FELSTED SCHOOL Felsted, CM6 3LL 01371 822600

Chair of Governors: John Davies, OBE, MA [email protected]

Vice Chair: Robert Brown

Governors: Philip Hutley, FRICS, FAAV Bobbi Davy James Nicholson, DM, MA, MB BChir, FRCPCH Oliver Stocken, CBE James Tibbitts, MA, FCT Jane Crouch, BA, MA William Sunnucks, MA, ACA, MBA Bruce Grindlay, MA, MusB, FRCO Rev Nic Stuchfield, MA Ann Carrington, LLB, LLM, JP Geoffrey Boult, BA Julia Abel Smith, DL, MA Mike Beale Stephen Wolfe, BSc, MRICS, IRRV

Headmaster: Christopher Townsend, BA 01371 822606 [email protected]

Bursar: Andrew Clayton, BA, MBA 01371 822621 [email protected]

Senior Deputy Head: George Masters, BA 01371 822708 [email protected]

Deputy Head (Wellbeing) Karen Megahey, BSc (DSL): 01371 822673 [email protected]

Deputy Head (Academic): Sarah Capewell, MA 01371 822678 [email protected]

Director of Global Education: Daniel Emmerson, MA 01371 822748 [email protected]

Prep School Headmaster: Simon James, BA 01371 822610 [email protected] Senior Management Team


Headmaster: C J Townsend, BA 01371 822606 PA: Sarah Webb [email protected]

Reception: Claire Eastlake and Dawn Jones 01371 822600 [email protected]


Senior Deputy Head: G W S Masters, BA 01371 822708 PA: Michelle Wells [email protected]

Common Room Secretaries: Tricia Williamson and TBA 01371 822690 [email protected]

Deputy Head (Wellbeing) (DSL): K A Megahey, BSc 01371 822673 [email protected]

Designated Safeguarding Lead: N F S O’Brien, MA [email protected]

Senior HM: B R Peart, BSc 01371 822740 [email protected]

Director of Co-Curricular & Felsted Diploma: R J Purdy, BA 01371 822694 Co-Curricular Administrators: Holly Moore and Allie Howes [email protected]

Director of Digital Strategy: F D N Latulipe, MA 01371 822695 [email protected]

Director of Performing Arts: M C Donaldson, BA 01371 822655 [email protected]

Director of Sport: C S Knightley, BA Sports Administrator: Maxine Cowell [email protected]

2 Senior Management Team


Deputy Head (Academic): S R Capewell, MA 01371 822678 Assistant Head (Academic): L K Stefanini, MA PA: Fiona Pemberton [email protected]

Director of Reports and Reviews: R L Feldman, MSc 01371 822675 [email protected]

Timetabler: C Croydon, MSc [email protected]

Director of Assessment and Tracking: A L F Simpson, BSc 01371 822657 Exams Officer: Kelly Cleaver [email protected]

Director of Teacher Development: B S Roberts Jones, BSc, MEd [email protected]

Director of Professional Guidance: L M Scofield, BA 01371 822668 Professional Guidance Administrator: Nikki Pritchard [email protected]

Director of International Baccalaureate: K L Woodhouse, BSc 01371 822666 [email protected]


Bursar: A G Clayton, BA, MBA 01371 822621 PA: Sharon Brook [email protected]

Director of Global Education: D P Emmerson, MA 01371 822748 [email protected]

3 Houses

GEPP’S (A) HM M L McIlvenna 01371 822700 [email protected] AHM N J Phillips 01371 822702 [email protected] Resident Tutor L J Mann 01371 822703 [email protected] Matron L Hayden 01371 822653 [email protected] House Mobile 07764 332927

STOCKS’S (B) HM A L Salmon 01371 822710 [email protected] AHM L Macey 01371 822712 [email protected] Resident Tutor L Keable 01371 822713 [email protected] Matron K Harvey 01371 822714 [email protected] House Mobile 07764 332930

WINDSOR’S (C) HM C H Palmer 01371 822720 [email protected] AHM J Entwistle 01371 822722 [email protected] Resident Tutor C J Wukics 01371 822738 [email protected] Matron S Howard 01371 822724 [email protected] House Mobile 07764 332931

MONT’S (D) HM A Le Chevalier 01371 822730 [email protected] AHM J E R Gallian 01371 822732 [email protected] Matron L E Impey 01371 822734 [email protected] House Mobile 07764 332932

ELWYN (E) HM B R Peart 01371 822740 [email protected] AHM A J A Pask 01371 822742 [email protected] Resident Tutor M W J Redding 01371 822743 [email protected] Matron A Stevens 01371 822744 [email protected] House Mobile 07764 332933

FOLLYFIELD (G) HM S D Wilson 01371 822750 [email protected] AHM A F P C Borg 01371 822753 [email protected] Resident Tutor J M Dyer [email protected] Matron W M Hookway 01371 822754 [email protected] House Mobile 07876 442823

4 Houses

DEACON’S (H) HM B J Bury 01371 822760 [email protected] AHM C Allen 01371 822762 [email protected] Resident Tutor J C Johnson [email protected] Senior Tutor L E A Stuchfield [email protected] Matron J Jarred 01371 822704 [email protected] House Mobile 07581 042459

MANOR (M) HM C M Phillips 01371 822790 [email protected] AHM TBA 01371 822759 Matron L E Impey 01371 822734 [email protected] House Mobile 07918 619244

GARNETTS (N) HM S Barrett 01371 822772 [email protected] AHM A T Mohindru 01371 822772 [email protected] Resident Tutor H E Charlton-Ricks [email protected] Matron H Golds 01371 822774 [email protected] House Mobile 07764 332943

THORNE (T) HM Dr S McGuire 01371 822707 [email protected] AHM C Donaldson 01371 822707 [email protected] Resident Tutor C Menet [email protected] Matron C Gormley 01371 822718 [email protected] House Mobile 07581 498791


Chaplain Rev’d Nigel Little 07730 412647 [email protected] Assistant J M Dyer [email protected]

5 Common Room

To email members of staff, use their [email protected] Art D J Smith, BA (Durham) (Arts Coordinator) [email protected] E A M Jackson, BA (UCA) A V Warner, BA (Maidstone College of Art)

Classics G C Allen, MA (Oxford) [email protected] E M McLaren, MA (Cambridge) (Roberts Society Co-ordinator) [email protected] S R Capewell, MA (Edinburgh) (Deputy Head Academic) A Quinlan, BA (Oxford)

Computer Science F D N Latulipe, MA (Open University) [email protected] (Director of Digital Strategy) T Oakley-Agar, BSc (APU) C Croydon, MSc (London) (Timetabler and Curriculum Co-ordinator) M W J Redding (Head of ICT Services)

Design and Technology M A Pitts, BEng (Loughborough) [email protected] H E Charlton-Ricks, BA (Rochester) H K Pheloung, BA (Northumbria)

Drama M C Donaldson, BA (Derby) (Director of Performing Arts) [email protected] L Macey, BA (Roehampton) L J Mann, BA (Essex)

Economics and Business J E McArdle, BA (Hertfordshire), MBA (Coventry) (Director of Business, Economics & Enterprise Education) [email protected] M Foster, BA (Loughborough) [email protected] M L McIlvenna, BA (Brighton), MEd (Cambridge) † A T Mohindru, LLB (Brunel) S D Wilson, BA (Humberside) †

English E L Predebon, MA (Anglia Ruskin) [email protected] A F P C Borg, BSc (Melbourne) G J Catchpole M R Crossley, BA (Cambridge) C M James, BA (Leeds) (Head of Project Qualifications) ~ J C Johnson, BA (Birmingham) R J Purdy, BA (Essex) (PSHE, Director Co-Curriculum, MUN Co-ordinator) H A Sunshine, BA (Nottingham) N M Sunshine-Harris, BA (East London)

