THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to City in the State of

Executive Summary









0.7 PROJECT BENEFITS ...... 0-8




0.11 ENVIRONMENTAL BUDGET ...... 0-16 0.12 CONCLUSIONS ...... 0-17


Table 1: Project Road Length Distribution...... 0-1 Table 2: Baseline Environmental Scenario in the Project Area ...... 0-4 Table 3: Environmental Impact Summary ...... 0-5 Table 4: “With” and “Without” Project Scenarios ...... 0-6 Table 5: Key Environmental Impacts and Management Measures ...... 0-11

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary


0.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION The Ministry of Shipping Road Transport and Highways, Government of has decided for construction of 4-lane Ring Road to Indore city in the State of Madhya Pradesh. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has been entrusted with implementation of the development of this corridor from Ministry’s Plan Funds. The project comes under NHDP-Phase-VII of NHAI. The proposed ring road connecting/bypassing National Highways NH-3, NH-59 and NH-59A and all of them are very busy and important highways. NH-3 is connecting metropolitan city Mumbai and historical city Agra. The project road corridor starts from km 591/0 of NH-3 (North of Indore) and ends at km 20/680 of NH-3 (Mhow bypass, South of Indore) crossing road, Depalpur road and Dhar Road (NH-59) for Western Side Ring road. Likewise Eastern Side Ring Road starts from km 589.6 of NH-3 (North of Indore) and ends at km 17/4 of NH-3 (south of Indore) crossing Nemawar road and Khandwa Road (NH-59A). The project road is divided into 4 parts as mentioned in the Master Plan these are as follows in Table 1. Table 1: Project Road Length Distribution Chainage Length From To km % Western Side Ring Road (WSRR) Km 591/0 of NH-3, To Dhar Road, 32.6 km 81.3 % near Lasudiya Parmar (Km 12+840 on NH 59) village To Dhar Road, To Umaria, 7.5 km 18.7 % (Km 12+840 on NH (Km 19+680) on NH-3) 59) Length 40.1Km 100 % Eastern Side Ring Road (ESRR) Km 589/600 of NH-3 Nemawar Road, 20.4 km 49.8 % (Km 5+00 on NH-59A) Nemawar Road, To Umaria, 23.5 km 50.2 % (Km 5+00 on NH-59A) (Km 17+400 on NH-3) Length 43.9 Grand Total 84.0 km 100 %

The alignment of proposed Ring Road is located at the outer periphery of Indore city to avoid congestion of city and users’ safety and convenience. It is about 2.5 km to 5 km away from inner ring road comprising existing NH3 bypass and missing link on other side of existing NH3. The proposed ring road will connect all National Highways around the Indore city like: 1. Connecting NH-3 to NH-59 (Rau to Kalaria) about 10.72km. 2. Connecting NH-59 to NH-3 (Kalaria to Raukheri) about 31.67km.

