Second International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association

HKCOS and HKOA are co-organizers of this Congress. We would like to coordinate a delegation from HK. As in last year, we will be negotiating for a special price for the registration and hotel for HK delegates. The preliminary information is as follows. Some information is different in the Chinese and English versions in the web. Please check on the website for updates. We will inform you if there are important updates. If you are interested in joining, please indicate to Ms Irene Yu of HKCOS [email protected]. For group registration from HK, please reply by 15 Oct. The following information is compiled from many different sources and we try to be as accurate and update as possible.

Date Thu 8th to Sun 11th Nov, 2007

Venue International Convention and Exhibition Center, Zhengzhou, , 河南郑州国际会展中心 地址:郑州市郑东新区商务内环路中央公园 1 号

Programme International programme conducted in English. Main programme should have slides in English.

Location Zhengzhou 鄭州, provincial capital of Henan province河南省會. In the middle of China. East of 陝西省西安. North of 湖北省武漢. Henan is the province with the largest population of around 100 million. It used to be a rather poor place because it is not on the coast. In the recent 10 years, it has developed rapidly to become the 6th province to reach a GDP of over 1 trillion yuan in 2005.

Weather It is late autumn. Average temperature around 10 degrees Celsius. With a continental climate, the diurnal range can be 15 degrees, with night temperature around zero degrees. It is dry with a very low chance of rain or snow.

Transport Only direct flight by China Southern Airline 中國南方航空公司. CZ3074 12:40pm- 2:50pm and back CZ3073 9:00am-11:50am. At present they say there will be daily flights in Nov. But they sometimes reduce the flight frequency at short notice to the low season 3 times weekly (Wed, Fri, Sun). Cheaper flights from Shenzhen.

深圳至鄭州 1645-1905 ZH 9808 1940-2115 HU 7068 2055-2315 ZH 9844

鄭州至深圳 0850-1110 ZH 9843 1120-1335 HU 7067 1340-1555 ZH 9807

Airport pickup The airport is 40min by car from the city. Arranging pickup is highly recommended. Airport pickup service will be available November 11-13, 2007. Delegates will need to pay RMB170 to the travel agency for the service at the airport. Please provide your flight information to the Congress Tour Agency before October 20, 2007 if you need the service. Shuttle bus service will be provided free of charge for participants making hotel reservation through the Congress Secretariat.

Preliminary programme Nov. Nov. 8 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 9 Thursday Saturday Sunday Friday

08:30-10:00 China Orthopaedics Concurrent Sessions Research Meeting 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break

10:20-11:50 Concurrent Sessions

12:00-13:20 Luncheon Satellite Symposia / Registration Lunch

13:30-15:30 Concurrent Sessions

15:30-15:50 Coffee Break

15:50-17:30 Concurrent Closing 17:30-18:30 Opening Satellite

Ceremony Symposia

18:30-20:30 Dinner

Fees 2007 年 10 月 20 日前 2007 年 10 月 20 日后/现场

COA 会议注册费 800 元 1200 元

基础会议注册费 400 元 600 元 (11月8日)

两会都参加注册费 900 元 1300 元

We have bargained for the local fee. RMB 800 for the Congress. RMB900 if you attend the Research Meeting as well. For group registration from HK, please reply to Irene before Oct 15. * Pre-registration ends on October 20, 2007. Please register on-site thereafter.

Hotel booking Hotel Booking Deadline: October 20, 2007 Category Hotel Room Type Room Rate Breakfast Rate ★★★★★ 1. Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou Single / Double RMB709 RMB101

★★★★ 2. Express by Holiday Inn Zhengzhou Single / Double RMB386 RMB58

Shuttle bus service will be provided free of charge for participants making reservation through the Congress Sercretariat.

The rates are on a per room per night basis and are inclusive of ONE breakfast per day and a 15% hotel service charge. The prices for single and double occupancies are the same. Extra beds and breakfasts are available at additional cost.

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Zhengzhou No. 115 Jinsui Road, Zhengzhou, China, 450003 中州皇冠假日酒店 Area : City Center Tel: +86 (371) 65950055 Fax: +86 (371) 65990792

Location: Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou is located in the city center and along the main avenue of Jinshui Road. This is about 34km from the airport, 4km from the railway station.

