Investigation into the use of motorcycle three-wheelers (Qingqis) as a mode of public transport in Punjab Province Final Report Paul Starkey, Zahara Batool, Muhammad Waqas Younis, James Reeves, Madalena Páscoa, Atteq Ur Rehman and Muhammad Sarmad Ali IMC Worldwide PAK2156A March 2020 Preferred citation: Starkey P., Batool Z., Younis M. W., Reeves J, Páscoa, M., Rehman A. U. and Ali M. S. IMC Worldwide (2020). Investigation into the use of Qingqis as a mode of public transport in Punjab Province: Final Report. ReCAP PAK2156A. London: ReCAP for DFID. For further information, please contact: IMC Worldwide Ltd: 64-68 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LG, United KinGdom Attn: Francis DanGare, Principal Consultant, Highways & Transportation,
[email protected] ReCAP Project ManaGement Unit Cardno Emerging Market (UK) Ltd Level 5, Clarendon Business Centre 42 Upper Berkeley Street, Marylebone London W1H 5PW United Kingdom The views in this document are those of the authors and they do not necessarily reflect the views of the Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP) or Cardno EmerGinG Markets (UK) Ltd for whom the document was prepared Cover photo. Paul Starkey. Women boarding a motorcycle rickshaw in a village in Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan Quality assurance and review table Version Author(s) Reviewer(s) Date 1.1 Starkey P., Batool Z., Younis M. W., Mike HuGhes and Katie Macleod 6 August 2019 Humpish J, Rehman A. U. and Ali S. (IMC) 13 August 2019 Maysam Abedin (ReCAP PMU) 1.2 Starkey P., Batool Z., Younis M. W., Katie MacLeod (IMC Worldwide) 31 October 2019 Reeves J, Páscoa, M., Rehman A.