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THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC m.-ide liim respected nt home, and lireaiJed bv their .songs .Tnd dances, the magic of their I through a crevice he could look into the haunted hin cnetnies; to niagnonimity of soul he joined hreaihings and insn(H;ition3 were now vainly | lodge. A.stonishment, indigimtion and horror, IJ? FRINTKO AND I'LULI.SIIKD KVKUV SATURDAY a most tender and parental kindness of charac- brought into jday; the evil made ila most: by turns, seized upon his soul; he there saw HV ter and manners, and he posse-ssed the art oi fearful progrc.. J. OK .S.MKT, S. J. most superrrfinod druggistic skill ngniiist'any ; fate of Waapc Kiejeck? lifeless clay? How came he there if it was Every one convcrsniu uitli ihc history of one wliu lias<,'iven them lite least cause of di.s How often in the throes of wild despair did his boy?" the Aborigines of this country, know that tlic . plcnFurc The five oldest sons of Kitchcchao- he lift bis trembling arms to the .Master of liic ; During many years previous, Kitchechao- holding of public festivals an

ter, in St. Mary's Church during High TVIass, nnd minor orders to Mr. Joseph Ripijio, nnd to for the people, during which great numbers er, and several female relations, were pre-senl- Micliaol Walsh; on the 10th, J. Riggio was and in St. Patrick's Church nfter Vespers. approached the holy sacrament. ns were tho wife, sister, and other relatives of ordained suljdcacon; on the lllh, Peter Bcde, On tho 25th, St. Mary's, at Butl'ilo, the Having hired a room for the occasion, the Mr. O Donohoe, and several Indies and other? Charles 'llernoy, nnd Michael ^Vnlsh were or­ Bishop, with tho clergy and people, made for Bishop on the Isi July, said Moss, and preach­ relations of Mr. M'iVIanus. The friends of the' dained subdencons, nnd Michael O'Brion and the first'time in tho Diocese, the procession of ed to a congregation of Catholics, numbering exiles betrayed the most intense grfef- but Joseph Riggio»deacons. On Sunday the ISlh, the greater Litanies around St. Palrick'.s far more than he could have injagined in a place their own demeanor wa« mariicd by the mnn- during Pooiifienl Iliflh MOEP, RRV. Peter Bedn, Church, nnd preached to an audience quite hitherto neglected. Ho preached again, nt linoss and fortitude that distinguished them all Charles Ticrnoy, and Michael Walsh were or- lar^jc for a day not of oblij/alion. Vesper limn; and nl night delivered a lecture through, and evnn At a time when their ene­ ordained deacons; nnd Michael O'Brien nnd On the 20th April, the Kea.n of the Patro- "on tho Pope.'" 'I'he Catholics made an effori mies menaced them with the *lrniior's doom' Jo5C|)h Riggio, Priests. The Bishop preached I nage of St. Joseph, the Bishop celebrated Pun- nnd purchased n house which might servo lorn j On taking his place in UMJ van Mr Menrfh ai the ordination, and at night continued his : lifical High Mass, and jtrcachcd on devotion to church, but alas! though numerous, lliey had to | said in a firm voice. ' I feel a prouder man \IV lectures "on the Pope." I St. Joseph; ho preached again at Vespers to a contract a largo debt. Several Protestanl gen- j ini^ the country even thus than nv,t>v wJ ' On the '^Ist, at the church of St. PntrickV, icrov%-dcd audience. jtlcman showed great liberality. May Goonohoe. The other 1,'cnllemen made ^ preached on the fast of Lent, nnd on Charity ! Bishop celebrated pontitiij;illy, nnd preached. in his holy truth! observation; but no man that .law iheracoulndo to the Poor. Ho announced that iho SisiCFR Next day he also celebrated pontitically ai St. doubt Hint, if it had benn th'eir fate, ihov Would of Charity at the Asylum, wnulil prepare nour­ 1 Iiouis Church, preached, and confirmed 07 pcr^ say, duh't- est pro parlria mori, wiih as mijch ishing soup, suilahio to tho lime, nnd distribult- j.sons. The Bishop, seeinir the wanli^ of ihe Foreign Extracts. fortitude and resignation as ilioy now bid fare daily bread nnd soup to ihos; who might ho jcily of Buffalo, caused some /.oalou."; clergymen wcdl 10 their friends and native land." sutTcring from hunger. D-iily, during Lrrnt, 'to begin n collnge in a rented house, under the We give below the details of the foreign news It is currently reported Uial the captain of from 100 to 200 poor received this food irom i title r,f " College of St. Joseph." On the HOlh brought out by tho Atlantic steamer Europa. the Sivift, \yho .sails under sealed orders, has the Sisterp. ! .May, ihc first scholars were received into il. some proj)osal to makn to the pri.soners when The same day, at the Bisho|)'.s request, the IRELAND. On the ii2d, the Bishop hail a retreat made he opens his instructions, ani,—li' your efforts lo j t'^"^"nsisi of 10,0(K) men ju.ct expired. All were much alFcclcd as, inI Hospital, expressed themselves satisfied, and procure a miligation of the penalties to whicii I On Tuesday, ia tho assembly, the njofion for accents which marked deep feeling and grief, 'kindly urged that il would be right to l\x some wo arc about lo he subjected, had been ns sue- I mising iho stale of .siege was rejected bv a the Bishop begsred prayers for the repose of the jcompensaiion; ihc Sister Servant rcmarkcil cessful as y 'he army of Italy was passed. The mem- evening, the Bishop began n retreat for thejsation , when she oilercil her services; she then ; ledgmcnts than ihosc which wo now tender for j'^^'"'' ^' *'"^ ^^^^ abstained from votinc. congregation ol St. Patrick's Church. i requested some timo to give an answer;—next the sympathy and solicitude which you have The nuppletncnlary elections in the Dcjiart. On the 26th, the Bishop sung Pontifical High jday she wrote thai, if the city would make displayed in our behalt". ' < '"no.iw. of the Seine, resulted in the choice of the Mass for the dead, nnd preached over the body I compensation, she would gratcfullv receive it " At this moment, whilst we arc biddinsi our ; ^ 1 candidates of the Union Ehctorialc {.Mode- of the Rev. Rlr. Donnelly. A great crowd at­ I at the minimum price, that is, Sl,5(t per head,. last farewell to our native land, the reileciioii ' mies) by a largo majority. tended, and seemed much nlTcctcd by the ser­ [ for board, medicine*, altcndnnce, «.V.c. Tiio that our fellow countrymen have nol witnessed : T'"^ Paris correspondent of the London mon. The retreat in St. Patrick's produced I mayor politely answered that he accepted, nnd wtrh indifference our removal from amongst ^forniin^' Chronicle says—" The report is eur- great results. Eight Priests were hearing con I the cholera palicnls began to be senl thither ihem, i.s a sweet source of con-*oIaii.in; and he : fut ol a division in the cabinet on the subject fessicn.':; finding the church of St. Patrick I by the city. : assured, Ihnl this remembrance will hereafter:"' R"nio. The F.illoox party in the cibmet ovcrflowinjr, and the .'^trcet before il crowded ! On I>t June, the P»ishop went lo Lancnslcr, be a soothing alleviation to wlutcver sufferings ' ^ro for allowing ilic Pope lo return unshackled each Sunday wiih adorers who, on their knees, I arrived at 10 A. ?il., snid Mas*, preaclicd ia Il may be our lot to endure. {''.^' »»y conditions. Tho DjfuJrc parly lake tried to hear Mnss, the Bishop cau-ed an altar j German, and confirmed 57 persons. Thence '• Knowini^r ibat we address many who do not \ nn opposite view, and allhougii liio latter have to be erected in the basement story, and whilo : lie continued on to Sciieci Falls, preacheii fre- I concur with us in political opinions, wc do not ''"^ numerical majority, including even the Mas? and preaching were going on above in iqucntly, calechi^cd lh(? children, and put oil" • feel at liberty to offer any observntion.s upon : J"^''^'' "f ll'c cabinet, yet ns .Messr.s. Mole the church, another Priest said Mass and i the conllrmation to another timo. .•the policy by whicli this country is governed , Tl'ifT^i ^"'1 the leaders of the pnriiimnntary preached in the basement story. This relieved ! —upon the policy which gave occasion to our; mnjority support M. do Fallou.x, his po.siiion is tho great press for a lime, but il was soon I On Corpus Chrii-ti day, 7th Juno, the Bishop ;resistan:-e to British power—upon tho policy i virtually the stronger. .\ modification of t!ie found thnf,ns greater space was prepared for I celebrated Poniifical Iliifh I\Ia«s in Si. Mary's which now consigns us lo exile. Wo are coin- \ [ttio'slry is nol out of ihc range of probabililv the people, so did their numbers increase: [Church, ButValo, preached in German, and polled lo rcf)ress even the emotions which we i'" consequence of this difference about Rome many who before thought it useless to try to feel in refiecting upon the awful condition in i " The .Minister of Finance has actually com- come to Church, hurrying thither when they I confirmed 173 persons. The Ladies of the which we leave the land that wc deeply loved;; municaled to some of his immediate friends, heard that there was room. And now, eachI Sacred Heart arrived the same evening in nor is this a filling occasion to point out ihe | ''''>' tl'c ^I'Tl"^ of ihc Treasury i.s si unsaiisfac- Sunday, the upper church, the bafcmcnt story, •Buffalo, lo bcyiu an Academy for Young La-> mcans by which its disasters may be repaired; ''"".^'i ll"il he will he obliged lo have recourse and the strer-t are crowded. idles. They were immediately comluctcd to a i noble man.sion, in a luosi healthy ."^iiuation, but We cannot refrain from tlic expression of a . t'^ s'^'"o energetic measures. A projierty tax On the lith March, the Bishop was forced, I which had been sf.cured for lliom ui\der a lease hope, that you will not despair of your country; '^ talked of, as well as a revival of the la.x on by a bad cold nnd an nficciion of the throat, to jof 10 years. The liberal Proicstaiits joined ami we may be permilled to ofler'to our fellow- : liquors. The uniform postage rate has added suspend his labors; but on the 7tli, to meet an j with ihe Catholics in hailing iheir .'irrivnl as a countrymen a parting exhortntiun, thai they i grf'nily to the deficiency." appointment, he started for Rochester, but blessing, wiiich promised now facilities for the will lay aside those unhappy dissensions which i it is said that the Attorney General of the there was forced to keep his bed for a while. i highest order of li-niule education. have so long paralyzed the ?nlriiisio strength of; Republic has submitted a demand lo the cabi- On the 15lh he started for Brockport, with ! On the 11th June, all the secular clergy of the iri.-h nnlion, and honceforlh learn lo love | "''t, '"'>r permission lo prosecute five m.ira of great effort preached there, thence to Albion, jlhe Diocese being present, the Bi.'hop bei/aii and conlido in each other the Montngnard representatives. M. Dufauro preached several limes, heard confessions and • for them the clerical retreat, preaching twice '• Wc feel thai it is not necessary to say any- is reported lo havp expressed his disapprobation celebrated Mass; thence to Madison, where, I each day, and giving out each meditation. thin'i lo you in vindication of our motives. of this measure, but he has been outvoted by though with great effort, he preached several : Mcst edilying was tho deep spirit of holy re­ Even those who most condemn our conduct, i his colleagues. times. But, on return to Buffjio, on the 20th. collection which appeared in the clerh feelinjof beinir strangers was perhaps not un­ The Freeman's Journal gives the following wc understand by liberty. It is an overwhelm­ all as ordered by the rubrics, washed the feel ing despotism, since every individual mcmher like the feelings of tMary, as, stranger in the details of the last sayings of the unfortunate of thirteen boys of the free school. During all '• home of her fathers, she first adored the incar- of the community may he crushed by tho lliis holy lime the attendance of the faiihlnl in ! nate God, and in llio sadly unfurnished crib of' prisoners: weiijht of the whole. The same force may church was frequent nnd numerous: recalling Bethlehem gave her whole self to Him. I '•.