
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Public Performance Report 2017-18 a confident council, effective partnerships and confident communities Comhairle mhisneachail, com-pàirtichean èifeachdach agus coimhearsnachdan misneachail Population Sluagh Economy Eaconamaidh Education and Training Foghlam agus Trèanadh Health & Wellbeing Slàinte agus Soirbheas Communities Coimhearsnachdan Natural and Cultural Resources Stòras Nàdarra agus Cultarail Services Seirbheisean Introduction Welcome to Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s public performance report for 2019 which covers the The Comhairle has committed to empower and support communities in shaping their own futures 2017/18 period. and to be involved in decisions affecting them, and looks forward to enhancing this support This is one of the means we use to keep our communities informed and to invite comments on further following conclusion of Scottish Government’s Review of Local Governance in 2019. An service delivery and other issues. example of this is the ‘Community Conversations’ taking place across the Islands in late 2018 as part Further information can be provided on request or can be accessed at: www.cne-siar.gov.uk of the budgetary process and service redesign. The Comhairle adopted its Corporate Strategy in December 2017 and it sets out the Comhairle’s Against an increasingly harsh economic background, The Comhairle, working together with our strategic priorities for the period 2017-21. This is in parallel with the Outer Hebrides Community Community Planning Partners, continues to aim to provide the highest possible standard of servic- Planning Partnership’s Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP). The common themes of both es whilst providing leadership and external advocacy for the communities of the Outer Hebrides. the Corporate Strategy and the LOIP are that the Western Isles should be an attractive place to Cùram is Slàinte nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Integration Joint Board (IJB) is focused on the deliv- invest, live, work and visit; that we must create and sustain the social and economic conditions ery of its strategic plan, the development of locality planning arrangements to give a strong voice which encourage our young people to remain on the islands; that we need to work together to our communities, to make transparent investment decisions and to support the operational in- effectively to retain and maintain an economically active population; that a safe environment tegration of services. This should ensure better Health and Social Care service delivery for residents should be provided in which to pursue healthy and active lifestyles and that caring communities throughout the Outer Hebrides. must be supported to look after the elderly and support independent living. The overarching priorities of the Comhairle’s Corporate Strategy are: Economy and Jobs; Communities and Housing; Education; Skills and Training; and Quality of Life, Health and Wellbeing. The Corporate Strategy will be reviewed annually with progress to date reported publically. Work has continued throughout the 2017/18 period on the Our Islands Our Future (OIOF) £119.4 million revenue budget campaign and the Comhairle was delighted to welcome the enactment of the Islands (Scotland) Act in July 2018 as a direct result of the work of the Comhairle and its partner authorities in Shetland and Orkney. This puts into legislation a requirement to ‘island proof’ future legislation and policies, strategies and service delivery; the creation of a National Islands Plan, statutory Government and Other Grants protection for the Na h-Eileanan an Iar Scottish Parliament constituency boundary; greater 87.8 flexibility around councillor representation and extended powers to Islands Councils in relation Council Tax to marine licensing. Work continues on the devolution of Crown Estate Assets and management Money In to coastal communities. OIOF work is now focussed introduction on an Islands Deal, a major Non Domestic Rates investment programme from the UK and Scottish Governments, comparable to City Deals Government and Other Grants elsewhere, aimed at economic transformational change in the Islands. (£m) Fees and Charges Capital works continue to provide much needed employment across the islands with road, Council Tax pavement and school improvements. Major projects completed during the year include the Non Domestic Rates Where the Comhairle’s Lewis War Memorial works, Creed Micro Grid, Town Hall window refurbishment, Sheildinish Culvert works. New projects progressed included works at Laxdale and Leverhulme Schools, Fees and Charges money comes from 10.2 Lewis Residential Care, Outer Hebrides Local Energy Hub, Lochmaddy Pier improvements and Ardseileach Renewables project. e-Sgoil continues to develop as an innovative on-line resource providing a wider and more 8.0 equitable choice of subjects for pupils across all secondary schools in the Western Isles whilst supporting the expansion of Gaelic medium education and developing staff to deliver online learning in all subject areas throughout Scotland and internationally. 