Staffordshire Moorlands District Council

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Staffordshire Moorlands District Council STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS DISTRICT COUNCIL Planning Applications Committee Minutes Thursday, 16th June 2016 (2.00 p.m.) PRESENT: Meeting: Councillor S.A. Ellis (Chair) Councillors J.D. Bull, J.E. Davies, M. Gledhill, C.R. Jebb, L. Lea, G.K.L. Lockett, M.A. Lovatt, I.J. Lucas, T. McNicol, D. Ogden, P.J. Roberts and S. Scalise. Site Visits: Councillors J.D. Bull, J.E. Davies, S.A. Ellis, M. Gledhill, C.R. Jebb, L. Lea, G.K.L. Lockett, M.A. Lovatt, I.J. Lucas, T. McNicol, D. Ogden, P.J. Roberts, and S. Scalise. OFFICERS: Mr. B. Haywood - Operations Manager – Development Services Mr. S. Massey - Arboricultural Officer Mr. D. Plant - S.C.C. Highways Ms. Z. Walker - Legal Advisor Mrs. S. Hampton - Member Services Officer Mr. P. Trafford - Member Services Officer APOLOGIES: Meeting: Councillor R.W. Plant Site Visits: Councillor R.W. Plant Reports on all applications had been circulated with the agenda and the contents therein were noted in addition to the issues recorded in the minutes below. Also a copy of the Late Representation Report, listing any representations received since the agenda was published, was circulated prior to the commencement of the meeting. In addition, all new planning application sites were viewed by the above-mentioned Committee Members on the morning of the meeting. - 1 - Planning Applications Committee - 16th June 2016 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 12TH MAY 2016. (1) RESOLVED - That the Public Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Applications Committee held on 12th May 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 2. CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet and was capable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording could be used for training purposes within the Council. The Chair had the discretion to terminate or suspend filming if it was his opinion that continuing to do so would prejudice the proceedings of the meeting. It was likely that recording cameras would capture the image of persons seated in the public gallery and that image would become part of the broadcast. Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting were the speaker’s own and did not necessarily reflect the views of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council. Agenda Item 8 (SMD/2016/0196 – Springs Cottage Farm, Thorneyedge Road, Bagnall) and Agenda Item 11 (SMD/2016/0185 – Upper Dales, Dunwood Lane, Longsdon) had been withdrawn by the applicants prior to the meeting. 3. URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS There were no urgent items of business. 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations were made at this point in the meeting unless stated otherwise:- Member Declaring Agenda Item Nature of Interest Interest Agenda Item 7 – SMD/2015/0435 – Cllr. Roberts “Other” – Knows speaker Land adjacent to 17 Saltersford Lane, Alton Agenda Item 9 – SMD/2015/0665 – Ashenhurst Mill, Cllr. Roberts “Other” – Knows speaker Middlecliff Lane, Bradnop Agenda Item 10 – SMD/2016/0100 – Cllr. Roberts “Other” – Knows speaker Lord Nelson Inn, School Drive, Oakamoor - 2 - Planning Applications Committee - 16th June 2016 Member Declaring Agenda Item Nature of Interest Interest Agenda Item 10 – “Other” – Publican – Agreed SMD/2016/0100 – Cllr. Wilkinson (Speaker) by Monitoring Officer that Lord Nelson Inn, was ok to speak School Drive, Oakamoor Cllrs. Bull, Davies, Ellis, Agenda Item 12 – Gledhill, Jebb, Lea, SMD/2016/0288 – “Other” – Know speaker (ex Lockett, Lovatt, Lucas, Bark House Farm, SMDC Planning Officer) McNicol, Ogden, Hulme Lane, Werrington Roberts and Scalise 5. APPLICATION TO CARRY OUT WORKS TO PROTECTED TREES – IVY COTTAGE, TYTHE BARN, ALTON. (Report recommended Approval) CONSIDERED - A report on an application setting out a variety of proposed works to many of the trees on the site. Detailed consideration of the proposals on a tree by tree basis had established that the majority of the work was exempt from TPO control by virtue of being within a relevant exception set out in the regulations. A small amount of work was not exempt but minor in nature and was highlighted in the report. RESOLVED - That consent be granted for the non-exempt tree work proposals as set out in the report, subject to the conditions set out in the report. (Proposed by Councillor Bull and seconded by Councillor Ellis.) 