PlatinumPlatinum GazetteGazette , , Tel 0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) email: [email protected] 15 May 2015 Fax 0865549031 / 013 231 7147 [email protected]

To do what ‘Calm’ with? again

Information and photograph: Tubatse Polce Station The area around Bokoni Platinum Mine and the nearby R37 road from Atok to Polokwane seemed calm yester- day morning just before the newspaper went to press. The area became quiet after a meeting between different stakeholders was held on Wednesday at the Merensky Stadium in Atok after violence, blocking of roads and burning erupted on Monday and continued through Tuesday. Children did not go to school and operations at the mine were severly disrupted, but according to re- ports, were returning to normal by yesterday morning, following Wednesday’s meeting. The exact nature of the delibarations at the meeting were not known at the time of going to press. Bokoni Platinum mine is owned by Atlatsa Resources (51 percent and Anglo American Platinum (49 percent). Meanwhile the disruptions claimed at least one life. According to the Police in Polokwane the Police came under heavy attack from protesters along the R37 at Atok when protesters blocked the road and threw stones at the Police. A media statement from the Police says : “In the process of protecting themselves (police)a 28 year old was allegedly fatally shot while another was apparent- ly injured and currently hospitalized. Circumstances On Friday 08 May 2015 at about 15:30 the Tubatse Police in received information that there is a suspected surrounding the subsequent shooting will be investi- stolen motor vehicle at Bothashoek village. On their arrival they found a 23 year old man busy washing the car and they gated. According to the information received the area asked him where the owner of the car is. He explained where the ‘owner’ is. The Polce entered the house, found a 26 experienced blockades by protesters as from Monday year old man and searched the house with his permission. During the search Police offi cers found a cap with correctional where, tree trunks, stones, telephone poles and burning service emblem, a police blue light, two pairs of hand gloves, one balaclava, a campmaster chair with Aganang Traffi c Po- tyres; resulting in the road being totally closed for the lice emblem, brown luggage bag with clothes, a laptop and a revolver fi re-arm without a serial number and four live rounds motorists of ammunition. It was also discovered that the motor vehicle was stolen in Sekhukhune. All the recovered property were Several cases ranging from public violence, ma- confi scated for further investigation. The two gentlemen were arrested and appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate Court on licious damage to property and theft of motor vehicle Monday on charges of possession of stolen propertiy and possession of an unlicensed fi rearm and ammunition. They were have so far been registered and three suspects arrest- not granted bail and are remanded in custody until 21 May 2015. ed for cases of public violence. The shooting incident is reported to the IPID who took over the investigation.” 2 NEWS 15 MAY 2015

Zambezi Platinum was successfully listed on the Main Board of the JSE on Monday. Zambezi Platinum Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (Zambezi Platinum), is a special pur- pose vehicle created to house the newly constituted HDSA shareholding in Northam Platinum Limited (Northam). Zambezi Platinum will benefi cially hold 159 905 453 Northam shares, Boost for Northam amounting to approximately 31.4% of the total issued ordinary share capital listed on JSE of Northam. Zambezi Platinum’s preference shares which will be issued to participants on 18 May 2015 at R41 per share, provide an affordable oppor- tunity for a broad range of investors, over and above those directly invested in Northam, to gain exposure to this exciting sector. The preference shares will trade under the ZPLP ticker symbol. Speaking at the JSE on Monday, chairman elect of Zambezi Platinum, Photo Credit: Philip Mr Lazarus Zim, described the nature of the transaction which saw the Mostert Photography establishment of Zambezi Platinum and which has revitalized Northam’s em- powerment status, as unique and unprecedented. “Unlike many prior BEE transactions, everyone party to this transaction is protected from the vicis- situdes of the market through the ringfencing of Zambezi. With Northam’s strong balance sheet, visionary and energetic leadership, we can now pursue value-accretive growth opportunities which will benefi t shareholders and all stakeholders alike.” Northam chief executive Paul Dunne added, “This landmark transaction recognises the fundamental value of Northam along with its growth potential. Now, with meaningful and sustainable empowerment participation, we are well poised to realise further upside.” Much like its namesake, one of Africa’s greatest waterways, Zambezi Platinum seeks to ensure that there is signifi cant value and benefi t fl owing through to a broad range of stakeholders – communities, employees, a women’s group and a core of strategic partners who offer fi nancial, legal and business skills, supportive of Northam’s ambitions. The Zambezi Platinum listing wil enable Northam Platinum to make ac- quisitions and expand operations after paying R4.6bn as part of the deal. Preference-share investors will be paid an annual dividend at ’s benchmark retail-lending rate, known as the prime rate, plus 3.5 percentage points, according to a notice on Northam’s website. Northam announced a deal in February to buy the Everest mine, which is contiguous to Booysendal, between Steelpoort, and for R450m from Aquarius Platinum. The company announced the transaction with Zam- bezi in October after the stakes of its previous black owners, Afripalm and Mvelaphanda Holdings, got eroded as the investment companies had to sell part of their holdings to repay loans.

