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C.V. (provided as an attachment) Summer School 2018 Overview

Dates: Aug.5-18

Duration: 2 weeks

Location : ,

Program: Management in Western China

Language: English

Available for: Undergraduate and graduate students

Entry Requirements: Nomination of home university

Fee: USD 700 Program

1. Courses

Management in Western China

2. Company visits

Representative local companies in industry, commerce, pharmacy, etc.

3. Culture activities

Qinghai Lake, Chaka , Danxia Landform, Jiayuguan Pass, Mogao Grottoes


Aug 5: Arrival in Lanzhou

Aug 6: Welcome, campus tour and course 1

Aug 7: Course 2 and company visit

Aug 8: Course 3 and cultural excursion

Aug 9: Course 4 and visit industrial park

Aug 10: Course 5 and company visit

Aug 11: Travel to , Province and visit (Ta’er Monastery )

Aug 12: Visit and

Aug 13: Visit Chaka Salt Lake and transfer to Zhangye, Gansu Province

Aug 14: visit Danxia Landform( Rainbow Mountain) and leave for Jiayuguan

Aug 15: Visit Jiayuguan Pass and public service sectors of the city

Aug 16: Visit Crescent Spring, Echoing-Sand Mountain, and Academy China

Aug 17: Visit Mogao Grottoes

Aug 18: Back to Lanzhou, farewell and drop-off


The cost for students from partner universities is USD 700.

Included in the fee:

1. Courses and materials

2. Accommodation and meals

3.Transportation and visits

4. Accident insurance

Not included in the fee: 1. International round-trip airfare

2. Visa application fee Culture Activities

Lanzhou, Gansu

Located in the upper reaches of the Yellow Riv- er, northwest China, Gansu is one of the cradles of Chinese cultures. With a long history and brilliant cultures, Gansu is abundantly en- dowed with cultural relics and natural scenery. Vast and graceful natural scenery like endless desert and pure glacial landscape presents an impressive and breath-taking picture before

your eyes. Take for example the world- Lanzhou, a well-known ancient city in China, is the capital of Gansu. It is famous Mogao Caves. It is the largest and most the second largest city in northwest China, and also the political, eco- well-preserved Buddhist art palace and also a nomic and cultural center of the province. post along the ancient Silk Road; the The , the Chinese Mother River, runs through the city, ensur- grand Jiayuguan Pass, an important outpost in ing rich crops of many juicy and fragrant fruits. Covering an area of ancient China, is the western end of the Great 1631.6 square kilometers (629.96 square miles), it was once a key point

Wall. on the ancient Silk Road. Today, it is a hub of the Silk Road Tourism Ring.

The Culture Activities The Crescent Lake is also known as the Crescent Spring or Yueya Spring. It is located north of the Echoing-Sand Mountain and about six kilometers Dunhuang south of Dunhuang City. It can be considered a natural wonder of the Go- bi Desert. Just as its name implies, the lake appears like a crescent moon and with its crystal clear water, resembles a turquoise or pearl inlaid in Echoing-Sand Mountain (Mingsha Shan) the vast desert. Some say it reminds them of the eye of a beautiful woman, lucid, beautiful and amorous. Others say it looks like the mysterious, gen- tle and seductive lips of a pretty woman, or a slice of a lush, sweet and The mountain is five kilometers away from the city of crystal cantaloupe. Dunhuang. Seen from afar, the mountain is just like a golden dragon winding its way over the horizon. As you approach you become aware that the sand has many colors ranging from red to yellow, green, black and white. On days when a strong wind blows, the fast shifting sand roars; but when the Mogao Caves wind is little more than a light breeze, the sand produces gentle, dulcet sounds akin to music. It is the same when you Located 25 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang, Mogao Caves is regarded are sliding down the mountainside. At first, the sand under as the premier Buddhist spot in China, perhaps in the whole world. The your feet just whispers; but the further you slide, the louder artistic features of the treasured Buddhist murals represent perfectly the the sound until it reaches a crescendo like thunder or a drum artistic style of the Northern Wei (386-543), Sui (581-618) and Tang (618- beat. Some say that the sand is singing, while to others it is 907) dynasties through the combination of the architecture, statues and like an echo and this is how the mountain gets its name. murals in the caves. Presently, there are about ten caves and two exhibi- tion centers open to the public, occasionally more during public holi- days. Culture Activities


Jiayuguan Great Wall

Jiayuguan is a pass standing at the western end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall. Different from the well-known sections built with stones or bricks, Jiayuguan Great Wall was built with rammed earth, making yel- low its dominant hue and helping the pass blend harmoniously with the surrounding desert. The city where the pass is located is named after the pass, also called Jiayuguan, sitting in China’s northwest Gansu Province.


Danxia Landform Geopark (Rainbow Mountains )

Extending along the northern slope of Qilian Mountain in west China, Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park in Gansu is the best repre- sentative of China's colorful Danxia landform and the largest Danxia land- scape in an arid area, with a wide variety of landforms. Undulating fiery- red ridges together with amazing multicolored mountain folds transform the park into an immense sea of fire with rolling waves, earning it the rep- utation of China's Rainbow Mountains and also one of the 'Top 10 Geo- graphical Wonders of the World' selected by the National Geographic. Culture Activities


Qinghai Lake

From ancient times to the present, whenever people mention Qing- hai Lake they think of 'green lake', 'blue sea' or 'fairyland', because of the marvelous natural beauty reflected on it. As to the area, it is the largest inland and salt water lake in China. It is no exaggeration to say that Qinghai Lake is a miracle that is endowed by a deity. Out- side, he circles the lake with four continuous mountains and extends broad grassland at the foot of them. Inside, like a master baker, he decorated the water with many little islands. All these natural attrac- tions come together perfectly to form a Xanadu on earth to win many tourists' favor.

Chaka Salt Lake

Chaka Salt Lake (Caka Salt Lake) is in the western part of the Chaka Basin, 298 kilometers from Xining, capital of Qinghai. This natural crystallized saline lake is regarded as the eastern gateway to , which reserves the largest salt mine in the world. Lying at an altitude of 3,059 meters , the lake is oval shape and covers an area of 105 square kilome- ters , ten times larger than theWest Lake of Hangzhou. However, it is the smallest among the several salt lakes in Qaidam area, but different from others for its coexistence of both solid and liquid salt. The snow-white lake bed and the crystal blue water against the azure sky win it the repu- tation of ‘Mirror of the Sky’. Travel to such a beautiful world of salt em- bedded in the snowy mountains and verdant meadows, tourists would in- evitably feel like they are in a fairyland. Contact

Sophy Yan - Vice Director, International Cooperation Office

Peggy Ma - International Coordinator

School of Management, Lanzhou University

222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou, Gansu, P.R. China 730000

Tel: +0086-931-8915608

Email: [email protected]