The 19Th Century Olive Oil Industry in Ayvalik and Its Impact on the Settlement Pattern
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THE 19TH CENTURY OLIVE OIL INDUSTRY IN AYVALIK AND ITS IMPACT ON THE SETTLEMENT PATTERN A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ESRA TERZ İ IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SETTLEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY DECEMBER 2007 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer AYATA Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Numan TUNA Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu ERC İYAS Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assist. Prof. Dr. Geoffrey SUMMERS (METU, SA) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu ERC İYAS (METU, SA) Dr. Çi ğdem ATAKUMAN (TÜB İTAK) ii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Esra TERZ İ Signature : iii ABSTRACT THE 19TH CENTURY OLIVE OIL INDUSTRY IN AYVALIK AND ITS IMPACT ON THE SETTLEMENT PATTERN Terzi, Esra M.S., Department of Settlement Archaeology Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu Erciyas December 2007, 190 pages Ayvalık which is located on the Aegean coast of the West Anatolia made its main breakthrough in the 19th century and owe this development to olive oil production which was the main economic input of the settlement since the establishment of Ayvalık. Ayvalık was within the hinterland of İzmir which was gained importance as a regional trade centre in the 19 th century. Thus, Ayvalık found the way to improve its trade relations in an international level and eventually increase its olive oil production volume due to the growing demands. The new form of olive oil production; factories, developed together with the traditional house and workshop productions in the last quarter of the 19 th century in Ayvalık. These three forms of production made up the second significant usage within the Ayvalık after the residential areas. The two or more floored, large volumed buildings were especially located on the shore, near to the port and trade facilities, on a flat terrain and became the most dominant and attractive buildings of the settlement. iv Besides the impressive industrial buildings, olive oil production itself effected the settlement pattern of Ayvalık. The main transportation axes were formed accordingly to the relationship between raw material areas and production places. The olive oil production also has an effect on the physical development direction of the settlement. The areas influenced from the negative effects of the production i.e., smell and dust were not chosen for development. The development of industrial buildings also blocked the physical relationship between the residential areas and sea. The industrial buildings such as factories, workshops and warehouses along the coast line reflect the industrial character of Ayvalık in the settlement’s silhouette. Keywords: The Ottoman Industry, Ayvalık Settlement Pattern, Olive Oil Production in the 19 th century. v ÖZ 19. YÜZYILDA AYVALIK’TA ZEYT İNYA ĞI SANAY İ VE YERLE Şİ M DOKUSUNA ETK İSİ Terzi, Esra Yüksek Lisans, Yerle şim Arkeolojisi Bölümü Tez Yürütücüsü: Doç. Dr. Burcu Erciyas Aralık 2007, 190 sayfa Ayvalık, Batı Anadolu’nun Ege kıyısında bulunan ve asıl geli şimini 19. yüzyılda gerçekle ştirmi ş bir yerle şimdir. Bu geli şimi, yerle şimin kuruldu ğundan bu yana en etkin ekonomik girdiyi sa ğlayan zeytinya ğı üretimine borçludur. İngiliz Sanayi Devrimi’nden sonra artan ve tüm Dünya’ya yayılan yo ğun ticaret, o dönemde yükselen İzmir’in etki alanında bulunan Ayvalık’ı da etkilemi şti. Uluslararası ticarette kendini geli ştiren Ayvalık, üretim hacmini de buna ba ğlı arttırmı ştı. Geleneksel atölye üretimi ve ev üretimine ek olarak, 19. yüzyılın son çeyre ğinde zeytinya ğı, fabrikalarda da üretilemeye ba şlandı. Bu üçlü üretim yapısına sahip olan zeytinya ğı sanayi kentin de konuttan sonra en yo ğun kullanımı haline gelmi şti. Özellikle kıyı boyunca, limana ve ticari kullanımlara yakın, düz topografyaya sahip alanlara yerle şen iki ve daha çok katlı, büyük hacimli sanayi yapıları, yerle şiminin en baskın ve dikkat çeken binalarıydı. Binaların etkileyici fiziksel yapısına ek olarak, yerle şim dokusu da zeytinya ğı üretiminden büyük oranda etkilenmi şti. Yerle şimin ana ula şım aksları, üretim mekânları ile vi hammadde bölgeleri (zeytinlikler) arasındaki ba ğlantıları temel alarak olu şmu ştur. Zeytinya ğı üretiminin kentin geli şme yönünde de etkisi olmu ştur. 19. yüzyıl boyuca geli şim, etkin rüzgâr yönü do ğrultusunda üretimin koku, duman gibi olumsuz etkileri altında kalan bölgelerin tersi yönde gerçekle şmi ştir. Konut dokusunun denizle olan fiziksel ba ğlantısı da sanayi alanlarının geli şiminden sonra tamamen kopmu ştur. Ayvalık kıyısı boyunca yayılan, fabrika, atölye ve depo binaları yerle şimin sanayi karakterini yerle şim siluetine de yansıtmı ştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Osmanlı Sanayii, Ayvalık Yerle şim Dokusu, 19.yüzyılda Zeytinya ğı Sanayi vii To my uncle, Osman Terzi who never stopped improving himself viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my advisor Burcu Erciyas for her guidance, advice, criticism and encouragements throughout the research. Thanks to my professor Geoffrey Summers, who inspire me from the beginning of my graduate study, for his contributions to the thesis, and also to Çi ğdem Atakuman for her valuable criticisms and encouragement. I am grateful to Ali Cengizkan for his precious criticisms and advices. I am also grateful to my friends; Elif Koparal, Mina Şentek and Ahmet Çinici for their help in the field works and all other supports. And I would also thank to my dear parents for their endless support and patience and also my aunt Feride Güven, who supported me throughout my graduate study. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM .......................................................................................................III ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................... IV ÖZ ......................................................................................................................... VI DEDICATION .....................................................................................................IIX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................... IX TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................X LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................XIII LIST OF PLATES ............................................................................................. XIV CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1 1.1. THEORETICAL BASİS ..................................................................................... 1 1.2. THE CONCEPT OF “I NDUSTRIAL HERITAGE ” İN TURKEY ............................... 3 1.3. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA .............................................................. 4 1.4. AIM .............................................................................................................. 7 1.5. METHOD ....................................................................................................... 7 2. THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND WESTERN ANATOLIA DURING THE 19TH CENTURY ................................................................................................... 9 2.1. THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ..................................................................... 9 2.2. ENTRANCE OF GREAT BRITAIN ’S ECONOMY TO THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE ..... 11 2.3. DISINTEGRATION OF THE OTTOMAN ECONOMY .......................................... 12 2.4. INDUSTRIALIZATION EFFORTS OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE ........................... 13 2.5. İZM İR AND WESTERN ANATOLIA ................................................................ 15 x 2.5.1. The First Improvement Period ............................................................ 16 2.5.2. The Second Improvement Period........................................................ 18 2.5.3. Industry ............................................................................................... 19 3. AYVALIK IN THE 19TH CENTURY ............................................................ 22 3.1. THE ESTABLISHMENT .................................................................................. 22 3.2. THE 1821 REVOLT ....................................................................................... 25 3.3. THE REVIVAL .............................................................................................. 27 3.4. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 28 4. INDUSTRIAL CHANGE AT AYVALIK IN THE 19 TH CENTURY ............. 30 4.1. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS ......................... 32 4.2. DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE OLIVE OIL INDUSTRY IN AYVALIK 37 4.3 STRUCTURE OF OLIVE OIL PRODUCTION ...................................................... 38 4.4. SOCIAL ISSUES ...........................................................................................