat Ullah Shah 2369 3303 5672 2625 3047 17 Mahr Mohd. Iqbal Ha- 3515 3496 7011 2886 4125 rood 18 Lady Civil Judge 974 811 1785 819 966 19 Mir Ambreen Qureshi 614 1514 2128 1048 1080 20 Azfar Sultan Ibrar Syed 1048 2112 3160 1035 2125 21 Hussain Azar Shah 977 1103 2080 1127 953 22 Rai Mohd. Khan Karal 722 2133 2855 858 1997 23 Miss Shazia Zafar Raja 528 1523 2051 859 1192 24 Mohd. Ahmed Sh. 0 2206 2206 478 1728 25 Mrs. Saima Hussain 776 1033 1809 822 987 26 Syed Faisal Raza Gillani 2484 1589 4073 1962 2111 27 Ahmed Kamran 1047 1793 2840 680 2160 28 Civil Judge 832 1503 2335 681 1654 29 Misbah Un Nabi Bhatti 0 44 44 2 42 30 Mr. Amjad Iqbal Ranja 1063 637 1700 753 947 31 Mian Mohd. Nadeem 1363 761 2124 749 1375 Ansari 32 Mr. Abid Zubair 0 291 291 0 291 33 Mohd. Dawood Sahi 1045 1223 2268 774 1494 34 Mohd. Jahangir Wains 993 1387 2380 1161 1219 35 Mr. Amran Raza Naqvi 912 1044 1956 1319 637

114 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 36 Ch. Naveed Akhter 1252 1623 2875 1153 1722 37 Amjad Syed 330 620 950 779 171 38 Fakher Islam 458 1212 1670 1233 437 39 Faiz Ahmed Mohal 229 327 556 341 215 Total 7645 9169 16814 8264 8550

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SAHIWAL 1 Ali Hasan Rizvi Dj 271 795 1066 830 236 2 Syed Maroof Ahmad Ali 293 926 1219 853 366 A.SJ 3 Mehr Ijaz Ali Sial 352 1192 1544 1303 241 4 Mushtaq Ahmad 214 1047 1261 1057 204 5 Mian Faiz Muhammad 318 1206 1524 1237 287 6 Asif Majeed Awan 202 1318 1520 1274 246 7 Abdul Noor Nasir 673 673 492 181 8 Ch. Ameer Muhammad 686 1234 1920 1601 319 Khan 9 Sr. Civil Judge 1375 1411 2786 629 2157 10 Mian Khadim Hussain 1776 2605 4381 2181 2200 11 Mian Abdulrehman 1366 1567 2933 1471 1462 12 Sh. Mohd. Kashif 1338 1337 2675 1806 869 13 Mr. Afzal Ahmed Butt 1187 1491 2678 1359 1319 14 Rai Liaqat Ali Kharal 1162 1779 2941 1608 1333 15 Mr. Amjad Ali Bajwa 1523 1694 3217 956 2261 16 Mr. Saif Ullah Sohail 457 2758 3215 866 2349 17 Mohd.waris Ch. 673 2346 3019 963 2056 Total 13193 25379 38572 20486 18086

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SARGODHA 1KhawajaImtiazAhmad 523 3105 3628 3133 495 D SJ, Sargodha 2 Ch. Abdul Hafiz Addl: D 0 689 689 387 302 SJ, Sargodha 3 Muhammad Hafeez- 330 872 1202 1027 175 ullahKhanAdSJ, Sargodha 4 Ch. Shahid Nasir, Addl: 378 915 1293 972 321 D SJ Sargodha 5 Syed Zafar Abbas 346 777 1123 729 394 Sabazwari Ad SJ, Sar- godha 6 Muhammad Tanveer Ak- 261 882 1143 910 233 bar Addl: D SJ, Sar- godha

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 115 7 Arshad Javed Meer, 595 1267 1862 1671 191 Addl: D SJ, Bhalwal 8 Moqorab Khan, Addl: D 200 653 853 643 210 SJ, Bhalwal 9 Zafar Ullah Khan Tarar 2488 2190 4678 2074 2604 Senior Civil Judge, Sgd. 10 Muhammad Zul- 00000 fiqar Lone Cj, 1st Class/j.ms.30 11 Mohsin Raza Khan Cj, 00000 1st Class/j.ms.30. 12 Shahbaz Ahmed Paracha 2635 1785 4420 2571 1849 Cj, 1st Class/j.ms.30. 13 KabeerAhmadKhanCj, 1398 2290 3688 1276 2412 1st Class/j.ms.30. 14 Zafar Iqbal Tarar Cj, 1st 1148 1125 2273 1409 864 Class /j.ms.30 15 Muzammal Musa Cj, 1st 1924 1479 3403 1272 2131 Class/j.ms.30. 16 Tariq Khurshid Khawaja 4507 1704 6211 1263 4948 Cj, 1st Class/j.ms.30 17 Qamar Islam Cj, 1st 3060 2170 5230 2503 2727 Class/j.ms.30. 18 Javaid Akram Baitu, Cj- 1729 1168 2897 1143 1754 cum-judl.mic, Sgd. 19 Hassan Abbas Syed, Cj- 1221 1736 2957 1226 1731 cum-judl.mic,sgd. 20 Adnan Tariq, Cj-cum- 1288 1065 2353 1160 1193 judl.mic, Sgd. 21 Jehangir Ali Syed, Cj- 0 1432 1432 590 842 cum-judl.mic,sgd. 22 Bhalwal 0 0 23 Iftikhar Ahmad Cj,1st 3194 1194 4388 824 3564 Class/j.ms.30 24 Abdul Raheem, Cj-cum- 2579 2122 4701 1546 3155 judl.mic, Bhl. 25 Ch. Ashraf, Cj-cum- 1721 1322 3043 1016 2027 judl.mic, Bhl. 26 Ahmed Kamran, Cj- 0 0 0 934 -934 cum-judl.mic,bhl. 27 Shahpur. 0 129 -129 28 Ziaullah Khan,cj, 1st 1613 1119 2732 1063 1669 Class/j.ms. 30. 29 Faisal Mehmood Meer, 02202 Cj-cum-judl.mic,s.pur. Total 33138 33063 66201 31471 34730

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SHEIKHUPURA

116 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 1 The District Sessions 233 1071 1304 1063 241 Judge, Sheikhupura 2 Mr.a.d. Khalid, ASJ,skp 118 724 842 784 58 (since Transferred) 3 Mr.iftikhar Ahmed 216 719 935 800 135 Khan, ASJ,skp (since Transferred) 4 Mr. Muhammad Boota, 115 667 782 650 132 ASJ,skp (since Trans- ferred) 5 Mr. Abdul Maajid, 186 674 860 741 119 ASJ,skp (since Trans- ferred) 6 Mr. Muhammad Iqbal 106 873 979 799 180 Khan, ASJ,skp (since Transferred) 7 Mr. Muhammad Ittefaq 125 582 707 683 24 Abbasi, ASJ,skp 8 Malik Mubeen Ahmed, 107 583 690 655 35 ASJ,skp (since Trans- ferred) 9 Mr. Wajahat Hussain 111 552 663 551 112 Khan, ASJ,skp (since Transferred) 10 Mr. Anwaar Ahmed 100 492 592 528 64 Khan, ASJ,skp 11 Mr. Mujahid Mustqeem 146 195 341 244 97 Ahmed, ASJ,skp (since Transferred) 12 Mr.sarwar Saleem Ul- 0 310 310 248 62 lah,aSJ,skp (since Trans- ferred) 13 Mr. Abdul Manan Khan 291 1355 1646 1439 207 ASJ, Ferozewala 14 Mr. Muzaffar Ali Khan, 363 1730 2093 1775 318 ASJ, Ferozewala (since Transferred) 15 Mr. Sarwar Saleem Ul- 0 501 501 395 106 lah, ASJ. Ferazewala 16 Mr. Abdul Hafeez 431 1185 1616 1323 293 Khan,aSJ,nns (since Transferred) 17 Mr. Zafar Iqbal Khan, 284 1010 1294 1110 184 ASJ, Nankana Sahib 18 Mr. Abdul Maajid , ASJ 0 152 152 147 5 (campAtNns)(since Transferred) 19 Senior Civil Judge, Skp. 917 748 1665 893 772 20 Mr. Ishfaq Mehmood 954 646 1600 762 838 Sh.cj, Ist Class, Skp(since Transferred)

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 117 21 Mr. Javed-ul-hassan 1031 351 1382 208 1174 Chishti,cj, Ist Class, Skp(since Transferred) 22 Mehr Tahir Nawaz 031311516 Khan,cj, Ist Class, Skp(since Transferred) 23 Mr.kamran Basharat 1084 688 1772 737 1035 Mufti, Cj, Ist Class, Skp 24 Mr.abid Hussain Malik, 724 1064 1788 1185 603 Cj, Iiird Class, Skp 25 Mr. Ahmed Nawaz 625 218 843 273 570 Khan, Cj, Iiird Class,skp(since Trans- ferred) 26 Mr. Tariq Saleem 490 808 1298 820 478 Chohan, Cj Iiird Class,skp(since Trans- ferred) 27 Mr. Muhammad 406 1022 1428 1307 121 Jahangir, Cj, Iiird Class,skp 28 Mr. Muhammad Saj- 311 341 652 202 450 jad Abbasi Cj, Iiird Class,skp 29 Mr. Asad Ullah 393 1086 1479 971 508 Khokhar, Cj. Iiird Class, Skp 30 Miss Kaneez Faiza 266 176 442 145 297 Bhatti, Cj. Ist Class, Skp 31 Mrs. Sajida Ahmed, Cj, 032321319 Lind Class, Skp(since Transferred) 32 Mr. Wajid Hussain 224 1032 1256 1125 131 Mughal, Cj,iiird Class, Skp 33 Mr. Amaan Ullah Khan, 243 218 461 303 158 Cj,iiird Class, Skp 34 Mr.munir Ahmed 057574611 Gondel, Cj,iiird Class, Skp(since Terminated) 35 Mr. Muhammad Ir- 01414014 fan Basrah, Cj,iiird Class,skp 36 Sh. Ali Jaffar, Cj, Iiird 06606 Class, Skp 37 Mr. Zaheer Ahmed 04413 Babar, Cj,iii Class, Skp 38 Mr. Muhammad Safdar 04413 Shaheen, Cj,iiird Class, Skp 39 Muhammad Sajawal 039391722 Khan, Cj,iiird Class, Skp

118 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 40 Mehr Sarfraz Hussain 04404 Khan, Cj, Iiird Class, Skp 41 Mrs. Jazeela Aslam. Cj. 1573 634 2207 737 1470 Ist Cl;ass, F/wala(since Transferred To Skp) 42 Mr. Jamshaid Mubarak 1152 910 2062 832 1230 Bhatti,cj,iiird Class, F/w 43 Mr. Muhammad Asim, 761 859 1620 635 985 Cj. Iiird Class, F/wala (since Transferred) 44 Mrs.shazian Cheema, Cj, 308 951 1259 703 556 Iiird Class, F/wala 45 Mr. Muhammad Iqbal 749 836 1585 735 850 Khan, Cj Ist Class Nns. 46 Mr. Abid Ali, Cj,iiird 582 328 910 315 595 Class, Nankana Sahib(since Transferred) 47 Mr. Haider Ali Arif, 375 373 748 360 388 Cj,iiird Class, Nns. (since Transferred) 48 Mr. Kashif Qayyum, Cj, 334 882 1216 625 591 Iiird Class, Nns 49 Mr. Yalmaz Ghanni, 05555847 Cj,iiird Class, Nns Grand Total: 16434 27792 44226 27909 16317

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SIALKOT 1 Shaikh Muhammad 2311 392 2703 827 1876 Saeed, Sr.cj, Sialkot 1 Mr. Muhammad Zahoor 112 353 465 385 80 Abbasi, D SJ, Sialkot 2 Ch. Ghulam Rasool, Ad 159 408 567 413 154 SJ, Sialkot 3 Mr. Shakil Ahmad, Ad 183 200 383 383 0 SJ Sialkot 4 Mr. G.m. Malik Ad SJ 187 112 299 309 -10 Sialkot 5Mr.NazirAhmad 149 615 764 642 122 Langha, Ad SJ Sialkot 6 Mr. Abdul Noor Nasir, 140 50 190 190 0 Ad SJ, Sialkot 7 Mr. Muhammad Saleem 148 371 519 439 80 Khan, Ad SJ, Sialkot 8 Mr. Jawad-ul-hassan, Ad 192 502 694 593 101 SJ Sialkot 9 Mr. Muhammad Rashid 0 614 614 537 77 Qamar Ad SJ, Sialkot

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 119 10 Mr. Tariq Mehmood Ma- 0 358 358 248 110 lik Ad SJ, Sialkot 11 Mr. Tahir Naeem Ad s, 0 255 255 255 0 Sialkot 12 Mr. Nazir Ahmad, Ad SJ 0 351 351 249 102 Sialkot 13 Syed Najam-ul-hassan, 0 159 159 39 120 Ad SJ Sialkot 14 Syed Najam-ul-hassan 616 511 1127 1117 10 Ad SJ, Daska 15 Mr. Jamshed Hussain, 0 650 650 118 532 Ad sh, Daska 16 Sh. Khalid Bashir, Ad SJ 457 1296 1753 1311 442 Daska 17 Rana Muhammad 430 55 485 485 0 Yousaf, Ad SJ, Pasrur 18 Sh. Muhammad Kaleem 0 1036 1036 625 411 Ad SJ Pasrur 19 Mr. Shafqat Ali, Ad SJ, 296 848 1144 890 254 Pasrur 20 Mr. Muhammad Naeem 2435 932 3367 1087 2280 Shaikh Cj, 21 Mr. Imran Khursheed, 2022 1334 3356 950 2406 Cj 22 Mr. Tariq Mahmood, Cj 2077 193 2270 621 1649 23 Rai Muhammad Naeem 1083 1876 2959 986 1973 Cj 24 Mr. Imran Hayee Khan, 105 139 244 244 0 Cj 25 Mr. Asif Mumtaz 1133 2472 3605 745 2860 Cheema, Cj 26 Mr. Moin Khokhar, Cj 1042 1684 2726 790 1936 27 Mr. Shahid Munir Ranja, 143 143 1 142 Cj 28 Mr. Javaid Iqbal War- 2825 950 3775 1573 2202 raich, Cj, Daska 29 Mr. Muhammad Sule- 2480 916 3396 1335 2061 man, Cj 30 Mr. Hassan Ahmad, Cj 2003 764 2767 1255 1512 31 Mr. M. Aslam Panjutha, 1814 1561 3375 1224 2151 Cj 32 Mr. Abdul Rehman 1302 900 2202 1088 1114 Awan, Cj, Pasrur, 33 Mr. Javaid Alam 2607 196 2803 969 1834 Qureshi, Cj 34 Mr. Javaid Iqbal Ranja, 615 2374 2989 1065 1924 Cj 35 Mr. Javaid Iqbal Butt, 3577 6461 10038 8327 1711 Spel. Judl.mag.sailkot 36 Mr. Imran Raza Abbasi, 610 3056 3666 1921 1745 37 Mr. Hassan Ahmad, Cj 484 428 912 567 345

120 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 38 Mr. Javaid Iqbal Ranja, 827 619 1446 587 859 Cj/spe.judl.mag. Pasrur 39 Mr. Sajjad Nazar Butt 1011 1011 131 880 Totol 34421 37145 71566 35521 36045

Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 TOBA TEK SINGH 1 District And Sessions 125 385 510 397 113 Judge, T.t.s 2 Additional Dist. And 381 935 1316 976 340 Session Judge, T.t.s 3 Additional Dist. And 395 827 1222 860 362 Session Judge, Kamalia 4 Additional Dist. And 295 903 1198 936 262 Session Judge, Gujra 5 Senior Civil Judge, Toba 1270 1108 2378 769 1609 Tek Singh 6 Suleman Baig, Cj 1st 1977 1492 3469 913 2556 Class, T.t.singh 7 Qamar-u-zaman, Cj 1st 700 970 1670 819 851 Class, T.t.singh 8 Gul Abbas Mirza, Cj 3rd 3074 416 3490 964 2526 Class, T.t.singh. 9 Rai Muhammad Khan, 669 507 1176 676 500 Cj 3rd Class, Tts. 10 Irfan Aslam Maan, Cj 590 526 1116 610 506 3rd Class, T.t.s. 11 Aftab Ahmed Rai, Cj, 672 484 1156 615 541 3rd Class, T.t.s 12 Rai Wajid Ali, Spl. Judi- 987 2792 3779 2132 1647 cial Magistrate. 13 Maji Ahmed, Cj 1st 2119 1462 3581 1254 2327 Class, Gojra 14 Raza Ullah Khan, Cj 3rd 1335 1030 2365 957 1408 Class, Gojra. 15 Muhammad Wajid Mi- 784 509 1293 517 776 nahs, Cj 3rd Class Gojra. 16 Aijaz Munir, S.jm, Go- 408 1358 1766 879 887 jra. 17 Jaleel Ahmed Cj 1st 1458 1098 2556 1030 1526 Class, Kamalia. 18 Anees Abbas Sheikh, Cj 1674 614 2288 845 1443 Ii Class Kamalia. 19 Fiaz-ul-hassan, Cj 3rd 547 991 1538 807 731 Class Kamalia 20 Mian Aftab Ahmed, 965 1628 2593 1137 1456 S.j.m, Kamalia. Total 15282 13415 28697 12423 16274

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 121 Institution Disposal Ser. Name of Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 VEHARI 1 Abdul Waheed Khan D 234 1348 1582 1087 495 SJ Vehari 2SyedMehboobQadir 246 723 969 476 493 ShahAdSJVehari 3 Mian Khadim Hussain 0 132 132 142 -10 Ad SJ Vehari 4 Arshad Mehmood Ad SJ 233 215 448 226 222 Vehari 5SyedMehboobQadir 206 1186 1392 975 417 ShahAdSJVehari 6JavedIqbalSaifAdSJ 281 328 609 305 304 Vehari 7NasirAhmedAwanAd 162 1060 1222 819 403 SJ Vehari 8 Nasrullah Ranjha Ad SJ 807 1084 1891 641 1250 Mailsi 9 Shakeel Ahmed Ad SJ 0 513 513 478 35 Mailsi 10 Rao Sultan Ali Tahir Ad 0 771 771 287 484 SJ Mailsi 11 Shahid Rafiq Sheikh Ad 0 508 508 509 -1 SJ Mailsi 12 Karamt Ali Sheikh Ad 413 880 1293 756 537 SJ B.wala 13 Irfan Ahmed Saeed Ad 301 1544 1845 1253 592 SJ B.wala 14 Senior Civil Judge, Ve- 1361 817 2178 1355 823 hari 15 Muhammad Riaz 1302 906 2208 1070 1138 Chopra, Cj, Vehari. 16 Zafar Ulah Khan Tarar, 922 898 1820 1028 792 Cj 17 Sh. Allah Baksh, Cj, Ve- 870 344 1214 315 899 hari 18 Malik Muhammad 1143 669 1812 860 952 Rizwan Arif, Cj 19 Ghulam Mujtaba Baloch 775 723 1498 796 702 Cj, Vehari 20 Muhammad Asif Janjua 1760 533 2293 596 1697 Cj Vehari 21 Shakeel Ahmed Cj Ve- 1235 831 2066 1011 1055 hari 22 Nadeem Abbas Saqi Cj, 980 568 1548 737 811 Vehari 23 Sarfraz Ali Ch. Cj, Ve- 641 922 1563 823 740 hari 24 Sohib Ahmed, Cj, Vehari 0 0 0 22 -22 25 Younis Aziz/shehbaz 947 682 1629 967 662 Ahmed, Mailsi

122 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court 26 Malik Shafique Ahmed, 1177 885 2062 1083 979 Cj, Mailsi 27 Basit Aleem, Cj, Mailsi 1618 656 2274 1003 1271 28 Muhammad Irfan An- 1463 270 1733 614 1119 jum, Cj, Mailsi 29 Sh. Muhammad Saleem 191 620 811 754 57 Cj Mailsi 30 Naveed Ahmed Khan, 349 850 1199 698 501 Ch. Mailsi 31 Saad-sulman Cj, Mailsi 0 0 0 19 -19 32 Ejaz-ur-rehman Cj, Bu- 1594 1269 2863 875 1988 rewala 33 Muhamamd Asif Janjua, 1529 1893 3422 1036 2386 Cj, Burewala 34 Muhammad Irfananjum 1147 1275 2422 925 1497 Cj, Burewala 35 Haider Ali Khan Cj, Bu- 1577 1102 2679 1222 1457 rewala Total 25464 27005 52469 25763 26706

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 123 2 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Lhr ihCourt High Lahore 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 124 4.3 Budgetary Statistics 4.3.1 Budget Allocation for the Financial Year 2002-2003 under head of account no.21000-Justice Law Courts 21105- High Court

ORIGINAL HIGH COURT OBJECT CLASSIFICATION GRANT P.SEAT RAWALPINDI MULTAN BAHAWALPUR TOTAL 01000- BASIC PAY 01100- PAY OF OFFICERS 56401000 52051000 1600000 1550000 1200000 56401000 01200- PAY OF STAFF 55480000 40300000 5650000 5230000 4300000 55480000 TOTAL BASIC PAY 111881000 92351000 7250000 6780000 5500000 111881000 02000- REGULAR ALLOW 02100- SR-POST ALLOWANCE 3616000 3616000 0 0 0 3616000 02200- HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE 21404000 19248000 868000 676000 612000 21404000 02300- CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE 2893000 1655000 424000 450000 364000 2893000 02400- SUMPTUARY ALLOWANCE 10000 10000 0 0 0 10000 02700- WASHING ALLOWANCE 156000 103000 30000 10000 13000 156000 02800- DRESS ALLOWANCE 114000 100000 5000 5000 4000 114000 02901- HILL ALOWANCE 43000 0 43000 0 0 43000 02906- QUALIFICATION ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 02907- MEDICAL ALLOWANCE 2324000 1657000 272000 217000 178000 2324000 02916- COMPUTER ALLOWANCE 351000 351000 0 0 0 351000 02926- DEPUTATION ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 02929- SPECIAL ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 02935- SPECIAL ADDL. ALLOWANCE 8120000 6245000 734000 625000 516000 8120000 02940- DISTURBANCE ALLOW 3935000 2680000 577000 463000 215000 3935000 02961- JUDICIAL ALLOWANCE 160000 121000 13000 13000 13000 160000 02999- OTHERS 20000 10000 5000 1000 4000 20000 TOTAL REGULAR ALLOWANCES 43146000 35796000 2971000 2460000 1919000 43146000 03000- OTHER ALLOWANCES 0 0 0 0 03100- OVER TIME ALLOWANCE 630000 485000 55000 45000 45000 630000 03300- HONORARIUM 20000 20000 0 0 0 20000 03400- MEDICAL CHARGES 2408000 2153000 120000 35000 100000 2408000 03700- CONTINGENT PAID STAFF 2500000 2200000 80000 200000 20000 2500000 03800- LEAVE SALARY 55000 40000 5000 5000 5000 55000 03900- OTHERS 10000 10000 0 0 0 10000 TOTAL OTHER ALLOWANCE 5623000 4908000 260000 285000 170000 5623000 10000- PURCHASE OF D.GOODS 11000- TRANSPORT 0 0 0 0 0 0 12000- MACHINERY & EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 0 13000 FURNITURE & FIXTURE 0 0 0 0 0 0 19000- OTHERS (CYCLES) 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PURCHASE 000000 50000- COMMODITIES & SERVICES 51101- T.A. TO GOVT. SERVANT 4700000 4350000 140000 140000 70000 4700000 51200- FRIEGHT CHARGES 45000 27000 12000 3000 3000 45000 51300- P.O.L. CHARGES 7800000 6000000 1060000 500000 240000 7800000 51400- CONVEYANCE CHARGES 71000 40000 17000 10000 4000 71000 51900- ROAD & DIET MONEY 2000 2000 0 0 0 2000 52100- POSTAGE & TELEGRAPH 1500000 1000000 180000 220000 100000 1500000 52200- TELEPHONE CHARGES 14500000 8000000 2500000 1500000 2500000 14500000 52300- TELEX & TELIPRINTER 5000 2000 1000 1000 1000 5000 52400- COURIER & PILOT SERVICE 10000 7000 1000 1000 1000 10000 53100- SUI GAS CHARGES 3000000 2000000 580000 350000 70000 3000000 53200- WATER CHARGES 600000 460000 110000 20000 10000 600000 53300- ELECTRICITY CHARGES 30000000 19500000 4000000 4000000 2500000 30000000 53400- HOT & PILOT SERVICE 285000 220000 20000 15000 30000 285000 54000- OFFICE STATIONERY 7000000 5450000 650000 500000 400000 7000000

uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Lhr ihCut 125 Court: High Lahore 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 55000- PRINTING CHARGES 1000000 745000 100000 55000 100000 1000000 56000- LAW BOOKS 1600000 1230000 150000 120000 100000 1600000 57000- UNIFORM & LIVERIES 600000 500000 40000 18000 42000 600000 58100- RENT FOR OFFICE BLDG. 5000 5000 0 0 0 5000 58200- RENT FOR RES. BLDG. 5000 5000 0 0 0 5000 58300- RENT FOR OTHER BLDG. 5000 5000 0 0 0 5000 58600- RATES & TAXES 200000 142000 30000 20000 8000 200000 58900- OTHERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 59400- NATIONAL CELEBRATION 70000 50000 5000 10000 5000 70000 59500- ADVERTISEMENT CHARGES 200000 170000 7000 6000 17000 200000 59800- COST OF STORES 1200000 692000 270000 130000 108000 1200000 59975- COURSE CHARGES/FEC 1000000 1000000 0 0 0 1000000 59999- OTHERS 800000 500000 120000 100000 80000 800000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 76203000 52102000 9993000 7719000 6389000 76203000 60000- TRANSFER PAYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 64900- OTHERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 64937- AID TO DESTITUTE LITIGANTS 75000 75000 0 0 0 75000 64938- CONTRIBUTION TO H.C. BAR. LIB. 10000 10000 0 0 0 10000 69000- GRANT IN AID 0 0 0 0 0 0 67000- ENTERTAINMENT & GIFTS. 500000 500000 0 0 0 500000 TOTAL TRANSFER PAYMENT 585000 585000 00 0585000 4.3.2 Budget Allocation for the Financial Year 2002-2003 Under Head of Account No.11-21000–Justice Law Courts—21106–Session Courts

Page No. 1—Session Courts Major/Minor Object 01000-Total Basic Pay 02000-Total Regular Allowances

Detailed Objects 01100-Pay of Officers 01200-Pay of Staff 01000-Total Basic Pay 02100-Sr. Post Allow 02200-H. Rent Allow 02300-Conv. Allowance Column NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Budget Grant 66951000 125749000 19270000 256000 20561000 3270000 Attock 1127100 2117000 3244100 7500 346100 Bahawalnagar 2028800 3810600 5839400 7500 623100 Bahawalpur 2479700 4657400 7137100 7500 761500 300000 Bhakkar 901700 1693500 2595200 7500 276900 Chakwal 901700 1693500 2595200 7500 276900 D.g. Khan 1578000 2963800 4541800 7500 484600 225000 Faisalabad 4508500 8467900 12976400 8000 1384600 450000 Gujranwala 3381400 6351000 9732400 7500 1038400 350000 Gujrat 1578000 2963800 4541800 7500 484600 Hafizabad 1127100 2117000 3244100 7500 346100 Jhang 2028800 3810600 5839400 7500 623100 Jhelum 676300 1270200 1946500 7500 207700 Kasur 2479700 4657400 7137100 7500 761500 Khanewal 1352500 2540400 3892900 7500 415400 Khushab 901700 1693500 2595200 7500 276900 Lahore 6537400 12278500 18815900 8000 2007700 750000 Layyah 901700 1693500 2595200 7500 276900 Lodhran 901700 1693500 2595200 7500 276900 Mandi Baha Ud Din 1352500 2540400 3892900 7500 415400 Mianwali 1803400 3387200 5190600 7500 553800 Multan 2254200 4234000 6488200 7500 692300 300000 Muzaffargarh 1352500 2540400 3892900 7500 415400 Narowal 1127100 2117000 3244100 7500 346100 Okara 1803400 3387200 5190600 7500 553800 Pakpattan Sharif 901700 1693500 2595200 7500 276900 Rahim Yar Khan 2479700 4657400 7137100 7500 761500 Rajanpur 1352500 2540400 3892900 7500 415400 Rawalpindi 3606800 6774400 10381200 7500 1107700 300000 Sahiwal 1803400 3387200 5190600 7500 553800 Sargodha 2028800 3810600 5839400 7500 623100 250000 Sheikhupura 3606800 6774400 10381200 7500 1107700 150000 Sialkot 2705100 5080800 7785900 7500 830800 195000 Toba.tek.sing 1127100 2117000 3244100 7500 346100 Vehari 2254200 4234000 6488200 7500 692300 Total 66951000 125749000 192700000 256000 20561000 3270000

126 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Page No. 2—Session Courts Major/Minor Object 02000-Total Regular Allowances (Continued. . . .)

Detailed Objects 02400-Sump Allowance 02700-Washi Allowance 02800-Dress Allowance 02991-Hill Allowance 02906-Qualifition Allowance 02907-Medic Allowance Column No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BUDGET GRANT 174000 482000 504000 8000 37000 5770000 Attock 5100 8100 8500 97100 Bahawalnagar 5100 14600 15300 9000 174800 Bahawalpur 5100 17900 18600 9000 213700 Bhakkar 5100 6500 6800 77700 Chakwal 5100 6500 6800 77700 D.G. Khan 5100 11300 11900 136000 Faisalabad 5200 32500 33900 388600 Gujranwala 5100 24300 25400 291400 Gujrat 5100 11300 11900 136000 Hafizabad 5100 8100 8500 97100 Jhang 5100 14600 15300 174800 Jhelum 5100 4900 5100 9000 58300 Kasur 5100 17900 18600 213700 Khanewal 5100 9700 10200 116700 Khushab 5100 6500 6800 77700 Lahore 5200 47100 49200 563400 Layyah 5100 6500 6800 77700 Lodhran 5100 6500 6800 77700 Mandi Baha Ud Din 5100 9700 10200 116700 Mianwali 5100 13000 13600 155400 Multan 5200 16200 17000 194300 Muzaffargarh 5100 9700 10200 116600 Narowal 5100 8100 8500 97100 Okara 5100 13000 13600 155400 Pakpattan Sharif 5100 6500 6800 77700 Rahim Yar Khan 5100 17900 18600 10000 213700 Rajanpur 5100 9700 10200 116600 Rawalpindi 5200 26000 27100 8000 310800 Sahiwal 5100 13000 13600 155400 Sargodha 5200 14600 15300 174800 Sheikhupura 5200 26000 27100 310800 Sialkot 5100 19500 20300 233200 Toba.Tek.Sing 5100 8100 8500 97100 Vehari 5100 16200 17000 194300 Total 174000 482000 504000 8000 37000 5770000

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 127 Page No. 3—Session Courts Major/Minor Object 02000-Total Regular Allowances

Detailed Objects 02935-Sp.Add 20% & 25% 02961-Judicial Allow 02999-Others Total: Regular Allowances Column No. 15 16 17 18 19 BUDGET GRANT 20269000 8663000 38000 60032000 Attock 341200 145800 1100 960500 Bahawalnagar 614200 262500 1100 1727200 Bahawalpur 750700 320800 1100 2405900 Bhakkar 273000 116700 1100 771300 Chakwal 273000 116700 1100 771300 D.G. Khan 477700 204200 1100 1564400 Faisalabad 1364900 583500 1200 4252400 Gujranwala 1023700 437600 1100 3204500 Gujrat 477700 204200 1100 1339400 Hafizabad 341200 145800 1100 960500 Jhang 614200 262500 1100 1718200 Jhelum 204700 87500 1100 590900 Kasur 750700 320800 1100 2096900 Khanewal 409500 175000 1100 1150200 Khushab 273000 116700 1100 771300 Lahore 1979100 846000 1500 6257200 Layyah 273000 116700 1100 771300 Lodhran 273000 116700 1100 771300 Mandi Baha Ud Din 409500 175000 1100 1150200 Mianwali 546000 233300 1100 1528800 Multan 682500 291700 1100 2207800 Muzaffargarh 409500 175000 1100 1150100 Narowal 341200 145800 1100 960500 Okara 546000 233300 1100 1528800 Pakpattan Sharif 273000 116700 1100 771300 Rahim Yar Khan 750700 320800 1100 2106900 Rajanpur 409500 175000 1100 1150100 Rawalpindi 1091900 466700 1200 3352100 Sahiwal 546000 233300 1100 1528800 Sargodha 614200 262500 1100 1968300 Sheikhupura 1091900 466700 1100 3194000 Sialkot 818900 350000 1100 2481400 Toba.Tek.Sing 341200 145800 1100 960500 Vehari 682500 291700 1100 1907700 Total 20269000 8663000 38000 60032000

128 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Page No. 4—Session Courts Major/Minor Object 03300- OTHER ALLOWANCES

Detailed Objects 03300-Honorarium 03400-Medical Charges 03700-Contingent Paid Staff 03800-Leave Salary 03900-Others Total Other Allowances Column No. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BUDGET GRANT 5000 1317000 75000 54000 10000 1461000 Attock 145 30700 2200 1580 290 34480 Bahawalnagar 145 39000 2200 1580 290 42780 Bahawalpur 150 43500 2200 1600 300 47300 Bhakkar 150 28400 2200 1580 290 32180 Chakwal 145 28400 2200 1580 290 32180 D.G. Khan 150 34700 2200 1580 300 38480 Faisalabad 150 62000 2200 1600 300 65800 Gujranwala 150 51500 2200 1600 300 55300 Gujrat 145 34700 2200 1580 290 38480 Hafizabad 145 30700 2200 1580 290 34480 Jhang 150 39000 2200 1580 300 42780 Jhelum 145 26300 2200 1580 290 30080 Kasur 145 43500 2200 1580 290 47280 Khanewal 145 32600 2200 1580 290 36380 Khushab 145 28400 2200 1580 290 95200 Lahore 150 91100 2400 1700 300 32180 Layyah 145 28400 2200 1580 290 32180 Lodhran 145 28400 2200 1580 290 32180 Mandi Baha Ud Din 145 32600 2200 1580 290 36380 Mianwali 150 36800 2200 1580 300 40580 Multan 150 41000 2200 1600 300 44800 Muzaffargarh 145 32600 2200 1580 290 36380 Narowal 145 30700 2200 1580 290 34480 Okara 145 36800 2200 1580 290 40580 Pakpattan Sharif 145 28400 2200 1580 290 32180 Rahim Yar Khan 150 43500 2200 1580 300 47280 Rajanpur 145 32600 2200 1580 290 36380 Rawalpindi 150 54000 2200 1600 300 57800 Sahiwal 145 36800 2200 1600 300 40600 Sargodha 150 39000 2200 1600 300 42800 Sheikhupura 150 54000 2200 1580 300 57780 Sialkot 150 45200 2200 1600 300 49000 Toba.Tek.Sing 145 30700 2200 1580 290 34480 Vehari 145 41000 2200 1580 290 44780 Total 5000 1317000 75000 54000 10000 1461000

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 129 Page No. 5—Session Courts Major/Minor Object 03300- OTHER ALLOWANCES

Detailed Objects 11000-Purchase of Transport 12000-Purchse of Machinery 13000-Purchse of Furniture Total Purchase 41000-Repair of Transport 42000-Repair of Machinery Column No. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BUDGET GRANT 12000 1092000 100000 1204000 3000000 1000000 Attock 0 0 72000 23250 Bahawalnagar 0 0 89000 29850 Bahawalpur 0 0 97300 33150 Bhakkar 0 0 67200 21600 Chakwal 0 0 67200 21600 D.G. Khan 0 0 80100 26550 Faisalabad 0 0 138000 48000 Gujranwala 0 0 116000 39750 Gujrat 0 0 80100 26550 Hafizabad 3000 273000 25000 301000 72000 23250 Jhang 0 0 89000 29850 Jhelum 0 0 62900 19950 Kasur 0 0 97300 33150 Khanewal 3000 273000 25000 301000 75800 24900 Khushab 0 0 67200 21600 Lahore 0 0 190100 62800 Layyah 0 0 67200 21600 Lodhran 3000 273000 25000 301000 67200 21600 Mandi Baha Ud Din 0 0 75800 24900 Mianwali 0 0 84500 28200 Multan 0 0 93000 31500 Muzaffargarh 0 0 75800 24900 Narowal 0 0 72000 23250 Okara 0 0 84500 28200 Pakpattan Sharif 0 0 67200 21600 Rahim Yar Khan 0 0 97300 33150 Rajanpur 0 0 75800 24900 Rawalpindi 3000 273000 25000 301000 119000 41400 Sahiwal 0 0 84500 28200 Sargodha 0 0 89000 29850 Sheikhupura 0 0 119000 41400 Sialkot 0 0 102000 34800 Toba.Tek.Sing 0 0 72000 23250 Vehari 0 0 93000 31500 Total 12000 1092000 100000 1204000 3000000 1000000

130 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Page No. 6—Session Courts Major/Minor Object 01000-Total Basic Pay 02000-Total Regular Allowances

