MAGIC by rick lenski


©rick lenski 2021

This is set of number six of gospel lessons. All are available for free on the FCM website if you are a member. God has freely inspired me to write and teach for the last 45 years. He fills my head with ideas to share with others using the craft and talent of illusions to demonstrate His word. For over 40 my wife, my helpmate, my best friend have taught and served in Sunday school and God willing we are not done. I pray these ideas are useful and a teaching tool for others. Thank you all who have been my friends over the years encouraging me. Praise God, He is good. Rick Lenski

Subject Page Number Absalom’s Death 46 Abortion 27 Adoption 32 History 43 Easter 4,24 First Responders 38 Getting into Heaven 16 Many are Called but Few are Chosen 2 Matthew, Mark, Luke & John 8 Noah & the Ark 3 Prayer 1,13 Pier Pressure, choosing friends 19 Race Relations 29,53 Revelation, book of 11 Sin 40 Special Needs Children 36 Sponge Balls 55 Stress 22 Surrender to Jesus 50 Under the law vs under Grace 14 Veterans Need Help 33 4th of July 46

Verse Page Number

1 Corinthians 15:23 19 1 Corinthians 16:13 33 1 Samuel 16:17 53 2 Samuel 4:21 36 2 Samuel 9 46 Ephesians 2:8-9 14 Ephesians 4:32 46 Genesis 1:1 43 Genesis 1:12 29 Genesis 1:26 46 Genesis 2:7 53 Genesis 3:20 29 Genesis 6 3 Isaiah 5:20 40 Isaiah 44:24 27 Jeremiah 1:5 27 Jeremiah 17:78 22 Jeremiah 29:12 1 John 1:17 14 John 3:16 29, 38 John 15:13 33 John15:13 38 Joshua 1:9 33 Mark 12:31 38 Mark 16:21-25 50 Matthew, Mark, Luke & John 8 Matthew 6:15 46 Matthew 11:28 22 Matthew 18:20 13 Matthew 22:14 2 Matthew 25:40 36 Matthew 28:6 4 Psalm 34:8 22 Psalm 19:13 27 Psalm 127:3 27 Psalm 139:13 32 Psalm 139:13-16 36 Revelation (Book of Revelations) 11 Romans 5:23 40 Romans 6:23 40 Romans 10:13 16 Romans 100:9 16 Tricks Used Page Number

Blooming Bouquet (Triple Bloom) 33 Breather Card/How to make 8 Cane to Silk Banner 14 Chinese Laundry Ticket (Make) 16 Coins Across 11 Invisible Deck 2 Make Cards 4 Make 27,32,40,43 Make crayon boxes and silk 53 Make silk design 22 ’s Coins Across 13 Miracle Puzzle 36 Multiple silks, including streamer, elephant, 46 zebras US flag, red and blue silks and a production device Lifesaver tube 3 Mylar spring wand and white silk 50 Ring from ribbon or chain 19,46 Silly Billy’s Yes No Maybe So 1 Sponge balls by Bizzaro 55 Thumb Cuffs 38 Vanishing Candy 3 Variety of Silks 16, 24

Lesson Title Page Prayer 1 Many are Called 2 Noah and the Ark 3 Easter/ He is Risen 4 Matthew, Mark, Luke & John 8 Revelation/Witnessing 11 Prayer 13 / 14 What is the Entrance Fee to Heaven 16 Sin-fluence 19 Stressed Out 22 Easter Story 24 This Is NOT Trash 27 There is No Difference so Why Fight? 29 Ugly Words/Good Words 32 A Veteran’s Battle Never Ends 33 Whatever You Do to the Least of These 36 Super Heroes are Wimps 38 7734 40 HIS-STORY 43 Absalom’s Death 46 4th of July 46 All to Jesus I Surrender 50 Made From the Same Dirt 53 Fun Routine 55

Prayer Verse: Jeremiah 29:12 “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” Goal: God really listens and answers prayer. What’s Needed: Silly Bill’s Yes No Maybe So trick Note: This is a very funny trick. You can use some of his material. Tweak it, and make it yours. However you can use it to teach prayer with the lesson below. Pass the sign back and forth behind your back to make the changes in the words. Go online and see Silly Billy perform it. Lesson Does God answer prayer? (Show no sign) Will you help me read this? What does it say? No! Seriously help me read this. What does it say? No! (Play with these reactions from the children.) Well, you are right it does say no. Sometimes God answers prayers with a no. (Show the word on) But I want to assure you that God is always on duty. He is not a fairy tale 1. and lives in the Land of Oz. (Hold sign sideways to say OZ) He is real and is in heaven and he knows what is best for you. Many times He says yes to our prayers. He never ignores our request and is always listening for us to pray. So pray, expect an answer.

Many are called Verse: Matthew 22:14 “For many are called but few are chosen.” Goal: God calls everyone but not everyone listens and turns to Him. What’s Needed: Invisible Deck. *Note: The basic routine of an invisible deck is pretend to thrown an invisible deck to someone. They pretend to open the deck, look through the cards, silently pick one they toss the deck back. You then produce a deck, ask their card and show them the only card face down is their card. Lesson (Perform the whole routine, then get into the discussion.) The invisible deck represents God in heaven. The deck like God is invisible. God calls to all of us to make a choice, just 2 like you chose a card. We, in life can choose to follow God or not. How many cards in the deck? 52! So out of all these cards you picked (whatever their card was). God calls all of us, of course there are more than 52 people in the world, but not everyone answers the call to believe and trust in Him. I produced a physical card of your choice. In your physical body you can choose to trust God and your actions become real. Be one of few that choose to be with God in heaven.