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

3. Connecting NH-3 to NH-59A (Lasudiya Parmar to Dudhia) about 19.95km. 4. Connecting NH-59A to NH-3 km 17/4 on NH-3 (Dudhia to Rau) about 20.61km. Project Description Consultant was communicated by the NHAI, vide letter No RO/MP/Indore ring road/09-10 date 17th November 2009, that NHAI had already taken up the six laning of existing four lane of Indore– Section of NH-3, from km 577.550 to km 610.000 and from km 0.000 to km 12.600, on DBFOT pattern, under NHDP Phase-V. This proposal of NHAI includes the Indore bypass, which has been found more or less parallel to Eastern Side of Ring Road (ESRR). Further it was conveyed that the DPR for the Indore Ring Road may be prepared as recommended below: 1. The DPR shall be prepared in two segments:  Half Ring on Western side of existing NH-3 bypass: This half ring would take- off from NH-3 near Raukheri, and crosses Ujjain Road (SH-27), Depalpur road, Dhar Road (NH-59), Pithampur road and would meet Mhow bypass (NH-3) near Umaria village, i.e. between Mhow (km 12.500 ) and Umaria (km 18.00). Hereafter it shall be termed as Western side Ring Road (WSRR) segment of IRR.  Half Ring on Western side: It would have the take-off and merging point of the half-ring of above said WSRR, en-route it would cross the Khandwa Road (SH- 27) and Nemawar Road (NH-59A). Hereafter it shall be termed as Eastern Side Ring Road (ESRR) segment of IRR. Scope of Services The scope of consultancy services demand a very high level of professional competence with optimal approach to meet all the objectives stated above as it would require review of all available studies, data, records, information interaction with concerned agencies and identification of constraints besides carrying out necessary traffic surveys. In this regard the Consultants are advised that the State Govt of Madhya Pradesh has already finalized an alignment for the proposed ring road/bypass. The Consultants are required to review the preliminary study carried out by the State Govt. in addition to the envisaged scope of work. Detailed scope of consultancy services shall thus cover but be not limited to the following major tasks i) Carry out the preliminary survey by using satellite or appropriate technique for fixing of suitable alignment amongst various alternatives for a ring road around Indore city on the basis of Technical & Financial viability which shall be designed as partially/fully access controlled facility. ii) Conduct Traffic studies including traffic surveys and future demands / forecasting of identified connection. iii) Carry out Satellite and detailed topographical survey of the alignments indicating the revenue survey numbers, maps, extent of land to be acquired; contours at every 5 m interval. iv) Rough cost estimation of various prospective connections with regard to quantum of work pertaining to rehabilitation / up gradation and improvement on the basis of highway/pavement design, provision of service roads, suitable grade separated intersections, underpasses / flyovers / ROB’s, rehabilitation / construction of bridges / structures, road safety features etc.

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

v) Analysis of expected financial return through toll and other revenues taking into account of the effect of other Peripheral roads and Radial Roads in the vicinity of these cities which are either tolled or are being taken up or already taken up under BOT projects. The alignment/sections of ring/radial road (including Bypass and realignments) already undertaken/being undertaken by any other Authority shall be in harmony with these projects of NHAI and conflict, if any, shall be minimized. vi) Recommend a suitable alignment for the ring road on the basis of technical and financial viability of the project including prioritization of the sections. vii) Fix Benchmark pillars at required interval. viii) Prepare prioritization plan of the sections keeping in view traffic demands and technical and financial viability. ix) Cost estimation and analysis of financing option to develop the financing programme. x) Preparation of the implementation program with identified phasing, if any xi) Recommendations on user fee, from the considerations of its acceptability xii) Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plan and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Studies shall be carried out by the Consultant meeting the requirements of the MoEF/NHAI. Objective of Services The main objective of the consultancy services is to establish the technical and feasibility of the project and prepare Detail Project Report for construction of 6 lane ring road around Indore city. This road shall be established taking into account the requirements 4/6 lane cross section in a manner which ensures: • Enhanced safety of the traffic, the road users and the people living close to the highway • Facilitate high speed travel; • Provide faster accessibility; • To remove the bottleneck traffic at some locations; • Enhanced operational efficiency of the highway • Fulfillment of the access needs of the local population • Minimal adverse impact on the road users and the local population due to construction • Feasible and constructible options for the project with least cost options 0.2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE PROJECT The detailed design of the project has been closely coordinated with the preparation of this Environmental Impact Assessment Report and the Environmental Management Plans. The EA preparation led to identification of potential negative environmental impacts and their feasible remedial measures (including avoidance, mitigation and enhancements). Based on these findings Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) have been prepared for the implementation for each construction package. The EMPs detail the potential negative impacts and list specific mitigation measures that are required to be included and will form the part of the Contract documents between the Contractor and the Client.

