22 Francis Street Stornoway •#%& ' Insurance Services R & G RMk Isle of Lewis Jewellery HS1 2NB •#'&( ) Risk Management !" t: 01851 704949 •#* +# ,( Health & Safety ADVICE www.rmkgroup.co.uk YOU CAN ( )) TRUST ISTANBUL KEBABS FISH ‘n’ CHIPS BURGERS CURRIES PIZZAS RESTAURANT & TAKEAWAY * +(,-../0/1 & ' )'&23 )# !%5FAMILY FRIENDLY RESTAURANT WITH OVER )!%530 YEARS SERVING THE ISLAND H SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE OPEN 7 DAYS Tues-Thursday 12pm-2.30pm 4.30-10.30pm Friday-Saturday: 12pm-3pm 4pm till late The local one Sunday: 12pm till late (open all day Sunday) stop solution for all 24 South Beach Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis your printing and Tel: 01851 700299 design needs. 01851 700924 New Year babies! !7ryyShq
[email protected] &"%#% www.sign-print.co.uk See page 14 @signprintsty Church House, James St. Stornoway BANGLA SPICE !%&'"()* \ !$$$$ !"#$ ! !$$$ % % !"#$% ! &#$% '() ! () *+#$% , $#$% -.() ! -.() / ! 5 - - - ** ' * /*/ /0, - 1 -+2 * 4 * + , - + .-- !"# !"# %& G \ S Ury) '$ &$( (Ah) '$ &#&#" ! ! !"#$"%& %'$ EVENTS SECTION ONE - Page 2 www.hebevents.com 10/01/19 - 06/02/19 Love's labours lost as cow fl ees to loch shy Highland cow needed all the emergency resources of provide safety advice and support. Once fi re crews had been stood A Fire Scotland and Coastguard Rescue Teams on Thursday down, the volunteer Coastguard teams were dismayed to see the January 3rd when she chose to get stuck in a loch rather than determined bull quickly chasing his intended back into the water. take up with a bull. She once again refused to emerge from the safety of the loch in the The cow was reported stuck in a loch near Quidinish in the Bays face of further advances from the bull.