Priests Mark Jubilees

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Priests Mark Jubilees Page 2 — Friday, June 9, 1972 — Pittsburgh Catholic Pope offers Priests mark Mass for jubilees John XXIII VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Pope Paul VI joined members of the Roncalli family on June 3 in observing the ninth anniversary of the death of his predecessor. Pope John XXIII. The 74-vear-old pontiff descended into the area below St. Peter's Basilica where he placed flowers at the plain white marble tomb of Pope John. Pope Paul then celebrated Mass for the 35 members of the dead Pope's family. The small, silent group arrived at the crypt site shortly before 7 a.m. After the Mass the pontiff spoke with the Roncalli family and then returned Msgr. Raymond T. Schnltz, V.F., is Fr. Michael Thomas Gubanich is to his private quarters. At 10 o'clock he pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Church, pastor of St. Clement parish. appeared in St. Peter's to attend a Beaver, where he has served since 1966. Ellsworth, where he has served since concelebrated memorial Mass there in honor of the anniversary. The Mass was Msgr. Schultz was born in 1922 in 1966. concelebrated by Cardinal Ildebrando Pittsburgh and attended St. Basil and Fr. Gubanich was born in Rankin in Antoniutti. Prefect of the Congregation St. John the Evangelist grade schools, 1918 and attended St. Barnabas for Religious and South High School, Duquesne Secular Institutes. Cardinal Giuseppe Paupini of the University for two years, and St. elementary school, Rankin and Fr. Lawrence F. O'Hara is Fr. Francis Hugh Gallagher is for the Msgr. James Francis Kernan has pastor of Vincent Schenley nigh schools. Duquesne Council Public Affairs of the assistant Seminary. been pastor emeritus at St. Luke St. Mary Church, Beaver Falls, and pastor of Resurrection parish. University and St. Vincent Seminary. Church and Cardinal Jan Willebrands. Brookline, where he has served since Church. Carnegie, since June 1971. administrator of St. Ladislaus parish. He has served as assistant pastor at: president of the Vatican Secretariat for He was appointed assistant pastor Beaver Falls, where he has served 1968 St. Mary, Kittanning, from 1947-49; St. Christian Unity. He was born in 1896 in the Arsenal at: St. Joachim, Hazelwood, in 1947;St. since 1969. Leonard. Monessen, 1949-50; Holy section of Fr. Gallagher was born in 1919 in Henry, Mt. Oliver, 1948; St. Mark, Throughout the day, long lines of Pittsburgh and attended St. Rosary. Homewood, 1950-55; and St. Kieran He was born in Pittsburgh in 1923 Pittsburgh and attended St. Raphael McKees Rocks, 1953; Holy Trinity, men. women and children filed past the elementary school; Holy Ghost Margaret, Greentree, 1955-57; He also and attended St. Kieran grade school. Grade School. Morningside; Central Duquesne. 1959; Our Lady of tomb of the late Pope, some pausing to College and Duquesne University and served as pastor of St. Richard, Hill Central Catholic School; Catholic High School. Oakland. Catholic Consolation, Nemacolin, 1962; St. Ann. offer a silent St. Vincent Seminary. High District, from 1964-66. prayer for one of the most Duquesne University and St. Vincent Institute of Pittsburgh for two years Homestead. 1963; and named beloved Popes of all time. On any given as and St. Vincent Msgr Kernan served assistant Seminary. Seminary. Latrobe. Msgr. Schultz was named Very administrator pro tem of St. Ann in day hundreds of people move through pastor at St. Rosalia. Greenfield, from Reverend Monsignor in 1963. 1966 the cavernous area below the Basilica Fr. O'Hara served as assistant He has served as assistant pastor at 1922-42; and as pastor at St. Margaret. where the tombs of many Popes are St. Mary, New Castle, from 1947-49; Fr. Gubanich has served as New Castle. (Mahoningtown I from 1942- pastor at St. Joseph parish. Coraopolis, He is a past director of the Catholic chaplain located. But. Christ the guides said, the most 48; and. since 1948. at St. Luke. from 1947-54; as a chaplain in the U.S. King. Ambridge. 1949-53; St. Information Center in Pittsburgh, and of the Catholic War Veterans' Air Force from 1954-63; and assistant Titus, Aliquippa. 1953-58; All Saints, popular of the tombs is that of Pope Carnegie. serves as spiritual moderator for the Auxiliary. John. "Usually the first thing a person pastor at St. Philip. Crafton. from 1963- Etna, 1958-64; St. Mary's (German), Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, is He was named He will celebrate his jubilee with a says when he or she enters here is Right Reverend 64. He served as chaplain at Pittsburgh McKeesport, 1964-66; St. Thomas, dean of the Beaver County Deanery, 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph. Where is John's tomb?'" a guide Monsignor in March. 