J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.34.1.14 on 1 February 1971. Downloaded from

J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1971, 34, 14-19

L-Dopa in Parkinsonism associated with cerebellar dysfunction (probable olivopontocerebellar degeneration)

HAROLD L. KLAWANS, JR. AND EARL ZEITLIN From the Department of , Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois 60612, USA

SUMMARY Two patients with combined cerebellar and Parkinsonian features consistent with olivopontocerebellar degeneration were treated with long term oral L-dopa. Both patients showed improvement of the Parkinsonian symptoms but the cerebellar symptoms were unchanged. It is suggested that the Parkinsonian manifestations of this syndrome are related to loss of dopamine in the striatum secondary to lesions of the substantia nigra. It is suggested that other patients with be a trial with similar disorders should given L-dopa. guest. Protected by copyright.

Olivopontocerebellar degeneration was first defined familial form of degeneration with onset between by Dejerine and Thomas (1900). They described the ages of 20 to 30, while they had described a two patients who developed progressive cerebellar sporadic form with onset at a later age. Since the dysfunction. In both instances the onset was in original description of this disease, other investi- middle age, beginning in the legs and later involving gators have described hereditary forms of olivo- the arms. The post-mortem examination of the pontocerebellar degeneration. Keiller (1926) brains or these patients revealed atrophy of the described four cases of olivopontocerebellar de- cerebellar cortex, bulbar olives, and pontine gray generation who had positive hereditary histories. matter with degeneration of the middle and inferior Three of these cases were verified on post-mortem cerebellar peduncles. There was no evidence of examination. Yang, Ling, and Chang (1938) have sclerosis or inflammation. Dejerine and Thomas reported the familial occurrence of this disease over attributed the clinical picture of progressive cerebel- five generations. Many other cases have been lar ataxia to the combined degenerative changes reported since then with and without pathological involving olives, , and and gave the verification. Brown (1962) has concluded that many name olivopontocerebellar degeneration to this of the cases in the literature reported to be 'Marie's entity. Although subsequent patients have often hereditary ataxia' are actually olivopontocerebellar had additional symptoms, progressive cerebellar degeneration. It appears that, contrary to the original http://jnnp.bmj.com/ ataxia and intention tremor remain the unifying description, olivopontocerebellar degeneration is clinical manifestations of this disease. frequently hereditary and, in fact, is one of the D6jerine and Thomas were unable to find any spinocerebellar degenerations in which familial hereditary basis for this disease in the two patients occurrence is common. they studied; however, there is now strong evidence The current concept of the pathology of olivo- that olivopontocerebellar degeneration is frequently pontocerebellar degeneration has been outlined by familial. Sanger Brown (1892) had previously re- Brown (1962) who describes diminution in the size of ported familial cerebellar degeneration with spinal the pons, medulla, and cerebellum with extensive on September 28, 2021 by cord involvement. Marie (1893) differentiated these degeneration of the inferior olives and basal pontine cases from Friedreich's ataxia and felt that they nuclei with secondary gliosis. He also describes were related to familial cerebellar atrophy. Marie demyelinization of the cerebellar white matter with had not been able to document the pathology in these degeneration of Purkinje and ganglion cells. cases. Dejerine and Thomas felt that Marie's ataxia Critchley and Greenfield (1948) have described a was different from their concept of olivoponto- 'tendency towards degeneration of other nuclei cerebellar degeneration. Marie had described a andfibretracts subserving movement, but not directly 14 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.34.1.14 on 1 February 1971. Downloaded from

