Pythagorean Theorem Project

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Pythagorean Theorem Project Wheel of Theodorus Project Grading Rubric Grading rubric allows student to track their progress and calculate total possible points earned for the completion of this assigned project. The points listed represent the maximum total points available for satisfactory completion of each assigned task. Based on the student’s answers and quality of work on these assigned tasks; all, part or none of the points may be earned. Construction and Labeling of the Wheel: (25 points) Wheel contains a minimum of 17 triangles. (5 pts) _________ True center is marked clearly with minimal radius. (5 pts) _________ All triangles constructed properly with no gaps or overlays. (5 pts) _________ All right angles and legs are marked correctly. (5 pts) _________ Each hypotenuse length is marked correctly (radical form). (5 pts) _________ Calculation Chart: (40 points) Pythagorean Theorem is written at top of chart (10 pts) _________ All entries completed for the first 17 triangles. (10 pts) _________ Measure for hypotenuse, shown in radical form. (10 pts) _________ Measure for hypotenuse, shown in decimal form . (10 pts) _________ Project Questions: (20 points) Question #1 (4 pts) _________ Question #2 (4 pts) _________ Question #3 (4 pts) _________ Question #4 (4 pts) _________ Question #5 (4 pts) _________ Creativity: (15 points) Neatness and showing all work for each step. (3 pts) _________ Design is original. (3 pts) _________ Design is decorated with attention to detail (3 pts) _________ Effective incorporation of the wheel into the theme of the design. (3 pts) _________ Color is used effectively unless B&W contrast is part of intentional design. (3 pts) _________ Total Points (out of 100) _________ THEODORUS [OF CYRENE] FACT SHEET Birth Theodorus [of Cyrene], was born in the 5th century around 425 BC, in Cyrene Greece Theodorus moved to Athens, Greece where he spent most of his life and was certainly in Athens at a time when Socrates was alive. Education and Career Theodorus [of Cyrene], was a Greek Mathematician and a Pythagorean, (a member of devoted followers of Pythagoras), and a pupil of Pythagoras and Protagoras, but also a teacher and tutor of mathematics to Plato and Theatus. Our knowledge of Theodorus comes from Plato who wrote about him in his work Theaetetus and the Sophist. He was distinguished in astronomy, arithmetic, music and educational subjects, and is best remembered by mathematicians for his contribution to the development of irrational numbers and it is this aspect of his work which Plato referred to. Circumstances of Death Theodorus [of Cyrene] was a philosopher of the Cyranic School. He lived in both Greece and Alexandria, before ending his days in his native city of Cyrene where he died in 398 BC. He was condemned to die by being forced to drink poison. THEODORUS [OF CYRENE] PROJECT QUESTIONS 1. When and where was Theodorus born? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2. Where did Theodorus spend most of his working life? ______________________________________________ 3. Name one of his most influential teachers. ______________________________________________ 4. Name one of his most influential pupils. ______________________________________________ 5. According to legend; how did Theodorus die? ______________________________________________ WHEEL OF THEODORUS CALCULATION CHART 1. Determine the length of each hypotenuse using the Pythagorean Theorem. 2. Record the measures of both (leg a) and (leg b) 3. Record hypotenuse value in its radical form 4. Using a calculator; find and record the equivalent decimal number to the radical. 5. State the Pythagorean Theorem: __________________________________ Triangle Measure Measure Measure of Hypotenuse Measure of Hypotenuse of Leg a of Leg b (in radical form) (in decimal form) 1 1 1 2 1.414213562 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Directions: Start by marking a central point on your paper that all triangles will rotate around and draw a right triangle with both legs being 1 inch in length. Use a ruler, to be exact, and a note card to help make right angles. Draw the hypotenuse. Now use the hypotenuse of this triangle as the leg of the next triangle and make the second leg 1 inch in length. Again, make sure to use a ruler and note card for accuracy. Draw in the hypotenuse. Continue this process until all triangles have been created. Now outline your wheel and turn it into a picture. Be creative! Be colorful, and use your imagination. .
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