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

Baseline Environment Status Baseline data has been collected including meteorological data, water quality, air quality, soil quality, noise levels, flora, fauna, land used and socio-economic status for the Project influence area during the project preparation stage, which is summarized in Table 2 . Table 2: Baseline Environmental Scenario in the Project Area Environmental Parameters Environmental Attributes Terrain Almost Flat Soil Type Medium black sandy clay Surface water bodies crossing/ along the ESRR-29 nala, 2 water logged area Highway: Canal/Stream/Ponds WSRR- 14 nalas, 6 water logged area Ground Water Bodies along the highway: ESRR-5HP, 1 well, 71 bore well HP/TW/Well WSRR-4 HP,15 well,116 bore well Surface and ground Water Quality Ground Water-Within permissible limit Air Quality Slightly higher Noise Level Slightly higher Forest Along the highway nil Felling of 6502 (ESRR -4873 and WSRR- Trees along the Highway 1629) private trees in non-forest area will be impacted Ralamandal Wildlife sanctuary is located 2 km from the proposed alignment of ESRR Eco-sensitive area within 10 km and there is no sanctuary exist within 10km radius from the WSRR ESRR-22 Settlements Along the road ( Nos ) WSRR-30 ESRR-4 Religious Properties along the highway (Nos) WSRR-9 Educational Institutes Along the highway ( nil Nos) Industries along the Highway -major industries-nil 85%Agriculture, rest Built Up Area, Land Use Along the road residential and Forests Total=681.163 ha Loss of agriculture land ESRR-340.991 ha WSRR-340.172 ha 0.3 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMEMNTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES Key Environmental Issues along the Project Highway: • Surface Water Pollution • Loss of Tube wells • Impact on Religious Properties • Felling of trees in non forest area • Diversion of Forest/agriculture land • Road Safety The assessment of impacts on various environmental components from the project roads is summarized in Table 3 :

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

Table 3: Environmental Impact Summary Sl. No. Parameter Details Negative Impacts Well/Tube wells/Hand Pump ESRR-5HP, 1 well, 71 bore well 1 Relocation (Nos.) WSRR-4 HP,15 well,116 bore well Ground Water Bodies along the ESRR-5HP, 1 well, 71 bore well 2 highway: HP/TW/Well Total=681.163 ha Diversion of Agricultural land 3 ESRR-340.991 ha (ha.) WSRR-340.172 ha 4 Diversion of Forest Land nil 5 Borrow Earth (Cum) Required in large amount 6 Quarry Material (Cum) Required in large amount 7 Water (Kl) Required in large amount during construction Nos of trees to be felled (Nos) Total= 6502 8 along the Highway (ESRR -4873 and WSRR- 1629) ESRR-29 nala, 2 water logged area 9 Surface water body WSRR-, 14 nalas, 6 water logged area ESRR-4 10 Cultural/Religious Properties WSRR-9 11 Schools nil Positive Impacts ESRR= Compensatory forestation-14619, Addition forestation-24000 1 Enhancement sites WSRR= Compensatory forestation -4887 Addition forestation-24000 3 Connectivity and road safety Improved 4 Safe Assess to Educational Institute Improved 5 Enhancement of Service road Improved All junction will improve through provision of 6 Junctions under passes 7 Sitting Arrangement improved Road safety Measures Provided\ Improved all along the major 2 Street lighting (locations) bridges and flyovers /elevated sections 3 Signage Improved all along the highway 4 Intersection Signs Provided 5 Sign on Side roads provided 6 School Signs provided 7 Place identification Sign Provided 8 Traffic calming measures (locations) provided 9 Drainage provided 10 Crash Barriers / Guardrails Provided where as it required 11 Silence Zone Signs Provided 12 Industrial establishment Signs Provided

Mitigation measures are provided in the Table 5.