1 Corinthians 10:24 (NIV) No one should seek their own good, but the good of others. 15 MEI 2015 NUUS 3

Sekhukhune District Municipality engages stakeholders Water and Sanitation Summit held Crime Snippets On Saturday 9 May 2015 Tubatse Police arrested a 19 year old As part of interventions that are employed to fi nd solutions to the challenges of water and sanitation, the District male in connection with housebreaking and theft. The arrest Municipality was set to host a Water and Sanitation Stake-holders Engagement Summit as we went to press follows followed an incident on Friday 08 May 2015 in Ga yesterday (Thursday). Mokgotho village. A 68 year old woman alleged that her house This summit was to coincide with summits from the other four District Municipalities in as a buildup was broken into and a laptop was stolen, she then told the to the Provincial Water and Sanitation Summit to be held on the 9 July 2015. Police that she suspect a certain man about the matter. The During the State of the Province Address (SOPA) 2015, among other pronouncements by Premier Chupu Police made follow-ups and proceeded to the home of the said Stanley Mathabatha was that “the Limpopo provincial government will convene a Provincial Water and Sanitation where they found him. He toldt the Police that he had hid the Summit in the next two months to help fi nd long lasting solutions to the problems of water”. laptop under the tree next to the river. The police took him to The Department of Agriculture and the Department of Economic Develop Environment and Tourism will host the place and it was recovered and confi scated. stakeholder engagements with farmers, mining and industry respectively. He appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate`s Court on Monday Stakeholders were to deliberate on issues ranging from: The Status of water provisioning in Sekhukhune; the 11 May 2015 and he was granted bail of R800. The case was District Water Master plan; bulk provisioning by Lepelle Northern Water; operations and Maintenance by SDM; postponed to 12 June 2015. The roll-out of VIP Sanitation projects and its impact on environment with the theme: “Water is life Sanitation is dignity”. On Saturday 9 May 2015 a 21 year old man was arrested for assault with the purpose to infl ict grievous bodily harm. The arrest follows an incident in Praktiseer on 08 May 2015 when Can you assist? a 30 year female was stabbed while she was on her way to Come join the attend a funeral. The matter was reported to Tubatse Police on 9 May 2015 and the suspect was arrested on the same day. He appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate`s Court on Monday Farmers’ Day Shopkeeper set alight 11 May 2015 and he was granted bail of R1000. The case was postponed to 10 June 2015. The Limpopo Department of Agriculture in Greater Tubatse will be hosting a A 45 year man who is also a shopkeeper is fi ghting for his life in hos- Farmer’s Day on 18 May 2015. pital after being attacked by assailants who also robbed him of cash before setting him alight. On Sunday 10 May 2015 Tubatse Police arrested a 24 year old The event will take place at the Maroga The incident happened at Ga-Selepe village in the Mecklenburg man in connection with rape. Community Hall. The Department is policing area last week Thursday. According to Police att about It is alleged that the man raped a 19 year old lady in Praktiseer calling on all farmers of livestock in the 03:00 three unknown men surprised the shopkeeper in his sleep and on Saturday 09 May 2015. The matter was reported to Tubatse municipality to join them on the day. robbed him of cash before pouring a fl ammable substance on him Police on 10 May and the suspect was arrested the same day. Animal health care medicine, applicators and setting him alight. He appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate`s Court on Monday and feed will be sold on site on the day. He is currently receiving medical attention at a hospital. The 11 May 2015 and he was not granted bail. The case was post- Enquiries: Maphadime Phaahla on 083 Police are appealing to whoever might shed light on the incident to poned to 18 May 2015. 384 1123. contact the investigator, Major Martin Seabi on telephone number 082 414 3070. 4 NEWS 15 MAY 2015 Wildevy 4x4 Dag vir 2015 skop af Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag 2015 is hierdie week amptelik Besoek van stapel gestuur. Die Wildevy Manne, moontlike borge en belanghebbendes het by Winterveld Klub bymekaar gekom en vir meer inligting. die fynere besonderhede van inskrywings, stalletjies, punt- borge en ander aktiwiteite bespreek. Samancor ECM het weereens hul ondersteuning vir dié goeie saak gewys deur ‘n R20 000 borg vir die dag. Die Wildevy 4x4 Dag vind hierdie jaar op 25 Julie plaas. Die Wildevy en Bison Falls Spur MTB Race sal ook dan plaasvind. Dié fi etsren groei baie en bekendes in fi etsry-kringe sal kom deelneem. Onthou nou is die tyd om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek, ‘n hemp- borg te wees, ‘n punt te borg of as deelnemer in te skryf. Navrae: Ilze Pretorius, 013 231 7499.

