er Serving the State ' The Weather Parll, d_d,. &lid a uWe University of lowo wanMr INa,. Uklt II &0 lIS. a' a r. a,. partl, Campus and d . ...' . UtU~ ~b n1e In lowo City ow-an tl'mperatun. • Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire · Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, Sept. 11. 1953 _V..:..o::::;I::.,.. ::::;97:.:,•..:.N;,:o::., . =.246:.:..______e

s o or- acre or eSI ns a' row Coralville's Cabinet-Counter seventh Programming owans Named /On Olliciai \ ~y~elkTe H (hange Asked' '!.:"~~N f'~t- d;~f Missin 9 Pt:isoners \ Aa~eem~nf tense departm nt relea$t'd Thur - an lIccountlne , I,;! II!. Amerlcnns to c II lh military rmi tl e com- For WOI·TV day nllht a I t ot 126 Americans and 2,660 oth rAllied tr"",: !>t- mi ion, rullni truce body, back WASHINGTON fi1')-Mnrtln p , who did not show up In the KOlean liev~ still held in R d prisons. Into ses on when ttt y had n n- Durkin quit as retary ot labor DES MOINES fJP) - Ed Breen, pri oner elCchnnle and for whom While D formal reply to the mll- '" "r 10 the AlIItd dem nd for an Thu~day wllh an anary blast oc­ president of radio station KVFD, it has kt'd a litricl IIccountln, Itary armls11et cornm Ion WIJ accot, ,'I." of the mlssln, men, No cw in, Ihe Ei enhower adminlstra_ Fort Dodge, Thursday night re­ trom the Reds. not yet In sl,ht, Pelplnl radio Ion.. sch duled for Thurs- don ot break In, an aveement to newed his demand that WOI-TV, Three are !rom Iowa, dism ed th AIUed list as a day, revise the Taft-Hartley law. I the Iowa State college station, "There I rea on to belle\'e that " heer fabrlcatiop." Re.u Center Durkin, the only Democrat In I ~ Communists hold or hav A Communi t corre pondent in The Communists hllv been pre- the cabin I, who supported his withdraw from commercial pro- lr.rIowledi ot the tate ot lhe e Kaesonl, RI'd truce hudqultlers, parlni a centcr n r Panmunjom own party's nominee In last year's gramming, men, but no Information concern- even cited Seer tary ot Stat Dul- tor about 300 outh Kor,. n and president! I election, told a news At a hearlnl Ing them ha be n received," thl.' Ie ' Informal comm~nt to new men about 20 non-Korean. w,",o .I,e conf renc that he would not lnbel the slate board of education ot dep rLment sid. In Colorado prlnj(~ In t w~k a. Reds say wllnt to stay insld thl!! the administration friendly or un- two steps It could take it It de- lo.. a ... LI Ud evl4ence the Allied list was bamboo curtain and not r turn IlrJendlY to ofaoniU'd labor until it sired to assist new television sta- The list. all army personn I un- "Iak d." DullC1l had said he knew hom. tak . a pon/lon In the controver- tlons In central Iowa. Ie otherwl Indicated In Iud d of no Americans withh Jd. On or about S pt. 25 both the sial I bor-mllflOlement law. Breen proposed that the board the tollowln, 10 an. : There still was no indiction or Alii and Communists will be,ln . walt and 1."1." write the fo ur television nelworks 1 t Lt. Patrick J. Me tunan, when the Communltta would reply a 90-day period of "explan lions" what it he salef. advising them that WOI-TV is hu band ot h. Jane P. McMul- to the AlIled demand tor an IIC- In Int rvl ws with th r lucU/nt j , state-owned lind eventually plans lan, Am , ('()untinl. prisoners in an effort 10 persu de Durkin, liS, will re ume h uO't>rr.1 to be no n-commercial, and that the Cpt. Howard E. Pierj;ee, Ion of a1 Allie H"ln~ POW', them 10 relurn homl'. OS pr Idenl ot th United Associa- Ames station be directed to cut Mr. nd Mr . Arthur Pier ee, K - Me. n tl m Red propag nda tion or Journeymen Plumbers and down on the number of playbacks kuk. broadca ts harped on the lheme S 'f Chi f Vt Steamfitter., an AFL union. Un- of network programs and not re- S,t. Lyl E. Wood, on ot Mr. that th Allie. were still holding ecun Y Ie s 0 e dersecr tary'or Labor Lloyd Mash- celvl! any more. nd ! r. John H. Wood, Iowa Communi I prl/!oner• who wlnt to T I W burn wJ1l act as secrelary until a bOWD at La~r Time Falls. r turn, 0 ncrease ar succe! or 1 IIppointed by Pres I: Playbacks are recorded or kine- Two Otbers M Inc I In Tokyo an Ame.-lcan air force dent Ei enhower. scoped live television programs I D.Ur , ..... " ".1, '7 Bit! WUII.... eftl Two other low n still ar be- major. 0 vld F. MaeOhee ot Tom- Aid 10 I d Chin " Durkin dlaclo. ed thDt he re i"n- TID I THE CONTROVER JAL cabinet-counter pureha ed by the oral vill e city council at total Ii-VA" to b prl oner. of Lh Com FI 1 Id'" f e I n 0- I a • which are shown at a IOler time. L L-U - p, a., 0 a .,ews con er nee ed In a letter written AUI. 31 and Breen said WOI-TV Is "loaded" eo ~ of 1,163.53. The walnut plywOOd counter wa cu tom- buJit by a brother-In -law of one of the munl ts. that the Communist. plann d to thnt El.enhowCT t Iked with him , wi th commel7cials which Is partly council members. I Mt'mbers or lh family ot air- Inlem 22 U.S. [IIer in Manchuria WASHINGTON (A')-The United tor haH an hour at the White rcsponsible for the 1arae number ! man 2-e Wnrren Schmitt, 32, or "until the Unltl'd Stat 5 r cOITlI U'II I tilt ho d clded tentatively to House Thur. day mornlna in an un- ot playbacks on the station. k II P d D f" D" sf IDubuque, have been IIdvi.ed by Red China." almost double American military lIucce tul ott mpt Lo keep him on Iowa's first ultra high Creq uency A ers Te s race ure I emocra IC Ige the defen. department that It 18 MacGhee said he had learned aid to Indochina In an trort to th Job. (UHF ) television station plans to P d 1954 F" h lryinll to locate him. 1 from a Chln~&e Communist who h Ip France wind up th 7-year- "The backg ound In thl It go on the air Oct. I In Fort Dodgc, ' re I'CtS Ig t Schmitt has bcen. ml InR slnc hid proved "extr m ly r liable" old war al inst CommunI. t-I d I t on Is uite f!mlll rio m:"SA':r: the bomber on whIch he as a In other cases that th Reda In- reb Is ther . P ... q t G M' Id Breen sold. The station, KQTV, is -II d h I" It th A . r SI"en eorp; enny sa owned by Breen and other ofCic- 0 nUlA d -, f or ora VI elO U.S, Sales Tax cr w m mb r wa hot down In tende to 0 u bac e m ncans The nation's top curlly coun- wh n n ws or Durkin's de arlure lois ot radio station KVFD. C I n November, 19:12. tor torcc nelotlatlons throuCh dlp- cil, meeUnl crclly W~nesday, r ached him, p The oth r Ie Capt Harold Fisch- 10maUc channel.. r commended that an extra $385 1 'Air Shoulel Be Cleared' State auditor Chet B. Akersl I WASHINGTON UPl-The Octo- r Jr. or Swea City whom lhe Havell', pllLned FI t'her Imllllon be IIlv n hard-pr sed ' t'hooled In Tradition' Breen, on opponent ot educa- stated Thursday that a state auditlpayments. Two payments in June b "0 tI D' til aid/Communi t reported caplurlnl Th Communl.ts have yet to ex- Fr nce. This sum would back UP ! "U has lonl been a tradition In lIonal TV, said KQTV has no net- ot the Coralville to\\.n recordslwere tor $357 and $317.73. Pay- er mocro c lies I alter shootlnl down his Sabre plain why rowa's double J t ace $400 mlllion aIr ady allocated by the labor moveml'nl that once an work attillation. He sal(l. "the air could noL be made unless it was mcnt In lull or 488.80, accordln, Thur day II fedcral sale. tax, op- J t o\'er North Korea last year. was not Jncluded In the prisoner congre s thl year for the blooC\y I aireement is r ached the parties should be cleared on whether requested by either the Coralville to CoralvllJe books, was made In posed by!' t Democratsc Ildmlnls- Ma it'eJect Deman' I xchanle ended last Sunday. Th !Indochina contllc!. abide by It. Mr. Durkin Is schooled Ames had anything to do with t~wn council 01' a Il oup ot Coral- Au,"st. trations and now beina studied by At Munsan lhe Communists lave R ds had boasted of Fischer's cap- President Eisenhower I. xpect- Iln thl tradJtlon. He resllTled be- Fort Dodge no t getting a network." Ville citizens. BriskeY'S Brother-In-LaW the RepubUcans, I "bound to be advance Indications Thursday they ture last spring. ed to approv lh council' dl'cl- caus he could nol continue serv- Three networks have turned Akers' announcement was based Briskey sold Wedne day thot a major campaian I ue in the would r jed Allied demands lor The Communist were expected slon tter conferTinll with key con- InIon a t a,r;' where agreements KQTV down, Breen said, because on a ruling by Sta~e Attorney Gingerich "was his brolher in-Jaw --- IU lonal I deTS. are not k pt. ·h I I ".. t Gen~ra l Leo Ho~gh Thu'sday - 1954 elcctlons." Th bJ Id am A t ey are rece v ng Iluequa I." cov- ~ ~ . and previously had a part-Interest Ch. W h. S d 12 I." a new II prOllT , mer- Walt r Reuther, head of the erage" from WOI-TV. He added ruled that a regue t for an In the Briskey Cabin t shop, which The otriclal m "azine ot the Inese ars IP core Ican oWcJal ald. is aimed at CIO, Said Durkin had no choice he sti ll Is negotiating with ABC audIt, made by Johnson County [ own." 1Democratic National committee crushin~ the Communist-led :IT- but to resian. Reuth r said "the and the station has "a good chance Attorney William L. Meardon In Coralvllle Mayor Merritt A. all 0 drew UP a "balance sheet" on , mil'S In Indochina In about two Republican 89d congress has done of getting a network once t. o?ya leller re,ceived by Akers Wed- Ewalt was asked by The Daily Kor tI. It said on th credit sid HI, n B,·,lsh N La ch year .Theaoalil lowithdrawree- nothln, but slash at, weaken and nre on the air. nesday, dId not give the slale Iowan Thursday niaM whether hel th tho tb h It ISO I I avy un ular French army troops by lh!;' cripple the labor department "Even if you don't use It, you auditor legal &rounds tor an audit. lpersonally favored a slale audit among 0 er lOaS was e a -I end or 1955 and turn over defense Every e1Col t on lhe part of the sec~ need a network [01' prestige," Meardon requested thc audit of the Coralville books His an- Ing ot Communist Ielr sslon. On 0 0 0 '0 S i I of the strateale nation to loyal relary 01 labor to strengthen the Breen said. after receJvlng a letter [rom a swer was "No comment" the debit side It listed the "Leaacy tr H N RK 1 fA') I u~ vor' the corvette Its machine guns and native armies. )department and to carry out the Passed ResoluUon Coralville resident, whom he de- A tu;ther cheek of the Coral- of doubt and confusion left by thel T~m da oya navy al~n~hl to d [our-Inch ~un' smoking turned President Eisenhower and Sec- tcommitmenL< or PresJdent Elsen­ clined to Identify, asking Meardon ville town records Thursday nt,ht lonl Republican pro~aganda cam- R~r~::'hro: ne~mf~re wlt~!