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

0.4 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES Qualitative analysis of the long-term scenarios likely to occur “with” and “without” project scenario is provided in Table 4. The “with” project scenarios will, however, only occur only if the recommendations provided in Chapter 4 for the construction stage are followed and all construction activities are carried out according to principles of Environment Friendly Road Construction Table 4: “With” and “Without” Project Scenarios Long-Term Scenario Scenario type Long-Term Scenario “With” Project “Without” Project Environment Phys ical Environment Travel time and traffic congestion will Congested road will consume reduce as a result of new ring road around more travel time and will Indore city. Overall, a lower or similar increase air pollution. No Atmosphere level of air pollution. No change in climatic change in climatic condition and Climate condition. Air and noise quality will deteriorate but it is in short term and localized effect associated during construction phage only Minor change in topography and no impact on existing soil conditions, however, new ring road will reduce soil As it is, may be further Topography erosion and dust, deteriorated due to emission and Soils Landscaping along the highway will also and dust enhance the esthetic beauty of the area

No change and possibly Minor Impact on natural resources due to some deterioration in Geology and extraction of material problems due to naturally Seismology No impact on Seismology weak geological conditions at few locations. Improved drainage due to improvement in No changes in present Water Bodies drainage structures and facilities problems associated with and Drainage inadequate drainage. Ecological Environment Felling of 6502 private trees in non- No change in vegetation and forest area will be impacted . number of trees.

Flora However, through compensatory afforestation @ 1:3 will again improve the greenery of the area but it will take some time.

Proposed ring road possess through the green field areas and proper compensation Land Diversion will be paid to the land owner before There is no diversion of land acquisition of land

Ralamandal Wildlife sanctuary is located 2 Continued, and possibly km from the proposed alignment of ESRR. increased disturbance to the Fauna There is no sanctuary exist within 10km fauna. radius of WSRR. Increased disturbance and Increase disturbance and chances of illegal chances of illegal hunting

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

Long-Term Scenario Scenario type Long-Term Scenario “With” Project “Without” Project hunting during construction period which due to overall traffic growth will be minimized by the patrolling of on existing roads. forest department during construction. After construction of new highway will improve the conditions. Land Use Land use pattern will slightly change along No change in present land Pattern the road use Social and Cultural Environment Increased comfort and safety while Traveling may increase time, traveling, thereby transportation costs Improved business environment for those will increase. living along the highway, increased Reductions in comfort and Social and passing trade from generated traffic and safety due to congestion and Cultural reduced transportation costs for imports deterioration in highway Environment and exports of the area. condition. There is no impact on cultural properties Business opportunities Employment opportunity for local people remain largely the same as will increase during construction stage. before.

Institutional Requirements Training will need to be provided to relevant PIU officials to improve their environmental monitoring capacity during and after project construction. No institutional Training of PIU More staff will need to be recruited at the strengthening is required. PIU office to enable smooth flow of all paperwork with regard to implementation of environmental policies and regulations. Economic Situation Higher capital costs for using Environmental Friendly techniques for No capital costs. However, highway construction. Costs will also be increasing road maintenance Financial incurred for training of PIU officials. and vehicle operating costs Implications Lower vehicle operating costs associated as road deteriorates and as with smoother riding surfaces and shorter travel times increase. travel times. Overall Long term improved social and Small deteriorations in environmental conditions but an increase environmental conditions, no in expenses for project activities during the increase in economic

course of project construction. opportunities and increased expenses associated with maintenance.

The project should lead to an overall improvement in environmental and social conditions through the landscaping. It is, nevertheless important to use environmentally friendly road construction techniques. 0.5 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMME To ensure the effective implementation of the EMP, it is essential that an effective monitoring program may be designed and carried out. The environmental monitoring programme provides such information based on which management decision may be

