Sandra Hill | 371 pages | 27 Sep 2011 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780061673511 | English | New York, NY, United States Sandra Hill - The Norse King​s Daughter Excerpt

Comes a time when all good Viking men must bite the shield Or leave it on the cliff. Either way, the whelp will be dead afore morn. His loathsome father, who had the paternal sensibilities of a rock, shrugged and leaned back in the throne-like armed chair atop the dais in his great hall. Even as he spoke, one paw-like hand stroked the long, pale blonde hair of his latest concubine, a girl no more than thirteen. On occasion, all at the same time. Sidroc bristled. With a bloody mass of squalling, flailing arms and legs lying betwixt her thighs, its cord still uncut. Svein did not share anything with anyone, especially not with him, ever since he thrashed him as a boyling, despite being The Norse Kings Daughter years younger. Sidroc was full aware that it was the practice in some parts of the Norselands to put a newborn out to die when it arrived underweight or handicapped in some way. After all, living was difficult in the harsh northern climate and survival was indeed best reserved for the hardiest. But to stand by and watch a child, one not handicapped in any way, be killed, well, it was something he could not do. To be honest, he felt no strong connection with the baby, less than a day old now. But he would be less than a man to abandon its fate to others, like his father. He was a far-famed warrior, adept with halberd and broadsword. But all his father saw was a man not in his selfsame mold of cruelty. His wife had not been a love match for him, like most noble families arranged marriages for gain, but he had held an affection for Astrid from the start. The Norse Kings Daughter silly girl giggled and preened at the attention of her master, even such a public display. Still, he persisted. It nigh gagged him to ask his father for favors, but needs must, he chastised himself. His much smaller keep at the edge of the Vikstead estates had burned to the ground last winter, along with a storeroom piled to the ceiling with precious furs intended for market. He and Astrid had been living with his father until he could rebuild. Even that favor had galled him. As a third son with two healthy older brothers, Sidroc The Norse Kings Daughter he would never inherit the jarldom and that he must accumulate wealth enough to purchase his own lands, hopefully away from Vikstead this time. Joining the elite Jomsvikings had been his best option for increasing his fortunes. Three at most. One with lands. That is my final word. How had he allowed himself to be backed into a corner? Try her. It matters not to me. Princess Drifa. Although she was long in the tooth for a woman Being half Norse, half Arab, her features were exotic with slanted dark eyes, and her body was fine-boned. As he recalled, however, she had an outlandish passion for growing things. There was ofttimes dirt under her fingernails, dried leaves in her black hair, and she was known to bring flowers and bushes indoors. On one occasion, she even reeked of manure that she claimed made her flowers sweeter. Ah, well, he supposed there were worse things. He would need to find a mother for Signe eventually, in any case. Besides, it was good to have a ready bedmate when no other was available. Thus it was that Sidroc Guntersson of Vikstead, instead of going a-Viking this springtime season, as was his norm, or rebuilding his home, went off a-courting. May the Norns of Fate guide him! Drifa, daughter of the Norse King Thorvald, The Norse Kings Daughter being seduced, good and well. After twenty-four years of resisting matrimony, even when she viewed the good examples of her four married sisters, Drifa was falling in love a little bit. Or in lust, leastways. And after only three sennights of the man launching his game of pursuit. And what a handsome rogue, he was! Sidroc Guntersson was not much older than her. Perchance only twenty-six. She was of average height for a woman, but he was at least a head taller. With shoulder-length, chestnut hair, dark gray-green eyes framed by thick, dark brown lashes, a full sensuous mouth, and a battle-honed body, he was pure Viking man at his virile best. He had been wed before, not that that mattered to her. His wife had died. What was odd to her, though, was that he refused to talk about her death. On the other hand, some men were like that. If they loved hard enough, they wanted to replace that love with another. Not that he had said all this, but his silence on the subject was telling to Drifa. Who could not be drawn to a man who had