Industrial Competitiveness The Challenge for Pakistan ADB Institute ADB Institute-Pakistan Resident Mission Seminar Paper Asian Development Bank October 2004 Copyrightc 2004 Asian Development Bank Pakistan Resident Mission All rights reserved First printing October 2004 The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this study are those of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the ADB Institute or the countries they represent. The Asian Development Bank encourages use of the material presented herein, with appropriate credit. Published by the Asian Development Bank Pakistan Resident Mission OPF Building, Shahrah-e-Jumhuriyat G-5/2, Islamabad, GPO Box 1863 Pakistan Tel: (92 51) 2825011-16 Fax: (92 51) 2823324, 2274718 Email:
[email protected] Publication Stock No. 060604 Foreword The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Pakistan have been development partners for almost 35 years. The first loan provided by ADB to Pakistan was in 1968. ADB's cumulative assistance to Pakistan in the form of public sector loans amounts to over $12.45 billion, and the country programme has been significantly enhanced over the last few years, averaging over $1 billion in 2002-03. During the period 2004-06, ADB plans to provide assistance of about $2.7 billion to the country, as detailed in ADB's Country Strategy and Programme (CSP) for Pakistan, discussed by the ADB Board of Directors in May 2002. ADB's Poverty Reduction Strategy, approved in November 1999, articulated poverty reduction as the Bank's overarching goal, and the Bank is committed to supporting poverty reduction efforts in developing member countries.