Francisco De Zurbarán « the Founding of the Order of Mercy »
FRANCISCO DE ZURBARÁN (Fuente de Cantos, 1598 - Madrid, 1664) « THE FOUNDING OF THE ORDER OF MERCY » by ODILE DELENDA Galerie Eric Coatalem 93, Faubourg Saint Honoré 75008 Paris Tel : 33.(0)1. – Fax : 33.(0) Mail : - Site : 2 To Charles, Louis and Pauline I would like to thank Odile DELENDA, who is preparing the catalogue raisonné and critics of Francisco de Zurbarán at the Wildenstein Institute, for this fascinating text which not only restitutes the artistic, political and religious context in Seville around 1625, but also explains very clearly the historical importance of this commission for this artist, who at the age of thirty, was already one of the greatest painters of the Spanish Golden Age. Only Jan Stephan ORTMANN could have restored this magnificent canvas with so much sensitivity, patience, even self-sacrifice. His knowledge and understanding of Francisco de Zurbarán’s art and technique enabled the discovery, under previous restorations, of whole areas by the master himself. There are not enough words to thank him and congratulate him. Many thanks also to all those who helped me : Mary Jo Landeira Brisson, Henry de Crouy Chanel, Jean-François Delenda, Elisabeth Dyèvre, Yvan Farin, Gilles de Fayet, la maison Grosvallet, Alexandre Marguet, Manuela de Paladines, Séverin Racenet, Jean Max Tassel, Florence Thieblot, Enrique Valdivieso and the Wildenstein Institute. Thank you to Jean Joyerot for the remarkable work he did and to David Jessner for his valuable assistance. English and Spanish translations : Mary Jo Landeira Brisson. 3 4 FRANCISCO DE ZURBARÀN (Fuente de Cantos, 1598 - Madrid, 1664) The Founding of the Order of Mercy Oil on its original canvas, H.
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