6. SMD/2015/0435 – OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION WITH ALL MATTERS RESERVED (EXCEPT FOR ACCESS) FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 22 DWELLINGS AT LAND ADJACENT TO 17 SALTERSFORD LANE, ALTON FOR MR R.S. JACKSON & MR. M. GEAL. (Report recommended Approval) (Councillor Roberts had declared an “other” interest.) RECEIVED - Representations from the undermentioned speakers:- Against the application: Cllr. Arthur Forrester - Ward Councillor Jonathan Shepherd - Representing Alton Parish Council Edwin Brindley - Objector Paula Gwinnett - Objector For the application: Natalie Hewitt - Applicant’s Agent - 3 - Planning Applications Committee - 16th June 2016 6. SMD/2015/0435 – OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION WITH ALL (6) MATTERS RESERVED (EXCEPT FOR ACCESS) FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 22 DWELLINGS AT LAND ADJACENT TO 17 SALTERSFORD LANE, ALTON FOR MR R.S. JACKSON & MR. M. GEAL (CONTINUED). NOTED - 1. Late Representations Report received advising that Archaeology comments were still awaited, but were unlikely to require anything more than a condition. Also containing an amended recommendation, namely “Delegate to the Head of Regulatory Services to APPROVE subject to no substantive issues being raised by the Archaeologist by 24th June 2016. 2. Drainage concerns would be able to be overcome via a Grampian condition. 3. Members raised concerns about the width of the access and the lack of a footpath. The Highways Officer confirmed that the dimensions of the access road were adequate. RESOLVED - That, contrary to officer recommendation, the application be REFUSED for the reasons stated below:- Reasons/Policies 1. Adverse impact on the residential amenity of the existing neighbours; 2. This was not identified as a preferred site in the draft Local Plan and other sites in Alton had been identified; 3. Inadequate drainage provisions; 4. Inadequate width of the access road. (Proposed by Councillor Ellis and seconded by Councillor Roberts.) 7. SMD/2015/0665 – PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF TWO ALPINE-STYLE HOLIDAY CABINS AND RESURFACING OF FORESTRY TRACK AT ASHENHURST MILL, MIDDLECLIFF LANE, BRADNOP FOR MR. T. HINE. (Report recommended Refusal) (Councillor Roberts had declared an “other” interest.) RECEIVED - Representations from the undermentioned speakers:- For the application: Alan Newby - Applicant’s Agent Thomas Hine - Applicant Cllr. Gill Heath - Supporter - 4 - Planning Applications Committee - 16th June 2016 7. SMD/2015/0665 – PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF TWO ALPINE-STYLE (7) HOLIDAY CABINS AND RESURFACING OF FORESTRY TRACK AT ASHENHURST MILL, MIDDLECLIFF LANE, BRADNOP FOR MR. T. HINE (CONTINUED) NOTED - 1. This application had been deferred from the 28th January 2016 meeting for officers to investigate the links between the development and the proposed woodland management. The original report was re-submitted together with an addendum report. 2. The Legal Advisor confirmed that a S.106 legal agreement was appropriate to require the profits from the holiday cabins are utilised to implement the Woodland Management Plan. 3. The securing of the Woodland Management Plan and subsequent improvement of the woodland was sufficient to overcome any sustainability issues. 4. Members requested that the S.106 agreement be of “light touch” in nature. 5. Additional condition to ensure that the cabins remain as holiday accommodation on a permanent basis. RESOLVED - That, contrary to officer recommendation, the application be APPROVED for the reasons and based on the policies stated below and subject to the entering into of a Section 106 legal agreement and the additional condition referred to above:- Reasons/Policies Inclusion of a Section 106 legal agreement to tie the profits of the cabin operation to the woodland management plan. (Proposed by Councillor Ellis and seconded by Councillor Roberts.) 8. SMD/2016/0100 – CHANGE OF USE FROM PUBLIC HOUSE TO RESIDENTIAL DWELLING AT THE LORD NELSON INN, SCHOOL DRIVE, OAKAMOOR FOR MR. T. TOMPKINSON. (Report recommended Approval) RECEIVED - Representations from the undermentioned speakers:- Against the application: Cllr. Peter Wilkinson - Objector Antony Loynes - Objector For the application: Dot Merry - Supporter Frank Meadows - Supporter Anna Wooldridge - Supporter - 5 - Planning Applications Committee - 16th June 2016 8. SMD/2016/0100 – CHANGE OF USE FROM PUBLIC HOUSE TO (8) RESIDENTIAL DWELLING AT THE LORD NELSON INN, SCHOOL DRIVE, OAKAMOOR FOR MR. T. TOMPKINSON (CONTINUED). NOTED - 1. Late Representations Report including further objections. 2. Queries raised during discussion regarding the status of the building during the marketing process – whether it was open as a Public House or not. Also how long the property was marketed for. The property was confirmed as being open on an occasional basis during the 9 months of marketing. It was PROPOSED by Councillor Lovatt that the application be APPROVED, however this motion was not SECONDED. RESOLVED - That, contrary to officer recommendation, the application be REFUSED for the reasons stated below:- Reasons/Policies • Important community facility – the only Public House with a car park in Oakamoor; • Further market testing needed to evidence that the building could not be brought back into use as a Public House, to include
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