~~ away. The corvette had 'vanished retary of Slate Dulles already have how r has been frustrnted." Last year the Iowa Broadcasters to delermlne "whether members revealed lhe followln, entries: pai,n ~ialnst AmerIcan poliCy In warnln klflin pe or wound!n all by the time the ~rllish destroyer discussed the new aid program, \ Until Durkin lert there were two Assn, passed a resolulion saying of th~ council have bcen selling Feb. 4, 1952. $963 paid to Theo. L. Korea. but 3 o~' the 14 gaboard g Concord arrived In response to a They went over it in ~etai1 Mon- Democrats In the Eisenhower cab- WOI-TV's commercial ac.tivlties supplies, materials or services to Siegel for "remodeling the walls Final Deelslon Political . distress calL day at the President s summer lnet-hlmself and Mrs. Oveta Culp constitute "unfair competition" the town of Coralville. and roof of the fire station;" The pubUcnt!on said the flnal . A navy ource, quotln the sur- The li&htly armed little launch Whlte House In Denver during a IHObbY ecretary or health ed uca- with private enterprise. Letter Requested Audit March 6, 1952, $781.05 paid to decision on whether to propose a vlvors, said that ~he corvette docked I t this British crown colo- aeneral loreian policy review. tion a~d welfare. But Mrs: Hobby Ben Sanders ot K1CD, Spencer, The unldentrried writer also Theo. L, Siegel tor "labor on fire salC3 tax "will be a poll tical, not cored 12 dlred hits 10 the unpro-I ny Thursday In areat secrecy. The The President and DulleS are supported Eisenhower in the presl­ said in a telegram, whic h Breen ask~ whether an audit had been station (root, tloor and ceiling)." an economic decision, and it will voked attack Wednesday on the navy refused to let n wsmen near reported to believe I ndoc~lnll must dentlal campal n, wher as Durkin • read to lPie board, tho WO[ should made of the Coralville books dur- Ad.dHional Enlrtes have to be made by the Pre Ident 72-root launch In International the launch. be kept out ot Commurust hands was for Adlai Stevenson thc Dem- tu:n commerci~1 television over to Ing the last year. If not, the let- March 6, 1952, $41 1.10 paid to himself." :ra~~~ a~~~ 20 miles southweSl.1 It was believed the navy's se- at all cost, to prevent. a possibly oeratic nomin e. I private enterprise. Sanders, presi- ter continued, could one be made. Theo. L. Sielel for "fire station It declared that since the ad- A a g. t I bo d hi crecy was due to the tense sltua- tatal thr eat to neighbonn, Burma. Service Commended dent of the broadcasters group. al- M d 'd Th d th I h overhead door and ceiling'" March ministration has promised to cut re erve cap a n a ar on S lion Il appeared obvious the Brlt- Thailand, Malaya and the rich so commended th n Ames statl= ear on sal urs ay a e 6 1952 $ 5 36 'd Gib'b D vacallon and five seamen were . h I h East In .. les In accepting Durkin's r eslgna- ~ .".. d t d ' , 1 . pal to s rug Income taxes and abolish the ex-, kill d d th kl d f IISh took a grave view ot t e c as , UJ • for past work in bringing televls- un ers 00 the basis of lhe com- Co. for "tlrst aid material for tire cess profits levy, lhe only alterno- the an e s dPped r an our Full "port A.ked lion, the President commended hi ~ Itt 1 I plain t may have been an IIn"l!l'd 0 ers were woun e brief car er as ccretary and ex on 0 cen ra owa trucks," and, J une 4., 1952, $6.80 tlve to a ales tax I'S a "sharply 'N Cb' , The admiralty In London an-. - . sale of a combination cabinet- I C t ever H.a a anee d " t I tI Dwight Rider, chairman of the cou-'er to the co uncll by a coun- pa d to Briskey ablnet shop or unbalanced budget, contrary to S . id t h trl k nounced that Vice Adm. Sir St assen 0 U tl Ines pre e my per ona conv c on ,,_ '.. "I tte . t ft ·th t urvlvors sa es c en Ch 1 La be d I the T~ rincipa l key to the board, said "-Ie problem of WOI- cHman's relative. e rmg own ares WI own all administration pledges." I h N 1223 h d ar el m , comman er- .n- P , A"d PI I TV's comercial programming has The 0311 y Iowan reported name." The only posslbillty of substan- c~~~~e.' to O;eturn 'th:e~l;e :efor: chle! of Brita in's Far East station, rlvate 1 a n ~~:~~!\ hC:: a~~ r,:~:k~nf' ~~:~= been delayed because of construc- Thursday lhat a walnut veneer Mayor E walt said Thursday tlal r eduction of expenditure lies had flow to Hong Kong tor an I 'P "F' U tion delays in the television fie!:!. plywood cabinet-counter had been night that Siegel was the father- in military cuts, If continued. ur,ent investl,atlon, The foreign n olnt- our 58 ~~: t~!~ ia~~: ~~~nt:~ vltnllty ot Rider called an executive ses- old to the council by Ned Gin- In-law ot former co uncilman J . MI bt 'Be Afraid' 1 Dead 67 Hu rt otflee called for a full report, slon of tbe board following the gerich. R.R. 2, Iowa City, brother-W. Barrows. Ewalt added that ' ' . The launch was on its usual WASHINGTON (IP) - Fore!an The President's vacation head- Barrows resigned from the coun- "But, having already drawn As Gas Explos'lon anti-smug"Ung and defense patrol aid chief Harold Stassen Thur - quarters In Denver later made h earing and deelared the TV mat- in-law cf Coralvllle Councilman cil last June due to the pressure sharp warnings from the joint • d tlined I b k bl' D kl'" I tte f I B . k thO when It encountered the Chinese ay ou a p an to cut ac pu IC ur n S e r 0 res gna- ter wou ld ?ot· b e t a k en up. H e Cl ar~nce f1S ey, lS summer, ac- { bu in d ti s I his apaclty chiefs of staff on this year's deep R k CI I d . said the entire problem would re- cordmg to Coralville town records. 0 s ess u I." n c .. '" OC s eve an coriTette Wednesday afternoon, the the ,overnment's multi-ml llion- lion. . . as owner ot the J W Barrows deten e cu . It saId, the admln- dollar "Point Four" aid program Th I tt d t d A 31 d'd c~i v e thorough consideration be- Gmgerlch received B. ~otal, ot . . . istrauon wU1 robably be a fraid navy said. The encounter came • e e er, a e ug. , I tore the board reached a decision. $1 ,163.53 from the counC Il m three IConstruction Co., CoralVIlle. p. CLEVELAND (If?-A gas explo- eYen mn~ soutbwest of Lin Ting by Increasing the use of private not go Into the reasons for Dur- Chapter 147 ot the laws of the to take additional securIty rlsks. d th t r II Island, which Is 12 mJles southwest American agencies in underdevel- kin's re s~atlon. , next year" slon un er a ree-quar e -m I." 54th general assembly of Iowa · Ilong seeUon of West II 7th street of Hon, Kona. oped countries. Durkin ~ !P1pl y told Eisenhower s tate~: " No officer , inelu.ding mem- The magazine ,said a saTes talC la te Thursday afternoon killed a It was the bloodiest encounter Stassen explain ed his new idea " It wlll ~ necessary tor me to bers of the city councIl. shall be Is a tax on spendmg and theretore woman motorist and injured 67 the British have had with the Chi- to a group o( representatives of return to my former position as interested, directly or indirectly, CaUs most heavily on lower Income persons in rush hour crowds some nese Reds since the frigate Ame- about 20 philanthropic or&aniza- president q he United Association ,World News Briefs in an;,: contract or job of work or I families. seriously. ' thyst was caught in the Yllngtze tlons dUring a two-hour meeting of Journey en and Apprentices of materIal or the profits thereof orl "This means," it said, "that the M K th ' Szabo'O d' d In the spring of le49 by the Chl- behind closed doors. the plumblna and plpefittlng In- . l b fished b" I r5. a erlO e , .. , Ie A r.,,..densation of Late Developments sfervledees 0 the ~tyr n t or"per- sales tax will e extremelY unpoP- lln St, John's hospital of injuries nese Communist offensive in cen- Later, Stassen told a reporter. dustry from which I was granted orm f or e CI or own. ular poUti cally, not on y am.o ng received when she was pinned in tral China. something of what went on at the a leave of absence before accept- DENVER (IP) - President Eisenhower returned to his vacation • onsumer groups and labor ~ ~Ion s a concrete.crushed automobile. The Amethyst was hit by Red meeting in the old state depart- headquarters here Thursday night from Washington where he at­ who are considered the tradItIonal Flying concrete ' and popping artillery sbells. Bdore It escaped ment b'lildlng. LABOR SECRETAlll'-- tended funeral services fO I; Chief Justice Fred "M. Vinson and ac­ Earthquake Kills 40 opponents 01 such a tax, but also manhole covers sent 67 other mo- down the Yangtze, more than 50 He said he plans to put (ncreas- (Continued on Page 3) cepted ,the resignation of ~1:Rrtln p, Durkin as secretary of labor. among many business groups." torlsts or pedestrians to hospitals. men had been kllled. either on the Ing emphasis on the teehnical aid !:Isenhower's plane, the Columbine, touched down at Lowry air force Fire Chief Elmer Cain said frigate or on other ships which facilities of American voluntary base at 7:37 p.m. (CST), an even six hours after taking off from On Cyprus IIS a nd tried to help It. agencies and American colleaes Washington. "many things under,round were and universities, particularly land- • • • NICOSIA, ~prus (.4') - Forty Aclenauer To Keep broken_mong them gas mains," /frant colleges, for aiding the FRANKFURT. Germany (IP)-Dlvisions of Allied troops maneu- persons were kllled and about 100 but he would not pinpoint a cause "Point Four" countries. vered in mock atomic battle north of Franklurt Thursday night. De- inj ured by an earthquake in the 3-Party Coa'ition [or the blast which firemen at first Hurricane Moves Away Asked if his proposal would rendina forces stabbed-'at a mythical invader from the east. "Opera- Paphos district ot this British col- said resulted from a brok.en na- From Atlantic Coastline mean cuttina the lovernment-fl- lion Monte Carlo/, the !irst large exercise to simulate atomic war- , BONN, Germany (A')-Chancei- tural gas maLn. An East Ohio Gas nanced and operated technical co- fare, rumbled into action before dawn Thursday. The battleground ony Thursday mornmg. lor Konrad Adenauer's Christian Co. spokesman said he was con- MIAMI, Fla. (A") ....J Hurricane operation agency, Stassen replied: ranges near the Soviet zone frontier over hilly country that forms RAF pilots who surveyed that De r rt d 'd d Th vinced sewer gas and not gas from Dolly struck out In a northerly ''Yes, it means getting more mocra Ie pa y eCI I." urs- his company's lines set aU the ex- Th d a natural path tor any real invader pushing into West Germany. Use wine-producing area on tbe is- day night to form a three-party posion. direction late. ursday an resi- things done on a non-,overnment of the latest atomic wea!lOns wiJI be simulated throughout the Bel- land's southwest coast estimated dents of a long coasUine breathed basis." glan troops into the field. Just what these "pretend weapOns" will 500 bu'ld ' ". edt d coalition government w i t h the Damage is eXPJ'Cted to mount easier. Actin, TCA administrator John include was not disclosed by maneuver officials, headed by Lt. Gen. 1 In ... wer es roye . same partners who governed West above $1 million. The Atlantic .torm began to StambauCh I said the group was William Hoge, commander of the U,S. seventh army. The problem Three persons died in Paphos, Germany for the- past fo ur years. Mark C. Schinnerer, Cleveland shove along at 12 to 14 mUes an "deUghted" with Stassen's idea. sets up this situation: "Eastward" forces have driven into "West- a minor Mediterranean port of A communique issued after a superintendent of schools, was one hour from a position 800 mUes due The lI"oup In leneral represent­ land " and defending troops are counterattacking to throw them back. 6,000. The others were killed in six-hour meeting of the party of those who narrowly escllped In- east of Miami, and a eurve to a ed U.S. philanthropic, religious, Takihg part are 120,000 