[email protected] LIBRARY Ref code: GB 172 S Sneyds of Keele Hall, Staffordshire Uncalendared family papers Deeds General schedules of deeds, abstracts of title, lists 1-2 Deeds: Abbey Hulton to Keele 2-101 Librarian: Paul Reynolds Library Telephone: (01782) 733232 Fax: (01782) 734502 Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)1782 732000 http://www.keele.ac.uk This l i s t supersedes the summary l i s t of the Sneyd Papers issued by the John Rylands Library, Manchester, in November 1950. It classifies the material and allots a permanent reference number to each item. The Sneyd Papers were at Keele Hall after the Second World War, when they were purchased by Mr Raymond Richards, of Gawswcrth, from Cci« Balph Sneyd (1863-1949), the family’ s last direct descendant. After adding the rescued papers to his collection Mr Richards placed the bulk of it in the John Rylands Library, on deposit. The University of Keele (then the University College of North Staffordshire) purchased most of the collection in 1957 and the Sneyd Papers therefore returned to Keele, where they are now housed in the University Library. From the time of the Civil War the accumulation lias had its ups and downs and damage in terms of actual losses (particularly in the map department) accounts for a noticeable imbalance. Over- the years fa irly extensive disturbance has resulted in fragmentation of the archive and the number of items listed in isolation is consequently high. It is possible that some items now incorporated with the family papers were collected by the Rev.