The Crown Plaza Hotel, Zhengzhou, is a 5-star garden-style hotel managed by the Intercontinental Hotel Management Group. It has been voted the chain hotel with the best service for the past three years. The hotel owns a world-class swimming pool of Olympic standard, and provides a pick-up service to the guests free of charge. It was opened in1995 and renovated in 2003 with a total of 222 rooms (suites). Deluxe double room official rate found on internet RMB998 in Oct. (I found a quotation of about RMB660 per day on the internet hotel booking site)

Holiday Inn Hotel, Zhengzhou No. 115 Jinshui Lu, Zhengzhou, China, 450003 (4 star hotel) 中州快捷假日酒店 Tel: +86 (371) 65956600 Fax: +86 (371) 65990792

The Holiday Inn Hotel is located at the same address as the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The two hotels share the swimming pool, gymnasium and business center. The Holiday Inn Hotel is also managed by the Intercontinental Group. Besides the well equipped original rooms and suites, there are also five luxury duplex suites equipped with kitchens, and nine apartment suites in the hotel. It is very suitable for guests on business who require a longer stay. Deluxe double room official rate found on internet for Oct is RMB798.

Tours Most of the ancient historical events of China occur around Henan province. This is where ancient civilization starts. Being in the middle of China, this is why it is called 中 原. Most of the ancient capitals are within Henan, like Luoyang 洛陽 (九朝之都). Numerous minor historical sites in Henan. Please check the website for tours by the official tourist agency.

Within the city -- 河南博物院 Suburb -- 黃河遊覽區 Day tours -- 嵩山少林寺 (登封). 龍門石窟(洛陽) a World Heritage Site, one of the 3 best grottos in China. 開封 (清明上河園,包公園). Within Henan – 雲台山 (焦作市) to the northwest. 殷墟甲骨文,紅旗渠 (安陽市) to the north.

Attractions Zhengzhou, as an outstanding tourist city and one of the eight Chinese ancient cities, is always the first destination of any Henan tour. Located between the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, this ancient and lively city is the cradle of the splendid culture of the Chinese Nation. Here we base our Yellow River Tour. Mt. Song - one of the Five Famous Mountains in China, sits in Northwestern , Zhengzhou City. Mt. Song Tour with performance is another popular tour in Zhengzhou. Additionally we recommend the Downtown Tour which focuses on some memorial, museum and historical sites. Now we will introduce the three tours in a little more detail.

Yellow River Tour (Zhengzhou Sect) The best place to experience the culture of the Yellow River is the Yellow River Scenic Area in Zhengzhou. It is about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) northwest of Zhengzhou, situated on the southern bank of the Yellow River. There are green lands, clear waters, pavilions, scattered statues with interesting histories, inside the scenic area. With more than 20 years of development, the scenic area is now a national tourist destination with modern amusement facilities, which appeals to thousands of tourists from all over the world. Zhengzhou Yellow River Scenic Area is the ideal viewpoint to appreciate the mother river of China.

Mt. Song Tour

As one of the Five Famous Mountains in China, there is no need to say more about the beauty of Song Mountain . If you visit one mountain in Henan, make it this one for its charming natural views and its fame.

Shaolin Temple is situated in the west foothills of Song Mountain. At the mention of Shaolin Temple, tourists mostly think of Shaolin Kung Fu, and it is true that you can appreciate wonderful performances here. Another place worth a visit near Shaolin Temple is the Pagoda Forest. There are about 250 different pagodas which are the graves of every abbot of Shaolin Temple from Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) till the last. The constructions, reflecting the architectural styles of every dynasty, are now the treasures for studying Chinese ancient brick architecture and the art of engraving.

Also, one of the four Academies of Classical Learning in Song Dynasty (960 - 1279) - Songyang Shuyuan, and the Astronomical Observatory are both worth a visit.

Downtown Tour

Er' Qi (meaning 'July 2nd') Square, located in the center of the downtown area, is the busiest commercial area in Zhengzhou and even Henan Province. There are many department stores and restaurants, which should not be missed. The most eye-catching architecture on the square is the central Er' Qi Memorial Tower which commemorates a strike that happened on July 2nd, 1923. To get to the square from Zhengzhou Railway Station take Bus Nos. 2, 6, 32 or 34 and get off at Er' Qi Guangchang Stop.