L-Dopa in Parkinsonism associated with cerebellar dysfunction 15 connected with the cerebellum, e.g. dorsal columns the clinical manifestations of Parkinsonism in and pyramidal tracts, substantia nigra, corpus olivopontocerebellar degeneration, both hereditary luysii, and lenticular nucleus.' The findings of nigral and sporadic types (Ley, 1924; Guillain, Mathieu, and basal ganglia involvement in olivoponto- and Bertrand, 1926; Guillain, Thdvenard, and cerebellar degeneration, although not universally Jonesco, 1928; Guillain and Thevenard, 1931). present, have been reported frequently. Scherer The significance of the nigral involvement in (1933) in his report of four instances of olivoponto- olivopontocerebellar degeneration and of the clinical cerebellar degeneration noted regular changes in the appearance of Parkinsonism in this disorder is substantia nigra and basal ganglia. These included supported by two other observations. Olivoponto- marked depigmentation of the substantia nigra cerebellar degeneration was discovered coincident- which he related to a 'local presenile aging process'. ally in patients who were studied because of Lambie, Latham, and McDonald (1947) have re- progressive extrapyramidal symptoms. Adams, van ported significant involvement of the substantia Bogaert, and Vander Eecken (1964) have reviewed nigra, caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus, as the four known instances of striato-nigral degener- well as the regular features of olivopontocerebellar ation, a rare entity in which extrapyramidal signs degeneration. Jellinger (1968) has reported a series are prominent. One of the patients was a 51-year-old of 15 cases of olivopontocerebellar degeneration in woman with a negative family history who developed which there was frequent involvement of the sub- progressive rigidity, bradykinesia, masked facies, stantia nigra. He described striatal degeneration and rest tremor. Later she developed ataxia and including severe demyelinizition of the putamen intention tremor of the arms and legs before with complete loss of large neurones and dense expiration. On post-mortem examination the find-

gliosis associatedwithminor damage to the pallidum ings were those of striatonigral degeneration plus guest. Protected by copyright. as well as involvement of the reticular zone of the olivopontocerebellar degeneration. Greenfield and substantia nigra. Bosanquet (1953) have reviewed the brain-stem From these studies of post-mortem material it lesions in Parkinsonism. They related the specific appears that the substantia nigra and areas of the aspects of nigral pathology to the categories of cases basal ganglia are frequently involved. Since alter- they reported, including 19 cases with idiopathic ations of the substantia nigra are felt to be the single Parkinson's disease, 10 cases with Parkinsonism most important lesion in the production of Parkin- with a history of encephalitis between 1918 and sonism (Greenfield and Bosanquet, 1953; Klawans, 1924, and five cases with Parkinsonism of uncertain Ilahi, and Shenker, 1970), it would not be surprising aetiology. The post-mortem examination of one of if some patients with olivopontocerebellar degener- these diagnosed as Parkinsonism of uncertain ation had Parkinsonian features. aetiology revealed the findings of olivoponto- Extrapyramidal symptoms have been described in cerebellar degeneration with cell loss of the sub- numerous patients. Dejerine and Thomas (1900) as stantia nigra. This particular case had been reported well as Marie (1893) mentioned rigidity as one of earlier as an instance of olivopontocerebellar the minor symptoms of the syndrome. Von Stauffen- degeneration by Critchley and Greenfield (1948). berg (1918) reported extrapyramidal symptoms in Before death the patient had a progressive cerebellar his case report of olivopontocerebellar degeneration. ataxia of five years' duration and Parkinsonism for Scherer (1933) later recognized the relationship one year. between Parkinsonism and nigral involvement in Olivopontocerebellar degeneration most often http://jnnp.bmj.com/ patients with olivopontocerebellar degeneration. He presents as a progressive cerebellar ataxia. However, reported four patients who developed a combined it is clear that the substantia nigra is frequently syndrome of Parkinsonism (progressive rigidity, involved in this disease. This involvement manifests masked facies) and cerebellar dysfunction (severe itself as Parkinsonism. The Parkinsonian mani- difficulty in coordination). On post-mortem exam- festations can be mild or can dominate the clinical ination the findings were those of olivoponto- picture. The combined occurrence of Parkinsonism cerebellar degeneration with marked depigmentation and cerebellar symptoms raises the question as to of the substantia nigra as well as changes in the whether the mixed syndrome is the manifestation of on September 28, 2021 by basal ganglia. Messing (1930) reported on a 62-year- a single pathological entity (olivopontocerebellar old woman who had a 'classic case of Parkinson's degeneration including nigral involvement) or the Disease, although the signs of hypertonia and tremor coincidental occurrence of two separate entities. The were not striking'. The post-mortem examination fact that progressive Parkinsonism with cerebellar revealed olivopontocerebellar degeneration. Lambie, dysfunction occurs as a hereditary entity suggests Latham, and McDonald (1947) presented a similar that a single pathological entity is responsible for the case. Many other investigators have also recognized combined syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.34.1.14 on 1 February 1971. Downloaded from

