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CHESHIRE U GLDUCESTERSHIRE ~Ck-Off 4.15Pm ~ TWICI{ENHAM .. ':',.0" THE HOME OF ENGLAND RUGBY 1st June 2002 Tetley's County Championship Final CHESHIRE u GLDUCESTERSHIRE ~ck-off 4.15pm -- Tetley's National U20 Championship Final Hampshire U20 uCornwall U20 Kick-off 2.15pm Tetley's County Shield Final Warwickshire uBerkshire Kick-off 12 .15pm Tetley's National Counties 7-a-side Competition First Match 10.00am Official Programme E2 .00 CONTENTS Awelcome Irom the Presidenl of the RFU ...• ••••... 2 ~~ Awelcome 'rom Tetley's .... ........3 1 st June 2002 lI.uil .•••.••... ........... •• ••• • •• .... ,4 Tetley's County Championship Final National Sewens .... ....•...•.•.... •......5 CHESHIRE u Warwickshire Squad ........... ..........617 GLOUCESTERSHIRE Berkshire Squad ..... ..........• ........8/9 Telley's Counly Shield final Kick-off 4.1 5pm - Teams .................••....... .11 Counly Final - ln Focus . ..................12 Tetley's National U20 Championship Final Cheshire Squad ... .................13 /14115 Hampshire U20 v Cornwall U20 TeUev's County Championship final Kick-off 2.15pm - Today's Teams . ....... ..... .....16/17 Counly Final - Scrapbook ................. .1B Tetley's County Shield Final Gloucestershire Squad .......... ... ..19/20/21 Warwickshire u Berkshire The Hampshire Squad ....... •........ .. 24125 Kick-off 12 .15pm The Cornwall Squad ....................26/27 Telley's National U2D Championsh ip Final Tetley's National Counties - TodaV's Teams ..................... 29 7-a-side Competition Plan of the ground ........ ... ... ......30/31 First Match 1D .DDam General information .................... .32 Rugby Football Union 2001{2002 Sponsors Page .............. Inside Back Cower I>~tr on CommU!1Îcaliuns Directo r 1LM . The Qul",n meh.mll'n.'SCOtt President Communit)' ltu1;hy & Opcr;ltiuns Dirrelur ~ "li'rr)' n"rwd l ,,;,7.-~ Vice l'rcsi,knIS Finance Direc t"T o.:rd: .\lO'gln & Roh"., ! Inrnl'r l'id. E.I'lwooo.! -- Chaim! •• !! of the Man;'\gcnwnl n uactl l'crformal1l"C Dircctor iJ C;rJcntc Caltcrmuk Chris Sl'kc 1'1" 1"" ,,( thi> l',,,!,'r.,,,,,,,,· "'.'y I.e nl"",!u,.,.,1 It l:U Chief bccuth'c Secreur}' & Legal Qmen "ith",,, l'crmi>>iu'' in ,,-riting f,,,,,, the Ku gl~' 1-<."tl,,11 U"i"n. ITancis Harun Jotl.llhJI1 Ibll P~gr~mme dnigned and published b, Commerci"j Direct" r St,lIliom Dir. ...· lOr PPl SPORT & lElSUAE Ilel: 01372 743J71l Printed by Hrway Prinling G~ u p l'~ul \'J ugh.ltl RidlJl1l":"igln WWW.RFU.COM Welcome from the President of the RFU d comc 10 "'\\'ickcnIJ am Stadiulll for the highlight of the countics scason, fcaturing the 1cllc)"s National Couru)' 75, tht.: l êtlt:y's Shidd I:inal , the Wl cllcy's 1I10 O I:lI l1 pionship Final and the l ctlcy's Couilly Final. Cheshire and Glouccstcrshi l"c ll·iumplu.