Stromeferry and Achmore Community Council Minutes of Meeting held on 24th March 2014 @ 7:30 p.m. Achmore Hall 1 Present & Apologies Present: Ellanne Fraser, Phil Game, Mary MacBeth, Jann MacRae, Neil MacRae Apologies: Dawn Lupton, Audrey Sinclair 2 Approve and adopt previous minutes February’s minutes were accepted proposed by Ellanne and seconded by Mary Copies of minutes are on our website at: - Email Phil at
[email protected] if you would like to be put on the circulation list. 3 Communications received 3.1 By the secretary February - March 2014 Email - 26/2/14 - Anke Gunder - Public Exhibition for A890 Bypass URS & HC (4) - distributed Email - 27/2/14 - Venters Angus - NHS Highland Options meeting Broadford 11th March - distributed Email - 27/2/14 - Rebbeca Munro - Service Point Closure - distributed Email - 3/3/14 - Maimie Thompson - NHS Highland Consultation Draft Summary (6) - distributed Email - 4/3/14 - Fiona McGeachan - NHS Highland Board success - distributed Email - 5/3/14 - Gill McVicar - NHS Highland Options meeting Broadford 11th March - distributed Email - 6/3/14 - Monica Urquhart - Rural Cycling Conference - distributed Email - 6/3/14 - Anne Carey - NHS Highland Further Options Appraisal - 11th March - distributed Email - 6/3/14 - Drew Hendry - Customers Service review - distributed Email - 7/3/14 - Policy - Inverness and Black Isle U3A - distributed Email - 9/3/14 - John Boocock - Open letter to all Highland Community Councils - see item 9.3 Email - 10/3/14