‘Angels’ bring joy On 16 April the group called “Angels” with the in the Burgersfort area who are thankful for support of Hip Hop cares, donated a full set the blessings they have and would like to of school uniforms to 20 children at Shopiane share it. Last year they visited two schools Primary School. The children were fi lled with in Bothashoek where they donated shoes. joy at the receiving the gifts. After seeing many orphaned children without The ‘Angels’ are not a formal group affi liated proper school uniforms the women decided to anyone, they are simply a group of women to address this issue in 2015. The packages they delivered this year were specially packed and marked with a personal touch. The ‘Angels’ would like to thank Hip Hop Cares and Ackermans Tubatse Cross- ing. They thank everyone who contributed and thank the Lord for the blessings they are able to share. “We try to remember this: “Matthew 10:42: ‘And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward’”. (Information and photographs: Ruth Makena, ‘Angels’ group) 15 MEI 2015 NUUS 5

SamancorSafety ECM held their annual Safety Ind- aba this week. Employees not only received fresh safety messages, but could also win prizes such as TV sets, refrigerators and much more. A special drama ephasised the message of a holistic approach to safety.

VW MasterCars in Burgersfort

VW MasterCars had their grand opening in Burg- ersfort on Saturday 9 May 2015. The team from VW Highlands were ready to attend to any customers. Iemas was also ready to help with the fi nance side of things. The team is ready with great vehicles, friendly service and competitive deals. The public can visit VW MasterCars at the Promenade building at the last stop towards Lyden- burg. Tel: 013-235 1900.

The VW team and Iemas were ready to assist any customers at their opening. 6 Advertorial 15 MAY 2015

TB tesƟ ng at Samancor ECM One of the main values of Samancor ECM is “Caring for or people”. On 19 March 2015, Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines in conjuncƟ on with the Department of Health (Sekhukhune District) launched a TB Screening Campaign which formed part of the Department of Health’s naƟ onal TB campaign. The iniƟ aƟ ve was rolled out at Doornbosch Mine. Not only were the employees tested for TB, but they also had access to test their blood pressure, glucose and HIV. During the ECM cares for their people and visit the Department of Health gave the employees guid- that is why they are working ance on family planning and medical male circumcisions. together to stop TB. Employees Samancor ECM would like to thank all the employees who parƟ cipated in free TB tesƟ ng. parƟ cipated in making this a huge success, and hope to have the same co-operaƟ on with future endeavours.

