W / Libber Cites Money 'Root of Aii Freedom'
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M il WicMta Sw» Unhwsity Wntlnr Mevla Bavtow Caiiipna Wlehita aiaa—doady Bditoilalhfi and eod PUday. H I* M. io b O o m a r Low as.'WaalMiid oottook 0 S p o H a ..................................T la partly clottdy wHh waaadng tiaad ka*inlng Satofday. Vol. LXXVIII SunflowerNo. 18 >bcn Friday, Nov. 9, 197J ving- s, G. erine Par elissa Jean dents Eaargy crisis hits natioa full force nated id are VSU: By SUNFLOWER Wire Sendees agreed that measures must be blanket powers to suspend clean- Marie have been turned down to 68 reduction or elimination of ex taken to conserve energy. -air requirements and shorten t L. The energy crisis, intensified degrees; Docking announced that terior li^ts on public buildings -Interior Secreury C.B. Mor licensing procedures of nuclear lycrs, there may be lowering of therm and Christmas lighting. He also by Mideast oil cutbacks, has fi ton speaking in Lawrence yester power plants. >lores nally hit this nation full force. ostats in state buildings a few will recommend lowering build day said Americans arc likely to —A White House spokesman —President Nixon formally degrees. ing temperatures to the 65-68 face the problem of a fuel short said the {Resident had asked gov asked Congress yesterday to —The House will begin hear d e ^ e range, reducing speed lim age for the remainder of this ernors, mayors and county of blend his emergency energy pro ings on year-round Daylight Sav its for city vehicles to 50 and decade. ficials to consider shortening posals into pending legislation. ings Time next Tuesday and rescheduling janitor crews in city —The Kansas State Finance school hours during the winter He asked for standby authority other emei^ncy legislation the buildings to reduce lighting. mar* Council approved the hiring of a and extending the term into the next day. ve as to impose fuel oU and gasoline new state fuels coordinator. —>^chita North High School I and summer to cope with the energy -Wichita City Manager Ralph Latin rationing. announced it will reduce class -N ixon administration crisis. Wulz said he will recommend to See The President asked for legis room temperatures to 65 degrees 4*16. spokesmen yesterday sought -White House thermostats the City Commission Tuesday I rear lation that would include autho starting Monday. rization to cut government and 3R E industry business hours, reduce SGA resolution hian* highway speed limits to 50 miles smo* Kt. per hour, temporarily relax anti- presented at polution laws, adjust air and . W / other transporation schedules, «rctal Chicago conference allow nudear plants to operate r a A resolution from the WSU k 0 «r 18 months without public hear \ \ v Student Government Associ 03«* ings on license applications, per ation was presented to the Com » H i mit year-around D ty li^ t Savings M a f mittee on Economic Develop ia) to Time and authorize full pro ment (CED) at a conference in . K8 duction from government oil re Chicago last week, as evidence serves. of student opposition to a CED -Oilmen and energy experts report which recommended said yesterday that President doubling college tuition and Nixon’s immediate energy pro VN expanding financial aid directly posals did not go far enou^. to students. Rationing may be needed sooner Ed Grafton, president of the than expected to get the country 4. student body at Michigan State through the winter, they said. University presented the resolu -Kansas will impose a manda tion to the conference on behalf tory 50 miles per hour speed of the WSU Student Govern limit on all state-owned vehicles ment Association (SGA). Graf t* except those on emergency duty ton said he was impressed by Friday, GoV. Robert Docking WSU’s swift response to the said. CED report and he whole -Yet Docking told newsmen iir-3 heartedly supported it. yesterday he is hesitant to im- The resolution was approved I»sc a mandatory SO-mile speed on Oct. 10 and sent to one limit for the public because of Vk / university in each state. It con imposition on personal rights; he demned the CED recommenda PRE-ENROLLMENT 11MB. Mary Andra checks her class cards before going to the next check point. tio n s as “economically dis criminating against students of the middle-income bracket.’’ The measure was sponsored by Bill Wix (at-large rep.), Nancy Libber cites money 'root of aii freedom' Cox (at-large rep.), and Tim Ludwig (at-large rep.) By ROBBIE CURRY and above are heid by women, all freedom,” Bird said it has and dependent upon how women SGA President Mark Finu- Staff Writer Bird said. She called bookkeep been the avenue for slaves, serfs, compete rather than the fact that cane, who talked to Grafton by ing, stenography, secretarial, and now women to find a con they are competing. phone, said the resolutioh Wichita is a hard place to get elementary school teaching, wait tribution they can make besides "tended to buttress similar to these days with the TWA ress and domestic work the what someone tells them they reactions from other organi stewardesses on strike. But female job ghetto because 80 per can do. zations.’’ The sentiment of the Caroline Bird made it by going cent of those 33 million women The most successful women majority of participants in rile through Detroit, Indianapolis, hold positions in these areas. are ones who have enormous conference was against the CED and Dallas to speak to WSU “The only way to get paid drive, eneigy, and willingness to« proposals, Findcane reported. students about opportunities for what you arc worth is by going rind themselves in new sit Finucane reported that there women. where the men are,” she advised. uations, Bird said. To get paid Were four major objections to Author of “Bom Fenialc" and Her soon-to-bc-publishcd book what they’re worth, women must the efeb repott raired by the "Everything a Woman Needs to tells that 6 per cent became acquire the sense that they can conference: 1) the proposals Know to Earn What She’s successful by getting into fields do it and then stand up and ask wmild not necessarily increase Worth,” Bird spoke Wednesday where the wages arc high enough for the job, she added. the lower class attendance at as part of WSU’s Women’s to attract men. It means thinking In a question and answer colleges, but would definitely Awareness Week activities. about yourself in a different period after her speech. Bird lower the ability of the middle^ She had no gripes about the way, she said. acknowledged that women are a cla^, 2) the proposals woUld stewardess strike because she sees “If you’re good with num threat in the executive suite. She place a large financial burden on 't as a sign of the times “that bers, don’t become a book attributed this feeling to an graduating students, 3) the women can stick together and keeper, but an accountant. If awareness that in order to get S business efficiency model may *hat they arc concerned about you like working with people, where they are, the women in not be the best way to tun a their careers and status.” don’t be a social worker, but an executive positions had to be school, and 4) there exists little Although 33 million women insurance or real estate sales twice as good and work twice as faith in administrators’ ability hard. She sees such competition are in the work force, only 6 per man,” she said. CAROUNE BIRD to handle large financial trans rent of the jobs earning $15,000 Citing money as the “root of as a naturai part of our society actions. Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives Er - f n The Sanflower, PrMiy, Nov. 9,1973 I Nixon loses popolority bowl I times than others.” He felt Richard Nixon likes football, ‘Watergate’ first started, he said “SI Nixon should stay in office. ( ; but he hates to lose. In the he wanted to get at the heart of fill Another studrat said Nixon var “Popularity Bowl’’ at WSU, he it until it started to look like he should stay in office because lost 23-7. was at the bottom of it.” the prestige of the office was at Of students polled in the “ If he doesn’t resign, he should be impeached,” one stake. <1- ( ‘ CAC Alibi Wednesday, 11 stu dents said be should be im person said. “If you impeach him, you’ll pa peached, 12 said he should re- upset the political balme in chf ■gn, and seven said be should Another said Nixon should Washington worse than “Water am suy in office. be impeached and “if be is not gate” ever did,” one student foi Most students who favored guilty of any crime, he would said. “He was electedi people impeachment or resignation in still be president If be is guilty should support him whether he im dicated “Watergate” as the of something, they should re is right or wrong.” log principal reason. move him from office.” tin PBACB COBPB/VIBTA A student who favored im One student said, “Internal Ban sbOHlderid men qu peachment said, “ Nixon’s dis albufs have always been bad. is RICflUITim ON GMIVUS honest and inconsisttnt. When They’re just worse at some another minority sp< I Ntv. 11-14-15 air protoctod by SCUD thf SENIORS or GRADS with majors in Mgmcer- sol inSi education, business, health, or hbenl ^ s NEWARK, N.J. (APy-'The ew aM sciences are needed for Volunteer assign* Stat^"" Civil Rights Division has thi ments in the U.S.