Tullypothyridina, New Late Givetian Rhynchonellid (Brachiopod) Genus
BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE SCIENCES DE LA TERRE, 73: 29-51, 2003 BULLETIN VAN HET KONINKLIJK BELGISCH INSTITUUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN AARDWETENSCHAPPEN, 73: 29-51, 2003 Tullypothyridina, new late Givetian rhynchonellid (brachiopod) genus by Paul SARTENAER Sartenaer, P., 2003 - Tullypothyridina, new late Givetian rhyncho¬ name, given to a fossil by Mr. Phillips, which, from the figure nellid (brachiopod) genus. Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences and description conjoined, shows with that of the Tully naturelles de Belgique, Sciences delà Terre, 73: 29-51, 1 pl., 2 textfîgs., identity 1 limestone" was table; Bruxelles-Brussel, March 31, 2003. - ISSN 0374-6291. (p. 164). Vanuxem impressed by the similarity of the specimen he figured (1842, ftg. 41 .No.l = antero-ventral, latéral and posterior views) with the one figured by Phillips (1841, pl. 34, fig. 150 = anterior view). It was an excellent Abstract observation, because Phillips's figured specimen is a good représentative of one of the various forms from South Devon A new genus, Tullypothyridina, type species T. venustula (Hall, grouped under the name "cuboides". The specimen described 1867), is described from the late Givetian of central New York, by Sowerby (1840, Pennsylvania, eastern Kentucky, and probably eastern Iowa. The type explanation of pl. 56, ftg. 24 = anterior and dorsal species of the related genus Hypothyridina Buckman, 1906, H. cu- views) shows but a faint resemblance to the one figured boides (Sowerby, 1840), the name of which was originally and sub- by Vanuxem. This is important, because Sowerby is the foun- sequently given to the American species, is discussed.
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