GOOD SOCIETY / GREEN SOCIETY? The red–green DEBATE Southbank House, Black Prince Road, London SE1 7SJ T: +44 (0) 20 7463 0632 |
[email protected] GOOD SOCIETY / GREEN SOCIETY? The red–green DEBATE 1 | Acknowledgements: Compass would like to thank Victor Anderson who used his vast knowledge and contacts to bring this publication together. Victor convenes the Compass Sustainability Panel and can be emailed at
[email protected]. We would also like to thank all those that contributed to this publication including the writers and copyeditor Susannah Wight. Published by Compass − Direction for the Democratic Left Ltd Southbank House, Black Prince Road, London SE1 7SJ t: +44 (0) 207 463 0632 e:
[email protected] Designed by Soapbox, Contents 1. Foreword, Caroline Lucas and Neal Lawson 4 2. Introduction: red–green dialogues, Victor Anderson 6 3. The question of growth, Victor Anderson 9 4. A little more conversation: why greens and reds should start by changing the way that they talk – a feminist perspective, Deborah Doane and Ruth Potts 11 5. Values for a red–green politics, Guy Shrubsole 15 6. The left and its problem with sustainability: why less is more, Neal Lawson 19 7. What has been the experience of red–green coalitions?, John Hare 23 8. No red without green: why any socialism must be an eco-socialism, Rupert Read 29 9. Why being ‘anti-cuts’ is not enough: the need to embrace a new green economic paradigm, Rupert Read 32 10.