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r r t M-- <fi~ mm. w- si J. A h HO A * * ^mr(}AZElTE Norwalk Gazette f C.'i> i>'!' '"SSS Terms for AdvertisinB, c'abllshed every Tuesday Alternoon at $1 perYear f axnlihed on application. Liberal, aalform, ratal in Advance: Slngle oeijlea s eta. ; to long time and Urge epkte Advertisers. 1 .<1 t%W ,W Piie Oiiliest, Largestand m&£ Widely Qfrcuigtetl K-i*. »'• f j 211 Transient advs.l sqnare (l inch) 1 time fLM ;• Newspaper inthts section Of the State. : . Subsequent Iiwerttons, pgr week,,. 80 u the Best Advertising Medium, and baa the . it h If. funeral and Obitnary Notices, same rata*. Host Advertising, because it ia read by tie Birthe, Marriages and Death*, inserted free. Best People. ^ .f.ii. j K a tared as id class matter and Postage prepaid. Qoeetionable advrts. notjnserted at any prta* t i*.* Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local Sews arid Interests. TWO POTT ARS A YEAR. Au BO* (xtbctabUMomoa^tma YM^ if;®-llfliffl An """ "* Raits. TIWOrTON, NORWALK, CONN., TUESDAY OCTOBER, 5 1886. Number 40. EDITOR. /_,.... ......... TLT, QUI i; •'> s. i \ JOHN BODEHEVSK, Jr ¥P?m Eilllor, Fat People and Fluids. opolize Mrs." down's attention with an a most absorbed couple In tho Treatment of Mexican Prisoners. i-n- Mil In Zacatecas the prisoners are worked The question whether water is fate On Maj 17th, 1820, "Virginius " was Prantly ^nost ittjpori^ht ^matter, pador, she concluded some one else tening or otherwise has been mucit rtdik e^orted mem to t&ir car baft an engagement as well. as cargadores, and while writing this THIS ,produce4"for" the, time. Great The Bowers I pli&ted la theitasll of ^ discussed. Formerly it was generally iw^agcfs^a.iifi -- "tower- Sexpe6t4tid£s co'ncetniny ila merits were Have budded, bloomed and withered.long KOI riage, £e wlSspered $iyly,— f | Later in the privacy of their room, fifty have passed my windows and all MARK WRAPPKR m asserted that the victims of obesity • •.;- '— : M( The grain mylavlihllngentoed to flfrow • " It's all right. Bemember!" Agnes seized Mabel, and smothering were loaded with wood. At other times entertained by the town, and a crowded Lous since ma reaped tor others' garnering. we see them loaded with bags of earth should. mortify the flesh and reduce MtyQtia: /». /'f{tinted, house gathered, to witness the per Agnes wondered a little at Mabel's her in kisses she exclaimed: the fat by abstaining as much as possi im': Yet I am rich 'mid my nature dearth; \ manner as they returned home and "Inever dreamed I could be so happy! and rubbish from the street, lime and •:!' f-Htf formance. And in the pit sat Sheridan My gold is where the rainbow touches earth. « ble from liquids, and remaining in a 'i}^bevuvSir:;; $s|- retired for the night, but she had had. Oh, my dear, how much, how very sand for the builder and heavy stones is a pearly whito, CDi Knowle?, by turns radiant with hope & • My wealth Is molten ot full many an ore,. 'u *J used in paving the streets and side continual state of thjrst. Latterly the semi-transparent aMftej&ked by fear.1 The first act fell IS; Dug from the sacred caverns of the past; ^ such a good time, and was so enthusi much, it means! It really frightens opposite has been affirmed, and I am Knowing the formula jrom ''•4-^6. < oi me, for I do not feel myself, and you, walks. Many of them are barefooted fluid bavins' a re flat on an audience filled with high an- Stored where the Present's quiet light is east; astic herself that ltdid not trouble her. told that a reduction of weight is one markable affinity Piled In the Promise-land that lies before. , The next morning a characteristic Mabel, have been so true and kind with and clothed in rags, while otherp have Vihe wlriiu The which Ptaisted's Cough ticlpations; even the second act failed All blent together, all of priceless ,worth, ; me through all!" a piece of a blanket around the loins, of the results claimed by "the hot T article yet to effect the house, principally because note received from Mrs. Towi raa water cure," provided always the water Remedy is prepared we can <H US AU hid Just where the rainbow touches earth. thus:— Then Mabel sank upon a Chair, and which form their entire suit. They are 'known to chemistry Chairles Kernbl?, who suffered from a is taken as hot as possible, painfully thai will penetrate cold, could scarce be heard; but,sud- Aud Memory, Faith and Hope It* guardians are, "MY DEAR GIRLS:—Such a conquest burying her face in her hands sobbed driven to and fro