-\t that painful moment, when ihey were sweep away the smallest and the inighliost ob­ to mind the holy practices of the nges of faith. ! On tho 17th, at I'onlifical High Mas?, two! about lo be separated for ever, perhaps, from stacles. It sloops, in the hands of M. Dupin, The Bishop had even to preach at times when 'Seminarians received ttie tonsure: four receiv-j their friends and the land they loved so well, lo the infiicliou of the new penalties of censure no sermon had been announced in order to i ed minor orders; two, the Rev. C. Tierneyand; ihey displayed the utmost degrco ot calmness on refractory deputies, or il may hurl delinnco meet the expectations of the people. On 7th, ', Michael Walsh, were ordained Priests. As^ nnd fortitude. Their thoughts were sliU aboul at the world in the name of the ruling passion Holy Saturday, seven priests wrrc hearing con­ llO priests were present, the ceremony of the' the country and the j^ood old cause, not what of the hour. But, above all, the first use inat'e fessions most of the day, nnd assiduously from j'Mmposiiion of the hands of the Priesthood" was ' their own destiny or sufferings might be. '!\Iy j of this ereal engine has been lo proscribe and 2 r. M. to near 11. About TJ, some Protest I indeed grand. The clercy received communion, last words on leaving the counlry (said the i destroy iis authors,—London Times. ants entered tho church, nnd remained till 9, i at the hand.', of the Bishop. He preached, nnd • brilliant nnd devoted young patriot Tliomas i !T\fV gazing, apparently astonished, at tho eagerness I opened the Diocesan Synod. At Pontifical I Francis Meagher,) shall be • doii'i give up the • . ," ^ r r. with which the faithful sought Iheir turn to I Veb'per.", the Bishop again preached to a large ',go(K l old cause' At about half-pasi'l 1 o'clock,' ^^O-^"' "'^ P^'^'^^^c letter from Rome states humble ihcrasclves by confessing their sins. i audience. Next morning Hi^h Mass was eel- : asquadron'of the carbineers, under the com-11*'^' a grand Republican procession, at the On Easter Sunday morning there were about lebratcd for the decreased clergy of the Diocese: mand of Capt. Cuslance nnd Lieutenants Sher- j '^^^^^ »' ^^•'^'<='' marched the Princess Belgioso, ^ 900 communions in Si. Patrick's Church alone. i the rest of the day was occupied in examining slon and Philamore. arrived at the prison, and j'""' '^'^'^" P''''<'e '" t'^=»t ^ity, with a view to ex- And in the same church, from the •retreat at 1 before God, what might be most conducive to'shorll v afterwards from the castle, bearing the l';"^ ^'^"^ population to resist to tho Inst. Ihc the beginning of Lent to Easter Sunday, in­ ; the good of religion, nnd to the order nnd reg- order for the deportation of the four State pris j Pf'icess wore a Plirygian cap. and a blac.i snk clusive, the sacristan estimated 3000 com­ iulnriiy of worship in the Diocese. On the oners. The van was then driven up lo the |??"^^" decorated with red ribands, ond harangued j munions. The consolation of this holy lime j 10th, the Synod dosed by Pontifical High Mass j door, and the Governor called out the names of [ 'he people as she advanced. She was lollowed | was increased by receiving advices that ihe ; all rejoicing at the holy fervor nnd blessed pence William Smith O'Brien. Thomas Frar.cis i >'>'-^I^^rs. Laviron and Pilkes, two Frenchmen. | Legislature of New York had granted an appro­ i which had marked this solemn union of the • Meneher, Terence Bellow.M'.Manus, and Pat- ! Y''0'^"^'I "'"•""^'l ^ '"'^f^ ^"P- »*'itl> revoluitonarv | priation of 85000, paynble in July, to erect ! clercy. i rick 0'D)nohoc, ^rom the order, and requested \ devices, and by Mazzmi, Garibaldi, Avezzann, | additional buildings for the Buffalo Hospital of j On the 21th, the Bishop consecrated ihc them to lake ihcir places in iho veiiicle The ! ^''- 'l'''« efi'-''t "^ i^o demonstralion, however, , the Sisters of Charity, nnd $-1000, payable in last moments previous to departure havinsr nr- j <'•'< ""' respond to the expectation of tho revo- | March, 1850, for furnishing, support, &.c. ; church of St. John the Biptist at Lockfxjri. i The solemn writes began at H A. M., and end | rived, the pri.soners were once more surrounded | I'H'onists, tho population viewing the exhibtlion f On the 15th, the Bishop preached at Scotts- ed nl nbout 'i P. M.; a great crowd attended.' by their friend.s-many of them ladies-ofp^"'''"'^''^•^'C'lce if not disgust. | ville, anj confirmed JU persons; thence, wiiij iRev. Ch. .McMuHen, the pastor preached be-1 whom they took a lender and affecting fare-i .Meanwhile, General Oudinoi',^ delay has | the pastor, Rev. E. O'Connor, he went 10 miles j fore tho door, wiiilst the rites which require! well. Mr. O'Brien's lady, his sister, and lhe|heon exciting the greatest discontent in the i to Lima, preached there nl nightfall, and re­ , the church to be vacant were accomplishing : Rev. Mr. O'Brien, nis brother, were with him j minds of those in power at Paris, and at length | turned to Scotlsvillo by midnight. ! within; the Bishop preached at the Gospel, and j from an early hour in the morning. Tho Rev. j on Monday, after a council of general officers On the 22d, tbe Bishop pr^chcdlq Rgchesr ja^nin at Vespers,- next day he began a rQireat Mr. Meagher. S. J., uncle to Mr. T. F. Meagh-} held at ihe Elvsee, it was settled not e.xijcily to THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLId. 163

recall him,Jjut to send General Bedcau to the There was one remarkable feat of arms, viz. collected at Rome. He hnrmngued the crowd, precipitate retreat, pursued by the hussars^ who comp to examine into the sinlc of afl'airs.nnd if the taking of Bastion No. 6, which caused en­ telling them that he had called on them to de­ laid on with unsparing sabres. Upon this oc-l necessary to replace Oudinol. General Bedeau ormous loss to the Romans. Nearly an entire cide between hia colleagues and himself, and casion the young Prince Lichtenstein was so accordingly left Paris the same nipht. This Italian regiment perished at that point, except­ asked them to make kuown their determina­ severely wounded. Meanwhile the Austrians meksure would seem, however, to have been ing 150 prisoners. One could never have sup­ tion on the question of peace or war. The attacked on the other side Uj Szolly. The hastVi for the very next day, a telegraphic des­ posed that our soldiers could have been roused crowd declared lor resistance. " For resi.st- Parma regiment of infantry stormed, after sev­ patch arrived, nnnouncinp ihnt n now bastion to such fury. They did every thing wilii the anco at any price?" askeil Maz/.ini. The eral unfortunate attempts, tho outer line of en­ (No. 8) had been carried on the niglit of the bayonet. The olTicers foi^nd it impossible to crowd unanimously exclaimed, " For resist­ trenchments, but were finally driven back ayih lilt., and that on the next day the Roman restrain their ardor. It is true, that the ene­ ance at any price.'" "Take care," rnplied again with immense loss. Then tht5 battle Constituent Assembly passed a decree in the my, to the number of l,'2n0'men, tinder the Mizzini, "and weigii your resolution well.— reached the neighboring vine-hills, where the following terms:—"The A^•scmbly ceases n de­ cover of a loopholed house, had begun by The question is of resistance to the death,.and j llungnrian hussars were drawn up. Here also fence, which has become impossible, and re­ shooting them down poinl'biank, and that 80 without any tliougiit of safely." Tlie most the Austrians were beaten, although they had mains at its post. It charjrcs the Triiimviraie Frenchmen fell dead at the very first discharge. I violent cries were raised of " Resistance to the been Ptren£,'thcncd by reinforcements. At with the execution of the present decree." At Our Sapper.'^ hurst in the doors and the troops death!'' At the same lime there were shouts i Pasta Herval finally the battle was still more the same time the Conimander in-Chief of the rushed in bayonet foremost. Tiic cnciiiy fiunj; for .Ma/.zini to bo proclaimed diclatdr. Thr ! serious and bloody, The village was foiir or Roman armv demanded at seven oVlock, a sns--1 themselves from the windows, bill .')n() of them j dictatorial |)o\vcr was therefore placed in the ! five times taken alternately by cither party pension of hostilities, and announced the speedy I were killed. Tins nfiliir waa s one of the most hands of ISIay.zini durint.' the continuance ofj and it was here that the Ilonved jagers tell on arrival at the French head-quarters of a depu- terribhj." the danu;cr of tl)c country. I ihc Russian calvary of Panintin, and gave them tation of the Municipality of Rome. " The French troops entered here yesterday The first aci which Maz/.ini made of his j a taste of their quality. The Austrians did not Not very much mischief has been done,' at ^ o'clock in the evening. You will learn | power was to tiirovv his two coiioagucs of the j gain a single inch of ground, and when night thou'^h the Daily yews makc-« the mcst of it. from the ollicinl reports the details of this mi-1 ihc Triumvirate into prison, as having mode- | fell both armies remained in their former posi- The"correspondent of that journal Rtnlcs that ijiary occupation, of which the principal point j rate opinions. ^ He instituted, at the same time. | lion. more or less injury has been sustained by the is the Castle of St. Anjjelo. Tlie (icncral-in-j a com|)any of " suardians of public salcty," i In the Austrian bulletins the loss of the "Aurora"'' of . a/rcjco in the Palozza Chief then ordered the instant removnl of the | chnrgcd lo second, or rather to watch, the Ca-| ilungarians is staled at S cannon and 2.50 Ilospigliosij the temple of Fortuna Virilis, one j Piivreian cap wherever it was found. While ; rahinicrs, and to maintain public order. As to j prisoners. The Austrian loss must have been ofihc°mo.st esteemednpecimcnsof.nntp-irnperial 1 pnpsintr along the Pia/.zi Coionnn, a groii]) of' the National (iuird, it was forbidden to as-j vcrv severe. The olliccrs who came wounded architecture rxtant; the' Capitol, the chiirclics Clu!)bi-!ts. on seeing t!ic red cap removed, ut- j scmhle. Tlin dictatorship of Maz/.ini lafted | to Vienna, stated that half n batttnlion of Par- of Santa Mirin in Trastevere, St. Andrea del • tcred shouts and cries: (ho General cliar<,'ed • two flays. When the assault of the .MOih of ma infantry had been either killeil or wounded, la Vallc.St. Carlo in Cuiinari {containing beau- ciirim at the head of his stalT, riding wiiip in|.lunchiid delivered up the second inclosurctoj Six hundred wounded Ausjrians and Rus- liful frescoes by Domenichino.) and St. Cosi- • hiuul, and soon dispersed them, 'i'iic provi- ihc French, and cru-shed the lc;,'ion of Gara-1 sians were bro\i!,'hl to V'icnni on the ilh inst. mato (possessinsr paintinirs by Pinluricchio and sional organization of the dilTerent services has baldi, while the Dictator and his powerful ad- • They were a part of those that suffered in the valuable archives.) Tlie difierent consuls sent already commenced; bit it wi!! go on slowly licrcnts were occupied in rallyinff tiieir sol­ battle of Atsh. in a remonstrance to General Oudinot, hut the on account of the SIMIC of misery and dilapi- diers bpliiml the barricades, where a Committee The Emperor of Austria returned to his pai- truth was that he could not help himself. He dation in which the French armv found them. of Public .Safely were deliberating, the Na-! ace at Schonbr.inn on the nth inst. had the choice of being driven from the breach General Oudinot has ju.