Americans of the seventh army, 27,000 &1- surrounding villages, ranginll in committee, s a i d the Christian jury. more northeasterly dlreetton was farm and social weltare organiza- Ilan, 22,000 French and 6,000 British troops. population from 200 to 700. Six- Democrats ready to revive "You thought at once this was foteC8It. tlons which have been carrying • •• teen perished in tbe rubble of their the old coalition with the Free the atomic bomb," Schinnerer said. Whllo it is too early to tell out assistance programs of their TRAVIS Alit FOaCE BASE, Calif. (JP)-Two hospital planes ar- sundried brick houses at Stroumbl. Democrats and German party. ,"The noise was terrific, thick, where the fourth hurricane of the own abroad, rived Wednesday niflht and Thursday from Hawaii with nearly 60 In all, about 2,000 persons were Adenauer conferred later with thick, black smoke suddenly blot- season will ,0 ev~ntually, ill! pres- The program was InjUated by former prisoners of war. The first plane brought in 47. Another flew made homeless. Franz Bluecher, chairman of the ted out everything, and tlying de- ent movement aDd the northeast- the Truman adminidration to help In 10, includin, an Iowan, Thursday. Transportation plans for the British troops and airmen and Free Democrats, and formally in- bris crashed all around. It seemed erly recurve wal reassurlna to underdeveloped countries raise men are expected to be announced later. The 10 on the second plane 80 police helped In rescue and re- vited his party to join the new as it you were suddenly out of this coastal residents from Florida to their living standards and combat Martin Durkin lncluded M. Sgt: Ray C. Lan'!llt. Olinton. lief operations. aoverllD?ent. world." the North CaroUn~ capes. communism. Qulla Cabinet Post

, " .....t! ~THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, Ia.-Fri., ept. 11, 1953 , Last Tribute Paid to Vinson Honored for Marksmanship .. (( 1...-. DailyIowan The , . , In Sill1ple Washington Rites FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1953 I~ c, WASHINGTON (n»-The Presi­ Publle~ daUY ucept Sunday .nd ....Ie. I. 'I...... 11 .....I.e ....n .r dent 01 the United States, a form­ eight associate supreme court jus­ Monda:r anel le,a1 hoUcIe:r. by SllIdent p.l •••b •• rlbe ... U rep.r"" h • ...... Fred M. Pownall. Pubilh~r Con lices were on hand as honorary PubUc.atfon.l. Inc., 128 low. Ave., lowl The D.U,. I..... clrc.LaU.. depart. Charlel E. Barnum. AAlst.ll PublJlbeo t.clsl er president and multitudes of City, Iowa. 1:;:\ second eta.. ment, III tbe rear .f Old J •• rn..alll. r plain people mourned together. pall bearers. CHICAGO (JP) - Antibiotics mail .... tter al the PO.toUIc:e at JOWl b.II.ln,. D.baqu AD' J ..... YO" II ~AILY IOWAN EDITORIAL STArr ~ the Episcopal Bishop Angus Dun, In · ddt -CIty. undar the ..,t oL __ oL .,OD fram 4 ••m . '- U _Il , .. Ma, ~ Thursday in a last solemn t.cibute are becommg won er rugs 0 March 2. 117.. tbr ..,b S.tu,4a,; ...... ,. I! ..... Mana,ln, Editor ...... JOleph Meyer FrC! to Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson. robes of black and white, offici­ save food crops from costly plant ------1 M•••• '. News Editor ...... Sa.rah ' Adams ley Faces etched In grief, the ated. Except for a special prayer, disease, give us more and tastier MEMBEF OF THE ASSOClATED PRESS -Call---~-~------I City Edlwr . . . .. Ben Sanklon whl for "my servant, Frederick," the The Auoe1ated PrHll ill enUUed ex- • I fr.m a ... I. ml'al••• ,. mourners jOiDfd in well-loved meats, even aid in making beer dwlve):r to the U.e for repub lication r.... rl n. It .... I .....en'. p ••• I"'..... Asst. City Edlw r .... Dave Pro_ mOl hymns and Scriptural passages at services followed the ancient ritual a nd whisky. 01 all the local new. printed In thl. or an"nn •• mo.'" ,. Tbe D.II, I•• AS. Sports Edlwr ...... Fred ThOlbll N Simple funeral services in Wash­ of the Episcopal Book of Common oew.paper .. well al aU AP new. .,U.rl.1 .me... r. I. UI. C._•• lea- S0c4ety Editor ...... Kathy II ..... year Prayer. These new uses lor antibiotics dl6palchea. Un. Ceoltr. Editorial Assistant ...... Kay 0.- aSS)1 ington Cathedral on a sun-flecked were Thursday to the Subec:rlpUon rote. _ Iowa The memorial services were over de.~cribed --'------.-1-l1li- .-.·-- by carrl~1n caU hllJ overlooking the nation's capi­ American Chemical Society. • AUDIT BU•• AU Cit,., 25 c~ntJ weekly or $8 per year In in half an hour. Eight blue-uni­ DAILY IOWAN BUSINESS 8TI\rr dire tal. Bean plants sprayed several' I OF .dv. ....·e; .Ix months. $4.15; three A small-town boy from Ken­ formed, white-gloved supreme montba, $2.10. By mail iii Iowa, P per Buslnesa ' " Charlel Ooeldne pitll court police of[icers carried the times with streptomycin -a TB ClaCULATIONS year; Ill< month •. ~; three montlu. trial th~ tucky who rose to the nation's fighter in man-were completely Call 02151 S3; .11 other mall .ubsc:rlpU""", '10.00 DAlLY IOWAN CllICULATION STAff Ne highest judicial office, Vinson died casket to the waiting hearse. The ... II ,.••••• t ....1... per :rear; . Ix monUu, p.ev: three CI Bn President and justices, hats over protected against halo brigh t, a , •• r Dally 10 .... b, 1 :10 am. M .... '... l1'~nthJ . $3..15. Circulation Mgr...... Robert Cronlt havi of a heart attack Tuesday. He was serious bacterial infection. ------.------ma 63. their hearts, stood by silently. to • The body was taken at once to Small Amount Used I r---~------~ I and thE PreSident Eisenhower interrupt­ M anI ed his Colorado vacation to fly Union station for the trip to Only a fractlon of 1 per cent Itt' e GENERAL NOTICES Wt Louisa. of streptomycin sullate was used supr back to Washin&.ton for the serv­ in the spray under field tests. said n erpre Ing GENERAL NOTICES mould be deposited with the cUy e4H11r tC Van ices. Former ~esident Truman 1 W. J. Zaumeyer, H ." Rex Thomas, The DaDy Iowan Iu tb" neWliroom in &he Communications Ct•. real camc by train from Missouri to h N I to and J . R. Mitchell, of the U.S t e' ews JIiIotlces mus~ be submitted by 2 ·p.m. the day preee.'DI flnt pailll. that PJ ~ pay final tribute to the man he SO Student Advisers "aUon; u.ey will NOT be aooepted by phone, and must be TrPIII mar department of agriculture plant or LEGIBLY WRIlTEN and SIGNED by a responsible penoL fea appointed sevcn years ago as 13th Roc chief justice of the United States. industry station, Beltsville, Md 1 Zaumeyer said it is the "first an- By J. M. ROBERTS JR. THE UNIVERSITY COOPER- \1:cdical Sciences and Relate!! D a c And for the tirst time sincc the Due On Campus ~ m.ll, lowOn p~·: t ••, Bill WIlII ...... a ) tibiotic to control a plant disease." A.slIOClated PreIS ative Baby-Sitting league book fields offered by the Department Cro Yo Jan. 20 switch in administrations, HIGHWAY 'I' TROLl\-lAN Joseph L. Smith. 1309 E. Court st., Other reports tell of good resultsl News Anabst will be in cha. ge of Betty Wahler of Health, Education, and Wtl Ke~ ser the two met face to face-drawn For Training Class Iowa Ity (right) has the last of three medals awarded for pistol in combating lirebright disease on Left wing socialism in Britain from Aug. 1. Telephone No. lare Public Health Service. SUp;. Stal reci together to pay homage to a man each called his warm personal Some 50 student advisers will marksman hip pi.nned on his chest by Lt. Clarence B. Day, Cedar apples and pears with a spray con- has taken a kick in the pants from 8-3958. Information about joining end, $3400 per year pJus $350 chl~ ma meet this weekend at SUI to b~- Rapids, area commander of area D (southeast Iowa) of the Iowa taining terramycin and streptomr- th T d U · the group may be obtained from for each dependent. For 'urlber a n de.! friend. gin more than a week special hi, hway patrol. SnrUh won his three medals on July 26 at the sixth . D g are b I'ng t ted g Inst e ra es mon congr.ess. . this member. information _ and applicaUOII was Secretary ot State John Foster eln. ru sees a a Last year, overruling ltS general, blanks 'vrl·te to.' Nation"l In-tl urr training before taking on the task annual pistol shoot sponsored by the Iowa Association of Chief. d'sease f tob co tom t es po ---, ~ - C Dulles and other cabinet members -. I 0 ac. a 0, - council, the congress instructed T U E COM M r T TEE 0 N tutes of Health, DI'VI'sl'on of D. I of adviSing dQl"tnltory students of PoUce and Peace Officers at Camp Dod'e la. The medals In- tat es 1 ttuce and other plants nco • witl assembled at the cathedral, too. So o , e . the council to report this year on Growth of the National Research search Grants, Research F~Uow tw, during the COming school year. eluded one for member hlp on the lirst place team In the meet, Antibiotics are part of new d f te dl th tl fA' ,. Mcl did members oJ: congress and the Making the new student feel at ODe lor first place Ln the expert class and another lor third place ways an means 0 ex n ng e council, ac ng or the mencan ships Branch, Be.hesda 14, Mary diplomatic crops. Seven of the at home will be ot primary impor- In the open cia . Smith's team shot the hl,hest score ever fired I.n methods to improve tenderness, nationaUzation of business and in- Cancer society, is accepting appli- land. the t · I h sta.te competition, 3,034 out of a possible 3,280 points. Day said. juiciness and flavor and keeping dustry in t'le face of the Conserva- cations for grants-in-aid in sup- ance t tl the adVIsers, each o · w om quaUties of meats, said F. E. Fea- tive party's efforts to undo some port of growth and cancer re- HOURS FOR THE a jl liv '·with the group of 50 students therage, H. H. Wiser and Prof. L f tn r al' r lr d h A Ii ti f INTERIM PERIOD r 'his or her carc. 0 e na Ion lla Ion a ea y !.Ic- searc. pp ca ons or new twe 2 Professors Invited de I TAG E. Kunkle of Ohio State univer- compLished under the Labor party. grants receivep before Oct. 1 will MAIN LIBRARY the r:on"~s:{ During the next weeK the ad- owa een - gers e t sity. Instead of doing that, the gen- becJme eUective July 1, 1954. Ad- Monday-Friday - 8:30 a.m.-1 To Judge t\,\i I~ II visers wil familiarize themselves Drugs Distributed eraI council produced a report ditional information may be ob- p.m . ..I' with the campus, registration pro- • The drugs and other meal-cur- recommending that the congress tal ned from the ElI'Ccutive Secre- Saturday-8:30 a m.-12 Noon Professors 1R-\\"()ur Peterson and h h f Lc Ellis H. Ne-&'some have been in- cedure and many' ot er p ases 0 SUI P , re d EX oms ing materials are distributed not insist. tary, Committee on Growth, Na- Sunday-CLOSED vited t slst in the judging of uni\.ersity ' life, so they will b~ - rep a . through thc arteries and ve~ Communists Opposed tional Research Council, 2101 Con- DeparlmentalHbraries will have adv . t . t th 1953 prepared to answer any questions of animals right after slaughter- The general council ls the ex- Iltitution Ave., Wasbington, D.C. their hours postcd on the doors. i SlOgf the en10 nesDa ~ Iy P eess a that the new student may ask. Why have Americans wanted m. g. Th e antI·b 10t· lC· S h e 1 p preven t ecutl've board of the congress. Its ------Jng s Ocia~i~n in 'DI!w~oi~es r s-Mostly graduate students them- their newspapers to be free from to read and think cdUcally in the spoilage. attitude was opposed by the Com- FULB~IGH:r . ~PPOINTMENTS BASIC SCIENCE RESUIC. of and Sunday. Saturday selves, 28 of the advisers are men close control by the government? social and natural sciences and in Antibiotics are being used also munists and the Jeft wingers of the 1954-55 lor vJ51tmg lec~ur ers and fellowships in bacteriology, bill- . h d f th and 25 women. The advisers also What is the main purpose of literature. in feeds to make pigs chickens Labor party led by Aneurin Bevan. r es ear c ~ scholars 10 Japan. chemistry, nutrition, pharmacolao ( .r P e t erson IS ea 0 e man- "'d d 't 'to '1 ? 