loved so much? Somehow, he had managed to find her in a secluded section of her herb garden where he had her backed up against a stone wall. His tongue slipped inside and began to stroke her with an in-out motion that mirrored what he was doing down below. With his hands cupping her bottom and his thighs separating her legs that were The Norse Kings Daughter off the ground, he undulated his hips against The Norse Kings Daughter. It was impossible not to notice the hard rod of his The Norse Kings Daughter as it The Norse Kings Daughter her woman-channel. She began to swoon with utter ecstasy, especially when he sucked lightly on her tongue. So this was what her sisters had sighed about. So this was all the fuss the maids were The Norse Kings Daughter whispering about. So this was why the gods had created men and women. How could she have been so ignorant for so long? Was her sap rising, too? Did women even have sap? Was it this man alone, or was the time ripe for her to yield? Oh, good gods! Was she overripe? Nay, she did not think she would yield to just any man. The Norse Kings Daughter Frigg! What is he doing now? With a chuckle, he pressed the evidence of his need against her. If possible, it was bigger She was confused. How could she answer when she was beset with so many conflicting emotions? In truth, more than two dozen Norsemen, and a few Saxons, had offered for her in the past ten years. None of them had affected her The Norse Kings Daughter this. What an understatement! My blood is boiling in my veins. My bones are melting. My brain is one big throbbing mass of sexual fog. Betimes a person must jump into a decision. Betimes a woman must wed or go barmy from The Norse Kings Daughter of carnal bliss. You are making that up. She had no chance to say that, though, because he was kissing her again. And caressing her breasts. And rubbing himself against her nether parts. For long moments, she lay boneless against his chest, her face nestled in the crook of his neck, panting like a war horse. What just happened? Have I died? Was that what he meant by carnal bliss? Best I pretend that this was not The Norse Kings Daughter shocking happenstance for me, or he will laugh at me. He laughed. The brute just laughed at her. Did I say him yea? The Norse King's Daughter (Sandra Hill) » p.1 » Global Archive Voiced Books Online Free

A published folklorist, Pollyanna enjoys writing about hidden histories, folk customs, and things that go bump in the night. Folklore is a funny thing. Many of the tales are old stories, passed down through the generations orally until someone, a collector of sorts, decided to write them down. Some of these describe tales of a place, legends to explain its existence or creation. Others tell of ghosts or beasties, things to chill the listeners huddled around the fireplace as a terrifying yarn is woven. A few are really special, and explain a historical event as seen by the local population; history in its rawest form, as these are not accounts written by the victors, but those that saw it. As can be imagined, these accounts have changed over the years. Each retelling is like a game of Chinese whispers, and the storyteller would have added, removed, forgotten, and blended, stirring the ingredients like a fine stew. Unfortunately, inaccuracies begin to creep into the accounts as a result of these retellings over time. As a result, folklore is often disregarded by some historians in piecing together what happened in our past. This story is an account of when the came to , and includes a glaring mistake; it features The Norse Kings Daughter silver bullet. Perhaps the original tale featured a silver arrow, or we might consider that this description was added many years later. The original version appears in "Clan Traditions and Popular Tales of the Western Highlands and Islands" which contains a collection of stories that were told orally through the communities of this region and recorded by the Reverend John Gregorson Campbell, Minister of Tiree [1]. Regardless of the technological blooper, it is a The Norse Kings Daughter story, painting a rugged picture of life during this age. So without further ado, let's get on with telling this tale. Geograph Creative Commons. Long ago, the The Norse Kings Daughter came here to lay claim and take possession of the land. Their visits were The Norse Kings Daughter and numerous to the west coast and its islands, and their reputation was terrible. Famous they were for their indulgence in every manner of cruel vandalism and wanton destruction, and they would slaughter people wherever they landed. The Norsemen were a rough band that were bold and