bayonet. Already IIIO pri-soners have arrived : trom Ihc city, until such limes as tlicy are re- from whom they had taken almost all their ses through the Carpathian mountains; but that here, and a stcanicr is now prepared to escort i organized. 4. The immediate expulsion o!" muskets. on the advance of tlio Russians ihcv retired to a still larger number to Corsico, that arc ex-{tho.se strangers whose detestable tyranny has i A leitcr from Venice, of tiie '21 nil. says— Tokay, which place about UOOO Hungarian!! peeled in the course of the day. | ruined the city and thccoanlr>. J. Tiie no .itTj,c|_rrcaie.t tranqiiiiily roiyns in the country : first endeavored to defend. As they posted Ai"tcr a cannonade and bombardment of IS I mination, by election, of the municipality.— ,'ri,e gnvcrnmoiit has .sent away some individ- principally to the left shore of the Theiss, some hours. the breach in the bastion having been Last night no man dared to ofiVr liiinsclf as a j uals wh.) wisiied to excite u'isturbnnce. Venice Cossacks, under Major Goubkine, abandoning declared practicable, two columns of attack,' candidate for these dangerous functions; the; can resist three or four muitiis »itiiout further their horses, swam over the river, sword in one from the trenches in front, and another i P^i^'iiard was dreaded, as the agitators and the | assistance, hand, and obtained possession of the Hungarian from the rampart already. in possessio. n of the:. .chibhist , s had not ye- t deparlcd; three persons,„ ', The correspondent of the rAi//v-V,,vr„^7-ivesi pontoons. Thrcaiencd on their flanks by the French, rushed forward at the same moment, | m fact, suspected of sympathy with the I'rcncli | jj^^ Joliowini' infoninlion ainiut the slate „f Cossaiks, the Hungarians then took to llight. 8 o'clock in the morning yesterday, and, after| army, were a.«s..ssinalcd' 'las t nigiit' ' , and' tlie' ; herc.->' y in Rome^ . ••.•Already an edition ot l.OOU On thp evening of the ti'.Hh, the bridge over a sharp struggle with the garrison, secured a i murderers have not yet been di>covered. f.. Protestant Bibles (Diod.iti) has been printed Theiss was re-established. , and 2t» i)attaiions firm footing. ! The establishment of ihe state ofsoige (whicln and eagerly bought'up, and ti,c spirit ofdctcs-'^"^ 80 squadrons under Gen. ChodejefT, were The position was defended by 1,200 Ro-! has just been done and is well received) with ^ tation with which the clerirv are now regarded! preparing to march upon Debreezin. mans, who fought for a few minutes with des- j Gen. R'jstolan for Governor of the city, and renders their docirinos (as held (brth by J^suiti-1 VtENN.v, July 7,—The Pcsthcr Zritviig con- peration, but the blood of the French soldier j Gen. Sauvan for Commandant. 7. The speedy cai teachers) liou'uly unpalatable to tlie [leople.j tnins some information of the movements of the was up after so long a delay before the place,, organization of military tribunals to judge all Important documents, just discovered (oY which j Russians in the Northern counties. Their and fill opposition was borne down. Four hun ! crimes committed against persons and proper 1 am (iromised a sight,} reveal a complete sys-U^oops entered the Teuroz county iVom Arva, dred of tiie garrison were bayoneted on the ! ty. Garibaldi left yesterday morning, ^vith I j^,j^ ^j-j^,3^,jj;_,.^, _;^l^-,^^^1^11^^^ j^ j,;^|.,;|.^jj, .-ji^ji ^ stipprised a small Hungarian corps in a spot, and 230 prisoners taken; the French his band, composed ut from -1,(100 to ^,WX) | especiall^.^p^^j^jiy ij,n , Ireland,. Yrofrom which countrcmintrvthey the'' ^jUage called Massors, 10 Englis" • h" miles fro.'Ji losing at the same time GO killed and probably , men. in the direction ol \ elietri. 1 hesc ad- | freq.jcnivisits uf wuiv pricst.s lo this capital Kremnitz. 100 wounded. Thirteen jjieces of artillery venturers took care before thcv 'eft to bid a • were not certainly • unimportant The Rcpiihllca and a Kormon paper contain found in the bastion were spiked, and then the last adieu to the .Mint. They took ofi* all they a bulletin of the battle of Szercd on the 21st AUSTRIA, Iir.NGARY AND RUSSIA position was abandoned. I were able to find there. General .Morris nt ult.. which somewhat contradicts the Austrian At o r.M. of yesterday, a courier arrived h|'« '^f,*^ of a division, is .siiil in pursuit of The loi!ow;ng account of t!ie hiM. afi'air at I bulletins of that engagement. from the city at the camp with a despatch from them." At i\\ is gniiieied partly from Haynnu's bulletin, Our correspondenponOcntt inlonninforms us that the Im- Gen. Reselli to Gen. Oudinot, communicating Lc Credit states, "on respectable nulliority," in the U7c«tT ZilUiug, and partly from ifie pcrialst troops have been forced lo retreat from to him the following resolution, voted by the that the Roman Triumvirs, .Mazziiii, .Arme.ii- letter of an otiicer present: the tftf dc pant at Atsh, and that Gen. Haynan, National Assembly in the course of the same ni, and Safii had succeeded in embarking on " The Hungarians have since the2Stb, wilh- "hose heafl-(iuarler9 are at Raab, is opposed by day: board a Britl^n vessel, which had conveyed drawn ihe greater pin of their force towards sO,MOO men, under Gen. Georgev " In the name of God and the People. thein to Malia, Conuirn, so liiat, hesidfls ihe necossar v garrison, | VII:.\NA, July 8.—Vienna papers and letters "The National Assembly declares ifiat all The Con.slifutionalist gives tiie following:—; there are about lOjOfJO men under llic wails of Jof the 8Ui inst.'contain .i J news of the state of further resistance is impossible It appears that as far back a< i:.o oOth of; this fortre.-'s. The Aiistrians alreaily passed J thing' nt Comorn, but it appears certain that " The Triumvi rale'arc changed with the ex- i ''^I""''' •'^'•""•"'"' ''"^ recommended an arrange-' Comorn, and ndvaii-r^ed to Dotis were not blind • the Hdngarians have not vet quitted the banks ccution of the pre sent decree. "^^"^ ^" ''" ^""^^ ''^ ^^'''' ^'"^ ^^'"'""'''i- Armel- \ to the danger of leaving so largo a force in their' of the Waag. The Austrian Commander in " Rome, .lune 30." lini is n Roman; Mnzzini and Garnbnldi. who rear, particularly while the bridge over the Chief, Gen! uaynau, has again ordered two arc not Romans, and care little about the f CiviTA VnccntA, July ."J.—The communica­ late , 1)mulje. before Comorn, at 0"Sz.>lly, gave un \ villages to be burned down, as a punishment for of the people, opposed with all tiiejr >=lrengih , easy p u^sage to the right bank. They resoivcil. the disafieclion of their inhabitants. The Pres- tion with Rome is re*.)pened. A great number thc opinion of Armellini, and succecdetl in car j therefore, to storm the bridge. The battle was bunker Zdlnnn is filled with .sentences of caoi- of Lombards have come here from Rome intend­ rying nut the idea of resistance. Armellini ! of the highest iimmrtance. Almost the whole ' tal'punishment against the Hungarians and ing to proceed to London several times during the continuance of hoslil-j Au.«lriaii Danube lirmy, with its reserve."-, and,' jhoir friends. ° The Genoa Gazetteo^ the oth quotes letters^ jijes, renewed his projmsition to treat with the i the Russian auxiliary corps, under I'anintin Ofr:itArro>-s i\ riiK Soirit.—The Wiener from Rome of the 30th. They style as fol-j Fretich, but always without avail, the portio. n j ihcrefore from GO to 70,000, men—were0 een-n \ Zcitnii}r ot' Julv 3d, contains a very long des- lows: " A terrible bombardment began at four of the Assembly and of the people by whom ^ gaged. On the Hungarian side, according to patcli from the'Ban. The sense of the whole in the morning, and lasted three hour?. Mor­ he wos supported, were either intimidated nr Havnau, there were from 40,000 to .'•O.OOOJ is. that Pcrczel, (Hungarian General) with re­ tars had been planted upon Mount Parriola. thrown into prison. The Chiefs of the Na-; men, wiih 120 pieces af cannon, while the | inforcemcnls from the Bnnat, imd .rot posses- The whole defence almost was detained by the tional Guard and the body of officers were set i Au.-trian artiilcry counted nearly 200 pieces. Lion uf ihe ruins of Ak Bocse. on tlie Theiss Legion Manara, which was soon, however, aside, and the National Guard itself cveiituallv The aim of the Austrians was to bring the j and had erected batteries, and'th.-own up in-! overpowered and obliged to retreat- with the disarmed, under the pretext of chriiis-itig their i .Magyars to a s.sess!on oi ihe itte^c pont winch \ Ban. who saw that this rendered tion of Vascello was abandoned by the Romans. lis position During the last davs ol the .••eige. another of! stand.s upon a sand. hiil,.at the 0"Szolly, and The damage done by the French artillery is the Triumvirs. .Sain, united with Armciiini in commands the passage, BiU bath designs insecure, deirrmined to destroy tiie bridge, it immense. The Spada Palace was struck by . demanding the cessation of resi-.tance, and oiH cooipletelv failed. The .Magyars had drawn a |)u>-'-ib!e, as the only way left for ihe insurgents ihirty-seven cannon balls, and the once famous the refusal of Mazzini, they gave in tiieir re- double line of strong feotrenchmehts before the to cross to the riglit I>ank would be at Szegedin. .statue of Pompey is no more. The fresco of j signalions. Mszzini immcdiatelv afterward.^'/e/c (/e/;o;iM'rom O'Szollv (Old .Szoth ) m Uj He ,ic;ordingiy advanced upon .lit L5ec.se with Poussin, in the Palace Castagni, is destroyed, convoked the people al the Campo Vaccinoj Szoiiy (.New Szolly). The Austrians'first at- 10 battalion". IS squadrons, and i.J iiatlehee. and found him?tlf nt half-past 7 A. M., on the •St. Peter's, in Monloria, is riddled with shot, (the ancient Forurn.) A certain number of j tacked O'Szolly. The Hu.'sgarians lured tiiem 2r>iii, opposed to the enemy, who altiiough fe which have destroyed the paintings of Scbag- the Transteverins and tht^azzaroni asi-emblcd. j into ilie town, where they found themselves had but six hnftnlions, MX squadrons, and 30 tiauo da Piorabino, and ruined the Temple of Mazzini came, followed by (iarabaldi, Avez j suddenly exposed to file fire of the heavy guns cannons, was fitnced in a must advantageous Braraante. zcana, .\rciyni and all the chief of the band j from the eatroncbmcnls. Presontiy they made position. After some hard fighiing the Ilua- 164 THE PITTSBUEGH CATHOLIC. gariatV3 Icil back upon Alt Becse, from which I by nny other persons, than prescribed by law, THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC. ARRIVAL OF MKMBKRS OF A LUTHER.' xlucQ iLcy were driven at the point of the | are defined and would bo dealt with as treason. bayonet across the bridge to the left bank of; AN SISTERHOOD. the river. The Ban, who tacitly confesses that | To come down to particulars, might it not "RKV. THEOPOBE FuF.D.-sEH.of Kaiserwcrth the position of the enemy on the lefc bank was] PITTSBURGH, AUGUST 1, 1819. easily happen that in somo of our Soijihcrn on the Rhine, the ioundor of the Order of DftaJ too strong to bo forccil, after a lonjj cannonniie! Stntos a minority or a m.ijority, but not a con. conesses, a Lutheran Sisterhood, somewhni managed to destroy the two boats nearest to stiiuiional majority of Iciral voters anxioiii) for the left bank. When ihi.s wns ciTectcd i»c ro- similar to the Sisters of Mercy, has nrrived j„ WHAT IS REPUBLICANISM? some radical change could unite with tho lar