Noah and the Ark Verses: Genesis Chapter 6 Goal: This is to add to the story of Noah. What’s Needed : Small trick called Lifesaver tube or Vanishing Candy. Note: While telling the story of Noah and the ark you will use this when describing the rain flooding the earth. Lesson The waters of the earth, fed by the rain got higher and higher. The people who were not in the ark scampered to 3 higher ground in hopes the water would stop rising, but it did not. They watched the boat and hoped someone would throw them a “Lifesaver”. (Show the lifesaver.) Of course they were not waiting for candy, they wanted something that floated but it did not come and they perished. Noah and his family were whose lives were saved were in the ark, safe and sound because they believed in God’s message. (Put the lifesaver roll into the brass tube.) They floated a long time (You can hold the tube sideways and move it up and down to simulate a boat floating on the water. Maybe even pretend to get sea sick from the motion.) and when the waters receded, the ark came to rest on dry land. (Open the tube to simulate the ark being opened.) Noah and his family came out and God said to him, you won’t need a lifesaver for something like this ever again. I will never flood the whole earth again and to seal my promise I will give you a sign’ (Pull the rainbow streamer out of the tube.) My sign will be a rainbow in the sky. When you see it, remember the flood and how I saved you and the animals. He is Risen/Easter Verse: Matthew 28:6 He is not here: for He has risen. Goal: What is important at Easter? 4 What’s Needed: You need to make eight cards. In order left to right: #1 Front side, Flowers , back side cross. #2 front side E back side Easter eggs,. #3 front side A back side Easter new clothes. #4 front side S back side Jesus pic. #5 front side T back side candy. #6 front side E back side egg hunt. #7 front side R back side rabbit. #8 front side Flowers, back side empty tomb. You can use words or pictures for the back of the cards. It would be good to laminate the cards if you are going to use them frequently. You will be using a magicians force to force the “S” card. This will be explained at the end of the lesson. Lesson Boys and girls we are about to celebrate the day we call Easter. While we want to have fun on this day, there is a very important reason as to why we are here. I need eight volunteers. (Gather eight children and have them stand in a line facing the audience.) I am doing to hand out a card to each one of you. Now when you get them hold them tightly to you and don’t let anyone see the backside not even you. (Hand out the cards.) Now we need someone to choose the most important reason for the day. (Pick a volunteer and force the “S” card on them.) Pick a number between 1 and 8. (Now use a clip or clothes pin to ID the “S” card and go on 5 from there. The cards are lined with the children are as follows flower,E,A,S,T,E,R, flower. (You can go in any order you want explaining the letters but the last letter you will comment on will be the “S” card. After you comment on the card, take the card and send the child back to their seat.) Pick children one at a time. Tell them to pick any letter up there but the letter “S”. There are things we do that are fun at Easter but there is a real reason for the day. E-Look at that an Easter egg. We all like to color eggs and make a mess but it is fun isn’t it. A-A would stand for attire. Attire as is the clothes we wear. Growing up this was the time of year our parents would take us out and buy new clothes so we would look good on Easter Sunday. Our new pants would replace our old pants and our old pants would become our play clothes. The same with our shoes. The girls would get pretty dresses and all looked perfect for Easter morning. T-T stands for the tasty candy we would get Easter morning and for the candy you will get today at our Easter egg hunt. We all love candy, don’t we. E-Another E, we will let this stand for the egg hunt we are 6 going on this morning. I hope you get all you want. R-R stands for the rabbit and bunnies that many call the Easter bunny. Although all that is fun and good and now we get to this last card. This card represents the real reason for the day. (At this point you will have three children left, pull them together in front of you and start with the left card.) The flowers you see on the card represent spring and new life. (Turn over the cross card) (S card)We remember at this time when God came down from heaven as Jesus and died on a cross for us. But on Easter we celebrate that He rose from the dead and gave us victory and a pathway to heaven. (Turn over picture card of Jesus.) We invite you children and parents to come back on Sunday to learn more about this Jesus and what He has done for you. How to force the card you want: It’s important that you stand on the right or R side of the cards. If they pick one, two or six, spell one starting on the E card. If they pick three, just count 1,2,3 starting from the E card. If they pick four, count from the R 1,2,3,4. If they pick five count 1,2,3,4,5 from the right side starting on the flower. If they pick seven or eight, spell out you will always end up on the “S” card. Using this method, you will always end up on the card in the “S” position. 7 Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Goal: This is a routine using a method described by the late Gene Gordon. It is designed to get into a position where you can witness to someone, without not being too obvious at the beginning of the routine. What’s Needed: Deck of cards and a quarter. Use a broken- in deck as it won’t be so slippery. You need to create a breather crimp card. The method for this is described at the end of this lesson. Your set up to start will be King of hearts (breather card), 4 aces. This packet is set at the top of the deck. Routine (Shuffle but keep your 5 card packet on top. Show the cards as a normal deck, hide the top 5.) (Say to your volunteer) We’re going to play a game. You will represent all these people here in the game. We will simply cut the cards. Highest card wins. (You can have some token or a dollar is you would like for a prize.) Beat me one time out of four and you win the prize. *NOTE: Each time they cut the deck for their card pick, you place that pack on top of your deck with the breather card and 4 aces under it. Practice this, you will be able to cut to 8 that spot easily each time and take the top card off which will be an ace. The second, third and fourth times the breather card will be on the bottom, you simply pick the pack the left and put it on top of the cards they picked. You end up with the breather card on top of the aces each time. Practice this sequence. The only rule is we each have to cut to somewhere in the middle of the deck so I can’t have set the end cards up. You cut first. (Whatever card they pick you say, and use any names you want for their cards. For your cards you will use Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in that order.) You picked Sally! I know it’s weird, I name my cards. I have names for all of them, they are my friends. (Smile) My turn. (Cut to the first ace.) I got Matthew, that’s what I call this ace. I win. Now it’s your turn. (whatever card they pick.) You picked Bobby. He was a friend of mine growing up. He was always getting into trouble. Your turn to cut; let’s see if you can beat me this time. A jack, his name is Jack. (You can make up stories about the names to make it more personal.) My turn, oh look another ace. I win again with Mark. (Continue this, your next ace is Luke and the last ace is John. 9 You can now talk about all the names you mentioned. If you talk about the other names of people who were lost, you bring up Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and how they tell of someone who is there for you in trouble and bad times. Turn over the breather card, (king of hearts) These guys teach about someone who makes us all winners even if we didn’t win this game. That person is the king of my heart Jesus. You can carry on from here with you message for salvation.

Creating a Breather Crimp Card Needed: Deck of cards and a quarter. 1. Choose one card as the card you will use to create a breather. I suggest the king of hearts. This card will help you to easily find your cards. 2. Place the quarter under the card. 3. Hold the card on the quarter and trace around it with you finger firmly. Do not crimp the card; you are just going to give it a small lift in the middle. This will cause a slight raise in the middle. 10

4. Set up the deck in this order. Breather card on top, 4 aces under it and place this pack on top of the deck. You may have to do this again if the indent goes away.