by a mounted guard WITHOUT certify that the medicines 013 As holding Lore's strong hand I make my way. aloud. consisting of about one-third of their hot, and in great quantities. Experi urovir. ' deniyregalniir^ his voice, in the third Knowing I near a little every day ns you made last evening! It takes my of which it is composed are 'hi breath away to think of it I ireally " I am so thankful, so heartily thank own number; thus to them life is almost ments have been made in Paris by Dr. act he aronsed interest and gained ap The one sure goal where, passing o'er the bar, Debove which controvert both these Beautifies the Complexion plause. " Macready, inspired by enthu I find, in all the glow of second birth. fool I ought to tell you, that you may ful! Agnes, can you, will you, ever worse than death itself. When lumber , of recognized utility for " * doctrines. These experiments indicate Eradicates all Spots, Freckles, Tan, Moth My Treasure, when the rainbow touches earth. be prepared for the worst. Both my forgive me? It is all my fault! or long timber is to be moved the two Patches, Black worms, Impurities and Dto- siasm, acted with-unusual fervor. In charming guests captivated in one even pieces are fastened to the pack-saddle that, provided the same amount of colorations of erery ktnd, ntherwithinornpon throat and lung troubles, the character of Virginius, to quote !v thought it would be Such a funny little the skin. It rendersi t&etfie i"—akin pare, elrar, heafth- •mm ing! Quite too bad, fori planned quite trick to play upon your theory. It on either side of a mule or burro, while solid food is taken, large quantities of flil and brilliant, creating a complexion which is ^THFVTIMM.OLTHAJOILFTWING^PIORNIDG, K * a little campaign with them. Now all neither artificial nor temporary but at once, bean* and that it contains no Theory and Practice. went so far that I dared not interfere the other ends drag on the ground; thus water make a man neither thinner noi tuiil and permanent in its beauty. It lia won- "he touched the-passions with a more my other girls are out in the cold.! Well, fatter. They were carefully made on dcrfnil? good thine lor chafed or rough Ikln on masterly haiid, and evinced deeper well! I suppose you know Mr. I&ndon by speaking the truth, and I have been they are trailed along to the required Infanta. Try it. opium or any poisonous or •J "Oh, I think falling in love is ft mere so miserable! Oh, please forgive me, place. This is the secret of transferring a friend who took weighed quantities IT OUBSS patbos than on any former occasion." in nothing piore than a nodllionnaire, of food daily, and while these remained injurious drugs matter of convenience, a matter that and Paul Young nothing less than a < AgiiesI I deceived you and led others everything for which a long geared (Alnoit lututly) SHVNFB, PrieklyHeat, Clip Interest now deepened to enthusiasm; can be perfectly well controlled as the equal doubling the quantity of watei ped, Rough or Chafed Sklaj in fact its rosalts ELKlty C. CLARKE, M. 1) , Norwalk. poor young lawyer, with nothing be to. Mr. Young is not a poor young wagon is necessary. And it is even apon all diseases ot the lUn are wonderful. cheers greeted the conclusion of every parties concerned desire. This falling laid him,.landfall .tiw world befoKhim. lawyer, bu£an immensely wealthy one." said they pride themselves on their had no measurable effect on the weight It Never Fall* C. A. MURRAY, M. D., act; sobs and. exclamations - attended a victim of Cupid's darts, being mor- " What I started to say was this: we ' For a inoinient Agnes'Hoyd looked a native ingjnuity, for by this method of the body. Still, it is quite possible Price 75c. pwBottlo ^ i DEXTKU HITCHCOCK, M. of pure the great catastrophe where Virginius • tally stricken before you know it, being till want to go to the opera together to that the old theory, of thirst cure and ' K d. K. McdONBUAL, M. I)., " strength •MI IT IMIVBUIIIVUVBOT ISW I economic stabs his daughter, and the curtain fell very Nemesis; then softened and said there is no time lost in gearing and VMillO than the ordlBary idnds, and eannot be Id in corn- irretrievably impressed at first sight, night. Of course you will Join fs, and >My dear, it was ia fearful thing for ungearing. All the butchers'supplies the new theory o£ hot Crater cure may "r- WM. C. BUKKE, M. D.,Sa Norwalk. petition with the multitude of .low. t< it; short on ahouse excited by terror and delight. , tlie stormingijOf the castle will continue.