history of 1818 in chnrnclprs that will with The writrr produces llicsc fact?, to PIIOW that sion the church was crowded with Protestants, ma:;i9trnte of the freest country in the world dilficulty he erased from our memory.' Olli- the Philndelphians would do well to invite to «vho went nway well stilisfieJ with his Icarncil —freer than rcpuhlienn Frinee. (Cries of cinl dates it was nnl well po.ssibic (|)i-rlinps not thoir own city those mechanics now tl»i"o\vn ' hcrir, hnnr," " no, no," and confusion.) very pruik-nt) to yivn; but tito r<'porl entimatci di.'rc.ichcd in . „,,.| ,„„^,,.,,,;,, ..^^^^ ^^j.. ^^J^ ,j ^"^'''' Let our renders draw such conclusions from production nt scvpn-ienihs, compared with llw; the stnall church in l^jycr'-s Settlement Mr. Dwycr—.'I'hnro i^^ the diiiinjT-roorn of the nvcrajic of prccedin^f vcar*. ihcm as they please. the Idth he visited Mecshan'.-' Seltlemenl. I Cork Union that Mr. ijjwdcn has overlookod I will I '< I beg lonve to submit to you ihc followinB, 1 will leave It to your intfilliffcnt readers to;.. ,.„ .o,. .„ .,„„ , , . • ... ! f ();, rjh "^ I based partly ••» a rocrnl oHicin! report of M. i,„.., ,, . ,- •' ,. ^ . , On the i,Jih he departed, in corni)nny with V ^-.'n,on. ; | draw their own iiilcrenrn.s irom what precedes, r x- -,, , Mr Jamrson—AII I ran snv i<» ifaK/. I.A.mr^ Audiganc, Chief of the Buronu of the iMcchnnic in relation to the worlr Na,nerv.llo; where onL,^ (i.klZu.Z\ ZZ:\l!f::^Z Arts, to the Minisier of Commerce of the and only state it ns my ci.nviclion that Gnrmnnv;^>"'''>.V the l.Hli. he saul Ma.ss at N o clock ! ^^jU ^^^PJ^.^. j,^.^ „, J.|,P j^^.^.^.^.^^ " French Republic, which document ia now bo- is nt thi.'* moment even in a wor^e condition, if: A. .M , and jravn First Communion to many i Mv. IVailv--And m irxjk of i|ic freedom of lore mo. such can bo imayine.l. And who would doubt |chi ,lren. After Wspors the Bi.shop gave Con- ll»« couniry'with ihn lliboas Corpus Act su.^- LiLLK employed, before the revolmion, in now that anion;rst lhc>o honilrpiJs of ihoo" '" <"=r'»"". l'"'"' l"--r"re ao.i nlinr Coniirm- j ^^,j i^^..„„_, „„j,,^ ^^^^^ ,^ committee bo of the sameIt work. The manufnctories of hemp ! ^ "I'Ul'K'iicd on tiie pro.spocts, lo trao,>»lf.T ilmir ; ntion. How zealously he labors cen be readily . nppointed acc.ohlin;: to Mr. (Joui.r.s sujr(rr.s.iion. _...e citv, formorlv cm|)loving ai least j ""'"''"•.V In a new, a peacedii, a llitirisjune ; perceived bv the dcicription of his travels:! .Mr. .I.nims Lambkin—Yon dotrt incan to 10,000 hand^b'ave more'than half reduced the | C"""''-.y, where nil prosper who are not idlors!j„„,j everywhere ho meets with a zealous aiidi™^''<^ preparation, fur her reception? see number of the latter. Ami what unmen.se (..ivantatje. would I'mla-1 • ii.ri i ,• . . i Mr. Could—The words I used were to " , ' . ,r I oivf»i\i\i 1 • ( e oh a re-io (r,,in'in iiidiiv ntfMii.rriiiU wlir.^o '"'^'''"' Priesthood, and (Itilitul, obedient en • .p , , "", 'a" ken Rot'iUJX occupied formerly 30,000 hands in "«''i""a rn.ip ir^m an iniiu.x oi tmijjr.inis, wnose , , , , . '•'^ ""^i ""d what measures, were lo be la lw.s desires. Yours truly, fcc. th1C>,00e manulactunnL0 in her cotto' no f tnillswoolle; one.thirn articlesd onl, yan odf talents, &:.c. &c.'' oren, who do their utmost to correspond with i,,,, Mrti.j. , Brady—Mroccasion. . Gould, if it would not be the hands have been dismissed, althou^'h the RU3U ToURNiai/ET. jtrouhliinr you ton much, might wo trouble you sales have diminished two-thirds of the usual M:W ADVFRTISEMliNTS. 1 to put it in Writing. avcroKc. Farm for sole. ' .Mr. .lamo.snn—1 ho;ic no gcruleman will lloiK.\ produced, before 18LS, in her cslab- QUKKN'S VISIT TO CORK. j visit the sins nf n weak ministry on the head of jishmenls for spinning, weavmjr, printiny and an innocent woman. (Hear, hear.) dyeinjr, divers articles of cotton floods, exceed­ To the Ediior^oftlu PitUbtir^k CaUwlk. At a mootini; of the Town Coimcil of Cork, Mr. D^vyer—I don\ see how you can sopa- ing '-i'^O million.'! of francs nntiunlly. These on Tuesday, the Mayor in the cimir, the fob ratp ihfin. CiiKAuo, .luly '2:i\, \RV.\ lowiofT took pl.icc relative to the (Jucen'.s visit. factories gave at the same time work to a num Mr. Jameson —F bejf your pardon, the Q leen her of foundries, tanneries, chemical laboia- DK.vn Sin—The commpiieement of the L'ni- We copy Irom the (.'oric Kstiminvr: onn do no wrong, sir. I blame her ministry lories, machine shops, ttc. &:c. Most of lhe:-o versity of St. .Mary of the Like was held on The Mayor brouijhl under the notice of the and not horsolf. eslablish.nenisaroi»owshutup,andoutoflhei,hc cvcnin-. of the 17th, in the lar-m torn i ^"r""-'!""' "'" """""•"'«'"''"'"' I"'H event. The Mayor—Shall I write, e.vprcs.sing the ll.UOO men employed in the dillercnt branches, . , r ., . /> ,, " ', i "id snid it was a circum.nanco tiial wo lid at- higii graiilicaiion of the citizens of Cork at iho the ollicial report says only a few hundred now '[''"''[ ^"^^'"•" i"'n'"*« "'» ll'o <^'>II''S'.' f?rounds.: ,;,rd the highest deli:!hl and .nosi unmi.ved iinnounccment contained in ihi.-i coBUnunioa- (ind employment; and the wiiole country sur- I'he exercises were e.vceedinirly inierestinjr.; uratititation to all classes in this counlry. tion. rounding Rouen, and manfacluring hitherto the After the distribution of the premiums and the 1 ('^'•'•"•. h'-ir.) She eaine with the very best .Mr. Dwyer—Dm't ."av their gratification— same articles, is in uMiniiar situation. ! usual routine of the other colle.Te« the ccle-i'"^'="!'""'' ""*' '"' ^"'"''"'^ ^''" ^^"n>;"-ttii"" say your own, if you piea.se. It must bo observed here, that the 11,000 ,,.„,„. ,,u^^rUonrv IV l.v m, 7 ''""''' ""''" ""-''' ^"^"i-"^'"''"''' "^ ^v""''' L'lve The following roinfuittfe was then appointed iLinds mentioned as thrown out of employment, , Pl.V of Henr. y 1. \ .. b>, Shakespeare... ., wa.....-,s ,; 1.^„er^ „„ ,,,,,,t„.rpcppfon„ „,:,.,,„a'"'' students of the College, in: Mr. .Sheehan-U dl her .Ministry come wit .!,,., intentions are, and deeldinc on the ar- numbcare onlry workinthose living forg thin eth Rouee cityn ; factoriea much? greatehavingr j «'>' ° presence of the large and iTiost respectable ; her? (CriPS o| '• order, order, " hear, hear, I rniigemcnt.s iipppssnry lo secure her a Huilable their residences in the surrounding villages. ! audience that filled the lent, and in a manner i'""V""'"^'""'^ j recejition:—The Mavor, Dr. Lyons, Ciiarlos Fuu:i.K has had no dcmamls for her line lis. too, which elicited unbounded applause. The' r- ''''" ''J'''>"'—^'"", ."f" "''' " "'T}'''?^ "'"iSnurniP, W. L. IVrrier, R. B. Tooker, R. L. sues; her factories aro closed, and thoir hands Cor|>oration, sir, and I ocir vi'U will ho silent, j Jamesoi/. declamation and the delineation of character withdui work. Mr. Siieelnn —1 am a burgess, sir. (Order, i C.vE^• employed, in 1817, on hrr celebrated so perfectly performei! throughout the whole order.) laccf, over 50,000 hands, most of whom are , piec,..- e reflect the highes^ t credit upo,,„...... >,«»,.n the teach. - riie .Mayor read the letter in rel'erence to ,,., Oi'KMNt,, ; • Ot F TirL r TCKN-rriAr i i. R.\rr, Ro.vn.— now without a tneans of support. | crs of elocution as well as upon the students "'« "I'l^'^chlno visit of hpr .M.jes.v, wi.ich /,''';,;'''™ Jdrgraph •''nvs that the Lisiixx, having for many years produced I ,,,,,„^^,„„ ! appeared in the last /,.r,/»M,irr, and a letter on Cpntral K.nl Houj xvns opened lo Mdlerstown, linens to an average voluo of 18 millions of ',"", ... . i i''" samo .subieet from Mr. Fuiran. a distance o about thirty miles from Harris, francs, has, since 1818, seen herself divested i " "" ^'""'y astonishing how rapidly this^ Mr. Dsvyer—To go to certain expense ihar hurtrii, on iMonday, il>e'J!:{,1 nil., a train going ofthe foreign (Beb'ian and Fnglish) mechanics,! young institution ha.s advanced. Rut voster-, we cannot atlord in our present depressed state. "P ""d back in about *{ hours, including ail heretofore residing there; and of the French | day the lamented Bishop quarter cnlled"il into' '«'he Mayor-U will be lor you to come to; stoppages. Amongst the persons present on wnrkmtn remaining only one-half find occiioa 1 •. . i •. • u , i. , such arrangements as will allord her a proper ' «he occasion, were Governor Johnson, Hon. W. jvo^rkmtn remaining,oni> one nait nnu otcupa , p^.^enec-to day it stands beyond the reach; r^,.^|^(i„„ '' ' ' ; M. Meredith, and H..n. 'niatldeus Stevens. "sviNT QUE>TIN, occupying before the rovo- of<^"^""Iitics,and with the fairest prospect for M^. J,,meson—Has it been n.scerlaincil that •^" »^^"•ce that the rond i'^-^l'''''''^ °'r^'"'"'' , . , be in'' left otF. many thousand hands. At Nancy, the em­ The .Mayor—\ committee may be appointei Francis Xavier. The exercises there displcy I he .Mayor—\ commillee may lie appointed broiderers, herctoforo well paid, ran now hard who may nscertain what her .Majcsly\s iolen ,\NOTI(KU R.vn, Ro.vD AOCIDENT.—Philadrl- ly earn 25 centimes (-t cents and a fraction!) ed in the most favorable manner '.he accom- tioiis are. l>hia, /h/if. 2.—The six o'clock train from this per day. Mulhouse, nt'ter having dismissed,! plishments of tho young ladies who are the Mr. Keays—Would it not be well to receive '; city to New York run off the track near Pince- for three months, nearly nil of her 18,0001 p„piis of the Sisters of Mercy; and while j'^^^"1 the mansion house? ton, this morning. The Engine and baggage hanandsd , 'i s now employin' g part. of- tha. i. numbe. r L^^y ,,i;, -^^^ ,,„,,j, knowledge from the' , , l>r-.Lv;';»-'I'he'.esM,la^^ L. . n would be to place i cars were precipitated into the canal. Several byV half days and nt holt pay. The glove lac- ',. /, • . , • . 1 or ;),000/. at the disposal ot the lAlayor. pnssenires.s were kdled, and a number wound- toriciicss of Chaumonl hnvo been forced to deny tc"'-»>'n{js of ihcir instructors, there is a know- ^u„j,hter.) ed.-Po;s;. work to one half of their hands; and tho sales ledge, not elsewhere imparted, gained by those Mr. Jameson—Really, gentlemen, you ap- of cheap nrlicles of cutlery nt Langres and who frequent our institutions of learning, viz., P^" inclined to treat this subject in rather a j CHOLHI.M:^ ST. Loris.—A telegrapJiic des- Ncgent-le-Roi have fallen off over 50 per cent. I , , i-u I I .1 -I I .1 ' ludicrous manner. I nroiiosc thai a cnmmittee ' [>alcn trom vSl. Louis, ot the 2,1 inst., snyg thit a know edi'e which eads the mind and tho, , ', , '""""'• t i i , • ti.r. <«vt,w,- i,.,„„ „ „„i.u • J -i . r At LYONS, whero the silk and satin goods ° 'should bo appointed lo eorresptuid with ilio : ine bextons have ceased their daily reports of are altogether made to order, the many thou­ heart nway above the glittering allurements of| ^^^^^-^^ j„ |)„|,ij„^ „,„i ascertain precisely what, interments, the cholera having disapp->nred as sand great and small oslablishments have had for several months no other work than some earth to the contemplation of the prospccLs I ijie Q,ieen^s intentions are. , au epidemic, and the city is unusually healthy scarfs and flags ordered by the Provisional Go­ hereafter—a knowledge that will demonstrate ! The Mayor—In any case an address will be : 1*^ 'I'" season. tho vanity of alt scientific acquirements when ; presented to her. • c„,j, ,.,j^ ^^ PuiL.vi>i:Lviii.v.-Tho number vernment. ' Hiispcndcd between life and death,'' ,,,..,.. , 1 f - . ,! Mr. .lameson—Oh, certainly, l think it will - tho ofiicial reports says,' Loyns has been more ungnrlanded with religious hope and faith and i ^^^ ^,,^ j,^,^.,^,^,, ,,^,^, ^^ go down and present ^''enlhs last week in Philadelphia were of cruelly dealt tcilh than any other part of France, humble confidence in Him who shapes the j a„ „jjress lo !»er. j cholera l.'Ki, of cholera infantum 58, of dysen- by the industrial cri«w.' courses of the stars ond regulates thcrcvolu-| Mr. Gc appointed to ''^-^'-'^ "'•-""'•-"• now a very scanty number find a partial occu­ denconship were conferred on Rev. William Lp_jr_,.., ^,,,1 wimt inpnsures «iioulii he ndonlv T * v t ' [see II any. ano »nai measures soouio oe a« leu riehei!" " .\ fo- nou-x aux ouvriers!'' were no longer lab« wen. su^iogsi. which, it says, 'aio wriUeo ia the .aial sermon at 5.o'clock, P. M, Oa ibis occa.- of ibis country; and, in my opinion, the citiof 166 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC.