courageous, hardy yet peremptory and unscrupulous. They described themselves as merchants, but woe betide any that displeased them with their bargaining. The Norsemen had their ways to make a deal more favourable for them through cunning and intimidation. Should any folk not wish to trade, the Norsemen would not mind; they just took and fought fiercely against any that opposed them. Clever as a pack of wolves, they hunted together as such. Yet the bite of their swords and axes were not the only means they had to do battle. It was believed that they practiced witchcraft and had unhallowed learning among them, with charms and enchantments to outdo us gentlefolk. The Norse King's eldest daughter was famous for her knowledge of the Black Arts. It was said that she was a seidr woman, skilled in magic. No accident or mischance fell upon her friends, and it was believed that she had a hand in the destruction of enemies. She The Norse Kings Daughter able to influence luck and fortune, good or ill, and was famed both at home and in lands abroad. The Norse Kings Daughter of a man's fortune in these times was in cattle. The Norse King need not worry about his herd, as his cunning daughter had great knowledge of the dairy and of cows and cattle, and was sought out whenever there was a problem with the herd. There was no spell that could be cast against her father's fold that she could not dispel or avert. Any ill or injury that was suffered among the kine could be cured by her hand, with the stricken beast being fully cured by her skills. The milk would never go dry, as through herb craft she ensured that it always flowed. It was said that the lowing of The Norse Kings Daughter and the cry of calves was to her the sweetest music, and would never ignore the call of her father's cows, even if she was in the deepest northern forests. A great deal of charms and invocations were known to her, and the flowers of the meadows and woods were as familiar to her as grain on straw is to you or me. She knew all of the properties of all things that grew, and how to best to apply them. There was no tree, shrub, or bush that she was not familiar with in putting to use in her arts. The Norse King's kingdom was clothed in a pine forest, and the land then was as famous as it is now for the fine quality of the wood, which brought much wealth to his lands. They held a great monopoly on the trading in timber, which had filled the King's coffers until they spilled over. At one time, the Norsemen The Norse Kings Daughter in Scotland to take possession of the land and divide it between themselves. The arrived at the pinewood of Lochabar and saw that it was growing The Norse Kings Daughter fast and extending so far, that it might even be greater than the black forests of that had brought them so much wealth. Driven back by the brave Scottish men, they set sail for home where they told the Norse King about this mighty forest. They advised that something The Norse Kings Daughter to be done, for if this pine wood was allowed The Norse Kings Daughter grow and remain in the hands of the men of Scotland, it would reduce the value of their northern forest. Much wealth had their pine woods brought to them, and they could ill afford losing business to competitors. The Norsemen after all, considered themselves to be merchants. The Norse King summoned his eldest daughter. Using her powers and knowledge, she advised her father on the best method of thinning and destroying the Scottish forest. She explained that for the plan to succeed, she must travel to Scotland herself, as she must be the bearer of the method. The King reluctantly agreed, and so she made her preparations for the voyage. From the gifts she possessed, neither sea nor land, air nor earth could hinder the Norse King's progress until she had accomplished her purpose. Her ship cut through the stormy seas as if on a gentle lake and she made good time on her voyage to the western side of Scotland. When she reached Lochaber, she The Norse Kings Daughter the forest growing thick about the mountainsides. Invoking her powers, she kindled a fire in the selvedge on the edge of her dress and then began to go through the woods. The carpet of dry pine needles across the forest floor soon caught alight, snapping and crackling about her. As the smoke thickened, she took to the air to continue with her destruction. She could travel in the clouds as well as on the ground, and she ascended and whirled in the air, sending sparks of fire flying from her dress. The wind blew the flames hither and thither, setting the pine trees alight. With their highly flammable resin, soon the whole of the region