13 December.There Was a Good Collier(Otherwise Known As The
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The Newsletter of the North Manchester Branch of CAMRA Numbe r 2.December 1975. An interesting article on pub signs appeared The Branch Social was held in in the December issue of ‘ I n the Boathouse, Irlam,on Saturday Britain'.There are some excell- 13 December.There was a good ent colour pictures too.The editor turnout of both CAMRA members has a copy which he will bring to and locals with live entertain- the branch meeting. ment from our branch troubadours,The last issue contained a state- Pete Cash,Ken Birch and Bill ment that the Birmingham Beer Fest- Collier(otherwise known as The ival seemed to have made a loss. Vapours),who also laid on a gen- Latest news is that costs were just erous hotpot.It would be fair to covered as a result of breweries say that the evening was enjoyed taking back unsold beer,plus the by all-even those who had to en- sales of souvenir glasses at local dure the singing of the branch branch meetings. secretary as he aspired to the higher notes of 'Mr Tambourine Finally,as we look forward to the Man'.The evening was felt to be New Year,a number of matters come better than last year's which to mind.First,there is the Manch— vas a little too formal. ester Beer Guide,which is in an ad- vanced state of preparation and it the last Branch meeting,Pete should be ready for early spring. yash gave an informative talk Second,there is the local beer e x - — m home brewing which stimulat- hibition for which the Town Hall, >d some lively discussion.While Bolton,has been suggested as a poss— 1 number of us wouldn't have ible venue in February or March. Op- ‘ecognised a flocculating mol- inions o n this are welcomed.Third, cule if one had hit us on the there are a number of trips to be iead,we came away with a renew- arranged,particularly that to Ulver— d understanding of the complex- ston which was cancelled in Septem- ties of the subject.We also ber.Last but not least,we must con- ame away with the first issue cern ourselves with the fortunes of f 'What's Doing'which was giv- two pubs in our area-the Derby Arms n away free to those who att- and the Castle and Falcon.We hope nded the meeting.Anyone who to bring news of these in the next rishes to have the newsletter issue. osted to them should contact Meanwhile,have a good Christmas! ] he editor. ORTH MANCHESTER PUB CRAWLS. deserted in the evenings. Greengate-Salford The Three Legs of Man is a Within easy reach of Central Man- huge pub on the corner of chester,this walk takes in beer Gravel Lane.It has been much from five breweries in pubs which altered over the years and are varied and interesting but by has lost much of its former no means trendy or smart.Perhaps glory.There is a pool table the best place to start is the and a live pop group but the Old Ship,a Boddington's house pub does not seem to have next to Victoria bus station.This decided what kind of custom- is one of the few pubs in or near er it is aiming for.It is Central Manchester which still however one of only three has the atmosphere of a local Robinsons pubs in Salford (other notable exceptions being and worth a visit if you can the King on Oldham St.,the Hare bear the noise. and Hounds on Shudehill and the Further along Greengate to- Britons Protection on Lower Mos— wards Broughton is the Fly- ley St.)The pub is wood panelled ing Horse.This is probably in pre-war fashion and serves the only true 'local' on hand pumped beer in both the Greengate and has maintain- vault and lounge. ed its character in an area which has changed consider- Turn right out of the Old Ship ably.The hand pumped Tetley and walk along Chapel St.to Vic- beer is amongst the best av-— toria St.Turn left and under the ailable in Manchester. railway bridge go into the Crown, a Tetley's pub frequented by Springfield Lane is on the | young people who enjoy the foot- right further down Greengate eat ball machines as well as the and here hidden from the cas-— beer,which is hand pumped and of ual passer is the King Will- lepine good quality. iam IV,a Marstons pub which fe: is never crowded but which + The Royal Oak and the Ducie Arms ‘elite serves an excellent pint.The are the next pubs on the route. careful observer will notice ee They are the two Boddington's sie. next to the King William a houses nearest the brewery and a