Detailed Objects 43000-Repair of Furniture 49100-Mainteance of Grade Total Repair of D.Goods 51101-T.A to Govt. Sevant 51200-Freight Charges 51300- P.O.L. Charges Column No. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 BUDGET GRANT 800000 10000 4810000 5000000 30000 2800000 Attock 18000 0 113250 109700 700 82350 Bahawalnagar 24000 0 142850 149700 900 82350 Bahawalpur 27000 0 157450 169700 1000 82350 Bhakkar 16000 0 104800 99700 650 82350 Chakwal 16000 0 104800 99700 650 82350 D.G. Khan 21000 0 127650 129700 800 82350 Faisalabad 40000 0 226000 259700 1450 82350 Gujranwala 33000 0 188750 209700 1200 82350 Gujrat 21000 0 127650 129700 800 82350 Hafizabad 18000 0 113250 109700 700 82350 Jhang 24000 0 142850 149700 900 82350 Jhelum 15000 0 97850 89700 600 82350 Kasur 27000 0 157450 169700 1000 82350 Khanewal 19000 0 119700 119700 750 82350 Khushab 16000 0 104800 99700 650 82350 Lahore 60000 0 312900 349900 1900 82450 Layyah 16000 0 104800 99700 650 82350 Lodhran 16000 0 104800 99700 650 82350 Mandi Baha Ud Din 19000 0 119700 119700 750 82350 Mianwali 22000 0 134700 139700 850 82350 Multan 25000 0 149500 159700 950 82350 Muzaffargarh 19000 0 119700 119700 750 82350 Narowal 18000 0 113250 109700 700 82350 Okara 22000 0 134700 139700 850 82350 Pakpattan Sharif 16000 0 104800 99700 650 82350 Rahim Yar Khan 27000 0 157450 169700 1000 82350 Rajanpur 19000 0 119700 119700 750 82350 Rawalpindi 34500 0 194900 219700 1250 82350 Sahiwal 22000 0 134700 139700 850 82350 Sargodha 24000 0 142850 149700 900 82350 Sheikhupura 34500 0 194900 219700 1200 82350 Sialkot 28000 0 164800 179700 1000 82350 Toba.Tek.Sing 18000 0 113250 109700 700 82350 Vehari 25000 0 149500 159700 900 82350 Total 800000 0 4810000 5000000 30000 2800000

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 131 Page No. 7—Session Courts Major/Minor Object 50000-Commodities & Services

Detailed Objects 51400-Cover Charges 51900-Road Diet Money 52100-Postage & Telegraph 52200-Telephone Charges 52300-Telex/Teleprinter 52400-Courier & Pilot Service Column NO. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 BUDGET GRANT 35000 250000 800000 5400000 5000 3000 Attock 800 6500 16500 121000 145 85 Bahawalnagar 1050 7400 24000 161000 145 85 Bahawalpur 1160 8000 27900 182000 150 90 Bhakkar 750 6100 14600 110500 150 90 Chakwal 750 6100 14600 110500 145 85 D.G. Khan 920 6900 20300 141000 150 90 Faisalabad 1700 10200 45000 274000 150 90 Gujranwala 1400 8900 35300 223000 150 90 Gujrat 920 6900 20300 141000 145 90 Hafizabad 800 6500 16500 121000 145 85 Jhang 1050 7400 24000 161000 150 90 Jhelum 700 5780 12700 100000 145 90 Kasur 1160 8000 27900 182000 145 90 Khanewal 860 6560 18400 131000 145 90 Khushab 750 6100 14600 110500 145 85 Lahore 2240 13000 62000 366000 150 90 Layyah 740 6100 14600 110500 145 85 Lodhran 750 6100 14600 110500 145 85 Mandi Baha Ud Din 860 6560 18400 131000 145 85 Mianwali 1000 7100 22000 151000 150 90 Multan 1100 7600 26000 172000 150 90 Muzaffargarh 860 6560 18400 131000 145 90 Narowal 800 6500 16500 121000 145 85 Okara 1000 7100 22000 151000 145 90 Pakpattan Sharif 740 6100 14600 110500 145 85 Rahim Yar Khan 1160 8000 27900 182000 150 90 Rajanpur 860 6560 18400 131000 145 85 Rawalpindi 1460 9190 37000 233000 150 90 Sahiwal 1000 7100 22000 151000 145 90 Sargodha 1050 7400 24000 161000 150 90 Sheikhupura 1460 9190 37000 233000 150 90 Sialkot 1250 8400 29500 192000 150 90 Toba.Tek.Sing 800 6500 16500 121000 145 85 Vehari 1100 7600 26000 172000 145 90 Total 35000 250000 800000 5400000 5000 3000

132 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Page No. 8—Session Courts Major/Minor Object 01000-Total Basic Pay 02000-Total Regular Allowances

Detailed Objects 53100-Sui Gas Charges 53200-Water Charges 53300-Electricity 53400-Hot & cold Weather Charges 54000-Office Stationery 55000-Printing Charges Column No. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 BUDGET GRANT 850000 50000 9970000 460000 5500000 760000 Attock 65000 2000 210500 10300 131000 19200 Bahawalnagar 0 2000 299000 13700 163800 22600 Bahawalpur 0 0 343500 15400 180200 24200 Bhakkar 0 0 188000 9400 122800 18400 Chakwal 20000 0 188000 9400 122800 18400 D.G. Khan 0 0 255000 12000 148000 21000 Faisalabad 10000 4000 543000 23000 255000 31800 Gujranwala 50000 0 432000 19000 214000 27600 Gujrat 80000 0 255000 12000 148000 21000 Hafizabad 0 0 210000 11000 131000 19200 Jhang 0 0 299000 14700 163800 22600 Jhelum 0 0 166000 8600 114600 17500 Kasur 0 0 343500 15400 180200 24200 Khanewal 15000 0 232500 11100 139200 20000 Khushab 0 0 188000 9400 122800 18400 Lahore 350000 32000 742000 31000 328000 40000 Layyah 0 0 188000 9400 122800 18400 Lodhran 0 0 188000 9400 122800 18400 Mandi Baha Ud Din 0 0 232500 11100 139200 20000 Mianwali 0 0 277000 12900 155600 21600 Multan 45000 10000 321500 14500 172000 23400 Muzaffargarh 30000 0 232500 11100 139200 20000 Narowal 0 0 210500 10300 131000 19200 Okara 0 0 277000 12900 155600 21600 Pakpattan Sharif 0 0 188500 9400 122800 18400 Rahim Yar Khan 0 0 343500 15400 180200 24200 Rajanpur 0 0 232500 11100 139200 20000 Rawalpindi 50000 0 454500 19600 221500 28400 Sahiwal 0 0 277200 12900 155600 21600 Sargodha 10000 0 299350 13700 163800 22600 Sheikhupura 100000 0 454400 19600 221500 28400 Sialkot 25000 0 365800 16500 189000 25100 Toba.Tek.Sing 0 0 210750 10300 131000 19200 Vehari 0 0 321500 14500 172000 23400 Total 850000 50000 9970000 460000 5500000 760000

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 133 Page No. 9—Session Courts Major/Minor Object 50000-Commodities & Services

Detailed Objects 56000-Law Books 57000-Uniform & Liveries 58100-Rent Office Bldgs 58300-Rent for Resid. Blgs. 58300-Rent for other Blgs. 58600- Rates & Taxes Column No. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 BUDGET GRANT 1700000 70000 10000 5000 5000 50000 Attock 35000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Bahawalnagar 51000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Bahawalpur 59000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Bhakkar 31000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Chakwal 31000 2050 0 0 0 1470 D.G. Khan 43000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Faisalabad 95000 2100 0 0 0 1470 Gujranwala 75000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Gujrat 43000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Hafizabad 35000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Jhang 51000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Jhelum 27000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Kasur 59000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Khanewal 39000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Khushab 31000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Lahore 133000 2100 0 0 0 1490 Layyah 31000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Lodhran 31000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Mandi Baha Ud Din 39000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Mianwali 47000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Multan 55000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Muzaffargarh 39000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Narowal 35000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Okara 47000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Pakpattan Sharif 31000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Rahim Yar Khan 59000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Rajanpur 39000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Rawalpindi 79000 2100 0 0 0 1470 Sahiwal 47000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Sargodha 51000 2100 0 0 0 1470 Sheikhupura 79000 2100 0 0 0 1470 Sialkot 63000 2100 0 0 0 1470 Toba.Tek.Sing 35000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Vehari 55000 2050 0 0 0 1470 Total 1700000 70000 10000 5000 5000 50000

134 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Page No. 10—Session Courts 60000-Trans. Major/Minor Object 50000-Commodities & Services Payment

Detailed Objects 59400-National Celebration 59500-Adv of Charges 59800-Cost of Stores 59999-Other Total Commod. & Services 67000-Ent. Gifts TOTAL SESSIONS COURTS-21106 Column No. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 BUDGET GRANT 125000 100000 1000000 600000 35578000 5000 295790000 Attock 3100 2940 21000 17640 858980 145 5211455 Bahawalnagar 3700 2940 30000 17640 1036530 145 8788905 Bahawalpur 4100 2940 35000 17640 1157850 150 10905750 Bhakkar 2800 2940 19000 17640 730390 150 4234020 Chakwal 2800 2940 19000 17640 750380 145 4254005 D.G. Khan 3300 2940 25300 17640 913910 150 7186390 Faisalabad 5800 2940 54000 17640 1720390 150 19241140 Gujranwala 4900 2940 43000 17640 1451690 150 14632790 Gujrat 3300 2940 25300 17640 993905 145 7041380 Hafizabad 3100 2940 21000 17640 792180 145 5445655 Jhang 3700 2940 30000 17640 1035540 150 8778920 Jhelum 2600 2940 16600 17640 669065 145 3334540 Kasur 4100 2940 35000 17640 1157845 145 10596720 Khanewal 3100 2940 23000 17640 866855 145 6367180 Khushab 2800 2940 19000 17640 730380 145 4234005 Lahore 7500 2980 73800 17880 2639480 150 28120830 Layyah 2800 2940 19000 17640 730370 145 4233995 Lodhran 2800 2940 19000 17640 730380 145 4535005 Mandi Baha Ud Din 3100 2940 23000 17640 851850 145 6051175 Mianwali 3500 2940 28000 17640 973940 150 7868770 Multan 3900 2940 32000 17640 1151340 150 10041790 Muzaffargarh 3100 2940 23000 17640 881855 145 6081080 Narowal 3100 2940 21000 17640 791980 145 5144455 Okara 3500 2940 28000 17640 973935 145 7868760 Pakpattan Sharif 2800 2940 19000 17640 730870 145 4234495 Rahim Yar Khan 4100 2940 35000 17640 1157850 150 10606730 Rajanpur 3100 2940 23000 17640 851850 145 6051075 Rawalpindi 5000 2940 46000 17640 1512340 150 15799490 Sahiwal 3500 2940 28000 17640 974135 145 7868980 Sargodha 3700 2940 30000 17640 1044940 150 9038440 Sheikhupura 5000 2940 46000 17640 1562190 150 15390220 Sialkot 4300 2940 37000 17640 1244290 150 11725540 Toba.Tek.Sing 3100 2940 21000 17640 792230 145 5144705 Vehari 3900 2940 32000 17640 1096285 145 9686610 Total 125000 100000 1000000 600000 35578000 5000 295790000

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 135 4.3.3 Budget Allocation for the Financial Year 2002-2003 Under Head of Account No.11-21000–Justice Law Courts—21106–Civil Courts

Page No. 11—Civil Courts Major/Minor Object 1000-Total Basic Pay 02000-Total Regular Allowances

Detailed Objects 01100-Pay of Officers 01200-Pay of Staff Total Basic Pay 02200-House Rent Allowance 02300-Conveyance Allowance 02700-Washing Allowance Column No. 70 72 73 74 75 76 76 BUDGET GRANT 70818000 190785000 261603000 30913000 4762000 377000 Attock 1366700 3681800 5048500 596500 0 7300 Bahawalnagar 1739400 4685900 6425300 759200 0 9200 Bahawalpur 2733300 7363600 10096900 1193100 350000 14500 Bhakkar 1242400 3347100 4589500 542300 0 6600 Chakwal 993900 2677700 3671600 433800 0 5300 D.G. Khan 1242400 3347100 4589500 542300 262000 6600 Faisalabad 5715100 15396700 21111800 2495000 700000 30700 Gujranwala 2981800 8033000 11014800 1301500 500000 15800 Gujrat 1615100 4351200 5966300 705000 0 8600 Hafizabad 869700 2343000 3212700 379600 0 4600 Jhang 2733300 7363600 10096900 1193100 0 14500 Jhelum 1242400 3347100 4589500 542300 0 6600 Kasur 2112100 5690100 7802200 921900 0 11200 Khanewal 1863600 5020700 6884300 813500 0 9900 Khushab 745500 2008300 2753800 325400 0 4000 Lahore 6709400 18074400 24783800 2929000 0 36000 Layyah 993900 2677700 3671600 433900 1000000 5300 Lodhran 1242400 3347100 4589500 542300 0 6600 Mandi Baha Ud Din 1366700 3681800 5048500 596500 0 7300 Mianwali 1118200 3012400 4130600 488100 0 5900 Multan 2733300 7363600 10096900 1193600 0 14500 Muzaffargarh 1987900 5355400 7343300 867700 450000 10600 Narowal 993900 2677700 3671600 433900 0 5300 Okara 2112100 5690100 7802200 921900 0 11200 Pakpattan Sharif 1242400 3347100 4589500 542300 0 6600 Rahim Yar Khan 2733300 7363600 10096900 1193100 0 14500 Rajanpur 1242400 3347100 4589500 542300 0 6600 Rawalpindi 3603000 9706600 13309600 1572700 500000 19100 Sahiwal 1987900 5355400 7343300 867700 0 10600 Sargodha 1987900 5355400 7343300 867700 350000 10600 Sheikhupura 3230300 8702500 11932800 1410000 300000 17200 Sialkot 2236400 6024800 8261200 976100 350000 11900 Toba.Tek.Sing 1615100 4351200 5966300 705000 0 8600 Vehari 2484800 6694200 9179000 1084700 0 13200 Total 70818000 190785000 261603000 30913000 4762000 377000

136 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Page No. 12—Civil Courts Major/Minor Object 02000-Total Regular Allowances

Detailed Objects 02800-Dress Allowance 02901-Hill Allowance 02906-Qualification Allow. 02907-Medical Allowance 02936-Specia Addl Allowance 02946-Fixed T.A Column No. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 BUDGET GRANT 497000 96000 79000 9705000 34122000 631000 Attock 9600 0 187000 658500 12100 Bahawalnagar 12200 0 238000 838000 15400 Bahawalpur 19100 0 374000 1316900 24200 Bhakkar 8700 9000 170000 598600 11000 Chakwal 7000 0 136000 478900 8800 D.G. Khan 8700 0 170000 598600 11000 Faisalabad 40000 0 785000 2753800 51000 Gujranwala 21000 10000 410000 1436600 26400 Gujrat 11300 0 221000 778200 14300 Hafizabad 6100 0 119000 419000 7700 Jhang 19100 0 374000 1316900 24200 Jhelum 8700 0 170000 598600 11000 Kasur 15000 9000 289000 1017600 18700 Khanewal 13300 0 255000 897900 16500 Khushab 5200 0 102000 359200 6600 Lahore 47000 0 925000 3233000 62000 Layyah 7000 0 136000 478900 8800 Lodhran 8700 0 170000 598600 11000 Mandi Baha Ud Din 9600 0 187000 658500 12100 Mianwali 7800 5000 153000 538700 9900 Multan 19500 0 375000 1316900 25000 Muzaffargarh 13900 0 272000 957800 17600 Narowal 7000 10000 136000 478900 8800 Okara 15000 0 289000 1017600 18700 Pakpattan Sharif 8700 0 170000 598600 11000 Rahim Yar Khan 19100 0 374000 1316900 24200 Rajanpur 8700 0 170000 598600 11000 Rawalpindi 25200 96000 27000 493000 1736000 32100 Sahiwal 19700 0 0 0 6600 Sargodha 8700 0 0 0 40700 Sheikhupura 22000 9000 442000 1556400 28600 Sialkot 15700 0 308000 1077500 19800 Toba.Tek.Sing 11300 0 221000 778200 14300 Vehari 17400 0 340000 1198000 22000 Total 497000 96000 79000 9705000 34122000 631000

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 137 Page No. 13—Civil Courts Major/Minor Object 02000-Total Regular Allowances

Detailed Objects 02961-Judicial Allowance 029999-Others Total Regular ALLowances 03300-Honorarium Column No. 85 86 87 88 89 BUDGET GRANT 15236000 61000 96479000 3000 Attock 294000 1790 1766790 85 Bahawalnagar 374000 1790 2247790 85 Bahawalpur 588000 1790 3881590 90 Bhakkar 267000 1790 1614990 90 Chakwal 214000 1790 1285590 85 D.G. Khan 267000 1790 1867990 90 Faisalabad 1230000 1790 8087290 90 Gujranwala 641000 1790 4364090 90 Gujrat 348000 1790 2088190 90 Hafizabad 187000 1790 1124790 85 Jhang 588000 1790 3531590 90 Jhelum 267000 1790 1605990 90 Kasur 454000 1790 2738190 90 Khanewal 401000 1790 2408890 90 Khushab 161000 1790 965190 85 Lahore 1443000 1930 9676930 90 Layyah 214000 1790 1285690 85 Lodhran 267000 1790 1605990 85 Mandi Baha Ud Din 294000 1790 1766790 85 Mianwali 241000 1790 1451190 90 Multan 588000 1790 3984290 90 Muzaffargarh 428000 1790 2569390 90 Narowal 214000 1790 1295690 85 Okara 454000 1790 2729190 90 Pakpattan Sharif 267000 1790 1605990 85 Rahim Yar Khan 588000 1790 3531590 90 Rajanpur 267000 1790 1605990 85 Rawalpindi 775000 1790 5277890 90 Sahiwal 428000 1790 2569390 90 Sargodha 429000 1790 2920390 90 Sheikhupura 695000 1790 4482590 90 Sialkot 481000 1790 3241790 90 Toba.Tek.Sing 348000 1790 2088190 85 Vehari 534000 1790 3211090 90 Total 15236000 61000 96479000 3000

138 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Page No. 14—Civil Courts Major/Minor Object 03000-OTHER ALLOWANCES

Detailed Objects 03400-Medicial Charges 03700-Conting. Paid Staff 03800-Leave Salary 03900-Other Allowances Total 03000-O.A Column No. 90 91 92 93 94 95 BUDGET GRANT 1500000 275000 52000 10000 1840000 Attock 39500 8000 1500 290 49290 Bahawalnagar 41800 8500 1500 290 52090 Bahawalpur 48500 8000 1600 300 58400 Bhakkar 38400 8000 1500 290 48190 Chakwal 36700 8000 1500 290 46490 D.G. Khan 38400 8000 1500 300 48200 Faisalabad 68600 8000 1600 300 78500 Gujranwala 50200 8000 1600 300 60100 Gujrat 40900 8000 1500 290 50690 Hafizabad 35900 8000 1500 290 45690 Jhang 48500 8500 1500 300 58800 Jhelum 38400 8000 1500 290 48190 Kasur 44300 8000 1500 290 54090 Khanewal 42600 8000 1500 290 52390 Khushab 35000 8000 1500 290 44790 Lahore 75400 8000 1650 300 85350 Layyah 36700 8000 1500 290 46490 Lodhran 38400 8000 1500 290 48190 Mandi Baha Ud Din 39500 8500 1500 290 49790 Mianwali 37600 8000 1500 300 47400 Multan 48500 8000 1600 300 58400 Muzaffargarh 43400 8500 1500 290 53690 Narowal 36700 8000 1500 290 46490 Okara 44300 8000 1500 290 54090 Pakpattan Sharif 38400 8000 1500 290 48190 Rahim Yar Khan 48500 8500 1500 300 58800 Rajanpur 38400 8000 1500 290 48190 Rawalpindi 54400 8000 1600 300 64300 Sahiwal 43400 8000 1550 300 53250 Sargodha 43400 8000 1600 300 53300 Sheikhupura 51800 8000 1600 300 61700 Sialkot 45600 8000 1600 300 55500 Toba.Tek.Sing 40900 8000 1500 290 50690 Vehari 47000 8500 1500 290 57290 Total 1500000 275000 52000 10000 1840000

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 139 Page No. 15—Civil Courts Major/Minor Object 040000-Repair of Durable Goods 50000-Commodities & Services

Detailed Objects 41000-Repair of Transport 42000-Repair of Machinery 43000-Repair of Furniture Total Repair of Durable Goods 5100-T.A. to Govt. Servants 51200-Transp. Charges Column No. 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 BUDGET GRANT 150000 700000 900000 1750000 4000000 35000 Attock 3200 16900 22500 42600 100900 800 Bahawalnagar 3800 18800 24500 47100 109600 900 Bahawalpur 5400 23900 30000 59300 132800 1300 Bhakkar 3000 16300 21800 41100 98000 700 Chakwal 2600 15000 20500 38100 92200 600 D.G. Khan 3000 16300 21800 41100 98000 700 Faisalabad 11000 40000 46300 97300 202400 2500 Gujranwala 6000 25100 31300 62400 138600 1400 Gujrat 3600 18200 23900 45700 106700 800 Hafizabad 2400 14400 19800 36600 89300 500 Jhang 5400 23900 30000 59300 132800 1300 Jhelum 3000 16300 21800 41100 98000 700 Kasur 4400 20700 26600 51700 118300 1000 Khanewal 4000 19500 25200 48700 112500 900 Khushab 2200 13800 19100 35100 86400 500 Lahore 12800 44000 52100 108900 226600 2900 Layyah 2600 15000 20500 38100 92200 600 Lodhran 3000 16300 21800 41100 98000 700 Mandi Baha Ud Din 3200 16900 22500 42600 100900 800 Mianwali 2800 15700 21100 39600 95100 600 Multan 5400 23900 30000 59300 132800 1300 Muzaffargarh 4200 20100 25900 50200 115400 1000 Narowal 2600 15000 20500 38100 92200 600 Okara 4400 20700 26600 51700 118300 1000 Pakpattan Sharif 3000 16300 21800 41100 98000 700 Rahim Yar Khan 5400 23900 30000 59300 132800 1300 Rajanpur 3000 16300 21800 41100 98000 700 Rawalpindi 6800 28300 34700 69800 153100 1600 Sahiwal 4200 20100 26000 50300 115400 1000 Sargodha 4200 20100 26000 50300 115400 1000 Sheikhupura 6200 26400 32700 65300 144400 1500 Sialkot 4600 21200 28000 53800 121200 1100 Toba.Tek.Sing 3600 18200 23900 45700 106700 800 Vehari 5000 22500 29000 56500 127000 1200 Total 150000 700000 900000 1750000 4000000 35000

140 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Page No. 16—Civil Courts Major/Minor Object 50000-Commodities & Services

Detailed Objects 51400-Cove Charges 52100-Postage & Telegraph 52200-Teleraph Charges 53100-Sui Gas Charges 53200-Water Charges 53300-Electric Charges Column No. 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 BUDGET GRANT 21000 900000 2500000 200000 50000 11015000 Attock 500 20500 65400 264100 Bahawalnagar 600 23600 69600 295300 Bahawalpur 700 31900 80800 378300 Bhakkar 500 19400 64000 253800 Chakwal 500 17300 61200 15000 233000 D.G. Khan 600 19400 64000 253800 Faisalabad 900 57000 115000 627300 Gujranwala 700 34000 83600 10000 399000 Gujrat 600 22500 68200 284900 Hafizabad 500 16300 59800 222600 Jhang 700 31900 81000 378300 Jhelum 600 19400 64000 253800 Kasur 600 26700 73800 326400 Khanewal 600 24600 71000 20000 305600 Khushab 500 15300 58400 212300 Lahore 1000 65500 126000 10000 710700 Layyah 500 17300 61200 233000 Lodhran 600 19400 64000 253800 Mandi Baha Ud Din 500 20500 65400 264100 Mianwali 500 18400 62600 243400 Multan 700 31900 80800 25000 27000 378300 Muzaffargarh 600 25700 72400 45000 316000 Narowal 500 17300 61200 233000 Okara 600 26700 73800 326400 Pakpattan Sharif 600 19400 64000 253800 Rahim Yar Khan 700 31900 80800 378300 Rajanpur 600 19400 64000 253800 Rawalpindi 800 39200 90600 45000 13000 450900 Sahiwal 600 25700 72500 316000 Sargodha 600 25700 72500 316000 Sheikhupura 800 36000 87000 419800 Sialkot 600 27700 75200 40000 336800 Toba.Tek.Sing 500 22500 68200 284900 Vehari 600 30000 78000 357500 Total 21000 900000 2500000 200000 50000 11015000

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 141 Page No. 17—Civil Courts Major/Minor Object 50000-Commodities & Services

Detailed Objects 53400-Hot & Cold Weather Charges 54000-Office Stationery 55000-Printing Charges 56000-Law Books 57000-Uniforms & Liveries 58100-Rent of Office Bldgs Column No. 110 111 112 113 114 115 52 BUDGET GRANT 600000 4000000 300000 900000 100000 240000 Attock 15000 94000 7500 20800 2940 0 Bahawalnagar 16300 106000 8100 24000 2940 0 Bahawalpur 20000 138000 10000 31600 2940 0 Bhakkar 14500 90000 7300 19800 2940 0 Chakwal 13600 82000 6700 17800 2940 0 D.G. Khan 14500 90000 7300 19800 2940 0 Faisalabad 30800 240000 15600 55500 2940 200000 Gujranwala 20800 146000 10500 33500 2940 0 Gujrat 15900 102000 8000 22700 2940 40000 Hafizabad 13200 78000 6600 16900 2940 0 Jhang 19900 138000 10000 31600 2940 0 Jhelum 14500 90000 7300 19800 2940 0 Kasur 17700 118000 8900 26700 2940 0 Khanewal 16800 110000 8400 24700 2940 0 Khushab 12700 74000 6400 15900 2940 0 Lahore 35000 270000 17400 63000 2980 0 Layyah 13600 82000 6700 17800 2940 0 Lodhran 14500 90000 7300 19800 2940 0 Mandi Baha Ud Din 15000 94000 7500 20800 2940 0 Mianwali 14100 86000 7100 18800 2940 0 Multan 20000 138000 10000 31600 2940 0 Muzaffargarh 17500 114000 8700 25700 2940 0 Narowal 13600 82000 6800 17800 2940 0 Okara 17700 118000 8900 26700 2940 0 Pakpattan Sharif 14500 90000 7300 19800 2940 0 Rahim Yar Khan 19900 138000 10000 31600 2940 0 Rajanpur 14500 90000 7300 19800 2940 0 Rawalpindi 23500 167000 11700 38500 2940 0 Sahiwal 17500 114000 8600 25700 2940 0 Sargodha 17500 114000 8600 25700 2940 0 Sheikhupura 22000 160000 11000 35500 2940 0 Sialkot 18500 125000 9000 28000 2940 0 Toba.Tek.Sing 15900 102000 8000 22700 2940 0 Vehari 19000 130000 9500 29600 2940 0 Total 600000 4000000 300000 900000 100000 240000

142 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court Page No. 18—Civil Courts Major/Minor Object 50000-Commodities & Services

Detailed Objects 58600-Rates & Taxes 58900-Others 59400-National Celebration 59500-Advertisement Charges 59800-Cost of Stores 59999-Others Column No. 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 BUDGET GRANT 15000 17000 80000 50000 700000 500000 Attock 0 0 1900 1470 16900 14700 Bahawalnagar 0 0 2100 1470 18700 14700 Bahawalpur 0 0 2800 1470 23900 14700 Bhakkar 0 0 1800 1470 16300 14700 Chakwal 0 0 1600 1470 15000 14700 D.G. Khan 0 0 1800 1470 16300 14700 Faisalabad 0 0 4700 1470 40000 14700 Gujranwala 0 0 2900 1470 25100 14700 Gujrat 0 0 2000 1470 18200 14700 Hafizabad 0 0 1600 1470 14400 14700 Jhang 0 0 2800 1470 23900 14700 Jhelum 0 0 1800 1470 16300 14700 Kasur 0 0 2400 1470 20700 14700 Khanewal 0 0 2200 1470 19500 14700 Khushab 0 0 1500 1470 13800 14700 Lahore 0 0 5300 1490 44000 14900 Layyah 0 0 1600 1470 15000 14700 Lodhran 0 0 1800 1470 16300 14700 Mandi Baha Ud Din 0 0 1900 1470 16900 14700 Mianwali 0 0 1700 1470 15700 14700 Multan 0 0 2800 1470 23900 14700 Muzaffargarh 0 0 2300 1470 20100 14700 Narowal 0 0 1700 1470 15000 14700 Okara 0 0 2400 1470 20700 14700 Pakpattan Sharif 0 0 1800 1470 16300 14700 Rahim Yar Khan 0 0 2800 1470 23900 14700 Rajanpur 0 0 1800 1470 16300 14700 Rawalpindi 0 0 3300 1470 28300 14700 Sahiwal 0 0 2300 1470 20100 14700 Sargodha 0 0 2300 1470 20100 14700 Sheikhupura 0 0 3100 1470 26400 14700 Sialkot 0 0 2500 1470 21200 14700 Toba.Tek Sing 0 0 2100 1470 18200 14700 Vehari 0 0 2600 1470 22600 14700 Total 15000 17000 80000 50000 700000 500000

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court: 143 Page No. 19—Civil Courts 60000-Transfer Major/Minor Object Payments

Detailed Objects Total Commodities & Services 67000-Ent. & Gifts. GR.TOTAL CIVIL COURTS Column No. 123 124 125 126 BUDGET GRANT 26223000 5000 387900000 Attock 627410 145 7534735 Bahawalnagar 693910 145 9466335 Bahawalpur 871210 150 14967550 Bhakkar 605210 150 6899140 Chakwal 575610 145 5617535 D.G. Khan 605310 150 7152250 Faisalabad 1610810 150 30985850 Gujranwala 925210 150 16426750 Gujrat 711610 145 8862635 Hafizabad 538810 145 4958735 Jhang 871310 150 14618050 Jhelum 605310 145 6890235 Kasur 760310 145 11406635 Khanewal 735910 145 10130335 Khushab 516810 145 4315835 Lahore 1596770 150 36251900 Layyah 560610 145 5602635 Lodhran 605310 145 6890235 Mandi Baha Ud Din 627410 145 7535235 Mianwali 583110 150 6252050 Multan 923210 150 15122250 Muzaffargarh 783510 145 10800235 Narowal 560810 145 5612835 Okara 760310 145 11397635 Pakpattan Sharif 605310 145 6890235 Rahim Yar Khan 871110 150 14617850 Rajanpur 605310 145 6890235 Rawalpindi 1085610 150 19807350 Sahiwal 738510 145 10754895 Sargodha 738510 150 11105950 Sheikhupura 966610 150 17509150 Sialkot 825910 150 12438350 Toba.Tek.Sing 671610 145 8822635 Vehari 826710 145 13330735 Total 26223000 5000 387900000

144 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Lahore High Court THE HIGH COURT OF SINDH

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 145 146 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 5 HIGH COURT OF SINDH

5.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice of the High Court of Sindh

(In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful)

It is the matter of great pleasure for me that the Annual Report of the High Court of Sindh and the Subordinate Judiciary for the year 2002, is being published. It is the revival of a practice that was discontinued long ago for no obvious reasons. This report contains, the performance of the High Court of Sindh, its Principal Seat at Karachi, the Circuit Bench at Sukkur and the Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana as well as the performance of the Subordinate Judiciary. The performance of these Courts is reflected in the various forms and proformas included in the Report along with the analysis of the data presented in graphical form. Besides the figure of cases as to pendency, institution and disposal during the year 2002, the Report also contains history of High Court of Sindh as well as a brief introduction to the present day High Court. In the year 2002, the High Court disposed of 56,384 cases as against 58,927 cases in the year 2001, that is, 2,543 less. The institution in the year 2002 decreased by 15,518 as in the year 2001, 69,994 cases were instituted whereas in the year 2002, institution, of cases was 54,476. These figures include miscellaneous applications as well. The Subordinate Judiciary, during the year 2002, disposed of 1,55,358 cases as against, 1,12,634 cases in 2001, showing an increase of 42,724 in the disposal of cases. A team of Asian Development Bank appreciated, highly, the efforts of the Subordinate Judiciary. The total institution of all matters in the Subordinate Courts was 1,34,280 in 2001, which increased to 1,51,778 in 2002, an increase of 17,498 cases. These results have been achieved despite the fact that both the High Court and the Subordinate Judiciary were not working at their full strength during the period under review. The workload of the Subordinate Judiciary has increased by the assignment of jurisdiction relating to First Rent Appeals to the District Judges and by the enhancement of the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Subordinate Courts. Despite the above difficulties and hardships, efforts were made to clear the backlog, and the expeditious disposal of cases remained the first priority of this Court. Different strategies were worked out and put into action to bring about an overall improvement in the system. Priority was given to the cases involving terrorism and heinous offences, family cases, cases of orphans, women, and widows. We still have to strive to formulate newer and more imaginative strategies and to take appropriate measures for coping with the ever-increasing flow of litigation through the clearance of the backlog and the expeditious disposal of normal cases. During the entire year, as the Chief Justice High Court of Sindh, I endeavoured to improve the performance of High court and the Subordinate Courts. It was not a lone effort. Indeed, I am lucky to have a team of competent, dedicated and hard working Judges and officials. I received full support from my brother Judges in running the affairs of the Court and from the learned members of the Bar in the expeditious disposal of cases. Cooperation from brother Judges, the Bar,

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 147 the Subordinate Judiciary and the officials of the High Court of Sindh is absolutely essential for removal of the backlog, for the expeditious disposal of cases as well as for combating corruption. I received full support from all of them in overcoming most of the problems. In the end, I hope that in the days to come all of them will continue to perform their respective functions and duties with zeal, commitment, diligence, honesty and dedication enabling me to face the challenges of the future.