Concupondenco of tho K«w Orleans Delta. inamc of Liberty. U is thu.'* that the honored j destroyed in order that Freedom may exist,— themselves Republicans, and who are nothing Y t he- Juhi 12 1840. 'n'l'"" of Washington in:iy he ossociatcd with n \ Catholic Telegraph, but the olfacourinEs of the kenneU of Kurope. . a c ^, y ~, .. ' „f,„„f,j^ f.i,ipf!^ j,i,(] iljp lilespinos of freedom 1 ^^^ ^ "It is thought by some in France that we are "The Rife'ht Rev. J. .1. Chanche^ B|slu.i) ol; ^^ ^,^^^. ^^.^^ -^ ^^^^ yj ^^^^^^^ ^^ dcfrradod to I ^ ,!„' , ,^o .ZZT.7Z^^ Nateliez, ffrcntly beloved and nstoi-nicd by iht engaged in an unjust war. Let such not de­ keep company with the crimos of some Jarob-} «^A I HULlt^S AAD DEMOCRATS. ceive Ihenisclve.'^. Wo make wor to deliver conpregation worshipping in the Cnihcdriil of inical fnciioii. Such impclumis devotion i.s this,'; Our Catholic renders will not take nhrm ni '• ihe Italian people from their stupidity inletilft*/ St. Mnry, ns MPII ns nil religious jjcoplc in will lead its worshippers into the wildcffl fjinai- ihis !i.«Roriiiiion of ihpnl.Ktifnl ni,.! >w^tit;r-ni I .(.„„,^„i u„ u. ;„ ,u„ ..__ i_-. .- . ^ .Natchez, nftcr an absence of more than four- !inai- ihis iiKsociiilion of theological and i>oliticnl | ihemseives be caught in the trap laid for them ici^in. \Vc love proj.Tros.«, but let it be coniisKsis - names. We claim the right to Fct fuirly hclore bv a set of adventurers, who have every tliirp icon months on his tour to Rome, arrived "t ^.^^ „.|,|, |)„ni:iii ritjhis and social order Con- ; them, a few qucstiotis Hhioh should belong ex | lo gain and noihmg to lose—runaway's from

tageof being an e\e witness and particijiator; jj^^j ,^^,,^.1. ,J.^,if,„J,. (](, „r,t n\v,n%? regard poUii-, |,owcver. that this devotion docs not satisfv cer !-The Villa Pamti'i i« or r'lther wa- onoofti in the scenes he has described, his statements „! Institutions in that liizhi which reurcsenls tain political dictators. We Cntholics "must , most beauiilul of Rome' It'contained mer^ are worthy r,f publicity, and wdl commaml • j,^^,,,^ ,„ „^ ^^ ,^,i, ^,- j,^,,^^ .,„^, excellence, kneel at no nllar but a demncnilio one, if we ! than five hundred admirable ^tatue<= with ^ deep attention wherever the Bishop is known, j.;^^,,.,^ ,,^ ^^,^ instance, if it were submitted to wish to please them. We must renounce our : muliiiude of has relief, and antim.e'vi«es and I will attempt only a brief sketch: t|,^ ciioicc of the People, would i)rekr iicr mag- religion to .•-ccure their (avor! .\ow this we urn". Behold here tt'ie condition in which we ''With the lecling.s of nn exile rftiirning „.,(;l,arta with all its accumulation of royalty, cannot do; and if attachment to Democracy ^ found it, after it w.-i'. abandoned hv th" hordes from banishment, ol a pastor returning to a, ^^ ^^^^ Republican Constitution. France, it is, nhotild identify us with red-ropubliciinism, Ro of (iaribaldi \li the statues and'va'^es ^n the flock from which he had been separated nearly ^^^^. certain, would m.t much care if her Re-' :nan Republicanism or Swiss Rndicalism—we rrardf

been a visitor to countru^ , standard nearer than anv other, and we mam- : political ofiences. The prisons were emptied, of St. I'ancratiu'--, and where were h-" relics ocivcd with open "^ms of friendship, love and j-^j^^^.,, ^,j^ Fympalhy by .[uarrelling with her,'All those whu had been heretofore fugitives was horribly profaned—so much .»o that oar respect, not on account of title or station, but storming her cities and stripping her of tcrri- fnun justice, or expatriated from Italy made , Engineers .ind Viueenncs Chasseurs, who were because he enjoyed the nobler birthrigin ' ; tory. To take for granted, that cur views of Rome their head-quarters. Kirl .Minto the the tirst to enter the place after the expulsion being an American cili/.cn. The o!d would political regeneration are orthodox, however IJriiish .Vmbassafior who ha.-? been, we verily of the (laribaldians, indignant at these vandr.l crowd around hitn, lamenting that they had not . . I'rateful to self love, is raliier sharp prncticc at, believe, the chief instigator o| the insurrection.: excesses, gave exnrcssion in numerous in=cr!'>- in early life accomplished the;r desires ol emi- ^,^^ <.xpenso of those who ditfer with us in visited Rome, and during his stay secret clubs : tions on the wails, to the horror which the- gration to the United States where libertv e.x- „j,j„;„„_ |f ^-o could e.'^tablish the moderation, were organized, gold was abundantly circulated, inspired. A few of these inscriptions I have isted not in words only, but in truth and df^ed; ^i^^ regard for indivulual riiihts, the freedom ol • n turbulent spirit was maniluslcd on all public copied, and I herewith send them to you. 'The while the young would express tiicir solemn ,.(,„^cience and cducuon which prevail here,' occasicuis, and those who have since been nolo- Romans are doomed lo fall, for thcv do not re­ determination to become American citizens in all those countries rnntemiing as they say rious for their crimes, were the guests who fre- spect the House uf God Himself ' 'Shame on • • and leave Europe the land ol murder, rapine, j-,j. ijijcrty. there would not be a di>senting (luenfcd tiio house and table 'of the British the .' -Derastators arc not Repnh violence and wrong lor ever. voice in the I'nited Slates in the expression of Minister. The ctfects of English Diplomacy /tVr/n,?.' 'Shame and woe to a sacreliTJous " When he reached Paris, the Bishop said svmpathv with every people on earth. Where |on the minds of the men whom the Pope in the i people.' that all was tumult and revolution, and liir- ilie name of liberty is only used for the cslah- •• goodness of his heart set loose, like wild beasts, j "Here is another trait which has e.xcited the balls flew thick around his head on that awful lishment if an infamous tyranny, such asjujion society, were soon apparent. His lloli-1 whole army. The bcseigcd pointed their can- and mournful day on which the sainted Arch­ grinds to dust the hearts of Italy and Switzer-1 ncss had granted his people a constitution, he non against our hospital, and several of the sick bishop of Paris poured out his heart's blood in land, a tyranny which pants for the shedding, surrendered to lay-men the political Govern-^ were struck by their balls. The General has bearing the flag of peace and unity to the un­ ol blood — whose watch word is the Guillotine.' rnent of his States, and the first exhibition of; removed the sick to a greater distance and took fortunate destroyers of each others' lives.,,. — there will ever exist III this country amongst a their gratitude was the assassination in broad down the ting which marks the aboiJe of the This .solemn sacriiice not only gave the liishop „,„„prous cla.ss of the population, a hormr and da\-light of his .Minister, Rossi, the assassin . wounded, bul^vhich was not respected by the a name and a prai.sc in every noble and gooo |,p.|rty ,icicstation of the initiuity, which de- being aided, sheltered and permitted lo depart Romans." man i mouth in every land on earth, but also ,^^,^p,jj^ jnipunitv lor every wrong because it with impunity by those who were the loudest: Wc might multiply details of this description seemed to have a must miraculous ehect in j^ perpetrated in the hallowed namo of Free-i in their clamors^ for liberty'. The bands of: with wh^ch the French papers abound, and staying the torrent of civic biood, which, up to ^,^^ armed ruflians who had hastened from all parts which show the true character of the thieves that moment, had been poured out like water \Vit>,out the belief in God, in the Bible, and of Italy to Rome, sung a hymn through the • and assassins who are banded together in Rome, on the streets. in the Cnristian religion, wc have no confidence streets in honor of the assassin! Does democ-: for the overthrow of religion and human rights *' When Bi.shop Chanche readied Rome, he in revolutions and plans tor human ameliora- racy in America oblige its partizans to unite in i as well as the temporal power of the Popes. found that holy man ami noble-hearted refuib-. jj^^^j .,<|,j^ belief is rejected in France, by its thi.s hymn which sanctities murder' They who do not believe in the judgments of lican, Pope Pius the Nmtii, obstructed in hl^ Hc] iir|„iblican ouvrier.', in Switzerland by its A few days after, the Pope's private socre-iGoti may fraternise with such monsters, bui great designs of governmental amelioration, Oemocrate. and in Italy by the so-called Re- tnrv is shut dead in his Palicc by an armed; the Catholic who pretends to uphold such ns- and in his favorite project ot dissevering the p„i,]icnni^^.>*w>v.-i~. -^v^^.-.-^„.~>:-.,v^ •• -• it is beneath the dignity of a republican to read! Courier o/* .1/(jr.sc;7/f.s''thrrjws some light on Is this the principle, Catholic Democrat, t-Hii h-:Mr, ^'^h 'j^„.J__ ,1. ..„'_.-' :'' anv thing but a democratic newspaper. Far! their character in tho following letter of a Which vou wish to instil into the mind of your i E«t!>Kijii^.«ga