6 Common Room

Geography T P C Galvin, BSc (St Andrews) [email protected] K Moir-Smith, BA (London) E K Rose, BA (Durham) G R Stringer, BSc (Durham)

History & Politics R Pathak, BA (Oxford) [email protected] B R Maude-Barker, MA (Cambridge) L M Scofield, BA (Reading) (Director of Professional Guidance) [email protected] Dr T Strange, PhD (Manchester)

History of Art M Atkinson-Wood, MA (King’s College, London), BA (Cambridge) (Head of Competitive Applications) [email protected]

Mathematics M J Campbell, MSc (St Andrews) [email protected] C Allen, BA (Liverpool) J C Andrews, MEng (Exeter) C Donaldson, BSc (Reading) R L Feldman, MSc (London) (Director of Reports and Reviews) J M Jevons, BA (Nottingham) A Munns, MA (Nottingham) L E A Stuchfield, BA (Oxford)

Modern Languages L J Robertson, MA (London) (French and German) [email protected] A N Fazekas, MA (Dresden) (German) F Sanchez del Rio, Licenciatura (Cadiz) (Spanish, Editor of ‘The Felstedian’) S Alba Cortés (Trinity Laban Conservatoire) (Spanish) R Grant, BA (Leeds) (Spanish, Round Square Co-ordinator) J K Mallett, MA (London) (French) (Magic Bus Co-ordinator) N F S O’Brien, MA (Glasgow) (Spanish, EAL) (DSL) M Trucco, MA (Turin) (Italian and French) N Lemm (German Language Assistant) C Menet (French Language Assistant) G Suarez Suarez (Spanish Language Assistant)

Music W J Warns, MA (Cambridge), DipABRSM, FNCM, FGMS, FNFCM, MISM (Acting Director of Music) [email protected] R A Thear, BA (Leeds)

7 Common Room

Physical Education and Sport L Willis, BSc, MS (Durham) ~ (Director of Girls’ Sport & Head of Girls’ Hockey) N J Phillips, BA (Durham) (Head of Boys’ Hockey) [email protected] S Barrett, BSc (Sheffield Hallam) † B J Bury, BA (Exeter) † J E R Gallian (Director of Cricket) C S Knightley, BA (UWIC) (Director of Sport) A Le Chevalier, PGCE (Director of Rugby) † N J Lockhart, ECB3, EH2 (Head of Grounds & Cricket Professional) R Marriott-Cox (Director of Tennis) C E Rudd, BSc (Cardiff) C J Wukics, BSc (Brunel) J D Gurney, BA (Brunel) (GRA) Z V Griffith, BA (St Mary’s) (GRA)

Project Qualifications C M James, BA (Leeds) ~ [email protected]

PSHE R J Purdy, BA (Essex) [email protected] (English, Director of Diploma & Co-Curricular) K A Megahey, BSc (Nottingham) (Deputy Head Wellbeing)

Psychology V L Smith, MEd (Cambridge) [email protected] M Cacace, BA (Exeter) (Head of IB Core)

Religious Studies B S Roberts Jones, BSc (Kent), MEd (Cambridge) [email protected] Rev’d N J Little, BA (Middlesex) (Chaplain, i/c Charities) L M Keable, BA (Bath Spa) G W S Masters, BA (Durham) (Senior Deputy Head) L K Stefanini, BSc (London School Economics), MA (London) (Assistant Head Academic) L H Wigglesworth, BA (Hull)

8 Common Room

Science H J Mollison, BSc (Hertfordshire), MEd (Cambridge) (Head of Science, Chemistry) [email protected] L E Barden, BSc (Bath) (Chemistry) K J Farr, MSc (Surrey) (Biology) D T Smith, BSc (Newcastle Upon Tyne) (Physics) J Entwistle, BSc (UAE) (Biology) E J MacKenzie-Lambert, MA (Cambridge) (Biology) Dr S McGuire, BSc, MSc, PhD (Manchester) (Chemistry & Biology) † C H Palmer, MA (Cambridge) (Physics, Mathematics) † A J A Pask, BSc (York) (Chemistry) B R Peart, BSc (Durham) (Biology, i/c Christian Forum) (Senior HM) † A L F Simpson, BSc (London) (Biology, Assessment & Tracking) R Sloman, MSc (Exeter) (Biology) ~ K L Woodhouse, BSc (Birmingham) (Physics, Director of IBDP) A V Price, MA (Southampton) (Physics)

Support for Learning J W Hipkin, BA (Manchester), MEd (Open) [email protected] S J Beale, BA (Bristol) N J Johnson, CDip E L Masters, MA (Aberdeen) C M Phillips, MCILIP (W London) † A L Salmon, BA (Leicester), MEd (Middlesex) † J C Turner Jones, BA (Birmingham)

EAL D K Guerrero, BA (Middlesex), Dip TEFLA [email protected] J D Farrington, BA (Bournemouth)

CCF Maj CHPalmer, MA (Cambridge) (CCF Contingent Commander) [email protected] Maj L W Jay

Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards & Educational Visits D L Whittock [email protected]

Library N S Howorth, BA (Edge Hill), DipLib, MCLIP [email protected]

† = HM ~ = Maternity Leave

9 Peripatetic Teaching Staff

Piano C Wood, Prof Cert, RAM, LRAM, ARCM (Piano) J Arnold, BMus (London), ARCM, LGSM (Piano) S Brennan, BMus, Mmus (Piano) O Dawkins, LRAM, Cert Ed (Piano) S Edwards, GCLCM, ABRSM (Piano) M Frith, BA Mus (Durham), ARCO (Organ) A Hogarth, MA (Cantab), PG Dip (Adv) (Piano) V Manning, Cert Mus Ed (TCL), ALCM (TD) (Piano) Strings P Barton, GRSM (Hons) (Violin) L Creasey, BA (Harp) C Ellis, BA, ARAM, LRAM (’Cello/Alexander Technique) H Rouse, Mus TCM, PG Perf TCM (Viola) Woodwind & Brass S Aitken, GRSM, Dip RAM, LRAM, ARCM, FTCL (Trombone/Tenor Horn/Tuba) S Brennan, BA Mus, MMus (Flute) A Bushby, MA (Cantab) (Recorder) D Miles, GRSM, ARMCM (Bassoon) J Plackett, BA LTCL, ALCM (Clarinet/Recorder) D Price, LRAM (Trumpet/Cornet) W Yeomans, GCLCM (Saxophone) Vocal F Wright, LLB, Cert ABRSM (Singing) C Borrett, BA (Oxon) (Singing) C May, BA Mus PPRNCM (Singing) K Smith, BMus (Hons) Guitar M Donald, LLCM (TD) (Guitar Electric & Acoustic/Ukulele) S Laney, Dip CPM () (Guitar Electric & Acoustic) R Thear, BA (Leeds) (Guitar Electric & Acoustic) Drums & Percussion R Farrer, LGSM (Drums/Percussion) T McVey (Drums) A Morris (Drums/Percussion)

LAMDA A L Moore, BA (Birkbeck) K J Charters, MA (Greenwich)

Mandarin L Liang, TCFC (Middlesex) 10 Notes

11 Regular Weekly Events

All activities listed below have priority at the times stated. Where there are conflicts between activities, the activity in bold has priority.

