SENATE-Monday, January 13, 1969
500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE January 13, 1969 A. Baker & McKenzie, 815 Connecticut Ave A. Landis D. Henderson, 3510 Georges Lane, A. Russell J. Ryan, Jr., 1000 Circle Tower, nue NW., Washington, D.C. Falls Church, Va. Indianapolis, Ind. B. Itek Corp., 10 Maguire Road, Lexing B. American Real Estate Owners Associa B. Realty Corp., 620 Guaranty Build ton, Mass. tion, 1739 Connecticut Avenue NW., Wash ing, Indianapolis, Ind. ington, D.C. A. S. G. Bishop, 400 First Street NW., A. Myron Solter, 1750 Pennsylvanla Ave Washington, D.C. A. Herrick, Smith, Donald, Farley & nue NW., Washington, D.C. B. Transportation-Communication Employ Ketchum, 294 Washington Street, Boston, B. Pin, Clip & Fastener Association, 441 ees Union, 3860 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mass. Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. Mo. B. Itek Corp., 10 Maguire Road, Lexing ton, Mass. A. Nicholas J. Spiezio, Assistant Director A. Citizens for a Postal Corporation, Post Government Relations, 1707 H Street NW., Office Box 1807, Washington, D.C. A. Home Manufacturers Association, 1625 Washington, D.C. L Street NW., Washington, D.C. B. Mortgage Bankers Association of Amer A. Philip Cohen, 2011 I Street NW., Wash ica, 1707 H Street NW., Washington, D.C. ington, D.C. A. James P. Ince, 221 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Ill. A. Stitt, Hemmendinger & Kennedy, At A. Covington & Burling, 701 Union Trust B. Daniel J. Edelman, Inc., 221 North La torneys, 1000 Connecticut Avenue NW., Wash Building, Washington, D.C. Salle Street, Chicago, Ill. ington, D.C. B. Electronic Industries Association, 2001 B. Potash Co. of America, American Na I Street NW., Washington, D.C.
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