i-»i i« nnw take n pidncfi nt the rcd-Rcpul'-l''' '"f'st fcnrfnl and henrt-rciidiiit; from llic ; w. A M'.MI'LI.K.V. I.. C. M'juttEN* . f.iiud For Sale licnns of Frnncc. PrLwon, li.c loader of this ! effects oC cholcm. For some day- past, the | CH^Jil- ajsn C1.0Tm,ya STonE, TX Wll.KRSVII.I,);, (inllin coiuuv.Oliif.. Several fnrrn* from .,-,., r.i.v.r... , ^ *''" '"'" uere<. Alim, Mvcrut rarm«; i.'i differem patU ol ilir. P«r"v,call., Property fA./. «nd Cnpitnl nuisance, opido.nic l.ns l.ecn .nnk.n. ra,>id s.ndrs h-^--^ ! - ^" '-''^'— —. ,-.K.VK« OKc..n..oim«(vl ....theiDiitlvfv » i 5?"""—mmirniihein will h«exrhrt)i»e RO*' Tftyeni >inj„| m Wiikesville", th.i loi i« I M) l,v I'KJ tVct- builJiii|rs m ijooa order. For furtlicr parucu)ar» in(jiiir«pl" freedom destroy domesiic rights, crndicnto the to involve thn most nwlul c()iiso(|iJcnccs. CAssiMSRKSsVh^Tisas.Vr .arciiiof ih.-moHneawiabicBooti*.; #. L1UI.AN.or -,,,.' .-, ../ 1 I .1 ,Ua Almiiihtv Oiit nf T nnniilnlinn nl' llirnp lllOll^nnd thprP'"'•*''''""'' •*" would en 11 the aupiuion of p.»rv>ii"t « deaths diirinir the last two days amount! wiicre*<•• CailaTi,i..iii.iiineni;ri.)re!-. a» we are deleriniucd to »feil for CA«it cheaper timr. th-e '| "Whatever may be our oflTnnccs, we nro not to nlinut one hundred. chrai)c«l. July 14—if. ! FASHIONABLE HATTER cuiltv towards Providence; and, if there is one Most of the inhahitnnli» svho have o.«caped .10H\ l]. l>OW!VIlVO. ! 7vi roiitrii .sTUKKT, NEAR woon, who before us nnd more than us deserved hell, sicknc.«s up to this period, have left the city in V.Kl'.^coM<;lit:ii!yoii ii»ii(l a hi'l ni».«oitm(!nl of Gentlemen V IJ O T Mi i] 1 R, K rii'tuoiiatilK llttlu For hc.iiilv or woikinaiisliip. style, let me name him, Go^ now 111 Miiri- a sen*mRlile iiinplyof Cloih*. Cnfisimfcr*.", : pr4Cf!>. jaii 'J7-i! H nnd Vi-sMiiK.s. wlueh he will iiiHiiumrinre on terms nrooin- i there bo a God, is tlic enemy of man. * * pendcd. The post oflice, llie iioicls, and .stores inodnlinif. lieiiig lurniilung gwdii, mail tii«ir varieties, al \vny< ' God! 1 know of no God; it is a mysticism."" I are nil closod. on hnnd. f;ilyT—II : JOIIIV ilE'GUIRi:, IWDEIVFJiKER, We Imvc now said enough to prove to the j Many physicians have airoadv fallen victims FlIKSH SUPl'LY OF TUV. L.VTEST AM) MO.ST FOlUTir ST., A IKW iMion.s AHOVK SJIITHFTKLI* honest Catholic the monstrous posiiion in wliich ' to this drendhil discaao, nnd \\v\vo who liavp PAPHKJNABLE r~Tr- —-jUF.SPKCTn;rj,Y infonnshis fr:rnd»,andlh« Vesiiii;rs, C'a>^iiiifr«*j», Siiiiiiii(>r <.• entirely diw.-onnecie.l from all other bunine»«; which he ttusu iiinre'.t", ed Frciirh Habit Cloilm. lialinii Snininer Clmh naiile him to give a the anemion necessary to eniture a nnd if he nbnndon the guidance of faith for ihc \ bcinji: unablo to attend to tlieir wants, but even j I'la:ii and Fancy I'rcnch, Kiijiliih. mid Aiii'Tican Cloths and i»haro of public pat'ronngc. i'ii«.«iiiiere»; and all other article* nuilable for ciiKtomer Ir.iil.'. uprilS—ly. rush-liijht of politics, falsely judi,'in;Ef that Uhvr- j to bury the dead. | .MHV alartic and iimeral nuortnient of REA.PY ]tIADB CIJOTHI'.VO, inadc up i'.i the most tashioiial'le manner, nnd O. 11. KKOWNF, tij to do wrong includes the ri>/i/ to do it, he | None can be found cither to dij,' graves or to will lir told low for caiili. may soon be involved in that perplexity of .soul, • mnko coffins. | j'li'--:-" r, nKi,.ANY. ATTORPSTEY AT LAW, KHF.XSIURO, I'A., that "sin against the Holy Ghost'" which is noli The markets are entirely deserted; nnd the IXKTOU .1. II. <»'BUIi:,\, forgiven, as the scriptures teach us. "in this remaining inhabitants are under tlic necessity IMXTOU n. K. rALitlUH. (ffficc on Main street—sunsidc. april I'l—bra. « world or the ne.vt."—Co/A. Tclepraph. of sending to Cleveland nnd other ports on the P li Y S I C [ A .\ S A i\ 1) S U r^ G K O N S, lake for provisions and medical nseistancc.— fJIITHriKMl STKKKT, NF^VIl TlllRl) ST., ,1. D. JEIf]VIIV€:$, Gazette. riTT.'^m-KGn. _april7. tf. ATTORNEY AT LAW, IVIisccllaiieoiis Newiit. Tnr. INOIAN OITHUKAK I\ FI.OIUDA.—The F(H-RTIl STRKET, AUOVE WOOD. ~ NEW WORKS march 31—if. Washington Rcpuhlic, of Friday week, has the iMiii.f-ui;i) iiv lMi"o«T.\Nir KKO.M C.\MFonM.\.—The steamer following official statement of this subject, buiJEDWAKD r>i;.\ll.i.\,\ cV BUOTIIEIC, LKVI W. I.OGAIV'S PATK.N r Ll'VKR LOCK FACTORY, Crescent City arrived at .\ew York on the it will be seen that nothing is said, as yet, of I |r>l l''lM,TO.\ STUFFT, i\. Y. evening of the '27th iilt.. bringing dates one Tiniil) STKKKT, NKAR WOOD. the burning nnd sacking of houses: j The FiH arrangement, in l^J-i, reported tlic mim­ Tho Principal Duties ot" l.'liri.' I„i'c and AVritini^t. in r> vo!.«. =vos 10 00 estimated at thirty thousand, about one-half of: agent, reported the number of warriors at le.ss Hbtvei'j I'iotorial .\ew Tesiameiit, by Riytil Rev. whom are foreigners. jthan one hundred and thirty; and estimated THF, HOMK LIliRARY. Ui«hopUii|fhe»ofiV.Yorlc,ltf No»..'J5e«nuperNQ> 3 00 No. 10.—I.iltlc Fiaiik; or, 'i'lic Painter's All the Catholic publication.? of America sold, and many of The business at Francisco wns very dull, all jthc entire Indian population, of all ages nnd the mojt rare European Catholic works. Orders from any pan Proirrcss, •.iiid what ,\ Mother can Kmlurc, ot the country will be Uinnkfuily received and promptly attend­ goods nnd provisions were selling below thnir jse.ves, at someihinff short of three hundred nnd truiislatcil from the FletJiish ot Hnnlrick ed to. fifty souls. Since that lime, wo do n'lt know .N. R. .Ml the Calhoiic publication* at reduced pru'eii. whole- original cost. Lumber was still in great de­ Conscience; 51) illustration.s, 1 vol. IHino. sale and retail, at W. R. .MeCtJ.M.lHit't.'S, mand, and selling for .§;ir)O.On per m. that any report of the number of Indians in cloth, 37 april 21-ly. Fifth »t., Pittsburgh. Florida has been officially made. No. 11.—Fa.shion, or History of Siskn \'on Our Consul at Panama would not nssuro the YOUNG LA1)IK.S' ACADEMY OF responsibility of sending California mails by " The recent reported outbreak of the Semi Rooscniael, trniiHlatcd I'miii the Flemish ot the Crescent City. noles has arisen t'rom the followinir circum Henilrick UonscitMico; 'It) illustrations, 1 ST. FRAIVCIS XAVIER, stances: On the Atlantic side of the Peninsula, vol. ISmo. cloth, 37 wVfar youri'^itoun, If'cstmoreland Co., Pa., The British frigate Constance was at San THF POPi:i,Al{ hllJKARV. Bias, bound for Mazatlan with two millions. some lour I'amilics were settled upon Indiin C.VUER THE Cini: OFTIIE river, nearly opposite Fort Pearce. Four war Canoi» Schiniil's Talcs, illustratui in the highest S I .S T /•: R .V O F M K li C V. The greatest elTorts arc making in California .style of the .Art to organize a State Government nnd demand riors visiti^d this settlement recently, where jy,-;, ,_ p,,. t?T, Xavier'n Academy ofTer* peculiar nrivanl.iges lo youni; 1. Rcilbrca.'*!. . 10 cents K^ ladie« wbo wifli (o receive a »iil:d and refined ediiPHiinn. admittance into the Union. Mass meetings ; thoy were received in a friendly manner. After j 0. Foriret.Me-Not, fi 11 without any aacrlice of hcoitn It i« siiinurd about !»•» mde-i for the purpose of con.sidcring the propriety of receiving refreshments they departed; hut nj ;{. .\nsolino, 1.^) •' from Vomnrstown, in one of liie most healthy seeliwisof Woi- eni I eniwylvania, niflieienilv elevated In eomiiiand I'rom every electing Delegates to a Convention fortho'for- sli'^H distance from the houses ihcy discovered j '1. Clara, or, ReJ •iiiJ \\"hite U(jsc-s 12 " point an oxteii»ive view of the delightful ronniry which .•SUT- 5. Madoimn, 10 « rounda it. Tho buddinps are rpacioui- and elegant—capable of mntionV n Government for California took;'^m•^n by the name of Barker, and another, . accommodating' nnwards of oi.e hniidred boarder*, 'i here is place on the 12th of .lune. The object of the working in an open field, upon whom they j <>.Ro.< e liii^l-. l.-j " ainpir play-sroiind. The waier and the products of the soil ate 7. meeting being briefly stated by the President,'fired. Both Barker and his ompnnion vvcre| Cherries, •1 " excellent and nbnndnnt. y. Cakes, 8 " Farents may re»i natiiificd that every jjeecfiarv attention will Peter U. Burnett, Esq , addrcs.sed the people! wounded. They ran, taking difVorent direc-j . be paid to the comfort ol she ciiiidren placed ai thi» iiistitulion ; 'j. Atmelica, ;) " while the ntmo.tt care will t>e taken to nourish in their in.iid* assembled, concluded his remarks by present-! lions. Barker was pursued, overtaken, andj 10. Melon, ;) " thoM! principled of virtue and religion, which alone can make ingllon.ThomesButlcrKing, of Georgia, who I killed with knives. The other reached the The I-ainh, is « eduent.on profitable. 11. The coiirne of utmlici embr.nce* the various branchcB of an responded to the call with his accustomed do-j sett lens' houses, and succeeded in making his li. The Uuinh(i rl. {•> " elementary traiinnn, lojiether with those which consinute the qjjpnce. escn|)e, with all tlie rest, to San Augustine. Or they may he had hound up in liamlsonie volumes, higher depnrtmcntu of a (iiiishcd education: Keadiiift. WritinR, I ., 1.; i , •>•, 1 ,1 11 , ' prm-tienPf'"''!'"'''"nl andd raliimuratiimul AritiinietiAritiinietiei . AlRebrii. f.VoKrapliv.Craiii" . - - The Crescent City has over two hundred j Indian river is rather a .sound of the sea than n cloth. RiU UackK, .U a; i cents per volume, soltl .separate. • nmr, Illietorie, lloiany. Ni.iural and .Mor.il Fhilojophv, Vocal and thousand dollars in specie. I running stream, and the .settlers made their Vol. Isl, Ansohno, Cl.iru, and Forgct-.VIc Instrumental iMusie, French. Italian, Drawinjr. I'Rinlinir. Flam Not, .37.4 ccnU *'"' ''"'*""-'"">l Neetlicwork, Ac. .Music, i'aintiiig, French. "..I-, 1 '' "'"' ''"•"»"• '"••- extra branches, and will be taught at the option . ; way to San Augustine in boats, where the 2il, Redbreast, Rose Uush. Madonna, •'/A " j ol the parents. Our readers will learn from the following ' ^^^^ ^.^^^^j ^ ^^^n^ ,j^„, „|- excitement. The :3d, Cherries, and 'J'he Lamb. 371 '• ; I-ecturen will be delivered durinc the year, lendin;? to Rive the extract from a letter of the Post Master in Eaton, j,j.„,^^^,^,j,,,po„ Indian river are some forty •1th, Cakes, Melon, .\ngelica, and pupil* a KenernI and more correct keoWiedije of the branche* inclmledin the course, andofolhtrs which are not, usually,made Mr. John V. Campbell, that Mr. Alexander; ^^ p,cty ^1,^3 ilj.tant from the tract of country Dumb liirl, '.]'