Mondays 8.3 0 am - 8.50 am Headmaster’s Assembly (Chapel) House Staff Team Meetings (All Houses) 8.5 5am - 9.45 am Tutorials 10.5 0am - 11.00 am CR Briefing (CRDR) 4.1 5 pm - 5.50 pm Orchestra (BKA) Drama Rehearsals DT Coursework (Years 10-U6) Art Department Open (Years 11-U6) 4.3 0 pm - 5.30 pm Co-Curricular Activities 4.4 5 pm - 5.45 pm Deputy Heads’ Detention 6.3 0 pm - 9.30 pm Drama Rehearsals

Tuesdays 8.2 0 am - 8.45 am House Assemblies 2.0 0 pm - 5.00 pm Sport 2.0 0 pm - 6.00 pm Art & DT Coursework (Years 10-U6) 5.0 0 pm - 6.00 pm L6 Gold DofE Production Band call Music: Rock & Funk 6.3 0 pm - 7.30 pm Andrew Society Drama Rehearsals Senior Steel Band 8.0 0 pm - 9.00 pm Swimming

Wednesdays 7.0 0 am - 7.35 am Swimming 8.3 0 am - 8.45 am Chapel 4.1 5 pm - 5.15 pm Year 10 A/B Sport Year 9 Leadership/CCF/DofE 4.3 0 pm - 5.30 pm Peer Counselling 4.3 0 pm - 6.30 pm Art Workshop (Years 10-U6) 5.0 0 pm - 6.00 pm Year 11, L6 & U6 A/B Sport 6.3 0 pm - 7.30 pm Medical Society

Thursdays 8.1 5 am - 8.30 am School Prefects’ Detention House Time (available for reading and Tutorials) 8.15am - 8.45 am Breakfast Reading Club (Library) Week A: Lower School, Week B: Sixth Form 8.3 0 am - 8.45 am HoDs’ Briefing (Fortnightly) House Team Meetings (as required) 10.50 am Breaktime Recital (BKA) 2.0 0 pm - 4.30 pm Sport 5.0 0 pm - 6.00 pm Life Drawing (Sixth Form) 6.3 0 pm - 7.30 pm Senior Chapel Choir (BKA) 12 Regular Weekly Events

Fridays 8.3 0 am - 8.45 am Chapel 10.5 0 am - 11.10 am School Prefects’ Meeting 3.0 0 pm - 4.55 pm CCF (Sixth Form) Volunteering (L6) 3.1 5 pm - 4.15 pm Year 9 A/B Sport 3.3 0 pm - 4.55 pm CCF (Years 10 & 11) DofE (Years 10 & 11) Enrichment (Years 9-11) 4.00pm - 6.00 pm Careers Drop-in Clinic (Careers Library) 4.1 5 pm - 5.45 pm Art Coursework (Years 10-U6) 4.4 5 pm - 5.45 pm Deputy Heads’ Detention 5.0 0 pm - 6.00 pm Jazz Band (BKA) Peer Counselling DT Coursework

Saturdays 1.3 0 pm - 4.00 pm Art Department Open Meal Times

Breakfast 7.3 0 am - 8.15 am (7.3 0 am - 8.3 0 am on Thursdays)

Lunchtime Year 9 12.5 5 pm Year 10 1.0 0 pm Year 11 1.0 5 pm Sixth Form 1.1 0 pm

Tea Sixth Form 5.5 0 pm Years 9-11 6.0 5 pm

Sunday Brunc h 10.3 0 am - 12.0 0 pm

Cromwell Centre Café (Term Time) Monday – Friday 8.0 0 am - 6.0 0 pm Saturday 10.0 0 am - 4.0 0 pm Sunday 9.0 0 am - 2.0 0 pm

Abbreviations for venues: CC Cromwell Centre LRH Lord Riche Hall CRDR Common Room Dining Room MC Medical Centre CRSR Common Room Sitting Room BKA Barbara Karan Auditorium GH Grignon Hall SH Sports Hall HT Hunt Theatre 6FC Sixth Form Centre 13 Timetable – Week A B L R

8.50-9.45 11.15-12.10 12.15-1.10 U 2.10-3.00 3.05-3.55 E N

A Study Time C

1 2 K 3 4 5 6 H 9.50-10.45

Monday Headmaster’s Assembly Tutorials

Tuesday House Assemblies

Wednesday Chapel

4.40-5.30 Thursday

Friday Chapel

8.30-9.20 9.25-10.15 10.45-11.35 11.40-12.30 Saturday Timetable – Week B B L R

8.50-9.45 11.15-12.10 12.15-1.10 U 2.10-3.00 3.05-3.55 E N

A Study Time C

1 2 K 3 4 5 6 H 9.50-10.45

Monday Headmaster’s Assembly Tutorials

Tuesday House Assemblies

Wednesday Chapel

4.40-5.30 Thursday

Friday Chapel

8.30-9.20 9.25-10.15 10.45-11.35 11.40-12.30 Saturday Notes

16 August/September Pre-Term

Mon 26 Summer Bank Holiday

Tue 27 8.30 am LEAP Course commences (BKA) 10.00 am Boys’ Rugby Pre-Season Training 12.00 pm LEAP Lunch (LRH)

W e d 2 8 LEAP Course 10.00 am Boys’ Rugby Pre-Season Training 10.00 am New Teaching Staff Induction commences (CRSR) 3.00 pm Girls’ Hockey 1st XI Pre-Season Training

T h u 2 9 Staff INSET (See separate notice) LEAP Course 10.00 am Boys’ Rugby Pre-Season Training 3.00 pm Girls’ Hockey 1st XI Pre-Season Training

F r i 3 0 Staff INSET (See separate notice) LEAP Course 10.00 am Girls’ Hockey 1st XI Pre-Season Training 10.00 am Boys’ Rugby Pre-Season Training 10.30 am Headmaster’s Welcome for All Staff (LRH) 11.00 am Whole Staff Safeguarding Talk (GH) 12.30 pm Whole Staff Chapel Service

S a t 3 1 LEAP Course 8.15 am Boys’ Rugby v Ipswich School: U15A Tournament (A: 10.0 0am) 8.15 am Boys’ Rugby v Mill Hill: U16s (A: 10.0 0am) 8.15 am Boys’ Rugby v Eltham College: U14s (A: 10.0 0am) 1.00 pm Boys’ Rugby v Dulwich: 1st XV Pre-Season Match (H)

S u n 1 11th Sunday after Trinity LEAP Course 9.30 am L6 IB Students return 10.30 am Girls’ Hockey v Marlborough: 1st XI friendly (H) 2.00 pm Orchestra Pre-term Rehearsal (BKA)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 17 1st Week September Timetable B

Mon 2 Peripatetic Music Teachers’ INSET (Music School) LEAP Course 10.00 am New Teaching Staff Induction (Wellbeing Centre) 12.00 pm School Prefects’ Training (Wellbeing Centre) 4.00 pm L6 A Level Students return 5.15 pm Welcome and Academic Briefing for L6 parents and students (GH) 6.00 pm L6 House BBQs and Prefect Training (Houses)

Tue 3 8.00 am L6 Breakfast 8.45 am L6 Induction begins (school uniform) (GH) 9.30 am Pre-season Training: U14 & U15 Girls’ Hockey and U14 Boys’ Rugby 1.00 pm L6 Lunch (LRH) 1.15 pm Senior Chapel Choir Rehearsal (Holy Cross Church) 2.00 pm All Year 9 and new Year 10 Pupils and Parents arrive 2.30 pm Headmaster’s Welcome for all Year 9 and new Year 10 Pupils and Parents (GH) 3.00 pm Service of Commencement for all Year 9, new Year 10 and Parents followed by Reception (Holy Cross Church) 4.00 pm Year 9 and new Year 10 Database Photographs and IT Registration (Music Classroom) 5.00 pm Year 9 Day Pupils depart 5.00 pm U6 students return 6.00 pm U6 House Assemblies 7.30 pm U6 Dinner (formal wear) (LRH) 7.30 pm Years 10 & 11 Boarders return

Wed 4 8.15 am Day Pupils Return 8.30 am House Assemblies 9.00 am Beginning of Term Chapel Service followed by Headmaster’s Assembly (Chapel) 10.15 am Tutorials for all year groups 11.15 am Normal routine commences 4.00 pm Sports Briefings, Trials and Practices 4.00 pm U6 IB English A HL trip to see ‘Equus’ (London)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 18 Timetable B September 1st Week

