Red Bank Is Now Zoned. Honoring Civil War Men a Missionartfeeting. Annual New Era Service Scrapping for Office Memorial Day Para

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Red Bank Is Now Zoned. Honoring Civil War Men a Missionartfeeting. Annual New Era Service Scrapping for Office Memorial Day Para BANK REGISTER iaad w»lu>, found u ».«ond-OU«> Ifatlm at th« Poit- VOLUME LI, NO. 50. fflu •! Bad Bank. N. J. undo th. lot ol March *. UU. BED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 16. THEY SWAFPED JOBS. MEMORIAL DAY PARADE, lONTKAC'TS FOR SCHOOL WORK FIRST COMMUNION CLASS. HOLY NAME BREAKFAST. RED BANK IS NOW ZONED. HONORING CIVIL WAR MEN James F. Lano and Henry Voorhees SCRAPPING FOR OFFICE Ono Contract Has Been Awarded and Found Now Positions Tbls Week. Tivo Others Will bo Soon. ORDINANCE . TO THIS EFFECT SK GRAND ARMY VETERANS THE FIGHT WAXES HOTTER IN BIG CELEBRATION AT BED ANNUAL CEREMOM- LAST MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY AT- The board of education of Mlddle- James F. Lane of McLaren street, BANK LAST THURSDAY. WEEK TVT THBOCGH MONDAY. GUESTS OF LIONS CLOD. who has been employed for the past MH1DLETOWN TOWNSHIP. :own township has awarded a con- AT ST. ANTHONY'S. TENDED COMMUNION. 21 years In tno meat market of Ack- xact to tho William F. Whittle com- BuUdlHE» Must Conform to the llules Tim Moetlnrr Was Held at the Molly Vigorous Campaigns Being Waged All Seven of the Civil War Veterans pany of Philadelphia ro place an or- Fifty Children of the Sunday-School Afterwiird u IlrciiUfnnt Man Held In er, Merrall & Condlt on Broad street, Who Llvo In This Section Wero In Received Communion nnd Ilnanl a Laid Sown by the Zoning Commla- FUclior Hotel Last Wednesday has given up his job there to take for Nonlmatlons on tho Republican namental fence around the grounds tho Auditorium of St. Jame»'» Bloa—Only One Protest—Other Night. With a Chamber of Com- Ticket—A Battle Roynl In the the Parade—Ono Old-Timer From f tho public school at Mlddletown Tulk by Rev, John Sullivan of New School—Tnllm hy Twn New lork • the management of Clayton's meat Freehold Walked All the Way, Monmouth. 1 Publlo Dullness Transacted. merce Representative as Speaker. market on White street. He began Leonardo Election District. tillage, The work will probably be •Fudge ) and u Drn matte Crltle. Herl Bank Is now zoned. The ordi- Sovonty-flvo members of the Red his new duties Monday morning, Mr. The fight In Mlddletown township Tho Decoration Day parade at Red tartcd thifl week. The cost will be Fifty members of the fiundny- The Holy Name society of 8t. nance regulating the kind of build- Bank Llont) club and friends met last Lano waa employed at thn Broad between Carl Grossinger and Daniel Bank was. larger than has taken $550. school class of St. Anthony's church iimes'H rhuiPli hpld itn quarterly ings that can bo constructed in vari- Wednesday night at tho now Molly street store when It was conducted H. Collinson for tho Republican nom- placo hero In recent years. Thlrty- Next Monday night the board will received first communion last Tliurfj- Communion breakfast Sunday morn- ous parts of the town passed Its final Pitcher hotol. Benjamin Eldrldge, by Doremus Bros. ination for township commlttecman vc years ago, when many civil war award a contract for coal to be used day morning on the ninth anniver- Ing In tlv schnol auditorium. Th> leading Monday night. % JoBcph Grover, R. Leonard Davis, C. Henry Voorhees of River Plaza, la waxing hotter. Both candidates cterans were alive, Red Bank had In the schools of tho township. It sary of the dedication of the church. brcakfuM. was held after the eight Thora was only ono objection. This Plttman Worthley, Morris Rogers who has been In the employ of Clay- are expected to bo present and to jigger parades. Last Thursday's requires about &00 tona of coal to First communion ia given at the >'clock niu-u, at which the member* ton's Market for ^ho past eighteen make short addresses at a Republi- iebratlon was a nearer approach heat the schools for a year. church annually on this day. A sol- if Ihe 'lOci'My :PCPIVP(1 Communion. was presonted in the form of a peti- and William Storms of Ihe Roa Bank 1 tion signed by residents of the north- post of tho Grand Army of tho Re- years, gave up his job Saturday night can mass meeting which will be held o those old-time events than any- On Thursday night, June 20lh, the emn high mass was celebrated by Two hundird ppr.sonb attended Ihn ern end of Shrewsbury avenue and by publla were guests of honor. Patrick and he took the position at Acker, at the Middletown township high .hlnp; that has been held here In late board will award a contract for a he rector, Rev. Nicholas