'A d II b d t 30 h 1 agement sequence 'i1\ the school of ~I orml ory o. Icers In we cO.m- money. In tests No.5, 6 and 7 students and calves grow laster, for more At the showdown, delegates w~ s WI e rna e 0 sc 0.- gy, physiology, chemistry,' 20010' ), liOl journalism and Newsome heads mg the new studcnt.s and. ~elpmg Some 70,.0 00 Iowa teen-agel:s asked, for example, to choose meat at savings in feed bills. representing 3,702,000 union mem- ars m the. ioclal scle~ces, .humal)l- gy and pharmacy as related t4 We the advertising program of the ~hem to get located m theu dorm- will cope wlth such questIOns thIS tltles for paragraphs they have There's also evidence that some bers stuck with the conservative ties, medical ~nd blqloglca.1 sub- arthritis are being offered by 1114 school of journalism and the Itory qua~ters . week and ncxt as they return to just read, to point out what the antibiotics can make plants grow approach of the council. Their ma- jects. InlormatIon a~d application Arthritis and Rheumatism Foun· • \\'h marketing department of the col- . Approxllnatcly 1,50~ of the es- school ~nd take the Iowa Tests of writer is attemtltin g to do and to faster and better. jor ity was more than a million. blanks may be obtamed fro~ th~ dation. The deadline for app1ica. ro~ lege of commerce. Both have bad .tlJnated . 7,500 ~Dlve~slty enroll- Educahonal Develop~~nt. De- observe his use of objective or Antibiotic ice, containing a trace Supporters of the "go slow" Conference Boa:d of A l>:' 0c~ated tions is Nov. 1, 1953. A~pli ~ at!onl by extensive newspaper and adver- m~nt WIll be mc.ommg freshmen velo~ed and and admmlstered by emotional language. For instance, of aureomycin, promises to pre- policy accused the minority of be- Researc~ CounCIL, Comrruttee on will be reviewed and BwariIJ ... tising experience. {hIS fall, . an~ oHlcals rcport that specI.aUsts. at ~UI under Prof. E. there may be a couple of .pa~a- serve fish longer, said H. L. A. ing unrealistic in believing that Internahonal Exc.h~ge 01 Per- made by Feb. 15, 1954. Appliu. sh( s There are three classes of en- the .dormltor!es will be complete- F. I:'mdqulst. dIrector of the Iowa\graPhS from a newspaper edltonal Tarr, J. Boyd and H. M. Blssetts the mere act of nationalization sons, 2101 Constitution Avenue, tion blanks are available in thl Ro tries in the advertising competi- Iy (IBed durmg the schoo~ year.. t:stmg program. the tests are de- followed by SUC? a qu~stion as of Pacific Fisheries experimentai would bri~g them ail the benefits N.W., Washington 25, D.C. Appli- graduate coJlege, Old capitol me tion: retail grocery advertise- ~he new stud~nts .wlll b~gl .n SIgned to measu:e what the stu- "Judged from thlS editOrial, what station. Vancouver, B.C. they want. cations will now be received until For further information, addre51 wi ments, co n tin u i n g advertising t~err week of regls.tratlOn acllvl- dent can do. with . his .educat!o.n is the ~olitic~l policy of .thC. news- May Help Canning Workers Recogn.ize Fact the closing date, Oct. 15, 1953 for the Medical Director, The 'Artbri· · arr campaigns and signature pages. (les Sept. 1'7. Mormng and after- rnther than Just WIth hiS speCifiC paper In whIch this edltonal ap- Attempts also are being made to This point has long been recog- awards extending from October, tis and Rheumatism Foundatio~, I acl Cash prizes are awarded to the noon. hours will be devote~ to knowledge. pcared?" improve canned foods and other nlzed by many workers, such as 1954 to Jun~, 1955. Applications 23 W. 45th St. New York 36, N.Y, I ch top five entries in each class. h.earlOg tests, physical examma- The nine- unit battery of tests Answers Given food products with antibiotics. those in coal, steel and transpor- may be obtamed. from th~ same ch Bases for selection of the winners tlons, and general pre-college tests, includes over 700 items to evalu- As for the answers to the ques- PeniciUin can actually increase tation, who have actually experi- agency for appomtments 10 . Eu- pr· is excellence of the advertisin~ while even~ngs w~ll. ?e spent ~n ate. the lasting results oC an e~u- Hons at the beginning of this yields of whisky, benefitting yeasts enced nationalization ot their in- rope, the Near East and Pakistan WSUI PROGRAM idea the quality of layout and planned SOCIal activlttes both 10 cahonal program. Central scormg story, students are expected to in the fermenting mash. None of dustries. for 1954. • photography and the value to thelthe dormitories and at the Iowa at SUI relieves the individual know that the people of the Unit- the drug goes into the whiskey, They worked under the same --- m: advertiser. Memorial union. school of statist!cal and cle.rical ed States wa nt the newspapers to said W. li. Day, W. C. Zerjak, old bosses. drew the same old pay .A N OPPORTUNIXl' FOR CALENDAR ad The Iowa Daily Press Associ- work and prOVIdes free frorq ..(Overnment control J. R. Stratton and L. Stone of or received improvements about gIadu~te. study. -. AFROT~ br II, 19:1;1 ation Clinic Is held annually. It Des Moines Television analyses of test resulls. bcca use..4heY':Jotave ~lways felt Peoria, Ill. And a combination uf on a par with what they would C~ffiIl)ls~ oned t fflCers. OP~?rtu~~; 8:00 ~~I:'~l~g s~~~~:lb.r tho y brlngs together executives from Cover 9 Areas . thaI. tQe truth IS most hkely t? be- polymlxin and thiolutin complete- have received normally under tIes .for gradua ~ stud. du 109 e 8:15 News member newspapers for workshop Set for October Start Students are tested on thOlr (l) lcome known when everyo,ne IS ai, ly eliminated the danger of micro- private ownership. Most of what cQpung academiC year will b 8:30 Summcl' Serenade to . ., DES MOINES (JP) D M' , d t d' f b' . 1 1 d t t h' Id Ad ' available to some of the stUdents 9:00 Voice. of Europe ho and dlScusslon sessIOns. t I .. t t' - eKs GToVlDe~ un ters (a n) 109 0 1 abSlcksocla dco~- I owe ,0 pr.esen IS .eas· ~d biolOgical spoilage of beer, said they got was exhortatIOn from who received commissions in the 10~ :0300 Grinnell College D new e eVI Slon s a lon, , 15 cep s, 2 genera ac groun JD money s malO purpose IS t0 al Fred B Strandskov and John B their own leaders to correct ab- . f . J 1953 d h : ~:::ro Dozen to af n expected to go on the air the last the natural sciences, (3) correct- people in trading things with one Bockelm' ann of a Brooklyn Brew' senteeism "because they were ~lrtborlce In. une 'k ad . wtho 1°1:0015 in k r ot b fr' . I f R·b d . t f th - . m er seDlor year ran e 10 e . Aglnll Successfully Soc,"ety To Pf an wee 0 coer, a ICla SOl ness an approprla eness a ex- ano er. ing company. workmg for themselves." 25 t f th ' 1 A 11 :30 Here'S to Velerans io Mountain Radio, Inc., said Thurs- pression, (4) quantitative (mathe- Director Lindquist explains thatl COuldn't Buy with Money rUPlPler pefrce ndo t eltr de as.s. 1111;~9' Highways to Sarety se th · I) thO k' (5)' t ttl.' I t ts h' h 'd 1 ,u year 0 gra ua e s u y m a .• Prayer for Pea e Easter Sales d ay. rna tIca 11l 109, ' In erpre 8- He owa es , w IC are WI e The average worker couldn't b d f bj ts t i 12:00 Rhythm Ramble. H sc Sea' y . r ~he Iowa Society for CrlpPl~d The station, which wiU operate tion of re~ding materi~ls in the used by non-Iowa high schoqls ICC C t buy much even when he had t~~~ns r~~gtehe~r ~~Oi~~ is aper~i~: :~;~ ~;;t. Time to Chlld:en and Adults, Inc., WIll O? channel p, one of two ultra- "-atural sCle~ces, (6) .IDter.preta- also, enable teachers and co~se~- owa OrR rop U money, and couldn't wear or eat ted. Applications for such study, 1:00 Musical Ch ats te h~ld ItS annual meeting at Hotel high frequ~ncy channels allocated tlO~ of readtng mat.enals 111 ~he ors to keep them.selves more .lntl, I I the pleasant of working for him- regardless of previous expressed ~ ; ~ ~~~ OFF d Krrkwooct. Des Momes, Sept. 18 to Des. Momes, pla~s to carry an soc l~1 studies, (7) mterpretahon mately and re~lablY acquamted 44 Mllhon Bushels self. Many socialist leaders admit- preference for an . earlier call, ------:-:• . and 19, Geo.r~e A. Buechler, extenslve programmlOg of netwOTk of Ilterature, (8) general vocabu- with the ed~ c atJona l development ted this several years ago. should be made by the commis- P A Coralville, chlill'man of the John- and .locally produced shows, ac- lary, and (9) uses of sources of of each pupil. . B A I W th Part of this was due to the fact sioned officer through the appro- recautions gainst h. son county soclet:J:" has an~ounced. c.ordlOg to S. H. McGovern, sta- Info.rmatlOn. . Secondly,. ~hey p r o.v 1 de the that the socialist leaders, faced by priate Air Force De:ay Board of h m y ugus ea er The socIety WIll plan ItS 1954 t10n manager. Smce the chIef concern of the school admlDlStrator With a more the hard facts of Britain's econom- the Continental Air Command. B I Ad I d tt th ~a s ter Seal campaign at the meet- Wha.t. networ~s thc stalion will testing I?rogram is less with w~at ' depe~dable .and relativel~ inex- DES MOlliES (JP}-The hot, dry Ic situation since the war, were Guidance ca,: be obtained by re- , 01 to urg ary vise . f mg. .. be affih~ted wlth .a nd ~hat pro- lhe pupil has learned than WIth/ pensIVe bas~s for eval~atlng the weather during August reduced prevented from !!xtendlng benefits ferring to Alr Force Regula~ions U " Advance reglstratlons for the grams WIll be carTled WIll be an- how wcll he can use what he has total educatIonal offermg of the Iowa's corp crop estimates for this Which, to consolidate their ideas, 35-83. Art approved applicant By S I Professor tl evc.nt should be sent to the Iowa nounced ailer McGovern. returns learned, Lindquist points ou.t that school, even though pupil~' out-of- year by 44 million bushels, the they would have established under should ~lso. apply at c1bce to his II SOCIety headquarters, 2917 Grand here from next the heart of the baUery IS the, school experiences also mfluence government f or e cas t disclosed more normal circumstances. chosen institution for admission 1 ave .