Saiyed Saeed Ashhad, Chief Justice, High Court of Sindh

148 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 5.2 Judicial Statistics 5.2.1 Consolidated Statistics for the High Court of Sindh Consolidated Statement for the High Court of Sindh from 1996 to 2002 showing Institution, Disposal and Pending Balance of Cases

Pendency at Institution Disposal Transferred Pending Beginning During During During Balance at Years of Year the Year Total the Year the Year End of Year 1996 63912 42718 106630 35218 3348 68064 1997 68064 42771 110835 32199 1435 77201 1998 77201 50682 127883 48394 369 79180 1999 79180 42983 122163 49643 523 71997 2000 71997 58876 130873 52226 250 78397 2001 78397 69984 148381 56737 2226 89412 2002 89412 54476 143888 49915 6469 87504

Institution 100000 Disposal 90000 Pending






Number of30000 Cases



0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Years Consolidated Statement for the High Court of Sindh (1996–2002)

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 149 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before High Court of Sindh, Principal Seat at Karachi, its Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on High Court of Sindh 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Principal Seat at Karachi 75752 34867 110619 35462 75157 Circuit Bench at Sukkur 3992 7237 11265 7143 4122 Circuit Court at Hyderabad 9006 7085 16091 8793 7298 Circuit Court at Larkana 669 5251 5920 4986 934 Total 89419 54476 143895 56384 87511

Institution 100000 Disposal 90000 Pending






Number of30000 Cases



0 Sukkur Larkana Hyderabad at Karachi Circuit Court Circuit Court Circuit Bench Principal Seat Principal Seat, Circuit Bench and Circuit Courts

150 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 5.2.2 Statistics for the High Court of Sindh Principal Seat at Karachi Year-wise Pendency of Cases for the High Court of Sindh Principal Seat at Karachi as on 31-12-2002

Pendency at Institution Disposal Trans. Pendency at at the end of During the Number of During During the end of Years Previous Year Years Total Judges the Year the Year the Year 1985 17154 21130 38284 18 19297 150 18837 1986 18837 24156 42993 16 25397 224 17372 1987 17372 25851 43223 16 24679 136 18408 1988 18408 26920 45328 21 21615 144 23569 1989 23569 28664 52233 19 23930 61 28242 1990 28242 28003 56245 19 25872 98 30275 1991 30275 29526 59801 17 27854 68 31879 1992 31879 30273 62152 21 27714 94 34344 1993 34344 33764 68108 21 27892 108 40108 1994 40108 28396 68504 19 24617 637 43250 1995 43250 27269 70519 25 19288 28 51203 1996 51203 29994 81197 13 24204 2914 54079 1997 54079 32460 86539 19 24105 625 61809 1998 61809 33550 95359 18 29252 96 66011 1999 66011 23364 89375 22 30601 82 58692 2000 58692 35206 93898 25 30313 153 63432 2001 63432 47799 111231 21 33491 1988 75752 2002 75752 34867 110619 27 29843 5619 75157


90000 Institution Disposal 80000 Pending 70000




Number of30000 Cases



0 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 1987 2000


Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 151 Category-wise Institution, Disposal and Balance of Pending Cases for the Principal Seat at Karachi as on 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 Tr. 31.12.2002 CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTIONS CONFIRMATION CASES 917265021 CRIMINAL APPEALS 279 417 696 378 0 318 CRIMINAL REFERENCES 011001 CRIMINAL REVISIONS 82 212 294 211 0 83 CR.ORIGINAL CASES 61 2 63 1 0 62 CR.TR.APPLICATIONS 41 33 74 52 0 22 CR.BAIL.APPLICATIONS 341 1680 2021 1513 0 508 CR.MISC APPLICATIONS 91 402 493 395 0 98 CR. ACCOUNTABILITY APPEALS 72 74 146 7 0 139 CR. Spl. A.T.A. APPEALS 172 85 257 76 0 181 INT. MISC. APPLICATIONS 1206 3246 4452 2949 0 1503 CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTIONS 1ST. CIVIL APPEALS 415 111 526 89 0 437 ADMIRALTY APPEALS 415302 1ST RENT APPEALS 103 17 120 26 0 94 2ND APPEALS 301 1 302 7 0 295 CIVIL REVISIONS 186 252 438 262 0 176 HIGH COURT APPEALS 81 309 390 258 0 132 CIVIL MISC :APPEALS 37 53 90 39 0 51 CIVIL TR:APPLICATIONS 29 50 79 25 0 54 CUSTOM APPEALS 343 35 378 5 0 373 SPL:CUSTOM APPEALS 0 225 225 83 0 142 ELECTION APPEALS 0 204 204 204 0 0 INCOME TAX CASES/SALES TAX 3641 313 3954 347 0 3607 REVIEW APPLICATIONS 522277020 INT. MISC. APPLICATIONS 8038 3240 11278 2622 328 8328 WRIT JURISDICTIONS WRIT PETITIONS D.B. 6337 1924 8261 2260 0 6001 WRIT PETITIONS S.B. 54 1165 1219 821 0 398 INT. MISC. APPLICATIONS 3558 6806 10364 5972 0 4392 ORIGINAL SIDE SUITS 8454 1365 9819 1005 3000 5814 ADMIT SUITS 0 131 131 103 0 28 ADMIT APPEALS 033332508 J.MISC. 177 80 257 70 1 186 MISC. APPLICATIONS IN SUIT/J.M. 23962 8350 32312 6264 2268 23780 CIVIL REFERENCES 99 69 168 1 0 167 EXECUTION APPLICATIONS 1279 121 1400 115 0 1285 INSOLVENCY CASES 30 1 31 0 0 31 J.MISC. (U/ V. ACTS) 370 54 424 22 22 380 S.M.A (U/S 39/25) 527 243 770 307 0 463 O.A/ NAZIR REF. 41 131 172 172 0 0 ELECTION PETITION 202002 MISC. APPLICATIONS IN EXECUTION/S.M.A/INSOLVENCY 15325 3392 18717 3142 0 15575 TOTAL 75752 34867 110619 29843 5619 75157

152 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 21 5 17 318 378 417 1 Confirmation Cases 0 Pending 1 Criminal Appeals 83 Disposal 211 212 Institution 62 Criminal References 1 2 22 Criminal Revisions 52 33

Cr. Original Cases 508 1513 1680 98 Cr. Tr. Applications 395 402 139 Cr. Bail Applications 7 74 181 76 Cr. Misc. Applications 85 1503 2949 3246 Cr. Accountability Appeals 0 1000 2000 3000 Cr. Spl. A.T.A. Appeals

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Principal Seat: Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction

437 89 111 2 3 1

1st. Civil Appeals 94 26 17 295 Admirality Appeals 7 1 1st Rent Appeals 176 262 2nd. Appeals 252 132 258 Pending 309 Civil Revisions 51 Disposal 39 53 Institution 54 High Court Appeals 25 50 373 Civil Misc. Appeals 5 35 142 83 Civil Tr. Applications 225 Custom Appeals 0 204 204 3607 Spl. Custom Appeals 347 313 Election Appeals 20 7 22 8328 2622 3240

Income Tax Cases/Sales Tax Review Applications 0 2000 4000 6000 8000

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Principal Seat: Civil Appellate Jurisdiction

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 153 Pending Disposal Institution

6001 2260 1924 398 821 1165 4392 Writ Petitions D.B. 5972 6806

Writ Petitions S.B. 0 2000 4000 6000

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Principal Seat: Writ Juridiction

5814 1005 1365 Suits 28 103 131 8 25 Admit Suits 33 186 70 80 Admit Appeals J. Misc. 23780 6264 8350 186 1 69 1285 115 121 Civil Refrences 31 0 Misc. Applications in Suit/J.M. 1 380 Pending 22 Execution Applications 54 Disposal Insolvency Cases 463 307 Institution 243 0 172 J. Misc. (U/ V. Acts) 131 2 S.M.A (U/S 39/25) 0 0 O.A/ Nazir Ref. 15575 3142 3392 Election Petition 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Misc. Applications in Number of Cases

Execution, SMA, Inslovency Principal Seat: Original Jurisdiction

154 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 5.2.3 Statistics for the High Court of Sindh Sukkur Bench at Sukkur Year-wise Pendency of Cases for the High Court of Sindh Sukkur Bench at Sukkur as on 31-12-2002

Pendency at Institution Disposal Trans. Pendency at at the end of During the Number of During During the end of Years Previous Year Years Total Judges the Year the Year the Year 1985 1460 2528 3988 2 2354 0 1634 1986 1634 3352 4986 2 2724 111 2151 1987 2151 2986 5137 2 2562 57 2518 1988 2518 2140 4658 2 2213 295 2150 1989 2150 3962 6112 2 3162 130 2820 1990 2820 3171 5991 2 3583 145 2263 1991 2263 3196 5459 2 2585 329 2545 1992 2545 4498 7043 2 3725 228 3090 1993 3090 4271 7361 2 3857 346 3158 1994 3158 5347 8505 2 4246 1127 3132 1995 3132 5815 8947 2 4199 284 4464 1996 4464 5971 10435 2 5118 275 5042 1997 5042 4424 9466 2 3285 454 5727 1998 5727 9712 15439 4 9844 106 5489 1999 5489 9655 15144 4 9127 279 5738 2000 5738 7944 13682 4 8830 57 4795 2001 4795 8120 12915 11 8783 140 3992 2002 3992 7273 11265 11 6870 273 4122


11000 Institution Disposal 10000 Pending 9000





Number of Cases 4000




0 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 1987 2000


Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 155 Category-wise Institution, Disposal and Pending Balance for the High Court of Sindh Bench at Sukkur From 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 Tr. 31.12.2002 CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTIONS CONFIRMATION CASES 39 6 45 4 1 40 CRIMINAL: APPEALS 429 164 593 77 2 514 CRIMINAL REFERENCES 17 22 39 21 0 18 CRIMINAL REVISIONS 53 85 138 68 0 70 CRIMINAL TR.APPLICATIONS 9 43 52 38 0 14 CR.BAIL APPLICATIONS 181 685 866 703 0 163 CR.MISC APPLICATIONS 350 237 587 248 0 339 INT: MISC: APPLICATIONS 730 2029 2759 1763 0 996 CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTIONS 1ST CIVIL APPEALS 85 69 154 21 62 71 1ST RENT APPEALS 151 1 152 1 151 0 2ND APPEALS 2 12 14 2 0 12 CIVIL REVISIONS 409 150 559 159 1 399 CIVIL MISC APPEALS 378 15 393 7 1 385 CIVIL TR.APPLICATIONS 2 28 30 16 0 14 INT: MISC: APPLICATIONS 650 317 967 382 0 585 WRIT JURISDICTIONS WRIT PETITIONS D.B. 200 356 556 182 53 321 WRIT PETITIONS S.B. 139 816 955 797 2 156 INT: MISC: APPLICATIONS 164 2238 2402 2381 0 21 ELECTION PETITION/ REFORM IN C.P. 4 0 4 0 0 4 TOTAL 3992 7273 11265 6870 273 4122

40 4 6 514 Pending 77 164 Disposal 18 Confirmation Cases 21 Institution 22 Criminal Appeals 70 68 85 14 Criminal References 38 43 163 Criminal Revisions 703 685 339 Cr. Tr. Applications 248 237 996 Cr. Bail Applications 1763 2029 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Cr. Misc. Applications

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Sukkur Bench: Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction

156 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 71 Pending 21 69 Disposal 0 1 Institution 1 1st Civil Appeals 12 2 12 1st Rent Appeals 399 159 2nd Appeals 150 385 7 15 Civil Revisions 14 16 28 585 Civil Misc. Appeals 382 317 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Civil Tr. Applications

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Sukkur Bench: Civil Appellate Jurisdiction

Pending 321 182 356 Disposal 156 Institution 797 816 21 Writ Petitions D.B. 2381 2238 12 Writ Petitions S.B. 2 12 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Int. Misc. Applications Election Petition Reform in C.P. Number of Cases Sukkur Bench: Writ Jurisdiction

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 157 5.2.4 Statistics for the High Court of Sindh Circuit Court at Hyderabad Year-wise Pendency of Cases for the High Court of Sindh Circuit Court Hyderabad as on 31-12-2002

Pendency at Institution Disposal Trans. Pendency at at the end of During the Number of During During the end of Years Previous Year Years Total Judges the Year the Year the Year 1985 1255 2749 4004 1 2297 98 1609 1986 1609 3408 5017 2 2324 45 2648 1987 2648 3677 6325 2 1833 190 4302 1988 4302 4026 8328 2 3550 108 4670 1989 4670 3639 8309 2 3819 166 4324 1990 4324 3558 7882 2 3032 67 4783 1991 4783 3390 8173 2 2539 81 5553 1992 5553 5158 10711 2 4724 168 5819 1993 5819 4163 9982 4 3851 113 6018 1994 6018 4804 10822 2 3406 128 7288 1995 7288 5730 13018 2 4635 607 7776 1996 7776 5077 12853 2 4284 114 8455 1997 8455 4479 12934 2 3644 300 8990 1998 8990 5666 14656 4 7881 43 6732 1999 6732 7429 14161 4 6890 66 7205 2000 7206 11535 18741 4 9202 40 9499 2001 9499 7952 17457 15 8362 89 9006 2002 9006 7085 16091 21 8217 576 7298


11000 Institution Disposal 10000 Pending 9000





Number of Cases 4000




0 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 1987 2000


158 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh Category-wise Institution, Disposal and Balance for the High Court of Sindh Circuit Court Hyderabad From 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 Matters 01.01.2002 Balance on Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Restored Total to 31.12.2002 Tr. 31.12.2002 CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTIONS CONFIRMATION CASES 21 3 0 24 8 0 16 CRIMINAL APPEALS 518 103 0 621 127 0 494 CRIMINAL ACQ. APPEALS 11 41 2 54 40 0 14 CRIMINAL REFERENCES 0 6 0 6 0 0 6 CRIMINAL REVISIONS 65 51 0 116 52 0 64 CRIMINAL TR.APPLICATIONS 36 21 0 57 29 0 28 CR.BAIL APPLICATIONS 349 743 0 1092 781 0 311 CR.MISC APPLICATIONS 211 266 0 477 323 0 154 INT: MISC. APPLICATIONS 1809 1244 0 3053 1338 0 1715 CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTIONS 1ST CIVIL APPEALS 500 199 0 699 119 0 580 1ST RENT APPEALS 504 0 0 504 10 492 2 2ND APPEALS 47 1 0 48 19 0 29 CIVIL REVISIONS 962 166 0 1128 408 0 720 CIVIL MISC APPEALS 78 14 0 92 29 0 63 CIVIL TR.APPLICATIONS 20 45 0 65 48 0 17 INT: MISC. APPLICATIONS 1414 864 0 2278 1133 0 1145 WRIT JURISDICTIONS WRIT PETITIONS D.B. 567 456 12 1035 612 24 399 WRIT PETITIONS S.B. 65 669 2 736 646 0 90 INT: MISC. APPLICATIONS 1829 2173 4 4006 2495 60 1451 TOTAL 9006 7065 20 16091 8217 576 7298

16 8 3 494 127 103 14 Pending Confirmation Cases 40 41 Disposal Criminal Appeals 6 0 Institution 6 64 52 Criminal Acq. Appeals 51 28 Criminal References 29 21 311 Criminal Revisions 781 743 154 Cr. Tr. Applications 323 266 1715 Cr. Bail Applications 1338 1244 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Cr. Misc. Applications

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Circuit Court Hyderabad: Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 159 580 Pending 119 199 Disposal 2 10 Institution 0 1st Civil Appeals 29 19 1 1st Rent Appeals 720 408 (492 Transferred)2nd Appeals 166 63 29 14 Civil Revisions 17 48 45 1145 Civil Misc. Appeals 1133 864 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Civil Tr. Applications

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Circuit Court Hyderabad: Civil Appellate Jurisdiction

Pending 399 612 Disposal 456 90 Institution 646 699 1451 Writ Petitions D.B. 2495 2173

Writ Petitions S.B.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Circuit Court Hyderabad: Writ Jurisdiction

160 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 5.2.5 Statistics for the High Court of Sindh Circuit Court at Larkana Year-wise Pendency of Cases for the High Court of Sindh Circuit Court Larkana as on 31-12-2002

Pendency at Institution Disposal Trans. Pendency at at the end of During the Number of During During the end of Years Previous Year Years Total Judges the Year the Year the Year 1995 - 2394 2394 3 1895 30 469 1996 469 1676 2145 2 1612 45 488 1997 488 1408 1896 2 1165 56 675 1998 675 1754 2429 2 1417 64 948 1999 948 2535 3483 2 3025 96 362 2000 362 4191 4553 2 3881 0 672 2001 672 6113 6785 13 6101 15 669 2002 669 5251 5920 12 4985 1 934


11000 Institution Disposal 10000 Pending 9000





Number of Cases 4000




0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002


Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 161 Category-wise Institution, Disposal and Balance of Cases for the High Court of Sindh Circuit Court Larkana From 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 Tr. 31.12.2002 CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTIONS CONFIRMATION CASES 13 4 17 0 0 17 CRIMINAL APPEALS 133 117 250 58 0 192 CRIMINAL ACQ. APPEALS 0 44 44 11 0 33 CRIMINAL REFERENCES 0 32 32 29 0 3 CRIMINAL REVISIONS 20 160 180 61 0 119 CRIMINAL TR. APPLICATIONS 5 72 77 65 0 12 CR. BAIL APPLICATIONS 70 875 945 782 0 163 CR. MISC. APPLICATIONS 27 181 208 180 0 28 INT: MISC. APPLICATIONS 12 1762 1774 1742 0 32 CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTIONS 1ST CIVIL APPEALS 29 5 34 25 0 9 1ST RENT APPEALS 1 0 1 0 1 0 CIVIL REVISIONS 86 75 161 48 0 113 CIVIL MISC APPEALS 6 11 17 7 0 10 CIVIL TR.APPLICATIONS 6 4 10 6 0 4 INT: MISC. APPLICATIONS 97 240 337 256 0 81 WRIT JURISDICTIONS WRIT PETITIONS D.B. 112 233 345 268 0 77 WRIT PETITIONS S.B. 21 384 405 379 0 26 INT: MISC. APPLICATIONS 31 1052 1083 1068 0 15 TOTAL 669 5251 5920 4985 1 934

17 0 4 192 58 117 33 Pending Confirmation Cases 11 44 Disposal Criminal Appeals 3 29 Institution 32 119 61 Criminal Acq. Appeals 160 12 Criminal References 65 72 163 Criminal Revisions 782 875 28 Cr. Tr. Applications 180 181 32 Cr. Bail Applications 1742 1762 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Cr. Misc. Applications

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Circuit Court Larkana: Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction

162 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 9 25 5 0 Pending 1 0 Disposal 1st Civil Appeals 113 48 Institution 75 1st Rent Appeals 10 7 11 Civil Revisions 4 6 4 81 Civil Misc. Appeals 256 240 0 100 200 300 400 500 Civil Tr. Applications

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Circuit Court Larkana: Civil Appellate Jurisdiction

Pending 77 268 Disposal 233 26 Institution 379 384 15 Writ Petitions D.B. 1068 1052

Writ Petitions S.B.0 300 600 900 1200 1500

Int. Misc. Applications Number of Cases Circuit Court Larkana: Writ Jurisdiction

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 163 5.2.6 The Subordinate Judiciary of Sindh 5.2.7 Consolidated Statistics for the Subordinate Judiciary of the Province of Sindh Consolidated Statements Showing the District-wise Institution, Disposal and Balance of Pending Cases for the Subordinate Judiciary of the Province of Sindh from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 JUDGE SMALL CAUSES COURT 320 200 520 236 184 2 KARACHI SOUTH 15607 12563 28170 10871 17299 3 KARACHI-WEST 9494 13624 23118 14484 8634 4 KARACHI-EAST 13481 12088 25569 13199 12370 5 KARACHI-CENTRAL 7558 12814 20372 14259 6113 6 MALIR 5557 7810 13367 6329 7038 7 HYDERABAD 15453 29879 45332 31118 14214 8 THATTA 2381 3109 5490 3382 2108 9 BADIN 2453 3861 6314 3305 3009 10 DADU 4875 4307 9182 3617 5565 11 THARPARKAR @ MITHI 310 664 974 655 319 12 MIRPURKHAS 3957 6907 10864 6257 4607 13 SANGHAR 3971 4621 8592 4020 4572 14 NAUSHAHRO-FEROZE 2725 3531 6256 3867 2389 15 NAWABSHAH 3200 3306 6506 3897 2609 16 SUKKUR 4971 5403 10374 6069 4305 17 KHAIRPUR 6309 5317 11626 5612 6014 18 GHOTKI 4290 4805 9095 4839 4256 19 LARKANA 8337 6943 15280 8498 6782 20 SHIKARPUR 4211 5668 9879 5770 4109 21 JACOBABAD 5677 4358 10035 5074 4961 TOTAL 125137 151778 276915 155358 121557

164 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 30000

Institution Disposal 20000 Pending uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSnh 165 Sindh: of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial

Number of10000 Cases

0 Malir Dadu Badin Ghotki Thatta Sukkur Larkana Sanghar Khairpur Shikarpur Nwabshah Jacobabad Hyderabad Mirpurkhas Karachi East Karachi West Karachi South Karachi Central Nausharo-Feroze Tharparkar-Mithi Small Causes Court Districts and Small Causes Court Consolidated Statement Showing the Category-wise Institution, Disposal and Balance of Pending Civil and Family Cases for the Sessions Courts in Sindh From 01-1-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 CRIMINAL JURISDICTION 1 MURDER TRIAL 5537 2183 7720 2348 5372 2 HUDOOD TRIAL 5084 2742 7826 3060 4766 3 P.P.C. 6916 4971 11887 4806 7081 4 SPECIAL CASES ( S.T.A) 5025 320 5345 1529 3816 5 SPECIAL CASES NARCOTICS 1822 477 2299 850 1449 6 CAR SNATCHING CASES 296 110 403 109 297 7 QISAS & DIAT ORDINANCE 974 1142 2116 696 1420 8 13-D ARMS ORDINANCE 406 162 568 196 372 9 DIRECT COMPLAINT 241 448 689 306 383 10 PRIVATE COMPLAINT 124 503 627 371 256 11 OTHER CR/SESSIONS CASES 666 647 1313 998 315 12 CRIMINAL APPEALS 333 796 1129 664 465 13 CRIMINAL REVISIONS 458 1110 1568 1182 386 14 CRIMINAL MISC: APPLNS 184 1724 1908 1598 310 15 CRIMINAL TR: APPLNS 119 813 923 773 159 16 CR.BAIL APPLICATIONS 2181 13860 16041 13249 2792 17 SPECIAL BAIL APPLICATIONS 0 157 157 136 21 18 CR. PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY 30 256 286 170 116 19 JUVENILE/CHILD ACT 3 10 13 3 10 20 SINDH CRIME CONTROL ACT 0 10 10 1 9 21 PASSPORT/FOREIGNERS ACTS 3 18 21 10 11 22DARULAMANACTS 02929236 23 CRIMINAL REFERENCE 0 42 42 42 0 24 HABEAS CORPUS 0 23 23 15 8 25 CRIMINAL PETITION 0 1 1 1 0 CIVIL JURISDICTION 1 IST CLASS CIVIL SUITS 13484 7931 21415 8011 13404 2 IIND CLASS CIVIL SUITS 698 313 1011 438 573 3 IIIRD CLASS CIVIL SUITS 112 139 251 102 149 4 TRUST SUIT 25 9 34 5 29 5 SUMMARY SUITS 401 459 860 486 374 6 CIVIL APPEALS 2832 3388 6220 2240 3980 7 CIVIL MISC: APPEALS 427 558 985 582 403 8 CIVIL REVISIONS 529 780 1309 621 688 9 CIVIL EXECUTIONS 2326 733 3059 928 2131 10 CIVIL TRANSFER APPLNS 155 718 873 688 185 11 CIVIL MISC: APPLICATIONS 81 170 251 175 76 12 CIVIL REFERENCES 2 0 2 1 1 13 RENT CASES 3704 2804 6508 3366 3142 14 FIRST RENT APPEALS (F.R.A.) 3001 2013 5014 2326 2688 15 RENT EXECUTIONS. 1497 980 2477 1034 1443 16 JUDICIAL MISC APPLNS 22 11 33 20 13 17 JUDICIAL MISC EXE: 11 29 40 4 36 18 LUNACY PETITIONS 1 2 3 2 1 19 INSOLVENCY PETITION 66 118 184 90 94 20 LAND ACQUISITION APPLNS 115 20 135 19 116 21 ELECTION APPEALS 0 2 2 2 0 22 ELECTION PETITIONS 690 202 892 527 365 23 DEPARTMENTAL ENQUIRY 20 41 61 20 41 24 DISTRESS WARRANT CASES 7 2 9 2 7 25 OTHER CIVIL CASES 27 13 40 11 29 26 TRADE MARK SUITS 0 5 5 3 2 27 CIVIL PETITIONS 0 1 1 0 1 FAMILY JURISDICTION 1 FAMILY SUITS 304 696 1000 725 275 2 FAMILY APPEALS 247 567 814 523 291 3 FAMILY EXECUTIONS 6 22 28 6 22 4 SUCCESSION MISC: APPLNS (S.M.A.) 423 2252 2675 2011 664 5 GUARDIANS AND WARDS CASES 379 728 1107 685 422 6 G & W. EXECUTIONS 22 12 34 14 20 7 G & W. APPEALS 10 28 38 12 26 8 OTHER FAMILY MATTERS 0 9 9 9 0 TOTAL 62026 58309 120335 58824 61511

166 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 5372 2348 2183 4766 3060 2742 7081 Murder Trial 4806 4971 3816 Hudood Trial 1529 320 1449 850 Pak. Penal Code 477 297 109 110 1420 696 Special Cases ( S.T.A) 1142 Pending 372 196 Disposal Special Cases Narcotics 162 383 Car Snatching Cases 306 Institution 448 256 371 Qisas & Diat Ordinance 503 315 13-D Arms Ordinance 998 Direct Complaint 647 465 664 796 Private Complaint 386 1182 1110 310 1598 1724 Criminal Appeals Other Cr./Sessions Cases 159 773 813 Criminal Revisions 2792 13249 13860 21 136 Cr. Misc. Applications 157 116 Cr. Tr. Applications 170 256 10 Cr. Bail Applications 3 10 9 1 10 Special Bail Applications 11 10 18 Cr. Preliminary Enquiry Juvenile/Child Act 6 23 29 0 42 42 Sindh Crime Control Act 8 15 Darulaman Acts 23 Passport/Foreigners Acts 0 1 1 Criminal References Habeas Corpus0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000

Criminal Petitions Number of Cases District & Sessions Judges: Criminal Jurisdiction

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 167 13404 8011 7931 573 438 313 149 102 139 Ist Class Civil Suits 29 5 9 374 IInd Class Civil Suits 486 459 Trust Suits 3980 2240 IIIrd Class Civil Suits 3388 403 582 Summary Suits 558 688 Civil Appeals 621 780 2131 928 733 Pending Civil Misc. Appeals 185 688 Disposal Civil Revisions 718 76 175 Institution Civil Executions 170 1 1 0 3142 3366 2804 Civil Transfer Applications 2688 2326 Civil Misc.Civil Applications References 2013 Rent Cases 1443 1034 980 13 20 11 36 4 Rent Executions 29 1 First Rent Appeals (F.R.A.) 2 2 94 90 118 116 Judicial Misc. Applications 19 20 JudicialLunancy Misc. Executions Petitions 0 2 2 Insolvency Petitions 365 527 202 41 20 Election Appeals 41 7 2 Land Acquisition Applications 2 Election Petitions 29 11 13 2 3 Departmental Enquiries 5 1 0 Distress Warrant Cases 1 Other Civil Cases 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 Trade Mark Suits Civil Petitions

Number of Cases District & Sessions Judges: Civil Jurisdiction Pending

275 Disposal 725 696 Institution 291 523 Family Suits 567 22 6 22 Family Appeals 664 2011 .A.) 2252 Family Executions 422 685 728 20 14 12 isc. Applications (S.M 26 12 28 Guardians&WardsCases0 Succession M 9 9

Guardians&WardsExecutions0 1000 2000 3000

Guardians & Wards Appeals Other Family Matters Number of Cases District & Sessions Judges: Family Jurisdiction

168 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh Consolidated Statement Showing the Category-wise Institution, Disposal and Balance of Pending Civil and Family Cases for the Courts of Civil Judges and Judicial Magistrates in Sindh From 01-01-2002 TO 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 CRIMINAL JURISDICTION 1 MURDER TRIAL. 278 195 473 285 188 2 HUDOOD TRIAL 5869 4550 10419 5556 4863 3 P.P.C. 16004 14909 30913 16335 14576 4 SPECIAL CASES ( S.T.A) 41 16 57 34 23 5 SPECIAL CASES NARCOTICS 1141 1526 2667 1248 1419 6 CAR SNATCHING CASES 38 31 69 58 11 7 QISAS & DIAT ORDINANCE 1235 949 2184 1125 1059 8 13-D ARMS ORDINANCE 11154 7540 18694 7515 11179 9 DIRECT COMPLAINT 148 422 570 265 305 10 PRIVATE COMPLAINT 130 295 425 198 227 11 OTHER CR/SESSIONS CASES 2208 3079 5287 3676 1611 12 CRIMINAL APPEALS 0 3 3 1 2 14 CRIMINAL MISC: APPLNS 0 64 64 50 14 15 CR.BAIL APPLICATIONS 209 1374 1583 1139 444 16 CR. PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY 1 93 94 81 13 17 CR. P. C. 3804 8025 11829 8430 3399 18 GAMBLING ACT 362 517 879 481 398 19 M.V.O/TRAFFIC ACT 2115 18147 20262 16324 3938 20 JUVENILE/CHILD ACT 3 45 48 10 38 21 SINDH CRIME CONTROL ACT 591 538 1129 626 503 22 LOCAL LAWS 439 332 771 356 415 23 SPECIAL LAW 219 133 352 180 172 24ISLAMICLAWS 4057974849 25 CIVIL DEFENCE 56 48 104 71 33 26 MARKET/FACTORY/SHOP ACT 295 730 1025 493 532 27 FOOD CASES/ACTS 503 341 844 306 538 28 POLICE/F.I.A./THEFT ACTS 16 46 62 53 9 29 RAILWAY/CANNT ACTS 14 450 464 410 54 30 PASSPORT/FOREIGNERS ACTS 129 101 230 70 1600 31 PROBATION ORDINANCE 36 177 213 51 162 32 CHAPTER PROCEEDING ACTS 1415 2935 4350 2873 1477 33 T.V/V.C.R/RADIO/TELEGRAPH ACTS 193 1658 1851 1619 232 34 K.P.T/K.B.C.A. ACTS 568 209 777 728 49 35 COPYRIGHT ACT 34 31 65 24 41 36 ELECTRICITY ACTS 25 62 87 30 57 37 IRRIGATION ACTS 108 119 227 87 140 38 PRICE CONTROL/CHECKING ACT 0 96 96 91 5 39 FOREST/WILDLIFE ACTS 17 43 60 33 27 40 FERTILIZER ACTS 19 24 43 28 15 41 WEIGHT & MEASUREMENTS ACTS 0 9 9 0 9 42 MEDICAL & DENTAL ACTS 0 108 108 95 13 43 AGRICULTURAL ACT 0 8 8 1 7 CIVIL JURISDICTION 1 IST CLASS CIVIL SUITS 5025 4441 9466 4756 4710 2 IIND CLASS CIVIL SUITS 856 861 1717 1073 644 3 IIIRD CLASS CIVIL SUITS 475 1056 1531 770 761 4 CIVIL EXECUTIONS 532 294 826 323 503 5 CIVIL MISC: APPLICATIONS 2 12 14 7 7 6 RENT CASES 157 110 267 128 139 7 RENT EXECUTIONS. 108 16 124 57 67 8 ELECTION PETITIONS 12 0 12 9 3 9 DEPARTMENTAL ENQUIRY 0 2 2 1 1 FA M ILY J U R IS D IC T IO N 1 FAMILY SUITS 4427 7688 12115 8260 3855 2 FAMILY APPEALS 37 0 37 0 37 3 FAMILY EXECUTIONS 789 467 1256 549 707 4 SUCCESSION MISC: APPLNS (S.M.A.) 5 20 25 21 4 5 GUARDIANS AND WARDS CASES 65 338 403 209 194 6 G & W. EXECUTIONS 3 3 6 0 6 7 G & W. APPEALS 2 7 9 9 0 TOTAL 61952 85350 147302 87256 60046

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 169 188 285 195 4863 5556 14576 7081 16335 14909 Murder Trial 23 34 16 Hudood Trial 1419 1248 1526 11 58 Pak. Penal Code 31 1059 1125 949 11170 7515 7540 Special Cases ( S.T.A) 305 265 422 Special Cases Narcotics 227 Car Snatching Cases 198 295 1611 3676 3079 2 Qisas & Diat Ordinance 1 13-D Arms Ordinance 3 Direct Complaint 14 50 64 Private Complaint 444 1139 1374 13 81 93 Criminal Appeals 3399 Other Cr./Sessions Cases 8430 8025 398 481 517 Cr. Misc. Applications 3938 16324 Cr. Bail Applications 18147 38 10 Cr. Proc. Code 45 503 Cr. PreliminaryGambling Enquiry Act 626 538 415 356 332 172 M.V.O./Traffic Act 180 133 49 Juvenile/Child Act 48 Local Laws 57 33 71 48 Special Laws 532 Sindh Crime Control Act 493 730 Islamic Laws 538 306 341 Civil Defence 9 53 46 54 410 450 1600 70 Food Cases/Acts 101 162 51 Market/Factory/Shop Act 177 1477 2873 2935 Police/FIA/Theft Acts 232 1619 1658 49 728 209 Railway/Cantonement Acts 41 Passport/Foreigners Acts 24 Pending Probation Ordinance 31 57 30 62 Disposal 140 Chapter Proceedings Act 87 119 KPT/KBCA Acts 5 Institution Copyright Act 91 96 27 Electricity Acts 33 43 TV/VCR/Radio/Telegraph Acts 15 Irrigation Acts 28 24 13 95 108 7 1 8 Forest/WildlifeFertilizer Acts Price Control/Checking Act 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000

Agricultural Act Medical & Dental Acts Number of Cases Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates: Criminal Jurisdiction

170 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh 4710 4756 4441 644 1073 861 761 Ist Class Civil Suits 770 1056 503 323 IInd Class Civil Suits 294 7 7 IIIrd Class Civil Suits 12 Pending Civil Executions 139 128 110 Disposal 67 Institution Rent Cases 57 Civil Misc. Applications 16 3 9 0 Rent Executions 1 1 2

Election Petitions 0 2000 4000 6000

Departmental Enquiries Number of Cases Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates: Civil Jurisdiction

3855 8260 7688 37 0 Family Suits 0 707 549 467 Family Appeals Pending 4 211 20 Disposal

Family Executions 194 Institution 209 338 6 0 3 0 9 7 Guardians & Wards Cases Succession Misc. Applications (S.M.A.) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000

Guardians & Wards Executions Number of Cases Guardians & Wards Appeals Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates: Family Jurisdiction

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 171 7 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSindh of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 172 Criminal Cases Pending Before the District & Subordinate Courts According to Age of Cases—Instituted Prior to 1985

No.Particulars of Cases 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 CRIMINAL JURISDICTION 1MURDERTRIAL 00000000000000131 2HUDOODTRIAL 00000000000000002 3P.P.C. 00000000100000001 4SPECIALCASES(S.T.A) 00000000000000000 5SPECIALCASESNARCOTICS00000000000000000 6CARSNATCHINGCASES 00000000000000000 7 QISAS & DIAT ORDINANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 13-D ARMS ORDINANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9DIRECTCOMPLAINT 00000000000000000 10PRIVATECOMPLAINT 00000000000000000 11OTHERCR/SESSIONSCASES00000000000000000 12 CRIMINAL APPEALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13CRIMINALREVISIONS 00000000000000000 14CRIMINALMISC:APPLNS00000000000000000 15CRIMINALTR:APPLNS 00000000000000000 16CR.BAILAPPLICATIONS 00000000000000000 17SPECIALBAILAPPLICATIONS00000000000000000 18CR.PRELIMINARYENQUIRY00000000000000000 19CR.P.C. 00000000000000000 20GAMBLINGACT 00000000000000000 21M.V.O/TRAFFICACT 00000000000000000 22JUVENILE/CHILDACT 00000000000000000 23SINDHCRIMECONTROLACT00000000000000000 24LOCALLAWS 00000000000000000 25SPECIALLAW 00000000000000000 26ISLAMICLAWS 00000000000000000 27CIVILDEFENCE 00000000000000000 28MARKET/FACTORY/SHOPACT00000000000000000 29FOODCASES/ACTS 00000000000000000 30POLICE/F.I.A./THEFTACTS00000000000000000 31 RAILWAY/CANNT ACTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32PASSPORT/FOREIGNACTS00000000000000000 33 PROBATION ORDINANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34CHAPTERPROCEEDINGACTS00000000000000000 35T.V/V.C.R/RADIO/TEL.ACTS00000000000000000 36K.P.T/K.B.C.A.ACTS 00000000000000000 37COPYRIGHTACTS 00000000000000000 38ELECTRICITYACTS 00000000000000000 39IRRIGATIONACTS 00000000000000000 40PRICECONTR./CHECK.ACT00000000000000000 41FOREST/WILDLIFTACTS00000000000000000 42FERTILIZERACTS 00000000000000000 43WT.&MEASUR.ACTS 00000000000000000 44MEDICAL&DENTALACTS00000000000000000 45ABKARIACTS 00000000000000000 46DARULAMANACTS 00000000000000000 47CRIMINALREFERENCE 00000000000000000 48HABEASCORPUS 00000000000000000 49MINERALWATERACT 00000000000000000 50AGRICULTURALACT 00000000000000000 51MINESACT 00000000000000000 52P.T.C.L.ACTS 00000000000000000 53FOREIGNACT 00000000000000000 54FISHERIESACT 00000000000000000 55CRIMINALPETITION 00000000000000000 SUBTOTAL(CRIMINAL) 00000001100000135 CIVIL JURISDICTION 1ISTCLASSCIVILSUITS 0 1 0 0 3 1 3 3 6 510134242172810 2IINDCLASSCIVILSUITS 00000000001110010 3IIIRDCLASSCIVILSUITS 00000000000000011 4TRUSTSUIT 00000000000000000 5SUMMARYSUITS 00000000000000000 Continued. . . . No.Particulars of Cases 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 6 CIVIL APPEALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 CIVIL MISC: APPEALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8CIVILREVISIONS 00000000000000000 9CIVILEXECUTIONS 00110201001020745 10CIVILTRANSFERAPPLNS00000000000000000 11CIVILMISC.APPLICATIONS00000000000000000 12CIVILREFERENCES 00000000000000000 13RENTCASES 00000000000000210 14 FIRST RENT APPEALS (F.R.A.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15RENTEXECUTIONS. 00000100201022143 16JUDICIALMISCAPPLNS 00000000000000000 17JUDICIALMISCEXEC. 00000000000000000 18LUNACYPETITIONS 00000000000000000 19INSOLVENCYPETITION 00000000000000000 20LANDACQUISITIONAPPLNS00000000002000001 21 ELECTION APPEALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22ELECTIONPETITIONS 00000000000000000 23DEPARTMENTALENQUIRIES00000000000000000 24DISTRESSWARRANTCASES00000000000000000 25OTHERCIVILCASES 00000000000000000 26TRADEMARKSUITS 00000000000000000 27CIVILPETITIONS 00000000000000000 SUBTOTAL(CIVIL) 0 1 1 1 3 4 3 4 8 615144744273922 FAMILY JURISDICTION uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSnh 173 Sindh: of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 1FAMILYSUITS 00000000000000000 2 FAMILY APPEALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3FAMILYEXECUTIONS 00000000000000000 4SUCCESS.MISC.APPLNS(S.M.A.)00000000000000000 5GUARDIANS&WARDSCASES00000000000000000 6G&W.EXECUTIONS 00000000000000000 7 G & W. APPEALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8OTHERFAMILYMATTERS00000000000000000 SUBTOTAL(FAMILY) 00000000000000000 TOTALS FOR ALL JURISDICTIONS TOTALCRIMINALCASES 00000000100000135 TOTALCIVILCASES 0 1 1 1 3 4 3 4 8 615144744273922 TOTALFAMILYCASES 00000000000000000 GRANDTOTAL 0 1 1 1 3 4 3 4 9 615144744284227 7 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSindh of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 174 Criminal Cases Pending Before the District & Subordinate Courts According to Age of Cases—Instituted After 1984

The following table includes in the totals the figures from the previous table pertaining to data prior to 1985.

