Auction of British Empire and Foreign Countries Postage Stamps and Postal History
ˆ Auction of British Empire and Foreign Countries Postage Stamps and Postal History featuring the exceptional Reg Patchett award-winning collection of Crash and Interrupted Mail including a rare 1937 Hindenburg Crash cover, a fine offering from the ‘King’s Pawn’ collection of Gambia, the outstanding collection of British Empire formed by the late Raymond (Monty) Hester and the comprehensive Michael Hellings Philatelic Library To be held in the Grosvenor Auction Room at 399–401 Strand, London WC2R 0LT Wednesday 18th September 2019 at 10 am, 12.30pm and 3.30pm Public viewing at our offices is to be available on Monday 16th September 9.30 am to 5 pm Tuesday 17th September 9.30 am to 5 pm Private viewing will be available before these dates Please telephone us beforehand to arrange an appointment Front Cover Illustration: lot 1386 Inside Front Cover Illustrations: lots 838, 858 Page 1 Illustrations: lots 277 and 154 (details) Inside Back Cover Illustrations: lots 1245, 1377 Back Cover Illustrations (from top): lots 1083, 588, 781, 1293, 207, 662, 1171, 944, 1163, 1099, 1219, 819, 1163, 1099, 1219, 819, 1221, 1123, 1062, 1126, Ex 501, 2 7 December 2006 (First Session, Lots 1–511) Miscellaneous and Mixed Lots Grosvenor 399–401 Strand Third Floor London WC2R 0LT Telephone 020 7379 8789 Fax 020 7379 9737 Email Website Grosvenor Philatelic Auctions Ltd VAT No. GB 707 0214 77 Registered at the above address No. 3444274 Board of Directors James Grist Chris Lawrence Glyn Page Andrew Williams Managing Director Andrew Williams Director of Finance Chris Lawrence Office Manager (General Enquiries) Tom Margalski Philatelic Specialists and Consultants Constanze Dennis Glyn Page Andrew Williams James Grist Stuart Billington Andrew Claridge Charles Napper Tristan Brittain David Boyd John Forrest Australia Representative Gary Brown P.O.
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