Arachnid Types in the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University. I

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Arachnid Types in the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University. I Arthropoda Selecta 25(3): 327–334 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2016 Arachnid types in the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University. I. Opiliones (Arachnida) Òèïû ïàóêîîáðàçíûõ â Çîîëîãè÷åñêîì ìóçåå ÌÃÓ. I. Opiliones (Arachnida) Kirill G. Mikhailov Ê.Ã. Ìèõàéëîâ Zoological Museum MGU, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Str. 2, Moscow 125009 Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Зоологический музей МГУ, ул. Большая Никитская, 2, Москва 125009 Россия. KEY WORDS: arachnids, harvestmen, museum collections, types, holotypes, paratypes. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: паукообразные, сенокосцы, музейные коллекции, типы, голотипы, паратипы. ABSTRACT: A list is provided of 19 holotypes pod types, as well as most of the crustacean types have and 92 paratypes belonging to 25 species of Opiliones. never enjoyed published catalogues. They represent 14 genera and 5 families (Ischyropsali- Traditionally, the following handwritten informa- dae, Nemastomatidae, Phalangiidae, Sabaconidae, tion sources are accepted in the Museum, at least so Trogulidae) and are kept in the Zoological Museum of since the 1930’s: (1) department acquisition book (Fig. the Moscow State University. Other repositories hous- 1), (2) numerous inventory books on diverse inverte- ing the remaining types of the respective species are brate groups (see Fig. 2 for Opiliones), and (3) type listed as well. cards (Fig. 3). Regrettably, only a small part of this information has been digitalized. РЕЗЮМЕ: Представлен список 19 голотипов и This paper starts a series of lists/catalogues of arach- 92 паратипов, относящихся к 25 видам сенокосцев nid types kept at the Museum. The arachnid collection (Opiliones). Они принадлежат к 14 родам и 5 семей- considered was founded in the 1860’s and presently ствам (Ischyropsalidae, Nemastomatidae, Phalangiidae, contains more than 200,000 specimens of arachnids Sabaconidae, Trogulidae) и хранятся в Зоологичес- alone, Acari excluded [Mikhailov, 2016]. ком музее МГУ. Также перечислены другие храни- Contrary to spiders which in Moscow constitute the лища, в которых размещены другие типы указан- largest collection among the Russian and ex-USSR ных видов. museums, the harvestman collection is moderate, being smaller than those of both the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg and the Introduction Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk. The Zoological Museum of the Moscow State Uni- Experts in opilionid taxonomy have never worked in versity was established in 1791 as a small Cabinet of Moscow. So, hardly surprisingly, the type collection Natural History. At present, 225 years later, the Muse- mostly represents donations of ex-USSR specialists um consists of seven research departments which har- like N.Yu. Snegovaya (Baku, Azerbaijan), A.N. Tche- bour ca 10,000,000 fixed animal specimens, including meris (Tomsk, Russia), speleozoologist S.I. Ljovusch- the types of ca 7,000 species. The Department of In- kin (Moscow, Russia), as well as specimens accessed vertebrates exists officially since 1931 as a place of from J. Martens (Mainz, Germany), the latter based on storage of various invertebrate collections, insects ex- the comprehensive material obtained from Russia and cluded. The oldest specimens, shells and possibly cor- other ex-USSR territories from zoologist S.I. Golo- als, are kept here since the beginning of the 19th centu- vatch (Moscow, Russia), partly during their joint expe- ry. Invertebrate type collections include holo-, para- ditions. In the Museum, the harvestman type collection and syntypes of more than 3,000 species, but published (Fig. 4) is kept separately from the main collection of lists or catalogues are currently available only for oli- this group (Fig. 5). gochaete worms [Perel’, Sokolskaya, 1972], mollusks The following indices are used for arachnids in the [Ivanov, Sysoev, 2000], phoronids [Pakhnevich et al., inventory books of the Zoological Museum, Moscow 2013] and a few groups of crustaceans [Borutzky, 1972; State University: Ta — spiders (Aranei, or Araneae), Vinogradov, Vinogradov, 2006]; some of these publi- Tb — scorpions (Scorpiones), Tc — solpugids (Solif- cations need revision. Numerous arachnid and myria- ugae), Td — mites and ticks (Acari), Tk — harvestmen 328 K.G. Mikhailov Fig. 1. An acquisition book of the ZMMU Invertebrate Department. Рис. 1. Книга поступлений отдела беспозвоночных Зоологического музея МГУ. (Opiliones), Tl — pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones), Museum or personal collection data are abbreviat- Tm — whip scorpions (Uropygi; currently no types). ed as follows: CJMM — work collection (= Arbeitssa- Altogether, types of 25 species representing 14 gen- mmlung) of Jochen Martens (Mainz, Germany); ISEA era and 5 families (Ischyropsalidae, Nemastomatidae, — Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Sibe- Phalangiidae, Sabaconidae, Trogulidae) are listed be- rian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosi- low, including 19 holotypes and 92 paratypes; 53 in- birsk, Russia); IZBA — Institute of Zoology, National ventory numbers have been allotted. All opilionid spe- Academy of Sciences (Baku, Azerbaijan); NHMW — cies names are valid and currently available. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (Vienna, Austria); RCNS — reference collection of Nataly Snegovaya (Baku, Azebaijan); SMF — Senckenberg Museum Methods (Frankfurt am Main, Germany); TNU — Department of Invertebrates, Taurida National University (Crimea, The following sequence of data is accepted in the Russia); TTU-Z — Invertebrate Zoology, Museum of type catalogue: species name in the original descrip- Texas Tech University (USA); ZIN — Zoological In- tion; reference to the first description; list of types with stitute, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, labels; list of other collections where the remaining Russia); ZMMU — Zoological Museum, Moscow State types of the respective species are kept; remarks; cur- University (Moscow, Russia). In the ZMMU, museum rent taxonomic status of the species. inventory numbers for Oplilones are indexed Tk put at Label abbreviations are put in angled brackets, <>, the beginning of the museum labels. Labels are given when necessary. Author’s comments to the labels are literally, mistakes are indicated in comments. given in square brackets, []. An English translation of The following translations of the administrative units the original Russian labels is provided in figure brack- are used herein: Area for “область, oblast”, District ets, {}. for “район, rayon”, Province for “край, kray”. Arachnid types in the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University. I. Opiliones (Arachnida) 329 Fig. 2. The ZMMU inventory book of Opiliones (index Tk). Рис. 2. Инвентарная книга сенокосцев (Opiliones, индекс Tk) Зоологического музея МГУ. List of the types Tk-61. Paratype: 1 $, Абхазия, пещ. Таркиладзе {Abk- hazia, Cave Tarkiladze}, 7.VIII.1939, leg. Я.А. Бирштейн alatum Martens, 2006, Vestiferum {Ya.A. Birstein}. Martens, 2006: 176–178, Abb. 18h–o, 20, 21c–d. REMARK. No other paratypes mentioned in the original Tk-35. Holotype #, 14. USSR, Georgia/Adzharia, Kin- description are in ZMMU, likely being lost. trish State Reservation, Zeraboseli, 450–600 m, 1–3 June CURRENT STATUS. Nemaspela birsteini Ljovusch- 1981, Golovatch & Martens l. kin, 1972 (Nemastomatidae). The species was described from two specimens; a paratype male is kept in NHMW. birsteini Ljovuschkin, 1971, Taracus CURRENT STATUS. Vestiferum alatum Martens, 2006 Ljovuschkin, 1971: 127–130, figs 1А–Д, 2А–Б, 3 (map). (Nemastomatidae). Tk-1. Holotype #, Приморский край, Партизанский район, пещера Белый Дворец {Maritime Province, Parti- arborphilus Snegovaya, 2010, Opilio zansk Distr., Cave Belyi Dvorets}, 15–20.IX.1966, собр. Snegovaya, 2010: 7-9, figs 74–82. С.И. Левушкин {leg. S.I. Ljovuschkin}. [+microprepara- Tk-49. Holotype #, Azerbaijan, Ismailly Distr., Chay- tion of copulatory apparatus, a slide] govshan, 23.07.2004, leg. N. Snegovaya. Tk-2. Paratypes: 9 $$, Приморский край, Партизанский Tk-50. Paratype: 1 $, Azerbaijan, Ismailly Distr., Chay- район, пещера Белый Дворец {Maritime Province, Parti- govshan, 23.07.2004, leg. N. Snegovaya. zansk Distr., Cave Belyi Dvorets}, 15–20.IX.1966, собр. Other types are kept in IZBA and RCNS. С.И. Левушкин {leg. S.I. Ljovuschkin}. CURRENT STATUS. Opilio arborphilus Snegovaya, Types are kept in ZMMU only. 2010 (Phalangiidae). CURRENT STATUS. Taracus birsteini Ljovuschkin, 1971 (Ischyropsalidae). birsteini Ljovuschkin, 1972, Nemaspela Ljovuschkin, 1972: 66–70, figs 2–3. Tk-60. Holotype #, Абхазия, пещ. Таркиладзе {Abk- caucasicus Snegovaya, 2010, Opilio hazia, Cave Tarkiladze}, 7.VIII.1939, leg. Я.А. Бирштейн Snegovaya, 2010: 9, figs 92–100. {Ya.A. Birstein} [+ micropreparation of copulatory appara- Tk-53. Holotype #, Russia, North Caucasus, 2003, leg. tus, a slide] P. Kiyashko. 330 K.G. Mikhailov Fig. 3. An example of a ZMMU type card, recto and verso. Рис. 3. Образец типовой карточки Зоологического музея МГУ, спереди и сзади. Arachnid types in the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University. I. Opiliones (Arachnida) 331 Fig. 4. The type collection of Opiliones in ZMMU. Рис. 4. Типовая коллекция сенокосцев (Opiliones) Зоологического музея МГУ. Fig. 5. The main collection of Opiliones in ZMMU. Рис. 5. Основная коллекция сенокосцев (Opiliones) Зоологического музея МГУ. Tk-54. Paratype: 1 $, Сев. Кавказ {North Caucasus}, <Ла- CURRENT STATUS. Rilaena crimeana Chemeris et гонаки {Lagonaki}>, <2003>, Кияшко П. {Kiyashko P.} Kovblyuk, 2006 (Phalangiidae). Other types
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