Thu 5 Music and LAMDA Lessons Commence 8.30 am Year 9 Briefing (BKA) 8.30 am HoDs’ Briefing (CRDR) 10.45 am Headmaster’s meeting with all Music Scholars and Award Holders (BKA) 1.10 pm Charity Team Lunch (Pavilion) 1.30 pm Sixth Form Volunteering Meeting (GH) 4.30 pm First Rehearsal for main school production of Beauty and the Beast (all cast and crew to attend. Open to all) (GH) 4.30 pm Year 9 meet the School Prefects followed by BBQ with the Headmaster (Stephenson’s Garden) 5.30 pm Performing Arts Trip to see ‘Malory Towers’ (Cambridge Arts Theatre)

Fri 6 1.30 pm L6 Induction: Team Challenge (Altitude Events) (Prysties) and E Safety in a Digital Age (Luke Roberts) (BKA) 7.00 pm L6 Dinner (LRH) 7.00 pm U6 BBQ (Garnetts) 9.00 pm US Applicants Common App Essay deadline 9.00 pm U6 UCAS Personal Statements (Early Applicants) deadline

Sat 7 11.40 am Sixth Form Talk: ‘Taking Risks’ by USAF Lakenheath (GH) 11.40 am Boys’ Rugby v Norwich: U15A, U15B, U14A, U14B (A: 3.3 0pm) 11.45 am Girls’ Hockey v Norwich: U14A, U14B (A: 2.1 5pm) 12.45 pm Girls’ Hockey v Norwich: U15A, U15B (A: 3.1 5pm) 1.30 pm Girls’ Hockey v Norwich: 1st XI (H) 2.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v Norwich: 2nd XI (H) 3.30 pm Boys’ Rugby v Norwich: 1st XV, 2nd XV, U16A, U16B (H)

Sun 8 12th Sunday after Trinity Sunday Activity 10.30 am Sparkle Sevens Tournament 6.30 pm Senior Chapel Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) 6.30 pm Boarders Return 7.30 pm Whole School Chapel Service (Chapel)

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 19 2nd Week September Timetable A

Mon 9 Year 9 Medicals (Medical Centre) 1.30 pm Final Auditions for main school production of Beauty and the Beast (GH) 4.45 pm U6 Careers Workshop: Life at Uni (6FC)

Tue 10 1.30 pm Felsted Golf VI v Brentwood Golf VI (Colne Valley Golf Club: 2.3 0pm) 1.30 pm Final Auditions for main school production of Beauty and the Beast (GH) 2.30 pm Boys’ Football v RHS (H) 6.30 pm Poster Fair (GH)

Wed 11 Year 9 One Day Film School (Young Film Academy) New Pupils’ Medicals (Medical Centre) 1.10 pm Explore Prayer Lunch (Pavilion) 5.30 pm Year 10 English Trip to ‘An Inspector Calls’ (Bromley) 7.00 pm L6 IB Group 4 Presentations (BKA) 8.00 pm Sixth Form IB Pizza Evening (6FC)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 20 Timetable A September 2nd Week

Thu 12 10.55 am Thursday Break-time Recitals begin (BKA) 8.00 pm Explore BBQ

Fri 13 9.00 am U6 Drama and Theatre Studies Practical Exam (off timetable) (HT) 5.00 pm Careers Seminar (Careers Library) 5.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v Bishop’s Stortford College: 1st XI (A: 6.3 0pm) 6.30 pm Roberts Society Hot Topics Year 11 (Boardroom) 7.00 pm Years 10 & 11 Social Event (LRH)

Sat 14 8.45 am Open Morning for FPS Year 6 Pupils and Parents (LRH) 9.30 am Senior School Tours

9.00 am Chemistry in Action (Emmanuel Centre, London) 11.40 am Years 9 & 10 Talk: ‘Life Risks’ by Sophie Stannard and James Gwatkin (GH) 12.30 pm Boys’ Rugby v Haileybury: 1st XV, 2nd XV, 3rd XV, U15A, U15B (A: 3.0 0pm) 1.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v Bishop’s Stortford College: 2nd XI, CCB (A: 2.3 0pm) 1.00 pm Boys’ Football v Gresham’s (A: 2.3 0pm) 2.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v Bishop’s Stortford College: U15A, U15B (H) 2.15 pm Girls’ Hockey v Bishop’s Stortford College: CCA, U14/U15C (A: 3.4 5pm) 3.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v Bishop’s Stortford College: U14A, U14B (H) 3.00 pm Boys’ Rugby v Haileybury: U16A, U16B, U14A, U14B (H)

Sun 15 13th Sunday after Trinity Steel Band perform at Stebbing Fête Sunday Activity

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 21 3rd Week September Timetable B

Mon 16 11.00 am Whole School Photograph (The Front) 11.15 am No Period 3 4.00 pm House and U6 Photographs (The Front) 9.00 pm Tutor Reference Deadline (Early Applicants) 9.00 pm U6 IB EE Draft Submission Deadline

Tue 17 1.00 pm Felsted Golf VI v Bedford Golf VI (Woburn Golf Club: 3.3 0pm) 5.00 pm L6 History Book Club (Riche) 7.30 pm Jack Petchey Schools and Clubs Award Ceremony (Foakes Hall)

Wed 18 Jeans for Genes Day 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion)

Thu 19 Girls’ Netball Nationals Tournament: U16 North West Essex Round 8.30 am HoDs’ Briefing (CRDR) 1.00 pm Year 11 DofE Silver Assessed Expedition to The Cotswolds departs (returns 22 September) DofE & Round Square 1.10 pm Charity Team Lunch (Pavilion) 1.40 pm Extended Essay Supervisors’ Meeting (CRDR) 7.00 pm Year 9 Social Event (LRH)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 22 Timetable B September 3rd Week

Fri 20 Year 11 DofE Silver Assessed Expedition to The Cotswolds 8.30 am L6 Independent Learning Workshop (GH) 8.30 am Period 1 9.00 am Prep Schools’ Sporting Masterclass (Sport Facilities) 9.20 am Period 2 10.10 am Period 3 10.55 am Break 11.00 am CCF 24 Hour Exercise to Colchester departs 11.25 am Period 4 12.15 pm Period 5 1.00 pm Exeat begins 1.30 pm L6 Parents’ Talk: Careers & HE Guidance (BKA) 2.00 pm L6 Parents’ Meeting (LRH) 2.00 pm ABRSM exam entries deadline

Sat 21 Exeat Steel Band perform at Dunmow Carnival Year 11 DofE Silver Assessed Expedition to The Cotswolds 12.30 pm CCF 24 Hour Exercise returns from Colchester

Sun 22 14th Sunday after Trinity Exeat 6.00 pm Houses Open. Boarders return by 9.0 0pm 8.00 pm Year 11 DofE Silver Assessed Expedition returns from The Cotswolds 9.00 pm UCAS Applications (Early Applicants) Internal Deadline 9.00 pm UCAS Personal Statement Internal Deadline (All Applicants)

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 23 4th Week September Timetable A

Mon 23 Internationalism (Languages) Week Visit by Hamlet Mbabazi (Teach Uganda) 8.05 am Senior Chapel Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) 8.15 am Day Pupils Return 8.30 am Whole School Chapel Service 9.00 am Staff MHFA Training (Wellbeing Centre) 9.00 am Alter Ego Theatre Production ‘County Lines’ (BKA) 8.00 pm Networking seminar with Hamlet Mbabazi (CRDR)

Tue 24 1.00 pm Boys’ Football v RHS (A: 2.3 0pm) 1.30 pm Whole School Charity Event Staff Briefing (CRDR) 3.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v New Hall: CCA (H) 5.00 pm Lower Sixth Politics Book Club (Riche) 7.30 pm Senior Music Scholars’ Concert (BKA)