No.Particulars of Cases 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 TOTAL CRIMINAL JURISDICTION 1 MURDER TRIAL 5 11 19 21 32 36 45 49 73 132 168 200 351 481 634 820 959 1333 5374 2 HUDOOD TRIAL 0 0 6 3 4 2 15 20 39 81 148 152 277 552 628 1570 2709 2998 9206 3 P.P.C. 3 2 2 10 19 18 19 33 48 60 98 180 487 1073 1669 3579 6334 8871 22507 4 SPECIAL CASES ( S.T.A) 0 0 0 0 2 17 33 69 79 46 234 214 585 317 479 575 950 219 3819 5SPECIALCASESNARCOTICS0000000002355981137214565811992 2896 6CARSNATCHINGCASES0000000235 628464421315161298 7 QISAS & DIAT ORDINANCE 0 0 0 00000362342731421773235121170 2471 8 13-D ARMS ORDINANCE 0 0 0 04169316341883707751000 2018 3305 5093 12823 9DIRECTCOMPLAINT 0000000101 1 1 5184988153345662 10PRIVATECOMPLAINT 0000001110 2 4 812245798288496 11OTHERCR/SESSIONSCASES0000000000 1 1 4114 35100146302 12 CRIMINAL APPEALS 0 0 0 0000100 003474987311462 13CRIMINALREVISIONS 0000000000 000322983271388 14CRIMINALMISC:APPLNS0000000000 00002 523289319 15CRIMINALTR:APPLNS 0000000000 00001 0 3163167 16CR.BAILAPPLICATIONS0000000000 000029702912489 2879 17SPECIALBAILAPPLICATIONS0000000000 00000 0 04242 18CR.PRELIMINARYENQUIRY0000000000 00111 521109138 19CR.P.C. 0000000000 000318968772386 3380 20GAMBLINGACT 0000000000 00151620157252451 21M.V.O/TRAFFICACT 0000000000 00000 11363811 3948 22JUVENILE/CHILDACT 0000000000 0014153588118261 23SINDHCRIMECONTROLACT0000000000 0001215202182402 24LOCALLAWS 0000000000 0 0 4130 54359119549 25SPECIALLAW 0000003200 10213 4212764 26ISLAMICLAWS 0000000121 5103 2 0 0 1 1035 27CIVILDEFENCE 0000000000 00000 0101525 28MARKET/FACTORY/SHOPACT0000000000 00008172224251 29FOODCASES/ACTS 0000000000 00021254321428817 30POLICE/F.I.A./THEFTACTS0000000000 00002 0 1 6 9 31 RAILWAY/CANNT ACTS 0 0 0 0000000 00000 6153354 32PASSPORT/FOREIGNERSACTS0000000003 01097318274207 33 PROBATION ORDINANCE 0 0 0 0000000 001021499143259 34CHAPTERPROCEEDINGACTS0000000000 00000 01381301 1439 35T.V/V.C.R/RADIO/TEL.ACTS0000000000 00001 0117082 36K.P.T/K.B.C.A.ACTS 0000000000 00000 067118185 37COPYRIGHTACT 0000000000 00031 0123046 38ELECTRICITYACTS 0000000000 00000 0216485 39IRRIGATIONACTS 0000000000 00000 54563113 40PRICECONTR./CHECK.ACT0000000000 00000 0 43741 41FOREST/WILDLIFEACTS0000000000 00000 0362561 42FERTILIZERACTS 0000000000 00000 0 62127 43WT.&MEASUR.ACTS 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 44MEDICAL&DENTALACTS0000000000 00000 0 01313 45ABKARIACTS 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 46DARULAMANACTS 0000000000 00000 0 5 1 6 47CRIMINALREFERENCE 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 48HABEASCORPUS 0000000000 00000 0 0 8 8 49MINERALWATERACT 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 50AGRICULTURALACT 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 51MINESACT 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 52P.T.C.L.ACTS 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 53FOREIGNACT 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 54FISHERIESACT 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 55CRIMINALPETITION 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 SUB TOTAL (CRIMINAL) 8 13 27 34 61 74 122 188 251 353 756 1080 2303 3613 5028 10171 19206 34769 78067 CIVIL JURISDICTION 1 IST CLASS CIVIL SUITS 39 14 102 36 42 50 64 79 110 158 227 677 814 888 1467 2087 2676 5821 15535 2IINDCLASSCIVILSUITS30814422420182411995182286418643 1837 Continued.... No.Particulars of Cases 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 TOTAL 3IIIRDCLASSCIVILSUITS0080013123 41026431002173682045 2833 4TRUSTSUIT 0000000000 05123 8 4 8 31 5SUMMARYSUITS 0000000000 1414839118253428 6 CIVIL APPEALS 0 1 1 0312239109241252506347442071 3893 7 CIVIL MISC: APPEALS 0 0 0 0000000 0 1 1133679103265499 8CIVILREVISIONS 0000001211 31254283159380680 9 CIVIL EXECUTIONS 27 15 21 31 34 18 30 31 46 47 85 123 77 155 252 387 621 688 2712 10CIVILTRANSFERAPPLNS0000000000 00100 417206228 11CIVILMISC:APPLICATIONS0000100011 00012 4 34962 12CIVILREFERENCES 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 13RENTCASES 0000142372030231661051224867281533 3233 14 FIRST RENT APPEALS (F.R.A.) 0 0 1 0001018 4 2 72830671405 1109 2663 15 RENT EXECUTIONS 15 7 11 12 11 9 10 17 22 15 13 20 38 75 100 244 252 685 1572 16JUDICIALMISCAPPLNS0000000000 0 0120 0 0 9 8 29 17JUDICIALMISCEXE: 0000000020 000515780 37 18LUNACYPETITIONS 0000000000 00001 0 0 0 1 19INSOLVENCYPETITION 0000010000 10011411154386 20LANDACQUISITIONAPPLNS1000000201 3 6 62031146 11104 21 ELECTION APPEALS 0 0 0 0000000 00000 0 0 0 0 22ELECTIONPETITIONS 0000000000 00000 033640376 23DEPARTMENTALENQUIRY0000000001 00033 3113152 24DISTRESSWARRANTCASES0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 25OTHERCIVILCASES 0000000000 00001 0 83443 26TRADEMARKSUITS 0000000000 00000 0 0 2 2 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSnh 175 Sindh: of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 27CIVILPETITIONS 0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 SUB TOTAL (CIVIL) 87 37 152 80 96 88 115 139 199 284 399 905 1295 1568 2659 4660 8009 15925 36936 FAMILY JURISDICTION 1FAMILYSUITS 0000000000 00051973903615 4108 2 FAMILY APPEALS 0 0 0 0000000 002373045252339 3FAMILYEXECUTIONS 0020124574109 61135153146341737 4SUCCESS.MISC:APPLNS(S.M.A.)0000000000 000221356596669 5GUARDIANS&WARDSCASES0000000000 1012431106480625 6G&W.EXECUTIONS 0100000010 01001 43644 7 G & W. APPEALS 0 0 0 0000000 00000 3 52432 8OTHERFAMILYMATTERS0000000000 00000 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL(FAMILY) 10301245751191023493287525344 6554 TOTALS FOR ALL JURISDICTIONS TOTAL CRIMINAL CASES 8 13 27 34 61 74 122 188 251 353 756 1080 2303 3613 5028 10171 19206 34769 78067 TOTAL CIVIL CASES 87 37 152 80 96 88 115 139 199 284 399 905 1295 1568 2659 4660 8009 15925 36936 TOTALFAMILYCASES 10301245751191023493287525344 6554 GRAND TOTAL 96 50 182 114 158 164 241 332 457 642 1166 1994 3608 5204 7736 15159 27967 56038 121557 Pending Balances According to Districts Including Small Causes Court 7 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSindh of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 176

Serial No. Particulars of Cases Small Causes Ct Karachi South Karachi West Karachi East Karachi Central Malir Hyderabad Thatta Badin Dadu Mithi Mirpurkhas Sanghar Naushero-Feroze Nawabshah Sukkur Khairpur Ghotki Larkana Shikarpur Jacababad Total CRIMINAL JURISDICTION 1 MURDER TRIAL. 0 286 336 251 131 174 512 110 152 348 5 164 148 99 131 240 401 289 654 442 503 5376 2 HUDOOD TRIAL 0 1116 482 401 250 322 1200 370 277 466 26 578 528 91 248 358 619 217 816 369 470 9204 3 P.P.C. 1 2838 1615 1537 750 2412 1508 376 461 1422 98 926 958 463 514 825 1017 1254 1226 856 1452 22509 4 SPECIAL CASES ( S.T.A) 0 136 59 315 51 97 348 12 4 101 0 36 127 12 24 341 589 346 278 506 433 3815 5 SPECIAL CASES NARCOTICS 0 35 172 406 33 272 666 122 173 192 4 69 84 5 127 72 210 36 80 89 53 2900 6CARSNATCHINGCASES 04851344414910003230020042298 7 QISAS & DIAT ORDINANCE 0 309 394 627 285 127 280 29 47 200 39 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 106 0 0 2471 8 13-D ARMS ORDINANCE 0 1157 1087 1101 547 677 1399 229 230 468 5 316 744 161 303 430 654 565 1549 593 608 12823 9 DIRECT COMPLAINT 0 58 1 17 13 1 129 3 17 62 0 4 32 59 7 27 74 33 20 20 85 662 10PRIVATECOMPLAINT 0123691095121300560009000000028496 11OTHERCR/SESSIONSCASES01052 120 703413128750036163308298 12 CRIMINAL APPEALS 0 22 16 21 7 9 58 46 32 37 0 33 20 6 2 13 36 20 19 15 52 464 13 CRIMINAL REVISIONS 0 21 37 62 8 16 27 8 13 16 1 15 59 6 9 21 31 17 3 7 11 388 14CRIMINALMISC:APPLNS 0 3133221022294 7 80123 3 012732151122319 15CRIMINALTR:APPLNS 0195 315 8361117923133713723167 16 CR.BAIL APPLICATIONS 0 77 192 291 42 140 359 55 149 110 18 95 87 34 50 71 186 225 288 182 246 2897 17SPECIALBAILAPPLICATIONS0 00 0001100000300000073 24 18CR.PRELIMINARYENQUIRY0 00 000 312180133235031002415138 19 CR. P. C. 0 470 245 386 115 285 174 9 226 231 0 178 90 30 37 93 236 0 255 179 141 3380 20 GAMBLING ACT 0 74 35 25 19 60 63 6 6 30 1 12 4 4 2 21 23 4 46 9 7 451 21 M.V.O/TRAFFIC ACT 0 0 0 1 0 1541 2017 90 0 0 3 289 3100000003945 22JUVENILE/CHILDACT 01890 00015003000802301631249 23SINDHCRIMECONTROLACT 0 233 123 1 9166513241120 0 2 712752695417 SUB TOTAL (CRIMINAL) 1 8431 5131 6109 2523 6463 9320 1556 2062 3843 233 3019 2985 1015 1540 2869 4359 3320 5547 3356 4385 78067 CIVIL JURISDICTION 1 IST CLASS CIVIL SUITS 224 3039 1658 1394 905 128 1325 250 289 796 58 579 550 730 486 773 536 401 648 444 322 15535 2 IIND CLASS CIVIL SUITS 0 200 124 220 55 8 391 16 43 58 4 151 119 48 71 109 67 28 47 69 9 1837 3 IIIRD CLASS CIVIL SUITS 0 270 182 459 209 81 165 59 101 157 3 103 152 307 106 63 215 80 28 48 45 2833 4TRUSTSUIT 0230 420 000000000200000 31 5 SUMMARY SUITS 0 41 11 83 32 2 139 2 14 0 0 43 0 2 16 4 28 3 0 1 7 428 6 CIVIL APPEALS 0 441 304 431 200 33 482 112 227 178 7 250 216 44 93 106 343 194 241 28 56 3986 7 CIVIL MISC: APPEALS 0 68 21 55 27 1 50 14 20 9 1 27 38 4 27 12 0 30 23 2 4 433 8CIVILREVISIONS 01105173175 9115282905052133310313329810688 9 CIVIL EXECUTIONS 52 498 176 422 209 29 647 24 34 137 0 68 94 68 27 49 45 32 52 30 21 2714 10CIVILTRANSFERAPPLNS 0507 930181450191462225915211202 11CIVILMISC:APPLICATIONS0200 000 2023201000260005 61 12CIVILREFERENCES 0 00 001 000000000000000 1 13 RENT CASES 0 1490 125 571 561 48 213 3 1 11 0 18 26 10 56 59 15 6 15 46 13 3287 14 FIRST RENT APPEALS (F.R.A.) 0 1019 71 546 144 3 675 8 18 7 0 55 27 2 17 28 5 21 13 11 10 2680 15RENTEXECUTIONS. 07605632817028935040876030005711508 16JUDICIALMISCAPPLNS 0 31 332 000000000000000 12 17JUDICIALMISCEXE: 0 002665 000000000000000 37 18LUNACYPETITIONS 0 00 010 000000000000000 1 19INSOLVENCYPETITION 0 00 00047000004001700040 72 20LANDACQUISITIONAPPLNS0 00 000200360184930647000116 21 ELECTION PETITIONS 0 40 17 25 32 0 24 11 79 22 9 13 2 15 15 3 25 17 11 15 1 376 22DEPARTMENTALENQUIRY 0 001004 610400220126133 45 23DISTRESSWARRANTCASES7 00 000 000000000000000 7 24OTHERCIVILCASES 0 00 200 000100000018141000 45 25CIVILPETITIONS 0 00 001 000000000000000 1 SUB TOTAL (CIVIL) 283 8072 2804 4661 2576 379 4388 521 863 1427 84 1402 1353 1260 949 1274 1385 881 1138 718 518 36936 FAMILY JURISDICTION 1 FAMILY SUITS 0 400 477 1026 589 133 297 28 54 219 1 122 92 87 83 132 193 43 65 30 37 4108 2 FAMILY APPEALS 0 66 33 70 71 14 34 0 5 0 0 12 8022120613339 3FAMILYEXECUTIONS 0126124219147164302301011431150200726 4 SUCC. MISC. APPLNS (S.M.A.) 0 60 25 111 111 17 91 3 20 45 0 12 82 10 14 5 36 4 20 3 11 680 5 GUARDIANS AND WARDS CASES 0 126 40 173 94 15 33 0 2 23 1 19 41 13 18 12 17 8 0 1 7 643 6G&W.EXECUTIONS 0100 120 700300000030000 26 7 G & W. APPEALS 0 8 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 11 000040400 32 SUB TOTAL (FAMILY) 0 796 699 1600 1014 196 506 31 84 295 2 186 234 114 120 162 270 55 97 35 58 6554 TOTALS FOR ALL JURISDICTIONS SUB TOTAL (CRIMINAL) 1 8431 5131 6109 2523 6463 9320 1556 2062 3843 233 3019 2985 1015 1540 2869 4359 3320 5547 3356 4385 78067 SUB TOTAL (CIVIL) 283 8072 2804 4661 2576 379 4388 521 863 1427 84 1402 1353 1260 949 1274 1385 881 1138 718 518 36936 SUB TOTAL (FAMILY) 0 796 699 1600 1014 196 506 31 84 295 2 186 234 114 120 162 270 55 97 35 58 6554 GRAND TOTAL (CR.,CIV. & FAM.) 284 17299 8634 12370 6113 7038 14214 2108 3009 5565 319 4607 4572 2389 2609 4305 6014 4256 6782 4109 4961 121557 5.2.8 Statistics for the Subordinate Judiciary of the Province of Sindh for the Period 01-01-2002 to 31-12-03—Districts and Small Causes Court

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 JUDGE SMALL CAUSES COURT 320 200 520 236 284

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 2–KARACHI SOUTH 1 District & Sessions Judge. 524 538 1062 648 414 2 I-Addl:District & Sessions Judge. 595 591 1186 346 840 3 II-Addl:District & Sessions Judge. 500 592 1092 422 670 4 III-Addl:District & Sessions Judge. 1257 610 1867 814 1053 5 IV-Addl:District & Sessions Judge. 178 150 328 66 262 6 V-Addl:District & Sessions Judge. 431 224 655 338 317 7 VI-Addl:District & Sessions Judge. 723 291 1014 227 787 8 VII-Addl:District & Sessions Judge. 139 0 139 31 108 9 I-Senior Civil Judge. 402 311 713 323 390 10 II-Senior Civil Judge. 668 767 1435 306 1129 11 III-Senior Civil Judge. 629 263 892 391 501 12 IV-Senior Civil Judge. 595 214 809 68 741 13 V-Senior Civil Judge. 404 107 511 191 320 14 VI-Senior Civil Judge 402 334 736 257 479 15 VII-Senior Civil Judge. 619 404 1023 210 813 16 VIII-Senior Civil Judge. 784 304 1088 336 752 17 IX-Senior Civil Judge. 366 122 488 192 296 18 X-Senior Civil Judge. 366 123 489 148 341 19 I-Civil Judge. 177 0 177 177 0 20 II-Civil Judge. 370 340 710 401 309 21 III-Civil Judge. 207 233 440 252 188 22 IV-Civil Judge. 102 358 460 278 182 23 V-Civil Judge. 213 524 737 352 385 24 VI-Civil Judge. 141 153 294 190 104 25 I-Judicial Magistrate. 802 426 1228 254 974 26 II-Judicial Magistrate. 0 0 0 0 0 27 III-Judicial Magistrate. 28 220 248 19 229 28 IV-Judicial Magistrate. 323 75 398 303 95 29 V-Judicial Magistrate. 700 577 1277 647 630 30 VI-Judicial Magistrate. 679 1144 1823 321 1502 31 VII-Judicial Magistrate. 95 866 961 551 410 32 VIII-Judicial Magistrate. 781 136 917 246 671 33 IX-Judicial Magistrate. 755 1066 1821 1112 709 34 X-Judicial Magistrate. 652 500 1152 454 698 TOTAL 15607 12563 28170 10781 17299

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 177 Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 3–KARACHI WEST 1 District & Sessions Judge. 457 2499 2956 2564 392 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 365 404 769 323 446 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 237 0 237 30 207 4 III-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 424 397 821 388 433 5 IV-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 439 419 858 488 370 6 V-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 420 463 883 415 468 7 I-Senior Civil Judge. 456 370 826 414 412 8 II-Senior Civil Judge. 360 384 744 485 259 9 III-Senior Civil Judge. 539 663 1202 437 765 10 IV-Senior Civil Judge. 418 281 699 327 372 11 V-Senior Civil Judge. 366 152 518 159 359 12 I-Civil & Family Judge. 240 599 839 569 270 13 II-Civil & Family Judge. 304 357 661 440 221 14 III-Civil & Family Judge. 443 502 945 632 313 15 I-Judicial Magistrate. 601 865 1466 803 663 16 II-Judicial Magistrate. 475 1077 1552 1093 459 17 III-Judicial Magistrate. 639 1623 2262 1750 512 18 IV-Judicial Magistrate. 753 945 1698 1139 559 19 V-Judicial Magistrate. 788 800 1588 1004 584 20 VI-Judicial Magistrate. 770 824 1594 1024 570 TOTAL 9494 13624 23118 14484 8634

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 4–KARACHI EAST 1 District & Sessions Judge. 362 727 1089 776 313 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 972 374 1346 490 856 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 590 477 1067 350 717 4 III-Addl:District & Sessions Judge. 844 646 1490 493 997 5 IV-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 871 391 1262 552 710 6 V-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 467 345 812 432 380 7 VI-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 0 0 0 0 0 8 I-Senior Civil Judge 371 172 543 276 267 9 II-Senior Civil Judge 496 242 738 388 350 10 III-Senior Civil Judge. 429 395 824 336 488 11 IV-Senior Civil Judge. 288 469 757 338 419 12 V-Senior Civil Judge. 417 470 887 426 461 13 VI-Senior Civil Judge. 417 230 647 333 314 14 VII-Senior Civil Judge. 217 0 217 84 133 15 VIII-Senior Civil Judge. 199 283 482 219 263 16 IX-Senior Civil Judge. 94 436 530 327 203 17 I-Civil Judge. 599 634 1233 881 352 18 II-Civil Judge. 485 467 952 506 446 19 III-Civil Judge. 445 662 1107 480 627 20 IV-Civil Judge. 139 529 668 254 414 21 I-Judicial Magistrate. 229 637 866 351 515 22 II-Judicial Magistrate. 661 102 763 326 437 23 III-Judicial Magistrate. 374 322 696 404 292 24 IV-Judicial Magistrate. 54 577 631 370 261 25 V-Judicial Magistrate. 577 208 785 551 234 26 VI-Judicial Magistrate. 266 144 410 257 153 27 VII-Judicial Magistrate. 1005 0 1005 646 359 28 VIII-Judicial Magistrate. 64 535 599 348 251 29 IX-Judicial Magistrate. 97 584 681 441 240 30X-J.M(AtJudicialComplex)00000 31 XI-Judicial Magistrate. 287 234 521 310 211 32 XII-Judicial Magistrate. 395 194 589 451 138 33 XIII-Judicial Magistrate. 266 241 507 302 205 34 XIV-Judicial Magistrate. 230 233 463 244 219 35 XV-Judicial Magistrate. 274 128 402 257 145 TOTAL 13481 12088 25569 13199 12370

178 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 5–KARACHI CENTRAL 1 District & Sessions Judge. 549 2445 2994 2532 462 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 499 315 814 548 266 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 427 350 777 598 179 4 III-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 174 301 475 333 142 5 IV-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 378 115 493 408 85 6 V-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 431 510 941 588 353 7 I-Senior Civil Judge. 44 25 69 46 23 8 II-Senior Civil Judge. 251 298 549 324 225 9 III-Senior Civil Judge. 407 522 929 474 455 10 IV-Senior Civil Judge. 852 537 1389 654 735 11 V-Senior Civil Judge. 191 224 415 282 133 12 VI-Civil Judge. 251 324 575 248 327 13 VII-Civil Judge. 560 172 732 680 52 14 VIII-Civil Judge. 26 1163 1189 823 366 15 IX-Civil Judge. 425 593 1018 779 239 16 X-Civil Judge. 231 592 823 476 347 17 I-Judicial Magistrate. 258 277 535 434 101 18 II-Judicial Magistrate. 160 346 506 280 226 19 III-Judicial Magistrate. 2 420 422 223 199 20 IV-Judicial Magistrate. 329 735 1064 840 224 21 V-Judicial Magistrate. 228 502 730 520 210 22 VI-Judicial Magistrate. 201 480 681 526 155 23 VII-Judicial Magistrate. 48 637 685 439 246 24 VIII-Judicial Magistrate. 393 568 961 714 247 25 IX-Judicial Magistrate. 243 363 606 490 116 TOTAL 7558 12814 20372 14259 6113

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 6–MALIR 1 District & Sessions Judge. 403 1438 1841 1354 487 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 590 614 1204 660 544 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 578 190 768 282 486 4 Senior Civil Judge. 439 284 723 340 383 5 Civil Judge 386 497 883 649 234 6 I-Judicial Magistrate. 415 328 743 269 474 7 II-Judicial Magistrate. 818 1814 2632 840 1792 8 III-Judicial Magistrate. 399 341 740 373 367 9 IV-Judicial Magistrate. 354 473 827 204 623 10 V-Judicial Magistrate. 1175 1831 3006 1358 1648 TOTAL 5557 7810 13367 6329 7038

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 179 Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 7–HYDERABAD 1 District & Sessions Judge 1301 3942 5243 4003 1240 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 349 394 743 250 493 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 385 335 720 211 509 4 III-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 435 333 768 386 382 5 IV-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 498 592 1090 434 656 6 V-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 440 272 712 312 400 7 VI-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 368 617 985 400 585 8 VII-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 379 674 1053 529 524 9 A.D.J. Tando. Muhammad Khan 196 5 201 6 195 10 I-Senior Civil Judge 500 331 831 490 341 11 II-Senior Civil Judge 250 214 464 233 231 12 III-Senior Civil Judge 509 144 653 212 441 13 IV-Senior Civil Judge 1014 304 1318 838 480 14 V-Senior Civil Judge 405 207 612 212 400 15 Sr: Civil Judge,Tando Allah Yar. 207 170 377 189 188 16 Sr: C.J,Tando Muhammad ,Khan. 267 42 309 21 288 17 Joint Civil Judge & F.C.M,. 318 448 766 410 356 18 Civil Judge & F.C.M,. 247 293 540 280 260 19 I-Extra Civil Judge & F.C.M 390 559 949 673 276 20 II-Extra Civil Judge & F.C.M 304 266 570 358 212 21 III-Extra Civil Judge & F.C.M 136 631 767 514 253 22 IV-Extra Civil Judge & F.C.M 376 306 682 400 282 23 V-Extra Civil Judge & F.C.M 392 307 699 498 201 24 VI-Extra Civil Judge & F.C.M 961 545 1506 1189 317 25 VII-Extra Civil Judge & F.C.M 372 643 1015 821 194 26 C.J & F.C.M, Tando Allah Yar. 406 985 1391 1117 274 27 C.J & F.C.M, T.Muhammad Khan. 508 380 888 496 392 28 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Hala. 268 506 774 425 349 29 I-Judicial Magistrate 326 307 633 321 312 30 II-Judicial Magistrate 2132 13769 15901 13754 2147 31 IIII-Judicial Magistrate 150 357 507 188 319 32 J.M, Tando Allah Yar. 205 318 523 328 195 33 J.M, T.Muhammad, Khan. 236 483 719 428 291 34 Judicial Magistrate, Hala. 0 0 0 0 0 35 Judicial Magistrate, Matiari. 223 200 423 192 231 TOTAL 15453 29879 45332 31118 14214

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 8–THATTA 1 District & Sessions Judge, Thatta. 275 592 867 527 340 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge, Thatta. 216 230 446 212 234 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge, Thatta. 165 245 410 205 205 4 Senior Civil Judge, Thatta. 188 119 307 152 155 5 Senior Civil Judge, Sujawal. 309 158 467 338 129 6 I-Civil Judge & F.C.M, Thatta. 215 507 722 469 253 7 II-Civil Judge & F.C.M, Thatta. 157 227 384 266 118 8 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Sujawal. 172 156 328 215 113 9 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Mirpur Batharo. 157 169 326 222 104 10 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Sakro at Gharo. 219 339 558 346 212 11 Judicial Magistrate, Thatta. 103 103 206 135 71 12 Judicial Magistrate, Sujawal. 205 264 469 295 174 TOTAL 2381 3109 5490 3382 2108

180 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 9–BADIN 1 District & Sessions Judge, Badin. 427 1153 1580 1097 483 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge, Badin. 235 300 535 170 365 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge, Badin. 236 344 580 194 386 4 Senior Civil Judge,Badin. 266 149 415 231 184 5 Senior Civil Judge,Matli. 138 77 215 163 52 6 Senior Civil Judge, Golarchi. 143 124 267 126 141 7 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Badin. 270 383 653 341 312 8 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Matli. 144 306 450 320 130 9 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Tando Bago. 187 281 468 195 273 10 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Golarchi. 118 242 360 201 159 11 Judicial Magistrate, Badin. 212 265 477 137 340 12 Judicial Magistrate, Matli. 77 237 314 130 184 TOTAL 2453 3861 6314 3305 3009

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 10–DADU 1 District & Sessions Judge, Dadu. 538 546 1084 289 795 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge, Dadu. 154 7 161 18 143 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge, Dadu. 181 100 281 88 193 4 III-Addl: District & Sessions Judge, Dadu. 96 3 99 1 98 5 IV-Addl: District & Sessions Judge, Dadu. 103 58 161 64 97 6 Addl: District Judge, Mehar. 194 76 270 100 170 7 Addl: District Judge Sehwan. 56 45 101 40 61 8 Addl: District Judge, Kotri. 239 192 431 129 302 9 Senior Civil Judge, Dadu. 226 149 375 160 215 10 Senior Civil Judge, Mehar. 423 112 535 142 393 11 Senior Civil Judge, K. N Shah. 188 144 332 156 176 12 Senior Civil Judge, Sehwan. 93 77 170 61 109 13 Senior Civil Judge, Kotri. 200 180 380 169 211 14 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Dadu. 306 328 634 213 421 15 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Mehar. 261 230 491 100 391 16 Civil Judge & F.C.M, K.N.Shah. 14 55 69 40 29 17 Civil Judge, Johi. 128 91 219 68 151 18 I-Civil Judge & F.C.M, Sehwan. 79 153 232 100 132 19 II-Civil Judge & F.C.M, Sehwan. 1 68 69 25 44 20 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Kotri. 246 140 386 9 377 21 Judicial Magistrate, Dadu. 252 356 608 362 246 22 I-Judicial Magistrate, Mehar. 235 195 430 212 218 23 II-Judicial Magistrate, Mehar. 87 82 169 92 77 24 Judicial Magistrate, K.N.Shah. 89 186 275 136 139 25 Judicial Magistrate, Johi. 77 153 230 134 96 26 Judicial Magistrate, Sehwan. 204 265 469 368 101 27 Judicial Magistrate, Kotri. 205 316 521 341 180 TOTAL 4875 4307 9182 3617 5565

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 11–THARPARKAR & MITHI 1 District & Sessions Judge 85 267 352 305 47 2 Addl:District & Sessions Judge 10 35 45 28 17 3 Senior Civil Judge 71 69 140 73 67 4 Civil Judge & F.C.M 9 125 134 93 41 5 Judicial Magistrate 50 84 134 84 50 6 Judicial Magistrate, Chachro. 36 28 64 11 53 7 Judicial Magistrate, Diplo. 34 30 64 37 27 8 Judicial Magistrate, Nangarparkar. 15 26 41 24 17 TOTAL 310 664 974 655 319

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 181 Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 12–MIRPURKHAS 1 District & Sessions Judge 459 1141 1600 1197 403 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 285 335 620 206 414 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 325 327 652 263 389 4 Addl: District & Sessions Judge, Umerkot. 134 242 376 169 207 5 I-Senior Civil Judge, Mirpurkhas. 304 111 415 174 241 6 II-Senior Civil Judge, Mirpurkhas. 238 72 310 139 171 7 III-Senior Civil Judge, Mirpurkhas. 253 188 441 174 267 8 I-Senior Civil Judge, Umerkot. 205 65 270 136 134 9 II-Senior Civil Judge, Umerkot. 121 28 149 99 50 10 Joint Civil Judge & F.C.M, Mirpurkhas. 277 814 1091 550 541 11 Civil Judge & F.C.M, K G Mohammad 203 142 345 200 145 12 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Umerkot 96 265 361 248 113 13 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Kunri. 117 28 145 145 0 14 I-Judicial Magistrate, Mirpurkhas. 205 406 611 224 387 15 II-Judicial Magistrate, Mirpurkhas. 267 1259 1526 1007 519 16 Judicial Magistrate, K. G. Mohammad 215 96 311 181 130 17 Judicial Magistrate, Digri. 33 306 339 265 74 18 Judicial Magistrate, Umerkot 105 675 780 633 147 19 Judicial Magistrate, Samaro. 49 356 405 185 220 20 Judicial Magistrate, Pitharo. 66 51 117 62 55 TOTAL 3957 6907 10864 6257 4607

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 13–SANGHAR 1 District & Sessions Judge 573 1237 1810 1032 778 2 Addl: District & Sessions Judge 457 183 640 110 530 3 A D J Shahdadpur. 111 124 235 112 123 4 A D J Tnado Adam. 329 350 679 338 341 5 Senior Civil Judge, Sanghar. 206 235 441 252 189 6 Senior Civil Judge, Shahdadpur. 274 152 426 5 421 7 Senior Civil Judge,Tando Adam. 147 53 200 84 116 8 Senior Civil Judge, Khipro. 30 67 97 50 47 9 Civil Judge & F.C.M 111 351 462 302 160 10 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Sinjhoro. 90 221 311 200 111 11 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Shahdadpur. 413 583 996 471 525 12 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Tando Adam. 407 189 596 218 378 13 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Khipro. 209 252 461 249 212 14 Judicial Magistrate & F.C.M 330 272 602 329 273 15 Judicial Magistrate & F.C.M, Shahdadpur. 182 91 273 154 119 16 Judicial Magistrate, Tando Adam. 102 261 363 114 249 TOTAL 3971 4621 8592 4020 4572

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 14–NAUSHARO-FEROZE 1 District & Sessions Judge 155 526 681 564 117 2 Addl: District & Sessions Judge. 152 195 347 194 153 3 A D J, Moro. 131 31 162 63 99 4 A D J, Kandiaro. 76 214 290 203 87 5 Senior Civil Judge 571 146 717 165 552 6 Senior Civil Judge, Moro. 139 61 200 123 77 7 Senior Civil Judge, Kandiaro. 247 122 369 154 215 8 Civil Judge & F.C.M 76 310 386 186 200 9 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Moro. 27 190 217 142 75 10 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Bhiria. 137 236 373 270 103 11 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Kandiaro. 247 271 518 307 211 12 I-Judicial Magistrate 217 186 403 309 94 13 II-Judicial Magistrate 16 297 313 246 67 14 Judicial Magistrate, Bhiria. 77 159 236 196 40 15 I-Judicial Magistrate, Kandiaro. 143 290 433 266 167 16 II-Judicial Magistrate, Kandiaro. 136 114 250 196 54 17 Judicial Magistrate, Moro. 178 183 361 283 78 TOTAL 2725 3531 6256 3867 2389

182 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 15–NAWABSHAH 1 District & Sessions Judge 328 681 1009 740 269 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 158 158 316 175 141 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 161 176 337 144 193 4 III-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 170 116 286 102 184 5 I-Senior Civil Judge 765 555 1320 753 567 6 II-Senior Civil Judge 339 210 549 306 243 7 Joint Civil Judge & F.C.M 223 115 338 334 4 8 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Sarkand. 158 231 389 271 118 9 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Daulatpur. 70 76 146 107 39 10 I-Judicial Magistrate 201 457 658 377 281 11 II-Judicial Magistrate 428 362 790 340 450 12 Judicial Magistrate, Sakrand. 170 66 236 149 87 13 Judicial Magistrate, Daulatpur. 29 103 132 99 33 TOTAL 3200 3306 6506 3897 2609

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 16–SUKKUR 1 District & Sessions Judge 655 1677 2332 1880 452 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 214 279 493 166 327 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 389 247 636 288 348 4 III-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 261 386 647 456 191 5 V-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 0 0 0 0 0 6 Addl: District Judge, Hudood 219 93 312 59 253 7 I-Senior Civil Judge 683 445 1128 493 635 8 II-Senior Civil Judge 532 169 701 189 512 9 I-C.J & J.M. 319 260 579 300 279 10 II-C.J & J.M. 93 122 215 123 92 III-II-C.J & J.M. 742 475 1217 515 702 11 I-C.J & J.M, Rohri. 289 638 927 738 189 II-C.J & J.M, Rohri. 127 319 446 355 91 12 I-C.J & J.M, Pano Akil. 296 209 505 345 160 13 II-C.J & J.M, Pano Akil. 152 84 236 162 74 TOTAL 4971 5403 10374 6069 4305

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 17–KHAIRPUR 1 District & Sessions Judge 626 574 1200 502 698 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 474 295 769 127 642 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 755 394 1149 532 617 4 III-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 382 192 574 6 568 5 A D J Gambat. 224 281 505 256 249 6 I-Senior Civil Judge 347 226 573 316 257 7 II-Senior Civil Judge 347 292 639 234 405 8 Senior Civil Judge, Gambat. 81 191 272 95 177 9 Senior Civil Judge, Mirwah. 81 141 222 133 89 10 I-Civil Judge & F.C.M, Khairpur. 213 156 369 154 215 11 II-Civil Judge & F.C.M, Khairpur. 230 380 610 195 415 12 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Kingri. 180 58 238 199 39 13 Civil Judge & FCM, Pir Jo Goth. 243 159 402 188 214 14 I-Civil Judge & F.C.M, Gambat. 381 664 1045 642 403 15 II-Civil Judge & F.C.M, Gambat. 391 0 391 340 51 16 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Kotdiji. 38 128 1661 70 96 17 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Thari Mirwah. 1 236 237 123 114 18 I-Judicial Magistrate 281 65 346 170 176 19 II-Judicial Magistrate 215 59 274 137 137 20 Judicial Magistrate, Thari Mirwah. 468 90 558 509 49 21 J M, Sabhudero & Ranipur. 0 2 2 0 2 22 Judicial Magistrate, Kotdiji. 292 114 406 249 157 23 Judicial Magistrate, Nara. 59 47 1096 95 11 24 Judicial Magistrate, Gambat. 0 382 382 240 142 25 Judicial Magistrate, Faiz Ganj. 0 191 191 100 91 TOTAL 6309 5317 11626 5612 6014

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 183 Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 18–GHOTKI 1 District & Sessions Judge 496 1421 1917 1413 504 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 294 369 663 213 450 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 319 4 323 26 297 4 III-A D J, Mirpur Mathelo 254 3 257 14 243 5 IV-A D J, Mirpur Mathelo 236 527 763 368 395 6 Senior Civil Judge 241 60 301 111 190 7 Senior Civil Judge, Mirpur Mathelo. 235 91 326 205 121 8 Senior Civil Judge, Ubauro. 262 102 364 136 228 9 Civil Judge & F.C.M. 105 431 536 196 340 10 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Mirpur Mathelo. 520 259 779 450 329 11 CivilJudge & F.C.M, Deharki. 188 267 455 266 189 12 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Ubauro. 293 191 484 253 231 13 Judicial Magistrate 556 722 1278 819 459 14 Judicial Magistrate, Mirpur Mathelo. 187 166 353 208 145 15 Judicial Magistrate, Ubaurio. 104 192 296 161 135 TOTAL 4290 4805 9095 4839 4256

