Motherboard Components Details Pdf
Motherboard components details pdf Continue The main printed circuit board (PCB) for computing devices for other purposes, see Motherboard (disambiguation). A motherboard for a desktop personal computer showing the typical components and interfaces that are on the motherboard. This model corresponds to the microATX form factor, the overall motherboard layout used in many desktops. The motherboard (also called the main board, main printing board, system board, skirting board, plank, logic board and mobo) is the main printing board (PCB) in general computers and other expandable systems. It holds and allows you to communicate between many of the most important electronic components of the system, such as the CPU (processor) and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals. Unlike a backplan, the motherboard typically contains significant subsystems such as a central processor, chipset I/O and memory controllers, interface connectors, and other components integrated for general use. Motherboard means, in particular, a PCB with expansion capabilities. As the name suggests, this board is often referred to as the mother of all the components attached to it, which often include peripherals, interface maps, and daughters: sound cards, graphics cards, network maps, hard drives, and other forms of permanent storage; TV tuner cards, cards providing additional USB or FireWire slots; and a host of other custom components. Dell Precision T3600 System Motherboard, used in professional CAD workstations. Manufactured in 2012 in a similar way, the term mainboard describes a single- board device and without additional extensions or features such as control boards in laser printers, televisions, washing machines, mobile phones and other built-in systems with disabilities.
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