THETFORD GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE STUDY Final Report Prepared for Breckland Council by Land Use Consultants September 2007 43 Chalton Street London NW1 1JD Tel: 020 7383 5784 Fax: 020 7383 4798
[email protected] thetford growth point sustainable growth and regeneration Thetford Green Infrastructure Study Report by Land Use Consultants (September 2007) Foreword by Cllr Ann Steward Executive Member for Planning and Environment In October 2006, the Government awarded Thetford Growth Point Status. The original bid to Government in 2005 was spearheaded by Breckland Council supported by Norfolk County Council and Thetford Town Council and aimed to make Thetford a sustainable community of regional significance. This is an exciting time for Thetford; the funding, which this status brings, will help initiate investigation and delivery of infrastructure schemes to support housing and employment growth along with the regeneration of the town over the next 15-20 years. The Growth Point initiative means that in the period to 2021 and beyond, Thetford and the surrounding localities will become one of the fastest growing areas in the East of England. This Thetford Green infrastructure Study has been funded by the Government and seeks to identify what green infrastructure is likely to be required in the town to support regeneration of the town, future housing and employment growth. It also looks at opportunities to improve green areas of the town, create new ones and links to the forest. This document will form part of the evidence for the Breckland Local Development Framework and in particular Thetford Area Action Plan (TAAP) which will begin preparation later this year.