St. John Neumann Parish February 21st, 2021 First Sunday of Lent NEWCOMERS WELCOME! Please call the Rectory for an appointment with Msgr. Matz to register to become a member. CONNECT WITH US! Saints Colman—John Parish Rectory Neumann Catholic School
[email protected] 610-525-3100 610-525-3266 380 Highland Lane 372 Highland Lane Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Matz In Residence: Rev. Robert J. Chapman Permanent Deacon: Deacon Kevin Harrington Parish Services Director: Ms. Clare Frissora “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and Sunday Assistance: believe in the gospel” Mk 1: 15 Rev. Gerald D. Canavan Rev. Robert Murray, OSA Business Manager: Mrs. Joy Falcone CONFESSIONS — during the pandemic Administrative Assistants: Tuesdays at 6:00 pm—in the Gathering Room Mrs. Norma Guzmán MASS — during the pandemic Mrs. Terri Giangiulio School Principal: Mrs. Kelly Ciminera Start each day with Mass! PREP/Director Religious Education: Saturday Vigil: 5:15 pm Public Mass Mrs. Camille Morrison Sunday: 7:30 am Public Mass Music Ministry: Mrs. Isabel Momenee 9:00 am Public & Livestream* Mass 10:30 am Public Mass COORDINATORS OF PARISH MINISTRY Monday—Saturday: 8:00 am Public & Livestream* Mass *Join the livestream Mass when it’s taking place or catch up Visit ‘Ministries’ at later in the day via “Mass Replay” — Active Adults Group: Bill Haines Adult Faith Formation: Clare Frissora DEVOTIONAL PRAYER Altar Guild: Nora Saraceni Rosary — Mondays at 7:00 pm in church enter on ‘Caring for Friends’: Cheryl Calnan grotto side or join us live on Facebook* CYO Athletics: Dan Stout Thursday after the 8:00 am Mass Garage Sale: Mary Ann Macciocca Adoration — Thursday after the 8:00 am Mass Good Samaritans: Craig Callaghan Divine Mercy Chaplet —Friday after the 8:00 Mass H.O.P.E.