Revelation/Witnessing Verse: Revelation Goal: Describe the end events and the only hope is Jesus. What’s Needed: Knowledge of how to perform coins across. Lesson Read the news, watch the news and all you seem to hear about is bad news. Wars, rumors of wars, pandemics, earthquakes, volcanoes and the list go on and on. Will it never stop and or will it continue to go on like this? Let me tell you what God has to say about this. (Show four coins) At the end of time God tells us about for horses. They are called the four horses of the Apocalypse. 11 (First Coin) This is the white horse. He is a false imitation of Jesus. People will worship the false one and turn from the real Jesus. (Second Coin) He will shortly be followed by the red horse. ((Show two in the hand.) He will take all peace from the earth and we will be involved with warfare and death. It will be a scary time. (Third Coin) The third horse will join the first two. He is the Black Horse. He will carry scales. We will cry out for a loaf of bread and work a full day to maybe earn one. This will be scorched earth of war, famine and little food. Starvation will drive people further into fear and desperation. (Fourth Coin) Now the forth horse, the pale horse joins them. He will increase diseases, warfare and famine. Is all lost? No. (Flip all four coins to the other hand visually and count them out one by one saying.) The answer to this can be found in four chapters of the bible. Mathew (Drop a coin as you mention each book.) Mark, Luke and John. Jesus gives a plan for peace, a plan for your life and your life after. (Go into your salvation message)

12 Prayer Verse: Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather together in My name, I am in the middle of them.” Goal: There is power in prayer. What’s Needed: Coins needed and the ability to perform Mark Wilson’s coins across. Lesson (You will end up with 3 coins in a row on the left and 3 in a row on the right in front of you. Don’t put the coins down at first.) God is amazing. He created the universe and everything in it by speaking it into existence. (Hold up one coin) But this God has the ability and time to listen to each and every one of us as we pray. (Put one coin down) We pray, we talk to God and immediately He turns to use and gives us His full attention. (Turn and stare at the people like you are intensely listening to them.) (Put down the rest of the coins.) He has promised in Matthew 18:20 where two or three gather in My name I am in the middle of them. Just three people and God is right there with us. 13

We started with one person praying. (Pick up the coins and now have two in one hand and four in the other.) Now we have a second person and God is there in the middle of them. (Pick up the coins and you should now have three in each hand.)Three people praying and He is still there with them. Imagine how much attention He would pay to them if we added a fourth, fifth, six or more. (When you say fourth, end up with four in one hand and two in the other and continue on until you have all six in one hand.) God is there no matter how many people we add. If we go back to the tower of Babel, the people were working together with one language and God said there in nothing man can’t do when they work together. It was then He confused their language and took away that possibility. Just imagine the possibility of how much we can do through the power of prayer is we all join together.

Old Testament Law/New Testament Grace

Verse: John 1:17 Says, “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 14 Goal: No one can keep the law. What’s Needed: Jesus Loves You Banner /Disappearing Cane to Scarf. This product is available from Mission Magic in England.

Set Up: Load silk into cane. Lesson Before Jesus came for us, the Rabbi’s had made up ridged laws. Hard laws just like this cane. It cannot be bent and neither could their laws. They had made up laws like you cannot have a glass of milk while you ate meat. You could eat an animal with a split hoof but only if it chewed its cud. So you can eat a cow but not a pig or horse because they didn’t chew their cud. You could only eat insects if they had hinged legs and hopped so you could eat locusts, crickets or grasshoppers but not ants or butterflies. By New Testament times, the religious leaders had hijacked the Law and added to it their own rules and traditions. It was a strange mixture of laws that no one could keep and every time you broke one you were guilty. 15 But God had a plan, a plan to replace a system no man could replace. He sent Jesus (Collapse the can and show the Jesus loves you silk.) (Matthew 5:17) The Law was not evil. John 1:17 says, “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” His grace was demonstrated through the Law by providing the sacrificial system to cover sin. Jesus was born “under the law” (Galatians 4:4) and became the final sacrifice to bring the Law to fulfillment and establish the (Luke 20:22) Now, everyone who comes to God through Christ is forgiven and saved. What’s the Entrance Fee to Heaven? Verse: Romans 100:9-10 “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in you heart that God raised him for the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Romans 10:13 “For, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Goal: Can anyone afford to get into heaven. What’s Needed: Chinese Laundry Ticket. This 16 trick has Chinese symbols on it. You tear it up and then restore it. You may see this as a gospel trick that says the Bible cannot be destroyed or other variations. But this time you have to make your own. You need to make it big enough for your audience to see. You need two pieces of paper about 3”X18” or whatever you are comfortable with. On one paper print $1,000,000.000,000, which will represent one quadrillion dollars. On the second paper print PAID IN FULL. Fold the second paper up and tack it to the back and hide it behind the first page’s number 1. Roll up the first page so when you pick it up, you can show the number 1. Then as you talk about more money, slowly pull it out from your hand to represent the number you are talking about. As you tear the paper up, hold the pieces up until you get to number one and put them on top of that. Fold the paper, hide the pieces and produce Paid in full at the appropriate time. Lesson (Roll up the strip and only show the $1, the rest should be in your hand. As you pull the paper out and show the number $1.) Do you think one dollar would get you into heaven? (Add a zero by pulling the paper slowly out of your hand.) How about $10 or $100? Would that get you into heaven? $1000 dollars? Let’s go up to $1million dollars, now surely that should get you into heaven. No, this would not pay the 17 bill for our sins. Next we would have a billion dollars and not many of us could afford that. Now for a trillion dollars; now that is a lot of money. Let’s go to a trillion dollars, surely God would let us in for one quadrillion dollars. The answer to that is no. One quadrillion won’t get you in. (tear off last three zeros and keep tearing off zeros in sets of three until you get down to the $1 section and place the torn pieces on top of the $1 after you get there.) One trillion, one billion, one million all the way down to $1 won’t get you into heaven. Why would it? If gold if used for paving material there, what good is paper money? Just imagine standing in front of the gates of heaven and they hand you a bill which show how much you must pay to get in. (Unfold the paper and showed paid in full.) When you opened it would you be shocked to see it read “Paid in Full.” How did it get paid in full? Romans 100:9-10 says, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in you heart that God raised him for the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Saved to what; saved to an unending and wonderful life with Jesus in heaven. It is your confession and faith that will pay the bill. This offer is opened to everyone because Romans 10:13 states, “For, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 18 Sin-fluence

Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character. Exodus 23:33 “They shall not live in your land; because they will make you sin against Me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you.” Goal: Your choice of friends is important. They can drag you down. What’s Needed: Ring and ribbon or ring or chain. The easy instructions for this can be found on You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQYIWEh_UT8 Lesson My mother always told me not to be friends with a certain boy on our block. His name was Tom. It seems he was always getting into trouble. I thought I knew better and didn’t listen to her. One evening we were out playing baseball with a bunch of guys and after the game we had nothing to do. Now in our yard we had three apple trees. Apple trees always drop apples when they are growing so there always a supple of apples on the ground. At this time of the year they were the size of golf balls. Tom picked up one and threw it a one of the guys which caused him to pick one up and throw it and before you knew it we were all in an apple fight. That is until one of the stray apples hit and 19

broke a basement window. I knew better I should have never invited Tom to the baseball game, he was always starting something. I had to pay for the window. God warns us about hanging around people that will drag us down. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character’ When the Israelites crossed the border into the Promised Land, God warned them not to allow the present inhabitants to stay. He said their lives would influence them to follow other gods, take up their sinful ways. His warnings were in Exodus 23:33 They shall not live in your land; because they will make you sin against Me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you.” God says the bad and wrongful things they do will trap you. Let’s pretend this ring is you and the chain (or ribbon) is your friend that gets you into trouble. (Hold the chain up and move the ring up and down the chain. You think hanging around this guy is no big deal but someday, somehow, something will happen (Flip ring to get trapped on chain.) you will be dragged into a wrong situation. Listen to God; he knows you need to choose your friends wisely.


Stressed Out? Verses: Jeremiah 17:7, 8 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” Matt 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” Goal: Let God take the stress from your life. What’s Needed: Bible. Make a silk like the one below or write the word on paper but let it bleed through so you can see it on both sides. Yes I know it has somebackward letters but it will come across as the words you need.


Lesson (Show the silk on the stressed side.) Who can read this? It says stressed. Yes it is all mixed up but stress in your life can cause confusion in your life. It may even affect your health. Reading, knowing and believing God’s word (Show bible and open it. Lay the silk or put the paper you created in it and shut it, leaving it hang out.)

In Jeremiah we read (Jeremiah 17:7,8) “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” And in Matt 11:28-30 we find “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for 23 I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” These verses speak to the fact we are stronger when we give our worries and stresses to the Lord. He will give you that peace you need to get through, to get your life back together. (Pull the silk from the Bible and show the other side of it) I bet all of you love desserts. They are tasty and a joy to eat. God is that way too and He expresses it in a verse found in Psalms. (Psalm 34:8) “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” Knowing God, loving God is good and a joy just like eating a cupcake.

EASTER STORY I came up with a way to tell the Easter story in a simple way. You will need several 12, 18 or 24” silks. Whatever you use they should all be the same size. You will also need something to produce these from. Hank ball, production box, anything you like working with will do. Set them up by twisting the diagonal ends together so when you pull one out, the next one will pop up and be ready, just like a tissue box produces tissues. You will be telling the Easter story and producing the silks to show the emotion attached to the event. What I like about this method is you will tell what happened in your words, allowing it to be your style and 24 meet the expectations of the people you are reaching or teaching. I will give you a brief outline. Produce the silk at the beginning of the description for each section. Silks needed 2 black, 1 white, 1 ½ & ½ red white, silk, 1 brown, 1 Jesus silk and a silk fountain. A production device of your choosing. STORY Black silk: It was very early morning, still dark outside when Jesus saw a group coming towards Him. It was Judas and the group he sold Jesus too. (Lightly kiss the silk) Judas kissed Jesus and turned him over and he was taken away.

White silk: Jesus was taken before a judge. He was accused and sent away. The trial He got was preplanned, they wanted him gone. He ended up being sentenced and given to solders. He stood before the soldiers and they stripped off his clothes (Pull the silk quickly away and pull out the next one.) ½ white and ½ red silk: He was whipped and a crown of thrones was put on His head. (Pull the silk out to show the red part) Red silk: He was bloody and a mess, but He said nothing. Brown silk: He was given a cross to carry up the hill to Crucifixion. 25

Red silk: At the top of the hill, he was nailed to the cross He carried up the hill. This is a painful bloody procedure and there He hung on the cross. People made fun of Him. Some people wept for they knew who He was. Black silk: As His life ebbed from His body the sky darkened. White silk: They took His body from the cross and put it in the tomb and wrapped it in a linen covering.

(At this time you will have a pile of silks. You can either use a silk fountain and produce a Jesus silk or make your last silk a Jesus silk.) One day……..two days…. And on the third day they found the tomb opened and He was gone. He had risen from the dead. Gone on now and tell the rest of the story as you like. This just gives you an idea on how to handle it simply and cheaply. Another idea is to use colored tissue paper and load it in a tissue box.)

26 THIS IS NOT TRASH Verses: Psalms 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Isaiah 44:24 "This is what the LORD says – your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself," Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Psalms 127:3 Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Goal: God knows you and loves you, babies are not trash. What’s Needed: Start with 6 envelopes. Make five cards to fit in 5 with the words “Not Wanted” on one side and a drawing of a baby on the other. The last card will have “I knew you and love you” on one side a drawing of a baby on the other. Put one card in each envelope making sure you know the “Knew you card” location. You will put the cards on a stand or a way to display them. You can number them if you like. The method to get the wanted card is called “pick two, take away one”. Have your volunteer pick two cards 27 (Keep track of the Knew you card). You eliminate one. Alternate picking two cards with the volunteer. When it is your turn, always pick cards that do not have the “Knew you card” in it. When you get to the end, two cards will be left, your volunteer will pick two and you eliminate one. You will end up with the “Knew you” card. LESSON We have six cards and I need a volunteer. I need you to pick two cards and I will eliminate one. We will alternate turns until we get down to one card. It will be the card I have chosen. Let’s go. Pick two. I eliminate one. (Open it and read it) This card says Not Wanted, turn around show the cartoon of the baby. We don’t want this, tear is up and say it is just trash. (Do this until you are down to the last card.) This is the card I knew you would pick. (Open it and read it.) “I knew you and love you.” (show the pick of the baby) The United States aborts, throws in the trash (Point to torn up pictures of babies you created) about 900,000 babies a years. Babies that never had a chance, but God tells us in 28 Psalms 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. God created us and knew us from the first cell. Do you think he makes trash? NO! From here on use the about verses to emphasize the lesson. Abortion is a serious matter that is rarely talked about to teens. God put this lesson on my heart to share. I pray it is useful and reaches someone.

