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The Lutheran Church in Ukraine: in search of a national identity Victoria LYUBASHCHENKO. Ukraine, L’viv © V. Lyubashchenko, 2003 1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND kraine is one of the most widely representa tive Protestant regions in Eastern Europe. UThe first Calvinist and Lutheran communities (which are related to the classic Protestant tradition) were founded in Ukraine as early as the middle of the sixteenth century. Their connection with the Magisterial or Church Reformation determined the gentrified character of the early Protestant movement in Ukraine and left a distinct mark on its national and cultural life. Contemporary Protestantism in Ukraine is usually defined by its evan gelical segment, including Baptist, Evangelical Christian, Pentecostal, and Adventist congregations, which grew out Victoria Lyubashchenko of the «folk» or Radical Reformation. The latter gave new (L’viv) is a Doctor of Philosophy. Currently meaning to the whole idea of the church, subordinating it she works at the to the only divine criterion — Holy Scripture (following Institute of Ukrainian Martin Luther’s wellknown maxim: «The church does Studies of the National not define what the Bible is; the Bible defines what the Academy of Science. She church is»). Later evangelical communities departed still has published a book, The History of further from church tradition, understanding the latter Protestantism in not as a historical, but rather a biblical apostolic inheritance, Ukraine, and other books as the carrying out of God’s commandments in accordance and articles in the area with the letter and spirit of revelation. of church history. Usually in Ukraine, where by far the majority of believers consider themselves to be Orthodox or Catholic, evangelical Protestantism is regarded negatively as «sectarian expansion into native spiritual life.»1 But Lutheranism, with its favorable attitude to the institutional 1 Golos Ukrainii, 26 April 1999. Theological Reflections #1, 2003 183 Victoria Lybashchenko church, and its historical and con grace is given to the whole human temporary dialogue with Orthodoxy, race, therefore there is no sacral may count on the latter’s positive difference between clergy and laity; perception. Nevertheless, the position people serve God in their everyday of Lutheranism in the Ukrainian life) and also Sola Scriptura (divine context is problematic. inspiration of the Bible alone). If Lutheranism is essentially a salvation is not in the church, but is model of moderatelyreformed Ca God’s gift, then truth is not in sacred tholicism, and its rudiments are basi tradition, but in revelation. The cally different from those of evan Word of God is the only infallible gelical Protestantism. This is seen, source of faith. for example, in its appeals to early Based on Augustine’s teaching on patristic literature, in which German the Two Cities, Luther worked out the (and later Swiss) Reformers saw theory of two authorities, according much truth, albeit perverted by anci to which state and church have ent philosophy; its reconsideration of different prerogatives. But inasmuch Renaissance humanism (especially as a believer and a priest are one concerning the problem of free will); indivisible person, secular and church the actualization of Christian ethics powers also constitute a unified, God and law; and its recognition of the ordained social organism. Secular authority of the Apostolic, Nicene authorities may (though moderately (retaining the Filioque), and Atha and only in the state’s interest) nasian creeds. intervene in church affairs (potential In contrast to Erasmus, Luther Caesaropapism), and church authorities insisted on the absolute sinfulness of — in secular interests (potential cleri man, his inability to participate in calism). This was the reason for Luthe salvation. Moreover, the church and ranism’s rejection of radical social and its statutes (good deeds) lost their ecclesiastical changes. That is why its soteriological significance; thus, good creeds are penetrated with the spirit deeds are not the means, but the fruit of compromise, and the church has of righteousness. Luther rejected any adopted the attributes (altar, crucifix, attempt to reconsider revelation (the images, priestly vestments) and the idea of the primacy of the Word over elements of the Catholic rite (fasting, philosophy) and substantiated the dif confession, religious processions with ference between the two biblical a cross, etc.). doctrines (Law and Gospel) and the Although later Lutheran teach two natures of man («external» and ing has undergone some changes «internal»), which symbolize letter (beginning with Luther himself in and spirit, false and true faith. This his ecclesiology, in his reevaluation