Technical Service Bulletin 041029 Technical Service Bulletin 041029 Glossary of Terms: Optimum and Ultimate Digital This service bulletin provides a glossary of terms for the Optimum and Ultimate series of digital television transmitters. If there are additional terms you would like to see included in this glossary, please send your suggestions to
[email protected]. Term Definition Comment 8-VSB Eight-level vestigial sideband The modulation format used in the ATSC digital television system. In the context of the ADAPT exciter, the input module of the exciter used to convert the incoming transport stream to 8-VSB modulation. Affichage Display French term. e.g. Carte Affichage = display card w/ bargraphs behind control panel. AGC Automatic gain control System to automatically maintain the transmitter RF output at a predefined power level. Aire Air French term. ALE Adaptive Linear Equalizer Synonymous with linear corrector in ADAPT exciter. Corrector affecting ATSC signal to noise (or EVM). Alimentation (ALIM) Power supply French term. Ampli Amplifier Abbreviated term. Amplificateur Amplifier French term. Analogique Analog French term. Armoire Cabinet French term. ATSC Advanced Television System A digital television system utilizing the 8-VSB modulation format. Committee Baie Bay French term. e.g. amplifier bay. Bande Passante Passband French term. Bas / Baisse Low French term. Base, (__ de base) Basic, baseline French term. The most basic or generic version of an item. BI (Bde I) Band I, VHF low band. Abbreviation (approx 54-88 MHz) BIII (Bde III) Band III, VHF high band. Abbreviation. (approx 174-216 MHz) BIV & BV (Bde iV/V) Bands IV and V, UHF TV band.