ST. DOMINIC • ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST SCHEDULE Fr. John Cyr, Pastor St Dominic Saturday, February 16 The Blessed Virgin Mary 303 North Galena Avenue St. John3:30pm Confessions Wyoming • IL 61491 St. John 4:30pm For the People of our two Parishes (309) 695-4031 Sunday, February 17 [email protected] St. Dominic 8:00am Margaret Colgan by Dan & Carol Ann Stephens ST JOHN THE BAPTIST St. John 10:00am Phil Gurrister by Barbara Gurrister & Family 218 First Street Monday, February 18 No Mass Bradford • IL 61421 (309) 897-4081 Tuesday, February 19 No Mass [email protected] Wednesday, February 20 No Mass FIND US ONLINE Thursday, February 21 St. Peter Damian Facebook ............. @StarkCatholic No Mass Website .. starkcountycatholic.com Instagram .............. @starkcatholic Friday, February 22 The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle No Mass Twitter .................. @starkcatholic Bulletins ........ ParishesOnline.com Saturday, February 23 St. Polycarp St. John 3:30pm Confessions St. John 4:30pm Poor Souls in Purgatory PRAYERS Sunday, February 24 St. Dominic 8:00am Florence & Jim Ryan by Jane Childers St. Dominic’s St. John 10:00am For the People of our two Parishes Edward Fussner, Dave Cox, Brittany Schaffer, Scott Eisenbarth, MINISTRY SCHEDULE Sr. Nancy Streitmatter, M.D., Saturday, February 23 Shirley Stabler, Michael Clifford, St. John the Baptist 4:30pm Mass Bill Abrams, Jerry Hickey, Jordan Lector: Maggie Rouse Hardy, Joanne Adams, John Ryan, Altar Servers: Matthew Shipp & Charlie Rouse Barney Vermeire, Fred Rockwell, Usher: Dale Hoffert & Jim Hewitt Jim Henenhan, Paul Schupbach, Greeter: Pat Woodford Ashley Egan, & Sister Rosalinda Sunday, February 24 Drees St. Dominic 8:00am Mass Lector: Gene Gill St. John the Baptist Servers: James Groter, Rachel & Tanner Bishop Marissa Marquis, Angie Barnes, Ushers: Tom & Colleen Magnussen Rosemary Owens, Bill Real, Barb Eucharistic Minister: Joanne Gill Bogner, Jane Blank, Bonnie Miller, Gifts: Jamie & Sarah Lindley & Family & Madelyne Dietz Collection Counters: Tim Colgan, Mike Finnegan, & Karen Tracy Income: 02/10/19 St. John the Baptist 10:00am Mass St. Dominic Lector: Volunteer Collection ........................... $1237 Altar Servers: Hailey Peterson & Ryan Murphy Building Fund ........................ $63 Ushers: rank Waldinger & Dean Waldinger St. John the Baptist (01/20/19) Collection Counters: Becki Hoffert, Pat Woodford, & Brooke Peterson Collection ............................. $822 Greeter: Dorothy Plotner & Doris Bogner Congratulations to Taylor and Gage on their recent Baptism! FEBRUARY 17, 2019 • 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ANNOUNCEMENTS Saint of the Week— St. Polycarp No Weekday Masses Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, disciple of Saint John the There will be no weekday masses from February 18th Apostle and friend of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, was a through February 28th, as Father Cyr will be out of town. revered Christian leader during the first half of the sec- We will have a visiting priest for the weekend Masses. ond century. Saint Ignatius, on his way to Rome to be St. John’s Soup Supper martyred, visited Polycarp at Smyrna, and later at Troas Sat. Feb 23 after the 4:30 Mass. Parishioners from both wrote him a personal letter. The Asia Minor Churches parishes and their guests are welcome. Reservations are recognized Polycarp’s leadership by choosing him as a not necessary. A free will donation will be accepted. representative to discuss with Pope Anicetus the date of The Catholic Post the Easter celebration in Rome—a major controversy in Want to place a message atop a page of our diocesan the early Church. Only one of the many letters written newspaper, The Catholic Post? Your special message will by Polycarp has been preserved, the one he wrote to the be seen in 12,000 Catholic households! Through a page Church of Philippi in Macedonia. At 86, Polycarp was sponsorship, you may memorialize a deceased loved one, led into the crowded Smyrna stadium to be burned give thanks for blessings such as a new