Two Purchase Students Arrested on Drug Charges
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DA,'(' c:J\RE: D(Sf'UTE.S 2 M.JSEIJ>1 OPENS 2 AGETT RESIGNS 3 EDITORIAL: THE DRUG BUST 4 PURCHASE INCORPORATES 5 THE DRUG LAWS 6 FROM IHE_LOAD FILES 6 POETRY 7 PURCHASE DANCE REPERTORY 8 VOL.II.NO. 21 SUNY COLLEGE AT PURCHASE THURSDAY MAY 30.1974 Two Purchase Students Arrested on Drug Charges BY ADAM NAGOURNEY 3 month investigation by State Po- pected cocaine drop . Barrv said traffic on campus ." He l:i.ce narcotic officers. After that these probl ems were discussed said that he realized that there questioning Jerry Barry, Dee Mo- orally with the police but no let- was a good chance that students Armed with wa_rrants issued af linari and Edwin Redkey , Dean of ter was ever sent . The State Fa- would be "caught in the net" of ter indictrrents were made by a Students, it was learned tha~ State lice were t old to go after only the investigations. With regards ltJestchester County Grand Jury, Police were called onto campus as the drug pushers on campus, and . to disciplinary action the College four State Policeman entered the a result of a l etter sent by Barry not just the "pot smoker ." Adrnin- might take against the students, dormitories last Thursday , May 23 and Redkey complaining of a "drug istrators at this point left the Redkey said that no firm action at 7:00 a.m. and arrested two Pur problem" on campus. A meeting had problem in the hands of the police will be taken until after the chase students. The troopers were tlli{en place 3 months ago among top and made no attempt to follow what trial. He expressed his belief accompanied by Jerry Barry, Dir- . Purchase Admini3traturs, includin~ methods were being used to arrest that pushing drugs on campusryosed ector of Security, there to, in Frank Wadswor th, Robert Davies , suspected traffi ckers . a "serious threat" both to stu- his words "keep the peace", and John Stravs, Redkey , Molinari, and Barry insisted that this action dnets on campus, and to "the in were assisted by Deanne Molinari, Barry in whi_ch Barry was instructed was not the result of any personal te:;ri tv of the campus .. , Director of Housing. to request assistance from the vigilante against drugs . He ex- · This reporter attempted to The two were indicted by the State Police. The deci sion was plained that he had heard many r e- reach Bruce Bendish, a member of Grand Jury on a combination oi' 10 apparently based on three factors : ports of "over- heard" drug- rela the DA' s office' s Rackets Bureau, counts of the sale and possesion the problem of the dormitories be- ted conversations both on and off- and the man who is in charge of the of a cuntrolled substance 6th de ing plagued by an off- campus per- campus, as well as hearing direct prosecution of the cases . Mr . Ben ·gree, a class 'D' felony that car son who was wanted in connection reports from student participants. dish could not be reached before ries a penalty of 0- 7 years . One with several crimes; an anticipated On this point , both he and Dean the deadline of this issue . Un of the students was charged with cocaine drop on campus that , as Redkey insist that no paid stu- dercover Narcotics Agents were ob 6 counts of sale and possesion of far as it is known , never happened.; dent informers were being used by viously used to gather evidence LS~, and the other with 4 counts and lastly, what Barry described a the College, Redkey saying that against the two students; as best of sale and possesion of glute as a "drug problem" on campus , re-- the idea of using paid informers as can be determined, a Purchase thirnate , a barbituate. ferring to ''kids walking around a "disgusted" him. In: seperate in student was set up by the narco The two wer e taken to State foot off the ground," and Pur- terviews, Barry, Redkey and Moli tics agents to assist in the drug Police headquarters in Hawthorne chase's general local reputation of nari all reminded students that the sales. According to the student, and arraigned there. According being a good place to distribute campus "is not a sanctuary from the the tvJO alleged agents arrived in to the Westchester District At and purchase narcotics . law" and that students must not for· the area 2 or 3 months ago , whi ch torney' s office , the two were then The State Police were written, ~et this fact . Barry was immediately after the letter taken to White Plains where the in Dean Redkey ' s words, a "very <.tlso feared the possibil:i. ty of was sent to the State PoHce. The seal ed indictments were opened and clean letter", informing them that outside pol:i.ce