last is the way to restoring a per of the meaning of culture and sonal relationship between the philosophy), the Lutheran church has individual and the Living God. This kept its spirit of compromise. For rethinking of the function of the all of its doctrine of justification by church found its logical continuation faith, Lutheranism insists on the bap in the principles of Sola gratia (God’s tism of children; while denying the 184 Áîãîñëîâñêèå ðàçìûøëåíèÿ #1, 2003 Lutheran Church in Ukraine graceimparting significance of church structure, the institution of churchly «acts of righteousness,» bishops or superintendents, and Lutheranism understands the archbishops), and, since the nineteenth Eucharist as a sacrament. Children century, the establishment of men’s «still in the womb… participate in and women’s communities of the the precept of eternal life»; therefore, monastic type. By sanctifying the «… the baptism of children is not a state as a divine institution, Luther vain affair, but is necessary for rejected opposition to authority. salvation and is effective.»2 The That is why Lutheranism was critical doctrine of consubstantiation (the of social and religious radicalism presence of Jesus’ body and blood and supported the monarchy and the in the bread and wine, thus the idea of the state church in a number presence of four elements in the of countries. Eucharist) became the modification Throughout its history in Ukra of Catholic transubstantiation (trans ine, Lutheranism was interpreted as formation of the body and blood into a «German» faith. According to some bread and wine, thus changing one authors, it was a kind of Prussian element into another). Having intrigue against the Slavic world. formulated the doctrine of the (This is one of the themes in the priesthood of all believers, Luther famous polemic between Russian still upheld the special authority of Westernizers and Slavophils.) the priest as a person who fun Incidentally, this «national view» of ctionally retains the apostolic Lutheranism is not groundless. The (especially presbyterial) inheritance. appearance of this denomination is Ordination is not merely evidence of closely bound to the idea of a a priest’s moral purity, but a pledge national church, which was taken up of special gifts received from God in the sixteenth century in the (Apology, Article XIII). Thus, in German principalities as part of Lutheranism a person may receive their nationalcultural aspirations. pardon for sin from a priest as if Lutheranism found support in other from God himself (The Apology European countries that aspired to claims that confession is the third national independence. But it became sacrament of the Lutheran church), the national church only in those believing that those sins will be places where the «moderate» magi forgiven in heaven. The priest sterial reform program was pursued. embodies not only apostolic au But the middle and lower classes thority, but also the authority of hoped for the radical reorganization Christ (Small Catechism, part V). On of church and society, which was this premise, Lutheranism preserves proclaimed by Calvinist Burghers (in a hierarchy (synodalconsistorial Eastern Europe it was the gentry, or szlachta) and «plebeian» Anabaptists. Their radicalism found its expression 2 «Stat’i vizitatsij (Svodnye artikuly)» and «Apo in more decisive doctrinal initiatives. logiia augsburgskogo veroispovedaniia» in Kniga While the statements of faith in soglasiia. Veroispovedanie i uchenie Liuteranskoj Tserkvi (Duncanville, 1998), pp. 830 and 200. troduced by German Reformers be Theological Reflections #1, 2003 185 Victoria Lybashchenko came obligatory for all Lutheran Lutherans left not one written work churches in the world, Calvinists did in the national language. Thus, the not codify any creeds at all. widelydisseminated explanation in Although John Calvin’s writings are native historiography concerning undoubtedly authoritative, Calvinism the collapse of the early Protestant emphasized the regional creativity movement in Ukraine — that it had of its followers and the composition a «German spirit,»3 alien not only of national documents (the to Orthodoxy, but also to Calvinism Heidelberg and Brest Catechisms, the and Socinianism — is superficial. Gallican, Belgic, and Westminster Lutheranism’s function as a Confessions of Faith, etc.). Calvinism bearer of German culture is typical and later evangelical trends for recent Ukrainian history as well. supported the spiritual desires of Before the Second World War this national communities, encouraging religion existed mainly in German them to use their native languages, settlements. Most often in the south culture and traditions. Ivan Franko, eastern region — in the colonies of in his periodization of Ukrainian MünchenKharkovskaja,