16 Harold L. Klawans, Jr. and Earl Zeitlin Recent work with L-dopa has created greater greatly on intention. There was marked intention tremor interest in Parkinsonism and in the treatment of on finger pursuit or on finger-to-nose movements. patients with possibly related syndromes. There have There was a rest tremor of the lower extremities of equal been no reported cases of olivopontocerebellar intensity. The patient had gross titubation and truncal degeneration treated with L-dopa. This paper will ataxia with inability to stand or sit without tending to fall. Her stance was wide based even with support. She was present the results of L-dopa treatment in two unable to tolerate a narrow base. There was no response patients who had a combined syndrome of Parkin- on the part of the patient to a backward push on the sonism and cerebellar dysfunction, compatible sternum (absence of postural reflex). Movements were with olivopontocerebellar degeneration. slow and there was slowness in both initiating and carry- ing out gross movements such as getting out of a chair. CASE 1 Finger dexterity was slowed bilaterally as were all rapid alternating movements. Glabellar, palmomental, and A 55-year-old white female was in good health until age Babinski reflexes were elicited bilaterally but snout or 46 when she noted the onset of tremor in her right leg. suck reflexes could not be obtained. Deep tendon At that time she was told that she had Parkinsonism. The reflexes were active and equal. There was no weakness or tremor was relatively non-progressive until the age of 53, atrophy and sensation was within normal limits. but since then she has had progressive tremor of both The patient was admitted to the hospital and a upper extremities and difficulty in walking. The tremor pneumoencephalogram was done which was normal. The was characterized by the patient as being present both at spinal fluid contained no cells. The protein content was rest and on intention. She felt that it was more marked in 37 mg/100 ml. The homovanillic acid level was 11 the right than in the left upper extremity, but was equal ng/ml. The patient was continued on her regular medi- in the lower extremities. cations and then started on L-dopa as outlined by In addition, the patient has noticed a problem with Klawans and Garvin (1969). She reached a maintenance walking and with balance. This began with difficulty in dosage of 4 g daily and showed progressive improvementguest. Protected by copyright. walking in high heels but for the last two years her gait over several months. After one month on L-dopa the difficulty has been increasing. She complains of progress- patient was able to sit and stand without support. ive difficulty with balance, spontaneous propulsion and Detailed evaluation after six months of L-dopa retropulsion, as well as an inability to adjust to any force revealed that she walked with a wide base and was still while standing. In recent months the patient has tended unable to tolerate a narrow base. Her postural reflexes to fall if unsupported while standing or sitting. The were normal and she had not fallen in several months. patient was unable to stand without support and had She was now walking both inside the house and outside difficulty in feeding herself or dressing herself. There was by herself. She had not done the latter for over one year no history of intellectual impairment. She was on before taking L-dopa. Her face now demonstrated only trihexyphenidyl 2 mg three times a day and diphenhy- minimal hypomimia. The rest tremor was markedly dramine 25 mg three times a day. improved but the titubation and intention tremor were There is a history of similar disability in the patient's unchanged. The Babinski and palmomental reflexes family over at least three generations. The patient's persisted but the glabellar reflex could no longer be matemal grandfather was said to have had progressive elicited. There was no slowness apparent on gross tremor and stiffness beginning in late adult life, while her movements although fine movements remained slow. mother had severe progressive difficulty with balance as well as tremor beginning after she was 60. Neither the COMMENT It was our initial impression that this patient's father, matemal grandfather, or patemal patient had a familial degenerative disease with both grandparents had any similar problem. Three of the Parkinsonian and cerebellar features. Her major patient's mother's five had similar siblings problems. disability was related to her marked difficulty with http://jnnp.bmj.com/ Two had tremors and gait difficulty, while one had slow- balance. While some of this was felt to be related to ness in walking and stiffness without noticeable tremor. her cerebellar deficit, it was The patient's only sibling, a brother, has progressive felt that the loss of balance and gait difficulty as well as tremor and stiffness. postural reflexes might contribute to this problem. This began when he was about 50. The patient has no She was placed on L-dopa and regained normal children. She does not know if any cousins have similar postural reflexes and marked improvement in gait problems but all of these are at least seven years younger and balance. The Parkinsonian features improved than the patient. None of other family members has been dramatically on L-dopa, while the cerebellar deficits