Shang Ruins, the largest and the most well-preserved site of the capital city in early (16th - 11th century BC), is located in the Zhengzhou downtown area. It is more ancient than the Yin Ruins in Anyang. Covering an area of about 25 square kilometers (about 9.7 square miles), the site still has a city wall with a girth of nearly 7 kilometers (about 4.3 miles). Items unearthed here include rare bronzes, many shell articles, stone wares, jade articles and relics of silos, wells and graves offering plenty of material for the study of the development of Slave Society and Chinese ancient cities.

Situated in the northern part of Zhengzhou, Henan Museum is a modern historic museum. From the architectural style of the museum to the treasures there stored, the history presented here will amaze you. The idea for the design of the museum comes from the aspect of the Astronomical Observatory, which looks mysterious and pyramid-like. Cultural relics housed in the museum are definitely precious. There are ancient stone carvings, bronze wares and jade articles of Chu (897 - 951) and workmanship of Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing (1644 - 1911) dynasties. One item not to be missed is a rare sculpture of an ivory cabbage on which insects are vividly carved. It is said that sometimes one can not tell the ivory cabbage from a real one when glancing at the sculpture. Tourists should take Bus Nos. 42, 61, 69 and 72 to Henan Sheng Bowuguan Stop.

大会主席致辞 尊敬的同仁:

我诚挚地邀请您参加 2007 年 11 月 8-11 日在河南郑州举办的中华医学会第九届骨科学术会议暨 第二届国际 COA 学术大会(Chinese Orthopaedic Association, COA)。

此次会议是继 2006 年在北京召开的首届 COA 大会后的第二届国际 COA 学术大会。上届会议 参会代表 4000 余人,本届学术会议仍将是中国骨科界 2007 年最大的学术盛会,届时将邀请欧 美、港台、中国大陆等地的著名专家和资深人士出席会议并作专题演讲。同时大会还将邀请国 际知名商家参加。

大会的主题将涉及脊柱、创伤、关节、关节镜及运动医学、骨肿瘤等骨科疾病的临床经验交流 及新进展研讨;骨质疏松、足踝外科和微创技术将融入相应的各个专题。会议将设国际会场、 专题讲座、大会报告及展板四种形式,其中国际会场将进行全英文交流。

骨科基础研究学术大会(CORS)将提前一天举行即 7 日报到 8 日开会。

河南省地处中原腹地,是中华民族主要的发祥地之一。郑州是河南省省会,东拥宋都,西揽洛 阳,南登嵩山,北跨黄河,风光秀丽。早在 3600 年前,这里曾是商王朝的重要都邑,曾有夏、 商、管、郑、韩 5 次为都。悠久的历史和灿烂的文化给郑州流下了丰富的人文景观。交通发 达,经济发展,商贾会聚,中原崛起。汴梁龙亭,龙门石窟,少林雄风震五洲,洛阳牡丹甲天 下。古(古文化)、河(黄河)、拳(少林武术、太极拳)、根(寻根觅祖)、花(洛阳牡丹)为特色的旅游 资源,是河南旅游业发展的特大优势。与会代表在会议之余可尽享中原名胜无尽的魅力。发展 中的郑州将以更加绚丽多姿的风采欢迎您的到来,相信每位代表一定会在河南过得很愉快。


邱贵兴 中华医学会骨科学分会主任委员 中华医学会第九届骨科学术会议暨第二届国际 COA 大会主席 2007 年 3 月

Useful web sites 1. Travel China Guide 2. China Report (map above) Index.html 3. Hotel booking – AsiaRooms 4. 河南郑州国际会展中心