There is no difference so why the fight. Verse: Genesis 1:12 “Let us make mankind in our image.” Genesis 3:20 “And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.” John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Goal: God created us as a single human race and the color of our skin should not matter. What’s Needed: Zebra Silk Set which consists of a zebra silk, white zebra silk, a black zebra silk and a change bag. Set up with all silks on one side of the bag. 29 Lesson We are a world filled with people. (Pull black zebra out, show bag empty.) We have black people; (put black zebra back in bag, pull out white zebra, show bag empty) we have white people and every shade in between. And yet many have problems with the color of a person’s skin. They make things up, they believe things that aren’t true, and they believe skin color is a problem. And yet at the beginning of the time when man was made we find God said, “let us make man in our own image” (Gen1:12). God created mankind in His image. His image which means, whatever came from God is the color he gave us. From black to white and all shades in between, God provided it. (Show the black and the white zebra separately one at a time.) Also we are told in Genesis 3:20 “And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.” We can see we are ALL descended from one family. One father, one mother and from that single set of parents we have many colors. How did that happen? When the earth became populated and people moved out from the Middle East, they settled in various areas. Genetics 30 and some environment conditions caused the peoples to develop their skin colors to adapt to that to where they lived. When they intermarried and had children those skin colors became prevalent in each area. Africans were tended to be black, Europeans were white, Middle Easterners were in the middle, the Asians developed their own characteristics and Native Americans in North America and South American showed their own uniqueness. So if we have one set of parents that had children (Show white, then black zebra one at a time.) Shouldn’t we ALL be a mixture of all races from black to white and all shades in between? (Pull out the zebra silk and show bag empty.) It’s time to put aside any thoughts or problems we have with one another because of race, we are all one family made in God’s image.

This is how God feels about each and every one of us. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. He gave His son’s life equally for ALL of us. He love us all and we should love all the same as our God does. Love one another. 31


Verse: Psalms 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.

Goal: Encourage Christians to get involved in adoptions.

Make: Make card with letters on them big enough to be presented to the number of people you are ministering to. Have or make some kind of stand to display them. Make 1-A, 1-B, 1-D, 1-I, 1-N,1-O, 1-P, 1-R,1-T Although this is not technically a magic trick, it is a work puzzle.

LESSON (As you begin the talk, start slow put the cards on the stand spelling the word “ABORTION”.) There are some ugly words and some beautiful words in our language and here is one of them. Abortion, is indeed a very ugly word. In our country there are about 900,000 abortions a year. So sad. We abort babies for convenience, for poverty, for sex selection, and for just because we don’t want to change our lifestyle. They claim the right of the mother. But what about the (pull the R from the word) right of the baby. This baby is not an accident. God knows that child. We see in Psalms 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. (Pull the B out of the word and hold it in your other hand) What about the (Hold up B) baby that is (Hold up R) ripped from the mother and discarded? 32

Is there a way to stop this? (Pick up the letter D) How can we encourage the safe delivery of these babies? (Pick up the letter P) We have to PEOPLE encourage to DELIVER these babies. (Put the letters back into the word and now it reads ADOPTION). Now that is a beautiful word. It’s time we as Christians step up in the world of adoptions. There are only about 120,000 adoptions each year. We have to close that gap between abortions and adoptions. I am here to encourage you to get involved with adoption agencies. Donate to them, work with them if you have the time and if possible adopt some of these children before the mothers turn to abortion. People like Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Tim Tebow, Nick Cannon, Jesse Jackson, Ethel Waters and Ertha Kitt would have not been born if their mothers turned against advice and pressure and aborted their babies. Look up their stories, all were close to not being here.

God knows and loves each one of us. Are we killing the next doctor that cures cancer, the next scientist that creates an new energy form, a singer with a beautiful voice through abortion? It’s time for us to step up and get involved. God knows these children and we should allow them to live so we can know them.

A VETERAN’S BATTLE IS NEVER OVER Verses: Joshua 1:9 "…Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." 33 1 Corinthians 16:13 "Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong." Psalms 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

Goal: Our Veterans need Jesus Use the verses as needed.

What’s Needed: Triple blooming bouquet

Set Up: Start with the bouquet set up with no blossoms shown. Make the flowers appears and pull off as needed. When you need to point to a flower, you will see PF for an action. When you are to remove a flower you will see RF


(Start with bouquet, no flowers showing. Now start to make the first set of flowers appear and start there. You will pull them off with each event in your life.) There you are waiting to be born, just floating there happy and content. Writing on the wall, kicking your mother to let her know you’re there. Suddenly a bright light; you are born to the world and there you are growing, having everything taken care of, life is great. But now you begin to experience life. You go to school (PF), you get your driver’s license (PF). Someone you know may have passed away. (RF) You get a job (RF). Your first date, your first kiss.(PF). Then at 18 you have to register for the draft. (RF)

*Just a note here. The amount of good things and bad things in your life will depend on how many flowers your bouquet has on each level of appearance. If you have more things to say about your life than flowers, double up on a flower.


Registering brings thoughts of what that may entail. What might the government do, where they may send you? (There should be no flowers left.)

Now you are an adult (Make the next set of flowers appear.) Some of us were drafted into the military, some joined. Hopefully basic training equipped you for what is to come. One day you get orders to go to another part of the world (RF). The plane ride over is filled with anxiety and suspense. What am I getting into? (RF) You’re equipped up and sent on patrol. NO ONE who has ever been in a firefight is ever the same again. (RF) You see wounded and dead solders for the first time in your life. (RF) Then you get hit and wake up in the hospital. (RF) What is missing? Am I missing an arm or a leg. Whatever is missing you get help, go through rehab and are sent home. If you are in one piece you are lucky. Again NO ONE who has gone through this is ever the same.

There are about 18 million veterans in the U.S. It is estimated 25% have some problems either physically and/or mentally. The struggles are incredible. Physical disabilities have to be overcome. Mental problems are unpredictable. Fireworks, loud noises, nightmares, bring you back to your problem. There is no escape, there is no peace.

With all the veterans out there, you want peace in your lives. You want the anxieties, the mental problems, fear and the physical problems gone. There is only one way for you to get true peace. (Begin to show the final bloom.) It is only through Jesus Christ we can have true peace. (Gone on from here with a invitation to accept Jesus.)




Matthew 25:40 And the King will answer them. “Truly I say to you as you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me.

Psalm 139:13-16 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

2 Sam 4-21 The story of David and Mephibosheth

Goal: Children with physical and/or mental special needs are deserving of our love and care.

What’s Needed: Miracle Puzzle. This is a puzzle that fits into a frame made up of nine pieces. I have seen it sell for around $100 stage size (in the year 2021) and has 9 pieces. There are two more pieces that are added later and it still fits in the frame.


King David lived in a palace. (Show the empty fame and place it over the puzzle of 9 pieces.) He had his family together with him but he remembered his best friend Jonathan who was now dead. He asked if there was anyone left of his family that he could help and he was told of a child name Mephibosheth.