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

taken during construction and operational phases. It provides basis for evaluating the efficiency of mitigation and enhancement measures and suggest further actions that need to be taken to achieve the desired effect. The monitoring includes: • Visual observations; • Selection of environmental parameters at specific locations; To know the effective implementation of the EMP, air, water and noise levels will be monitored during construction and operation phase of the project, details are described in chapter 6. 0.6 ADDITIONAL STUDIES Public Consultations Discussions were held with most of the stakeholders with different type of consultations such as formal, informal and group discussions. The following issue have been discussed during public consultation which will be suitability incorporated in EMP • Parking facilities • Dust suppression measures should be adopted • Sign boards for road safety • Provision of service Highway • Employment opportunity to local people during Highway construction • Junction improvement • Drainage management • Suitable compensation • Plantation of trees along the Highway • Plantation of plant in median • Air, and Noise management during construction Continued Participation Mechanism Two stages consultation was carried out in Project Corridor. In first stage consultation Information about the project was disseminated to the local people and their views/Grievances/ Suggestions were solicited. These suggestions were incorporated into the design to the extent possible and Second round of consultation was carried out with a objective to inform the people about the design, suggestions which could be addressed and reasons for non incorporation of their suggestion thereof and communities were shown enhancement drawings and briefed about the enhancement measures and this process will continue through out the construction period. 0.7 PROJECT BENEFITS Key long-term environmental and social benefits from the project will arise mainly from traditional sources, viz: • savings in travel times – from faster vehicle speeds and reductions in congestion of Indore city- the projected overall savings in travel time and fuel consumption and it will also reduce the emission of dust; • reduced cargo delays – from faster vehicle speeds and reductions in travel time;

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

• reduced vehicle operating costs – from improved riding surfaces; • reduced road maintenance costs – from higher quality infrastructure; • reduction in exhaust emission- Ring road will reduce the emission level of Indore city. • reduced accidents – mainly as a result of reduced travel time and congestion but also because of the provision of safety infrastructure and warning signs, though this latter element was impossible to quantify – it was, however, estimated that the benefits from a 50% reduction in accidents; and • A large volume of generated traffic is, however, also forecast. This is traffic stimulated by the reduction in travel costs and associated with new economic development. The benefits calculated subsume the benefits from: • Improve accessibility around Indore City; and • new businesses, including that from increased passing trade Negative Impacts The key negative, permanent and irreversible impacts will occur along the proposed alignment and will be: • loss of agriculture land- the project would entail additional land of about 681.163 (340.991 ha in ESRR AND 340.172 IN WSRR) hectares for constructing new ring road. • out of 1724 (Eastern side 984 and Western side 740) total impacted land survey and structures owner of 563 land owner were agreed/found at location to give there details during Census and Socio-economic survey • loss of about total 6502 trees (1629 in WSRR and 4873 in ESRR) • All the trees felled due to this project will be compensated to reduce the negative impact of the area. 0.8 EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL During construction work large number of local people will be employed in construction work from the contractor. Local machinery, vehicle will also get engaged in construction work. Both skilled and non-skilled labors will be benefited with the implementation of this project.. 0.9 OTHER TANGIBLE BENEFITS Other tangible benefits associated with the project are: • Project will help in ribbon development along the road • Enhance the connectivity of highway side villages and markets • Enhance the local employment opportunity along with various developmental works • Improve the drainage condition along the highway • Addition plantation along the highway will enhance the aesthetic beauty of the area. 0.10 MITIGATION AND ENHANCEMENT MEASURES As far as possible avoidance and reduction of adverse impacts approaches were adopted during the design stage with consideration of the views of local communities and the design team including engineers, environmental and social experts. This is reflected in the finalization of the cross sections, construction methods, construction materials and alignment.

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

Compensatory and additional plantation along with landscaping will be carried to improve the esthetic value of the areas in future. All identified impact will be either suitably mitigated or compensated, so that development will become eco-Friendly. A summary of mitigation measures proposed to mitigate the adverse impacts are presented in Table 5:

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

Table 5: Key Environmental Impacts and Management Measures Area Impacts Management Measures Construction Phase • Disfiguration & change in existing profile of the • Borrow pits will be restricted to 1 m depth followed by resurfacing of pits. land due to borrow pits & construction of new • Road building materials will be procured from approved and licensed quarries bypass. only. Topography & • Disturbance on geological setting due to • Suitable seismic design of the bridge structures will be adopted to mitigate the geology quarrying. earthquake impacts. • Uncontrolled digging of borrow pits resulting in water accumulation & breeding of vector disease. • Disruption & loss of productive top soil from • Adequate measures like adequate drainage, embankment consolidation & slope agricultural fields due to borrow pits which may stabilization will be taken along the road to avoid soil erosion. reduce crop yield. • Top soils (15 cm) of borrow pit sites will be conserved and restored after Soil • Loosening of top soil & loss of vegetative cover excavation is over. along the road due to excavation & back filling • Accidental spillage of lubricants/oil and molten asphalt will be avoided by which will lead to enhanced soil erosion. adherence to good practices. • Loss of agricultural land resources due to land • Earth material generated from excavation of roadways & drainage will be acquisition for the road. reused during site development. • Generation of solid waste in the form of • Construction debris will be disposed of in suitable pre-identified dumping construction spoils from construction sites. areas. • Changes in existing land use pattern of the ROW • Dumping areas will be biologically reclaimed. for construction of the road. • Construction camp will be provided to avoid indiscriminate settlement of Land use • Loss of trees and diversion of forest land construction workers. • Generation of bituminous waste due to scarifying • Compensatory and additional plantation will be carried out along the road of damaged pavement • Staging of the debris on / along the road will not be allowed. Regular inspection of construction site will be carried out to ensure for this. • Scarified bitumen will be recycled for use below Sub grade under pavement or below GSB under shoulder. • Change in drainage pattern of the land. • Adequate lined and covered drains are provided for the project to facilitate its • Increased incidence and duration of floods due to long life, and to avoid soil erosion & land degradation. obstruction of natural drainage courses by the • Adequate cross drainage works & structures will be provided for smooth Drainage road embankment. passage of runoff to avoid flooding. • Chances of filling of existing drainage courses • Steps at the bridge sites will be provided to inspect, regular cleaning and during earth filling. inspection of these sites.

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

Area Impacts Management Measures • Filling of existing drainage courses will be strictly avoided. • Suitable drainage at construction site & camp will be provided to avoid water stagnation, soil erosion & mosquito breeding. • Loss of water resources due to complete or partial • Filling of water bodies along the road alignment will be minimized by Water bodies filling up of few ponds/water bodies along the providing retaining walls. road. • Impact on the local water sources due to use of • Minimum use of existing water sources for construction will be ensured to Water use construction water. minimize likely impacts on other users. • Increase of sediment load in the run off from • Sediment traps will be provided to reduce sediment load in construction construction sites and increase in turbidity in wastewater. Water quality receiving streams/water bodies. • Proper sanitation facilities will be provided in construction camp to prevent • Water pollution due to sewage from construction health related problems. camps. • All the construction activities will be carried out during dry seasons only. • Deterioration of air quality due to fugitive dusts • Construction materials will be stored in enclosed spaces to prevent fugitive emission from construction activities like emissions. excavation, backfilling & concreting, and hauling • Truck carrying soil, sand and stone will be duly covered to avoid spilling. & dumping of earth materials & construction • Adequate dust suppression measures such as regular water sprinkling on haul spoils, and vehicular movement along unpaved & unpaved roads particularly near habitation will be undertaken to control roads. fugitive dust. • Deterioration of air quality due to gaseous • Stringent construction material handling/overhauling procedures will be Air quality emissions from construction equipment & followed. vehicular traffic. • Low emission construction equipment & vehicles will be used. • Deterioration of air quality due to emission from • It will be ensured that all construction equipment & vehicles are in good asphalt and hot mix plants. working condition, properly tuned & maintained to keep emissions within permissible limits. • Asphalt and hot mix plants will be located at least 500 m away from inhabited areas and 300 m from the road. • Increase in noise level due to construction • Construction camp and temporary labour sheds will be located away from the activities like operation of construction equipment immediate vicinity of the construction sites and major road traffic. & vehicular traffic. • Protective gears such as ear plugs etc. will be provided to construction Noise level personnel exposed to high noise levels as preventive measure. • Low noise construction equipment will be used. • It will be ensured that all construction equipment & vehicles are in good working condition, properly lubricated & maintained to keep noise within

