Hand Made Paper and Its Water Marks: a Bibliography
PAPER, [[RReprintedeprinted wwithith r revisionsevisions ffromrom PAPER, MayMay 3300,, 11917917]] HHANDMADEANDMADE P PAPERAPER A ANDND I ITSTS WATERWATER- MARKSMARKS** AA BBibliographyibliography BByy DDARDARD HHUNTERUNTER The Mill, , Marlborough-on-Hudson, , N. Y. The Mill Marlborough - on Hudson- N . Y . IINTRODUCTIONNTRODUCTION •"""'!ll!lll!!!i!INN ththisis bibliographybibliography I I hhaveave l listedisted oonlynly ththee worksworks ddirectlyirectly cconnectedonnected wwithith ththee aartrt of of hhandmadeandmade ppaperaper aandnd watermarkswatermarks in handmade papers. No attempt has in handmade papers . No attempt has been made to catalogue the modem been made to catalogue the modern booksbooks ttreatingreating wwithith machinemademachinemade ppaa- per or dandy-roll watermarks. This per or dandy roll- watermarks . This M list was ccommencedommenced about ssixix yyearsears <D list was about ..-< (lJ ago and has been added to whenever ago to (!).-' and has been added whenever a book was found dealing with the subject in .... "' a book was found dealing with the subject in aanyny <D"' O0 M c, (!) "'"C *A letter under date of April 14, , 1917, , from Henry E. Sur- * A of April 14 Henry E . ..-< a. letter under date 1917 from Sur <D'*!c face, , Chairman, , Committee on Bibliography, , Technical Asso on Bibliography "'(lJ face Chairman Committee Technical Asso M v, , ::, cciationiation of of tthehe PPulpulp aandnd PPaperaper I Industryndustry, ttransmittingransmitting thithiss a. bibliography to the Association members, , reads as follows: bibliography to the Association members reads as follows : "CE v,"' <, (lJ "Your Committee on Bibliography transmits herewith as " on Bibliography as .... u Your Committee transmits herewith NU ' its second contribution aa manuscriptmanuscript entitled 'Handmade Pa- its second entitled Handmade Pa (!)"' contribution , , per and Its Water-Marks: A Bibliography,' by by Dard Hunter, per and Its Water Marks- : A Bibliography ' Dard Hunter ......"'+- ' ....."' The Mill, , Marlborough-on-Hudson, , N.
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