Soriano. breakfast In addition to tho mem- Merrall & Condit's vacated by Mr. fears. new heating system at the Belford Rev, John Sullivan, pastor of St. bers of thp nnclpty thcrp worp a num- residents of a portion of Rector Carton, Sr., of Everett, Is tho only school at Leonardo Friday night. Ed- 1 place. These two streets adjoin each Ivlng member of tho post who was Lane. Mr. Voo'rhe'es has been man- ward H. Morford of Fair View Is al- There were several unusual fea- schoolhousc. The old heating system Mary's church of New Monmouth, ber of Invitpd gupntn. A flnp. break other. ' Objection was made because not present. ager of Clayton's Market since tho so a candidate for township commit- tures. For one thing Irving Hay of s being torn out by Charles Brown spoltc to the children. The girls fnnt wns sprvprl by mpmhers of thn pa/t of Rector place in the vicinity death of Russell Clayton. teeman, but, as no fight is being made Red Bank and Leroy Chllton of Key- if Belford. woro white dresses, veils and wro.ath3 mrcnt-tPfiP.hoi- association, who r«- G. Harold'NevUiB presided and Eu- ort flow over the paraders and and the boya wore dark suita, spe- iclvcd a ri'ung vote of thanks from of the teed and coal storehouse of Bcnt Mageo led in singing patriotic against him, his nomination is gen- Hanca & Davis was designated as an erally conceded. Two committecmen dropped flowers. Nothing like that cial collars and white Hilk neckties. the Katliciing. Tho auditorium WJIS songs. Harold LaRos played a num- ever happened hero before. The avl- They also woro white silk ribbons on decorated with colored crepo paper Industrial zone. Tho Blgners of the ber of special piano solos. Souvenirs are to bo nominated. 1 itors also dropped flowers when the PREPARING FOR BIG FAR their arms and white carnations on utrcamera. On the wall were four petition wanted th,ls territory to be of popples and small Bilk American ANNUAL NEW ERA SERVICE Mr. Grossinger is making his cam- madn residential. :ivll war veterans held their exer- their coat lapels. About 400 persons h.'morous pictures of tho prlndpll flags woro glvon out. "What of the paign chiefly on his record as a com- attended the ceremony. mltteeman for two terms. He says :iscs at Fair View cemetery. ELKS TO DISPOSE OF A NASH speakers and Rev. John B. MeClos- Harry Q. Black and Mrs. Alexander Future?" was the toplo of tho prin- THE SOCIETY MEMBERS PAY key. They were painted by Jack cipal address, which was mado by that if he is re-elected ho will give The fife, drum and bugle corps of The children in the. fli-st. commun- Jtusscll amplified the statements TRIBUTE TO DEAD. COACH THIS YEAB. Mason of Tied Bank. made in the potltlon. Mrs. Russell Harry R. McKcon, n chnmher of the township tho same kind of serv- the association of veterans of all on class are Mamio Costa, Mary stressed the fact that tho properties cummercu representative. ice that ho haa in the past. Mr. Col- wars turned out forty strong. The Ollva, Tesale Ambroslo, Millie Ciac- David Sheridan, president of the Thursday Night a Testimonial Din- corps never made a better showing Fair Will be Held >n the Homo lia, Loui.sfi Bianco, Louise Caprioni, in question front on the river. She MemberB of tho nowly formed linson, in his campaign, stresses the .Grounds on East Front Street society, made the address of wel- ner Was Given for August us Kleln- need of more police protection and ithcr In point of numbers or In the Victoria Binaco, Mary Figaro, Edith come. Prosecutor John J. Qulnn was said'the beauty of this river front Rutnson Lions club attended the Hcbmldt, Secretary of the Organi- From July Bth to J3th—Soveri Mer- Innd should be protected against the water service for the Bayshoro sec- rendition of music. Geroni, Antoinette Maletto, Angelina toastmaater. The principal speakers meeting and other gi:csts were zation Twenty Years. Arrowsmlth post of the Grand chandise- Booths to bo Operated. effects that industrialism would ~Ieorgo H. Murdoch, Victor Grossln- tion. He defines himself as a pro- Marascio, Gladys Chlarolloto, Jennie woro William F. Hagorty, justice of bring. Fifty members of tho New Era so- gresslvo nnd ho Bays that If elected Army has seven members and all The fair committee of the Red Bizzarro, Dora Baslle, Margaret Moz- the appellate division of the supreme er, Harry C. Gardner, Charles No- seven of them were In the parade. za, Minnie Coloslmo, Jennie Figaro, court of Brooklyn; Edward F. J. Daniel Tuller, a member of the Inn nnd F. G. Jaudy of Rod Bank; ciety and their wives and friends ho will tut forward-looking policies Bank lodge of Elks has purchased took part last Thursday afternoon Into effect.
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