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 19–LARKANA 1 District & Sessions Judge 750 1148 1898 1290 608 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 368 157 525 210 315 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 417 70 487 172 315 4 III-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 261 2 263 0 263 5 IV-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 119 1 120 0 120 6 V-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 233 229 462 174 288 7 VI-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 233 194 427 195 232 8 VII-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 269 155 424 230 194 9 Addl: District Judge, Kambar. 79 45 124 71 53 10 Addl: District Judge, Shahdadkot. 145 0 145 31 114 11 Addl: District Judge, Ratodero. 77 95 172 39 133 12 I-Senior Civil Judge 453 282 735 343 392 13 II-Senior Civil Judge 376 276 652 426 226 14 III-Senior Civil Judge 137 196 333 193 140 15 IV-Senior Civil Judge 121 10 131 116 15 16 Senior Civil Judge, Shahdadkot. 62 61 123 74 49 17 Extra Joint Civil Judge & F.C.M 183 201 384 174 210 18 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Ratodero. 48 346 394 267 127 19 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Warah. 328 418 746 275 471 20 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Kambar. 117 444 561 400 161 21 Civil Judge & F.C.M, Shahdadkot. 275 233 508 354 154 22 I-Judicial Magistrate 8 8 16 10 6 23 II-Judicial Magistrate 139 208 347 171 176 24 III-Judicial Magistrate 705 488 1193 759 434 25 IV-Judicial Magistrate 779 565 1344 864 480 26 Judicial Magistrate, MiroKhan. 123 215 338 271 67 27 Judicial Magistrate, Dokri. 301 167 468 164 304 28 Judicial Magistrate, Kambar. 495 280 775 428 347 29 Judicial Magistrate, Shahdadkot. 126 177 303 181 122 30 Judicial Magistrate, Warah. 290 81 371 205 166 31 Judicial Magistrate, Ratodero. 320 191 511 411 100 TOTAL 8337 6943 15280 8498 6782

184 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 20–SHIKARPUR 1 District & Sessions Judge 398 1578 1976 1532 444 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 457 84 541 126 415 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 311 325 636 332 304 4 III-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 357 304 661 371 290 5 IV-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 379 260 639 320 319 6 V-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 342 511 853 507 346 7 I-Senior Civil Judge 491 134 625 191 434 8 II-Senior Civil Judge 239 87 326 140 186 9 I-Civil Judge & FCM 163 152 315 182 133 10 II-Civil Judge & FCM 120 100 220 145 75 11 Joint Civil Judge & FCM 199 247 446 345 101 12 Civil Judge & FCM, Lakhi. 186 288 474 274 200 13 Civil Judge & FCM, Khanpur. 113 218 331 156 175 14 Civil Judge & FCM, G.Yasin. 43 46 89 18 71 15 City Magistrate. 74 399 473 286 187 16 I-Judicial Magistrate. 3 175 178 81 97 17 II-Judicial Magistrate. 0 165 165 49 116 18 III-Judicial Magistrate. 147 135 282 217 65 19 Judicial Magistrate, Garhi Yasin. 189 460 649 498 151 TOTAL 4211 5668 9879 5770 4109

Institution Disposal SR. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Name of District 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 21–JACOBABAD 1 District & Sessions Judge 530 1242 1772 966 806 2 I-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 374 137 511 225 286 3 II-Addl: District & Sessions Judge 340 33 373 107 266 4 Addl: District Judge, Kandhkot. 940 254 1194 380 814 5 Addl: District Judge, Kashmore. 334 142 476 129 347 6 I-Senior Civil Judge 89 155 853 147 97 7 II-Senior Civil Judge 50 55 105 63 42 8 Senior Civil Judge, Kandhkot. 287 160 447 178 269 9 Civil Judge & F.C.M 372 259 631 309 322 10 Civil Judge & F.C.M. Thul. 562 363 925 396 529 11 Civil Judge & F.C.M. Kandhkot. 323 366 689 338 351 12 Civil Judge & FCM, Kashmore. 408 251 659 383 276 13 Civil Judge & FCM, Garhi Khairo. 147 215 362 273 89 14 Judicial Magistrate 268 221 489 412 77 15 Judicial Magistrate, Kandhkot. 274 275 549 418 131 16 Judicial Magistrate, Kashmore. 379 230 609 350 259 TOTAL 5677 4358 10035 5074 4961

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Sindh: 185 8 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSindh of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 186 5.3 Budgetary Statistics 5.3.1 Annual Budget of the High Court STATEMENT SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE REVISED BUDGET GRANT FOR THE YEAR 2002-2003 UNDER THE HEAD 21000–JUSTICE LAW COURTS-21105-HIGH COURT OF SINDH

C.NO PRIMARY UNITS OF APPROPRIATION KARACHI SUKKUR HYDERABAD LARKANA TOTAL 01100 PAY OF OFFICERS 20816800 895000 1150000 1100000 23961800 01200 PAY OF OTHER STAFF 23455600 2163000 2131000 1565000 29314600 02101 SUPERIOR JUDICIAL ALLOWANCE 2016000 0 0 0 2016000 02200 HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE 5803800 391000 367000 329000 6890800 02300 CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE 1773300 167000 167000 0 2107300 02400 SUMPTUARY ALLOWANCE 134400 0 0 0 134400 02700 WASHING ALLOWANCE 174800 11000 11000 11000 207800 02990 OTHER REGULAR ALLOWANCE 558000 25000 60000 25000 668000 02907 MEDICAL ALLOWANCE 1025800 120000 111000 87000 1343800 02916 COMPUTER ALLOWANCE 75000 0 0 0 75000 02935 JUDICIAL ALLOWANCE 482000 0 18000 0 500000 02936 SPECIAL ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCE 3951500 330000 350000 310000 4941500 03100 OVER TIME ALLOWANCE 107300 6000 6000 6000 125300 03400 MEDICAL CHARGES 2193400 55000 155000 40000 2443400 03700 CONTINGENT PAID STAFF 360000 0 0 0 360000 03800 LEAVE SALARY 500000 0 0 0 500000 00000 TOTAL ESTABLISHMENT CHARGES 63427700 4163000 4526000 3473000 75589700 41000 TRANSPORT 947900 32000 30000 31000 1040900 42000 REPAIR OF MACHINERY 381300 20000 25000 25000 451300 43000 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 191300 15000 15000 15000 236300 40000 TOTAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 1520500 67000 70000 71000 1728500 50000 COMMODITIES AND SERVICES 51100 TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE 1337600 30000 20000 20000 1407600 51300 P.O.L. CHARGES 5032300 225000 200000 200000 5657300 52100 POSTAGE AND TELEGRAPH 196400 25000 65000 50000 336400 52200 TELEPHONE AND TRUNK CALLS 2882200 275000 375000 300000 3832200 Continued.... C.NO PRIMARY UNITS OF APPROPRIATION KARACHI SUKKUR HYDERABAD LARKANA TOTAL 53100 GAS CHARGES 0 70300 30000 18000 118300 53200 WATER CHARGES 0 0 50000 0 50000 53300 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 4288100 650000 650000 300000 5888100 53400 HOT & COLD WEATHER CHARGES 0 7700 7600 7600 22900 54000 OFFICE STATIONERY 98600 60000 60000 60000 278600 55000 PRINTING CHARGES 399900 50000 50000 55000 554900 56000 NEWSPAPER AND LAW BOOKS 1046800 95000 70000 100000 1311800 57000 UNIFORM AND LIVERIES 291500 0 0 30000 321500 58000 RENT, RATE AND TAXES 307400 0 0 0 307400 59300 LAW CHARGES 18700 0 0 0 18700 59500 PUBLICITY AND ADVERTISEMENT 42100 0 0 0 42100 59900 OTHER (MISC.) 1363700 75000 75000 100000 1613700 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSnh 187 Sindh: of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 50000 TOTAL COMDTS. & SERVICES 17305300 1563000 1652600 1240600 21761500 6-21105 TOTAL HIGH COURT OF SINDH 82253500 5793000 6248600 4784600 99079700

( ABDUL GHAFOOR MEMON ) REGISTRAR 8 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSindh of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 188 5.3.2 Budget of the Sessions Division (Collective and for each Sessions Division)


CODE PRIMARY UNITS OF KARACHI KARACHI KARACHI KARACHI MALIR HYDER- THATTA BADIN DADU MITHI MIRPUR- NO. APPROPRIATION (SOUTH) (WEST) (EAST) (C) ABAD KHAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 01100- PAY OF OFFICERS 1890000 777600 1513200 777600 777600 1697100 593700 593700 1329300 409800 961500 01200- PAY OF OTHER STAFF 3701500 1519900 2974300 1519900 1519900 3337900 1156300 1156300 2610700 793700 1883500 02200- HOUSE RENT ALLOW. 740000 307000 595000 307000 307000 668000 235000 235000 524000 165900 379000 02300- CONVEYANCE ALLOW. 363000 278000 333000 278000 278000 338000 20000 0 41800 0 0 02700- WASHING ALLOWANCE 23300 9400 18700 9400 9400 21000 7000 7000 16300 4700 11700 02907- MEDICAL ALLOWANCE 209000 84000 167000 84000 84000 188000 64000 64000 146000 42500 104900 02936- SP. ADDL. ALLOW.(20&25%) 656000 262400 524800 262400 262400 590400 196800 196800 459000 131200 328000 02935- JUDICIAL ALLOWANCE 147000 65000 120000 65000 65000 133000 52000 52000 106000 41000 79000 03400- MEDICAL CHARGES 124000 111000 144000 189000 85000 84000 114000 90000 59000 54000 62000 02900- OTHER REGULAR ALLOW. 90500 36200 72000 36200 36200 81500 27100 27100 63400 20500 56200 03800- LEAVE SALARY 107100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000- TOTAL ESTABLISHMENT 8051400 3450500 6462000 3528500 3424500 7138900 2465900 2421900 5355500 1663300 3865800 CHARGES 40000- REPAIR & MAINT. OF D/GOODS 41000- TRANSPORT 77300 41300 65300 41300 41300 71300 35300 35300 59300 29300 47300 42000- MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 50000 20000 40000 20000 20000 45000 15000 15000 35000 11500 25000 43000- FURNITURE AND FIXATURE 29000 11600 23200 11600 11600 26100 8700 8700 20000 6000 14500 40000- TOTAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 156300 72900 128500 72900 72900 142400 59000 59000 114300 46800 86800 50000- COMMODITIES & SERVICES 51100- TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE 75000 77000 84000 48000 48000 300000 53000 63000 150000 30000 61000 51300- P.O.L. CHARGES 530000 230000 393000 230100 230000 430000 188000 188000 350000 145000 268000 52100- POSTAGE AND TELEGRAPH 3000 6000 5000 3000 6000 72000 33000 26000 60000 18600 30000 52200- TELEPHONE & TRUNK CALL 292000 147000 227000 147000 147000 250000 115000 115000 170000 67700 77000 53300- ELECTRICITY CHARGES 148500 0 1116000 458000 0 280000 244000 244000 250000 30000 209500 53400- HOT & COLD WEATHER CHR. 2000 1000 2000 1000 1000 5000 3000 3000 4000 3000 4000 54000- OFFICE STATIONERY 80000 65000 124000 65000 50000 62000 52000 37000 35000 25000 40000 55000- PRINTING & PUBLICATION 41300 28500 37000 28500 28500 39000 26500 26500 34500 26400 30600 56000- NEWSPAPERS & LAW BOOKS 164000 70000 131000 66000 66000 147000 50000 50000 115000 35000 82000 57000- UNIFORM & LIVERIES 20500 18000 35000 16000 18000 38500 14000 14000 28000 5500 10500 58000- RENT, RATE & TAXES 0 0 0 0 0 0 22000 10000 35000 28100 0 59900- OTHERS (MISC.) 73300 48300 65300 48300 48300 69300 44800 44800 60300 43000 52300 50000- TOTAL COMMDTS& SERVICES 1429600 690800 2219300 1110900 642800 1692800 845300 821300 1291800 457300 864900 6-21107- TOTAL D & S COURTS 9637300 4214200 8809800 4712300 4140200 8974100 3370200 3302200 6761600 2167400 4817500 O.B


CODE PRIMARY UNITS OF SANGHAR N'FEROZE NAWAB SUKKUR KHAIR GHOTKI LARKANA SHIKAR JACOB TOTAL NO. APPROPRIATION SHAH PUR PUR ABAD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01100- PAY OF OFFICERS 777600 777600 777600 1145400 961500 961500 2064900 1145400 961500 20894100 01200- PAY OF OTHER STAFF 1519900 1519900 1519900 2247100 1883500 1883500 4065000 2247100 1883500 40943300 02200- HOUSE RENT ALLOW. 307000 307000 307000 451000 379000 379000 811000 451000 379000 8233900 02300- CONVEYANCE ALLOW. 0 5000 0 210000 0 5000 40000 0 0 2189800 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSnh 189 Sindh: of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 02700- WASHING ALLOWANCE 9400 9400 9400 14000 11700 11700 25700 14000 11700 254900 02907- MEDICAL ALLOWANCE 84000 84000 84000 125000 104500 104500 230000 125000 104500 2282900 02936- SP. ADDL. ALLOW.(20&25%) 262400 262400 262400 393600 328000 328000 721600 393600 328000 7150200 02935- JUDICIAL ALLOWANCE 65000 65000 65000 93000 79000 79000 161000 93000 79000 1704000 03400- MEDICAL CHARGES 133000 140800 64000 104000 63000 42000 124000 55000 50000 1891800 02900- OTHER REGULAR ALLOW. 36200 36200 36200 54300 45300 45300 100000 54300 45300 1000000 03800- LEAVE SALARY 90000 0 0 0 0 0 0 145500 0 342600 00000- TOTAL ESTABLISHMENT CHARGES 3284500 3207300 3125500 4837400 3855500 3839500 8343200 4723900 3842500 86887500 40000- REPAIR & MAINT. OF D/GOODS 41000- TRANSPORT 41300 41300 41300 53300 47300 47300 83300 53300 47300 1000000 42000- MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 20000 20000 20000 30000 25000 25000 55000 30000 25000 546500 43000- FURNITURE AND FIXATURE 11600 11600 11600 17400 14500 14500 31400 17400 14500 315500 40000- TOTAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 72900 72900 72900 100700 86800 86800 169700 100700 86800 1862000 50000- COMMODITIES & SERVICES 51100- TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE 278000 347000 67000 50000 121000 52000 106000 50000 52200 2112200 51300- P.O.L. CHARGES 228000 228000 228000 310000 268000 268000 510000 310000 268000 5800100 52100- POSTAGE AND TELEGRAPH 26000 26000 32000 50000 30000 30000 94000 35000 30000 615600 52200- TELEPHONE & TRUNK CALL 68000 97000 122000 112000 87000 77000 150000 87000 132000 2686700 53300- ELECTRICITY CHARGES 58000 258000 233000 87000 123000 73000 358000 200000 373000 4743000 53400- HOT & COLD WEATHER CHR. 2000 2000 2000 4500 3000 3000 6200 4500 5000 61200 54000- OFFICE STATIONERY 42000 57000 42000 90000 90000 40000 83000 30000 55000 1164000 55000- PRINTING & PUBLICATION 28500 28500 28500 32800 30600 30600 43000 32800 30600 633200 56000- NEWSPAPERS & LAW BOOKS 66000 66000 66000 98000 82000 82000 180000 98000 82500 1796500 57000- UNIFORM & LIVERIES 8500 18000 18000 26000 10500 10500 46000 12500 10500 378500 58000- RENT, RATE & TAXES 16000 0 0 100000 0 0 0 0 0 211100 59900- OTHERS (MISC.) 48300 48300 48300 56300 52300 52300 77300 52300 56300 1089700 50000- TOTAL COMMDTS& SERVICES 869300 1175800 886800 1016600 897400 718400 1653500 912100 1095100 21291800 6-21107- TOTAL D & S COURTS 4226700 4456000 4085200 5954700 4839700 4644700 10166400 5736700 5024400 110041300


( ABDUL GHAFOOR MEMON ) R E G I S T R A R. 9 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSindh of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 190


CODE PRIMARY UNITS OF KARACHI KARACHI KARACHI KARACHI MALIR HYDER- THATTA BADIN DADU MITHI MIRPUR- NO. APPROPRIATION (SOUTH) (WEST) (EAST) (C) ABAD KHAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 01100- PAY OF OFFICERS 2888000 1565000 3109000 2116000 893000 2888000 1013000 1013000 2226000 705000 1775000 01200- PAY OF OTHER STAFF 6493000 3545000 6985000 4773000 1825000 6493000 2316000 2316000 5019000 1580000 4036000 02200- HOUSE RENT ALLOW. 1400000 759000 1502000 1024000 387000 1396000 493000 493000 1077000 335000 865000 02300- CONVEYANCE ALLOW. 856000 706000 931000 756000 581000 839000 45000 0 175000 35000 39000 02700- WASHING ALLOWANCE 56000 30000 60000 41000 15000 56000 19000 19000 43000 15000 34000 02907- MEDICAL ALLOWANCE 425700 229300 458500 311100 114600 425700 147400 147400 327500 98400 262000 02936- SP. ADDL. ALLOW.(20&25%) 1095000 596000 1177000 815000 306000 1095000 390000 390000 845000 265000 680000 02935- JUDICIAL ALLOWANCE 253000 136000 272000 185000 69000 253000 88000 88000 194000 65000 156000 03400- MEDICAL CHARGES 113300 207000 113800 29000 53800 73300 254800 64800 107400 23600 133600 02900- OTHER REGULAR ALLOW. 214500 116000 222700 156700 58500 214500 74800 74800 165000 50000 133700 03700- CONTINGENT PAID STAFF 0 0 0 0 1400 5200 1800 1800 4000 1200 3200 03800- LEAVE SALARY 21000 0 141000 0 0 50000 0 0 0 0 0 00000- TOTAL ESTABLISHMENT 13815500 7889300 14972000 10206800 4304300 13788700 4842800 4607800 10182900 3173200 8117500 CHARGES 40000- REPAIR & MAINT. OF D/GOODS 42000- MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 38000 21000 40000 30000 10000 37000 13000 13000 28000 10000 23000 43000- FURNITURE AND FIXATURE 37000 20000 40000 29000 10000 37000 13000 13000 28000 10000 23000 40000- TOTAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 75000 41000 80000 59000 20000 74000 26000 26000 56000 20000 46000 50000- COMMODITIES & SERVICES 51100- TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE 41300 82500 134500 30200 11500 41300 64300 64300 231800 45000 100400 52100- POSTAGE AND TELEGRAPH 3000 3000 3000 3000 2000 30500 10500 10500 23000 8000 18500 52200- TELEPHONE & TRUNK CALL 264000 142500 285000 193200 71000 264000 91500 91500 203400 62000 162700 53300- ELECTRICITY CHARGES 140000 0 0 0 0 40500 14500 14500 32000 11000 25000 53400- HOT & COLD WEATHER CHR. 3000 2000 3000 2000 1000 3500 2000 2000 3000 2500 2500 54000- OFFICE STATIONERY 50000 28000 54000 37000 16000 50000 18000 18000 38000 14000 31000 55000- PRINTING & PUBLICATION 25000 13700 27000 18000 7700 25000 9000 9000 19000 8000 15000 56000- NEWSPAPERS & LAW BOOKS 129000 69000 139000 95000 35000 129000 45000 45000 99000 30000 79000 57000- UNIFORM & LIVERIES 20300 13300 21200 16300 9800 20300 16800 10800 15800 8800 15800 58000- RENT, RATE & TAXES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33000 25000 16700 0 59900- OTHERS (MISC.) 110000 61000 119000 81000 33000 110000 39000 39000 85000 29000 68000 50000- TOTAL COMMDTS& SERVICES 785600 415000 785700 475700 187000 714100 310600 337600 775000 235000 517900 6-21107- TOTAL CIVIL/SUB-ORD. COURTS 14634800 8345300 15837700 10741500 4511300 14576800 5179400 4971400 11013900 3428200 8681400 O.B.


CODE PRIMARY UNITS OF SANGHAR N'FEROZE NAWAB SUKKUR KHAIR GHOTKI LARKANA SHIKAR JACOB TOTAL NO. APPROPRIATION SHAH PUR PUR ABAD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01100- PAY OF OFFICERS 1344000 1454000 1014000 1014000 2226000 1123000 2226000 1454000 1134000 33180000 01200- PAY OF OTHER STAFF 3054000 3299000 2316000 2316000 5019000 2562000 5019000 3299000 2814200 75079200 02200- HOUSE RENT ALLOW. 652000 706000 493000 493000 1077000 546000 1077000 706000 600400 16081400 02300- CONVEYANCE ALLOW. 0 0 0 430000 0 25000 175000 25100 0 5618100 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSnh 191 Sindh: of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 02700- WASHING ALLOWANCE 26000 28000 19000 19000 43000 22000 43000 28000 24300 640300 02907- MEDICAL ALLOWANCE 196500 212900 147400 147400 327500 163700 327500 212900 180000 4863400 02936- SP. ADDL. ALLOW.(20&25%) 515000 555000 390000 390000 845000 430000 845000 555000 472700 12651700 02935- JUDICIAL ALLOWANCE 116000 126000 87000 87000 194000 97000 194000 126000 106000 2892000 03400- MEDICAL CHARGES 45900 181800 34500 100000 76300 55300 60300 40000 42100 1810600 02900- OTHER REGULAR ALLOW 100000 107500 75300 75300 165000 82500 165000 107700 90500 2450000 03700- CONTINGENT PAID STAFF 2400 2600 1800 1800 4000 2000 4000 2600 2200 42000 03800- LEAVE SALARY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 212000 00000- TOTAL ESTABLISHMENT 6051800 6672800 4578000 5073500 9976800 5108500 10135800 6556300 5466400 155520700 CHARGES 40000- REPAIR & MAINT. OF D/GOODS 42000- MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 17000 18000 13000 13000 28000 14000 28000 18000 18000 430000 43000- FURNITURE AND FIXATURE 17000 18000 13000 13000 28000 14000 28000 18000 16000 425000 40000- TOTAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 34000 36000 26000 26000 56000 28000 56000 36000 34000 855000 50000- COMMODITIES & SERVICES 51100- TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE 19100 145600 64300 94900 206800 15900 131800 30000 17500 1573000 52100- POSTAGE AND TELEGRAPH 13900 15000 10500 10500 23000 11600 23000 15000 12800 250300 52200- TELEPHONE & TRUNK CALL 122000 132200 91500 91500 203400 102000 203400 132200 112700 3021700 53300- ELECTRICITY CHARGES 19000 21000 14500 14500 32000 16000 32000 21000 17400 464900 53400- HOT & COLD WEATHER CHR. 1700 1700 1700 1700 3200 2200 3200 1700 6000 49600 54000- OFFICE STATIONERY 24000 25000 18000 18000 38000 20000 38000 25000 23000 583000 55000- PRINTING & PUBLICATION 12000 12600 9500 9500 19000 10500 19000 12600 12000 293100 56000- NEWSPAPERS & LAW BOOKS 59000 65000 45000 45000 99000 50000 99000 65000 56600 1477600 57000- UNIFORM & LIVERIES 11800 12300 9800 9800 15800 10300 15800 12300 10800 277900 58000- RENT, RATE & TAXES 18500 20500 0 50000 0 10300 0 20500 0 194500 59900- OTHERS (MISC.) 51000 55000 39000 39000 85000 43000 85000 55000 48300 1274300 50000- TOTAL COMMDTS& SERVICES 352000 505900 303800 384400 725200 291800 650200 390300 317100 9418600 6-21107- TOTAL C/SUB-ORD. COURTS 6437800 7214700 4907800 5483900 10758000 5428300 10842000 6982600 5817500 165794300


( ABDUL GHAFOOR MEMON ) R E G I S T R A R. 9 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSindh of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 192



01200- PAY OF OTHER STAFF 582100 323400 582100 323400 711500 258700 258700 388100 291000 02200- HOUSE RENT ALLOW. 89300 49600 89300 49600 110000 40000 40000 59500 44600 02300- CONVEYANCE ALLOW. 64000 57600 64000 57600 65000 12000 0 20000 0 02907- MEDICAL ALLOWANCE 34500 19200 34500 19200 42200 15400 15400 23000 17300 02936- SP. ADDL. ALLOW.(20&25%) 67200 37300 67200 37300 82100 29900 29900 44800 33600 02900- OTHER REGULAR ALLOW 64800 36000 64800 36000 79200 29800 29800 43200 32400 03800- LEAVE SALARY 21900 12200 21900 12200 26700 9800 9800 14700 11000 00000- TOTAL ESTABLISHMENT 923800 535300 923800 535300 1116700 395600 383600 593300 429900 CHARGES 50000- COMMODITIES & SERVICES 51100- TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE 5900 3300 5900 3300 7200 2700 2700 4000 3000 50000- TOTAL COMMDTS& SERVICES 5900 3300 5900 3300 7200 2700 2700 4000 3000 6-21107- TOTAL P & S ESTABLISHMENT 929700 538600 929700 538600 1123900 398300 386300 597300 432900 O.B.


CODE PRIMARY UNITS OF SANGHAR N'FEROZE NAWAB SUKKUR KHAIR- LARKANA SHIKAR JACOB TOTAL NO. APPROPRIATION SHAH PUR PUR ABAD 1 2 3456 78 9 1011 01200- PAY OF OTHER STAFF 291000 323400 291000 485100 323400 550000 323400 323400 6629700 02200- HOUSE RENT ALLOW. 44600 49600 44600 74400 49600 84500 49600 49600 1018400 02300- CONVEYANCE ALLOW. 0 8000 0 5300 0 17000 0 0 418200 02907- MEDICAL ALLOWANCE 17300 19200 17300 28800 19200 32600 19200 19300 393600 02936- SP. ADDL. ALLOW.(20&25%) 33600 37300 33600 56000 37300 63400 37300 37300 765100 02900- OTHER REGULAR ALLOW 32400 36000 32400 61200 36000 54000 36000 36000 740000 03800- LEAVE SALARY 11000 12200 11000 18300 12200 20700 12200 12200 250000 00000- TOTAL ESTABLISHMENT 429900 485700 429900 729100 477700 822200 477700 477800 10215000 CHARGES 50000- COMMODITIES & SERVICES 51100- TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE 3000 3300 3000 4800 3200 5500 3200 3200 67200 50000- TOTAL COMMDTS& SERVICES 3000 3300 3000 4800 3200 5500 3200 3200 67200 6-21107- TOTAL D & S COURTS 432900 489000 432900 733900 480900 827700 480900 481000 10282200


( ABDUL GHAFOOR MEMON ) R E G I S T R A R. 9 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fSindh of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 194


Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 195 196 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court 6PESHAWARHIGHCOURT

6.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice Peshawar High Court

(In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful)

For improving judicial service and to support increased transparency in the judiciary, the annual report on the performance of the judiciary of the N.-W.F.P. verifies the achievements made, works in progress and future plans to achieve the ultimate objectives of the state to: provide security and ensure equal protection of law to citizens particularly the poor; secure and sustain entitlements and thereby reduce poor’s vulnerability; strengthen the legitimacy of institutions; and create conditions conducive to pro-poor growth. Our plans are designed to support aims of: providing basis for ju- dicial and administrative reforms; improving the efficiency, timeliness, and effectiveness of judicial service; supporting greater equity and accessibility in justice services for the vulnerable poor; im- proving predictability and consistency, and ensuring greater transparency and accountability in the performance of functions. We are, thus, to ensure that the genuine interests of the people are served and their rights safeguarded in order to create an enabling environment in which people can start participating in community welfare and be the masters of their own destiny. The vulnerability of the poor is evident from their weak literacy in law. And for this purpose at all levels there will be established citizens- court liaison committees. Protection of the underprivileged and indeed of all of society will be advanced through various reform initiatives which have repeatedly been dreamt and incorporated in reports and recommendations of : Law Reform Commission - 1958; Law Reform Commission - 1967-1970; ”High-Powered” Law Reforms Committee - 1974 (otherwise known as Hamood-ur- Rahman Commission); Law Reforms Committee for Recommending Measures for Speedy Disposal of Civil Litigation - 1978: Secretaries’ Committee - 1979; Salahuddin Ahmed Committee - 1980; Committee on the Islamization of Laws and Establishment of Qazi Courts - 1980; Commission on the Reform of Civil Law -1993; and similar other committees on penal law and the law related to women since 1993. Since predictability and fairness are the hallmarks of a system that works; therefore, reform agenda is being implemented in such a manner as would deliver benefits to secure: greater judicial independence, transparency, and accountability; better citizens-court as well as bench-bar liaison; and more durable footings for delivery of justice. Of course, this would lead us to: greater judicial independence and greater public engagement in monitoring performance of courts. Heartfelt thanks to all those who put in efforts to the best of their abilities with commitment to uphold the spirits for the achievement of our shared goal ’inexpensive and expeditious justice’.

Mian Shakir Ullah Jan Chief Justice Peshawar High Court

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 197 6.2 Judicial Statistics 6.2.1 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Peshawar High Court at its Principal Seat and Benches from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Peshawar High Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Principal Seat, Peshawar 14673 9915 24588 16158 8430 Abbottabad Bench 1456 2169 3625 2141 1484 D.I.Khan Bench 812 1485 2297 1332 965 TOTAL 16941 13569 30510 19631 10879

Pendency on Balance on %age Increase/ Peshawar High Court 01.01.2002 31.12.2002 Decrease Principal Seat, Peshawar 14663 8430 -42.51% Abbottabad Bench 1456 1485 1.99% D.I.Khan Bench 812 965 18.84% TOTAL 16931 10880 -35.74%

30000 Institution Disposal Pending 20000

10000 Number of Cases

0 Bench Bench D.I. Khan Abbotabad Principal Seat at Peshawar Peshawar High Court: Principal Seat and Benches

198 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court 6.2.2 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Peshawar High Court at its Principal Seat from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 DeathAppeals 83 55 138 93 45 2 MurderReference 83 52 135 97 38 3 LifeImprisonment 225 140 365 169 196 4 CriminalAppeals(ShortSen) 93 111 204 158 46 5 CriminalAppeals:(ShortSen) 52 107 159 123 36 6 CriminalAppeals:Contempt 1 1 2 2 0 7 CriminalAppeals:QDO 2 6 8 8 0 8 CriminalAppeals:QDO 2 4 6 6 0 9 AcquittalAppeals 287 56 343 90 253 10 AcquittalAppeals 540 158 698 166 532 11 EhtesabCriminalAppeals 0 25 25 14 11 12 EhtesabCriminalRevisions 0 25 25 17 8 13 CriminalRevisions 128 97 225 123 102 14 CriminalRevisions 89 65 154 106 48 15 R.F.A. 157 42 199 67 132 16 R.F.A. 252 72 324 84 240 17 R.S.A. 10 1 11 9 2 18R.S.A. 80880 19 F.A.O. 82 47 129 62 67 20 F.A.O. 315 118 133 157 276 21 S.A.O 10 5 15 9 6 22 S.A.O 1 48 49 2 47 23 I.C.A. 17 1 18 8 10 24 F.A.B. 179 102 281 98 183 25 LabourAppeals 0 192 192 0 192 26 CrossObjectioninFAB 3 0 3 1 2 27 CrossObjectioninRFA 4 8 12 4 8 28 CrossObjectioninRFA 10 8 18 6 12 29 CivilRevisions 1991 1272 3263 831 2432 30 CivilRevisions 62 23 85 29 56 31 LabourRevisions 0 73 73 0 73 32 labourComplaints 0 12 12 0 12 33 Companycases. 27 2 29 7 22 34 TaxReferences 37 139 176 24 152 35 ReviewinF.A.O. 5 5 10 6 4 36 ReviewinR.F.A. 1 1 2 1 1 37 ReviewinF.A.B 4 2 6 5 1 38 ReviewinC.Rs 8 15 23 15 8 39 ReviewinWritPetitions 33 24 57 54 3 40 OriginalsuitBanking 28 11 39 5 34 41 ExecutionPetitions 21 9 30 17 13 42 ObjectionPetitions 11 7 18 9 9 43 C.R.C(Original) 0 4 4 0 4

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 199 44 C.R.C(Execution) 0 11 11 0 11 45 RehablitationW.Ps 6 7 13 1 12 46 OtherW.Ps 2143 1028 3171 2082 1089 47 ServiceW.Ps 787 154 941 655 286 48 H.C.Ps. 6 25 31 31 0 49 CriminalMisc: 1373 1967 3340 2939 401 50 CriminalMisc: 161 234 395 333 62 51 CivilMisc: 670 1167 1837 1615 222 52 CivilMisc: 4666 2056 6722 5812 910 53 CivilMisc:Labour 0 121 121 0 121 GrandTotal 14673 9915 24288 16158 8430

Sr. Pendency on Balance on %age Increase/ No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 31.12.2002 Decrease 1DeathAppeals 83 45 -45.78 2 MurderReference 83 38 -54.22 3 LifeImprisonment 225 196 -12.89 4 CriminalAppeals(ShortSen) 93 46 -50.54 5 CriminalAppeals:(ShortSen) 52 36 -30.77 6 CriminalAppeals:Contempt 1 0 -100.00 7 CriminalAppeals:QDO 2 0 -100.00 8 CriminalAppeals:QDO 2 0 -100.00 9 AcquittalAppeals 287 253 -11.85 10 AcquittalAppeals 540 532 -1.48 11 EhtesabCriminalAppeals 0 11 100.00 12 EhtesabCriminalRevisions 0 8 100.00 13 CriminalRevisions 128 102 -20.31 14 CriminalRevisions 89 48 -46.07 15 R.F.A. 157 132 -15.92 16 R.F.A. 252 240 -4.76 17 R.S.A. 10 2 -80.00 18 R.S.A. 8 0 -100.00 19 F.A.O. 82 67 -18.29 20 F.A.O. 315 276 -12.38 21 S.A.O 10 6 -40.00 22 S.A.O 1 47 4600.00 23 I.C.A. 17 10 -41.18 24 F.A.B. 179 183 2.23 25 LabourAppeals 0 192 100.00 26 CrossObjectioninFAB 3 2 -33.33 27 CrossObjectioninRFA 4 8 100.00 28 CrossObjectioninRFA 10 12 20.00 29 CivilRevisions 1991 2432 22.15 30 CivilRevisions 62 56 -9.68 31 LabourRevisions 0 73 100.00 32 labourComplaints 0 12 100.00 33 Companycases. 27 22 -18.52 34 TaxReferences 37 152 310.81 35 ReviewinF.A.O. 5 4 -20.00 36 ReviewinR.F.A. 1 1 0.00 37 ReviewinF.A.B 4 1 -75.00 38 ReviewinC.Rs 8 8 0.00 39 ReviewinWritPetitions 33 3 -90.91 40 OriginalsuitBanking 28 34 21.43 41 ExecutionPetitions 21 13 -38.10 42 ObjectionPetitions 11 9 -18.18

200 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court 43 C.R.C(Original) 0 4 100.00 44 C.R.C(Execution) 0 11 100.00 45 RehablitationW.Ps 6 12 100.00 46 OtherW.Ps 2143 1089 -49.18 47 ServiceW.Ps 787 286 -63.66 48 H.C.Ps. 6 0 -100.00 49 CriminalMisc: 1373 401 -70.79 50 CriminalMisc: 161 62 -61.49 51 CivilMisc: 670 222 -66.87 52 CivilMisc: 4656 910 -80.46 53 CivilMisc:Labour 0 121 100.00 Grand Total 14663 8430 -42.51

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 201 6.2.3 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Peshawar High Court Abbotabad Bench from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 ConvictAppeals. 4 24 28 16 12 2 StateAppeals/Appeals 46 55 101 25 76 againstAcquittal 3 CriminalRevisions 15 15 30 18 12 4 R.F.As. 48 37 85 30 55 5 R.S.A. 3 1 4 1 3 6 F.A.Os. 10 14 24 22 2 7 CivilRevision. 479 213 692 214 478 8 CivilReviews. 6 6 6 9 CriminalMisc. 104 650 754 543 211 10 CrossObjections. 4 3 7 1 6 11 WritPetitions. 1 1 1 12 CompanyCases. 2 2 2 13 CivilMisc. 9 301 310 294 16 14 LabourRevision. 6 6 6 15 LabourAppeals. 14 14 14 16 DeathAppeal. 8 6 14 9 5 17 MurderReference. 6 6 12 7 5 18 State Appeals/Appeal 96 51 147 50 97 againstAcquital 19 CriminalAppeal(LifeImp:) 52 63 115 39 76 20 R.F.As. 71 39 110 22 88 21 F.A.Os. 11 9 20 14 6 22 SAO(W.T) 0 23 SAO(CUST0MS) 0 24F.A.Bs. 3115462620 25 TaxAppeals 7 4 11 6 5 26 I.C.As. 1 2 3 2 1 27 CriminalRevisions. 28 27 55 14 41 28 WritPetitions. 252 247 499 299 200 29 CivilRevisions. 4 4 1 3 30 CivilMiscs. 167 303 470 428 42 31 CriminalMiscs. 1 43 44 44 32 CivilReviews. 10 10 9 1 33 CrossObjections. 1 1 1 TOTAL 1456 2169 3625 2141 1484

202 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court Sr. Pendency on Balance on %age Increase/ No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 31.12.2002 Decrease 1 ConvictAppeals 4 12 200.00 2 StateAppeals/Appeals 46 76 65.22 againstAcquittal 3 CriminalRevisions 15 12 -20.00 4 R.F.As 48 55 14.58 5 R.S.A 3 3 6 F.A.Os 10 2 -80.00 7 CivilRevision 479 478 -0.21 8 CivilReviews 9 CriminalMisc. 104 211 102.88 10 CrossObjections 4 6 50.00 11 WritPetitions 1 100.00 12 CompanyCases 2 3 50.00 13 CivilMisc. 9 16 77.78 14 LabourRevision. 6 100.00 15 LabourAppeals 14 100.00 16 DeathAppeal 8 5 -37.50 17 MurderReference. 6 5 -16.67 18 StateAppeals/Appeala 96 97 1.04 StateagainstAcquital 19 CriminalAppeal(LifeImp:) 52 76 46.15 20 R.F.As 71 88 23.94 21 F.A.Os 11 7 -36.36 22 SAO(W.T) 23 SAO(CUST0MS) 24 F.A.Bs 31 20 -35.48 25 TaxAppeals 7 6 -14.29 26 I.C.As 1 1 27 CriminalRevisions 28 41 46.43 28 WritPetitions 252 200 -20.63 29 CivilRevisions 2 100.00 30 CivilMisc. 167 42 -74.85 31 CriminalMisc. 1 -100.00 32 CivilReviews 33 CrossObjections 1 -100 TOTAL 1456 1484 1.99