• Des Moines. week, a station official said. three tests which measure ability their scores. , Thursday. As a result, Britain turned her to graduate study. IOWA CIT": (.4'). If y~u he., ~. . . face away from socialism and re- a burglar rattling around m your 41 Based on condItions as of Sept. POST DOCTORAL FELLOW bedroom don't try to be a heto 1 d ti f t d t turned, the Conservatlve party to - - '.' V pro uc on was es 1ma e . a ships. National Institutes of Your best 'bet IS to .play dead to d 616,772,000 b~shels compared WIth power. H~alth. Ncw .deadlines of Feb. the world. c 1st l:Jniverse Map Is Nearit!JQ Cd.mpietiol(l an Aug. 1 flgul'e of 660,720,000 15 and Oct. 15, 1954 have been set This advice comes from PrOi. g bushels.. Ed t T EI t for receipt oI completed appllca- Richard L. Holcomb, SUI sp!CI,I. r ' n By CENTRAL PRESS A . sl1ght d~op In . so~bean pro- uca ors 0 ec tions for Postdoctorate and Spe- ist in police methods and an all- e Eons before the dawn ot writ­ away that is-there aren't enough miJ lion miles. Imaglne thc dis­ acts as a "scout" for the huge 200- ducyon also .was mdlcated and cial Research Fellowship;; in the thority on the lore of housebreak! ten history, men's minds and Im­ zeros on a page of 'paper to type­ tance of stars whose light takes inch telescope. By means of the while the estimates of the oats DI"slr"lcl Delegate ing. - , , aginations were IIred by the mys­ write it. two billion years to reach us. new lens, the 48-inch instrument crop remained unchanged from a h former Kansas City, M~ t terious beauty of the starry night. Makes DLscovery Possible month ago, the state crop and livc- . C ange in Rates A -, h Lights travels, as every school can photograph sections of the stock reporting service said that RepresentatJves of Johnson co' . police lieutenant, Holcomb h. Throughout the ages ~ets have child knows, at the incredible rate The sky survey was made pos­ heavens as large as the bowl of the c written sonnets and epics of its yields of oats are disappointing and unty and lbe 11 other counties On Car Insurance assembled a complete compel!" a of 186,000 miles per second-more sible by the discovery of an in­ Big Dipper out into tremendous of poor quality. I in the first district will meet to- deium ' of breaking and enterilll bt!auty. than 10 million miles a minute. In genious lens used on Palomar's 48 new distances. t Ancient Egyptian priests and Pastures Poor day in Washington, Ia., to elect Requested in Iowa in a book called "Protectiol a year light travels six million inch big Schmidt telescope, which New Finds Studied In De"1I The condition of pastures over the district's member of the neW Against Burglary." • Greek scholars oharted the paths • C Ji of heavenly bodies. The vast rid­ • When new features aTe spotted most of the southern hall of the state boar d of public instruction. DES MOINES (JP)-Changes in He worked both sides of tbe t C on the Schmidt plates, they are state was reported poor. Johnson county will be repre- automobile insurance rates of stree1 in- gathering his material <1 dle of outer space caused Euclid to ) invent geometry to measure the studied in detail by the 200-ineh The corn outlOOk now. is for an sented by three delegates, Alva about 100 stock insurance compa- 'Talked with Burrlan' .r, ~ } S distance to the stars. Astronomy Hale telescope. The cleverness of average yield of 56 bushels an B. Oathout, member of the Iowa nies operating in Iowa were re- "I talked at length with sever P was man's !.irst science. this arrangement is apparent when acre, compared with 60 bushels a City board of education; Joseph quested Thursday by the National highly skilled burglars now &en" II Map N-ear Completion one considers that, though the month ago. Paulus, R.R. 6, president of the Bureau of Casualty Underwriters. ing time," he says. "I foundll c "Big Eye" can reach out into 8 However, despite this long inter­ Several days of excessive tem- county board of education, and The proposed changes, whit!h one kind of burglar aclually \p .,t ( Il ~ pace three times as tar as the (l est in space, man's first compre­ perature! at the time of pollination Ray Smalley, North Liberty, co- must be approved by state insur- fers to work in the same I N hensive map of the universe he smaller telescope, it can take pic­ apPlV"ently have resu}ted in un- unty boarc;l member. ance commissioner Ch~rles R. where his victims ~re sleep/ni--- • tures of only a tiny fragment of ( lives in will not be complete until !Hled ear tips in many corn fields Alternates will 'be Mrs. Irvin Fisch~r, apply not to liabi-lity pol- so he can keep his eye on t~' (1- late this year. A four-year-long the sky area which can be covered extending well into the northern P. Irwin, Iowa City board mem- icies. The n'ew schedules had been This type of burglar can ~ .. "sky survey," consisting of thotIs­ in each Schmidt photograph. part of the state. However, the ma- ber, and Verle Smith, Solon, and announced naUonally by the bu- tremely dangerous. If he disturlil ands of astronomical photos which Not only are known features of jor cause of the crop reduction James Bowersox, Swisher, hoth reau last week and some of the .. your slumber, the best thing .. will be pieced toget.her to form the heavens being n!photographed was lack of rain and the sWink- county board members. changes had been approved earlier do is just go right on letting blIP the world's first detaUed map of in new clarity, but a stream of back was greatest in the south- The only person who has in- this year for Iowa mutual com- most of the universe. . celestial discoveries has been eastern lind south central counties. dieated an interest in the district panies. th\Ok you're asleep. The map wiII show the three­ made. These ~nclude neb ulae com- The h cavIes. t d amage oec1,!!redill n posti.on is Robert D. We s, D aven- The general effect would be to "Don't sacrifice your life J'ust 'ln1 quarters of it which can be viewed parable tO'the earth's own galaxy, the ,outhern third of the state. port ;lttorney and scho?l. board cut costs of some adult pleasure- save $50, $100, or even $500 ~ from California's Mt. Palomar ob­ the Milky Way. Northern Area. Good member, local sch?ol off"clals re- car drivers and to increase rat~ burglar may find in your roo~ servatory, using the Hale 200-incb 1.000 New Chl8ten Lolled , In the northern area~ where port. Wells d~crlbes hmlSelt as for some young motorists. says Holcomb. . .. telescope, the world's largest. Pic­ Sky survey astronomers already rainfall was more satisfactory the "receptive but not campaigning." . . Other Pointen Lla~d ':. tures are now being taken by the have logged some 1,000 new clus- corn prospects remain generally The local delegates will go to For example, In the Des Momes Other poJnters Holcomb gle.~ joint effort of the National Geo­ ters of stars and stellar dust. Sys- good to excellent but there are the . convention uninstructed. a~ea, where Iowa rates are t e from tite men who know ho\lJf" graphic society and California In­ tematic study of the survey pho- some sections of the more favored Other counties ln the district hIghest, the stock c9mpany. r~te stitute of Technology. tographs is expected to shed new central to n~rthern area where the Le V B D M' for a car used for pleasure-drlvlDg breaking best: Many Secreta Revealed are e, an uren, .es omes, only would be reduced about $5 a That house key you hide under The sky survey is expected to light on a knotty' question now hot weather caused considerable ~enry, Jef!ers~n, LOUISa, Wash- year but would cost more 11 the the porch flower pot is duck soU, yield enough secrets to keep as­ puzzling astronomers - whether damage. mgton, Muscatine, Cedar, Iowa car was used for driving between for a bUrglar to find . t ' ••• galaxies of stars form into dus- The reporting service said the and Scott. home and work. . ..t tronomers'busy for a centurY fit­ tel's in a regular pattern and com Is well advanced and will ma- A skiJ1ed burglar can .... ting them into sensible patterns. whether the' e clusters themselves ture Qefore ,frost, assuming that Stock company rates 'for persons through any door and Into aJI)' , 'rhe scientific star-gazers have form into superclusters. frost does not come earlier than Buckwalter To Study under 25 which now amount to $56 sort of place. . already learned some astounding When the Sky Atlas is finally normal. Most of the crop promises Surgery in London a year would be reduced $~ for It you keep your money 41t facts-that the universe is twice compiled, it should offer clues to to be oC gpod quality. those who live In a household or hom<;, which is foolish, don't bm' as big and twice as old as pre­ many long time mysteries, astron- So.vbean productjon is estimated Dr: Joseph A. Buckwalter. as- are under "family control." The about it. nst viously imagined, tor exa~ple. omers say. These include why at 3t,875,000 bushels, a drop of sociate in surgery at University rate for married couples under 25 The ,best safeguard alai Just in case you're curious, its . stars sometimes explode, whether 775,000 bushels under Aug. I est!- hospitals has begun a year's study would be raised to ' $61 and for burglary in a place of busin~ II age Is fqur billion and not two there is a r~cognizable pattern to matos. The outlook on oats is for with Mr. Ian Alrd at the London young people Jiving alone the rate to keep it well lighted. billion years. The distance*of the the distributio,\ of. star systems in a crop of 153,556,000 bushels at a ' Postgraduate school of medicine. would be $74. A smart watchdog Is ' a aood farthest away ,Ilaxies visible space, and whether the universe Yield per acre of 26 bushels, the Buckwalter has been granted a The 15 per cent discount allowed protection for your' home, If through the Hale telescope are t\"o \+self\ is expanding like a sdwp· low t since 1934. traveling lellowshlp for study in farmers would be raised to 20 per I can .be trained to bark and. true !teed billion Ught years away. NobOdy Dr. Albert C. WlllOn (len), operatln.. astronomer of the sky sur­ bupble, with distant stars and nfb-PrOduct.ion of all hny is estima- surgery by tho SUI college of cent depending on their classlfi- bUl'kmg whenever an In can really understand how .far vey, and Dr. Robert Harrln.. ton. u1ae speeding away-from ~he e~~th. \ea at d,207,OOO ton~. medicine. cation. Icomes around. THE DAILY IOWAN-lo1l'a City. l.a.-Fri.. Sept. 11. 1953--Pue ! (onlliding Te~imony Expedeci Atomic Submarine .Nears Completion Government Reports 1. Will Be S~k.r . Radio Newsmen To Meel Here 3.5 Per Cent Drop . Radio neW'm n will gather at. • In Murder.' Trial of McManus In Corn Prospects . SUI Saturday and Sunday for their Saturday lunch~n meeting about ANANDA[G N / _ 1 . . . fall convention of the Iowa R dlo )egal p I InS relating to free- ub~r CoC:Uucting teSti~~~y b~·ps~hla. that it the 12th ,ural and 0 al- WASHINGTON 1Ji>)-The cn- News usoeJation. Idom o[ infonnation. Meeting in t PUbilabor trlsts appeared likely Thursday a !rnates were not seated toda)" he,1 culture dep.rtment rep 0 r ted They flI hear Clark Mollen1toft the ]o"'a CentE'r for Continuation the first-degree murder trial 0 (ould eaU a Saturday session. Thllrsday thaI hoi dry 'e lher In of the Des Moin Register and study. the new men will also hold Fred Eugene McManus, the Val• A total of 160 talesman bave Au,ust rut the com CTOp abo. ut 1 h lk . S 3 Tribune's Wa. hinglon burl.' a uI a gent'rll op-ta sc lOn IIn- ley " Island, yout" een examined dur1nc t I.' three .5 per c:ent-a deve. lo. p.menl d t . l d d' . 1 Stream. Lon.' th speak t thel'r annu I banQu t o~ a)' 0 mr u e a IscuSSlon. 