With winter just about here, ECM is plan- Back to Remember the ning to heat up the social scene in August. Save the date of 21 and 22 August 2015 - those days are fesƟ val days. With loads of School Winterveld stalls, compeƟ Ɵ ons and live entertainment The Samancor East- you will not want to miss out! Watch this ern Chrome Mines space for more informaƟ on closer to the annual Golf Day raise FesƟ val Ɵ me. funds for community projects. The 2014 day’s funds was used to distribute “Back to School” gifts amongst Join the Hobo Jol grade R and grade 1 children at Mangab- When: 22 May 2015 ane Primary, Makga- kantshe Primary and Time: 18:00 Steelpoort Academy. At Dithamaga Primary Where: Winterveld RecreaƟ on Club and Boerboomkraal, everybody received a R80 per person. gifts. ECM would like Live entertainment with Lee Vaughn. to thank everyone who made this project pos- Prize for the best dressed person. sible. “With this kind of Tickets available at Winterveld Club and support, we can only go Daleen Engelbrecht, tel: 013 230 7079. from good to great”. Years of service recognised at Long Service Awards On 2 April 2015 Samancor ECM hosted their annual Long Service Awards. At the funcƟ on employees with service of 20 year, 25 years, 30 years and 35 years were recognised for their contribuƟ on to the company. Mr. Emile Britz, General Manager of Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines thanked the employees for their hard work and loyalty. Each employee received tokens of appreciaƟ on, including an embroi- dered blazer and a cerƟ fi cate. Employees with 35 years were enthusiasƟ cally cheered on and given a standing ovaƟ on for their achievement. Those with 25 years service are: WM Makofane, MI Mlatji, SM Malepe, SPM Maroga, LP Matheb- ula, P Macia, SK Setswalo, JMM Maroga, ST Mashilo, BM Nkosi, ME Mnisi, HL Molapo, SM Monyela, CG Smit, JN Lukhele, FN Maile, RLM Makwana, JTP Phohu, SM Serage, TM Ngwato, AHM Maeyane, EM Tau and DP Mbuyane. Those with 30 years service are: S Lerutla, AMM Makofane, MM Modi- pi, MM Mmadi, JM Manzini and GC Wolhuter. Those with 35 years service (photograph leŌ ) are: J Mabaso, AL Swafo, FJ Mokwena, FA Tie, L Mshwana, JM Rachidi, FL Thobejane, SM Koma- na, TJ Mabelane, TJ Rachoshi, PN Nkuni, MJ Rahlamo, F Malibe, LA Chitja, W Mamogale, KR Makofane, L Moima, EM Lekweng, DL Serage, E Mahlako and MS Maimela. The funcƟ on ended with a delicious dinner. 15 MEI 2015 Advertorial 7

ECM School projects nearing compleƟ on Samancor ECM values educa on and has commi ed themselves to various projects to assist local schools. ECM included upgrading of school infrastructure in their Social Labour Plan and the projects were set in mo on in July 2014. Most of these projects are nearing comple on. Photograph right: Two classroom blocks at Mogolo Secondary School have been completed.

Right: The administra on block at Seka- bate Primary School has been completed.

Above: Two classroom blocks, one for Grade R and one for Grade 1 at Mangabane Primary School have been completed.

Right: Three classroom blocks at Madibeng Primary School are s ll under construc on but should be completed by The school hall at Sehlaku Secondary School has been the end of May. completed. Safety stays a priority Samancor ECM kicked off their in groups from diff erent shi s. two day Safety Indaba on Wednes- They received various safety day this week. messages, par cipated in lucky The event took place at Win- draws and special safety quizzes Comfort is key terveld Village and employees and enjoyed a special drama from the diff erent mines a ended with a safety message. at Motseleng Guest House