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

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Area Impacts Management Measures permissible limits. • Stationary construction equipment will be placed sufficiently away from inhabited areas and silence zones. • Construction activities carried out near residential area will be scheduled to the day time only so that minimum disturbances are caused to people. • Loss of flora & loss of habitat of avian fauna due • No tree shall be felled beyond the toe line of proposed cross section. to felling of trees along the ROW. • Two times of area of diverted forest land will be afforested as per direction of • Short term disturbance to avian fauna. forest department. PIU will deposit the required amount for afforested as forest department will specify for compensatory plantation. In addition to this NET Floral & fauna present value for the diverted forest land will be paid to forest department • Median hedge will be developed to enhance the aesthetic look & reduce headlight glare on the four lane roads. • Cooking fuel should be provided to construction workers to avoid cutting/felling of trees for fuel wood. • Partial or total effect on roadside educational, • Affected tube wells, temples & mosques will be suitably relocated. Amenities & cultural medical & other amenities, and religious & • Compensation will be given for other affected amenities like schools, colleges, properties cultural properties like temples & mosques due to hospitals, banks, post-offices & markets. additional land acquisition. • Acquisition of agricultural land which is the • Adequate & equitable compensation, rehabilitation & resettlement measures for Rehabilitation & source of sustenance of those families. PAPs are provided in RAP prepared for the project. resettlement • Demolition of houses & other structures within ROW resulting in displacement of people. • Influx of construction work-force & supplier who • Temporary construction camps with adequate potable water supply, sanitation are likely to construct temporary tents in the & primary health facilities and fuel for cooking will be provided to vicinity. accommodate construction workers. • Likely sanitation & health hazards & other • It will be ensured that the construction workers are provided fuel for cooking to Construction camp impacts on the surrounding environment due to avoid cutting of trees from the adjoining areas. inflow of construction laborers. • Domestic as well as the sanitary wastes from construction camps will be cleared regularly and disposed as per local practice stipulated by local administration (Municipalities, Panchayats etc.). • Health & safety related problems to construction • Adequate safety measures complying to the occupational safety manuals will be Occupational health workers due to inadequate health & safety adopted to prevent accidents/hazards to the construction workers & safety measures. • Periodic health check-up of construction workers will be done.

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

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Area Impacts Management Measures • Increase in incidence of road accidents due to • Proper traffic diversion and management will be ensured during construction at Road safety disruptions caused in existing traffic movements. the interactions and construction areas. • Traffic calming measures Provided. Operation Phase • Change of land use by squatter/ encroachment • Planning agencies and Collector/ Revenue Officer will be made involved for Land use & within ROW and induced development outside controlled development and prohibiting squatter/ encroachment within ROW. Encroachment the ROW. • Filthy environment due to improper maintenance • Drainage system will be properly maintained. Drainage of drainage. • Chances of contamination of water bodies from • Oil interceptor will be provided at construction yard. Water quality road surface run off containing oil spills due to • Contingent actions will be taken for speedy cleaning up of oil spills, fuel and traffic movement & accidents. toxic chemicals in the event of accidents. • Air pollution due to vehicular emission from road • Vehicular emission will be controlled through enforcement of laws and public traffic. awareness. Air quality • Truck parking lay-byes and bus bays will be provided at required locations to facilitate smooth traffic flow. • Regular monitoring of air quality at specified locations will be conducted. • Noise pollution due to traffic noise. • Vehicular noise & use of horns will be controlled through enforcement of laws and public awareness. • Road signs prohibiting the use of horns will be placed at residential areas, Noise level sensitive locations & silence zones. • Regular monitoring of noise level at specified locations will be conducted by PIU. • Illegal felling of road side plantation. • Plantation along the ROW will be maintained properly and protected from • Effect on aquatic fauna in case of accidental spill illegal felling. Flora & fauna of oil, fuel & toxic chemicals into water bodies. • Contingent actions will be taken in the event accidental spill of oil, fuel & toxic chemicals. • Significant severance problem on pedestrian & • Intersection & approach of existing major cross roads will be upgraded. cattle crossing and cross traffic due to widening, • Cattle/animal crossings to facilitate smooth traffic & pedestrian movement to partially access control & increase in traffic speed. avoid accidents. Access • Access of primary schools will be modified in S shaped to slow down the speed of the primary school children, when they come out. It will avoid chances for accidents of school children. • Bus bays will be provided at suggested suitable locations.