col'I1L"1g onto campus two men l eft nine days before the read to the defendants. Bail was there was a drug situe.ti0n on cam- without his knowledge , something he ~1/estchester County Grand Jury set at $2 ,000 and both students ~us and asking for their assistance . .felt could only result in a great sealed the indictments against the were out of ,i ail by the end of .The letter, which was written deal of trouble. two students which was, according the day. shortly after the top- level admini- Redkey expressed the same sen- to the DA ' s office, May 9. A statement issued by the State stration meeting, made not mention ti~ents as Barry, adding, that in About one week before the two Police headquarters said that the of the fugitive who had been his be lief, it W 3.S the Aclminis tra- Purchase student s were picked up two were arrested as a result of a :P-.requenting the dorm or the sus- tion' s "responsibilitv to stop drug on the drug charges, the man who had been, according to Administra tion officials, one of the ~rimary Or•chestra Concert HighhiJhts Music Series motivations for.contactfug State BY ROBERI' PULED Police, was picked up in the Hous ing Office by the ?alice . The sus For the past month, music stu pect was , according to Jerry Barry, dents have been offering r ecital s wanted on "8 or 9 warrants", of their works, both in the Cam charges included drug sale and as pus Center North Orchestra Room sault of a policeman. The same man and the Humanities Auditorium. allegedly was involved in several The series began with the .instances in the dormitories in May 14 performance of the Pur which he harrased Fur chase College Orchestra performed chase studsncs . The delay in the under the baton of guest conduc servi ng of the warrants was a re tor Hugh Fiorato. The program sult of political jostling between included the Overture to the Op the State Police and the West era Italienerin in Algier by Rous chester County Sheriff' s Depart sini, Haydn ' s Symphony No . 100 ment over who was to serve the in G major (Military), Mozart ' s warrants. Violin_Concerto No . 3 in G· major, Barry was questioned about why K. 216, wi t h Naoko Tanaka soloi st students were not consulted either and finally Sinfonische Metamor songs. on May 17 in CCN. Ac - College Orchestra gave their secc before or after the decision to con phosen by Hindemith. companied by Dione, Susan sang ond concert of the month . We tact the State Police was made , he The oboe solo that opens the beautifully. Her tone was free bern' s Five Pieces for Orchestra laughed in response, saying simply, Roussini overture was well-played. and rich. was performed in the most deli~ ·:c •mon ." Dean Redkey said that As the piece progressed, it's After gi ving us an informative catemanner, as was intended by the the meeting of Administrators never bright spirit was maintained, and witty analysis of the piece, composer. even discussed this question. despite the accoustical shortcom Dione Sparks then pl ayed the Harp Prokofieff's Lieutenant "~..Je When asked whether he thought ings of the Humaniti es Auditor sichod Suite by Coreperin. Dione was ver y precise and --clear, aes the arrests would help to allevi . The Haydn was a bit r agged iUI)l played it with a thorough under pite some ragged 1noments . Sax ate the dru~ situation on campus, at places,but aptly performed. standing of the Baroque style, ophonist Donald Gol dstone was ex 3arry responded , "I certainly hope Mozart ' s Violin Concerto was gracing us with beautiful orna cellent, especially during the so,'' but went on to say t hat if superbly played by Naoko Tanaka, mentations. third movement subtitled "Kije ' s the problem reerrerged, "I 'd do despite some difficult moments May 22 gave us a reci tal by :Wedding. " Tom Russo ' s trillTlpet ~- t again .'' Redkey expressed these in the Adagio where the orchestra another soprano, Cris Owen. Ac solos, which appeared at the .s3ITle sentiments . According to lagged behind the soloist. compani ed by Kim Patterson, Cris beginning and the end of the 'larry, there are at present, to his The evening was highlighted by held the audience in a trance. pi ece, were very effective. 1,nowledge, no State Police under the Hindemith Sinfonische Meta Her performance of Chansons de The concert closed with Bee cover agents on campus . When morphosen . Perhaps the most dif thoven' s Symphony No . 3 (Eroica), ~sked whether he had any sympathy ficult and taxing peice they per Bilitis, a song cylcle of three the most expressive piece of the for the arrested students , Barry formed all year, it was given a songs by Debussy, was magical.