examined by us. remained unchanged. on September 28, 2021 by General physical examination revealed no significant abnormalities. The patient had a normal mental status. CASE 2 Optic discs were normal and cranial nerves were intact except for a moderately masked facies. The patient had A 64-year-old white male was in good health until aged a gross rest tremor of both upper extremities. It was more 60 when he noted progressive slowness and difficulty in prominent in the right arm than the left arm and was initiating and carrying out movements. This involved more pronounced distally. The tremor decreased slightly all four extremities and was associated with a feeling of on the initiation of willed movement but increased stiffness in his neck, arms, and legs. Over the past two J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.34.1.14 on 1 February 1971. Downloaded from

L-Dopa in Parkinsonism associated with cerebellar dysfunction 17 years he has noted difficulty in balance and has felt degeneration of the cell bodies of the substantia unsteady while walking. He also has noted tremor of nigra (Forno, 1966; Greenfield and Bosanquet, both hands. The tremor was present at rest as well as 1953). This cell loss results in degeneration of the during activities such as eating. Over the last year he nigrostriatal pathway (Anden, Carlsson, Dahlstr6m, developed progressive speech difficulty. He had been on trihexyphenidyl 2 mg three times a day and was recently Fuxe, Hillarp, and Larsson, 1964; Anddn, Dahl- placed on amantadine hydrochloride without any appar- strom, Fuxe, and Larsson, 1965) with a subsequent ent improvement. The patient stated that his father had loss of the normal dopaminergic input to the had progressive stiffness and walking difficulty begin- striatum (Hornykiewicz, 1966). It has been suggested ning sometime late in life but he was unaware of any other that this loss of dopaminergic influence on the family members with similar difficulty. striatal neurones is the most significant factor in the General physical examination was unremarkable. On production of all of the symptoms of Parkinsonism neurological evaluation the patient was noted to have a (Klawans, Ilahi, and Shenker, 1970). L-dopa (L,3,4 severely masked facies. The cranial nerves were otherwise dihydroxyphenylalanine) is the normal precursor normal. His speech was slow and monotonous but his of It is mental status was normal. The gait was broad based dopamine. decarboxylated to form dopamine with decreased associated movements bilaterally. The by dopa decarboxylase. Dopamine is said to be a patient was unable to stand. Pushing on his sternum neurotransmitter and is thought to inhibit the produced retropulsion without recovery. There was a neurones of the striatum (MacLennan and York, 4 to 5 c/s rest tremor of both hands. This improved on 1967). It has been suggested that the effectiveness of the initiation of movement but a definite intention tremor L-dopa in Parkinsonism derives from a reinstitution was present on finger pursuit and finger-to-nose move- of dopamine inhibition of the striatal neurones ments. Definite cogwheel rigidity was present in the neck (Barbeau, 1962; Hornykiewicz, 1966). This is said to and all four extremities. Finger dexterity was slowed