0 who has admitted five kHllnp 'ays. Van Du I' ordered ano er remol'ed the billt of rigid '.. . ." new room procedures. new eQUIP- moved through its third day. '5 impaneled lor today. ,OVE'mm nt markedn, contro on Ihe dl!flCU~Ues o~ ttlnl news III ment. n w u.' lor equipment and M . Maurice Chacch!a. the 19· McManus told police he shot next year's crop. th nahon s capItal. and hear a other problem of Iowa radio year-old former marine's court· '3raverman with a .45 callbe-r pi - I Prospective supplies of the ma- /diSCUSSion on 1\ to new lea- newsmen igned attorney, said he woulc 01, took the Rochester youth·s jer livestock teed ...... in remain I ". th b aSS ·th •• ~ lur ng mem""rs 0 t ear. the Oeor, Freund tOt station all Dr. Chrl·stopher F. Terren~ lutomobil e an d d rove est WI ample. however. because 01 re- d th j J C ~~ . ld . 1 f' d Oi cour all. e med ca pr ion. KDTH. Dubuqu • is pr sid nt ot director of Rochester State has. \IS 18-year-o glr rlen. ane serves lrom past big CTOP . • I W La d f R h t WaIter A. Steigl man, ocl t the IRNA, while Dick Cheverton Pital, as a defense wItness at thl "ar e eue n 0 OC es er. Market'~" Quotas al-ady have H 150 'd h h t f th .... ,~ Ipro! sor ot journaJi511l at sur and ot lation W 1T. Cedar Rapids, is trial. e a sal S 0 our 0 er "--en tn' I·ok·" for th6 J9'" wh at • d i e h Id hi h "'" ~ ".n lin authority on the la,,' gOI'em-Iprogram ch Irman tor the conven- Chacchia said he would seek te lerJIons ur ng 0 ups w c crop and appear inevitabl on cot- in, new medl. ill talk at a tion. have bls client committed for liff nett~ him less than $60. lton betause of 1 rge upplles. ______-- ttl' tit Ii "I The young couple was picked up o a men a lOS u on as nsane 'lear Dubuque, four days after , EaUaaa&e Ore.. and dangerous." Braverman was shot. ln a monthly crop production re- McManus, on before statl' port. th d partment estimated th Tile Greatest Story Ever Writtell supreme court JustIce H. Douglas!' ------total volume aU cro this yr t;y edit. tC or lollS Ce • • Van Duser: pleaded innocent by Chicago Patrol Boy would be th third lar, t on c- Education Officers (I , ....t PlIIIfJ. reason of IOsanity to the charg( ani. A month a,o th volum had be TYPlD thaI hc shol William A. Braver- R S h , , been forec t as th ond I r,- person. man, 19. a co\\ ge student trom escues t 00 rna e est. Will Meet at SUI r Rochester. last March 27. Until adv r weath r rondiUo Prot. J. Leon~rd Davi ,o[ the l d Related District At tor n e y Thomas From Path of Tral"n hit som important Pl'~ucin& sur education department, wilJ Department Croucher is expected \0 cell Dr are In the midw l. COrD Pl'OS- pe k t the offlc ra conference , and Wei. Kenneth Keill, director of Willard peets had Indie ted the crop m ,ht of the 10 State Education BSSO- . • . and behold. A I ervice. SUp. State hospital. Wll\ard stalf phy- he noon hour. patrol boy Jame turn out I enou~ to cre a elation Thursday, womAn .tood behind : plus ~ chiatrists amlned McManus for Carr, 13, Thur day shepherded his surplus requlrin, th d p rlment D vie. who IS president of For lurthet a month nnd reporled the youtb choolmate over a Rock ] land to Inl'ok marketln, quotas n the ISEA, wlll peak at 11:10 a.m. in' him weepinq. wuh. t application was capable of ndln'\ trial. "aBroad crossing on Chleaeo' Far 11154 production. Iowa Memorllli Union. I inq hi. feet with Tears tional Inatl. Ch~""hia In 1stI'd while talkin' 10uthwest Side. In Ita Sept mbl'r crop produc- The mornln, Ion of th con- vision 01 JIe. f and wipinq Ihem with with a I'c"·~man. however. thR ' s the school bell sounded re- tion r port. th d p rtm nt ti- r renee I, ch~uled to begin at 'arch FeUow. McManus w,, ' dnnl( rous bl'cal'.· ·cas.lng him Irom Ihls job. he mated th com crop at 3.126.0 .- 9:30. OUicer of county education the han of her he.d. da 14, Mary. of his mental condition. He snlr I vrned to ,0 home lQr lunch him- 000 bu. hela. a d cline of 114 mll- as ociatlons from 18 count! in the evidence WOl . .t pro· ·~ H. • t for - southeast Iowa will al~nd. II The slow process ot 8clectinv But glancing bllck he noUced CDlit. Thi. comparc with last Kenneth L. Jon on, D Moine., a jury continued. meanwhile. wll,., 'our small girl, ohe of thelll Kath- I year's crop oC S.306.000.000 bush L. dlr cLor of fj Id ervice for th I two more brlneinlt the total fOI' leen Serarin, 12, clustered on the • and a 10-ye r 1942-51 av rag ot ISEA, will direct the meetLn, the day to three. Van Du er said tracks while a suburban train ap- \ which wm Iso b III nded byl a.m'" ---- proached a mere block away. Th ,ncy aid pr peet d - di trlct ott1c r lind membeN of ..,. "I rushed back and cba ed thr lin dUlin& thf p • t month tor the ISEA xecuUve. bo rd llving .-12 NOon l Labor Secretary- I of thc girls oft the track," he told I rorn. 1;0" bean. nd spring Iraln. In the southeast dll;trict. ries will have (Continued from PlI{!,t! 1) 'Police. "Then this one girl Kalb- Favorable lor me I the doors. le('n said, 'I can't make it, I'm ))Oweted ubmarlne. the ~autllus. Is Dt'arIJl&' eompldJon at Grokln. I It s Id Au,ust w ath r was ra- SUI Student Places ing the high position of secrelary sick.' " Conn. nd~r COD tructlon or the la t .. month . the 350-fool·lonr vorabl lor harv stln, smallirain of labor in your cabinet." "I grabbed her. but sh feU ' crar,. "'hi h I 30 ft'et In dllmel I' and 41 III e about 3.000 ton • land h Y. but hot w ather and a 2d in Essay Contest RESUIC. down .•. Qut ] manalled to ;ralt 1\1111 oon be reid ror In tallatlon or It. ~n,.ln. The Nautllil. lack or m I. ture baked . oil and John W. Sl- rer, A-t, Hampton.1 eriology, bIo- Effedlve Wedneaday her away far enoueh. I though. "hleh will be launched earl ne" y r." 111 ~ p bioI %5 koo d Yed plowing nd pr p rotion IhOi been WB rdcd s cond hlahcst I pharmacal,. ( ,Durtdn asked that his reslgnll­ tion be made efrectlve as ot I'd run back to ,et hcr books ubmured. At toP. workmen,. drill under ODf' of the ." lit rew III of n ldli tor tall plantlnc, xc pt honors and a priz of 12 in the is try: zoolo­ when I suddenly saw hcl' legs the tall 01 the ubmarlne. ~low I • do e·up view of the In the w tern Gre t Plain" 1953 Roberts ward ditorial con- a:; related to Wednesday. I still were lying across thc track." tall and a pleN: of the hull In the atroldlnr. The S pt mber e tlmat fOI' I t sponsor d by the Inlercoll ,I-I lJormti '·,./tlfnr of tl,I' r Bib/I! .l'tlU' • •\fai/t·tl Fr t'1'0' Rcql//' t by tha The letter was made public f!ered Let engine r Harold WIllet tak ------wheat w • about 3 per cent mall- ate a oci tion.Jor tudy ot the al- (mm Tit PUltiutl/()/I DC/K,n",,.,,,. nor 417. WI"t dUlL ". CalHONl~ a tism Foun· , "'hile Eisenhower was stlll en It from there: cr than the prevlou roree: st. IC· cohol problem. ~ tor applici' routc trom Washington to Denver DDT Ch kEd . Appll~atlonl by plane, and awards The outgoing secretar.V said that st~'~back and:~~ pull m:kl~~v the iirl's at7,ee~~'e;a~ 1 g, away oor-to- oor ax ec n s ~~~~~Ib~a~!ewe th r . Th n wr~tl:~~~o~h;;: wh at [I ure b cia~~n~n~ealc~~~je~t~!lull-time underlraduate t~pstudents ~.~~ 954. Applka· I CIISSIIIIDB shortly,beforc the death or Scn. in just the split second betor the WASHINGTON ( - Rc enuel 1.1611,000.000 bu h Ls comp red In th United Stotcs and Conada. ilable In tilt Robert Taft (R-Ohio) his depart- wheels of my engine renched the commlssioncr T. Colem n An- ebr ska. and pread with vari- with 1,291.000.000 last y ar lind a The 1953 them w "Social Old CapitoL ment had reach?d an agreement spot. That was a brave boy." drcw· Thursday ordered halt tO tion .to other point. It hal IO-year a"~rBe ot 1.088,000.000. Drtnklni" on which 676 paperl . ation, address I with ~Isen~o~er ~h ad~is:;~on 19 Said James: Iln.v no;>w hous -to-bouse canva~. e I I' 0 rn (' crltlci m about' Most of th(' I' ducUon in corn were ""rllt n in 62 coli es nnd , Th e ' Arthrl· . tl drawn amen men s 0 e a - ar ey "I didn·t do any thin, much- b nt ' I hI" I to d in i ot CHI_ I OC n in \.h mldwe t. unlver. itle. of th two countr! '--______"""':' _____'"- ______FoundBiio~, ' act. Durkin did not say what the that's what they gave me this y rcvI,'nue aie . In 9 sc Irc or\ noop n an \' ~ on __ , " York 36. N.Y. changes were. but he said they in- white belt for." tax dodll~I'·. • • z n: • prIvacy. eluded many that Taft him elf has Railroad orrlclal w re talking AI the s me tim • Andrews di- Rcvenu official!. aid rl'porlll .l.1 __W:....._ A_N_T_A_D_R_A_T_E_S_~ ....;. _____T...;.,y.;.p_in_9 _____ - proposed. over the possiblllty or making reeted all field o!tit'c~ to 1 port (rom field oWc will b I.' amin;d ~on't ..,.~ke It for Gr::llnted I. O.e dal" .w k pu word ITVPINO - 1~. GRAM , "1 conSid~~~~ ~h:t~air both to some sort oJ award to the boy. !on r ·lIlts and pUbllc reaction t 10 tind: U I ~ '"I Three day .. 1Ze per word Autos for SaLe _ UMd management and labor," he said. door-knockln, cllmpalgn' 1I1,t'(1d 1. Wh til r th ronal CIlOV &I Five da)'s 15c per worC! AR add\ng that they would have Army Man Who started. i paylne of( In ta collections. Ten da ...... !Ie per word I~ ~.:~~~~~y A<'o.upe $385 Radio. htal~r . brought "fairness and balance" to Re"l!nu olficial~ .. aid thE' 0;> r - 2. Whethcr the public r Oue Month .. ... 3ge per word r JJ. IH:I., the law. pdt will b studied to determine ISIJ un!a orabl It should Miscellaneous lor Sale Bucked McCarthy kinJmum cbarae 6011 "Now I feel thcy arc not goini f c/ a uniform policy for Q n' nll- continu d. . CLASSIFIED DISPLAY l'ARAKfETS Dia~1 to carrY those agreement out," Gets Trans erre tionaJ canvll. ~ to !Ind peopl who They added however, that all Durkin went on. "In fact, I waS WASHINGTON (/P')-Maj. Gel). don't rIle talC r turns. r POrt so tar indicate the cam- One In ertlon ...... 98c PCI' Incj, TRUNK. AUIO ~.rrler. Ph-o"'ne-'-"'07~'-. ~ Five Insertions per month, OOLF .... LIt. ~I Hock·Eye tAa~ told so." Miles army's eon IIrcs- or bu iness- I pijign~ ha\'e b en well r c Ived )' He declined to express an opln- l;ional contact man who lot Into to-bu~in canva already has1i nerally.thouih there have b cn per Inaerllon ...... 88c per Inch LOOK In -;;;;;";Ukl Tho", mlt-;,p;;. ion on whe1her the President hlm- a contJict with Sen. Joseph Mc- \been start d 1n England and a few complaints. Ten los('rtion per month, pie readlna Ihe low.n Cla Wtd .ec:. Iy• ner In ertion 80<: per Inch lion .... In~r led In whit ~ou have to self had changed his mind on Taft- Carthy (R-Wis.) last Tuesday. is ------" . I th II. Iowan ~d 'I t ..ull •. Call 4181 lO ' Hartley revisions and he refused being transferred to Germany. LAFF • A • DAY lD R IJ Y .nserltons dur nl mon, !.l) . to say whether Eisenhower had In announcing the change Thurs­ per 1ruIerLlon ...... 