Zhengzhou road map



郑州国际会 展中心

中国东务 郑州市郑 新区商 内环路中央公 园1号

ZZICEC 郑州国际会 展中心由郑州香港会 展管理有限公司负责管理及营运 。郑州香港 会 展管理公司为中外合 资专业会 场地管理公司,是香港展览 议场地管理中国 有限公司与上海国际 展览中心有限公司合资组 建。 郑州国际会 展中心是郑州市中央商务 区三大标志性建筑之一,主体为钢 筋 砼 结构,屋面为桅杆悬索 斜拉钢 结构。郑州 国际会 展中心由 会 议中心和展览中心两 部分组成,建筑面积 22.76 万平方米,可 租用室内面积占 7.4 万平方米。是集会动会 议、展览、文娱活 、招待 、餐饮和旅游观光为一体的大 型展施。会设 会议中心:主体建筑六层,建筑面积 6.08 万平方米,设 有可容纳 3,160 人开会 或 1,660 人就餐的 轩辕堂、1,090 人的九鼎厅、两个 分别可容纳 400 人的报告厅、17 个会大中小型 议室、贵宾接待 室、中餐厅、西餐厅和咖啡厅。其中九鼎厅拥8 有 路同声统 传译系 。 展览中心:主体建筑两 层,辅楼六层,建筑面积 16.68 万平方米。由两个 展馆、 会 议室、餐饮 设 施、办公室及商店等组成。两个 展馆共可 设 置 3,560 个 9 平方米的国际 标准展位,展馆跨度 102 米 并设动 有五道活 隔段,可把展馆分割成 6个会独立展览 ;二层展馆为 无间车两 柱 隔。 辆可直接驶入 个展馆布展或撤展。 室外展场:面积 3.8 万平方米,设间 在展览中心及如意湖之 。 室外停车4.5 场:面积 万平方米,可停泊 1,800 辆汽车 。 郑州国际会 展中心是 国际 场地管理人员协会 之 会 员。


历史背景 • 郑州是中国八大古都之一,拥有八千年历史文化之名城。

• 早在 3600 年前,郑州是商朝的重要都邑,历史上曾是国家的政治文化中心。 地理位置

• 郑州是河南省省会,地处中原腹地,距北京 700 公里。

• 郑州拥有 7,446 平方公里土地, 700 万人口。 基建设施

• 郑州是全国重要的商品集散地,交通通讯枢纽。

• 主要京广、陇海铁路及京珠、连霍高速公路皆在郑州交汇。

• 郑州是亚洲最大的铁路货运编组站,也是全国最大的零担货物中转站和全国最大客运站之 一。 工业发展

• 河南拥有丰富的资源,包括煤、石棉、天然气、石油、有色金属,特别是含在矾土储量中 的铝尤为重要。

• 2004 年,郑州是河南省加工工业产量之冠。

• 主要农产品包括棉、花生、蘑菇、烟草和水果。

• 郑州是中国食品加工业之基地。

• 其它的产业包括汽车制造、耐火材料、纺织和快速增长的高科技产业。 经济发展

• 郑州在 2005 年之生产总值为人民币 1650 亿元,是河南省之首。

• 郑州商品交易所是中国三个期货交易场所之一,也是最早的一所交易场所。

• 以连锁业为主的新型业态发展迅速,麦德龙、家世界、家乐福、五星电器等一批国内外知 名商业零售企业落户并迅速扩张,12 个批发市场交易园区基本形成。

• 郑州每年举办各类全国性、区域性博览会如钢铁、建材、汽车、农机、医药、百货等行 业。 投资环境

• 时至今天,郑州吸引外资的契约金额为 51.8 亿美元。

• 2005 年,郑州的外贸交易额为 19.4 亿美元。

• 主要投资项目包括制造业 (如电子、石油化学产品、机械及建材)、地产物业管理和公共事 业。

• 日本的三井物产株式会社、住友商事会社、伊藤忠商事株式会社、美国的通用电气、ITT 公司、及法国的 Renault 是其中数家在河南注资的国际大企业。

展览中心 展览中心:主体建筑两层,辅楼六层,建筑面积 16.68 万平方米。由两个展馆、会议室、餐饮设 施、办公室及商店等组成。两个展馆共可设置 3,560 个 9 平方米的国际标准展位,展馆跨度 102 米 并设有五道活动隔段,可把展馆分割成 6 个独立展览会;二层展馆为无柱间隔。车辆可直接驶入两 个展馆布展或撤展。

会议中心 会议中心:主体建筑六层,建筑面积 6.08 万平方米,设有可容纳 3,160 人开会或 1,660 人就餐的轩 辕堂、1,090 人的九鼎厅、两个分别可容纳 400 人的报告厅、17 个大中小型会议室、贵宾接待室、 中餐厅、西餐厅和咖啡厅。其中九鼎厅拥有 8 路同声传译系统。


轩辕堂可以举办 1,660 人的大型宴会和 3,160 人的会议或演出活动。

容纳 1,090 人的九鼎厅和两个 400 座位的大河厅及太室厅。