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" ; . "" mfc ' - m-w9- m Tilden Plays Gerald Patterson as Americans Start Defense of Davis tup at forest mill i . OLYMPIC STARS ENTERED ih Tne Anrelea team And Will pete In the shetput, discus, tttt MAURICE McLOUGHLIN IN HIS FIRST DAVIS CUP MATCHES CATHOLIC HIGH TO IN A. A. U. TITLE GAMES pound weight anu running iiire ji ANDERSON IS BETTER Other nrnmtnent In the last t pics who will be seen in action lad Shields, Woedrlno and Whalen will Rteherrl T.nndftn nnd Pat McDO THAN EVER TILDEN Represent Philadelphia .T Vl, . T..F UMnlrla Mletl WftM.VJ STARTGI1I0 DRILL New Yerk. Sept. 1. Track nnd field ring and Walter Whalen, PhlladelfcJ'4l stnrs entered in the National A. A. U. v.?.c.K.u....u tV I?. v championships next week nt Newark, . 'xj: w..hintaft; Entirely Recovered From Illness and Should N. Include forty competitors in the Jehn Murphy, Portland. Ore.; Lieu- 'Ansae Star J.. : Kay 22 Will Be- Olympic games nt Antwerp two years tenant Eugene Vldal, West Point Give Bill Johnsten a Battle Latter at Squad of Players age. Watsen, Kaesas City J Herbert Prate, e Etlifthetl, gin Training at Eddington Thirty-nin- were the colors of the Baltimore; Huge Pelltxer, "Crest of Game" Says Champion United States, while Karl Thomsen, N. J.; Jeseph I'enrmnn, New Jjerk; Next Tuesday new representing thc Les Angeles A. C, Edwin Myers, Jele W. Ray and Edwin wen the high hurdle championship for Knourek, Chicago; Leren Murchlaea, 2d n. By WILL.IAM T. TILDEN, Ht Allan Helfferleh, Huntlag-te- National Tennis entropien Canada. Leuis: C. Alma Richards, former Cernell star, L. 1.5 (leerge Kchlller. Ollvtr Vim VtnU. Sent. 1. either man, since both players have toe GUESTS OF THE K..0F who scored heavily In the 10i2 Olym- Cerey nnd Otte Andersen, Leg Aa well-round- game any point in , stands ready tOturn back a for pics nt Stockholm, nlse is n member of geies. In the it te collapse under pressure. ArfTwuiult of Australia o mem- j tht. DaviB ctip at Interest runs high In the match be- The names of the twenty-tw- when tween Patterson and myself, owing te bers of Catholic High Schoel's feet-ha- ll gfflnhuS afternoon winning the English championship, fwtttrwn, world's champion and his squad who will be thc guests of Invading team, opens tie which Htle I had held the previous the of C. Country Club during the cAP.fflefln offensive against me. year. Should Patterson defeat me in the K. match Johnsten must, bent An- period for the follewjngr the remple- - preliminary training Tom Maloney Announces An-tfe- n dereon to keep America in the running first match .Tames O. coming senien were announced tedny. 'Afe , ttcmpt t0 for the cup. There Is no doubt but rnttcrsen They follew: stene-wa- U defense of our that fiff'tbe capable of nny Jeseph Max- Johnsten In what may en his day Is defeating Captain Jeseph Belnnd. man his opponent Is un- Cns-sid- y, I match of the in the world if well, Vincent MeNnlly, Francis Athe most crucial step offensive JS able te the Australian's Snhmltl. Con- net nttack. Patterson tins steadily im- Raymond Jehn "Shwld'elther country take the lead Ilnrop-se- n. Grand proved during the last few weeks und way. William Bunting, Kdwnrd Snnln both matches It would -- In practice yesterday looked te be In Jehn Byrne, P. G. Tayler. Chnrles &. ft? "ask of overhauling them a watched both perfect condition for the match. The McKinney, Jehn Shober. Geerge HIg-gin- s, E5rt insurmountable. I famous Patterson service and everhend Andersen and Johnsten closely yeBter-&- T Jehn McCnuley, Charles Retter, practice matches, the crashed through the court an he tuned Opening Thern-n- s Patterson, the latter up against Andersen this afternoon. Mnthew Leenard, Ned Schmidt. 9L "inlwt Campbell, IMh Richards and Washburn, Big Crowd Expected Scott. Frank Themas Stdem have I seen cleaner or mere Carrell, Hugh M. Sweeney and Frank men dis- - The advance sale of Beats exceeds Kgjriw stroking than both that of any previous year, nnd every in Sullivan. dicatlen points te attendance records AVhen the Catholic High nlliletes OF MEN'S tlr' i MiAwin tit ninPKi belne shattered. The courts have been start training nt Kddlngten next Tues-dn- y .r). subsequent keen practice of the thoroughly soaked by the recent rnlns it will mnrk the first time in the , An vWv history Philadelphia sports lutfeur uw. and were slew nnd yesterday. But of that a form. ";v":: hit- - n bright "em and brisk wind this morn high school football team ever went Sngwl h great speed, yet always with ing should place them in perfect cendl