Wed 25 Boys’ Rugby Schools’ Cup/Vase Round 1 8.50 am Staff MHFA Training (Wellbeing Centre) 10.45 am Library Committee Meeting (Library) 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion)

Thu 26 9.00 am Joint Teaching and Learning Walks with FPS 10.45 am MFL Café (Library) 5.00 pm HoDs’ Meeting (CRDR) 6.00 pm Performing Arts Cinema Trip – ‘One Man, Two Guvnors’

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 24 Timetable A September 4th Week

Fri 27 8.15 am Sixth Form Careers Trip: US Colleges Day, London 6.00 pm MFL Sixth Form Corridor Party (MFL Corridor)

Sat 28 Open Morning 10.20 am Period 3 (Sixth Form) 11.15 am Period 3 (Years 9, 10 & 11) 11.15 am Senior School Tours 12.15 pm Lunch for Staff with Prospective Families 12.20 pm Period 4

11.40 am Girls’ Hockey: Headmasters’ Triangular v RHS and Greshams: U14A, U14B (A: Greshams 2.5 0pm & 3.4 0pm) 12.15 pm Girls’ Hockey: Headmasters’ Triangular v RHS and Greshams: U15A, U15B (A: RHS 2.0 0pm & 2.5 0pm) 1.00 pm Boys’ Rugby v New Hall: U16A, U16B, U14A, U14B (A: 3.0 0pm) 2.00 pm Girls’ Hockey: Headmasters’ Triangular v RHS and Greshams: 1st XI, 2nd XI (H) 3.00 pm Boys’ Rugby v New Hall: 1st XV, 2nd XV, U15A, U15B (H)

Sun 29 15th Sunday after Trinity Sunday Activity 8.00 am L6 Geography Trip to Sheringham departs (returns 30 September) 5.40 pm Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) departs

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 25 5th Week September/October Timetable B

Mon 30 Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) 4.45 pm Gap Year Roadshow and Talk for L6 Pupils (6FC) 4.45 pm L6 Geography Trip returns from Sheringham

Tue 1 Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) 6.30 pm Governance Committee Meeting (The Bury Meeting Room) 7.30 pm Felsted Music Presents: Vocal Concert (BKA)

Wed 2 Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) 9.00 am U6 IB German A Literature Individual Oral Commentaries (Felsted Memorial Hall) 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion) 7.30 pm HMs’ Evening Meeting (CRSR)

Thu 3 Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) National Poetry Day: ‘Truth’ 8.30 am HoDs’ Briefing (CRDR) 11.30 am Matrons’ Meeting (CRDR) 1.15 pm U6 Biology Trip to Sanger Institute (Cambridge) 9.00 pm U6 Progress Reports: Teacher Deadline

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 26 Timetable B October 5th Week

Fri 4 Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) 3.00 pm ‘Felsted Footprints’ Whole School Charity Event 5.00 pm Careers Seminar (Careers Library)

Sat 5 Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) U6 students 1:1 Mock Interviews (6FC & Careers Library) 10.45 am Talk for Year 9 Parents (GH) 11.40 am Year 9 Parents meet Tutors (LRH) 11.40 am Boys’ Rugby v Eltham College: U15A, U15B, U16A, U16B (A: 3.0 0pm) 11.45 am Girls’ Hockey v The Perse: 1st XI, 2nd XI, CCA (A: 1.3 0pm) 12.30 pm Lunch for Year 9 Parents (LRH) 2.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v The Perse: U14A, U14B, U14/U15C (H) 2.30 pm Boys’ Football v Bancroft’s (H) 3.00 pm Boys’ Rugby v Eltham College: 1st XV, 2nd XV, U14A, U14B (H) 3.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v The Perse: U15A, U15B (H)

Sun 6 16th Sunday after Trinity Sunday Activity Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) 10.00 am All cast rehearsal of Beauty and the Beast (GH)

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 27 6th Week October Timetable A

Mon 7 Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) 8.55 am L6 Talk: ‘Risks and Consequences’ by John Hoskison (BKA) 9.50 am U6 Italian A Individual Oral Commentaries 10.00 am Safeguarding Team Meeting (Wellbeing Centre) 1.00 pm US Universities Fair (BKA) 1.40 pm IB Reps’ Meeting (Poston) 6.00 pm Roberts Society Applications deadline 7.00 pm Felsted Parents’ Group (CRDR)

Tue 8 Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) 8.00 am Year 9 Standard Entry Admissions Assessments (BKA) 9.00 am U6 A Level Maths Large Data Set Workshop (Maths Classrooms) 10.00 am Haileybury Group History Meeting (CRDR) 1.30 pm Team Photographs 2.30 pm Boys’ Football v Ipswich (H) 5.30 pm Music Trip: Mozart’s Opera ‘Don Giovanni’ (6.4 5pm, Cineworld, Braintree) 9.00 pm U6 Reports: Tutor Deadline

Wed 9 Round Square Global Conference (Emerald Heights School, India) Boys’ Rugby Schools’ Cup/Vase Round 2 10.45 am Library Committee Meeting (Library) 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion) 1.30 pm English Schools’ Cross Country Cup, 1st round (Prysties field, Steeps course) 6.15 pm Oxbridge Mock: Nat Science Pre Interview Assessment and BMAT (Courtauld Lab) 8.00 pm ‘Teach Uganda’ Trip Information Meeting (CRSR)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 28 Timetable A October 6th Week

Thu 10 Digital Detox Day 2.30 pm Felsted Matchplay Golf Team v Haileybury Matchplay Golf Team (A) (Hanbury Manor Golf Club) 4.30 pm IB Teachers’ Meeting (CRDR) 9.00 pm Year 11 Progress Reports: Teacher Deadline

Fri 11 11.00 am Governors’ Education Committee Meeting (Courtauld House Meeting Room) 4.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v The Leys: 1st XI (A: 5.3 0pm) 7.30 pm Live Lounge: An informal evening of Funk and Jazz (Cromwell Centre)

Sat 12 9.30 am Sixth Form Open Morning (GH) 10.20 am Tours for prospective Sixth Formers

9.00 am Parents’ MHFA Training (Wellbeing Centre) 11.40 am Boys’ Rugby v Berkhamstead: 1st XV, 2nd XV, 3rd XV, U16A, U16B (A: 2.4 5pm) 11.45 am Girls’ Hockey v The Leys: 2nd XI, CCA (A: 1.3 0pm) 1.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v The Leys: CCB (A: 2.4 5pm) 2.30 pm Girls’ Hockey v The Leys: U15A, U15B (H) 2.30 pm Boys’ Football v Gresham’s (H) 2.45 pm Boys’ Rugby v Berkhamstead, U15A, U15B, U14A, U14B (H) 2.45 pm Girls’ Hockey v The Leys: U14/U15C (H) 3.30 pm Girls’ Hockey v The Leys: U14A, U14B (H) 7.00 pm Bollywood Gala Ball (LRH)

Sun 13 17th Sunday after Trinity Sunday Activity

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 29 7th Week October Timetable B

Mon 14 3.45 pm Year 11 Workshop: ‘Maximising Success’ by The Life Skills Company (GH) 9.00 pm Tutor Reference Deadline

Tue 15 10.30 am Insight Day for Feeder School Heads (BKA & CRDR) 1.15 pm Felsted Golf VI v Bedford Golf VI (Colne Valley Golf Club: 2.3 0pm) 1.30 pm House Part-Song Rehearsals for Day Houses (Chapel) 3.30 pm Year 10 My Smarter Essex Event (STEM Innovation, Braintree) 6.00 pm Oxbridge and MDV Deadline 6.00 pm House Part-Song Rehearsals for Boarding Houses (Chapel) 9.00 pm Year 11 Progress Reports: Tutor Deadline

Wed 16 Girls’ Netball Nationals Tournament: U14 North West Essex Round 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion) 7.00 pm DoE Gold and Silver Presentation Evening (BKA) 9.00 pm U6 Progress Reports: HM Deadline

