OpenCV2X: Modelling of the V2X Cellular Sidelink and Performance Evaluation for Aperiodic Traffic Brian McCarthy*, Andres Burbano-Abril†, Victor Rangel Licea† and Aisling O’Driscoll* *School of Computer Science and Information Technology, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland †School of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico *{b.mccarthy, a.odriscoll} †
[email protected], Abstract—This paper presents OpenCV2X, the first publicly need for prioritisation mechanisms for aperiodic application available, open-source simulation model of the Third Genera- traffic to be specified. tion Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 14 Cellular Vehicle to The original focus of the 3GPP Rel. 14 standard was on traf- Everything (C-V2X) sidelink, which forms the basis for 5G NR Mode 2 under later releases. This model is fully compliant with fic safety and efficiency applications with the assumption that the existing vehicular service and application layers, including CAMs would be shared periodically between vehicles. This messaging sets as defined by the automotive and standards assumption does not typically hold true as ETSI messaging communities providing a fully standardised, cross-layer com- generation rules [4] specify CAM transmission based on vehi- munication model. Using this model, we show how the current cle dynamics. Furthermore, the 3GPP have also specified en- sidelink scheduling mechanism performs poorly when scheduling applications with highly aperiodic communication characteristics, hanced V2X (eV2X) applications for connected and automated such as ETSI Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAMs). We vehicles including platooning, extended sensors, advanced and then provide the first indepth evaluation of dedicated per-packet remote driving that will need to support aperiodic application aperiodic scheduling mechanisms, in contrast to schemes that traffic patterns.