1964. Braddock. 1966-68 and a Diocesan Consultor. Hospital from 1964-66, and as pastor of remarked. "And there are more St. Joseph Church. Natrona, from 1966- Cokeburg and also a Mass at 4 p.m. at Msgr Kernan will observe his 50th He also served as youth director for He also is a St. Clement's followed flowers placed at the tomb than at the 69. past executive secretary by a banquet at jubilee with a Mass of Thanksgiving on the Tri Boro Catholic Community of the Campaigners for Christ. Mon Valley Catholic High School. tomb of any other pope buried here." Sunday. June 25. at 4 p.m. followed by a Fr. O'Hara will observe his 25th Council. Braddock. from 1967-68 Apostolate of Street Preaching; is Pope John XXIII reigned as pontiff reception. The parish will sponsor a jubilee with a 12:15 p.m. on Mass Fr Gallagher will celebrate his present second vice-president of the from Nov. 4.1958 until his death on June reception following the noon Mass to be Sunday. June 11. followed by an open Mental Hygiene Clinic in Rochester, offered bv jubilee at 6:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday, March wins 3.1963 Bishop Leonard on Sunday. house in the St. Mary School and a board member of the Beaver June 17. followed by a reception. Julv 9 auditorium. County Mental Health/Mental destroy us." Retardation Board. award for Commissioner Sable presented an Msgr. Schultz's plans for marking inscribed plaque, signed by himself and his silver N.Y. school jubilee are indefinite. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, to Eleanor STATEN ISLAND. N.Y. (RNS) - A Stapleton. a senior and president of the Roman Catholic high school whose St. Norbert Guild student council who accepted for the students took part in a "silent" march school. installs last April in response to the burning of a officers black family's home, was honored by Miss New officers for Parent Teachers Stapleton said in behalf of the New York State's human rights agency student body and staff that she hoped Guild of St. Norbert Church, for "furthering human and interracial any future demonstrations or marches Overbrook. were installed at their understanding." of the kind carried out by some 400 of recent meeting. i the students "would not be necessary in ^ During a special presentation The new officers are: Joseph P. the future" and that people of all races ceremony at St. Joseph s-by-the-Sea Schmidt, president; John Curcio, vice- could live together in peace and High School in Huguenot, president; Dolores Cappetta, Commissioner Jack M. Sable of the harmony. secretary; and Jim Hagan. treasurer. Human Rights Division, told the The April demonstration by the Fr James V. Kelly is pastor at .St. student body of about 800 girls he hoped students involved a 4^-mile march Norbert and Sister Elizabeth Ann is the burning of the home would "serve through Staten Island, marked at thd principal. as a reminder of how bigotry can end by prayer, readings and song 7 LAS VEGAS from $ 1 79.OO Thursday and Sunday ummer Departures from Pittsburgh THE WAV Msgr. Edward Nicholas Soxman is Msgr. J. Dudley Nee V.F. is pastor mNNE egan Msgr. Ladislaus Charles Rokosz travel A pastor of service, inc. S.T.L., is pastor of St. Adalbert parish. emeritus of St. Joseph Church, Holy Innocents Church. Bloomfield, 620 Park Bldg. Pittjburgh Pa 1 5222 South Side, where he has served for 30 Verona. He retired on May 22 after where he has served since 1948. 261-3944 years. serving as pastor of St. Joseph for 28 Msgr. Nee was born in Pittsburgh in years. He was born in Budznow. Poland, in. 1897 and attended St. Agnes and Education Can It your Sell Invtilmtnt WORLD 1898 and attended grade school in Msgr. Soxman was born in Epiphany grade schools, Duquesne EUROPE Earn Nanticoke. Pa.. St. Mary High School Pittsburgh in 1897 and was educated at Prep, Duquesne University and St. your high school •S MISSION AID TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH and College. Orchard Lake. Mich., and Holy Rosary Grade School and High Vincent Seminary. GERMANY diploma Make How can you make this troubled world a better St. Vincent Seminary. Latrobe School. Duquesne University, St. AUSTRIA 22 DAYS up credits ONLY He served as assistant pastor at St. place? Pray for our native priests and Sisters Vincent Seminary, Latrobe. and St. Prepare for higher education YOU Msgr Rokosz served as assistant Leonard parish. Monessen, from 1922- SWITZERLAND each day. and do all you can to give them what Mary Seminary. Baltimore. Advance at your own best CAN pastor 27; St. Mary. Newcastle, from 1927-31; M189.00 they need. They are your ambassadors to the of St. Michael Church. Glen ITALY rate DO Campbell. Pa., from 1922-24; at Holy He served as assistant pastor at St.
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