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 30 Timetable B October 7th Week

Thu 17 Girls’ Netball Nationals Tournament: U14 North West Essex Round 8.30 am HoDs’ Briefing (CRDR) 5.00 pm House Unison Song Rehearsals for Day Houses (LRH) 7.00 pm House Unison Song Rehearsals for Boarding Houses (LRH)

Fri 18 4.30 am Italian Exchange Trip to Turin departs 8.50 am L6 Essex Roadster Driving and Road Safety (BKA, Munby, GH, 6FC, LRH and LRH carpark, Pitteway) 4.30 pm House Singing Competition: Part Song (Formal Wear) (Chapel) 7.30 pm House Singing Competition: Unison Song (LRH) 9.30 pm Half Term begins for Day Pupils (Boarders may depart)

Sat 19 GH Restricted Use Italian Exchange Trip to Turin 5.00 am Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai departs 5.30 am U6 Business Studies & Economics Trip to New York departs 9.00 am Half Term begins for Boarders

Sun 20 18th Sunday after Trinity GH Restricted Use Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai U6 Business Studies & Economics Trip to New York Italian Exchange Trip to Turin 9.30 am Classics Trip to Greece departs

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 31 Half Term

Mon 21 GH Restricted Use Classics Trip to Greece Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai U6 Business Studies & Economics Trip to New York Italian Exchange Trip to Turin

Tue 22 GH Restricted Use Classics Trip to Greece Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai U6 Business Studies & Economics Trip to New York Italian Exchange Trip to Turin

Wed 23 GH Restricted Use Classics Trip to Greece Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai Italian Exchange Trip to Turin 10.30 am U6 Business Studies & Economics Trip returns from New York 2.00 pm Essex Art Fund Tour of the School

Thu 24 GH Restricted Use Classics Trip to Greece Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai Italian Exchange Trip to Turin

Fri 25 GH Restricted Use Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai Italian Exchange Trip to Turin 11.55 pm Classics trip returns from Greece

Sat 26 GH Restricted Use Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai 1.00 am Italian Exchange Trip returns from Turin

Sun 27 GH Restricted Use 19th Sunday after Trinity Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai

32 Half Term

Mon 28 GH Restricted Use Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai

Tue 29 GH Restricted Use Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai

Wed 30 GH Restricted Use Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai 9.00 am Oxbridge Entrance Assessments and BMAT (BKA)

Thu 31 GH Restricted Use 9.00 pm Magic Bus Trip returns from Mumbai

Fri 1 GH Restricted Use 3.45 am MUNish departs (International School of The Hague)

Sat 2 GH Restricted Use MUNish (International School of The Hague)

Sun 3 4th Sunday before Advent GH Restricted Use MUNish (International School of The Hague) 12.00 pm All cast rehearsal for main school production of Beauty and the Beast (GH) 6.00 pm Houses Open. Boarders return by 9.0 0 pm

33 8th Week November Timetable A

Mon 4 GH Restricted Use 8.15 am Day Pupils Return 9.00 am 16+ Standard Entry Assessments (BKA) 11.00 am MUNish returns from The Hague 3.00 pm 16+ Standard Entry Assessments (BKA) 4.30 pm Year 10 PSHE Talk: ‘Confidence & Positive Self-Image’ by Stella Okezie (HT)

Tue 5 GH Restricted Use Girls’ Hockey U14 East Regional Tournament 4.00 pm Beauty and the Beast Technical Rehearsal (GH) 5.00 pm IB History Book Club (Riche)

Wed 6 GH Restricted Use Boys’ Rugby Schools’ Cup Round 3 9.00 am 16+ Standard Entry Assessments (BKA) 10.45 am Library Committee Meeting (Library) 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion) 3.00 pm 16+ Standard Entry Assessments (BKA) 4.00 pm Beauty and the Beast Technical Rehearsal (GH) 5.00 pm Governors’ House and Finance Committee Meeting (The Bury Meeting Room) 5.00 pm ABRSM Theory Exam (Music School) 7.30 pm Resident Tutors’ Evening Meeting (Elwyn’s)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 34 Timetable A November 8th Week

Thu 7 Girls’ Hockey U14 East Regional Tournament 9.00 am Powerhouse Games 9.00 am Senior Maths Challenge (BKA) 1.10 pm Charity Team Lunch (Pavilion) 4.00 pm Beauty and the Beast Technical Rehearsal (GH) 9.00 pm Year 9 Progress Reports: Teacher Deadline

Fri 8 Light and Bright Non-Uniform Day in aid of Felsted Charity Partners 8.30 am U6 A level Biology In Action Conference (Emmanuel Centre, London) 7.00 pm Life in the Sixth Form Talk followed by Subject Fayre for Year 11 Pupils and Parents (BKA & LRH)

Sat 9 All Boarders’ In Weekend 11.40 am Girls’ Hockey v Bedford: 1st XI, 2nd XI, CCA (A: 1.4 5pm) 11.40 am Boys’ Rugby v Framlingham: U15A, U15B, U14A, U14B (A: 2.1 5pm) 12.45 pm Girls’ Hockey v Bedford: U15A, U15B, U14/U15C (A: 2.4 5pm) 1.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v Bedford: U14A, U14B (H) 2.00 pm Badminton v St Joseph’s (H) 2.15 pm Boys’ Rugby v Framlingham: 1st XV, 2nd XV, U16A, U16B (H) 7.00 pm House Socials

Sun 10 3rd Sunday before Advent Remembrance Sunday Sunday Activity

8.15 am CCF Remembrance Parade Rehearsal 8.45 am Senior Chapel Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) 10.20 am Felsted Village Act of Remembrance at the Memorial Hall 10.45 am Service of Remembrance (Chapel) 8.00 pm Sounding of the Last Post (Felsted Beacon)

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 35 9th Week November Timetable B

Mon 11 Armistice Day 8.55 am Year 11 Exam Briefing followed by Tutorials (Chapel) 11.00 am Sounding of the Last Post (War Memorial Classrooms) 11.00 am Acts of Remembrance (in Houses) 4.00 pm Beauty and the Beast Dress Rehearsal (GH) 5.00 pm Roberts Society DECA Challenge Launch (Mason)

Tue 12 10.00 am Chapel and Charity Teams visit the Felsted Mission 1.00 pm Boys’ Football v Ipswich (A: 2.3 0pm) 4.00 pm Beauty and the Beast Dress Rehearsal (GH) 7.30 pm HMs & AHMs’ Evening Meeting (CRSR) 9.00 pm Year 9 Progress Reports: Tutor Deadline

Wed 13 Boys’ Rugby Schools’ Vase Round 3 9.00 am L6 Institute of Directors Aspirations Day (HT) 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion) 7.30 pm Performance: Beauty and the Beast (GH)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 36 Timetable B November 9th Week

Thu 14 13+ Internal Scholarship Interviews 8.30 am 16+ Academic Scholarships (BKA) 8.30 am HoDs’ Briefing (CRDR) 9.00 am Internal Scholarship Interviews 1.45 pm Performance: Beauty and the Beast (GH) 7.30 pm Performance: Beauty and the Beast (GH)

Fri 15 1.30 pm Performance: Beauty and the Beast (GH) 6.30 pm U6 IB Final Submission Deadline 6.30 pm Lord Riche Society Reception (BKA) 7.00 pm PSHE: Confidence & Positive Self-Image talk for Year 10 Parents by Stella Okezie (CRDR) 7.30 pm Performance: Beauty and the Beast (GH)