36 Mephibosheth had a problem. He was dropped by a servant when he was a little child and was lame in his feet. He had a disability and this made him special. David had a plan to add him to his family to take care of and honor him.

(Remove the frame and pull some of the pieces off. Bring out a new piece.)

David’s family was complete and he was going to add him but where. Would he be a real family member sitting at the dinner table or would he be an outsider that was treated well? (Push the pieces around and get ready to add the extra piece leaving a small square hole in the picture.) I can only imagine how frightened Mephibosheth was when he was presented to the family at the dinner table. But David had a loving and kind heart. God had given him the capacity to love Mephibosheth as his own family.

(Put the last piece on the puzzle and put the frame over it and show it still fits. The last piece will represent God in David’s life.) David showed us how to love someone with a special need. We need to model our lives like that.

In the book of Matthew we see (Matthew 25:40) “And the King will answer them. “Truly I say to you as you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me. “How we treat the special needs children and their families is important to God.

God knows children who have physical and/or mental disabilities. He has known this since the beginning of time. We see that in Psalm 139:13-16 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being


made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. God knows what is going on. Someday all this will be behind them when they get to heaven and they get their new bodies. Thank God we only have these bodies for a short time.

Families that have these special ones in their families love them as we love our own children. Just go to a Special Olympics event and see that. Watch parents and siblings interact and love on them. No it’s not easy but God will never give us more than we can handle.

What can we do to help those children and families? I will offer several suggestions. The obvious one is to pray. Start by observing the family so see if you can find a way to help. Come along side the parents and politely ask what you can do, don’t force yourself on them. Be positive. Set up helpers and caregivers to give the parents a break if possible. Their workload is extra heavy at times. Maybe just provide a meal for a break.

Ask the parents for guidance on working with the child and do not do anything new without consulting them. And finally when you are with the child, get down at their level, and look at them and talk TO them. (Point to the last piece of the puzzle you put.) Just as David depended on God, we need Jesus to help us all get through, but everything pray.

SUPERHEROS ARE WIMPS Verses: John 3:16 “God so loved the world that He gave his or God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 38 believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.” Mark 12:31The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 1 Samuel 17 The story of David versus Goliath Goal: Police Officers, Firefighters, EMT and Paramedics are fight responders who are the real hero’s in our lives. What’s Needed: Thumb cuffs, handcuffs or hand shackles and a cloth to cover them. LESSON Super heroes get to fly, use super strength or powers to “save the world” but how brave would they be if they lost those special powers. Very likely they would cower in the corner and help no one except pay the psychologist to see them. A real hero steps up from the ranks of real people and goes above and beyond what is expected. Take David in the battle between him and Goliath. (Hear is where you tell of David, a small boy who stepped forward while grown men hid and did nothing.) (Show the one device you have chosen for your lesson.) I need some volunteers to let me handcuff to see if you can escape. (Get two people) I am not going to handcuff you, I will have you handcuff me and see if with your help, I can escape. (Have them handcuff you.) 39 Now you will both help me by standing on either side of me and help me by covering my hands. (Have them cover your hands with a cloth to hide them.) I am trapped by these handcuffs which is not dangerous to me but can you imagine being held captive by a bad person, or being trapped in a burning building or trapped in a smashed car or having a medical issue. The real hero’s today are the police officers that confront and subdue the bad people, the firefighters that rush into burning buildings, and the paramedics and EMT’s that help in accidents and medical emergencies.

(Escape from the handcuffs.) These volunteers helped me to escape by covering my hands so I could get out, but the real hero’s step up in real life for people that don’t even know. (Send volunteers back to their seats.) These hero’s know how to love their neighbors like we are taught in Mark 12:31 even if they don’t know their names. They put their lives in a danger, time and time again to show what is taught in John 15:13. This sacrifice is modeled from God above in John 3:16. It reads “God so loved the world that He gave his or God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God made the ultimate sacrifice and first responders copy that in their lives. Pray for them. And when you see them, thank them.

7734 Verses: Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for 40 sweet and sweet for bitter.” Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." John 14:3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." Hebrew 13:14 “For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.” Goal: We are all sinners and on our way to hell, only Jesus can change our final home address. Material Needed: Make a slip of paper and fold it like it shows below. Make it as big as you are comfortable with. You start out with the word “hell” but it will be turned over to read “7734”. Practice unfolding the necessary moves to be as discreet as possible. You will also need a marker.


LESSON (Start out showing 7734) I looked it up and when we are born we all are destined to have the street address number of 7734. I found it here in Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” This sounds like the world today it’s all mixed up. The things we have cherished and are good are called bad and wrong; it’s all just upside down. (Turn over the sign to say hELL) 7734 Hell, yes we are all destined to go there unless we sign up for a change of address. You see (Romans 3:23) “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” We are all sinners and cannot reside in heaven with that sin. (Take your marker and add two lines to hell to make it say hEEL.) We are all under the heel of sin, pushed down and have to get from under that shoe. (Tear the L off the end of the word and make the V appear to make the word hEVE show.) Let’s get the “L” out of here. We have a new 41 word, it is the word hEVE. Some will say I spelled it wrong and left the A out of it but I assure you, it is a real word. It means to lift up and off. We need to lift that heel of sin off of us. The second part of Romans 6:23 reads For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Jesus will forgive out sins, lift that heel off us if we confess out sins and believe in Jesus. By believing in Jesus we have changed our address, but where is our new home? Jesus has and answer for that. (show the N at the end of the word and hide the E and replace it with the A. This can easily be done with your hand hiding the move. The new word is hAVEN. A haven sounds like a good place and it is being readied for you now. How do I know, Jesus told us in John 14: 5. He said, ”if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." Trust me when you get there this haven will be ready and hEAVEN> (Pull the whole word open to show the word hEAVEN.) Show people may be content and think we live in a great place but (Hebrew 13:14) “For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.” We are only here for a short time and when we get there, heaven will be better than we can imagine but we won’t care because the greatness of God will be a permanent focus or our eternal lives. Note for those that us this for street witnessing. When they are done, hand them the heaven paper and say save this for your change of address. Also you can print a verse or name or contact into on the back of it. Cheap easy handout. 42 HIS_STORY Opening Idea for Bible History

Verse: Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Goal: This can be used as a simple way to introduce the bible as being accurate history.