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

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Area Impacts Management Measures • Impacts on human health due to accidents. • Adequate traffic safety measures e.g. crash barriers & pedestrian railings will be • Damage of road due to wear & tear. provided wherever required. • Proper & adequate road signs, road markings, kerb paintings and road furniture like overhead gantry signs, roadway delineators etc. will be provided. • Adequate illumination will be provided at interchange locations for safe and Road safety efficient traffic operations especially during night and inclement weather. • Periodical inspection of the road will be conducted to detect anomalies in pavement. • Emergency telephone communication system, highway patrolling, crane and ambulance facilities will be provided.

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

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0.10 Environmental Enhancement Measure To improve the aesthetic beauty of the corridor enhancement measures are provided for the project like plantation of trees along the Highway, plantation of bushes and flowers in median, provision of dust sprinkling during consecution etc. 0.11 ENVIRONMENTAL BUDGET An Estimate of the cost component involved in mitigation of impacts, enhancements (through landscaping or specific enhancement measures for cultural properties and typical enhancements such as ponds) monitoring and evaluation of various components in pre-construction, construction and operation period has been estimated. The summary of Environment Budget is as follows in Table.6a and 6b . Table.6a: Summary of Environment Budget for ESRR

Items Cost (Rs.)

Mitigation 22595200.00

Monitoring 745500.00

Training and other 250000.00

Salary of Envi Expert 6000000.00

Total 29590700.00

Contingency 1479535.00

Grand Total 31070235.00

Table 6b: Environment Budget for WSRR

Items Cost (Rs.)

Mitigation 23498900.00

Monitoring 754500.00

Training and other 250000.00

Salary of Envi Expert 6000000.00

Total 30503400.00

Contingency 1525170

Grand Total 32028570.00

Grand Total (both ESRR+WSRR)= Rs. 63099405.00

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THE Louiis Berger Group,, Inc.. 4 Lane Ring Road to Indore City in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Executive Summary

0.12 CONCLUSIONS Substantial improvements in the environmental and social conditions of those using and living along the proposed Highway are expected. The key improvements anticipated are: • savings in travel time – from faster vehicle speeds and reductions in travel time; • reduced cargo delays – also from faster vehicle speeds and reductions in travel time; • reduced vehicle operating costs and passenger comfort– from improved riding surfaces; • reduced maintenance costs – from higher quality infrastructure; • reduced accidents – mainly as a result of reduced travel time and separate Highway for coming and going vehicles; A large volume of generated traffic is forecasted. This will be traffic stimulated by the reduction in travel costs and associated with new economic development and deriving, amongst other things, from: • New businesses, including those from increased passing trade. In addition to the above, there should be: • an overall reduction in problems from exhaust emission; • improved drainage; and • Some unit reductions in exhaust emissions and traffic noise levels. A wide range of short-term negative impacts are, however, envisaged during construction - these include: disturbance to wildlife and settlements; localised dust pollution; increased sediments in water bodies; small-scale erosion; and health hazards amongst construction workers and those residing in nearby settlements. However, most of these can be adequately mitigated through: practicing Environmental Friendly Road Construction techniques; proper location of construction camps; and equipping construction sites with adequate medical facilities. The major long-term negative impact will be the permanent loss of about Total= 6502 tress (ESRR -4873 and WSRR- 1629) exists on agriculture land. This can, however, be mitigated by plantation under compensatory afforestation. There may also be some small-scale temporary impacts on wildlife habitats. However, investigations show that this is not a significant issue for important protected species. Removal of only necessary vegetation during construction, and thereafter the maintenance of forest cover on both sides of the Highway, will help minimise long-term negative impacts.

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