was ablaze. The sound of splitting and popping wood and the roar of flames filled the air, and The Norse Kings Daughter Norse King's daughter laughed gleefully as the wind whipped up funnels of fire that whirled through the forest. The land was darkened by the smoke which was so thick that the folk could hardly see before them. Ash rained down upon them as the mountainsides, once lush and green with thick ancient forest became a waste of charred tree trunks and scorched The Norse Kings Daughter. The Norse sorceress was so blackened by the smoke and soot of the fiery furnace which surrounded her, she was named "Dark", or "Pitch Pine". The local people gathered to watch the incredible but terrifying scene. She flew up and down about the forest with such speed that the The Norse Kings Daughter not grasp her or prevent the flames from sparking off her dress. They were at a loss as to what to do and watched with great sadness as their mighty forest lit up the sky at night with an unholy orange glow. Pitch Pine sets the forest alight. From the Norse King's The Norse Kings Daughter. At last, a wise man came forth. He was learned and cunning and knew about the Norse King's daughter's skill and fascination with cows. He advised the folk to collect a herd of cattle in a fold. He told them that when the Norse King's daughter paused from her flying about, she would be able to hear the lowing of the cattle, and would not be able to resist them. When she descended, they must fire at her with a silver bullet which would render her to a faggot of bones. This the people did and began to gather a herd. Following the trail of the Norse King's daughter, they set the herd to rest in the centre of Kintail, in the northwest Highlands. There they saw the witch dancing above the trees over the peaks between Loch Duich and Loch Cluanie. She was unable to ignore The Norse Kings Daughter lowing of these beasts, fearing that her flames had trapped them. She descended in a fiery swoop to investigate. When at The Norse Kings Daughter she was within gun-shot, they fired at her with a silver bullet as the wise man had told them. With a cry, she clutched her chest and fell. Her fiery dress became ash and she became bones, her terrible fire left to burn itself out naturally. The men took her remains and carried The Norse Kings Daughter back to Lochaber, and she was buried in Achnacarry with special care and charms so that even dead she could The Norse Kings Daughter no more harm or injury to them. The person that recalled the story in had said that he could still put his foot on the place where she was buried. The Norse King waited for his daughter to return, The Norse Kings Daughter grew anxious that she had not come back or sent any news. Finally, tidings came of the disaster that had befallen his eldest girl and stricken with grief, the King sent a ship and crew to bring her remains back home. As they reached the shores, the women of Lochaber used incantations of their own to destroy the vessel. The boat was wrecked at the entrance to Loch Eil, and all souls lost. More ships were sent and met the same fate. Finally, the The Norse Kings Daughter King sent out his most powerful fleet; an armada of sea stallions filled with his best warriors and most experienced sailing men. Their first mission was The Norse Kings Daughter weaken the magic of the Scottish folk before moving inland to recover The Norse Kings Daughter Norse King's daughter's remains. They headed to the island of Iona, where it is said that magic was drawn from the fairy wells upon the hill there. The waters of these wells held a power that could call a wind from any direction when needed. In peaceful times this would help the fishermen The Norse Kings Daughter out to the herring shoals, but in times such as these, they could be used to whip up a tempest wherever it The Norse Kings Daughter wanted. The islanders just needed to draw water from the wells and empty it in the direction that the wind was needed. The Norsemen knew of this place and its magical waters, and the likeliness that they had been used to ruin their kinsmen before them. If these wells were dried up, then The Norse Kings Daughter passage would be secured, not just for their fleet, but for invaders thereafter. When the islanders saw the Viking ships approaching, they hurried to the fairy wells and began to draw up the water. Nearly emptying the wells themselves, the storm that The Norse Kings Daughter called up was so violent that Norse fleet was tossed about and ripped to pieces. ​The Norse King's Daughter on Apple Books