What’s Needed: Make a sign as big as you want it and fold as shown below. Should be make like this. “HIS STORY.” Fold the paper from the word His story to read History. At the appropriate time snapped the sign open to read His Story. You could add the word Bible in front of the word history; make it to your lesson. LESSON Bible History is an interesting term. Some deny it, some believe it but over and over again it has been proven true.

Archeologists uncovered a Loaves and fishes mosaic in the ruins of a Byzantine church, built around AD 450 in the Decapolis city of Hippos Sussita. The church, overlooking the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, was destroyed by invaders in AD 614. This scene of Jesus feeding the 5,000, found in an unexpected location, may have something to say about where that miracle took place. The traditional site of the feeding of the 5,000 is further north.

43 In John 9 we read the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. Christ spits on the ground, makes some mud and puts it on the blind man’s eyes. He then instructs the blind man to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The blind man does so, and is healed. Critics of scripture often assume that John’s Gospel contains fictional accounts of Christ’s actions. But the existence of the pool of Siloam and the accuracy of the biblical account contradicts the view that such stories were later inventions.

In the third century AD, a church was built above a pool attached to Hezekiah’s water tunnel in Jerusalem to commemorate the healing of the blind man reported in John’s Gospel. Until recently, this was thought to be the Pool of Siloam. However, during sewerage works in 2004, engineers stumbled upon the steps of a first century ritual pool near the mouth of Hezekiah’s tunnel. By the summer of 2005, archaeologists said it was without doubt the missing pool of Siloam.

Mark D Roberts reports, “In the plaster of this pool were found coins that establish the date of the pool to the years before and after Jesus. There is little question that this is in fact the pool of Siloam, to which Jesus sent the blind man in John 9.”

And a third of the accuracy of the bible can be confirmed with the village of Nazareth. Despite its fame today in the phrase ‘Jesus of Nazareth’, the town where Jesus was brought up was so insignificant in biblical times that it isn’t mentioned in any surviving literature until after the time of Jesus. Because of the lack of mention of Nazareth in the historical record, some critics have argued that the village didn’t exist until after the time of Jesus. That said, indirect mention of Nazareth is contained in Jewish sources from the end of the first century AD.Archaeology has also added to this literary evidence. The evidence on the ground in Nazareth gives

44 a good indication of the ancient date of the village. For example, archaeological digs in the vicinity of Nazareth have discovered tombs dating from the first century AD confirming the village was a strongly Jewish settlement. Then, in December 2009, archaeologists from the Israeli Antiquities Authority, excavating in the grounds of a former convent, unearthed a house from first century Nazareth. According to excavation director Yardenna Alexandre: “The discovery is of the utmost importance since it reveals for the very first time a house from the Jewish village of Nazareth and thereby sheds light on the way of life at the time of Jesus. The building that we found is small and modest and it is most likely typical of the dwellings in Nazareth in that period.”

Year after year, diggings in the Holy land confirm the accuracy of the bible. Bible history is aninteresting term. Bible comes from the plural form of the Greek word“ta biblia”. I means “the booklets”. More than one because there are 66 books gathered together.

The short version of the term history has evolved from an ancient Greek verb that means “to know,” says the Oxford English Dictionary's Philip Durkin. The Greek word historia originally meant inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge, as well as the knowledge that results from inquiry.

Bible history is a group of booklets to tell a story of the events of the creation of the world and the God who made it all. So Bible History is HIS STORY. God’s story and it all starts with Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

NOTE: From here you can go on with a lesson of your choice.

45 Absalom’s Death

Verse: 2 Samuel 9Now Absalom happened to meet David’s men. He was riding his mule, and as the mule went under the thick branches of a large oak, Absalom’s hair got caught in the tree. He was left hanging in midair, while the mule he was riding kept on going.

Goal: Just a simple object lesson to use telling the story of Absalom being caught and killed.

What’s Needed: Ring on ribbon or on ring.


Absalom (Hold the ring to represent Absalom) was trying to escape riding a mule trying to escape and rode under an oak tree. The tree branches brushed hung down like all trees. (Dangle the ribbon or chain down to represent a branch on a tree hanging down.) I would guess most of us have walked under a tree, reached up and grabbed a branch and swung on it. They held you up so when Absalom rode under the tree the branch tangled in his hair. (Let the ring fall and get caught on the chain.) Apparently the mule did not stop and he was pulled off and hung by his hair by the branches in the tree. It was then Joab plunged spears through him. (You can use uncooked spaghetti noodles for this.) The horn was sounded and the battle stopped Fourth of July

Verse: Genesis 1:26 “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness”

46 Matthew 6:15 “But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Goal: We should not be ashamed of our country What’s Needed: All are 18” silks or larger. Should all be the same size. 1 Elephant Silk and 1 Horse Silk. (Elephant came from Elie the Elephant silk set and the Horse from How the Zebra came to be trick. The horse will represent a mule but no one will notice. But you can substitute a Red and Blue silk to represent the democrat and republican parties. Million Dollar bill silk or green silk, Streamer, Jesus or Cross Silk, Flag silk, Square circle or other production device of your choice. Setup: Load your chamber last silk to go in first. The flag silk needs to be hidden so you can steal it at the end for production. Twist all the ends of the silk so when you produce one, the next will be pulled up and be ready to be displayed (Similar to a tissue in a tissue box). First silk in is the Jesus or Cross silk, then streamer, Million dollar bill or green silk, Horse and Elephant silk (or blue and red silk) last. The first two silks should be tied at one corner so you pull them out together and display them in your hands. At the appropriate time you will put them apart. After you produce all the silks, put them back into the square circle and steal the American flag for production.

47 LESSON We just had an election and the results show we are split with about half being republican and half being democrat. (Show the elephant and horse silk.) It is apparent we are a divided country. (pull the silks apart). Those is Washington seem more interested in money and power (show million dollar bill or green silk) than bringing us together. Why is that when the country was founded by people who believed in God and God is not a divider of people. In Genesis God said “Let us make man in our image”. If we are in God’s image we should not fight one another but be united. Before the United States was formed some people believed the world was flat. (Use the outer shell of the square circle on its side. Let them see through it as you run your hand across the straight side. Put the cover on and pull out the round insert and casually look through it.) Most learned people knew it was round and so did a guy named Chris. (Put the square circle back together and begin to produce the streamer. You will pull the streamer out a little at a time as you tell the story; it will show how things are tied together without staying it.) Christopher Columbus knew the world was round he wanted to head west to find a shorter way to the Asian countries than the overland route. He believed in God and felt God had a plan for him. 48

He was to evangelize China and its rules to help in the crusade to win back the Holy Land from invaders. He believed in evangelizing so much so that he sent back money to the American continent he accidentally bumped into to help pay for it. (Don’t forget to keep slowly pulling out the streamer a little at a time.) Many coming to our shores believed in God and by 1776 a full 98% of the country claimed to be Protestant. Our founding fathers believed in God and in the Declaration of Independence they wrote and signed “All men were created equal with certain inalienable rights that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All men, what a phrase and even though our country is not perfect over 600,000 died freeing an oppressed people of slavery in a civil war. In WW1 and WW2 a half million died fighting the axis of evil in Europe and the Pacific theater. And yet in all that we never colonized or took land but freed those we battled. What other country has done that?