Sat 16 U6 students 1:1 Mock Interviews (Oxbridge) 10.00 am Governors’ Board Meeting (The Bury Meeting Room) 11.40 am Boys’ Rugby v RHS: U15A, U15B, U14A, U14B (A: 2.1 5pm) 12.15 pm Girls’ Hockey v New Hall: U15A, U15B (A: 1.3 0pm) 1.15 pm Girls’ Hockey v New Hall: U14A, U14B (A: 2.3 0pm) 1.30 pm Performance: Beauty and the Beast (GH) 2.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v New Hall: 1st XI, 2nd XI (H) 2.15 pm Boys’ Rugby v RHS: 1st XV, 2nd XV, U16A, U16B (H) 7.30 pm Performance: Beauty and the Beast (GH)

Sun 17 2nd Sunday before Advent 9.30 am L6 Interview Course by Medic Portal (Careers Library)

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 37 10th Week November Timetable A

Mon 18 Global Entrepreneurship Week 9.00 am 13+ Sports Scholarships (BKA) MFL GCSE Mock Oral Examinations (MFL Corridor) 1.30 pm DECA Challenge – Roberts Society (Boardroom) 5.00 pm MMI Event (Felsted Medical Applicants & Outreach Schools) (6FC) 8.00 pm Team Uganda Meeting (CRDR)

Tue 19 9.00 am 16+ Sports Scholarships (BKA) MFL GCSE Mock Oral Examinations (MFL Corridor) 2.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v Bishop’s Stortford College: CCA, CCB (H) 4.00 pm U6 English Trip to see ‘Measure for Measure’ (London)

Wed 20 MFL GCSE Mock Oral Examinations (MFL Corridor) Boys’ Rugby Schools’ Cup Round 4 8.30 am U6 IB English A HL/SL Individual Oral Commentaries (Memorial Hall) 9.00 am 13+ and 16+ Drama Academic Scholarships 10.45 am Library Committee Meeting (Library) 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion) 1.30 pm 13+ and 16+ Music Academic Scholarships 1.40 pm Extended Essay Supervisors’ Meeting (CRDR)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 38 Timetable A November 10th Week

Thu 21 8.30 am U6 IB English A HL/SL Individual Oral Commentaries (Memorial Hall) 9.00 am 13+ and 16+ Art Scholarships MFL GCSE Mock Oral Examinations (MFL Corridor) Girls’ Hockey U14 East Regional Finals 1.10 pm Chapel and Charity Team Lunch (Pavilion) 1.30 pm 13+ and 16+ DTE Scholarships 2.10 pm GCSE English Language Mocks (GH) 5.00 pm HoDs’ Meeting (CRDR) 9.00 pm L6 Progress Reports: Teacher Deadline

Fri 22 MFL GCSE Mock Oral Examinations (MFL Corridor) 8.30 am Period 1 9.20 am Period 2 10.10 am Period 3 10.55 am Break 11.25 am Period 4 12.15 pm Period 5 1.00 pm Exeat begins 1.30 pm Talk for U6 Parents (BKA) 2.00 pm U6 Parents’ Meeting (LRH)

Sat 23 Exeat

Sun 24 Christ the King Exeat 6.00 pm Houses Open. Boarders return by 9.0 0pm

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 39 11th Week November Timetable B

Mon 25 8.05 am Senior Chapel Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) 8.15 am Day Pupils Return 8.30 am Year 11 Mock exams 8.30 am Whole School Chapel Service

Tue 26 8.30 am Year 11 Mock exams 2.00 pm Badminton v Bishop’s Stortford College (H) 2.30 pm Boys’ Football v The Perse (H) 7.30 pm Autumn Showcase Concert (BKA) 9.00 pm L6 Progress Reports: Tutor Deadline

Wed 27 Boys’ Rugby Schools’ Vase Round 4 8.30 am Year 11 Mock exams 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 40 Timetable B November/December 11th Week

Thu 28 8.30 am Year 11 Mock exams 8.30 am HoDs’ Briefing (CRDR) 11.30 am Matrons’ Meeting (CRDR) 7.00 pm History Society Dinner (CRDR) 9.00 pm Year 10 Progress Reports: Teacher Deadline

Fri 29 7.30 am L6 Government & Politics Trip to Westminster 8.30 am Year 11 Mock exams 5.00 pm Careers Seminar (Careers Library) 6.30 pm Roberts Society Quiz of the Year (BKA)

Sat 30 St Andrew’s Day 8.30 am Year 11 Mock exams 11.40 am Boys’ Rugby v King’s Canterbury: 1st XV, 2nd XV, U16A, U16B (A: 2.1 5pm) 12.15 pm Girls’ Hockey v Haileybury: 1st XI, CCA (A: 2.0 0pm) 1.00 pm Boys’ Football v Bancroft’s (A: 2.3 0pm) 1.30 pm Girls’ Hockey v Haileybury: 2nd XI, U14/U15C (A: 3.1 5pm) 2.00 pm Girls’ Hockey v Haileybury: U14A, U14B (H) 2.15 pm Boys’ Rugby v King’s Canterbury: U15A, U15B, U14A, U14B (H) 3.15 pm Girls’ Hockey v Haileybury: U15A, U15B (H)

Sun 1 Advent Sunday World AIDS Day Sunday Activity

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 41 12th Week December Timetable A

Mon 2 Netball Trials Week ABRSM Practical Exams 8.55 am U6 Drugs Talk (BKA) 10.00 am Safeguarding Team Meeting (Wellbeing Centre) 1.40 pm IB Reps’ Meeting (Poston) 9.00 pm U6 ToK essays Final Deadline

Tue 3 ABRSM Practical Exams 4.30 pm IB Teachers’ Meeting (CRDR) 7.30 pm A Festive Evening with the Staff Choir (Cromwell Centre) 9.00 pm Year 10 Progress Reports: Tutor Deadline

Wed 4 8.00 am L6 Art trip to Art in Action (London) 8.30 am U6 IB English B Individual Oral Commentaries (Memorial Hall) 10.45 am Library Committee Meeting (Library) 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion) 7.30 pm U6 IB Extended Essay Celebration Evening (BKA)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 42 Timetable A December 12th Week

Thu 5 Boys’ Rugby: Schools’ Cup Quarter Finals 4.00 am Model United Nations Conference to Athens departs 8.30 am U6 IB English B Individual Oral Commentaries (Memorial Hall) 10.00 am Senior Chapel Choir depart to sing at BLESMA Carol Service ( Cathedral, 12.3 0pm) 4.00 pm Careers and HE Fair (GH and BKA) 6.30 pm Careers Networking Dinner (LRH) 9.00 pm Year 11 Mock Report: Teacher Deadline

Fri 6 Model United Nations Conference to Athens 9.00 am Year 11 GCSE Drama Practical Exam (off timetable all day) (HT) 4.00 pm CCF Prize Giving and Reception (GH) 7.00 pm Autumn Concert (Chapel) 8.30 pm Christmas Socials (LRH & GH)

Sat 7 Model United Nations Conference to Athens 11.40 am Boys’ Rugby v The Leys: U16A, U16B, U14A, U14B (A: 2.3 0pm) 11.40 am Boys’ Rugby v The Leys: U16A, U16 (A: 2.1 5pm) 1.30 pm Girls’ Hockey: Junior and Senior House Matches 2.30 pm Squash v Jesters/OFs (H) 2.30 pm Boys’ Rugby v The Leys: 1st XV, 2nd XV, U15A, U15B (H)

Sun 8 2nd Sunday of Advent Sunday Activity Model United Nations Conference to Athens

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 43 13th Week December Timetable B

Mon 9 MFL IB Mock Orals Examinations (MFL classrooms) 8.50 am Year 11 Mock Results Followed by Tutorials (BKA) 1.00 pm Christmas Gift Sale (LRH Foyer) 9.00 pm L6 Progress Reports: HM Deadline

Tue 10 MFL IB Mock Orals Examinations (MFL classrooms) 2.00 pm Steeps (Prysties & Steeps course) 9.00 pm Year 11 Mock Reports: Tutor Deadline