13.4 www.cne-siar.gov.uk www.e-sgire.org Ro-ràdh Fàilte gu aithisg dèanadas poblach Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar airson 2019 a’ gabhail a-steach Tha e-Sgoil a’ cumail le leasachadh stòras ùr-ghnàthach air-loidhne a’ toirt taghadh nas fharsainge is a’ bhliadhna 2017/18. nas cothromaiche de chuspairean do dh’àrd-sgoiltean anns na h-Eileanan an Iar agus a’ leudachadh Seo aon de na dòighean a tha sinn a’ cleachdadh airson fios a chumail ri ar coimhearsnachdan foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus a’ leasachadh sgilean luchd-obrach gu ionnsachadh agus a’ sireadh bheachdan air lìbhrigeadh sheirbheis agus cùisean eile. Gheibhear tuilleadh air-loidhne a thoirt seachad anns na gach cuspair air feadh na h-Alba agus gu h-eadar-nàiseanta. fiosrachaidh tro iarraidh no tron làrach-lìn: www.cne-siar.gov.uk Tha fòcas Cùram is Slàinte nan Eilean Siar air lìbhrigeadh plana ro-innleachdach, leasa- Ghabh a’ Chomhairle ris an Ro-innleachd Chorporra san Dùbhlachd 2017 a’ mìneachadh prìom- chadh ullachadh airson dealbhadh ionadail, a’ toirt guth làidir do ar coimhearsnachdan, hachasan ro-innleachdail na Comhairle airson 2017-21. Tha seo ann an loidhne ri Plana Leasa- gu co-dhùnaidhean in-thasgaidh soilleir a dhèanamh agus gu taic a thoirt do dh’amal- chaidh Builean Ionadail Compàirteachas Dealbhadh Coimhearsnachd Innse Gall (LOIP). `S iad achadh obair nan seirbheisean. Bu chòir gu bheil seo a’ ciallachadh lìbhrigeadh seirbhe- na cuspairean cumanta anns an Ro-innleachd Chorporra agus an LOIP gum biodh na h-Eileanan is Slàinte is Cùram Obair Shòisealachd nas fheàrr air feadh Innse Gall. an Iar nan àite tarraingeach airson in-thasgaidh, fuireach is obair annta agus tadhail orra, agus Tha a’ Chomhairle dealasach gu taic is fèin-mhisneachd a thoirt do choimhearsnachdan feumaidh sinn suidheachadh sòisealta agus eaconamaiceach a stèidheachadh a bhrosnaicheas ann a bhith a’ cumadh an soirbheas fhèin agus an sàs ann an co-dhùnaidhean a tha a’ ar n-òigridh gu fuireach anns na h-eileanan; gu feum sinn obrachadh còmhla gu h-èifeach- toirt buaidh orra, agus a’ coimhead ri leudachadh an taic seo a’ leantainn tro cho-dhùn- dach gu sluagh gnìomhach a chumail; gum bu chòir àrainneachd shàbhailte a bhith ann airson adh Ath-sgrùdadh air Riaghlachas Ùghdarras Ionadail ann an 2019. Mar eisimpleir bha caitheamh-beatha fallainn a leantainn agus gu feum taic a chumail ri coimhearsnachdan a “Conaltraidhean Coimhearsnachd” gan cumail air feadh nan eilean ann an 2018 mar thaobh cùram ann a bhith a’ coimhead às dèidh seann daoine agus gu daoine a chumail neo-ei- phàirt de phròiseas a’ bhuidseit agus ath-dhealbhadh sheirbheis. simeileach cho fad sa ghabhas. `S iad prìomhachasan thar chùisean Ro-innleachd Chorporra na A dh’aindeoin suidheachadh teann eaconamach, tha a’ Chomhairle ann an co-bhonn ri Comhairle: Eaconamaidh agus Obraichean; Coimhearsnachdan is Taigheadas; Foghlam, Sgile- ar Com-pàirtean Dealbhadh Coimhearsnachd, ag amas air an inbhe as àirde a ghabhas an is Trèanadh; agus Inbhe Beatha, Slàinte agus Soirbheas. Thèid ath-sgrùdadh bhliadhnail a de sheirbheisean a thoirt seachad a’ cumail stiùir làidir agus a’ coiteachadh às leth na dhèanamh air an Ro-innleachd Chorporra le adhartas air aithris gu poblach. coimhearsnachdan ann an Innse Gall. Lean an obair air iomairt Ar n-Eileanan Ri teachd tro 2017/18 agus bha a’ Chomhairle toili- chte fàilte a chur air Achd Eileanan (Alba) san Iuchair 2018 mar thoradh air an obair a chaidh a dhèanamh leis a’ Chomhairle agus na h-ùghdarrasan compàirteachaidh ann an Sealtainn £119.4 million revenue budget agus Arcaibh. Tha seo a’ cur ann an reachdas feumalachd “dìon eileanan” air reachdas agus poileasaidhean, ro-innleachdan agus ullachadh sheirbheis san àm ri teachd; stèidheachadh Plana Nàiseanta Eileanan, dìon reachdail air crìoch Roinn Taghaidh Pàrlamaid na h-Alba airson 24.1 na h-Eileanan an Iar; barrachd sùbailteachd mu riochdachadh comhairliche agus cumhachdan 7.2 leudaichte gu Comhairlean Eileanan ann an dàimh ri ceadachd mara. Tha obair a leantainn air Education & Children’s Services So-mhaoin Oighreachd a’ Chrùin agus rianachd na h-obrach a ghluasad fo chùram coimhears- 3.8 nachdan oir-thìreach. Tha obair Ar n-Eileanan Ri teachd a-nis a’ cur fòcas air Cùmhnant Eile- Development Money Out anach, prògram mòr in-thasgaidh tro Riaghaltasan Alba is an Rìoghachd Aonaichte, coltach ri 5.2 Cùmhnant Bhailtean, agus ag amas air bun-atharrachaidh eaconamaiceach anns na h-Eileanan. Health & Social Care Tha obraichean Calpa
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