Thirteen years age two euths front the Pacific Coast were sent te Australia in quest of the Davis Cup. They out of town for preliminary workouts. perfect command and control of his tlen by the time play is cnllcd nt 12:30 were M. II. Ieng nnd Maurice E. McLeuchlln. They were beaten at Sydney In all five of their matches, but The trip was made possible bv Jehn Fa!l& strokes. o'clock. the series was significant because It marked the first nppearnnce of MrLetighlln as a Davis Cup player. The J. Greer, the former Catholic Uni- geed, selection versity star, who coached the team Inst H seemed nt least as if net The of the doubles teams picture en the left shows the "Ceiwt Comet" for action. The photograph shows the rival hln may be made neon stripping ether year nnd who will nsslst the new conch, Mitt, than nt any time during net until tedny. In players chatting before of the doubles. right they Leng (head umpire's chair) last year, the practice this afternoon the Aus- the start Frem left te arc. under Stanley Cefoll. of Notre Dame fnme, BltT en Amerieen courts and McLoughlin, A. Wilding, E.WA well knew, means a great tralians paired Patterson and Ander- Amerlrn, nnd Nermun Brooks and F. Australia this fall. Greer'n contract ns head ts I . ... t - Winter HIS BacKnanu, WHICH.f.i.i. mei jenr eon, which Indicates te me that Captain conch still has a year te run, but he nil haH decided was nurcly defensive, this year bIiewb Patterson decided te try out the te step aside te make way for dm of developing into an attacking two singlea players together, instead of Cefnll. VJLl. .ithr.nh It Is no meana com- - using Pnt Weed witlh himself, as was 123 ENTRIES IN UIS. U. S. Davis Win Would Greer conceived the Idea nf having parable te his tremendous forehand. The expected, for Snturd.ay'n match. Catholic Hijrh train nr LMdingten Inst Suitings Johnston-Anderse- n match will bring Pnt Weed's shoulder still is troubling fall while he was the guest of Jack nnd is possible Tem Maleney Inte Ply the two greatest forehands in him, it quite thnt Pat- Glasvett, former Catholic High and terson Is net willing te risk a possible Tie in Series Catholic University nthlete. rersennlly supervises every euit the game. Australia breakdown of in se a TITLE HERE that we make. Men of Philadel- Made-te-Measu- re Volleying Weed vital mnteh TENNIS Greer asked the beard of governors of BUI Johnsten's as the doubles premises te be. the K. of C. Club If they would agree phia have long known Tem as the yestcr-di- r. rieer Tallere His word "Little Bill" was magnificent The American doubles team still Is - te the squad training nt Kddingten, of Cutem nothing of Americans Have Captured Cup Five Times and Anti- has nlwayn heen accepted as fin el His volleying was short uncertain, and many of these In closet nnd they immediately replied Jn the among the creators of fashion nurvilem as he enme in te the net touch with the DavlH Cup Committee affirmative. f'ome in and shake hands with tgalnst Washburn's fast, low drives. bclieve that .TohnBten and I will bn Sixteen Americans and Seven pedeans Six Trophy Donated by Vice President him. WITH named. Frankly, I cannot see hew The famous forehand boomed into the it Foreigners Selected for Na- U. S. A. Tiventy-tw- e Years Age MRS. MALLORY LIKELY corners with monotonous regularity, is possible te keep Richards off the tenm. of L.T. le He wan the of while bis backhand was nt all times star the national doubles Tourney TO MEET MISS WILLS win- final, and he and I hnve played tional at Cermantewn and, occasionally, n point the annals of sport there is but In the Sydney mntehes, McLough- consider him nt the crest of his consistently for two years, while ALL 2-P- ner. I JL lin gained experience whlcn Btoed him Tennis Stars Picked te Clash In greatest game. Higher praise is hard "Little Bill" nnd I can be cnlled only n Be mere colorful story man tnni R. sym- In geed stcatl In his matches of Inter TROUSERS te five. makeshift combination, at best, since we PLAY STARTS NEXT FRIDAY woven nbeut the Dnv:s, the years. Cedarhurst Final n played The meeting of Johnsten and Andcr-e- have together only five times in bol thnt for a fifth of a century has McLoughlin his Cedarhurst. N. Y., Sept. 1. position, two years. With at best form Mr. will be a battle for rather world-wid- e supremacy In team the United through Molln Bjurdstedt Mallery, national CovvrieM, meant States went three thin an attempt te pound a weakness of lBlt, bu Pvllle Ltiaer Ctmpanv One of the grentest fields ever entered tennl3 piny for the nation that held it.