Healthy Rivers Action Plan An Action Plan to improve water quality in the Swan Canning river system For more information about the Healthy Rivers Action Plan and opportunities to help keep our rivers healthy, please contact the Swan River Trust. Swan River Trust Hyatt Centre, Level 1 20 Terrace Road East Perth WA 6004 Telephone: (08) 9278 0900 Fax: (08) 9325 7149 Email:
[email protected] Printed on 100% recycled paper Contents Figures Minister’s foreword ..................................................................................................2 Figure 1a Health of the Swan Canning river system 2008 ................................12 Chairman’s introduction ...........................................................................................3 Figure 1b Desired health of the Swan Canning river system ............................13 Executive summary .................................................................................................5 Figure 2a-d Seasonal states – Swan Canning river system .................................18 Setting the scene .....................................................................................................9 Figure 3 Ecological management zones for the Swan Canning river system 25 Health of the rivers ................................................................................................15 Figure 4 Priority catchments of the Swan Canning river system .....................29 Our response .........................................................................................................23