February 22, 2021 Via E-Mail Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Senior Director, Spectrum Planning and Engineering Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch 235 Queen Street, (6th Floor, East Tower) Ottawa ON K1A 0H5
[email protected] Re: Reply Comments to Consultation on the Technical and Policy Framework for Licence-Exempt Use in the 6 GHz Band, SMSE-014-20, Canada Gazette, Part I, November 2020 Dear Madam/Sir: The 5G Automotive Association (“5GAA”) hereby submits these reply comments in response to the Consultation on the Technical and Policy Framework for Licence-Exempt Use in the 6 GHz Band recently launched by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (“ISED”). In a recent unanimous decision, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) designated the 5895-5925 MHz band for Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (“C-V2X”), a state-of- the-art connected vehicle platform that is quickly gaining momentum throughout the automotive industry. As ISED considers opening the 5925-7125 MHz (“6 GHz”) band for possible licence- exempt operations, it should implement measures to protect adjacent band C-V2X operations, especially with respect to 6 GHz licence-exempt devices that could operate inside of a moving vehicle. I. The Federal Communications Commission Recently Designated the 5895-5925 MHz Band for Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything, a State-of-the-Art Connected Vehicle Platform that Improves Transportation Safety and Efficiency Built on decades of work to develop Intelligent Transportation System (“ITS”) services and more recent cellular technology advancements, C-V2X is a state-of-the-art connected vehicle platform that supports two modes of communications: direct (“C-V2X Direct”) and network communications.1 C-V2X Direct enables (1) vehicle-to-vehicle communications; (2) vehicle-to- roadside infrastructure communications (e.g., traffic signals, variable message signs), and (3) vehicle-to-pedestrian/bicyclist/vulnerable road user communications.