70c per Inth REGISTERED CO<'k rI. DI,I 4000. told him personally that thc day, the army sold Reber' orders "rl., A.YO,II .", •• 1. I. L&T us Tron rer ;your lurnlture ..rely changes were out. were dated Sept. 4, and were a our Illod("l'n ~u'prnent to )our T'~ 1I1n, Ortle. with 10... .u..... It'" hom,. her BrOIl. Traoul~r. Would Uave Stayed routine assignment. He has been aa,...... , b I •• 11 (>. I 0'., '. He said, however, that he would Its chief Uaison man with congress M16. have stayed on i1 the Prcsident for more than.thrce years and has ~. Who Doe. It ~gainsf had told him Thursday mornln' served his enUre career thus till' Call 4191 t.ha1 the administration's position In the continental United Slales WINTER It Ju I .. round the eOrnul Pho"e ~ GMI. free Mtlmau,. ..,1I,"lorln, .1uml· on Tafl-Hartley had been changed. and Hawaii. House for SOle num .0mblnll,lon llOrnl wln eI uded, reasoN! ble. Call 1·1951. 118 S. Btlrrlan' 'I' had "let you down," Durkin said, dollar raise!" ROOMS lor men. Board If dulred . • 203 TohnlOn. 1 ~"D. .~mm~~~~~~~= 1 th with sever "I have no comment on that." Requests Volunteers ---;-f;;--;;-;;:-;--;:------;--:------;---..;..~~~~------____ DESIRABLE room lor Iwo men. DIal lars now serVo Before his appointment to the A caU for additional volunteer BLONDIE , Ir CHIC YOUNG I-0Il3. cabinet Durkln served as director workers was issued Thursday by OOUBLIt Room-Mtn. Prlvale Entranct "[ foundit Dial 7M1. 'r actually tP of labor in Illinois under both Veterans hospital In Iowa City. he same , Democratic and Republican ad­ Helpers an: needed for the fol­ VERY nlee ~. &-UII. I minlstrations. • ROOMS Near Dial 2037. lire sleeplnl";; low in, assllnmenls: personal ser­ lore men.• ..hooplal. eye on the~ Rt'IIwnt'll DuUea Frida, vice, which Includes writing let­ glar can Durkin said he intends to return ters, reading and s.hopping for W"" oj t If he disturlJli 10 his desk at the plumbers union patients: escort service, which Is LAl\OE room [or ,lrls 011 boo Un... Call ( best tbing 10 here Friday. resuming the job aSSisting wheel chair patients to t:III. on letting ~I (rom which he took a leave of ab­ and from various services; library Work Wanted p. , sence when Eisenhower tapped work and recreation. I him for the cabinet.' W ASKING OM Ironln •. DIal 3850. our life just An orientation class will be held ! Dw'kin's appointment as secre­ Thursday at 1 p.m. in room 3S-63 , CHIU1 CIIrt. Dial '-0243. $500 " r even tary was a surprise to many Re­ of the hospital. In your rOO~ you can RENT pubUcans. TaIt called It "Incred­ Organizations having individuah ible." but he accepted it and up who have free time that they ltenl r LItled ':. , to the time of his death the late might voJunteer are asked to noU­ For vacant rooIJl.l cr apartDUltDt,.. lcomb ,leaded Republican senate leader appar­ fy their members of the orienta­ WE MOVE a lun_fal ... one pIKe or IIlmIWT. with OW' IDOdern equtpmeat. knOW hOUlt" ently got along well with the tion meetinll. ° , Maller BrOIl. Tronaler. DIal -. Democratic appointee. I During the past year over 350 MORT WALKER Eisenhower was en rottte back volunteer workers have been on you can SELL yOU hide under to his summer White House in 1 ~I( WE Sl-WI.:O . t is duck sOli' , regular assignments, and have do­ I-lAIIE A LriTLE Denver by plane wben Bernard nated over 30,000 hOurs of time. CONF'ERENCE NoJO PLUIO LtSIOrII - pre-oclloal. be8l.III ..... , articl.. you are Dot ~ __~ ~I( OUT 0l.JQ adult.. D ial 1·135G. Belt,. lean Poult. nd. &tot Shanley, special counsel to the glar can TRAINING SCHEOULE t and in to . 8JI)' , President, released the news of MALLO RETURNS Help Wanted Durkin's rellilnation. The Presi- \ Prof. Jeronimo Mallo, of the SUI RECEPTlONlST for dOC'tor'. offlc~ . Ralf· you can HIRE , .t dent had flown to Washington to romance language department. h a~ our mone Y . tI ...... Typln •. Shorthand. Call • .-1. attend the funeral ot ClUe1 Jus- returned Croll). Mexico City where \ lls h. don't bril tiel' Fred M. Vinson.' he was attend\llg a convention of WANTm-~·oun. ma.n for dellvl!1'Y work , lull or parL Ume. McNamara'. Furnllure part or full·time amnIQ,".,d 'fIII Shanley said he had nothing 0 I the International Institute of Latin Co. 411t. guard a,ll II say abo\.lt the question ' of a sue- America Literature. Mallo read a e of MAD " .01 daily. Sell LuminoUl Name busln~ cessor to Durkin. paper apaut the poetie works of PlateS. Wrlle ~ Co.. Attleboro...... Pree Semple aad Deta.". with Daily Iowcm Wanl 'htcd. . -"" Normally the White House 1'1!- Alfonso Reyes, an outstanding . Idog Is a I""': leases both letter. of I'1!slanaUon Mexican writer and humanist Who WANTm-YCIUDI IadJ' for .....ral 01. r home, If Oft work. Oood wonlna -.dltion• . and acceptance, but in Durkin's Is Telarded al £he highest rep"'- l Bl.... Clou, Blue Shield Oroup Lit. IA­ bark and llee case only the Plesident's letter of sentatlve of Lhe LaUon American . uran.... Pald _tJont atld ' bolilbY$ on Intrude acceptance was made publlc. ·' intellectuality. . Apply In perlGn to Mr. SlevanlOfl. ew " ,4191 ~ Process .LawlClll' ud Cle.tnm. !nc. . , H~wk Backs Practice Passing .Demoted ·for Poor Showin.g • , , r Lopat Puts Yanks Veteran Center Evy 'S~ys Pair 'Looked Terrible' In Scrimmage Past Chisox, 1- 0 Iowa's first ~tring team was------­ shutlled abruptly Thursday mor)'l- by end Frank Gilliam. Quarter- NEW YORK (JP)-Eddie Lopat ing when left halfback Dusty Rice back Jerry Reichow and Rice com- needed only one hit, a home run were losing only their fourth game and quarterback Terry Moran bined for a 55-yard score nnd by in the. second in their last 24 starts. thereby were demoted ror poor perform- senior signal-caller Paul Kemp inning- Thursday to rack up his dropping 10 games behind the New anees, threw 25 yards to left hallback 15th \'ictory as he pitched the , Boston's pitcht!r Forest Evashevskl, dls- Earl Smith for another. ' York Yankees to a thrilling 1-0 Enis Kinder crashed the Americ- pleased with the Hawks' offensive Duane Tolson started with the triumph over the Chicago White can league record book. shOWing, said Ripe and Moran first team backs-Stearnes. Vin- Sox. ~inder took over for MeDer- "looked terrible" and that "we cent and lullback Binky Broeder Lopat permitted only four hits, mott in the ninth to make his WOUldn't stand a chance in a game -at quarterback. Matykiewicl. al- three by Chico Carrasquel, as he 64th relief appearance of the sea- if we were to play todllY." ternated. recorded his third shutout of the son. by so doing. he erased the year and reduced his earned run 63-mark Joe Heving set as a Right halfback Bob Stearnes Kemp and Reichow Quarter­ average to 2.50, best In the !\meri- Cleveland in 1944. moved into Rice's spot and so ph backed the second unit which had' can league. The Red Sox clubbed Eddie Vincent to right halfback. Rice at left halfback. Jim Hatch The triumph narrowed the Yan- Cleveland for 17 hils, So ph Duane Tofson and junior at fullback and Inman at right kees' "magic number" to seven seeking his 18th vic- Jerry Hilgenberg Lou Matykiewicz. a linebacker halfback. An 185-pounder. Hatch ga~e.s they must win of the~r re- tory, was th~ starter and he man- Veteran / OICO Center last year, shared the quarterback- bucked through the forwards re­ malnmg 16 to mathematically aged to make Williams ny out on ing role. peatedly for the second straight clineh their CiCth successive pen- his first two batting trips. Rice Not Impressive day, CDally Iowan Phol. b, 'Bill Willlam,on) nant. The second-place Cleveland HII be Looking toward the Michigan A QUARTET OF IOWA BACKS limber up their passing arms on the Haw;cs' practice field. The Indians lost Thursday to the Bos- I gen rg State opener 16 days away, Evy . quartet. all 01 whom wUl aee action In the Iowa backfield thi season, Incl.udes: left to rlll'ht, quarter­ ton Red Sox 14-4 and dropped 10 said "If either Rice or Moran are back. Jerry Reichow, Lo u I\fatyklewlcz and Paul Kemp and halfback Bob Stearnes. Dancer. Tom Fool St k T .U games behind. to start. they must. beat out the an y, 0 se Lopat found Sandy Consuegra, CI h H 'If' E Iowa current top men. Rice Is not one the Sox righthander, a tough an- as as an ases of our beHer backs right now." Kid P'lf h . tagonist. Consuegra. who lost a With Stearnes at left half. two I leers Furillo Ends hearl-breaking 1-0 'decision to Ed- NEW YORK (A") - One ot the ( , W right halls sparkled in the after- The Dai! Iowan ~~: ~o:~dt~~al~S~io~~eath~:~~:~ ~e;:nJ~:t ~~:~~g i~fY~~Sil~: enter orry ~~.~nl;~~~~u~~ge~o~~~c~~~ti~u~~f~ In Rebuilldiing stadium. pitched a whale of a Dancer and Tom Fool in the $50.- kmfed mto the defensive back- I Durocher Feud game too. He allowed only six hits, 000 Sysonby Mile at Belmont park There are no worries over field, His speed added punch to CIN~lNNATI (A")-Carl Furillo. two of them bloopers that dropped Sept. 26, had an. "if" Thursday. Io~a's center position _ not with the defensive backfield, .' ST. LOUIS (A")-Manager Eddie s lug gin g Brooklyn outfielder. over the infield. After a wlnmng workout at. . Don Inman. who ran Mmne- . Thursday said he has no intention This was the last meeting of the Belmont. Tom Fool's trainer. John Jerry Hilgenberg on the Job. sota ragged last year, also ground Stanky of the St. LouIs Cardmals, of continuing his feud with Leo year between the two clubs with Gaver. said the horse would be Hilgenberg. senior ('rom Wilton out impressive gains from right out to upset BrOOklyn and Mil- DUrocher. manager of the New the Yankees winning the season's scratched "if the track is sloppy Junction. Is back at the position halfback. Inman was cut down by :-vaw.kee pennant bids in the future. York Giants. Pa c ' ept. 11. 1953 series. 13 game,s to 9. The de~eat or muddy." where he won letters in 1951 and a knee injury most of the '52 sea~ ~s going to r:!y on kl~ pitchers He made the statement by tele- g was the fifth for Consuegra agamst "I believe most people close to , son Bofh Inman and Vincent In 1954. even If we ha\ e to take ~hone to Warren C. Giles. presi- • seven victories. I'acing understand this," Gavcr 1952 and show~ no slgns of .Ietbng sco;ed touchdowns in the scrlm- a beating for a year." dent of the National league. Giles Lb· F R * * * said. " but perhaps it would be II rugged cllmpetitlon move hIm out mage. "The pitchini staft." Stanloy _ had been trying for 24 hours to a Ine .Qrces In un, B S CI b T·b good ,thing it it were made clear of the No. 1 spot. ~Scorllll" P lI.IIses said Thursday while surveying his locate Furillo in connection with 0 OX U rl e to the general public, so that there Coach F6rest Evas\levski sum- ' The Hawks struck for three third place spot. "Is goIng to be the threat. Giles said lie consid- Bums Lose I·n 11 th, 6 -5 BOSTON (A") - Ted Williams WOUld. be no surprised dis~ppoint- med It up when he .said Thursday touchdowns through the air in the as wide o?en as t~e Arizona desert ered it a closed incident. connected tOI' his 10th and 11th ment If we run Into the misfortune th t 11 I dl tl th t Hil workout. Matykiewicz hit Stearnes next sprmg. We 11 be after the Durocher and Furillo wrestled homers Thursday as the Boston of rain." a a n ca ons are a - with a pass in the nat and th9 pennant. sure, but I'm planning to each other to the ground in New CINCINNATI (IP)-The Cincin- Red Sox said their 1953 fare- Tom Fool. unbeaten in eight genberg will be a starter again stocky junior went 65 yards down usc kid pitchers if we have to York last Sunday a~ter the out- nati Redlegs defeated Brooklyn The only copsolation the Brooks wells to the. Cleveland Indians races this year. has ~O? on