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 203 6.2.4 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance before the Peshawar High Court Dera Ismail Khan Bench from 01-01-2002 to 31-12- 2002

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 1 Criminal Appeals. 187 146 333 163 170 2 Murder Reference. 11 9 20 18 2 3 RFAs / FABs. 31 44 75 16 59 4 F.A.Os. 3 7 10 8 2 5 R.S.A. 1 2 3 1 2 6 F.A.B 0 11 11 2 9 7 Inter Court Appeals. 1 0 1 0 1 8 Writ Petition. 127 162 289 107 182 9 Cr. Revisions. 23 35 58 40 18 10 Cr.Miscellaneous 144 629 773 609 164 11 Civil Revision 167 187 354 135 219 12 Civil Misc. 113 254 367 231 136 13 Income Tax Cases. 4 0 4 3 1 TOTAL 812 1486 2298 1333 965

Sr. Pendency on Balance on %age Increase/ No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 31.12.2002 Decrease 1 Criminal Appeals. 187 170 -9.09 2 Murder Reference. 11 2 -81.82 3 RFAs / FABs. 31 59 90.32 4 F.A.Os. 3 1 -66.67 5 R.S.A. 1 2 100.00 6 F.A.B 0 9 100.00 7 Inter Court Appeals. 1 1 0.00 8 Writ Petition. 127 182 43.31 9 Cr. Revisions. 23 18 -21.74 10 Cr.Miscellaneous 144 164 13.89 11 Civil Revision 167 220 31.74 12 Civil Misc. 113 136 20.35 13 Income Tax Cases. 4 1 -75.00 TOTAL 812 965 18.84

204 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court 6.2.5 Consolidated Statements showing the institution, disposal and balance per Ju- dicial Position in All Districts from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Peshawar 1 DSJ 661 1335 1996 1245 751 2 ADJ 1109 1025 2134 1255 879 3 ADJ 1002 1084 2086 1360 726 4 ADJ 821 970 1791 1066 725 5 ADJ 966 815 1781 952 829 6 ADJ 853 643 1496 757 739 7 ADJ 656 1023 1679 836 843 8 ADJ 0 1038 1038 312 726 9 ADJ 0 759 759 228 531 10 SCJ 1278 1797 3075 1813 1262 11 CJ/JM 1362 667 2029 623 1406 12 CJ/JM 1774 831 2605 1336 1269 13 CJ/JM 1048 978 2026 950 1076 14 CJ/JM 975 937 1912 868 1044 15 CJ/JM 215 832 1047 548 499 16 CJ/JM 280 646 926 323 603 17 CJ/JM 365 659 1024 725 299 18 CJ/JM 0 448 448 84 364 19 CJ/JM 0 443 443 99 344 20 CJ/JM 0 364 364 47 317 21 CJ/JM 900 5281 6181 4437 1744 22 CJ/JM 1398 4463 5861 4394 1467 23 CJ/JM 280 8866 9146 6555 2591 24 CJ/JM 2133 7184 9317 7481 1836 25 CJ/JM 980 947 1927 1927 0 TOTAL 19056 44035 63091 40221 22870

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Nowshera 1 DSJ 368 815 1183 827 356 2 ADJ 327 303 630 630 0 3 ADJ 395 703 1098 717 381 4 ADJ 203 740 943 607 336 5 SCJ 1303 2885 4188 2895 1293 6 CJ/JM 600 1522 2122 1615 507 7 CJ/JM 1302 2580 3882 3071 811 8 CJ/JM 0 2037 2037 1355 682 9 CJ/JM 0 292 292 82 210 10 CJ/JM 950 1899 2849 2146 703 TOTAL 5448 13776 19224 13945 5279

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 205 Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Charsadda 1 DSJ 806 1204 2010 1519 491 2 ADJ 1045 950 1995 992 1003 3 ADJ 262 897 1159 704 455 4 ADJ 184 1229 1413 744 669 5 SCJ 921 2866 3787 2583 1204 6 CJ/JM 270 239 509 295 214 7 CJ/JM 556 964 1520 910 610 8 CJ/JM 424 1200 1624 1376 248 9 CJ/JM 1062 1837 2899 2084 815 10 CJ/JM 616 2573 3189 2499 690 11 CJ/JM 316 3131 3447 2741 706 12 CJ/JM 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 6462 17090 23552 16447 7105

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Mardan 1 DSJ 669 891 1560 1199 361 2 ADJ 856 816 1672 1143 529 3 ADJ 722 1242 1964 1507 457 4 ADJ 342 959 1301 855 446 5 SCJ 3196 4734 7930 5944 1986 6 CJ/JM 1114 1087 2201 1673 528 7 CJ/JM 1174 1986 3160 1999 1161 8 CJ/JM 905 1454 2359 1834 525 9 CJ/JM 649 1254 1903 1079 824 10 CJ/JM 0 334 334 191 143 11 CJ/JM 0 144 144 1 143 12 CJ/JM 635 459 1094 455 639 13 CJ/JM 0 294 294 107 187 14 CJ/JM 0 284 284 163 121 15 CJ/JM 1127 2688 3815 2202 1613 16 CJ/JM 1113 2899 4012 2756 1256 17 CJ/JM 0 1916 1916 1159 757 18 CJ/JM 1085 5840 6925 5621 1304 19 CJ/JM 0 1428 1428 836 592 TOTAL 13587 30709 44296 30724 13572

206 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Swabi 1 DSJ 291 964 1255 834 421 2 ADJ 516 635 1151 668 483 3 ADJ 219 507 726 526 200 4 SCJ 1174 2624 3798 2649 1149 5 CJ/JM 628 939 1567 832 735 6 CJ/JM 818 1105 1923 1212 711 7 CJ/JM 526 1702 2228 1150 1078 8 CJ/JM 744 2334 3078 2276 802 9 CJ/JM 419 1735 2154 1373 781 10 CJ/JM 580 1965 2545 1877 668 11 CJ/JM 478 1422 1900 1427 473 12 CJ/JM 382 111 493 493 0 TOTAL 6775 16043 22818 15317 7501

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Malakand 1 DSJ 164 385 549 392 157 2 ADJ 164 582 746 572 174 3 SCJ 1289 2515 3804 3252 552 4 Illaqa Qazi (I.Q) 0 1393 1393 835 558 5 CJ/JM 409 1522 1931 1299 632 6 CJ/JM 0 579 579 480 99 TOTAL 2026 6976 9002 6830 2172

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 207 Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Sawat 1 DSJ 344 1069 1413 1135 278 2 ADJ 278 372 650 650 0 3 ADJ 284 775 1059 891 168 4 ADJ 213 362 575 342 233 5 ADJ 197 767 964 646 318 6 ADJ 477 521 998 549 449 7 SCJ 983 1573 2556 1240 1316 8 CJ/JM 265 616 881 366 515 9 CJ/JM 463 947 1410 635 775 10 CJ/JM 430 786 1216 509 707 11 CJ/JM 947 779 1726 994 732 12 CJ/JM 293 491 784 394 390 13 CJ/JM 225 732 957 537 420 14 CJ/JM 401 649 1050 372 678 15 CJ/JM 672 587 1259 913 346 16 I.Q 0 5255 5255 1225 4030 17 I.Q 0 964 964 885 79 18 I.Q 0 1683 1683 526 1157 19 I.Q 0 863 863 717 146 20 I.Q 0 9653 9653 4708 4945 21 CJ/JM 789 216 1005 1005 0 22 CJ/JM 523 320 843 843 0 TOTAL 7784 29980 37764 20082 17682

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Shangla 1 DSJ 391 492 883 598 285 2 SCJ 966 4370 5336 2496 2840 3 CJ/JM 565 1648 2213 857 1356 4 CJ/JM 0 906 906 741 165 TOTAL 1922 7416 9338 4692 4646

208 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Dir at Timergara 1 DSJ 283 683 966 894 72 2 DSJ 92 208 300 263 37 3 DSJ 125 419 544 428 116 4 ADJ 132 400 532 424 108 5 SCJ 1040 810 1850 891 959 6 CJ/JM 323 268 591 229 362 7 CJ/JM 0 303 303 84 219 8 CJ/JM 216 2058 2274 2103 171 9 I.Q 0 687 687 640 47 10 I.Q 0 2491 2491 2274 217 11 I.Q 0 995 995 943 52 12 I.Q 0 811 811 749 62 TOTAL 2211 10133 12344 9922 2422

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Upper Dir 1 DSJ 211 719 930 616 314 2 ADJ 68 361 429 298 131 3 SCJ 312 529 841 422 419 4 CJ/JM 0 1123 1123 794 329 5 CJ/JM 311 2344 2655 2228 427 6 I.Q 0 570 570 524 46 7 I.Q 0 776 776 733 43 8 I.Q 0 1002 1002 698 304 9 CJ/JM 276 864 1140 1140 0 TOTAL 1178 8288 9466 7453 2013

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Buner at Daggar 1 DSJ 280 1022 1302 746 556 2 SCJ 612 527 1139 777 362 3 CJ/JM 384 1878 2262 1940 322 4 CJ/JM 341 723 1064 679 385 5 CJ/JM 350 386 736 736 0 6 CJ/JM 0 299 299 88 211 7 I.Q 0 1533 1533 557 976 TOTAL 1967 6368 8335 5523 2812

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 209 Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Chitral 1 DSJ 223 643 866 647 219 2 SCJ 740 1778 2518 1417 1101 3 CJ/JM 437 1218 1655 737 918 4 CJ/JM 118 183 301 117 184 5 CJ/JM 277 677 954 548 406 6 I.Q 0 526 526 269 257 TOTAL 1795 5025 6820 3735 3085

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 D.I.Khan 1 DSJ 543 833 1376 1039 337 2 ADJ 1055 904 1959 1510 449 3 ADJ 0 1113 1113 647 466 4 SCJ 3145 5152 8297 5275 3022 5 CJ/JM 1551 0 1551 1551 0 6 CJ/JM 966 194 1160 306 854 7 CJ/JM 1275 711 1986 825 1161 8 CJ/JM 950 388 1338 751 587 9 CJ/JM 773 1264 2037 614 1423 10 CJ/JM 963 502 1465 525 940 11 CJ/JM 812 639 1451 666 785 12 CJ/JM 0 619 619 82 537 13 CJ/JM 864 2876 3740 1868 1872 14 CJ/JM 0 1419 1419 827 592 TOTAL 12897 16614 29511 16486 13025

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Tank 1 DSJ 336 564 900 564 336 2 SCJ 570 1829 2399 1791 608 3 CJ/JM 658 1293 1951 1296 655 TOTAL 1564 3686 5250 3651 1599

210 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Bannu 1 DSJ 398 711 1109 553 556 2 ADJ 423 1269 1692 1109 583 3 ADJ 259 125 384 384 0 4 SCJ 1735 7647 9382 6811 2571 5 CJ/JM 696 3971 4667 3424 1243 6 CJ/JM 409 872 1281 942 339 7 CJ/JM 0 431 431 122 309 8 CJ/JM 0 422 422 107 315 9 CJ/JM 1069 381 1450 1450 0 10 CJ/JM 505 130 635 635 0 TOTAL 5494 15959 21453 15537 5916

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Lakki 1 DSJ 386 1333 1719 1099 620 2 ADJ 217 218 435 435 0 3 SCJ 1199 3179 4378 3383 995 4 CJ/JM 0 606 606 71 535 5 CJ/JM 0 615 615 34 581 6 CJ/JM 0 558 558 99 459 7 CJ/JM 1046 2673 3719 2786 933 8 CJ/JM 945 2626 3571 2505 1066 TOTAL 3793 11808 15601 10412 5189

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Kohat 1 DSJ 349 1034 1383 905 478 2 ADJ 582 661 1243 917 326 3 ADJ 388 806 1194 818 376 4 ADJ 0 140 140 140 0 5 SCJ 1437 1137 2574 1267 1307 6 CJ/JM 0 365 365 70 295 7 CJ/JM 0 474 474 75 399 8 CJ/JM 0 1823 1823 1464 359 9 CJ/JM 979 3197 4176 2487 1689 10 CJ/JM 892 785 1677 840 837 11 CJ/JM 1059 2709 3768 2305 1463 12 CJ/JM 635 0 635 635 0 13 CJ/JM 1125 2152 3277 3277 0 14 CJ/JM 654 234 888 888 0 TOTAL 8100 15517 23617 16088 7529

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 211 Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Hangu 1 DSJ 630 790 1420 918 502 2 SCJ 900 2755 3655 2677 978 3 CJ/JM 611 2545 3156 2234 922 TOTAL 2141 6090 8231 5829 2402

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Karak 1 DSJ 1163 1138 2301 1719 582 2 ADJ 0 549 549 122 427 3 SCJ 996 2159 3155 2103 1052 4 CJ/JM 391 597 988 443 545 5 CJ/JM 659 207 866 458 408 6 CJ/JM 445 1828 2273 2012 261 7 CJ/JM 837 1555 2392 1252 1140 8 CJ/JM 299 3 302 302 0 TOTAL 4790 8036 12826 8411 4415

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Haripur 1 DSJ 272 727 999 824 175 2 ADJ 883 565 1448 982 466 3 ADJ 275 958 1233 807 426 4 SCJ 1635 2486 4121 2306 1815 5 CJ/JM 1111 2073 3184 2089 1095 6 CJ/JM 998 1803 2801 1804 997 7 CJ/JM 1060 2113 3173 2312 861 8 CJ/JM 1028 620 1648 724 924 9 CJ/JM 0 401 401 205 196 10 CJ/JM 0 337 337 86 251 11 CJ/JM 0 264 264 59 205 12 CJ/JM 537 3037 3574 2023 1551 13 CJ/JM 445 1189 1634 1140 494 TOTAL 8244 16573 24817 15361 9456

212 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Abbottabad 1 DSJ 465 1105 1570 1255 315 2 ADJ 581 1101 1682 1013 669 3 SCJ 1603 1379 2982 1729 1253 4 CJ/JM 970 2662 3632 2685 947 5 CJ/JM 1362 279 1641 949 692 6 CJ/JM 1497 711 2208 1420 788 7 CJ/JM 629 515 1144 400 744 8 CJ/JM 303 765 1068 367 701 9 CJ/JM 0 972 972 196 776 10 CJ/JM 203 7324 7527 7525 2 11 CJ/JM 900 2334 3234 2956 278 TOTAL 8513 19147 27660 20495 7165

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Mansehra 1 DSJ 655 922 1577 1113 464 2 ADJ 915 655 1570 833 737 3 ADJ 287 636 923 566 357 4 ADJ 0 465 465 130 335 5 SCJ 1101 2931 4032 2869 1163 6 CJ/JM 449 987 1436 691 745 7 CJ/JM 554 477 1031 339 692 8 CJ/JM 529 779 1308 745 563 9 CJ/JM 291 586 877 485 392 10 CJ/JM 287 451 738 329 409 11 CJ/JM 560 1337 1897 1358 539 12 CJ/JM 0 1310 1310 611 699 13 CJ/JM 1359 1494 2853 1845 1008 14 CJ/JM 402 4003 4405 2519 1886 15 CJ/JM 696 612 1308 1308 0 16 CJ/JM 249 39 288 288 0 TOTAL 8334 17684 26018 16029 9989

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court: 213 Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Batagram 1 DSJ 25 415 440 375 65 2 SCJ 829 1150 1979 1383 596 3 CJ/JM 0 550 550 348 202 4 CJ/JM 232 880 1112 948 164 TOTAL 1086 2995 4081 3054 1027

Institution Disposal Sr. Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on No. Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Kohistan at Dassu 1 DSJ 98 598 696 617 79 2 SCJ 108 280 388 332 56 3 I.Q 0 136 136 90 46 4 I.Q 0 139 139 117 22 TOTAL 206 1153 1359 1156 203

214 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: Peshawar High Court 6.2.6 Consolidated Statements showing the Case-Wise institution, disposal and balance for District & Sessions Courts from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCut 215 Court: High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial Misc:Civil Appeals Family Court Cases Zina Cases Labour Court Cases Tribunal Cases u/ Enchroechment Exec:Petitions Elec/objt Petitions Review Petitions Civil Appeals Civil Revisions Land Acq: Cases Rent Appeals Civil suits Gaurdian Apeals Civil Misc:Applications Session Cases Hadd Cases Spl:Court Cases C/U Offence against Property Criminal Appeals Cr: Revisions Cr:Misc:/Bail Applications Anti Corrp:

STATUS TOTAL Peshawar Pending as on 31.12.2001 1821 600 1417 180 212 10 67 563 1 241 42 5 244 136 74 3 85 156 55 156 6068 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 1361 508 897 109 108 52 131 3878 2 50 10 17 392 291 133 1 95 241 46 1 369 8692 Total for disposal 3182 1108 2314 289 320 62 198 4441 2 1 291 52 22 636 427 207 4 180 397 101 1 525 14760 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 1066 371 721 99 93 27 157 4047 2 48 26 12 325 272 86 1 117 192 47 302 8011 Balance as on 31.12.02 2116 737 1593 190 227 35 41 394 1 243 26 10 311 155 121 3 63 205 54 1 223 6749 Nowshera Pending as on 31.12.2001 475 153 368 41 42 3 12 64 7 83 18 7 10 2 4 4 1293 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 321 71 368 25 27 7 35 1239 19 8 149 49 58 1 21 7 9 1 146 2561 Total for disposal 796 224 736 66 69 10 47 1303 7 19 8 232 67 65 1 31 9 13 1 150 3854 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 457 197 425 43 36 9 42 1210 1 19 3 208 52 28 18 8 4 1 20 2781 Balance as on 31.12.02 339 27 311 23 33 1 5 93 6 5 24 15 37 1 13 1 9 130 1073 Charsadda Pending as on 31.12.2001 664 288 679 26 25 142 300 53 47 7 11 17 38 2297 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 605 227 1079 25 15 16 41 1646 1 3 98 3 290 2 28 12 21 6 52 110 4280 Total for disposal 1269 515 1758 25 15 42 66 1788 1 3 98 3 590 2 81 59 28 17 69 148 6577 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 622 201 894 15 2 28 54 1642 1 71 2 282 52 9 18 12 1 53 3959 Balance as on 31.12.02 647 314 864 10 13 14 12 146 3 27 1 308 2 29 50 10 5 68 95 2618 Mardan Pending as on 31.12.2001 493 269 657 88 22 18 11 310 19 29 2 2 232 166 28 39 58 19 127 2589 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 353 123 300 38 22 45 108 2143 2 4 9 10 240 219 60 35 45 13 139 3908 Total for disposal 846 392 957 126 44 63 119 2453 21 33 11 12 472 385 88 74 103 32 266 6497 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 505 235 445 59 20 60 92 2334 3 20 3 10 306 238 50 39 91 12 182 4704 Balance as on 31.12.02 341 157 512 67 24 3 27 119 18 13 8 2 166 147 38 35 12 20 84 1793 Swabi Pending as on 31.12.2001 270 25 229 79 12 13 11 35 245 34 36 10 4 16 7 1026 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 371 68 192 62 17 23 33 873 2 1 9 2 220 49 85 3 40 4 52 2106 Total for disposal 641 93 421 141 29 36 44 908 2 1 9 2 465 83 121 13 44 4 16 59 3132 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 323 39 214 57 16 33 42 838 2 3 248 65 64 2 36 2 8 36 2028 Balance as on 31.12.02 318 54 207 84 13 3 2 70 1 6 2 217 18 57 11 8 2 8 23 1104 1 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCourt High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 216

Malakand at Batkhela Pending as on 31.12.2001 123 13 48 21 19 34 11 34 9 7 1 2 6 328 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 200 29 42 21 37 8 18 459 1 90 21 20 6 1 14 967 Total for disposal 323 42 90 42 56 8 18 493 11 1 124 30 27 7 1 2 20 1295 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 185 30 55 25 23 8 16 477 11 74 14 20 4 1 1 20 964 Balance as on 31.12.02 138 12 35 17 33 2 16 1 50 16 7 3 1 331 Sawat Pending as on 31.12.2001 394 30 144 112 28 15 49 126 1 26 9 1 605 4 145 31 4 69 1793 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 352 15 173 77 19 66 122 1130 38 1 9 8 1057 39 321 104 5 330 3866 Total for disposal 746 45 317 189 47 81 171 1256 39 1 26 18 9 1662 43 466 135 9 399 5659 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 464 31 226 125 34 76 143 1158 22 1 18 9 1031 39 394 101 7 334 4213 Balance as on 31.12.02 282 14 91 64 13 5 28 98 17 1 25 631 4 72 34 2 65 1446 Shangla Pending as on 31.12.2001 131 2 43 14 3 11 23 48 50 32 11 3 20 391 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 99 36 6 2 2 8 258 1 35 3 22 2 18 492 Total for disposal 230 2 79 20 5 2 19 281 49 85 35 33 5 38 883 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 103 1 37 7 3 2 14 257 27 63 31 17 5 31 598 Balance as on 31.12.02 127 1 42 13 2 5 24 22 22 4 16 7 285 Dir at Timergara Pending as on 31.12.2001 44 10 59 5 4 8 42 73 10 5 253 13 54 1 10 41 632 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 101 17 153 22 18 38 102 846 6 221 16 88 7 4 1 70 1710 Total for disposal 145 27 212 27 22 46 144 919 10 11 474 29 142 8 4 11 111 2342 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 117 22 147 17 7 44 120 919 10 1 356 16 119 7 3 6 98 2009 Balance as on 31.12.02 28 5 65 10 15 2 24 10 118 13 23 1 1 5 13 333 Upper Dir Pending as on 31.12.2001 49 11 78 9 1 8 34 10 1 39 18 10 11 279 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 244 39 177 16 7 10 30 440 1 42 40 17 2 15 1080 Total for disposal 293 50 255 25 7 11 38 474 10 2 81 58 27 2 11 15 1359 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 84 31 238 17 1 5 22 427 5 1 30 23 9 1 11 9 914 Balance as on 31.12.02 209 19 17 8 6 6 16 47 5 1 51 35 18 1 6 445 Buner at Daggar Pending as on 31.12.2001 85 1 41 21 4 4 6 11 51 20 11 25 280 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 116 6 82 24 4 12 236 1 364 39 39 34 65 1022 Total for disposal 201 7 123 45 4 8 18 247 1 415 59 50 34 90 1302 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 107 4 53 28 4 12 236 116 46 28 30 82 746 Balance as on 31.12.02 94 3 70 17 4 4 6 11 1 299 13 22 4 8 556 Chitral Pending as on 31.12.2001 33 11 7 10 1 8 13 9 102 5 9 1 1 7 6 223 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 103 13 52 13 1 15 23 227 3 8 7 114 32 8 5 1 2 16 643 Total for disposal 136 24 59 23 2 23 36 236 3 8 7 216 37 17 6 2 9 22 866 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 95 22 26 17 1 22 28 219 3 1 5 142 23 15 5 2 6 15 647 Balance as on 31.12.02 41 2 33 6 1 1 8 17 7 2 74 14 2 1 3 7 219 D.I.Khan Pending as on 31.12.2001 238 47 262 103 44 11 36 183 6 34 1 307 51 84 5 49 17 31 89 1598 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 298 41 156 86 49 24 76 1206 17 28 8 13 3 324 103 155 45 16 62 9 131 2850 Total for disposal 536 88 418 189 93 35 112 1389 23 62 9 13 3 631 154 239 5 94 33 93 9 220 4448 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 306 49 240 90 34 31 98 1292 8 43 2 7 1 368 120 173 5 77 25 64 9 154 3196 Balance as on 31.12.02 230 39 178 99 59 4 14 97 15 19 7 6 2 263 34 66 17 8 29 66 1252 Tank Pending as on 31.12.2001 46 17 114 9 5 1 4 8 10 9 4 9 1 67 6 10 16 336 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 184 6 33 13 8 1 11 194 12 19 3 6 34 13 9 2 1 1 1 13 564 Total for disposal 230 23 147 22 13 2 15 202 22 28 7 15 1 101 19 19 2 1 1 1 29 900 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 81 16 79 10 6 2 12 195 5 11 7 3 1 81 16 16 2 1 20 564 Balance as on 31.12.02 149 7 68 12 7 3 7 17 17 12 20 3 3 1 1 9 336 Bannu Pending as on 31.12.2001 264 4 489 42 22 6 10 60 1 12 19 31 18 12 2 21 29 38 1080 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 370 11 289 44 15 23 40 1052 3 7 11 97 24 33 14 3 4 65 2105 Total for disposal 634 15 778 86 37 29 50 1112 4 19 19 11 128 42 45 16 24 29 4 103 3185 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 290 7 424 21 17 20 26 986 3 5 17 2 48 29 21 10 23 2 95 2046 Balance as on 31.12.02 344 8 354 65 20 9 24 126 1 14 2 9 80 13 24 6 1 29 2 8 1139 Lakki Pending as on 31.12.2001 126 21 259 27 31 2 5 35 13 1 75 7 1 603 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 283 40 227 35 38 7 18 689 1 146 31 12 1 5 2 16 1551 Total for disposal 409 61 486 62 69 9 23 724 13 2 221 31 19 1 5 2 17 2154 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 207 30 313 20 30 6 19 674 13 2 167 19 12 1 5 1 15 1534 Balance as on 31.12.02 202 31 173 42 39 3 4 50 54 12 7 1 2 620 Kohat Pending as on 31.12.2001 302 155 303 36 31 4 19 55 15 13 1 224 52 41 42 11 1 14 1319 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 474 88 171 11 15 11 31 1325 4 27 5 177 57 73 42 18 1 111 2641 Total for disposal 776 243 474 47 46 15 50 1380 15 17 27 6 401 109 114 84 29 2 125 3960 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 417 134 275 29 32 13 42 1245 2 6 25 1 221 80 78 69 23 1 87 2780 Balance as on 31.12.02 359 109 199 18 14 2 8 135 13 11 2 5 180 29 36 15 6 1 38 1180 Hangu uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCut 217 Court: High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial Pending as on 31.12.2001 122 33 284 8 5 1 8 39 2 69 13 5 7 34 630 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 132 19 46 3 2 3 4 504 48 11 1 2 2 13 790 Total for disposal 254 52 330 11 7 4 12 543 2 117 24 6 9 2 47 1420 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 103 10 160 2 3 3 5 531 1 43 10 3 7 37 918 Balance as on 31.12.02 151 42 170 9 4 1 7 12 1 74 14 3 2 2 10 502 Karak Pending as on 31.12.2001 112 14 281 50 9 2 6 100 5 507 36 19 9 1 1 11 1163 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 231 8 55 30 8 61 623 4 403 58 42 24 1 9 130 1687 Total for disposal 343 22 336 80 9 10 67 723 5 4 910 94 61 33 2 10 141 2850 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 185 12 266 43 3 7 37 645 5 1 390 69 38 20 1 3 116 1841 Balance as on 31.12.02 158 10 70 37 6 3 30 78 3 520 25 23 13 1 7 25 1009 Haripur Pending as on 31.12.2001 176 116 183 15 25 3 11 127 127 5 150 28 8 303 20 20 113 1430 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 222 85 106 40 16 17 15 886 29 53 11 7 302 92 49 2 97 33 20 5 163 2250 Total for disposal 398 201 289 55 41 20 26 1013 29 53 138 12 452 120 57 305 117 33 40 5 276 3680 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 195 87 142 55 15 16 18 902 29 50 71 9 265 87 43 305 83 31 16 1 193 2613 Balance as on 31.12.02 203 114 147 26 4 8 111 3 67 3 187 33 14 34 2 24 4 83 1067 Abbottabad Pending as on 31.12.2001 214 75 36 68 33 17 26 14 14 55 79 153 92 45 16 21 3 40 45 1046 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 160 62 24 61 21 48 74 1092 4 44 11 5 136 121 60 1 57 7 108 110 2206 Total for disposal 374 137 60 129 54 65 100 1106 18 99 90 5 289 213 105 17 78 10 148 155 3252 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 186 92 40 83 34 41 69 1057 18 48 54 3 129 128 46 6 50 7 64 113 2268 Balance as on 31.12.02 188 45 20 46 20 24 31 49 51 36 2 160 85 59 11 28 3 84 42 984 Mansehra Pending as on 31.12.2001 331 87 18 81 27 11 58 88 63 4 576 150 151 8 30 3 80 91 1857 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 294 74 13 46 8 15 48 1065 5 3 51 2 3 442 177 124 5 52 15 35 2 199 2678 Total for disposal 625 161 31 127 35 26 106 1153 5 3 114 2 7 1018 327 275 13 82 18 115 2 290 4535 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 306 83 25 57 14 19 74 969 4 3 37 2 4 425 187 139 9 48 18 44 2 173 2642 Balance as on 31.12.02 319 78 6 70 21 7 32 184 1 77 3 593 140 136 4 34 71 117 1893 Batagram Pending as on 31.12.2001 5 2 1 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 25 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 47 6 3 8 1 16 249 1 37 10 28 1 8 415 Total for disposal 52 6 5 8 1 16 250 5 1 40 13 30 1 2 1 9 440 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 35 5 5 2 15 239 5 1 20 12 24 1 2 1 8 375 Balance as on 31.12.02 17 1 6 1 1 11 20 1 6 1 65 Kohistan at Dassu Pending as on 31.12.2001 59 3 7 18 11 98 1 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCourt High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 218

Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 282 14 4 6 2 1 2 239 22 3 8 15 598 Total for disposal 341 17 11 6 2 1 2 257 33 3 8 15 696 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 291 4 8 6 2 1 2 257 23 1 8 14 617 Balance as on 31.12.02 50 13 3 10 2 1 79

Total for All Districts: Sessions Judges

Pending as on 31.12.2001 6577 1985 6008 1019 579 164 438 2152 18 112 6 451 370 21 4411 891 837 392 362 306 333 952 28384 Inst.s from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 7203 1570 4678 821 447 445 1059 22499 71 101 15 229 221 97 5382 1489 1483 27 711 410 363 23 2318 51662 Total for disposal 13780 3555 10686 1840 1026 609 1497 24651 89 213 21 680 591 118 9793 2380 2320 419 1073 716 696 23 3270 80046 Disp. from 01.01.02 to 31.12.02 6730 1713 5458 927 426 477 1159 22756 39 121 12 238 372 67 5361 1567 1490 339 750 465 279 15 2207 52968 Balance as on 31.12.02 7050 1842 5228 913 600 132 338 1895 50 92 9 442 219 51 4432 813 830 80 323 251 417 8 1063 27078 6.2.7 Consolidated Statements showing the Case-Wise institution, disposal and balance for Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates from 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2002 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCut 219 Court: High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial Criminal Cases Cr. Misc:/Bail Application Norcotic Cases Complaint Cases Family Court Cases Objection Petitions Execution Petitions Civil Misc: Applications Review Petitions F.I.R. Cases Cases U/S 30 Rent Cases Insolvency Cases GuardiansShip/Successions Cases TOTAL STATUS Civil Suits Land Acq: Cases Peshawar Pending as on 31.12.2001 4929 84 406 353 1 103 51 983 1247 20 4601 183 26 1 12988 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 5016 4 384 745 428 64 558 1234 14 14741 6191 4984 1 785 194 35343 Total for disposal 9945 88 790 1098 1 531 115 1541 2481 34 19342 6374 5010 1 786 194 48331 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 4529 17 555 649 1 475 76 602 1234 18 16384 6176 944 533 17 32210 Balance as on 31.12.2002 5416 71 235 449 56 39 939 1247 16 2958 198 4066 1 253 177 16121 Nowshera Pending as on 31.12.2001 991 171 11 149 96 11 278 160 2251 37 4155 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 936 3 59 271 70 179 9 137 231 3 4829 2710 1367 250 159 2 11215 Total for disposal 1927 174 70 420 70 275 20 415 391 3 7080 2747 1367 250 159 2 15370 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 997 31 19 285 70 209 13 212 214 2 5992 2673 315 107 25 11164 Balance as on 31.12.2002 930 143 51 135 66 7 203 177 1 1088 74 1052 143 134 2 4206 Charsadda Pending as on 31.12.2001 1653 26 46 61 39 29 198 216 1 1796 14 36 50 4165 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1414 25 31 115 119 17 160 636 5 3579 4738 1374 195 402 12810 Total for disposal 3067 51 77 176 158 46 358 852 6 5375 4752 1374 231 452 16975 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1225 1 54 113 95 36 89 550 4 4845 4631 241 230 374 12488 Balance as on 31.12.2002 1842 50 23 63 63 10 269 302 2 530 121 1133 1 78 4487 Mardan Pending as on 31.12.2001 3730 170 98 157 3 69 18 599 685 4 4747 718 10998 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 6488 179 285 777 2 284 84 2198 2970 25 8064 854 3715 234 642 26801 Total for disposal 10218 349 383 934 5 353 102 2797 3655 29 12811 1572 3715 234 642 37799 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 6151 207 252 712 3 325 69 2265 2867 22 10463 1175 1282 64 163 26020 Balance as on 31.12.2002 4067 142 131 222 2 28 33 532 788 7 2348 397 2433 170 479 11779 Swabi Pending as on 31.12.2001 2641 77 4 164 26 9 279 281 1 2267 5749 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 4892 679 81 157 2 266 91 901 1140 13 3256 312 1463 616 68 13937 Total for disposal 7533 756 85 321 2 292 100 1180 1421 14 5523 312 1463 616 68 19686 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 4743 690 73 170 284 93 860 1038 12 4377 248 353 333 15 13289 Balance as on 31.12.2002 2790 66 12 151 2 8 7 320 383 2 1146 64 1110 283 53 6397 Malakand at Batkhela 2 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCourt High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 220