The list of Norwegian monarchs Norwegian : kongerekken or kongerekka begins The Norse Kings Daughter the traditional dating of the Battle of Hafrsfjordafter which victorious King merged several petty kingdoms into that of his father. Named after the homonymous geographical regionHarald's realm was later to be known as the Kingdom of . Traditionally established in and existing continuously for over 1, years, the is one of the original states of : King Harald Vwho has reigned sinceis the 64th monarch according to the official list. Some rulers from this era are not traditionally considered lawful kings and are usually omitted from lists of monarchs. Between andNorway was part of various unions. They called themselves Konge til Norge "King to Norway"rather than Konge af Norge "King of Norway"indicating that the country was their personal possession, usually with the style His Royal Majesty. The King's title today is formally Norges Konge "Norway's King"indicating that he belongs to the country rather than the other way aroundwith the style "His Majesty". For lists of the prehistoric kings of Norway see List of legendary kings of Norway. Besides becoming sole king after his father Harold's death, The Norse Kings Daughter king jointly with his father for three years before the latter's death. After Harald's The Norse Kings Daughter, Eric ruled as "overking" of his brothers, who also The Norse Kings Daughter status as kings and had control over certain regions. Slight differences might therefore occur between different sources. Besides gaining direct control of Viken in south-eastern Norway, he let Harald Greycloak rule the rest of Norway as king, nominally under himself. Haakon thereafter ruled Norway except Vikenat first The Norse Kings Daughter under Harald. All dates are estimates and subject to interpretation. With him the House of Oldenburgin the form of its junior branch, resumed occupancy of the throne of Norway. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia list article. Main article: Fairhair . Main article: St. Olaf dynasty. Main article: Hardrada dynasty. Main article: Gille dynasty. Main article: Sverre dynasty. Main article: House of Bjelbo. Main article: House of Estridsen. Main article: House of Pomerania. Main article: House of Palatinate-Neumarkt. Main article: House of Bonde. Main article: House of . Main article: House of -Gottorp. Main article: . Norsk biografisk leksikon in Norwegian. Retrieved 24 October Store norske leksikon in Norwegian. Vikingtid og rikssamling: — Aschehougs norgeshistorie. Retrieved 2 November Den store danske in Danish. Retrieved 3 The Norse Kings Daughter Retrieved 5 November Archived from the original on 13 February Archived from the original on 23 February Retrieved 6 November Gilchrist Harald 4 Gille". Norsk biografisk leksikon. Two Cities: Medieval Europe, — The Norse Kings Daughter of Norway. Christian Frederick. Categories : Norwegian monarchs Lists of monarchs Lists of The Norse Kings Daughter people. Hidden categories: CS1 The Norse Kings Daughter sources no CS1 Danish-language sources da Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Articles containing Norwegian-language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced The Norse Kings Daughter from February Articles with unsourced statements from November All accuracy disputes Articles with disputed statements from November Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Union with and Sweden . Harald I Halfdansson Harald Fairhair c. Eric I Haraldsson Eric Bloodaxe c. Haakon I Haraldsson c. — c. Tora Skagesdatter Nine children [ citation needed ]. Olaf I Tryggvason — — [9] de jure. Earl Eric Haakonsson — [9] de facto. Gytha Svendsdatter One son [ citation needed ]. Earl Sweyn Haakonsson — [9] de facto. Holmfrid Eriksdatter Two daughters [ citation needed ]. Astrid Olofsdotter One daughter. Earl The Norse Kings Daughter Ericsson — de facto. Gunhild The Norse Kings Daughter daughter [ citation needed ]. Magnus I Olafsson — Magnus II Haraldsson — Ingerid of Denmark No issue. Haakon Magnusson Haakon Toresfostre — Margaret Fredkulla No issue. Olaf IV Magnusson — Eystein I Magnusson — Sigurd I Magnusson c. Ingrid of Sweden c. Inge I Haraldsson Inge the Hunchback — Eystein II Haraldsson — Ragna Nikolasdatter No issue. Magnus V Haraldsson — Magnus V Erlingsson — Sverre Sigurdsson — Margaret of Sweden Haakon III Sverresson — Before Illegitimate son of Sverre. Guttorm Sigurdsson Margaret Skulesdatter 25 May four children. Haakon Haakonsson Haakon the Young — Rikissa Birgersdotter c. Ingeborg of Denmark 11 September Bergen four sons. Eric II Magnusson — Haakon V Magnusson — Blanche of Namur 5 November Bohus two sons. Haakon VI Magnusson — Olaf IV Haakonsson —