/ \ " the object of speeiai study. Mitchell has died of cholera after a few hot.rs j^^^. ^^^ ^^ j,,^ Seminoles remaining in Flori- Tith, In PrcHJi, The religions principle's which the piipild may have on enlcr- .„, , , I i» 1 • , 1 I .1 i'"f'helngtitntioiiltrcnotinteneredwith. KxternnI compliance, sickness. Tho writings of .Tijdge Mitchell have ^^^ p^g^ ^,,-,3 ^ircumslanoe, it is feared that riicy can nlaa be had bound up in handsome cloth I however, with tho ride m required from all. often edified the readers of this paper. Ilewas:,,,^ murder of Barker is the beginning of a gilt volumes, at 25 cent.s pur volume, rach volume sold • onTl/cr the eU i"t 0,1 diirinifth i>epl«tnb«e yearr an,d biendin ont aboue fcusioiit tho .a)l which ofh Julyroramcncc. i also personally known to many of them and was \ concerted outbreak. No other corroborating i !?P"f'>;, , , „ ,, , TKItMS. respecte• d' and• •honore dt b1 y. all_ii . liII e becamI e a '^i Vol. 1st, Cakes, and KciihrenKt, 2.5 cents. Board and Tuition, Aya>h.n^. Ic., (payable hali-vearly. m proofs have reached the Government; but the 2il, Chcrrie.t, anil the Melon, 25 •' bonvcrt to the Catholic Faith not many years i war department has tnadc preparations to de­ advance.) ..... jf i()0 00 since, having pcrsued his investigations with ;ij, M.aJonna, and Angelica, iMiwic. and the u»e of the Vi&no. per quftrler, - 8 Ot) spatch a suflicient force to the country to re 4ih. Uunili (tirl, and Forget-.Mc-Not, Vocal M»«,r. - •. • - 5 0<) great dilliffcnce nnd purity of intention, and pel the Indians, if they contemplated other hos­ .5th, Rose Uush, 25 " Fainiinjfaiid Orawine, - - - - 5 00 from the day of his reception into the true Fold (ith, Anselino, . . . 25 " French lio. - - . • • S 00 tilities, or to bring the murderers to j.islicc, if Italian do. - • - • • • S 00 until the hour of his death, was a most faithful jj,jg j,, ^^^^.j^ the vitdcncc of a few stragglers." For furiherpanitu.'ariiapp'y toihe SuperioreMOf thaConvenj; anddevotedprofessorol our faith. His natural; BOOKS PUBLISHED BY aphl 7—u'. eloquence united with a charming simplicity, Enw.viii) Du.MCAX «!c BiioritEU, New York, Sundries* polished wit, great perspicuity of ideas nnd an l-'jO Imsis [irirne Kio Coffee. • ii. .' ; IVoticc. C11AKL13 Doi.MAX, Liindoii. unexhaustible store of anecdote, in addition to a i :iO bids* i?. H. Molafiuea, ' -•: lA/riCllAKr. CA!«HMA\. late of PinshurRJi, hnvini,' died at Ru iiAUDsoN sJc SON, London. 175 do N.O. Jo holy charity which could never be exhausted so! lU Kv8.i.villr.I„d,.naIvBinvillr. Indiana;; hi.h!.«, relativerelative s are hereby noli&cd to ^jjj^^^^^y ^j. j.;;,,^,,,,,,^ ,,y jj^^. j^j,„ i^i„^^,,,^ j) -Q Btiply at this ofTicc, a« tht y may hear of soinelhinc to their ad .50 half chests V. H.. Gunpowder, and Imp. Tea, profusely was it supplied from the Divine Foun­ viuitacc. July as~4i. revised and enlarged by corrections and additiojis .10 do do Sup. Oolonj; and PowchonR Tea, tain, mtide him n most welcome visiter nnd cnj {Situation Wiiutcd* by the Author, in 111 vols, .small l'.Jrno. cloth. 50 bivies .>s, pj, itin, mid l«t Sup. Richmond, deared him to all without distinction of creed.! pi ice, . . $10 00 )5U do I\o. 1 Ivosin Soap, GKRM.\N, who understande tin- theory of Mit.'ic. and can We nympathise most sincerely with his afilicted ; A tcntily by good anthonty Ins nl-ilily in play the Orifaii. Caiiaiis and Dcereu.s of the Sacred and (Hcu- 50 do dipped Candle?, , . family. j wi«hc« to obtain a siuiation as Orgiinist and leader of Choir m niieal Coiincil of Trent; translated by the '20 do mould do ''"''" K Catholic chnrch, or to be placed in a college Hs teacher cf.M nsic. P08T OFFrcK, EATOX, July 20. 1849. j For lurther particulars emiuiie of .MU. FALI.FK. l?cv, J. Watcrworth, to which are prelixed 20 do Star do Rcc. and Dear Sir.—Judge Mitchell died at j July W>-4t. lluiler, I'a. £s.4ay>) on the external and internal history 375 bbls. S, F. FIouT, (part superior) ;^^-"''^"^" five o'clock yesterday, 19lh. Thus our com-! of the Council, I vol. 8vo. cloth. 2 50 300 do Rectified Whiskey, IVoticc. Life of St. Philip Neri. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. 2 50 75 do Rosin, munity has been suddenly deprived of one of; lyTAXCY MANNF-RS, who resides with her brother-in-iaw, Life of ;St. Thoniiw Villonovn, uni] St. P'rnn- 30 do Phch, '•• ' :>.(...,• ...^nit.o.. I K»,J t.«..«,l il._. rs-.l :„ 1" John I.«nder.i» requeued to call at the office of Ihi^ paper. its best members. I had hoped that God in whsre .^lio vrill hcur loinelhing to her advantage. juiy i^tl- eis Solano, I vol. Svo. cloth. 1 25 23 do i\. C. Tnr. ' bis mercy would have spared him for many Life of St. Kose of Lima, 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 1 25 50 hahs IVos. 1 and 2 Couon Batting, " * days of usefulness amongst us. An Excellent Farm for Sale Life of St. Ifrnaiiu? of I.nyola, founder of the •-J0 boxes White Havana Sugar, v" " Judge Mitchell was my near and dear friend, In Cambria County., Pa. Jesuits, 3 vols. Svo, clolh, 3 75 50 baifs " Brazil do nnd I feel his loss most sensibly. I have known nV. FARM nonr offered for sa> compri'eii 130 acr'5 of Life of the Bleftscd yebaslian of .Appariiio, 20 bbi.^. " do do /- T f;ood land, of which H) acrenare in eultivaiion. 1 vol. Svo. cloth, 1 25 10 thousand pounds Bacon, hog xouiu); him from my earliest boyhood and found iti him The improvements consist of a comfortable and comnuxlious a friend and adviser in odrcrsity or prosperity. larm house, large bunk barn, «j>rliig house, waf h Ivouie. smoke Lives oi the Companions of St. Philip Ncri, 10 bags Pepper, lioiise, ,Vc. There is an unl'ailiiii; ipriiiR of pure water at the I vol. 8vo. cloth, 1 25 5 do Alspice, May God take him to hie bosom to dwell door—and a ^good garden and orchard. The farm i« divided into eonveiiieni fields, emhracint; a fair Life of the Bleiised Sebastian Valfre, Father together with a general assortment of foreign aid dd>. with bright angels and the souls of just men proportion of arable and meadow lanil—and m, in every respect. Antonio do Ssnti, Father /Vngclo Malmal- mestic Liqours.and Pi:t»burg|i manufactiBfld ulielcj. made perfect.—CoiA. Telegraph. » most desirable pr iperty, siuiaic in the centre of tlje ben Ca­ teucci, and otherR, 1 vol. Bvo, clolh, 1 38 generally in store, and f&r .^ale br tholic settlement in the county—w'ithin one-lburth of a iwle of St Joseph's church. Life of the Venerable Father Claver, S. J., JOHN- .M'DEVITT * BROS., AwFct CONDITION OF SANDUSKY CtTV— Price, 81900—one half on delivery of the deed, liainnce in ant] Canlinal Odescalcbi, S, J., 1 vol. 6vo. No. 13 Commercial Rotr, Ravages of Cholera—Sandutky City, July 30. easy payments, sacnrcd by tnon^af^e on the prciniH'S. For further particulars cmniire of tlic Kdiuir of uSii papis:. cloth, „ ,j, , ,, 1:25 Lihcrtj :st.,oppo8ite hea4 of 8iqitli^tt4^ -^The.condilioo of this city at the prpseat time July It—Sin. , July T-2t awtch 17—tt. iiJU.it' 168 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC.

ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1849. DBTIXGCISIIED VISITORS EXPECTED.— The THE Tapscotrs Cifineral Emip-atioA ROOIIR, BUOTIl£RS A, CO. following telegraphic deppnich appeared Tn the sraxxra AND SUMZHIEB. STOCK Office. Xo. 35 Fullon street, jVew York, RE-MITTANXF.S and passage loandfromGitiuT CommercinI Journal of Thursday. OF UaiTAis and IKBI.AMI, by \\' & J. T.'laptccu,' JAMES liLAKELY, AGENT, READY MADE C LO T HING 75 Soudi street, corner of .Maiden l.nne, ^•e^* ' IlAunr^nrm;, AujrtiFt 1. Pcnn stmt, near the Canal Basin, l^lljlnirgh. , Vork, and 'Jii Waterloo toad, Liverpool. EniroR oy THE CUJIMICRCIAL JOLIINAI..— xr THE The subscribers having accepieu ihe agency of the ilioye yAi^)SS (Jenirounol'sciidiiiR for iheir frictulslrom tlic Old house, arc now prei arcd lo make HrrHngeinciils' upon the ni^st President Taylor and mypfilt"will be hnppv to P• CouiitrvCountry., liriirec reii(ici;lt"ullrei>pci;lt"ully rcijucsiiiircqucsimll lo cull as aliOV^alJOV^^ THK liberal ic ims with thoKc drsirou* of paying the {.MKageoiUnir • ULACK HALL LIXK UI' l-ivejpfKjl and .\etv York I'nckcln nrR friends irom Ihe Old Country, and flmitr ihenitelvet llieircltsr meet the citizens of Allc<;iifny coMiiiy on Sat­ ; wi-lj known.iiiidllio rare and niteiitionol ARriiln andOnptninK, THREE BIG DOORS, aclerand longstanding m business will give ample assurance urday evening, the If^ih of Anjroi-t. i us wi-:i ns ilic puricninlily in llie days of !a;iii-^. all oomtiiiic lo FOR 'J'lIE PKESE.NT SEASO.N, that alii heir arrangements will be ciirned oui Uiihiul.y. i tucoinniciid ilii» line in Itie altiMi iuii ol the pnlilic. Kicli imti- .Messrs. W. .V J. '1". 't'a|iHC0U arc long and iTivoitbly knew n W>r. F. JoilN.^TJN j Sfnger wiilliti provided witlillOlli*. ofproviAiotni, without nny ;^ ! ' cxiru clinrpc. Mr. Uoclic, St ii, pcrson.illy u tcnd»ii tho cm- HAS ^EVER HEEN EQEALEEI), ibi the superior cluaa, arcominodatiuii and laiiing <,Ma(ilhf of £%'«!> by til« Celebrnted KiitablUhiucut itaclf. ' their racket .Ships. The qI'K1:;.N tn THK WK»>T. SHKKIDA N l^r^tI^^vTIa^• A writer in llio Journal of:i'»r^«""'""P-"'«i'"K'-''»ai'--^'''''po"'-.wiiKii of iifeiiisiie-uin- i ROCriF.STKR.IiARRICK.HO'rn.MilKH liOj^ClLti.r.lV- iji-uiun^ii i>j.». At .... onto.Mliat their couuori.-i tind oonveiiiencc will l.e strictly nt- HF. t,".VP!lKCi:i)K.VTi;i) I'ATItO.VAf.-K hesiowod upon i ERPt>01,, Kiid S1UD<»NS. two of which leave each poilmoiilli- Commerce csiimatns thnt 7r>,000 (lerinan-s will tended lo. , , , . T tiiC fiilerpr.'i' ol ilii^ jiropneior. Iui."i eji:ihli-d hiin to purchase : ly. from .New \,jvk ihc iilsi mid •JOth.imd fioiii l.:%ei|ocii)ie t.ih vuuii.i..i^v, v.^' •• , I I'tisst-ngcrsaliin liroueht out iM rinsT rLAfaAMKtiCA.v Sims. all his (iood* nt such price.