sloppy and "Hilgenberg as a senior has the the sideline, aided bar a fine block take a beating for a year." fielder had been hit by a baJJ 6-5 in It innings Thursday when got out of the long tllssle was the with a 14-4 victory, tracks, but has no lJkmg for the enthusiam ot a sophomore is very Rebuildln, Year pitched by Ruben Gomez of the t establishlTjcnt ot a nE'W club rec- While gaining his 17th pitching mud. h bl , d I de'o d C· 'U' Ho. h 11' That sets up 1954 as a rebulld- Giants. They were separ~ted by pi~ch~r Clem Labine. forced he ord of 195 homers in a season and decision against eight losses, Maury Native Dancer also has won in c~;~a f~el:~ a ea r n an Ify, Ig S ?ther players and t~e ~mplres. but wmmng run across With the bases the breaking of the league rccord McDermott drove in four runs the slop and mud. 0 e . ing year for the Cards. who in d g In the meldee. FUHnll~ s letft fhanh fiJIAed ~ntd no ;;e °OUL ld ha e of 1.100 home runs by all clubs. with three hits and held the In- The Dancer worked out on the Therlt9h5-poUndt 6-2 Hi.lgenbder idS To Op'en Tonl·ght ::e~r~:I:eUf~~Ie;d ~~'~::c~ ~~n:;:: was steppe on. e LS ou ° t e VIC ory UI'S liY WOU V * * * dians to nine safeties. Belmont trock before Tom Fool one 0 cmos experlence an game tor the remaindel' of the assured the Dodgers of at least d II W. While the second-place Indians came out for his gallop, dependable linemen on the squad. two position in the National league season. a tie fOL' the National league pen- Ca r 5' Ra y I ns With his poise and steady work. Iowa City high school football race, "The nextttime we come face to nant. he moved in as a starter last sea- will get underway tonight when The only pitchers sure ot a start- face, whether on the street. on the Frank Smitn 'l"r"S the Winning ST. LOUIS (A") - An cighth- son. City high plays at Fairfield and ing assignment with the '54 Cardl- field or anywhere. I'll let him have pitcher and Labine the loser. inning home run by Eno.s Slaugh- Double duty won·t brother him University high at Kalona. nals are the two big winners of it," FurilJo said in the dl'essing Cincinnati Ie: loose with an 18- ter set off II hectic three-run scor- because he is quick to adjust to Coach Frank Bates' Little Hawks '53-lefty Harv Hacldlx (17-B) and room afterward. hit barrage agamst three Brooklyn , defensive roles, even thoUih he defending Mississippi Valley cham- veterans righthander Gerry StaleY' Giles told the fiery outfielder pitchers. Ing splurge Thursday by tne Sl. missed spting praotlce to play pions, [ace the 1952 Little Six (16-B.) "any such action would require Louis Cardinals that proved just - . basebalL champions at 7:30 p.m. The Blue "Atter those two it's wide open. diSCiplinary action by our oUice." AVERAGE HAWKEYE enough for a 7-6 victory over the SATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAOUE In basElbnll, the Ho.wkeye ath- Hawks. under the direction 1)[ We're looki~,' fo~ new face~," Giles said in a statement that Picture the average Iowa fool- New York Giants who staged aWL Pet. OR No .. York . .. I~ H .6;1 lete was one of -the Big Ten's top former Iowa end, Bob Hoff, meet said Stanky. I can t compete WIth Furillo assured him he made the ball player: a man weighing 192 two-run uprising ~f their own In Brooklyn ...... 97 43 .603 ~~~:~:d .. :.: .. ~ :: :~:: catchers and he hit near the .300 the Kubs at 7:45 p.m. Milwaukee and Brooklyn with threat "in the hea t of anger and pounds, standing just over six feet the nl·nth. Mllwau.... . nil .0116 1M / M8 With a veteran team Bates h t I ha eo" d SI. I,oul...... 16~I O~ .~~ I ~o no. lon , .. ., .. 77 14 . ln2 ~i mark. At various times he also • w a v n w. that so far as he was concerne • tall and about 19 years and 8 Slaughter tagged one of loser PhiladelphIa 76 83 .m t61~ :e~~::~'I,on . ::.:. ~~ :~ ::~ 4~l . has playe'd at first base and in the hopes to match the 6-2-1 record New Pitchers Needed the matter was ended." months old. New York . .4M H'! PhiladelphIa . ,i\lI A7 .3711 41 outfl'eld posted by the '52 Little Hawks, The new faces of 1954 will in- ______AI Worthington's pitches to breilk 01 1 II 11ft6~ 1107~ 4"9 37 .' ne nna .. M'l :.011 40 I. Louis .. .. , .40 ue .~ 48 4.!~ UtI rte 1 . City high's tlrst home game is (1 elude "six or seven or maybe a 4-4 tie. Chlcaro ., ' ' " iIIl Tbarsday·. Re .. lI. .,e came 0 Ilwa a T p aymg r ti ·th Cd" ·t h {ih f 2 Hoosiers Hurt - The Cards finally salvaged the PIUsburrh . , 14 01 .SI·! I\."~ Ne .. York I. 0 .. 1.... 0 fullback at Wilton Junction Hilgy con erence mee Ili WI e al' more PI c ers up rom e arm Tb ...d.,'. Ruulll Bollon 14, Clev.l.nd 4 .' , Rapids' Franklin. Sept. lB. elubs. "They tell me Floyd WooJd- game when Giant Dal'y1 Spencer Clnclnnall 6, Brookl,n ~ Onl, ,arne ...bedale' . ~yes. t~e coachm'g ~~ifei~lon and Nine veteran& will start for Uni- ridge a 15-4. 25-year-old right bounced out with the bases loaded I. Louis 7, New York 6 Cleveland T:~'~~~.=:~~~~~. Inl,hl) lSlt~aklOg. a ~OOd hSC • 0 ~s ~e ref.ord verslty high, slight favorites over hander at Rochester looks good," Midwest Grid Briefs and two runs home in the ninth. Onl, rome. Icbed.lcd. L,,;,~ n 1~ 1 9;1~ VI}. 8h:a (~-II). 18 14) v W a maJor n P YSlca e uca IOn. Kalona. The Bluehawks home said Stanky. "And this new kid Slaughter's homer came with Toda,'1 PII.h... Re'~::d' ~11.:t or - r.y, s. 'Born in 1931. Hilgenberg is the opener will be against Wapello, John Romonosky a righthander * * * (JP) * * * two out and the bases empty in (I~.~~.k l ,n.:t :W"·~~I·_~)(nl'M)-1\le1" Cblu •• a. Pbllad.I,bla (nl,hl) - second-oldest player on the squad. Sept. 18. In 1952 University high looltOd might~· good a::ainst MiI- BLOOMINGTON. Ind. - h' A b AI' VI. ar.. . Tnek. (\R·8) v •• Marlln nO·10). Je ry has an 01der ~ister and a' ... T Sk k· d K t in his left knee during a scrim- t e eighth. n error y vm Pllhburrh at SI. L.ul. (nl,bl)-Waarb SI. Loala at Bo.lon _ Pllielt. (6-11) r ~ posted a 3-4-1 mark. \\';\11\\('(' un"ay. ac kl es B 0 b orons 1 an en . D ~ II d b St Bilk' (8·3) v. Mllcll (U·B). younger brother ______~ Landefeld were temporarily miss- mage. Dr. James Feung. team ar [0 owe y eve 0 S New York al Cblco,o - Oem .. (13·8) n. Nixon (4·6). • ENDS BETTE DAVIS CITY BENEATJI ing from 'indiana university's physician. said the star tackle will dOU, Ie br04ght home t.he second v,. Kush 18·1~) . ~ TOt\'lTE • ANOTHER MoAN'S POISO~ Ci THE SEA football field Thursday as a result be out "inde!lni\fly." St. Lou~ r: o~ the inning ~~d R:b~I~:.decl :~.II;) a~ •. C~::::~!kl(WI~~) ;;; LATE ~ STARTS of a rough scrimmage session Wed- *... Spencers t row~ng error on IP Rallenober,or 1',12). • I SHOW I [' ~ ~ Z. S' ATURDAY d '\ 11' . • Repulskl's ground ball enabled • SAT nes ay. CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (IP,-I lnOiS Bilko to score what was the win- AVERA"GE 198 NI'rE Tllru FRIDAY . I" Skoronski ,was sent to the hos- tourth straight day of scrimmage ning I·un. First team offensive line of the . . , FIRST SHOWING IN IOWA OITY ~~~ln~~t\~t bi:Ok:pe~~~~la~e /)~ ~~ash~o~~~~~etd t~y ;~~c: ~~ ~:!~~ Hal White, who relieved starter Iowa lootball team will average Starting FRIDA VI NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHilDREN back today, Landefeld was just lor a game-type mix Saturday. Stu Miller in the sixth, was thc 198 pounds. • _____ w ______• ______~ winher. but needed help from Al l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit EvenJnp bruised. more to come more to come Brazle in the ninth in the tinal l• ADMISSION MATINEE " • 75e FILMED IN I "Doors Open 1:15-9:45" PRIOES KJddle•. 350 I • • • • •• Cards-Giants meeting of the sea- * 60c * I NDIA'S I LAFAYETTE. Ind. (JP)-Coach ANN ARBOR, Mich. (IPJ-A fast son. FORBIDDEN LAND E.CSTASY Stu Holcomb hunted for a new developing youngster in the Michi- Ip;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;'. Presented in Its Brilliance On Our Purdue punter to replact gradu- gan football camp is Tom Hen- II All ••. flamin& in~o passion-swept ated Norman Montgomery. dricks, a 178-pound sophomore "Doors ODen 1:15-10:00" ~mt;~ Our New 3 Dimensional Scree." Rex Brock, right halfback. and trom Detroit. I STARTS TODAY adventu re _• . In the most J im Reichert, fullback, got oU the Hendricks. who is understudy­ ISfJDfij ciarinl picture most consistent boots. The coaches ing regular hallback Ted Kress. "ENDS also worked on the punting tech- has Impressed spectators and NOW SATURDAY" nlques of end Tom Redinger and coaches at daily scrimmage ses­ ever filmk ! sophomore quarterback Ed Neves. sions with his speedy driving runs. LAUGH , • * • • • • JAMIOREE EVANSTON, Ill. (A") - Four MINNEAPOLIS (A") - Injured • Northwestern football teams al­ right halfback Bob McNamara ran OF THE YEAR ternated on offense and defense as with the Minnesota varsity tor the COLOSSAL FUN! the Wildcats climaxed the season's first time as coach Wes Fesler heaviest workout with a two-hour passed up contact work for a day scrimmage. of signal d)' ills. ,.. * * • McNamara underwent an opera­ "bu S OUTH BEND. Ind. (JP)-Notre tion last month f9r torn cartilage datl Dame's loot bailers emphasized in his right knee. He still hasn't whl passing with quarterbacks Ralph donned full gear and isn't expect- , r- Guglielmi and Tom Carey alter­ ed to scrimmage for a couple of nating as throwers. weeks, Once again all the drills were • • • of a dummy scrimmage variety S ••rUn, Welt In.le. MADISON, Wis. (JP)-Two of "S,.etal·' as Coach Frank Leahy held the Coach Ivy Williamson's halfbacks Irish from contact work which has temporarily were sidetracked by - Latel' N ..... - wilh sidelined numerous players with _AS· __ .~ IWY minor injuries. injuriesCanny of inChicago grid bowedpractice. out withTom I ~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~l l l • • • a sore heel while Bob Gingrast of .sTARTS EillN COIIYerH ... srAllTI.( PIUNII EAST LANSING, Mich. (A") - Iron Mountain, Mich., came -up - Ends Tciclay _ o"d irit,t dIlCIIll, da) Michigan State suffered its first with a charley horse. SAT. "Blae Veil" Arl serious football loss with the in-I" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii __iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-",II "Wild Nonh" URSULA THIESS SuI ~,odu(ld by Fo''''' J,d~ • DI.. " .d b, 104•• , idel jury of first string tackle Bob _ Amoleou • SClIt.,pl., b)' 'o,r •• t JI.ld4. Oovjif Roblnion and l""Jrdo '.rco'ticl ...... " • yea ploy by Jton Allovilh • • , • : . SuI ;;.B:;;r;:;;~:;;:n;;;;:f;f:;;f:;;SU:;;l~[e:;;re;;;:d:;;a:;;t=or::, n:;;l=ig:;;am=e=n:.tlI I J I !~Il II i.. - ' FORREST JUDD Il!rr SUI'S OWN DANCELA 'NO TONITE I SATUROA' Fre C,"r ...1 ••. I.". ISLAND OF VIOLENOE lou I . .... •• 8 ....ri ... a.U.... m \1181 AIR CONDITIONED ' . IDAY lie.. In wntep .,,1• • mle WMT'S hiD TOM OWEN'S COWBOYS Col dlo I ATUllD AY iDlDm . Per lIalle. Y •• 'h. ... D ...... de .f Cal EDDIE ALLBN', HIS 011 TRUMPET • ORCHESTRA !W,.., , talr Dill Etter, WE DN E'DAY -OnwC! C••• •• 1aI " OVE .....NITE .. POI W." .... Ct,. .. '1'".-...... '.11 Tr.l. fUlUJO~ UMA8·MlfIf DAHL, rAJRIQ,IEOINJ IkIIId GREDi~ IAR a PI ... , •• 'SHUT·EYE-POPEYE'-Carloon -- "L'a'lt wecw Ne'!l' ~(] --XTRA-COLOR CAJlTOON .. ~ j