·J Q\'cr tough opposition to rcach the l cùLJ's CoUIlI)' Fin.ll, Cheshire b.lttling against Yorkshi re and Gloucester laki ng on Cornwa ll al Rcdruth in the semis. Bo th h.wc won the counly championship in the pasl, Ch c ~ hi n.! thrcc limes and Glo11ccstcrshirc bdng kl'cl with L"lIlcashi rc in ha\'ing bcing COlllll)' clmnpions no Icss thoU] 16 IÎll1l.:S. It is mûst cncouraging 10 s{.'C players and managemellt hcre I()(h y from I... , nc'lshirc, Oxfo rdshirc, North i\ lidlands, Cornwall, ~\' Ii d dl csc.~ , 'lbrks hil"e, Ilampshil"e, Cheshire and Glouccslcrshi rc. 111e scason's call1paigns ha,'c becn hanl foughl ami 10 ha,"e rcached Ù1C fin als Ioda)' is an achie\'l:ll1enl of which 10 he prom!. 10 pull on a counl)' jel"SL")' is a trc1llcndotls hOllour, ln Illy CO llnl)~ )o l"ks hirc, there is always fi crcc competition fo r county places and fi crce compctilion with our ncareSI rimls. This scason sees a trc1llendOlls stcp fO I" \\";'\I"(1 WiÙl the fi rsl en:r England Counties XV touring la Chile Il ext tllonth, giving ail those playing cotlnty rugby the chance la rcprcscnl thcir countr)' also, 'Ille 16-lllan scll1ad has bcen drawn from I l countÎcs ami wi ll bc captaillL't 1 by Ton)' \-Yi ndo, who Îs pla)'ing fo r Glotlccslershirc !CKIa)'" 1 would likc la tôlke this opporumil)' ta ,\;sh "Io n}, ami his Engla lld Countics X\~ the ,"cry besi of luck againsi reprcscntali\"e sidcs from the north and SOUÙl of Chile and in thdr lest match in SantÎa!.'O o n JUlie 29th, 1 would also Iikc to ù\ank ait o f" our exccll ent workcrs !hrollgholl t the llaliOIl'S countics for ail the wOI"k lhat the)' put in on bc half of the galllc and !o congratulate l ètlcy's on il... gcnerous suppo rt of our count)' compe titions. WWW. R F" U . C D M 2 • A Welcome from Tetley 's Il behalf uf 'lcllcy's ma)' [ cxtcnd a wann wc!coIl1c 10 the l ètlcy's Cou ni)' O Championship Final 2002. This sponsorship [o r ms part of our comprehensive sponsorship prograrnrnc undcrtakcn by 'Ji.:tlcy's tliat bcndits English Rugby Union a l aJlIt;\'cl~ of the gamc, from the natÎon"llcam right through 10 grass routs Icre! . The Tctlcy's CalUll)' Championship is one orthe o ldes! competi tions in I ~ugb )' Union and 'lctlcy's is prout! ta De assodatcd with il. This )'ca r the competition has bccn buostcd \Vith the prospect of an Engbnd n.: prcscnI<lti\'c ski..: bcing dlosc n l'rom thosc playcrs participating in the championship. l'bis is il nKlf\'d lous inccnti\'c for c\'cr)' playcr in \'olw:d and has no doubl becil rd1cctcd in tin: ([ual il)' of pcr!(wm;mcc Ihis ~ea~on. lilda)" sees an intcrcsting cnCOIl!ltcr bctwcell Chcshire and Glouccslcrshire, both hot b..:ds of rugby union. [ \\"ou l<l likc 10 t"kc this opportllnil)' to wish e\'crybody assnclatcd with bot h Icams thc \·cry bcst in to(by's l ètley's COllnt)' Championship. Cv/in Pon~)' Cb ig E..w:CUl i ,·c, C(/llsbcfg-1i!tl9' Rrcwing l.uI. WWW.RFU.COM 3 • OUI Z compiled by J-lUlV S. Thomas 1. Who willicad the English Counties on 15. Who captained Sale in thci,' Olle and onl)' thcir forthcoming tour to Chi le? RHI Cup Final appearancc in 1997? 