be a result of the action of dopamine at striatal guest. Protected by copyright. bilaterally, while there was slowness in initiating and carrying out gross movements. Babinski and palmomental dopamine receptors. If this is true, L-dopa would not reflexes were elicited bilaterally as was a glabellar reflex. influence symptoms which are not related to de- Suck and snout reflexes could not be elicited. The deep creased or altered dopaminergic influence on striatal tendon reflexes were equal bilaterally. There was no neurones (Klawans, 1968). There are, however, no atrophy and sensation was within normal limits. detailed reports on the results of long-term L-dopa The patient was admitted to the hospital. He was con- therapy in patients with symptoms unrelated to tinued on trihexyphenidyl, but amantadine hydro- basal ganglia dysfunction. The results of the use of chloride was discontinued. The spinal fluid contained no L-dopa in the two patients presented here support cells and spinal fluid protein was 42 mg/100 ml. Spinal the concept that L-dopa acts specifically on symp- fluid homovanillic acid level was 7 ng/ml. Treatment of the patient was begun with L-dopa as described above toms related to lesions of the dopaminergic system. and maintained on 4 g per day. The patient improved Both patients had combined cerebellar and progressively on L-dopa. His difficulty in initiating and Parkinsonian features. Each also had bilateral carrying out movements decreased. He was able to get Babinski signs indicating coexisting pyramidal up from a chair rapidly and to walk without significant tract involvement. Both gave a history of other slowness. After six months of L-dopa therapy the patient's family members with similar involvement. In the condition was re-evaluated. The rest tremor was absent first patient there is a history of involvement in many but the intention tremor was unchanged. The patient had members over three generations, while in the second increased facial expression. His gait was improved and patient there is only a history of similar disease in he had better associated movements. The base was still wide but he had no difficulty in turning. He was able to the father. As outlined above, it was felt that the http://jnnp.bmj.com/ walk several miles a day, whereas previously he could patients had olivopontocerebellar degeneration. The not walk more than one to two blocks. He could now occurrence of reportedly similar problems in other easily get out of a chair unaided. Retropulsion was no family members is felt to support this diagnosis. The longer present. Rigidity was still present but less marked. diagnosis of olivopontocerebellar degeneration im- plies that there is involvement of the nigrostriatal COMMENT This patient showed a clinical picture neurones of the substantia nigra as part of the with both Parkinsonian and cerebellar features. disease process. This involvement can be identical

Long term oral L-dopa therapy resulted in amelior- with the alterations seen in Parkinsonism (Greenfield on September 28, 2021 by ation of many of the Parkinsonian features without and Bosanquet, 1953). The assumption that these changing the cerebellar symptoms. This significantly two patients had lesions of the substantia nigra is of modified his disability. practical significance, since the symptoms resulting from such a lesion are usually improved by L-dopa. DISCUSSION A definite diagnosis of olivopontocerebellar degeneration can only be made on the basis of The most significant lesion in Parkinsonism is necropsy material. However, from a practical stand- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.34.1.14 on 1 February 1971. Downloaded from