Welcome to the Motseleng Guesthouse which is situated on the Eerstegeluk Road via the R36 Polokwane Road as you drive from Steel- poort. Motseleng is surrounded by our beau ful bush- veld and relaxing environment. The guesthouse off ers tranquillity, peace of mind and soul touch- ing moments. Our accommoda on off ers a choice of 6 single rooms and 3 on-suite rooms. DSTV is available in the living room area and a pool where you can relax from the day’s heat. Cost: R480 per per- son per night with breakfast Reserva ons: 0818595480 Address: Motseleng Guesthouse, 1 River View, Steelpoort. 8 NEWS 15 MAY 2015 Mammas bederf op Ohrigstad Laerskool Ohrigstad het Sondag 10 Mei hul vir die skool. Oom Jan Ferreira het soos die jaarlikse Moedersdag “Steak”-braai aange- tradisie is, die braaisake behartig. Die skool bied. Die dag is nie net ‘n bederf vir die moed- bedank elkeen wat die dag ondersteun het en ers nie, maar ook ‘n fondsinsamelingspoging hoop dat elke moeder weet sy is spesiaal.

Gaste kon weglê aan pampoensop en tuisgebakte brood vir voorgereg. Hoofgereg was die ‘perfekte steak’ saam met sous, slaai en aartappels. Nagereg en koffi e was ‘n bederf koek- tafel met soetgoed Cansa Support Group gets uit die boonste trained to help rakke. The El Roi Cansa Support Group or helping with preparing a meal for operating in Burgersfort, Steelpoort the family. The volunteers are being and surrounding areas met on trained by Cansa and will receive cer- Tuesday this week at Diggers Com- tifi cates once it is completed. Anyone munity Centre. can volunteer and work for this good The group consists of volunteers cause. Training is free. willing to help provide support for The group is inviting any cancer cancer patients and their families. survivors, people affected by cancer They also want to create awareness and patients to get in touch with them. about Cancer. This may sometimes The idea is to build a support group be in the form of a visit, something that will be able to assist where it is just being there or providing a needed most - in whatever form. more physical type of assistance For more information contact: Michelle by taking someone to the doctor van Rooyen on 082 837 1039. 15 MEI 2015 Platinum Gazette 9 Twickenham Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise Doing hier/here: business without reigns supreme advertising is like 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Twickenham Plati- Clubs winking at a girl in num Mine’s sporting 2.Betrekking/Vacancy the dark. teams reigned su- 3.Dienste/Services You know what preme at the Eastern 4. Oornag Akkom- you are doing Limb Mines Tourna- modasie/Overnight but nobody else accommodation does” ment that came to 5. Troeteldiere/Pets - Stuart it’s fi nal stages last 6. Persoonlik/Personal Henderson weekend. 7. Allerlei/Miscella- The event saw both neous soccer and netball 8. Finansies/Financial teams competing 9. Te Huur/To Rent Platinum Gazette against each other 10. Te Koop/For sale for the top prize. The Beánnla Celliers will see games took place at to it that your Mangabane Sports 3. Dienste/ Ground. advertisement in Both Twickenham’s Services Platinum Gazette meets soccer and netball the highest standards teams were the Burgersfort Transport with regard to design winners in the fi nals For all your transport of the weekend. requirements and Twickenham, ASA (transport of mine & reproduction. Metals, Glencore’s construction workers) Project Lion and Contact Ariff Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or Marula Platinum 0723377332 Mine played in the [email protected] semi-fi nal. 4. Oornag Ak- The third place was kommodasie/ taken by ASA Metals. Twickenham and Overnight Ac- Betrekkings/ Marula Platinum Mine played in the fi nal commodation of the tournament. The game ended 8-7 in favour of Twickenham. MONTHLY OR DAILY (Information: Andy Mohloke, Modikwa ACCOMMODATION Vacancies Platinum Mine). IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609 9. Te Huur/ For Rent

Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lyden- burg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100

Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tu- batse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 Supa Save 1954 / 083 244 6005 sponsored the event. Twickenham Platinum Contact Mine’s netball Platinum team won the Gazette netball fi nals against Maru- to adver- la Platinum tise your Mine. business ASA Metals’ team came or product third. (013) 231 (Photograph 7147 or left & Infor- mation: Andy 083 543 Mohloke, 1676 Modikwa) 10 NEWS 15 MAY 2015 Eastern Limb Mines soccer tournament The Eastern Limb Mines Top 16 Soccer ning both the netball and the soccer games. Semi-fi nals: Twickenham 1 - Marula 0; Two 1. and Netball tournament came to an end last The games took place at Mangabane Sports- Rivers South 2 - Mototolo North 1. Third (Information as well as team and prizegiving weekend. ground and was sponsored by Supa Save. place winners were Marula Platinum Mine. photograph: Andy Mohloke, Modikwa Plati- Twickenham Mine broke the record by win- The results of the tournament was: Finals: Twickenham 3 and Two Rivers South num Mine)

