Jewish People Policy Planning Institute Annual Assessment 2005
Jewish People Policy Planning Institute Annual Assessment 2005 EXECUTIVE REPORT FACING A RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD PROJECT HEADS Prof. Sergio DellaPergola Prof.Yehezkel Dror Dr. Shalom S. Wald CONTRIBUTORS Mordechai Altschuler, Zvi Arran, Avinoam Bar-Yosef, David Dery, Avi Gil, Naftali Elimeleh, Yogev Karasenty, Amir Kadari, Amos Lahat, Dov Maimon, Sharon Pardo, Israel Pupko, Shmuel Trigano, Shevach Weiss, Ahava Zarembski Project and Content Coordinator: Michael J. Weil Editor: Rami Tal _________ Copyrights © 2005, The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute (Established by the Jewish Agency for Israel) Ltd, Jerusalem Layout: Marzel A.S. — Jerusalem Cover Design: Nitza Bruck, Jerusalem Cover Production: S. Kim Glassman, Jerusalem Printed in Israel by Gefen Publishing House LTD. Jerusalem WWW. ISRAELBOOKS.COM 2 I THE JEWISH PEOPLE 2005: FACING A RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD CONTENTS FOREWORD by Dennis Ross . 4 1. INTRODUCTION by Yehezkel Dror . 5 2. SUMMARY OVERVIEW . 8 3. SELECTED INDICATORS OF WORLD JEWRY . 12 4. RECOMMENDATIONS AND STRATEGIC AGENDA . 13 5. THE YEAR 2004–2005 IN REVIEW . 21 A. The External Environment . 21 B. The Internal Scene . 24 C. North America . 26 D. Latin America . 28 E. Europe . 29 F. The Former Soviet Union . 34 G. Asia, Africa and the Pacific . 35 H. Israel . 37 6. SPECIAL ISSUE ANALYSES . 43 A. Science and Technology and the Jewish People . 43 B. French Jewry — the End of an Era . 48 C. Jews in the Former Soviet Union — Changes and Dynamics . 52 D. The Jews of Poland — Yesterday’s Shadow, Tomorrow’s Challenges . 56 E. The Societal Background of American Jewish Population Trends . 60 F. Responding to the Out-married in the United States .
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