18 Harold L. Klawans, Jr. and Earl Zeitlin point, the degree of involvement of the nigrostriatal patient whose clinical condition was dominated by system can be estimated by measuring spinal fluid the symptoms of Parkinsonism, it was not as obvious homovanillic acid. Homovanillic acid is the major in case 1 in whom ataxia appeared to be the dominant catabolic product of dopamine. Its concentration problem. within the is a reflection of Both patients showed definite amelioration of their dopamine metabolism within the central nervous Parkinsonian symptoms from long-term oral L-dopa system (Bartholini, Pletscher, and Tissot, 1966; therapy. This is consistent with attributing the Pletscher, Bartholini, and Tissot, 1967). Spinal fluid Parkinsonian manifestations to lesions of the homovanillic acid levels are decreased in Parkinson- substantia nigra and subsequent dopaminergic ism (Bernheimer, Birkmayer, and Hornykiewicz, denervation of the striatum. This supports the view 1966). This is felt to reflect the decreased dopamine of Scherer (1933), who attributed the Parkinsonian concentration found in the striatum and substantia features of olivopontocerebellar degeneration to nigra of these patients. Spinal fluid homovanillic lesions of the substantia nigra. acids increase greatly after L-dopa therapy and this While both patients improved on L-dopa, the increase is felt to reflect increased utilization of improvement in case 1 is of greater interest. This dopamine within the patient was totally disabled because of her inability (Weiner, Harrison, and Klawans, 1969). to sit or stand without support. She had titubation Spinal fluid homovanillic acid levels were esti- and ataxia as well as absent postural reflexes. It was mated in both patients before the institution of difficult to tell to what degree cerebellar ataxia and L-dopa. It was significantly decreased in both Parkinsonian loss of postural reflexes were con- patients. The range in normal subjects and patients tributing to her inability to stand. Because of the without Parkinsonism has been shown to range from frequent improvement of postural reflexes guest. Protected by copyright. 30 to 100 ng/ml. (Anden, Roos, and Werdinius, L-dopa, as initially pointed out by Klawans and 1963). Barolin and Hornykiewicz (1967) consider Erlich (1969), the patient was placed on L-dopa. 35 ng/ml. to be the lower limit of normal. The spinal Her improvement was dramatic and, although she fluid homovanillic acid level in case 1 was 11 ng/ml., remains ataxic, she is now able to care for herself while in case 2 it was 7 ng/ml. These decreased values and carry on an active life. were interpreted as suggesting that there was The experience with L-dopa in this patient suggests decreased dopamine utilization in both patients as that, in patients with combined cerebellar and a reflection of involvement of the nigrostriatal Parkinsonian syndromes, a major part of the gait dopaminergic neuronal system. While decreased disability may be related to loss of postural reflexes. levels of homovanillic acid have been reported in Since this frequently responds to long-term oral conditions other than Parkinsonism (Barolin and L-dopa therapy such patients should be given a trial Hornykiewicz, 1967), levels as low as these reported of this drug. here have been seen only in Parkinsonism or The cerebellar symptoms of ataxia, intention meningoencephalitis. Neither ofthe patients reported tremor, and titubation were unaltered in these two had cells in the spinal fluid or other evidence of patients. Since some patients with Parkinsonism inflammatory disease. have shown initial improvement on L-dopa only Lesions of the striatum itself and of the pallidum after three to six months of oral therapy (Godwin- which have been reported in olivopontocerebellar Austen, Tomlinson, Frears, and Kok, 1969), it degeneration could perhaps contribute to the should be noted that both these patients have been http://jnnp.bmj.com/ extrapyramidal featu'res in these patients. If L-dopa on L-dopa for over six months without any change acts as dopamine at the striatal dopamine receptors in cerebellar symptoms. The clear differentiation in then symptoms due to striatal or pallidal lesions response of the Parkinsonism and cerebellar symp- might not improve on L-dopa (Klawans and Erlich, toms suggests that the pathogenesis of the two types 1969; Klawans,Ilahi,'and Shenker, 1970). of symptoms is different, even though the aetiological -Lesions of the striatum or pallidum would basis is probably identical. The cellular alterations probably not account for decreased levels of spinal of the cerebellar system and nigrostriatal system in fluid homovanillic acid, s'ince the dopamire meta- both patients are hereditary. While it is possible that on September 28, 2021 by bolism is' controlled by the cells of the substantia the basic genetic defect may differ from family to nigra- not those of the striatum or pallidum (Anden family, it is most probable that the primary neuronal et al., 1964, 1965). It was felt'that the depressed defect in any one family is the same in all the levels of homovanillic acid in these two patients involved neurones. The same genetic lesion involves suggested that lesions of the substantia nigra were the pigmented cells of the substantia nigra as the significant and that L-dopa might be of some use. cells of the cerebellum and perhaps of the olives and While 'this conclusion was obvious in the second pons. Only the defect related to the lesion of the J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.34.1.14 on 1 February 1971. Downloaded from

L-Dopa in Parkinsonism associated with cerebellar dysfunction919 substantia nigra is reversible by L-dopa. This is Guillain, G., and Thevenard, A. (1931). Sur un syndrome because the lesions of the substantia nigra result in cerebelleux precede d'un etat hypertonique de type Parkinsonien. Rev. neurol., 2, 130. a loss of dopamine input into the striatum which can Guillain, G., Th6venard, A., and Jonesco, D. (1928). Un cas be reversed by L-dopa. de syndrome cerebelleux du type de I'atrophie olivo- ponto-cerebelleuse avec developpement progressif d'un The L-dopa used in this study was generously supplied by etat hypertonique. Rev. neurol., 2, 890-895. the Norwich Pharmacal Company, Norwich, New York. Hornykiewicz, 0. (1966). Dopamine (3-hydroxytyramine) and brain function. Pharm. Rev., 18, 925-964. This study was partially supported by a grant from the Jellinger, K. (1968). 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