Pending as on 31.12.2001 764 2 10 50 15 10 126 153 2 545 21 1698 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1387 18 116 90 224 76 217 679 47 1741 908 334 99 73 6009 Total for disposal 2151 20 126 140 239 86 343 832 49 2286 929 334 99 73 7707 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1352 18 117 99 228 79 201 699 44 2008 903 83 17 18 5866 Balance as on 31.12.2002 799 2 9 41 11 7 142 133 5 278 26 251 82 55 1841 Sawat Pending as on 31.12.2001 4090 7 37 226 34 3 394 763 4 423 2 8 5991 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 5330 57 196 169 379 40 329 4525 27 11234 352 1671 7 1600 198 26114 Total for disposal 9420 64 233 395 413 43 723 5288 31 11657 354 1671 7 1608 198 32105 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 5128 59 220 122 376 38 313 4655 29 2667 244 1441 4 519 54 15869 Balance as on 31.12.2002 4292 5 13 273 37 5 410 633 2 8990 110 230 3 1089 144 16236 Shangla Pending as on 31.12.2001 927 19 15 36 264 214 1 55 1531 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 753 251 184 177 514 3714 674 269 12 376 6924 Total for disposal 1680 270 199 213 778 3928 675 269 12 431 8455 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 719 251 197 167 521 1145 667 75 4 348 4094 Balance as on 31.12.2002 961 19 2 46 257 2783 8 194 8 83 4361 Dir at Timergara Pending as on 31.12.2001 768 3 30 4 14 555 184 1 18 2 1579 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1791 71 59 152 195 460 1158 9 504 1729 1732 47 502 14 8423 Total for disposal 2559 74 89 156 209 1015 1342 10 522 1729 1732 47 504 14 10002 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1636 69 68 142 192 458 1199 10 470 1724 1523 35 384 3 7913 Balance as on 31.12.2002 923 5 21 14 17 557 143 52 5 209 12 120 11 2089 Upper Dir Pending as on 31.12.2001 516 21 1 76 102 157 26 899 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1686 15 307 84 889 1067 2 1691 255 841 371 7208 Total for disposal 2202 15 328 85 965 1169 2 1848 255 841 397 8107 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1632 300 83 844 1049 1 1328 245 710 347 6539 Balance as on 31.12.2002 570 15 28 2 121 120 1 520 10 131 50 1568 Buner at Daggar Pending as on 31.12.2001 1189 3 79 14 5 51 338 2 6 1687 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1327 6 158 167 16 136 602 22 1979 103 817 13 5346 Total for disposal 2516 9 237 181 21 187 940 24 1985 103 817 13 7033 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1488 9 196 159 21 118 831 22 1063 94 768 8 4777 Balance as on 31.12.2002 1028 41 22 69 109 2 922 9 49 5 2256 Chitral Pending as on 31.12.2001 715 6 3 14 9 95 200 1 529 1572 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1165 30 36 128 144 7 289 690 22 638 469 668 21 75 4382 Total for disposal 1880 36 39 142 153 7 384 890 23 1167 469 668 21 75 5954 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 860 33 33 105 137 6 256 730 21 349 455 78 2 23 3088 Balance as on 31.12.2002 1020 3 6 37 16 1 128 160 2 818 14 590 19 52 2866 D.I.Khan Pending as on 31.12.2001 4749 53 27 258 19 89 10 557 672 6 4607 252 11299 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 3519 32 34 499 4 202 4 173 686 5 2851 1372 2904 432 748 299 13764 Total for disposal 8268 85 61 757 23 291 14 730 1358 11 7458 1624 2904 432 748 299 25063 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 3510 6 40 499 5 158 8 199 528 3 5948 1459 447 127 293 60 13290 Balance as on 31.12.2002 4758 79 21 258 18 133 6 531 830 8 1510 165 2457 305 455 239 11773 Tank Pending as on 31.12.2001 350 21 4 54 89 363 25 322 1228 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 429 1 2 30 4 21 1 41 90 1 676 347 297 1128 54 3122 Total for disposal 779 1 2 51 4 25 1 95 179 1 1039 372 297 1450 54 4350 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 348 1 47 2 22 1 42 107 1 975 340 111 1071 19 3087 Balance as on 31.12.2002 431 2 4 2 3 53 72 64 32 186 379 35 1263 Bannu Pending as on 31.12.2001 1402 1 11 97 50 1 158 206 1 2344 40 103 4414 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2291 1 49 239 288 2 116 277 6871 1691 978 37 333 681 13854 Total for disposal 3693 2 60 336 338 3 274 483 1 9215 1731 978 37 436 681 18268 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2295 2 46 238 298 3 144 322 1 8023 1581 215 6 211 106 13491 Balance as on 31.12.2002 1398 14 98 40 130 161 1192 150 763 31 225 575 4777 Lakki Pending as on 31.12.2001 1604 3 62 13 116 107 1165 120 3190 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2021 71 228 31 1 167 205 2 2561 2495 1007 11 1372 85 10257 Total for disposal 3625 74 290 44 1 283 312 2 3726 2615 1007 11 1372 85 13447 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2015 73 173 36 154 190 1 2342 2522 116 2 1235 19 8878 Balance as on 31.12.2002 1610 1 117 8 1 129 122 1 1384 93 891 9 137 66 4569 Kohat Pending as on 31.12.2001 2606 20 43 209 12 22 521 381 5 2891 29 42 6781 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2023 1 49 235 128 17 334 536 17 5569 1315 2356 244 52 12876 Total for disposal 4629 21 92 444 140 39 855 917 22 8460 1344 2356 286 52 19657 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2485 4 51 301 86 24 423 621 13 6352 1335 1413 194 6 13308 Balance as on 31.12.2002 2144 17 41 143 54 15 432 296 9 2108 9 943 92 46 6349 Hangu Pending as on 31.12.2001 399 1 1 8 7 2 47 79 766 186 15 1511 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCut 221 Court: High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 282 15 36 54 1 27 124 1998 2051 615 97 5300 Total for disposal 681 1 16 44 61 3 74 203 2764 2237 615 112 6811 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 257 7 35 59 1 41 144 2034 2188 99 46 4911 Balance as on 31.12.2002 424 1 9 9 2 2 33 59 730 49 516 66 1900 Karak Pending as on 31.12.2001 1862 10 3 50 12 2 276 350 551 26 485 3627 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1314 2 133 76 2 132 282 3 1681 728 508 1 1359 128 6349 Total for disposal 3176 10 5 183 88 4 408 632 3 2232 754 508 1 1844 128 9976 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 1528 10 4 88 49 3 147 304 1880 730 118 1698 11 6570 Balance as on 31.12.2002 1648 1 95 39 1 261 328 3 352 24 390 1 146 117 3406 Haripur Pending as on 31.12.2001 3525 5 10 364 215 14 446 569 1655 11 6814 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2331 36 453 345 6 259 347 6 6384 1376 1380 164 1199 37 14323 Total for disposal 5856 5 46 817 560 20 705 916 6 8039 1387 1380 164 1199 37 21137 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2243 4 25 560 290 11 227 377 2 6996 1334 380 37 259 3 12748 Balance as on 31.12.2002 3613 1 21 257 270 9 478 539 4 1043 53 1000 127 940 34 8389 Abbottabad Pending as on 31.12.2001 3789 173 29 307 76 36 524 1079 2 325 27 1024 76 7467 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2487 1 40 375 1 308 11 248 1017 14 6280 1484 3582 1 854 238 16941 Total for disposal 6276 174 69 682 1 384 47 772 2096 16 6605 1511 4606 1 930 238 24408 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2785 72 45 419 327 32 261 1176 4 6363 1465 4347 1 898 32 18227 Balance as on 31.12.2002 3491 102 24 263 1 57 15 511 920 12 242 46 259 32 206 6181 Mansehra Pending as on 31.12.2001 2880 34 5 181 73 9 351 644 16 1363 194 615 112 6477 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2648 3 23 475 202 14 256 576 12 7052 1359 1819 421 146 15006 Total for disposal 5528 37 28 656 275 23 607 1220 28 8415 1553 2434 533 146 21483 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 2710 11 5 456 229 15 168 642 13 5646 1457 1568 401 66 13387 Balance as on 31.12.2002 2818 26 23 200 46 8 439 578 15 2769 96 866 132 80 8096 Batagram Pending as on 31.12.2001 432 1 14 5 36 22 103 233 60 155 1061 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 474 31 30 21 162 5 940 259 122 5 457 74 2580 Total for disposal 906 1 45 35 57 184 108 1173 319 122 5 612 74 3641 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 539 1 38 29 28 134 108 883 281 17 1 608 12 2679 Balance as on 31.12.2002 367 7 6 29 50 290 38 105 4 4 62 962 Kohistan at Dassu Pending as on 31.12.2001 57 1 1 3 12 6 24 4 108 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 82 16 2 16 22 208 70 105 4 30 555 2 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCourt High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 222

Total for disposal 139 1 17 5 28 28 232 74 105 4 30 663 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 104 1 15 4 18 25 227 49 87 2 7 539 Balance as on 31.12.2002 35 2 1 10 3 5 25 18 2 23 124

Total for All Districts: Civil Judges and Judicial Magistrates

Pending as on 31.12.2001 46568 844 750 2895 23 982 249 6768 8797 169 33841 1950 1665 36 1452 106989 Institutions from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 52086 1040 1595 5961 83 4311 660 8241 19770 254 99041 33842 34908 1184 13448 3015 279439 Total for disposal 98654 1884 2345 8856 106 5293 909 15009 28567 423 132882 35792 36573 1220 14900 3015 386428 Disposal from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 51279 1176 1688 5925 81 4308 725 8237 20157 331 98760 33976 16731 556 9891 611 254432 Balance as on 31.12.2002 47375 708 657 2931 25 985 184 6772 8410 92 34122 1816 19842 664 5009 2404 131996 6.3 Budgetary Statistics 6.3.1 The Budget for the Year 2001–02 and 2002–03

Head of Budget for Budget for Stated 40% %ofActual Required 40% Defficiency Account 2001-02 2002-03 Difference %age Remarks Release of 2002-3 Release of 2002-3 Release of 2002-3 in Release Pay of 15,629,000 15,983,900 354,900 2.27 Revision of Officers Pay Scale Pay of Other 9,761,000 12,120,100 2,359,100 24.17 Revision Staff of Pay Scale Commodities 17,847,300 26,354,100 8,506,800 47.66 Increase in and Services Stationary, Gas, P.O.L. and Service Stap TOTAL:— 43,237,300 54,458,100 11,220,800 25.95 21,756,040 39.95 21,783,240 27,200 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCut 223 Court: High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial

DISTRICT AND SESSIONS JUDGES Pay of 46,506,600 58,237,290 11,730,690 25.22 Increased in Officers salary due to Pay Revision and Creation of ATC Courts. Pay of 21,333,600 29,616,780 8,283,180 38.83 ditto Other Staff Regular 11,409,000 12,011,610 602,610 5.28 Due to creation Allowances of ATC Courts Purchase of 3,376,100 3,376,100 Provided Budget Durable Goods for purchase of Vehicle, Machinery and Furniture for Hangu and Upper Dir. Repair of 551,000 2,983,000 2,432,000 441.38 Amount for D.Goods Building Structure for ATC Courts. Commodities 11,792,000 12,771,600 979,600 8.31 Purchase of and Services Law Books and Building Rent and Misc:Expenditure for ATC Courts. TOTAL:– 91,592,200 118,996,380 27,404,180 29.92 28,196,756 23.70 47,598,552 19,401,796

PROCESS SERVING AGENCY TO DISTRICT AND SESSIONS JUDGES Pay of Staff 69,400 94,300 24,900 35.88 Due to Pay Revi- sion. Regular 23,500 24,600 1,100 4.68 ditto 2 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Psaa ihCourt High Peshawar 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 224 Allowances

CIVIL COURTS Pay of 10,224,000 19,727,000 9,503,000 92.95 Due to Officers Revision of Pay Scale. Pay of 20,575,100 32,870,500 12,295,400 59.76 —ditto— Other Staff Purchase of 1,120,100 1,120,100 Due to Durable Goods for purchase of Machinery and Furniture but not released. Repair of 95,000 96,000 1,000 1.05 - D.Goods Commodities 3,679,500 3,815,200 135,700 3.69 Law Books and Services TOTAL:– 34,573,600 57,628,800 23,055,200 66.68 27,488,400 47.70 23,051,520 4,436,880

PROCESS SERVING AGENCY TO CIVIL COURTS Pay of Other 14,811,000 19,296,400 4,485,400 30.28 Due to Pay Staff Revision Commodities 95,000 105,000 10,000 10.53 Increase and Services &T.A. TOTAL: 14,906,000 19,401,400 4,495,400 30.16 10,087,720 51.99 7,760,560 2,327,160

GRAND ALLOCATION High Court 62,830,300 64,690,100 1,859,800 3 21,756,040 33.63 25,876,040 4,120,000 Sessions Courts 58,849,600 77,368,090 18,518,490 31 28,196,756 36.44 30,947,236 2,750,480 PS-Sessions 69,400 94,300 24,900 36 37,720 40.00 37,720 - Civil Courts 48,492,900 69,841,100 21,348,200 44 27,488,400 39.36 27,936,440 448,040 PS-Civil Courts 22,933,300 25,219,300 2,286,000 10 10,087,720 40.00 10,087,720 - 193,175,500 237,212,890 44,037,390 23 87,566,636 36.91 94,885,156 7,318,520 HIGH COURT OF BALOCHISTAN

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 225 226 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan 7 HIGH COURT OF BALOCHISTAN

7.1 Foreword by the Chief Justice of the High Court of Balochistan

(In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful)

This is the second Annual Report of the Balochistan Judiciary encompassing the progress of work done at the High Court and subordinate Courts, during the year 2002. It is a matter of great pleasure and satisfaction that despite certain constraints relating to buildings, transport, trained establishment and a lesser number of Judicial Officers, the performance of the Subordinate Judiciary remained exemplary, especially when some of the Judges had to work simultaneously at two stations. A shortage of Judges remained at the High Court of Balochistan as well. Two Judges were inducted in September, 2002, but two posts of Judges are still lying vacant, as against a total strength of eight. Besides, out of the existing six Judges, one Judge has been deputed on full time basis at High Court Sibi Bench, while another Judge joins him every Saturday for the disposal of D.B. cases. However, due to an ever increasing number of institution of petitions before the High Court at its principal seat and at Sibi Bench, and on account of the fact that half of the posts remained vacant for a major part of the year, the overall performance appears to be shabby, yet on an average, each Judge has disposed of over 1500 cases. Therefore, as against a pendency of 1813 for the year 2001 in the High Court of Balochistan, the institution of 7466 cases during the year 2002, and overall disposal of 6280 cases, there remain 3079 cases pending disposal at the beginning of the year 2003. The figures pertaining to the progress and performance of the Subordinate Judiciary during the year 2002 are encouraging. Against a total disposal of 20084 cases during the year 2001, a total of 22219 cases have been decided during the year 2002. Besides with a pendency of 6029 cases for the year 2001, a total of 21325 cases were instituted during the year 2002 and with the disposal of 22219 cases, only 5135 cases are pending at the beginning of the year 2003. Therefore, with a total strength of 131 Judicial Officers in 15 Sessions Divisions, at a broader average only about 40 cases are pending with every Judicial Officer. Also, apart from Senior Civil Judge-II, Quetta who has 224 cases on his file, no other Judge in Balochistan has over 200 cases. This also indicates that with the improved strategy of delay reduction and constant vigil, for the curtailment of large and old pendency, significant results could be achieved. The performance of two Accountability Courts established in Balochistan also remained exem- plary, where 3 cases were pending from the past year and as against an institution of 31 cases during the year 2002, a similar number of cases have been disposed of and only 3 cases are pending at the end of year 2002, while only one Court is functional since September, 2002, as the other Judge has been elevated to the High Court. With the introduction of Industrial Relations Ordinance 2002, the Additional District/Sessions Judges, who were holding the charge as Presiding Officer, Labour Courts at Quetta, Sibi and Hub have been returned to their respective positions in Sessions Divi- sions, while till induction of new incumbents of the status of District/Sessions Judges, the additional charge of the posts of Presiding Officer, Labour Courts has been assigned to the respective Dis- trict/Sessions Judges, who in addition to their own multifarious functions have accomplished their duties as Labour Courts diligently. Furthermore, the progress in the five Courts established under

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 227 ATA, 1997 also remained praiseworthy, where most of the new cases have been decided within the stipulated period, creating a deterrence for the criminals and a healthy impact on the society at large. Furthermore, under the development programme of the High Court, 27 new schemes (PC-1’s) for construction of Court houses and residential accommodation for judicial officers, were prepared and these have been approved. The total cost will be Rs.445 million, to be financed under the “Access to Justice Programme.” However, two of the schemes are under construction at Hub and Khuzdar while the work at Usta Muhammad could not commence due to non-availability of land. The approved schemes, as per priority, will now be launched during the next fiscal year in relation to the amount reserved/released for the judiciary in Balochistan. Citizen Court Liaison Committees have been constituted for each district in Balochistan. In- stallation of computer networking has been completed at the High Court of Balochistan, which in due course will cater to the need for public queries and case-flow management. Also, with the accomplishment of various conditionalities and the development plan, under “Access to Justice Programme,” it is anticipated that the judiciary in Balochistan will achieve its prime objective of administration of justice to all and sundry at their doorstep without any hassle or delay.

Raja Fayyaz Ahmed, Chief Justice, High Court of Balochistan, Quetta.

228 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan 7.2 Judicial Statistics 7.2.1 Consolidated Statement for High Court of Balochistan

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 High Court, Quetta 1725 7008 8733 6002 2731 High Court, Sibi Bench 168 458 626 278 348 Grand Total 1893 7466 9359 6280 3079

10000 Institution 9000 Disposal 8000 Pending





Number of Cases 3000



0 Sibbi Bench at Quetta Principal Seat High Court of Balochistan: Principal Seat at Quetta and Sibi Bench

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 229 7.2.2 High Court of Balochistan, Principal Seat at Quetta: Statement Showing Category-wise Pendency, Institution and Disposal of Cases for the Year, 2002

Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Constitution Petition (DB) 379 666 1,045 535 510 Criminal Revision (SB/DB) 35 128 163 98 65 Habeas Corpus Petition (DB) 5 22 27 26 1 Civil Revision (SB/DB) 514 308 822 264 558 Civil Petition U/C Act 4 0 4 0 4 Criminal Misc: Quashment 14 65 79 61 18 Criminal Bail Application 25 286 311 280 31 Suit for Recovery of Loans 3 0 3 3 0 Original Suit 0 1 1 0 1 Execution Application 7 0 7 2 5 Contempt Application 12 18 30 18 12 Review Petition/Appeal 9 2 11 8 3 Election Petition/Appeals 0 105 105 90 15 Civil/Criminal Transfer Application 8 35 43 27 16 Suo Moto Reference 1 2 3 3 0 Insolvency Petition/Appeal 0 0 0 0 0 Criminal Civil Original Complaint 1 0 1 0 1 Murder Reference 13 6 19 4 15 Admiralty Suit 0 0 0 0 0 Criminal Appeal/Jail Appeal 323 550 873 415 458 High Court Appeal 30 21 51 15 36 Regular First Appeal 104 66 170 18 152 Regular Second Appeal 9 2 11 0 11 First Appeal Orders 109 107 216 112 104 Succession Appeal 0 2 2 0 2 Civil Misc: Appeal 19 12 31 19 12 Custom Appeal 7 11 18 3 15 Criminal Reference 0 0 0 0 0 FamilyAppeal 13404 Guardian Appeal 0 2 2 1 1 Admiralty Appeal 0 0 0 0 0 Special Criminal Banking Appeal 3 4 7 4 3 Criminal Ehtisab Appeal 67 62 129 28 101 Income Tax Appeal 17 0 17 0 17 Inter Court Appeal 1 0 1 0 1 Sales Tax Appeal 5 6 11 7 4 Civil Misc: Application 0 1,241 1,241 1,161 80 Criminal Appeal (ATA) 0 574 574 429 145 I.R.O 0 2,318 2,318 2,074 244 Labour Appeal 0 383 383 297 86 Total 1,725 7,008 8,733 6,002 2,731

230 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan 7.2.3 High Court of Balochistan, Bench at Sibi: Statement Showing Category-wise Pendency, Institution and Disposal of Cases for the Year, 2002

Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Murder Reference 6 15 21 4 17 Criminal Appeal/Crl: Acq Appeal 44 124 168 71 97 Criminal Revision 7 47 54 39 15 Criminal Jail Appeal 17 44 61 18 43 Criminal Transfer Application 1 5 6 6 0 Bail Application 6 39 45 40 5 Criminal Misc: Quashment 7 12 19 7 12 HabeasCorpus 05541 Civil Appeal 3 3 6 0 6 Civil Revision 30 26 56 24 32 R.F.A. 72918 R.S.A 0 0 0 0 0 C.P. 38 66 104 51 53 Contempt Application 2 2 4 2 2 F.A.O. 01101 Criminal Reference 0 0 0 0 0 Suo Moto Reference 0 0 0 0 0 ATA Murder Reference 0 21 21 2 19 ATA Appeal 0 43 43 8 35 Criminal Jail Revision 0 3 3 1 2 Total 168 458 626 278 348

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 231 7.2.4 Consolidated Statement for the Entire Subordinate Judiciary of Balochistan

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Quetta 2514 8164 10678 8294 2384 Pishin 344 973 1317 1061 256 Loralai 236 1072 1308 1129 179 Zhob 129 420 549 387 162 Sibi 657 1723 2380 2001 379 Usta Muhammad 192 523 715 583 132 Dera Allah Yar 272 767 1039 839 200 Dera Murad Jamali 190 765 955 789 166 Musa Khail 28 137 165 149 16 Khuzdar 364 1513 1877 1763 114 Kalat 216 847 1063 884 179 Nushki 80 507 587 487 100 Turbat 399 2120 2519 2074 445 Hub 309 1186 1495 1238 257 Kharan 99 608 707 541 166 Grand Total 6029 21325 27354 22219 5135




7000 Institution 6000 Disposal 5000 Pending


Number of Cases 3000



0 Sibi Hub Zhob Kalat Pishin Turbat Quetta Nushki Loralai Yar Kharan Usta Khuzdar Jamali Dera Allah Musa Khail Muhammad Dera Murad

Districts Consolidated Statement for Subordinate Judiciary, Balochistan 2002

232 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan 7.2.5 Statement Showing Category-wise Pendency, Institution and Disposal of Cases for the Subordinate Judiciary for the Year, 2002

Institution Disposal Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Category of Cases 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Case Categories Previous Pending Institution Total Disposal Total Sessions Cases P.P.C 908 2368 3276 2659 617 Murder Cases 261 524 785 539 246 Qisas & Diyat 527 3023 3550 2892 658 S.T.A. 79 39 118 96 22 ArmsSTA7416907515 Murder STA 134 43 177 130 47 C.N.S 166 576 742 591 151 Hadd Cases 188 195 383 292 91 Prohibition 50 102 152 119 33 Hadood Cases 345 699 1044 785 259 Complaint 73 592 665 612 53 Arms Cases 228 629 857 659 198 Explosive2112332013 39 Act 9 3 12 12 0 Foreign Exchange Act 1 44 45 39 6 Criminal Appeal 63 577 640 598 42 Criminal Revision 36 306 342 303 39 Customs Cases 16 12 28 21 7 GamblingAct71421174 Minor Act 3 253 256 247 9 F.I.A. 00000 Anti:Dist Police 0 0 0 0 0 Civil Suit 1308 3202 4510 3342 1168 Family Cases 198 930 1128 924 204 Family Appeal 43 122 165 139 26 Arbitration3630663234 Insolvency 8 15 23 12 11 Rent 5 106 111 76 35 Succession 51 530 581 524 57 Guardian 25 123 148 122 26 Execution 247 689 936 685 251 Civil Appeal 337 1084 1421 1195 226 Civil Revisions 39 204 243 216 27 LandAcq:22422 Eviction 126 162 288 197 91 Miscellaneous 108 1463 1571 1397 174 Others 70 450 520 449 71 ContemptAppeal542472621 Election petition 65 104 169 148 21 I.R.O, 1969 95 165 260 218 42 W.P. Shops 16 1237 1253 1183 70 Weight & M, 1977 0 571 571 513 58 Payment of Wages 45 67 112 102 10 Factrories Act 11 0 11 11 0 Total 6029 21325 27354 22219 5135

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 233 7.2.6 Consolidated Statement for Sessions Courts Balochistan

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Quetta 754 3672 4426 3653 773 Pishin 223 394 617 485 132 Loralai 97 290 387 328 59 Zhob 41 155 196 138 58 Sibi 452 814 1266 1045 221 Usta Muhammad 109 288 397 307 90 Dera Allah Yar 138 428 566 502 64 Dera Murad Jamali 133 301 434 332 102 Musa Khail 17 43 60 53 7 Khuzdar 72 191 263 254 9 Kalat 98 225 323 221 102 Nushki 27 102 129 102 27 Turbat 95 348 443 344 99 Hub 174 705 879 771 108 Kharan 22 45 67 57 10 Grand Total 2452 8001 10453 8592 1861

5000 4500 4000 Institution 3500 Disposal 3000 Pending 2500 2000 1500 Number of Cases 1000 500 0 Sibi Hub Zhob Kalat Pishin Turbat Quetta Nushki Loralai Yar Kharan Usta Khuzdar Jamali Dera Allah Musa Khail Muhammad Dera Murad

Districts Consolidated Statement for Sessions Courts, Balochistan 2002

234 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan 7.2.7 Consolidated Statement for Civil Judges, Judicial Magistrates and Qazis (SCJ = Senior Civil Judge, CJ = Civil Judge, JM = Judicial Magistrate, MMS = Member Majlis-e-Shoora)

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 Quetta 1760 4492 6252 4641 1611 Pishin 121 579 700 576 124 Loralai 139 782 921 801 120 Zhob 88 265 353 249 104 Sibi 205 909 1114 956 158 Usta Muhammad 83 235 318 276 42 Dera Allah Yar 134 339 473 337 136 Dera Murad Jamali 57 464 521 457 64 Musa Khail 11 94 105 96 9 Khuzdar 292 1322 1614 1509 105 Kalat 118 622 740 663 77 Nushki 53 405 458 385 73 Turbat 304 1772 2076 1730 346 Hub 135 481 616 467 149 Kharan 77 563 640 484 156 Grand Total 3577 13324 16901 13627 3274

5000 4500 4000 Institution 3500 Disposal 3000 Pending 2500 2000 1500 Number of Cases 1000 500 0 Sibi Hub Zhob Kalat Pishin Turbat Quetta Nushki Loralai Yar Kharan Usta Khuzdar Jamali Dera Allah Musa Khail Muhammad Dera Murad

Districts Consolidated Statement for Civil Judges, Judicial Magistrates and Qazis, Balochistan 2002

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 235 7.2.8 District-wise Consolidated Statements for the Subordinate Judiciary

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 QUETTA Sessions Judge, Quetta 113 248 361 272 89 Sessions Judge (Adhoc), Quetta 23 20 43 30 13 Additional Sessions Judge-I, Quetta 76 404 480 357 123 Additional Sessions Judge-II, Quetta 126 346 472 383 89 Additional Sessions Judge-III, Quetta 106 353 459 325 134 Additional Sessions Judge-IV, Quetta 96 234 330 263 67 Additional Sessions Judge-V, Quetta 129 156 285 183 102 Senior Civil Judge-I, Quetta 205 327 532 350 182 Senior Civil Judge-II, Quetta 233 324 557 333 224 Civil Judge-II, Quetta 164 356 520 321 199 Civil Judge-III, Quetta 174 387 261 396 165 Civil Judge-IV, Quetta 183 332 515 337 178 Civil Judge-V, Quetta 167 269 436 293 143 Judicial Magistrate-I, Quetta 153 281 434 341 93 Judicial Magistrate-II, Quetta 45 230 275 232 43 Judicial Magistrate-III, Quetta 166 463 629 552 77 Judicial Magistrate-IV, Quetta 183 609 792 726 66 Judicial Magistrate-V, Quetta 87 483 570 472 98 Judicial Magistrate, Ziarat 0 27 27 26 1 Special Judge, Anti-corruption 68 94 162 102 60 P.O Ist Labour Court 14 1786 1800 1707 93 Accountability Court-I, Quetta 1 12 13 12 1 Accountability Court-II, Quetta 2 19 21 19 2 Additional Magistrate-1, Quetta 0 136 136 88 48 Additional Magistrate-II, Quetta 0 132 132 76 56 Judicial Magistrate-VI, Quetta 0 136 136 98 38 Grand Total 2514 8164 10678 8294 2384

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 PISHIN Sessions Judge, Pishin 114 258 372 288 84 Additional Sessions Judge, Pishin 109 136 245 197 48 Senior Civil Judge, Pishin 54 147 201 168 33 Judicial Magistrate, Pishin 8 152 160 147 13 Civil Judge, Chaman 17 52 69 53 16 Judicial Magistrate, Chaman 36 193 229 172 57 Judicial Magistrate, Khanozai 3 12 15 12 3 Judicial Magistrate, Barshore 0 4 4 4 0 Judicial Magistrate, Killa Abdullah 3 19 22 20 2 Grand Total 344 973 1317 1061 256

236 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LORALAI Sessions Judge, Loralai 97 290 387 328 59 Civil Judge, Loralai 35 77 112 83 29 Judicial Magistrate, Loralai 21 137 158 146 12 Judicial Magistrate, Duki/Sanjavi 4 55 59 52 7 Judicial Magistrate, Barkhan 13 237 250 238 12 Judicial Magistrate, Killa Saif Ullah 3 20 23 17 6 Judicial Magistrate, Muslim Bagh 3 33 36 35 1 Majlis-e-Shoora, Loralai 15 46 61 57 4 Majlis-e-Shoora, Barkhan 10 10 20 19 1 Qazi, Killa Saifullah 3 6 9 8 1 Qazi, Muslim Bagh 3 29 32 29 3 Qazi, Bori/Sanjavi 19 80 99 79 20 Qazi, Barkhan 10 52 62 38 24 Grand Total 236 1072 1308 1129 179

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ZHOB Sessions Judge, Zhob 41 155 196 138 58 Judicial Magistrate, Zhob 36 121 157 102 55 Judicial Magistrate, Sherani 10 40 50 27 23 Majlis-e-Shoora, Zhob 16 63 79 58 21 Qazi, Zhob 26 41 67 62 5 Grand Total 129 420 549 387 162

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHUZDAR Sessions Judge, Khuzdar 40 151 191 187 4 Additional Sessions Judge, Khuzdar 32 40 72 67 5 Judicial Magistrate, Khuzdar 114 115 229 228 1 Judicial Magistrate, Awaran 8 24 32 30 2 Additional Judicial Magistrate, Khuzdar 0 100 100 100 0 Majlis-e-Shoora khuzdar 15 191 206 194 12 Qazi Khuzdar 129 294 423 385 38 Qazi, Awaran 21 186 207 207 0 Qazi Mashkai 5 171 176 166 10 Additional Qazi Khuzdar 0 241 241 199 42 Grand Total 364 1513 1877 1763 114

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 237 Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MASTUNG Sessions Judge, Mastung 62 149 211 148 63 Additional Sessions Judge, Mastung 36 76 112 73 39 Judicial Magistrate, Mastung 8 89 97 90 7 Judicial Magistrate, Kalat 11 66 77 70 7 Judicial Magistrate, Dasht 4 13 17 14 3 Judicial Magistrate, Soorab 3 44 47 47 0 Majlis-e-Shoora, Kalat at Mastung 16 96 112 104 8 Qazi Sarawan 17 98 115 106 9 Qazi, Soorab 32 99 131 117 14 Qazi, Kalat 27 117 144 115 29 Grand Total 216 847 1063 884 179

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 NUSHKI Sessions Judge, Nushki 27 102 129 102 27 Civil Judge, Nushki 11 38 49 32 17 Judicial Magistrate, Nushki 10 66 76 59 17 Judicial Magistrate, Dalbandin 7 56 63 54 9 Judicial Majistarte, Taftan 0 19 19 17 2 Majlis-e-Shoora, Nushki 4 25 29 23 6 Qazi, Dalbandin 21 201 222 200 22 Grand Total 80 507 587 487 100

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 TURBAT Sessions Judge, Turbat 71 243 314 231 83 Additional Sessions Judge, Turbat 1 0 1 1 0 Additional Sessions Judge, Panjgoor 23 105 128 112 16 Judicial Magistrate, Turbat 17 121 138 118 20 Judicial Magistrate, Panjgoor 22 163 185 167 18 Judicial Magistrate, Gawadar 9 52 61 58 3 Judicial Magistrate, Tump 9 55 64 51 13 Judicial Magistrate, Pasni 8 38 46 44 2 Majlis-e-Shoora Turbat 18 160 178 150 28 Majlis-e-Shoora Turbat at Panjgoor 9 27 36 25 11 Qazi Turbat 81 316 397 294 103 Qazi Gawadar 11 195 206 168 38 Qazi Panjgoor 12 164 176 142 34 Qazi Tump 27 169 196 179 17 Qazi Pasni 28 98 126 118 8 Qazi Dasht 1 47 48 38 10 Qazi Dasht at Turbat 52 167 219 178 41 Grand Total 399 2120 2519 2074 445

238 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 HUB Sessions Judge, Hub 33 157 190 181 9 Additional Sessions Judge, Hub 24 126 150 123 27 P.O. IIIrd Labour Court, Hub 117 422 539 467 72 Judicial Magistrate, Hub 56 174 230 164 66 Judicial Magistrate, Bela 15 78 93 79 14 Civil Judge, Hub 19 65 84 54 30 Majlis-e-Shoora, Lasbella 6 40 46 44 2 Qazi, Lasbella at Uthal 39 124 163 126 37 Grand Total 309 1186 1495 1238 257

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHARAN Sessions Judge, Kharan 22 45 67 57 10 Judicial Magistrate, Kharan 6 63 69 58 11 Judicial Magistrate, Basima 1 19 20 15 5 Judicial Magistrate, Mashkail 1 19 20 17 3 Majlis-e-Shoora Kharan 15 64 79 61 18 Qazi, Kharan 47 327 374 270 104 Qazi, Basima 7 71 78 63 15 Grand Total 99 607 707 541 166

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 USTA MUHAMMAD Sessions Judge, Usta Mohammad 109 288 397 307 90 Judicial Magistrate, Usta Mohammad 65 183 248 222 26 Civil Judge, Usta Mohammad 18 52 70 54 16 Grand Total 192 523 715 583 132

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MUSA KHAIL Sessions Judge Musa Khail 17 43 60 53 7 Judicial Magistrate, Musa Khail 7 82 89 83 6 Majlis-e-Shoora Musa Khail 0 7 7 7 0 Qazi, Musa Khail 4 5 9 6 3 Grand Total 28 137 165 149 16

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 239 Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SIBI Sessions Judge, Sibi 207 278 485 365 120 Additional Sessions Judge, Sibi 201 249 450 367 83 P.O. IInd Labour Court, Sibi 44 287 331 313 18 Senior Civil Judge, Sibi 26 127 153 143 10 Judicial Magistrate, Sibi 47 192 239 205 34 Judicial Magistrate, Harnai 4 61 65 55 10 Judicial Magistrate, Kholu 4 39 43 36 7 Judicial Magistrate, Dhadar 11 81 92 71 21 Judicial Magistrate, Bhag 10 99 109 90 19 Judicial Magistrate, Mach 16 39 55 49 6 Civil Judge, Mach 5 9 14 12 2 Civil Judge, Hernai 4 15 19 18 1 Judicial Magistrate, Sui 5 15 20 17 3 Majlis-e-Shoora, Sibi 3 31 34 20 14 Qazi, Lehri at Dhader 36 69 105 101 4 Qazi, Kohlu 13 94 107 84 23 Qazi, Bhag 21 38 59 55 4 Qazi, Dera Bughti 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total 657 1723 2380 2001 379

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA ALLAH YAR Sessions Judge, Dera Allah Yar 74 285 359 324 35 Additional Sessions Judge, Dera Allah Yar 64 143 207 178 29 Judicial Magistrate, Dera Allah Yar 113 267 380 265 115 Senior Civil Judge, Dera Allah Yar 21 72 93 72 21 Grand Total 272 767 1039 839 200

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA MURAD JAMALI Sessions Judge Dera Murad Jamali 49 230 276 232 44 Additional Sessions Judge, D.M. Jamali 84 71 155 100 55 Judicial Magistrate, Dera Murad Jamali 11 214 225 209 16 Judicial Magistrate, Gandawa 0 25 25 22 3 Judicial Magistrate, Chattar 3 20 23 21 2 Majlis-e-Shoora, Nasirabad 9 33 42 34 8 Qazi, Gandawa 8 40 48 41 7 Circuit Dera Murad Jamali 26 132 158 130 28 Grand Total 190 765 952 789 166

240 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan 7.2.9 District-wise Consolidated Statements for the Courts of Sessions Judges

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 QUETTA Sessions Judge, Quetta 113 248 361 272 89 Sessions Judge (Adhoc), Quetta 23 20 43 30 13 Additional Sessions Judge-I, Quetta 76 404 480 357 123 Additional Sessions Judge-II, Quetta 126 346 472 383 89 Additional Sessions Judge-III, Quetta 106 353 459 325 134 Additional Sessions Judge-IV, Quetta 96 234 330 263 67 Additional Sessions Judge-V, Quetta 129 156 285 183 102 Special Judge, Anticorruption 68 94 162 102 60 P.O Ist Labour Court 14 1786 1800 1707 93 Accountability Court-I, Quetta 1 12 12 12 0 Accountability Court-II, Quetta 2 19 21 19 2 Grand Total 754 3672 4425 3653 772

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 PISHIN Sessions Judge, Pishin 114 258 372 288 84 Additional Sessions Judge, Pishin 109 136 245 197 48 Grand Total 223 394 617 485 132

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LORALAI Sessions Judge, Loralai 97 290 387 328 59 Grand Total 97 290 387 328 59

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ZHOB Sessions Judge, Zhob 41 155 196 138 58 Grand Total 41 155 196 138 58

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHUZDAR Sessions Judge, Khuzdar 40 151 191 187 4 Additional Sessions Judge, Khuzdar 32 40 72 67 5 Grand Total 72 191 263 254 9

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 241 Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MASTUNG Sessions Judge, Mastung 62 149 211 148 63 Additional Sessions Judge, Mastung 36 76 112 73 39 Grand Total 98 225 323 221 102

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 NUSHKI Sessions Judge, Nushki 27 102 129 102 27 Grand Total 27 102 129 102 27

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 TURBAT Sessions Judge, Turbat 71 243 314 231 83 Additional Sessions Judge, Turbat 1 0 1 1 0 Additional Sessions Judge, Panjgoor 23 105 128 112 16 Grand Total 95 348 443 344 99

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 HUB Sessions Judge, Hub 33 157 190 181 9 Additional Sessions Judge, Hub 24 126 150 123 27 P.O. IIIrd Labour Court, Hub 117 422 539 467 72 Grand Total 174 705 879 771 108

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHARAN Sessions Judge, Kharan 22 45 67 57 10 Grand Total 22 45 67 57 10

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 USTA MUHAMMAD Sessions Judge, Usta Mohammad 109 288 397 307 90 Grand Total 109 288 397 307 90

242 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MUSA KHAIL Sessions Judge, Musa Khail 17 43 60 53 7 Grand Total 17 43 60 53 7

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SIBI Sessions Judge, Sibi 207 278 485 365 120 Additional Sessions Judge, Sibi 201 249 450 367 83 P.O. IInd Labour Court, Sibi 44 287 331 313 18 Grand Total 452 814 1266 1045 221

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA ALLAH YAR Sessions Judge, Dera Allah Yar 74 285 359 324 35 Additional Sessions Judge, Dera Allah Yar 64 143 207 178 29 Grand Total 138 428 566 502 64

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA MURAD JAMALI Sessions Judge, Dera Murad Jamali 49 230 279 232 47 Additional Sessions Judge, D.M. Jamali 84 71 155 100 55 Grand Total 133 301 434 332 102

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 243 7.2.10 District-wise Consolidated Statements for Civil Judges and Judicial Magis- trates

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 QUETTA Senior Civil Judge-I, Quetta 205 327 532 350 182 Senior Civil Judge-II, Quetta 233 324 557 333 224 Civil Judge-II, Quetta 164 356 520 321 199 Civil Judge-III, Quetta 174 387 561 396 165 Civil Judge-IV, Quetta 183 332 515 337 178 Civil Judge-V, Quetta 167 269 436 293 143 Judicial Magistrate-I, Quetta 153 281 434 341 93 Judicial Magistrate-II, Quetta 45 230 275 232 43 Judicial Magistrate-III, Quetta 166 463 629 552 77 Judicial Magistrate-IV, Quetta 183 609 792 726 66 Judicial Magistrate-V, Quetta 87 483 570 472 98 Judicial Magistrate, Ziarat 0 27 27 26 1 Additional Magistrate-1, Quetta 0 136 136 88 48 Additional Magistrate-II, Quetta 0 132 132 76 56 Judicial Majistrate-VI, Quetta 0 136 136 98 38 Grand Total 1760 4492 6252 4641 1611