building which was previous- serve an excellent pint.They are, ly a pub.This was the Spring however rough and attract drink- field,a Groves and Whitnall ers from a local men's hostel pub which closed some years perhaps because of the excell- ago.The name can still be ence and cheapness of the beer. made out on the facia. Down New Bridge St.,at the side Return down Springfield Lane of the Ducie Arms is the Old and cross Greengate into Shears on Greengate next to the Collier St.Here,again hidden Greengate and Irwell Rubber Cos. from view,is the Eagle Inn,a The pub is remarkable only for hand-pumped Holt’s pub which the quality of the hand-drawn shows similar signs of dec-— Wilsons beer and is frequently 2 line to its neighbourhood. { ‘ % from the front door of the Eag= le the observant will notice yhat used to be another Groves and Whitnall pub, the Mechanics Arms , : Those who have been drinking latves may make it to two Bodd= ington’s pubs off Blackfriars .d,, the Braziers Arms on Hodson 3t,and the Black Friar on King 3t, Both pubs sell excellent 1and=pumped beer in traditional working class surroundings.The scaziers has live music at week nds and both pubs haye a live= yy communal atmosphere, ‘he pubs of Greengate and Biack ‘vlars represent much of what Salford used to be, Many pubs lave disappeared and those that ‘emain are in some cases unyi= ible.Several are however thrivyv= ‘ng against the odds and will lopefully continue to do so, oger Hall, | Old Ship 7 Flying Horse 2 Crown : ts Fi 8 King William IV 3 Ducie Arms 9 Eagle Inn 4 Royal Oak : theta 10 Braziers Arms SREWERY NEWS iM Biack: hriar 6 Three Legs . surtonwood of, Man he Castie and Falcon, Brad= manager that this would be so and shaw St, Manchester,is being also that the hand pumps would be -enovated following a change retained.The changes are to make »f licensee.As this is one of the pub more comfortable and to lay ynly two Burtonwood pubs in on hot meals at lunchtime.It was sentral Manchester it is to hoped that the conversion would »e hoped that real ale will be completed within a month, still be available and one ‘J,W.Lées yranch member who enquired Rumours are circulating concerning yas assured by the acting a possible takeover by Boddingtons. Dave Easton, our area organiser, would appreciate any further in- Grapes Hotel,47,Market St., formation. Stoneclough-Best Mild,Brew 10. Bass Charrington. Greyhound Hotel,146,Deansgate, Members from the Greater Manch- Bolton— Best Mild,Brew 10. ester branches met representat-— Freemasons Arms,72,Market St., ives from Bass—Charrington on Farnworth- Best Mild. Tuesday 9 December at the Uni- New Inn, 34,Halliwell Rd., corn on Church St.Bass-Charring Bolton- Best Mild. ton claims that 56% of its 353 Unity Brook,454,Manchester Rd. pubs in Greater Manchester sell Kearsley— Best Mild,Brew 10. real ale-although they consider Yew Tree Inn,55,Bridgewater Rd real ale to be cask—conditioned Boothstown- Best Mild,Brew beer regardless of the method 10. of delivery.The following are Cross Keys Hotel,Church Rd., pubs in our area selling cask- Eccles- Bass. conditioned beer: Crumpsall Hotel,135,Waterloo St. As many of these pubs serve M/C 8- Toby Light,Brew 10. cask beer under carbon di- Maypole Hotel,11 Ford Lane,Sal- oxide pressure it would be ford 6—Best Mild. useful if they could all be Albert Inn,Regent Rd. ,Salford- visited to check whether any Best Mild,Toby Light. merit inclusion in the Man- Lord Clyde,107/109 Folds Rd., chester Beer Guide.The Brit— Bolton— Best Mild. annia,Blackley,is already in- Prince of Wales,i165,O0ldfield Rd., cluded together with the Bur- Salford 5- Best Mild. ton Arms. St. ,M/C- Unicorn Hotel, 26,Church Samuel Smiths. Best Mild,Bass. The brewery suggests that the Berwick Arms,Caernarvon Sites reason for cask ale not being Cheetham,M/C—Best Mild,Brew 10. delivered in the Lancashire Britannia Inn,2,Rayson St. ,Black-— area is entirely due to dis- ley- Best Mild,Brew 10(hand- tribution difficulties.Rich- pumps) ard Greenhalgh,the treasurer Burton Arms,Swan St. ,M/C.-Best of the South Manchester Mild,Brew 10. branch,has suggested that we St.Vincent's Tavern,Oldham Rd., might be able to change this ' M/C-Best Mild,Brew 10. policy if sufficient people Rd., Wheatsheaf Hotel,208,O0ldham were to write to the brewery M/C-Best Mild. saying that they believed Town Hall Tavern,Tib Lane ,M/C- that: Sam Smiths excellent ale Bass.