Teams participating in the Eastern Limb Top 16 Soccer and Netball Tournament were well supported. Teams not participating in the tournament, but enjoying the game also ensured that there were non-stop action while the participants prepared them- selves.

Bamozondile F.C. plays fi rst game

Bamozondile F.C. meaning the “Hatred” F.C and the game which ended 2-2 was The winning team of the tournament - Twickenham. was formed in April and played their fi rst decided through a penalty shootout. This game shortly afterwards. was won by Bamozondile. The team says that they chose the name The team is looking for opponents willing meaning ‘hatred’ because they are players to face them. They are from Ga-Phasha, who come from various other teams and Maribiri Section near Steelpoort. Contact are now hated by their former teammates. them on 073 333 6067 or e-mail joelcho- The team was established by Mr. Wikky [email protected] Choma. (Information and photograph: Joel Cho- The fi rst game was against Deportivo ma) 15 MEI 2015 NUUS 11 Ohrigstad brul teen Impalas Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het om hulle te kom ondersteun. verlede Saterdag teen (Inligting; Quartus du Toit, Ohrigstad Rugby Komatipoort se Impalas Klub) op Ohrigstad gespeel. Dit was ‘n taai wedstryd tussen twee spanne wat langs mekaar op die ranglys lê. Komatipoort het eerste punte aangeteken, maar Ohrigstad het dit nie vir hulle maklik gemaak nie. Ongelukkig het Ohrig- stad gesukkel om hul skopvoete reg te kry en het ‘n paar puntmaak geleenthede verspeel. Juan van Zyl het egter vir Ohrigstad ‘n drie gedruk en ‘n skepskop oorgesit. Hy is ook as die span se Agterspeler van die Wedstryd aangewys. Thinus van Rooyen was die Voor- speler van die Wedstryd. Die eindtelling was 8-16 in Komatipoort se guns. Ohrigstad lê tans tweede op die ranglys en die tweede rondte wedstryde begin hierdie Saterdag. Dan speel Ohrigstad teen Ha- zyview op Ohrigstad. Die publiek is welkom

Platinum Gazette contact details:

Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: [email protected]

Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150


Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are Die expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978). spanne is goed onder- steun. Komati- poort, ook bekend as die Impalas het met hul geluk- bringer op die veld gegaan. 12 15 MAY 2015 Platinum Gazette SPORTSPORT Chrome Open Champs crowned On Saturday 9 May the Chrome Open Cham- their participation. pionships took place at Tubatse Chrome (Information and prizegiving photographs: Club. This gruelling competition is taken on by Willem Montgomery). players from as far as Polokwane and Pilgrims Rest. Players walk the course four times, play- ing 36 holes to determine the champion. Justice Mashego from Pilgrims Rest was The Chrome Open Champion this year is crowned the Chrome Open Champion. Justice Mashego and the overall Nett Winner is Martin van Rooyen. The A-division winner Menno Malherbe was the mid-amateur was Justice Mashego, the B-division Oscar winner. Mongadi and the C-division Wickus Viljoen. The Nearest to the pin 4/13 was (morning fi eld) - Rudi Conrad and (afternoon fi eld) Derek Ackerman. On 9/18 it was (morning fi eld) A. Mashego and (afternoon fi eld) L. Ludike. The Longest Drive 1/10 (morning and afternoon fi eld) was T. Shangange. The Club would like to congrat- ulate all the winners and thank the players for

Wickus Viljoen was the C-division winner. Martin van Rooyen was the best nett winner.

Oscar Mongadi was the B-division winner. T. Mathebula was the Junior Winner.

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