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 PISHIN Senior Civil Judge, Pishin 54 147 201 168 33 Judicial Magistrate, Pishin 8 152 160 147 13 Civil Judge, Chaman 17 52 69 53 16 Judicial Magistrate, Chaman 36 193 229 172 57 Judicial Magistrate, Khanozai 3 12 15 12 3 Judicial Magistrate, Barshore 0 4 4 4 0 Judicial Magistrate, Killa Abdullah 3 19 22 20 2 Grand Total 121 579 700 576 124

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LORALAI Civil Judge, Loralai. 35 77 112 83 29 Judicial Magistrate, Loralai 21 137 158 146 12 Judicial Magistrate, Duki/Sanjavi 4 55 59 52 7 Judicial Magistrate, Barkhan 13 237 250 238 12 Judicial Magistrate, Killa Saif Ullah 3 20 23 17 6 Judicial Magistrate, Muslim Bagh 3 33 36 35 1 Majlis-e-Shoora, Loralai 15 46 61 57 4

244 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan Majlis-e-Shoora, Barkhan 10 10 20 19 1 Qazi, Killa Saifullah 3 6 9 8 1 Qazi, Muslim Bagh 3 29 32 29 3 Qazi, Bori/Sanjavi 19 80 99 79 20 Qazi, Barkhan 10 52 62 38 24 Grand Total 139 782 921 801 120

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ZHOB Judicial Magistrate, Zhob 36 121 157 102 55 Judicial Magistrate, Sherani 10 40 50 27 23 Majlis-e-Shoora, Zhob 16 63 79 58 21 Qazi, Zhob 26 41 67 62 5 Grand Total 88 265 353 249 104

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHUZDAR Judicial Magistrate, Khuzdar 114 115 229 228 1 Judicial Magistrate, Awaran 8 24 32 30 2 Additional Judicial Magistrate, Khuzdar 0 100 100 100 0 Majlis-e-Shoora khuzdar 15 191 206 194 12 Qazi Khuzdar 129 294 423 385 38 Qazi, Awaran 21 186 207 207 0 Qazi Mashkai 5 171 176 166 10 Additional Qazi Khuzdar 0 241 241 199 42 Grand Total 292 1322 1614 1509 105

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MASTUNG Judicial Magistrate, Mastung 8 89 97 90 7 Judicial Magistrate, Kalat 11 66 77 70 7 Judicial Magistrate, Dasht 4 13 17 14 3 Judicial Magistrate, Soorab 3 44 47 47 0 Majlis-e-Shoora, Kalat at Mastung 16 96 112 104 8 Qazi Sarawan 17 98 115 106 9 Qazi, Soorab 32 99 131 117 14 Qazi, Kalat 27 117 144 115 29 Grand Total 118 622 740 663 77

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 245 Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 NUSHKI Civil Judge, Nushki 11 38 49 32 17 Judicial Magistrate, Nushki 10 66 76 59 17 Judicial Magistrate, Dalbandin 7 56 63 54 9 Judicial Majistarte, Taftan 0 19 19 17 2 Majlis-e-Shoora, Nushki 4 25 29 23 6 Qazi, Dalbandin 21 201 222 200 22 Grand Total 53 405 458 385 73

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 TURBAT Judicial Magistrate, Turbat 17 121 138 118 20 Judicial Magistrate, Panjgoor 22 163 185 167 18 Judicial Magistrate, Gawadar 9 52 61 58 3 Judicial Magistrate, Tump 9 55 64 51 13 Judicial Magistrate, Pasni 8 38 46 44 2 Majlis-e-Shoora Turbat 18 160 178 150 28 Majlis-e-Shoora Turbat at Panjgoor 9 27 36 25 11 Qazi Turbat 81 316 397 294 103 Qazi Gawadar 11 195 206 168 38 Qazi Panjgoor 12 164 176 142 34 Qazi Tump 27 169 196 179 17 Qazi Pasni 28 98 126 118 8 Qazi Dasht 1 47 48 38 10 Qazi Dasht at Turbat 52 167 219 178 41 Grand Total 304 1772 2076 1730 346

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 HUB Judicial Magistrate, Hub 56 174 230 164 66 Judicial Magistrate, Bela 15 78 93 79 14 Civil Judge, Hub 19 65 84 54 30 Majlis-e-Shoora, Lasbella 6 40 46 44 2 Qazi, Lasbella at Uthal 39 124 163 126 37 Grand Total 135 481 616 467 149

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHARAN Judicial Magistrate, Kharan 6 63 69 58 11 Judicial Magistrate, Basima 1 19 20 15 5 Judicial Magistrate, Mashkail 1 19 20 17 3

246 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan Majlis-e-Shoora Kharan 15 64 79 61 18 Qazi, Kharan 47 327 374 270 104 Qazi, Basima 7 71 78 63 15 Grand Total 77 563 640 484 156

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 USTA MUHAMMAD Judicial Magistrate, Usta Mohammad 65 183 248 222 26 Civil Judge, Usta Mohammad 18 52 70 54 16 Grand Total 83 235 318 276 42

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 MUSA KHAIL Judicial Magistrate, Musa Khail 7 82 89 83 6 Majlis-e-Shoora Musa Khail 0 7 7 7 0 Qazi, Musa Khail 4 5 9 6 3 Grand Total 11 94 105 96 9

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SIBI Senior Civil Judge, Sibi 26 127 153 143 10 Judicial Magistrate, Sibi 47 192 239 205 34 Judicial Magistrate, Harnai 4 61 65 55 10 Judicial Magistrate, Kholu 4 39 43 36 7 Judicial Magistrate, Dhadar 11 81 92 71 21 Judicial Magistrate, Bhag 10 99 109 90 19 Judicial Magistrate, Mach 16 39 55 49 6 Civil Judge, Mach 5 9 14 12 2 Civil Judge, Harnai 4 15 19 18 1 Judicial Magistrate, Sui 5 15 20 17 3 Majlis-e-Shoora, Sibi 3 31 34 20 14 Qazi, Lehri at Dhader 36 69 105 101 4 Qazi, Kohlu 13 94 107 84 23 Qazi, Bhag 21 38 59 55 4 Qazi, Dera Bughti 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total 205 909 1114 956 158

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA ALLAH YAR

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 247 Judicial Magistrate, Dera Allah Yar 113 267 380 265 115 Senior Civil Judge, Dera Allah Yar 21 72 93 72 21 Grand Total 134 339 473 337 136

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA MURAD JAMALI Judicial Magistrate, Dera Murad Jamali 11 214 225 209 16 Judicial Magistrate, Gandawa 0 25 25 22 3 Judicial Magistrate, Chattar 3 20 23 21 2 Majlis-e-Shoora, Nasirabad 9 33 42 34 8 Qazi, Gandawa 8 40 48 41 7 Circuit Dera Murad Jamali 26 132 158 130 28 Grand Total 57 464 521 457 64

248 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan 7.2.11 Data for Majlis-e-Shoora and Qazis for the year 2002

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHUZDAR Majlis-e-Shoora khuzdar 15 191 206 194 12 Qazi Khuzdar 129 294 423 385 38 Qazi, Awaran 29 178 207 207 0 Qazi Mashkai 5 171 176 166 10 Additional Qazi Khuzdar 0 241 241 199 42 Grand Total 178 1075 1253 1151 102

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 TURBAT Majlis-e-Shoora Turbat 18 160 178 150 28 Majlis-e-Shoora Turbat at Panjgoor 9 27 36 25 11 Qazi Turbat 81 316 397 294 103 Qazi Gawadar 11 195 206 168 38 Qazi Panjgoor 12 164 176 142 34 Qazi Tump 27 169 196 179 17 Qazi Pasni 28 98 126 118 8 Qazi Dasht 1 47 48 38 10 Qazi Dasht at Turbat 52 167 219 178 41 Grand Total 239 1343 1582 1292 290

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LORALAI Majlis-e-Shoora, Loralai 15 46 61 57 4 Majlis-e-Shoora, Barkhan 10 10 20 19 1 Qazi, Killa Saifullah 3 6 9 8 1 Qazi, Muslim Bagh 3 29 32 29 3 Qazi, Bori/Sanjavi 19 80 99 79 20 Qazi, Barkhan 10 52 62 38 24 Grand Total 60 223 283 230 53

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 LASBELA Majlis-e-Shoora, Lasbella 6 40 46 44 2 Qazi, Lasbella at Uthal 39 124 163 126 37 Grand Total 45 164 209 170 39

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 249 MUSA KHAIL Majlis-e-Shoora Musa Khail 0 7 7 7 0 Qazi, Musa Khail 4 5 9 6 3 Grand Total 4 12 16 13 3

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 SIBI Majlis-e-Shoora, Sibi 3 31 34 20 14 Qazi, Lehri at Dhader 36 69 105 101 4 Qazi, Kohlu 13 94 107 84 23 Qazi, Bhag 21 38 59 55 4 Qazi, Dera Bughti 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total 73 232 305 260 45

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KALAT Majlis-e-Shoora, Kalat at Mastung 16 96 112 104 8 Qazi Sarawan 17 98 115 106 9 Qazi, Soorab 32 99 131 117 14 Qazi, Kalat 27 117 144 115 29 Grand Total 92 410 502 442 60

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 KHARAN Majlis-e-Shoora Kharan 15 64 79 61 18 Qazi, Kharan 54 320 374 270 104 Qazi, Basima 7 71 78 63 15 Grand Total 76 455 531 394 137

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 NUSHKI Majlis-e-Shoora, Nushki 4 25 29 23 6 Qazi, Dalbandin 21 201 222 200 22 Grand Total 25 226 251 223 28

Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 DERA MURAD JAMALI Majlis-e-Shoora, Nasirabad 9 33 42 34 8 Qazi, Gandawa 8 40 48 41 7 Circuit Dera Murad Jamali 26 132 158 130 28 Grand Total 43 205 248 205 43 250 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan Institution Disposal Pending Pendency on 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 Balance on Court 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 Total to 31.12.2002 31.12.2002 ZHOB Majlis-e-Shoora, Zhob 16 63 79 58 21 Qazi, Zhob 26 41 67 62 5 Grand Total 42 104 146 120 26

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 251 5 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fBalochistan of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 252 7.2.12 Case category-wise Pendendency for the Subordinate Judiciary for the Year 2002


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344 45 Designation of Presiding Officer Sessions Cases P.P.C Cases Sessions Murder Cases & Diyat Qisas S.T.A. STA Arms Murder STA C.N.S Hadd Cases Prohibation Hadood Cases Complaint Cases Arms Explosive 39 Act Foreign Exchange Act Criminal Appeal Criminal Revision Cases Customs Gambling Act Act Minor F.I.A. Police Anti:Dist Suit Civil Family Cases Family Appeal Arbitration Insolvency Rent Succession Guardian Execution Civil Appeal Revisions Civil Land Acq: Eviction Miscellaneous Others Contempt Appeal petition Election I.R.O, 1969 Shops W.P. Weight & M, 1977 Payment of Wages Factrories Act Total Quetta District

Pending 459 61 166 14 21 10 95 101 7 59 17 78 9 1 0 15 7 6 2 0 0 0 623 113 20 31 6 0 26 21 172 154 25 2 119 32 30 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 2514

Institution 924 63 1271 16 4 2 240 65 0 102 369 163 1 0 7 118 101 7 4 23 0 0 753 337 32 19 14 61 231 65 230 293 148 2 85 225 203 2 0 165 1237 565 17 0 8164

Total 1383 124 1437 30 25 12 335 166 7 161 386 241 10 1 7 133 108 13 6 23 0 0 1376 450 52 50 20 61 257 86 402 447 173 4 204 257 233 4 10 165 1237 565 17 0 10678

Disposal 1123 94 1090 21 22 8 261 124 7 97 360 175 1 1 2 121 95 8 6 23 0 0 850 357 40 19 9 37 222 63 234 355 151 2 130 180 190 2 10 123 1167 507 7 0 8294

Balance 260 30 347 9 3 4 74 42 0 64 26 66 9 0 5 12 13 5 0 0 0 0 526 93 12 31 11 24 35 23 168 92 22 2 74 77 43 2 0 42 70 58 10 0 2384

Pishin District

Pending 35 14 64 4 2 8 12 1 0 21 13 15 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 4 48 3 0 1 1 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 344

Institution 81 30 300 1 0 1 31 0 0 63 4 39 4 0 0 16 14 0 0 0 0 0 91 11 0 11 0 0 22 0 16 106 25 0 40 9 51 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 973

Total 116 44 364 5 2 9 43 1 0 84 17 54 4 0 0 18 16 1 0 0 0 0 146 11 0 15 0 0 23 0 20 154 28 0 41 10 51 5 35 0 0 0 0 0 1317

Disposal 89 30 315 4 1 8 38 1 0 68 17 47 4 0 0 17 15 1 0 0 0 0 111 10 0 12 0 0 19 0 12 116 27 0 35 7 36 4 17 0 0 0 0 0 1061

Balance 27 14 49 1 1 1 5 0 0 16 0 7 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 35 1 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 38 1 0 6 3 15 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 256

Loralai District

Pending 41 18 9 2 1 1 9 6 0 10 2 9 2 0 0 9 4 2 1 0 0 0 62 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 1 0 1 12 9 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 236

Institution 197 33 142 0 0 0 33 30 0 24 5 46 2 0 0 34 31 0 0 8 0 0 154 17 0 0 0 7 32 0 28 46 5 0 0 195 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1072

Total 238 51 151 2 1 1 42 36 0 34 7 55 4 0 0 43 35 2 1 8 0 0 216 19 0 0 0 7 32 0 28 67 6 0 1 207 10 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1308

Disposal 202 41 144 2 1 1 42 30 0 29 6 47 4 0 0 34 28 2 1 7 0 0 147 18 0 0 0 4 32 0 24 61 6 0 1 205 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1129

Balance 36 10 7 0 0 0 0 6 0 5 1 8 0 0 0 9 7 0 0 1 0 0 69 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 179

Zhob District

Pending 40 3 9 1 0 1 0 1 0 4 6 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 40 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 129

Institution 61 16 28 2 0 2 10 1 16 14 11 5 0 0 5 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 67 2 0 0 0 5 51 0 9 21 1 0 0 79 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 420

Total 101 19 37 3 0 3 10 2 16 18 17 9 1 0 5 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 107 3 0 0 0 6 54 0 9 25 1 0 0 86 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 549

Disposal 40 5 27 1 0 1 6 1 6 4 14 4 1 0 5 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 80 3 0 0 0 3 53 0 7 24 0 0 0 86 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 387

Balance 61 14 10 2 0 2 4 1 10 14 3 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 Khuzdar District

Pending 118 11 5 9 2 7 2 0 0 22 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 18 1 0 0 0 1 3 23 11 0 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 364

Institution 101 43 135 3 0 1 9 0 0 23 3 17 0 0 5 31 19 0 0 5 0 0 573 97 14 0 0 10 21 9 122 158 0 0 0 110 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1513

Total 219 54 140 12 2 8 11 0 0 45 4 26 0 0 5 31 19 0 0 5 0 0 681 115 15 0 0 10 22 12 145 169 0 0 0 120 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1877

Disposal 204 49 130 12 2 8 9 0 0 41 4 22 0 0 5 31 19 0 0 2 0 0 637 111 15 0 0 10 22 12 130 161 0 0 0 120 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1763

Balance 15 5 10 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 44 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114

Kalat District

Pending 9 18 26 2 1 14 3 11 0 14 6 2 1 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 68 6 4 0 0 0 7 0 3 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 216

Institution 103 36 96 1 0 1 9 17 0 76 35 21 0 0 0 31 15 0 0 0 0 0 235 39 5 0 0 0 13 0 24 66 0 0 0 20 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 847

Total 112 54 122 3 1 15 12 28 0 90 41 23 1 0 0 33 18 1 0 0 0 0 303 45 9 0 0 0 20 0 27 80 0 0 0 20 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1063

uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fBlcitn 253 Balochistan: of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial Disposal 101 34 100 3 1 8 10 16 0 64 39 15 1 0 0 29 15 1 0 0 0 0 261 40 9 0 0 0 18 0 21 73 0 0 0 20 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 884

Balance 11 20 22 0 0 7 2 12 0 26 2 8 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 42 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179

Nushki District

Pending 7 4 13 0 0 3 4 2 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 28 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80

Institution 55 11 76 0 0 2 24 4 0 10 17 6 1 0 0 6 5 0 0 168 0 0 5 31 21 0 0 1 5 0 32 3 0 0 6 3 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 507

Total 62 15 89 0 0 5 28 6 0 13 18 8 1 0 0 7 6 0 0 171 0 0 33 32 21 0 0 1 5 0 32 9 1 0 6 3 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 587

Disposal 54 11 67 0 0 5 20 6 0 13 13 7 0 0 0 7 6 0 0 166 0 0 11 30 17 0 0 1 5 0 25 8 1 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 487

Balance 8 4 22 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 22 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 6 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 100

District Turbat

Pending 32 18 20 1 0 0 15 0 1 29 5 17 0 0 1 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 134 36 11 0 2 0 2 0 26 18 0 0 0 11 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 399

Institution 200 16 152 1 2 1 77 0 12 35 13 53 0 1 6 70 20 1 0 1 0 0 627 265 35 0 0 7 36 40 119 171 0 0 22 62 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2120

Total 232 34 172 2 2 1 92 0 13 64 18 70 0 1 7 75 25 1 0 1 0 0 761 301 46 0 2 7 38 40 145 189 0 0 22 73 83 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2519

Disposal 194 19 154 2 2 1 68 0 9 51 15 58 0 1 6 67 22 0 0 1 0 0 575 227 40 0 2 5 35 38 136 179 0 0 18 70 77 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2074

Balance 38 15 18 0 0 0 24 0 4 13 3 12 0 0 1 8 3 1 0 0 0 0 186 74 6 0 0 2 3 2 9 10 0 0 4 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 445

District Hub

Pending 29 5 27 1 0 2 17 4 5 13 5 5 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 50 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 95 1 0 16 11 309

Institution 91 10 139 0 0 0 115 7 19 20 7 21 0 0 11 9 9 0 2 0 0 0 91 25 3 0 0 8 19 2 41 36 5 0 0 345 21 27 97 0 0 6 0 0 1186

Total 120 15 166 1 0 2 132 11 24 33 12 26 0 0 11 10 10 1 2 0 0 0 141 28 3 0 0 10 19 3 43 45 5 0 0 345 21 27 100 95 1 6 16 11 1495

Disposal 82 10 148 1 0 2 102 10 16 30 12 22 0 0 11 10 10 1 1 0 0 0 96 23 3 0 0 8 18 2 34 43 5 0 0 278 20 11 100 95 1 6 16 11 1238

Balance 38 5 18 0 0 0 30 1 8 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 45 5 0 0 0 2 1 1 9 2 0 0 0 67 1 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 257 5 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fBalochistan of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 254

Kharan District

Pending 12 0 5 2 1 5 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 99

Institution 33 1 43 0 0 1 6 4 0 7 4 4 0 0 0 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 217 34 4 0 0 1 14 0 44 63 0 0 0 106 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 608

Total 45 1 48 2 1 6 7 4 0 9 4 4 0 0 0 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 263 39 4 0 0 3 14 0 44 78 0 0 0 106 9 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 707

Disposal 36 0 40 2 1 6 6 4 0 9 3 2 0 0 0 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 179 25 3 0 0 3 13 0 35 61 0 0 0 92 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 541

Balance 9 1 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 84 14 1 0 0 0 1 0 9 17 0 0 0 14 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 166

District Sibi

Pending 42 37 81 31 28 53 0 25 12 108 15 17 7 8 0 13 4 0 2 0 0 0 45 9 2 0 0 0 9 0 0 22 7 0 5 23 5 3 0 0 15 0 29 0 657

Institution 146 75 326 2 2 9 7 14 12 163 57 61 4 1 10 115 28 1 3 0 0 0 266 38 0 0 0 0 47 4 12 62 10 0 9 143 46 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 1723

Total 188 112 407 33 30 62 7 39 24 271 72 78 11 9 10 128 32 1 5 0 0 0 311 47 2 0 0 0 56 4 12 84 17 0 14 166 51 3 0 0 15 0 79 0 2380

Disposal 151 79 336 25 20 37 7 23 21 211 62 49 8 9 10 123 26 0 4 0 0 0 279 47 2 0 0 0 54 4 12 63 14 0 13 164 51 3 0 0 15 0 79 0 2001

Balance 37 33 71 8 10 25 0 16 3 60 10 29 3 0 0 5 6 1 1 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 21 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 379

Usta Muhammad District

Pending 22 13 31 0 4 9 1 24 11 0 0 23 0 0 0 10 4 2 2 0 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 192

Institution 71 43 89 0 3 4 2 20 22 29 0 43 0 0 0 90 27 0 1 0 0 0 29 13 4 0 1 1 11 1 5 7 2 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 523

Total 93 56 120 0 7 13 3 44 33 29 0 66 0 0 0 100 31 2 3 0 0 0 39 16 4 0 1 1 12 1 12 7 2 0 0 2 8 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 715

Disposal 76 26 107 0 7 9 3 42 32 14 0 45 0 0 0 99 31 2 3 0 0 0 28 13 4 0 1 1 9 1 7 1 2 0 0 2 8 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 583

Balance 17 30 13 0 0 4 0 2 1 15 0 21 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132

District Dera Allah Yar

Pending 30 29 58 6 11 8 5 4 12 35 1 27 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 18 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 7 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 272

Institution 82 48 163 7 3 12 5 13 8 72 6 85 0 1 0 20 17 3 2 0 0 0 54 20 2 0 0 2 17 2 7 17 8 0 0 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 767

Total 112 77 221 13 14 20 10 17 20 107 7 112 0 1 0 22 18 6 2 0 0 0 72 21 2 0 0 2 17 2 12 24 10 0 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1039

Disposal 78 60 168 11 13 16 9 13 14 81 7 106 0 1 0 21 16 6 0 0 0 0 49 19 0 0 0 2 15 2 8 16 10 0 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 839

Balance 34 17 53 2 1 4 1 4 6 26 0 6 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 23 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200

District Dera Murad Jamali

Pending 25 28 11 6 3 11 2 5 2 23 0 19 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 5 1 0 0 1 0 5 8 0 0 0 4 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 190

Institution 187 91 63 6 2 7 8 15 13 57 0 62 0 0 0 21 11 0 2 48 0 0 30 1 2 0 0 3 8 0 0 32 0 0 0 72 20 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 765

Total 212 119 74 12 5 18 10 20 15 80 0 81 0 0 0 24 13 0 2 48 0 0 46 1 7 1 0 3 9 0 5 40 0 0 0 76 26 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 955

Disposal 189 74 64 12 5 18 10 14 14 69 0 59 0 0 0 24 11 0 2 48 0 0 24 1 6 1 0 2 7 0 0 31 0 0 0 74 23 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 789

Balance 23 45 10 0 0 0 0 6 1 11 0 22 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 5 9 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 Musa Khail District

Pending 7 2 2 0 0 2 0 4 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28

Institution 36 8 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 61 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 137

Total 43102 0020 9 0 6 6241001 2 00000150 0000 3 00 3 000 2 0000 0 000165

Disposal 40 7 2 0 0 2 0 8 0 4 60 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149

Balance 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fBlcitn 255 Balochistan: of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 7.3 Budgetary Statistics Distribution of Final Budget Grant for the year 2001-2002 under the head 6.210 Justice Law Courts A High Court

Final Allocation Final Allocation Final Allocation D.F. Object Particulars HC, Quetta HC, Sibi Bench 2001-2002 6.210 01100 Total Pay of Officers 6692483 240470 6,932,953 01200 Total Pay of Staff 6490690 361830 6,852,520 02000 Total Regular Allowance 7907320 549210 8,456,530 03000 Total Other Allowance (EX. TA) 408,911 - 408,911 03400 Medical Charges 408911 0 408,911 10000 Purchase of D-Goods 6,184,059 15,000 6,199,059 11000 Purchase of Transport 6131059 0 6,131,059 Purchase of Cycle 53000 0 53,000 12000 Purchase of M & E 0 0 - 13000 Purchase of F & F 0 15000 15,000 40000 R/M of D/Goods 360,801 8,000 368,801 41000 R/M of Transport 177611 2500 180,111 42000 R/M of M & E 175786 5200 180,986 43000 R/M of F & F 7404 300 7,704 50000 Commodities 6,628,059 198,360 6,826,419 51000 Transportation 1,643,706 10,860 1,654,566 51100 T.A to Government Servant 511317 5860 517,177 51300 P.O.L Charges 1126289 5000 1,131,289 51400 Transportation of Goods 0 0 - 51200 Conveyance 6100 0 6,100 52000 Communication 1,231,786 50,000 1,281,786 52100 P&T 240000 20000 260,000 52200 T&T 991786 30000 1,021,786 53000 Utilities 2,311,663 71,500 2,383,163 53100 Gas 953300 5000 958,300 53200 Water 0 0 - 53300 Electricity 1257212 65000 1,322,212 53400 Hot & Cold W/C 101151 1500 102,651 54000 Stationary 460682 30000 490,682 55000 Printing 460000 0 460,000 56000 Books 245718 16000 261,718 57000 Uniform 62560 0 62,560 59000 Other 211944 20000 231,944 60000 Transfer Payment 525,767 - 525,767 64200 Grant in Aid to Bar 200000 0 200,000 Grant in Aid to ATC 0 0 - 67000 Entertainment 325767 0 325,767 Total 35,198,090 1,372,870 36,570,960

256 Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan Statement Showing the Final Budget Grant 2001–2002 C-I Sessions Courts

Special Dera Dera Court Allah Murad Usta Musa Particulars Quetta Quetta Pishin Nushki Kharan Loralai Zhob Sibi Yar Jamali Mohd Mustung Khuzdar Hub Mekran Khail Total Total Pay of Officers 1,121,160 100,930 363,290 223,800 103,750 228,500 186,650 316,870 252,090 314,550 122,000 472,730 500,230 341,990 312,000 153,650 5,114,190 Total Pay of Staff 2,454,830 283,320 621,880 427,230 305,100 537,070 330,130 871,200 806,400 539,910 433,440 677,190 819,680 482,310 875,000 121,600 10,586,290 Total Regular Al- 2,078,175 251,150 788,650 543,860 337,000 634,050 427,620 922,920 858,380 629,270 472,310 822,200 934,680 695,800 1,100,000 255,080 11,751,145 lowance Total Other Al- 247,300 16,000 4,900 ------22,000 - 5,000 - - 295,200 lowance Ex., TA Medical 233,300 16,000 4,900 ------22,000 - 5,000 - - 281,200 Leave Salary 14,000 ------14,000 Purchase of D- 652,725 25,000 25,000 20,000 - 17,750 - - 3,200 4,700 44,700 4,700 75,000 - 45,000 3,000 920,775 Goods Purchase of Cycle 26,300 - - - - 2,750 - - 3,200 4,700 4,700 4,700 - - - 3,000 49,350 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fBlcitn 257 Balochistan: of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial Purchase of M & E 304,000 - 25,000 20,000 ------20,000 - 60,000 - 25,000 - 454,000 Purchase of F & F 322,425 25,000 - - - 15,000 - - - - 20,000 - 15,000 - 20,000 - 417,425 R/M of D/Goods 486,595 28,000 80,000 90,000 5,000 25,500 21,000 105,000 64,400 35,000 40,000 40,000 51,000 40,000 55,000 15,000 1,181,495 R/M of Transport 150,000 20,000 70,000 40,000 5,000 20,500 13,000 65,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 30,000 31,000 30,000 15,000 15,000 579,500 R/M of Cycle 10,000 ------10,000 R/M of M & E 40,000 8,000 5,000 20,000 - - 8,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 - 156,000 R/M of F & F 90,600 - 5,000 30,000 - 5,000 - 20,000 24,400 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 30,000 - 240,000 R/M of Building 195,995 ------195,995 Commodities 2,168,810 73,800 596,300 503,655 135,900 323,655 296,000 764,000 590,000 707,000 350,465 573,000 643,370 480,860 744,200 232,500 9,183,515 Transportation 561,210 - 237,300 238,000 48,400 118,040 132,440 325,000 232,000 255,000 147,600 308,500 339,760 211,860 272,700 113,000 3,540,810 T.A 57,540 - 50,000 90,000 10,000 11,800 45,540 70,000 80,000 85,000 65,000 133,000 135,500 23,560 160,000 28,000 1,044,940 P.O.L 498,370 - 187,300 148,000 38,400 106,240 86,900 255,000 152,000 170,000 82,600 175,500 204,260 188,300 112,700 85,000 2,490,570 Conveyance 5,300 ------5,300 Communication 241,650 20,000 65,000 55,000 35,000 95,000 72,000 116,000 176,000 100,000 95,865 45,000 151,000 145,000 171,600 53,000 1,637,115 P&T - - 10,000 5,000 - - 2,000 20,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 10,000 18,200 13,000 104,200 T&T 241,650 20,000 55,000 50,000 35,000 95,000 70,000 96,000 171,000 90,000 90,865 40,000 150,000 135,000 153,400 40,000 1,532,915 Utilities 689,750 10,000 175,000 120,655 10,500 52,000 22,060 134,000 68,000 233,000 45,000 122,500 72,610 10,000 97,000 5,000 1,867,075 Gas 300,000 - 25,000 - - - - 9,000 15,000 30,000 25,000 50,000 - - - - 454,000 Water - - 5,000 - - - - - 3,000 3,000 - - 20,000 - 5,000 - 36,000 Electricity 365,950 - 110,000 100,000 - 30,000 15,000 85,000 30,000 170,000 - 55,000 10,000 - 60,000 - 1,030,950 Hot & Cold W/C 23,800 10,000 35,000 20,655 10,500 22,000 7,060 40,000 20,000 30,000 20,000 17,500 42,610 10,000 32,000 5,000 346,125 Stationary 215,000 10,000 40,000 26,000 10,000 30,000 20,000 70,000 35,000 35,000 19,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 60,000 20,000 695,000 Printing 200,000 12,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 - 13,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 20,000 - 20,000 48,900 10,000 483,900 Books 150,000 4,800 25,000 20,000 10,000 7,440 15,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 15,000 422,240 Uniform 21,200 2,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 1,175 1,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 - 4,000 4,000 1,500 61,375 Other 90,000 15,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 25,000 30,000 11,000 20,000 25,000 35,000 60,000 15,000 476,000 ------Total 9,209,595 778,200 2,480,020 1,808,545 886,750 1,766,525 1,261,400 2,979,990 2,574,470 2,230,430 1,462,915 2,611,820 3,023,960 2,045,960 3,131,200 780,830 39,032,610 5 uiilSaiiiso aitn20:Hg or fBalochistan of Court High 2002: Pakistan of Statisitics Judicial 258 Statement Showing the Final Budget Grant 2001–2002 C-II Subordinate Courts

Dera Dera Allah Murad Usta Musa Allocation Particulars Quetta Pishin Nushki Kharan Loralai Zhob Sibi Yar Jamali Mohd Mustung Khuzdar Hub Mekran Khail 2001-2002 Total Pay of Offi- 971,710 424,880 523,750 435,000 775,600 255,440 1,102,700 71,230 450,080 143,600 772,570 558,720 489,030 1,214,900 85,000 8,274,210 cers Total Pay of Staff 2,114,730 915,570 592,390 565,500 1,476,100 343,200 1,974,570 321,020 606,590 328,780 992,405 693,110 512,850 1,199,500 97,530 12,733,845 Total Regular Al- 2,022,050 1,241,400 889,260 823,500 1,980,570 476,550 2,590,700 373,150 850,310 421,500 1,393,310 959,720 819,690 1,833,100 135,900 16,810,710 lowance Total Other Al- 36,345 ------36,345 lowance EX. TA Medical 36,345 ------36,345 Purchase of D- 80,000 - 55,000 30,000 25,000 - 94,000 45,000 5,000 4,500 45,000 - 60,000 30,000 65,000 538,500 Goods Purchase of Cycle 20,000 - - - 5,000 - 14,000 - 5,000 4,500 5,000 - - - - 53,500 Purchase of M & E 25,000 0 20,000 - - - 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 - 25,000 - 25,000 170,000 Purchase of F & F 35,000 - 35,000 30,000 20,000 - 55,000 20,000 - - 15,000 - 35,000 30,000 40,000 315,000 R/M of D/Goods 63,030 25,000 30,000 - 5,000 15,000 40,000 12,000 20,000 17,000 25,000 45,000 20,000 65,000 - 382,030 R/M of Cycle 10,700 5,000 - - - - 5,000 2,000 - 2,000 5,000 - - 5,000 - 34,700 R/M of M & E 2,330 10,000 20,000 - - 5,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 - 112,330 R/M of F & F 50,000 10,000 10,000 - 5,000 10,000 20,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 25,000 - 185,000 R/M of Building ------30,000 - 20,000 - 50,000 Commodities 892,835 324,000 338,400 212,000 267,150 143,000 843,510 160,000 215,000 210,000 262,690 242,090 230,710 600,500 102,800 5,044,685 Transportation 34,170 30,000 148,500 120,000 99,600 80,000 359,550 20,000 50,000 90,000 100,990 129,000 47,710 260,000 35,000 1,604,520 T.A 34,170 30,000 148,500 120,000 99,600 80,000 357,550 20,000 50,000 90,000 100,990 129,000 47,710 260,000 35,000 1,602,520 Transportation of ------2,000 ------2,000 Goods Conveyance ------Communication 268,100 60,000 5,000 - 20,000 1,000 96,960 25,000 35,000 44,000 5,000 15,515 35,000 25,000 8,000 643,575 P&T - 5,000 5,000 - - 1,000 45,000 - 10,000 - 5,000 515 10,000 25,000 8,000 114,515 T&T 268,100 55,000 - - 20,000 - 51,960 25,000 25,000 44,000 - 15,000 25,000 - - 529,060 Utilities 238,830 125,000 59,900 32,000 57,550 10,000 142,000 55,000 55,000 16,000 81,700 37,800 20,000 130,500 2,800 1,064,080 Gas 100,000 25,000 - - - - 32,000 - - - 20,000 - - - - 177,000 Water ------5,000 - - - - - 5,500 - 10,500 Electricity 100,000 45,000 20,000 12,000 15,000 - 70,000 25,000 25,000 - 7,200 10,000 - 60,000 - 389,200 Hot & Cold W/C 38,830 55,000 39,900 20,000 42,550 10,000 40,000 25,000 30,000 16,000 54,500 27,800 20,000 65,000 2,800 487,380 Stationary 95,000 50,000 55,000 30,000 50,000 20,000 115,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 80,000 20,000 660,000 Printing 116,890 20,000 20,000 - - 10,000 40,000 20,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 - 15,000 50,000 15,000 361,890 Books 60,000 4,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 12,000 45,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 9,775 15,000 10,000 10,000 250,775 Uniform ------Rent ------48,000 - - 48,000 Other 79,845 35,000 30,000 15,000 30,000 10,000 45,000 20,000 25,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 45,000 12,000 411,845 Total 6,180,700 2,930,850 2,428,800 2,066,000 4,529,420 1,233,190 6,645,480 982,400 2,146,980 1,125,380 3,490,975 2,498,640 2,132,280 4,943,000 486,230 43,820,325 Distribution of Final Budget for the year 2001-2002 Under the head 6.210 Justice Law Courts C-3 Process Serving Estt

Particulars Quetta Loralai Sibi Khuzdar Total Total Estt Charges Total Pay of Staff 55,020 67,010 28,740 Total Regular Allowance 52,860 69,650 30,490 Total

Distribution of Final Budget for the year 2001-2002 D–4 Labour Courts

Ist Labour 2nd Labour 3rd Labour Labour Appellate Final Allocation Particulars Court, Quetta Court, Sibi Court,Hub Court, Quetta 2001-2002 Total Pay of Officers 156,415 145,230 125,900 - 427,545 Total Pay of Staff 467,190 452,860 454,795 269,750 1,644,595 Total Regular Allowance 398,740 456,990 453,980 171,000 1,480,710 Total Other Allowance EX. 7,000 124,845 - - 131,845 TA Medical 7,000 5,920 - - 12,920 Payment of LPR staff - 118,925 - - 118,925 Purchase of D-Goods - 4,000 22,000 4,000 30,000 Purchase of Cycle - 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 Purchase of M & E - - 18,000 - 18,000 Purchase of F & F - - - - - R/M of D/Goods 51,000 57,500 45,870 154,370 R/M of Transport 35,000 35,000 21,870 - 91,870 R/M of Cycle - - - - - R/M of M & E 7,500 12,500 12,000 - 32,000 R/M of F & F 8,500 10,000 12,000 - 30,500 Commodities 352,355 284,450 221,410 17,600 875,815 Transportation 197,910 107,250 78,450 383,610 T.A 117,150 20,000 1,200 - 138,350 P.O.L 80,760 87,250 77,250 - 245,260 Transportation of Goods - - - - - Communication 41,950 75,000 75,000 - 191,950 P&T 5,000 10,000 - - 15,000 T&T 36,950 65,000 75,000 - 176,950 Utilities 38,000 25,200 5,210 6,600 75,010 Gas 19,000 - - - 19,000 Water - - - - - Electricity 10,000 10,000 - - 20,000 Hot & Cold W/C 9,000 15,200 5,210 6,600 36,010 Stationary 23,000 30,000 28,000 5,000 86,000 Printing 14,000 12,000 9,000 3,000 38,000 Books 20,000 18,000 10,750 - 48,750 Uniform 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 6,000 Other 15,495 15,000 13,000 3,000 46,495 Total 1,432,700 1,525,875 1,323,955 462,350 4,744,880

Judicial Statisitics of Pakistan 2002: High Court of Balochistan: 259