grandchild or a alive. The flames did not harm him and he was finally marriage anniversary, etc. A page sponsorship of $100 is killed by a dagger. The centurion ordered the saint’s one suggested level of giving in The Catholic Post’s De- body burned. The “Acts” of Polycarp’s martyrdom are livering Unity Campaign now underway. Every gift is also the earliest preserved, fully reliable account of a Chris- a subscription. Sign up or renew via credit or debit card tian martyr’s death. He died in 155. online at thecatholicpost.com; by calling 1-800-340-5630 Catechism of the Catholic Church during business hours; or send a check to The Catholic The word “lilturgy” originally meant a “public work” or Post, PO Box 1722, Peoria, IL 61656. The subscription a “service in the name of/on behalf of the people.” In rate is $30. Additional levels of support are invited. Christian tradition it means the participation of the Peo- Retreat "Reflections on Divine Mercy & the Eucharist" ple of God in “the work of God.” Through the liturgy Thursday, March 21, 9AM - 3:45PM (Mass offered at Christ, our redeemer and high priest, continues the work 8AM), Spalding Pastoral Center, 419 N.E. Madison Ave. of our redemption in, with, and through His Church. Peoria. Dr. Bryan Thatcher will speak on the Divine Mer- (Paragraph 1069) cy message as a "Way of Life." Continental breakfast, In the liturgy of the Church, God the Father is blessed lunch, conferences, Exposition with Divine Mercy Chap- and adored as the source of all the blessings of creation let, and sacrament of Reconciliation. REGISTRATION: and salvation with which he has blessed us in his Son, in $20 before March 1, 2019, and $25 after; registration order to give us the Spirit of filial adoption. (Paragraph CLOSES March 14. 1110) Make check payable to "Divine Mercy Cenacle" and in- Christ’s work in the liturgy is sacramental; because his clude name(s) of all attendees, plus address, contact phone mystery of salvation is made present there by the power and email(s). Mail to: JANICE LUKICH, 20806 N. SE- of his Holy Spirit; because his Body, which is the QUOIA, CHILLICOTHE, IL 61523. Confirmation will church, is like a sacrament (sign and instrument) in be sent via email. Questions? Arlene Heinz 309-868-9061 which the Holy Spirit dispenses the mystery of salva- St. Jude Catholic School—Dunlap tion; and because through her liturgical actions the pil- Where Faith, Love, and Leaders Grow grimage Church already participates, as by a foretaste, Founded in 2009, St. Jude has an enrollment of more than in the heavenly liturgy. (Paragraph 1111) 250 students in preschool through eighth grade. Our aca- The mission of the Holy Spirit in the liturgy of the demic community is blessed to be supported by a vibrant Church is to prepare the assembly to encounter Christ; parish as well as the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother to recall and manifest Christ to the faith of the assembly; of the Eucharist, who serve as teachers in our school. We to make the saving work of Christ present and active by are committed to immersing our students in the Catholic his transforming power; and to make the gift of com- faith and challenging them to reach their highest potential munion bear fruit. (Paragraph 1112) intellectually, spiritually and physically. Our mission is to Mass Cancellations If we should need to cancel or change Mass due to in- form well-rounded disciples who will become the future clement weather, we will post it on our Facebook Page leaders of our Church, our communities and our world. as soon as it is decided. If the weather is bad, check out We encourage you to learn more about our school and the our Facebook page to find out. We want everyone to aspects that help to make St. Jude one of the premier stay safe! Catholic elementary schools in the greater Peoria area. If Alcoholics Anonymous you would like an in-person tour of our school and facili- Reminder that AA meets every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at ties, please contact us. (309)243-2493 the St. Dominic Parish Hall. .
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