Wed 11 MFL IB Mock Orals Examinations (MFL classrooms) 1.10 pm Explore (Pavilion) 1.30 pm Senior Chapel Choir Rehearsal (BKA) 2.00 pm Period 5 until 2.4 5pm (Casual Clothes) 3.00 pm House Outings Depart (Period 6 cancelled)

For away fixtures, the first time shown is the departure time from Felsted, with the kick-off time in brackets School Office No.: 01371 822600 : website: www.felsted.org 44 Timetable B December 13th Week

Thu 12 MFL IB Mock Orals Examinations (MFL classrooms) 8.30 am Breakfast (until 9.1 5am) 8.50 am No Period 1 9.30 am Registration in Houses 9.50 am Normal routine resumes 1.15 pm Working Lunch for new Teachers (CRDR) 1.30 pm Boys’ Rugby House Matches 4.00 pm Senior Chapel Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) 6.15 pm House Receptions 7.30 pm Christmas Carol Service (Chapel)

Fri 13 8.20 am Tutorials 8.50 am Period 1 9.50 am Lists (GH) 10.30 am Break 11.00 am House Assemblies 11.30 am Whole School Carol Service (Chapel) 12.45 pm School Christmas Lunch (LRH) 2.00 pm Term Ends

Sat 14

Sun 15 3rd Sunday of Advent Felsted Choral Society Autumn Concert (LRH)

Wed 18 Carols Around the Christmas Tree (LRH Courtyard)

Regular Activity Times are listed on pp12 & 13 of this Calendar 45 Other Schools’ Postcodes

Bancroft’s IG8 0RF New Hall CM3 3HS Bedford MK40 2TU Norwich NR1 4DD Berkhamstead HP4 2BB Bishop’s Stortford College CM23 2PQ Oakham LE15 6DT Brentwood CM15 8EE Oundle PE8 4EE Bromsgrove B61 7HP Queenswood AL9 6NS IG7 6QF Culford IP28 6TX Repton DE65 6FH Royal Hospital School IP9 2RX Dulwich College SE21 7LD St Albans AL3 4HB Eltham College SE9 4OF St Joseph’s College IP2 9DR Southend High School Framlingham College IP13 9EY Boys SS0 0RD Southend High School Gresham’s NR25 6EA Girls SS2 4UZ Stamford PE9 2BQ Haberdashers’ Aske’s Girls WD6 3BT Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys WD6 3AF The Leys CB2 7AD Haileybury SG13 7NU The Perse CB2 8QF

Ipswich School IP1 3SG Westcliff High Girls SS0 0BS Westcliff High Boys SS0 0BP KEGS CM1 3SX Wisbech PE13 1JX Kimbolton PE28 0EA Woodbridge IP12 4JH King’s Canterbury School CT1 2ES Woodlands CM13 3LA King’s Ely CB7 4DB Gosfield Lake Golf Club CO9 1SE Malvern College WR14 3DF John O’Gaunt Golf Club SG19 2LY Merchant Taylors’ HA6 2HT Mill Hill NW7 1QS

46 International Trips 2019-20

2/10/19 – 8/10/19 Round Square International Conference, Emerald Heights School, India (Years 10 –13)

18/10/19 – 22/10/19 History Trip to Berlin, Germany (Open to Years 10 & 11)

19/10/19 – 23/10/19 Business & Economics trip to New York (Open to U6)

19/10/19 – 31/10/19 Magic Bus Trip to Mumbai, India (Open to L6 & U6)

20/10/19 – 25/10/19 Classics Trip to Greece (Open to Years 9 –12)

13/12/19 – 19/12/19 Government & Politics Trip to Washington, USA (Open to L6 & U6)

24/01/20 – 26/01/20 Round Square Regional Conference, El Araki, Morocco (Years 9 & 10)

5/7/20 – 12/7/20 Performing Arts Trip to LA (Open to All Year Groups)

* 15/8/20 – 25/8/20 Girls’ Hockey Tour to Malaysia and Singapore (Years 10, 11 & 12 by selection)

* Provisional dates

47 SENIOR Cal Summer 2018 (3).qxp_Layout 1 26/03/2018 16:36 Page 54 Term Dates

Spring Term 2020: Monday 6 January to Friday 27 March (1.0 0 pm) Staff INSET Day: Monday 6 January Boarders return by 8.0 0 pm on Monday 6 January Day Pupils by 8.1 5 am on Tuesday 7 January

Exeat: 1.0 0 pm Friday 24 January (Year 11 Parents’ Meeting) to 9.0 0 pm Sunday 26 January (Boarders return) Lessons re-commence Monday 27 January

Half Term: 1.0 0 pm Friday 14 February (Year 9 Parents’ Meeting) to 9.0 0 pm Sunday 23 February (Boarders return) Lessons re-commence Monday 24 February

Exeat: 1.0 0 pm Friday 13 March to 9.0 0 pm Sunday 15 March (Boarders return) Lessons re-commence Monday 16 March

Summer Term 2020: Monday 20 April to Friday 3 July (4.0 0pm) Staff INSET Day: Monday 20 April Boarders return by 8.0 0 pm on Monday 20 April Day pupils by 8.1 5am on Tuesday 21 April

Bank Holiday Exeat: 1.0 0pm Thursday 7 May to 9.0 0pm Sunday 10 May (Boarders return) Lessons re-commence Monday 11 May

Half Term: 1.0 0pm Friday 22 May (Year 10 Parents’ Meeting) to 9.0 0pm Sunday 31 May (Boarders return) Lessons re-commence Monday 1 June

50 Term Dates

Autumn Term 2020: Monday 7 September to Wednesday 16 December (2.0 0 pm) Staff INSET days: Thursday 3 September & Friday 4 September L6 IB return by 9.3 0am on Sunday 6 September School prefects return by 12.0 0pm Monday 7 September L6 AS return by 4.0 0pm on Monday 7 September U6 return by 5.0 0pm on Tuesday 8 September Year 9 (& new Year 10) arrive 2.0 0 pm on Tuesday 8 September Years 10 & 11 returning boarders by 7.3 0 pm on Tuesday 8 September Day Pupils by 8.1 5 am on Wednesday 9 September

Exeat: 1.0 0 pm Friday 25 September (L6 Parents’ Meeting) to 9.0 0 pm Sunday 27 September (Boarders return) Lessons re-commence Monday 28 September

Half Term: 9.3 0pm Friday 16 October to 9.0 0 pm Sunday 1 November (Boarders return) Lessons re-commence Monday 2 November

Exeat: 1.0 0 pm Friday 20 November (U6 Parents’ Meeting) to 9.0 0 pm Sunday 22 November (Boarders return) Lessons re-commence Monday 23 November

51 Useful Contacts

Reception (all general enquiries and to report an absence) 01371 822600 [email protected]

Reception is open Monday to Friday in term time between 8.0 0 am and 6.0 0 pm Saturday between 9.0 0 am and 1.0 0 pm (excluding EXEAT)

Academic Office 01371 822678 [email protected] Admissions 01371 822605 [email protected] 01371 822608 [email protected] Bookshop 01371 822635 [email protected] Bursary/Finance 01371 822621 [email protected] Catering 01371 822650 [email protected] Chaplain 07730 412647 [email protected] Co-Curricular 01371 822694 [email protected] Common Room Secretary 01371 822690 [email protected] Deputy Head’s Office 01371 822708 [email protected] Director of IB 01371 822666 [email protected] Director of Sport 01371 822760 [email protected] Director of Girls’ Sport 01371 822752 [email protected] Director of Global Education 01371 822748 [email protected] Domestic Services 01371 822630 [email protected] Exams 01371 822657 [email protected] Head of Marketing 01371 822647 [email protected] ICT Support 01371 822698 [email protected] Library 01371 822667 [email protected] Medical Centre 01371 822791 [email protected] Music Department 01371 822685 [email protected] Support for Learning 01371 822778 [email protected] Tailor’s Shop 01371 822636 [email protected] Transport 01371 822639 [email protected]