2 . IyVho Il1Î ssc<lthc European Cup Final 16. W hosc England ca recr spanncd three whcn he brokc hi s hancl in a training decades, 1979- 199 1? accident Iwo clap bcforc the Final al the Il \Vhich Cheshire clubs pla)' at:­ I\lli llcnnium Stadiurn? a) Prior)' Park; b) Heath Road; 3 . Who is the English SC\'CIlS coach? c) Burrows Hill ; cl) J-Iarkinson's Field ? 4 . Which Edinburgh playcr captaincd the 18 _ Which Gloucester cl ubs pla)' al:­ Baa Baas againsl England o n 261h May? a) Frolllehall Park; Il) L1kcs Raad; c) The I-Ia)'ficld; <1) The I\'toats? 5 . \<\I hich London Irish lock playec! for Wales against the Baa Baas on \Vl:dncsclay 19. \Vhich legendary Wdsh centre, who died 29111 Ma)'? Iast )'ear aged 92, O IlCC played for Sale? 6 . Wllich Scottish serum Imlf played fo r SaIl! 20. W hich ex-Sale baà playcd against South ;11 th t.: Parker Pe rl Shi cid Final againsl i\f'rica and Austral ia for both New Zealand l'ontypridd? and \\'alcs? 1 Wllich ex-Ne\\' Zcabnd Il)' halC had spcJl s \Vith bath Sale :md Gloucester? 'IIU/WOlf ;)UOlfS "Ol 8 . W hich c.,,{-\\~11c s flankcr caplaincd ~ C'uP(J :JP" oD '61 Gloucester IWO }'cars aga? ,G" '1r;l;PI.?L (p :;l.I,JO (.J :f(!H "(u3f/ (c/ :pIlOUS (0 'SI ' lI01,JJ8I/O:J 9. \~I hic h lathcr and son won caps for (1' :'11/'.1 (lOIb'U!III1~ ll (.J :~";?ul'!!1 ((1 :pfJlli;:.{.J.J/II1' (1) 'L I England aga inst South Africa, the falher in 'XU/I:>,j ,G,,:> 'claul flou/wm{J'/0N '9 1 1984, the son in 1998? "J,JPIII/l"ll' WI{ '5 1 "11"(:11[11' ul.{0{ la. W hich Sale centre \\'on two <:aps for "-1 '5:> W()'F!JI){ "[ / England in 1998? B IIII!:J.l.I:> f!I.{J 1/ Il. Wllich c.... -Salc player \\'as in the "lPY UD.Juna . f 1 I>o nt)'pridd front row in the Parker Pen 'fPplI:Jx"'f1 ul.{0{ "01 1JIP!:l (/oll plm !n!o{ '6 Shicld Final? ' ~";? (J(}{ ,('I)flu!")/ 'S 12 . Which reccnt English hooker has played 'XIIIII/I/1' lIolUIS L for bOÙl Gloucester and Sale? ·1.{/lxlpJ}/ uv.Gy ·9 'sum!m l! ;).l3lS '5 13. Whcrc wcre brothers Pat and Alex "JJPfJlJ·1·m/fJ Iuol 'fr Sandcrsoll educated? ·uop.<7 JO{ T '(mslInJ\l) UI>IJJOII .ruol.{JUl' "l 14. Which Ali Black coach WolS Ollce coach '(J:JJmnol:» °PU!·II .rUI"1. ' f at Sale? SU.:1A\ S·NV WWW .RF.U.COM " TETLEY'S NATIONAL COUNTIES 7-A-SIDE COMPEnlDN 10.00 am Scmi Final 1 North l\oliddlcscx \' COl"llwn ll 10.20 am Scmi Final 2 Middlesex ,. Yorkshire 10.40 am Womcn's Trophy Final I..... mca shi rc \' Oxfordshirc Il . 10 am Plate Final lose rs SF l " Lose rs SF2 11.40 am Trophy I:inal \oVinncrs SF l ,, \Vinners SF2 The gamcs wi ll be playc{1 in accordancc wi th the IHB Stamkml Set ofVari;nio ns for the 7-a-sidc gamc. In the C\'c n\ of a colour clash, the firsl namcd tcam Illust change their 5111 11 eoJour. Q uartcrfinals ;md scmifinals will Il e sc\'cn minutes c;lch way with not mo rc th,lIl a one minule intcrva l.
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