Parliamentary Debates (HANSARD)
Parliamentary Debates (HANSARD) FORTIETH PARLIAMENT FIRST SESSION 2020 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Wednesday, 23 September 2020 Legislative Assembly Wednesday, 23 September 2020 THE SPEAKER (Mr P.B. Watson) took the chair at 12 noon, acknowledged country and read prayers. NOISE ABATEMENT WALL — CLAUGHTON RESERVE Petition MR D.J. KELLY (Bassendean — Minister for Water) [12.01 pm]: I present a petition signed by 336 petitioners. It has been certified by the clerks and is in the following terms — To the Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned say a proposed lack of noise abatement wall along the Tonkin Highway adjacent to Claughton Reserve and across the Redcliffe Bridge will see noise levels at the reserve and nearby homes rise to unacceptable levels, which will severely impact the local amenity. Now we ask the Legislative Assembly to call on the Minister for Transport and Planning to immediately address our concerns by consulting with local residents to include noise abatement walls adjacent to Claughton Reserve and across the Redcliffe Bridge. [See petition 191.] The SPEAKER: Minister for Tourism, social distancing, please. Thank you. PAPERS TABLED Papers were tabled and ordered to lie upon the table of the house. ABORIGINAL POLICE SERVICE MEDALS — CARNARVON, SOUTH HEDLAND AND NEWMAN Statement by Minister for Police MRS M.H. ROBERTS (Midland — Minister for Police) [12.04 pm]: On 21 and 22 July this year, it was my pleasure, along with Deputy Commissioner Dreibergs, to present Aboriginal Police Service Medals at ceremonies in Carnarvon, South Hedland and Newman.
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