(Gather all the silks up and put them into the square circle. Steal the cross and flag silk and put it in the circle ready for production.) This is a country founded in freedom, founded on a belief in God. (Produce cross or Jesus silk) We need to honor God, forgive one another and work together to move forward. Forgiving others is very important if you believe in God. Matthew 6:15 says “But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your 49

transgressions.” What is happening today is not forgiveness. It is time to (Ephesians 4:329) “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Produce the flag.) May God bless America.

All to Jesus I Surrender Verse: Matthew 16:24-25 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. Goal: Surrender your life to Jesus is to live. What’s Needed : Knowing the song, “I Surrender All”. You will also need a cheap 20 to 24” spring open Mylar wand and a white 6” silk. The wand is made of cheap Mylar you roll it up; once you let go it quickly springs open to a wand. The method is to tape the silk to the inside of the wand at one end like the drawing below.


The next step is to roll the wand up, starting at the end away from the silk. DO NOT wrap the silk around the wand, simply gather it up on one side of the wand. This item is now loaded and ready. I store my in a pill bottle with the top half sticking out and it is easy to steal it and hide it in your hand. When you need it you toss it high up, it will spring open and come back down. The silk will unravel and provide drag on the bundle so it comes down with the flag poisoned at the top of the staff. Just grab it and wave it. LESSON Flags have been used throughout history to signal others. The white flag was agreed as a flag of surrender in the 1800’s. During battle if one side waved the flag, all was to stop and usually one side gave up. Have you ever surrendered? Life has often been described as a 51 battle between good and evil. The question is, have you ever waved the white flag?

We used to sing a song in church titled, “I Surrender All.” (you can either recite or sing this) The verses went like this: All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live. I surrender all, I surrender all. All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all. (Throw the bundle into the air, catch and wave the flag.) I have surrendered. I surrendered my life to Jesus. We see in Matthew 16:24-25 Jesus said, “Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Surrendering your life to Jesus gives you the victory over evil. Life is still can be a battle but now you are following the one who has never lost or will ever lose a battle.

(NOTE) From here on go into your salvation message you are comfortable with.

52 Made from the Same Dirt Verses: Genesis 2:7 Yahweh God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. 1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD look on the heart. What’s Needed:18” silk. 1each 18” silk you cannot see through. 2 Boxes of the “Colors of the World Crayons” by Crayola. You will need to prep the boxes as shown in the diagram below. Discard the black and white crayons. The group of crayons you cut in half could be used two ways. Make it with the full width of the box or leave two off of one end. When you open the box to show them, you could pull those two out to show they are real crayons. Glue the boxes together and put the Jesus or the heart or the red silk in the empty side. During your lesson, you will cover the box and allow it to flip over to the empty side so when you pull off the cover silk it will display the loaded silk.

53 Purpose of the Lesson: We are one family and need to treat each other as so. LESSON I was visiting with my daughter and son-in-law and my grandchildren. Ruth is 5 was drawing with crayons. I watched her over her shoulder and talked with her about her drawing. She said it was of her friends in kindergarten. When she was ready to color in her friends, she picked up all her crayons and put them away. I said “Where are your crayons for your friends? Shouldn’t you have some black and brown and pink and white crayons for that?” She pulled out this box of crayons labeled “Colors of the World”. (Show the box) She opened it and dumped them out and I asked where are the black and white and pink crayons? She said grandpa these are the color of crayons I need. I looked at them (Open the top of the box and let the children see the tops of the crayons in the box. If you have not glued them all in, pull out the one or two whole crayons to show they are real. She was right, she had all she needed and they were no black or white or pink crayons in the box. I got to thinking about crayons and the Crayola company. The Crayola company makes about 2 billion crayons each year. That’s a lot. In just under 4 years they could make a crayon for everyone of the almost7 billon people on earth. You know what is interesting about crayons? They are all make of the same thing. They are all made of wax with pigment added to give them the color as you can see. All the crayons they make are composed of the same material; take away the color and they is no difference between any crayon. They are all wax. Just simple wax.

God did something like that many years ago. He created the earth, the plants, the trees and they He reach down and grabbed a hand full of dirt. We read in Genesis 2:7 Yahweh God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. All from one hand of dirt we get Adam and Eve. People then began having babies and before you knew it they were all around the world.

People of every shade and color populated the earth and some became friends some did not. The different shades of skin caused problems and for some people because they forgot we are all made from ONE hand full of dirt. (Cover the box of crayons with the red silk and under the silk allow it to flip over and now the silk side is facing the audience. All these feelings and problems should have been solved when Jesus came and shed His blood (Pull off the red silk and show the box silk side facing outward.) Jesus came to earth, died (Shake the red silk) for ALL of us. He died for a hand full of dirt. Why? Because God doesn’t look at the skin color of any of us. Just like the crayons are all made from wax, we are all made from that first formula that started with dirt and hasn’t changed. (Pull out the heart or red silk.) God looks deeper then we do and we need to follow His example we see in 1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD look on the heart. He looks at the heart and loves us all the same. Look at the heart. It’s that same as yours and we need to treat everyone as at member of our family. Remember we all come from the same pile of dirt.


Fun Routine Just something fun to do. These sponge balls turn into a different color when you turn them inside out. Needed: Bizarro Color Changing Sponge Balls: 1 red/yellow ball, 1 red/green ball Setup: both balls set to red. Start with red/yellow ball. Red/green ball hidden. Routine/Patter I was stopped by the police yesterday. When I pulled over, the office came over yelling I ran a red light (red ball). No I say it was yellow (change to yellow and go back and forth arguing about whether the light was red or yellow.) So I told the officer I have one of those video cameras in my car and let’s watch the video to see who is right. (Now change the red/yellow ball for the red/green ball and hold it up as red.) Now office you said it was red. As we watched the video together we found out we were both wrong, it was still green when I went through.(Show green.)