* as will allow him tn sell, Whole- and llih, in addiion lo which iheyhave arrangements wiihiht nrfivo nt N'^W York alono this year, nnil thai >fnilms wfckly frcin l.iverjKwl, un.l forwarded lo Viiisl'iirehi j sale and llctail. l.(J\VHIl ilianany other Houec, Kastor Wc6l. t«i George and I. nion Line* oi Jiiverpool Pnckeu. lo imun. ^ " ^ (ami unv nun of the Weet. when dreircd, dec. 1—tf. deparuirc from Liverpool, every five days being ^hu^ dricrmiii. on nn avernjro, each per.'^dn will bring ^W in j • . , •„ - ed. their iBcilities shall keep pace \sith iheir increasing pairo- M.\NUF.\C'J'Uki:ii OF nage, while .Mr W, Tapscoil's cor.stoni rcrtona! •uj.eriiiltn coin—makinif an aggregate of three millions ot , , r, , R E A I) Y .M A I) 1: C: f. () '1' II I N G, diUice of llie business m Liverpool is an additioMal securii) ilmi J tie taut nud only Remedy. No. 151. LIP.FR TV .ST., PriT.-lU'RGIl. PA. the cotnlori and accomniodaiion of the i lu-sengers %vi!i be par. dollarsiMroBTA. N T 1K0.M VKM ziK.LA —Bv an arrival I fjf^ •_^ ,„„. , j;^^ ^,,^^ ,^-,;, f,^^ nijnymcnt of health. iKularly ailmdcd lo ^- .\on est rivcrr, sea valerc, vda. : Has juiit complied hi« Sloi:k, and hag now on hand, ready )br The subscribers being (ns iisiiaijc.^trnsively ergagf d ir the froim Venc/.nola wc Icnrn that den. r.iPZ innfl- * ' • ./ sale, ihc. LAll'iKST. .MOST KASIIIONAIILE, A.tB VARtKU ASSOBTMK.NT or kciidy Dlatlc ClothiUK ever oirered in the United I Transjiortau-^n IJusio-ss between i'lllaburfh and tlie Atlantic cd at Ciiro on iho Xiil of July, havinir under his ' Stales; all of which have been made under his immediate in-^ cities, lire iherthy cnahlcd lo take charge of and foiward ptt». \ speclioiljin this city,AT PHtCHSTlUT MUarOBTALS A. l'aErEKE.>CE I sengers immediaiely on iheir landing, withoni a chance oi (fit- command iOOO tro"j'o, ; —loijethcr with one ol the choicest seleciions of inirKjrted fine 1 appoiuunenlor delay.and aic ihcicfore prepared lOfontracilor On the lOili of .Inly lit? fotiirjit with and h("J.i il'l IS. iliiiiha.< ever been brought lo this city. Also, fcated the Govcnun'Mil troo]).>;, and then look luic iiir.i y VKSriNllSoi iverv description, fuch as Cashmeres, Ihe iiBiureoflhc bu.'-iness they arc riigaued in givirg litem fiic',- ' .Mnrseiilrs. rich Silks, fancy Satins, icic. All the newest lllies for carrying passengers solar inland not olliei wise aiiaui- possession of that part of tiie country ivhirh \>\ able, and will {if necessary) for ward pasKcnperslorthe \\\siby O::^" THK f;Ui:AT KJIENCH llEMEDY J^^ . ssylesof fancy C.\SSI.\IKUKS,ofcvcy description; altof which called Porntjuaaer. Ji was genf.'raliy nnd'Tstond i ' Will bo made up to order at the shortest notice, in tlie latest and , liie best inotie of conveyance without any addilioiial i:harges for Qj" THK riivsiciAs's iir.M!:i)T. ^rj) ' moi't fn*hionable style. 1 their trouble. Where persons scJil for decline comijig ou!,ihe that Pacz wa.s determined to annihilite the! The pioprii-ii.r iiuiirms ijie public that llic principle upon THKONLV RK.MKDY FOR TUF- AFFLrCTKD. I amount paid ibriiassage will be refunded in full. Monngese or die. . \; • -'^ i which lie will dobu'iness, w/ll heupou the ba.sisof IICJNF.STV Ri:.Miri'A.\cES. l". ask tlie aiteiiiio!i of all wiio may he liifpiis.'d lo (jue»iion and 1''AIRDHAIJI.N'(J; and in order to establish a conhdencf The subscribers are also prepared lo give draftc ni sijhl. fur W it» efficacy U) exiiinine tlie chnriicler 01 the annexed to«- in buyers, f am delermined lo adhere lo my original inotio, any amount payable at the principal Cities and To«ii> in Eng­ tiinoniuls, but not to be conleni ihcrewiih, but to make an vx- i "tit-'icK S,iLEs A.xu SMALL PROFITS;" and als« make the buyer land, Ireland, Scotland and U'ales; thus sllording a ssj'e and PITTSBURGH MARKE'I'S. (tcriineiit lo test it» virtues; and previous 10 condemning.toi;ive expediiions mode of remiiling lands loihosc ci.'m!ir;es. winch It a fair trial, and we wdl hu/ard our reputation upon the fuc- his own SALJ>MA.v,by marking the iowcsl price on each article, persons niiuiring such facilities, will fiudiliheiriiitciesf.o avail .Vvi;*--^ ••'•••- FniLAv. A115. 3, IPI9. cesaful isMie of the rttperimint. Probably there never was a ( Ml plain fijjurcs, so Ih-it each cusiomi:i can select from an im- themselves of Kenicdy that has been »o suecesiiful tn deupcrate cases of Con- I ineiise aud eiipiisilely as.«orled siock. the art.cles he requires, Applicaiion (if by Idler, pof l-paid) will be prompt'y attended .\slip'i.—Siiles moderate al llir followin;; rtilfp; .sumpiioii as thiij. Daily arc many rejoicimj in knowing that i at the lowest price it can possibly be lK)n(fht for. to on appUcalioa io TAAFI'B ic O'Ct tNNOR, CoNSCMiTio.'v can be cured. Daily are many eiyoyiii}: itA bene­ Husines.i shall continue to lie transacted at my extensive Forwarding .ind Commission .Merehonts. Scf)rching«,3i ; Pota.eli, 4.Tlil rX^.; I'lMrlash.oinrii cts. ficial elfeci*. p.'r lb.; .Saleratus, .^)* ; Soda, 3J. i csldbli»hmKnt, which hSii Ion;,'since obtained the character of march IS I'ittslmrfn. Pa. Read the lollowing—it ppeak* foriise.'f without comnieni—the ' being the Filurr TAILCRI.NG ESTABLIMLME.M l.s I'lnsBLBOji. l.'iil,._HerrLiiK, li.OO per liiil.; .»<';iail, 9,2'); Mne- at'.eslation of tii'i I upril 7—tf. Valiiahie Lots for Kale. keri-1 No. 1, l.'t.ilO; Mackerel -No. -J, fr,.VJ; Alait- i JOIIX M'PKVin- JAMEiS M'DEVtTT. \nLLIA.M M*»EynT. EVKHAr, HUII.DIMi LOTS. ..iiiuale in the Seventh NYard, TWO CATHOLIC rnif.sTS S ciiy ofPiil.' i.< a guarantee. Read, ye aliUeted, and rctlccll ! J01I!\ ITI'DEVITTsV UKOS., For particulars apply lo Griiceries—Uooi) .Molasses is «elliag at 2!1 cptits CiNC!S.\.vTi. Se;.!. 25, IM?. • IjyilOr.KSAI.K (;ilO(.-|:i;.S, Dewier* :n I'ro.Uice an.) Pili'- JOHN N. McCLOWRY. per i»al. Sii?ar—Priiue N. O. Ji rts per lb. Coll'ee To my fellow creatures laliorinp under the ihsonse of Consuinp 1 ' buri;h .M.inufactured .\rticlcri (»>-nerally. .\o 13, Commer- Attorney and Counsellor at Law. —Sales of Riuat T'arirli. jer lb. Uicn—.Sales nt '!°""-'^'''''*<=" <''">"''"^'•'^•'"''H'I.''''''','''"'''"'"''''''''^•^''"''V" , eial Kow, Ijiheri} street, opjiosiic head of SmUhlirid. nept. 9—if. liairwell'.'* Huiidiiigs, Grjint street. , the presirnt occasion to sive tt public tnliute to that great inedi- ( march IT—tf James ITI'^iiiiire. •*i- ^ , , cine, l>'schnnip'« Heiniidy lor Con«umpt:oii. F A S H I O N A B L E TAILOR, Provision?—»> e quote llatiis at 74 cts. t^iioiild-! Iteing « Khocni.iker by trade. 1 was attacked wiih weukiK'H.« THE ST. XAVIER PREPARATORY SCHOOL, THlllU ST., .Nli.lft WOOD, ST. CIIAIUJ.S BOILIJINUS. ers ers 4*ets. per lb. (Jlieese—UeLular sales at 6ja7 cts.! "'»' P"'"" '" my breast, and followed by Consumption. I'hyRi- PFIlCELIi .MAN.-^fON, All orders promptly attended tt). pe.'_ r llbu . ^ ;'^laiisntieudwin having trcntmcntl iiiu; :m havy ca?fe licc. pronouncen blistered dincurable— at least fifteeI pcrtiften timesd. Flour—Dealers are pnyiiij by the lot -l.T.llil.ST Clipped twenty times, and used mtisl of the nostrums of the day. march 25.—ly. [RK,MOV.\L.] a i M which w-as no efleoL At la.^l I heard of the abeve invalu­ Walnut Hilb, 2 J miles from Cincinnati, Ohio. per bbl. From store sell.^ al l.dT.'i.'i.UiJ, afi';ofding tr able temedy--seiil for Dr. H.J. Urodie, who wailed on niclortwo IHS Institution, intended sold y for small boys, issitiialed on JOH;V J. MITCHEL, quality. weeks and adnlinisiered said medicine. I wa^ M) low iliat my T o»c of the most elevated heigiits in tlie vicinity of ihe city. 1 friends, and even the Doctor de.«p.ai red of my life. The scrvici s The mansion itsidf is a spacious and handsome building, in the ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, IJrain—Whf-at demand? 7"i; Rye 50; Corn 37; j of the Kev. C. Driscol were secured and performed for me. not midst of a (ine tract of land, well laid out. and divided into gar­ (>.its 38al0; Barley, fiO ct<. per Uu. FOFHTH ST.. .\ FEW DOORS UEIOVV SailTIIFlELD. llny—jjales at scales duriiic the week at 7,50a.'J,OO. j expecting to live till inoriiiiiir.—but ihanU lo the Good U-iinR den, vineyard, oaiture. grove, and most ample play grounds for the exercise and amiisemenl of l!ie children, flic sitiialion is „, ' . ,-, .,, , • ,, ' .„,,.. • ,. and the in»lrnnienialily of Deschanip's Jleinedv. and the va!u- salubrious, llie dici is good, wholesome and abundant, calculated Ine bestqiiaUty wtl! br IIR tne lat erpnce. able services of my phy.ieinn, 1 was roMored to health. 1 used to promote health, which is an object of constant solicitude. Hides.—I or <.reen .Ji cU. paid by tniiiier;, le-sales . bu:three IKMUCSbefore my health was renamed, and 1 am now The cla-s.sc* and hours of study arc so arranged, as to afliird Ihe j For 8alc, at la-li els.; .Missouri, 1^'.); Spaiii^'h llalO. well and able to aiiend to inv work ; and by care on my pan I pupils more tune for healUifui exercise, thtui ran be allowed in LAHGE PICITRK OF 'lilK CRUCIFIXION Leather. Ra-.timore sole sells nt -Jlatii cts. New «•'',">«: "«<>""''•''"'e'"'d be»riy man. colleges. The .Matron, who has charge of the Wardrobe and OF OUR LORD—Suitable for n small Chapel, lw Ki t J Ills viiu may make use Ol as you may think best; IS the honfst Lannilry Rstablislnneiit. attends, in a particular manner, lo the A neiitiiew' and cleanliness of the children. ! Persons desirous of luircliasing can exumine it at the I OrK fole loal.l Cl«. ' elTusionsol a ttuly Rraielul man, and as I am soinewltat of a The course of ICducalion includes the classical, with Modem I Rooms of A. .McULORY, Lend Pig, 45; Bar, -'». siranser, allhouiihwell known to the Catholic coniinunity, ycl I.aiiguagcA, and all (he branchcsof an Knglisb Etlncation, which I Piirtrnit Painter, Oils.—'rainier;'ranges from 14,00nl."i per bb!. Sales : thiCons wiln l streetbe altemcdtob, between y .Maiiii* nworth and y\Vali!ut headr., above Wonhinpon the age of the pupils admits: Lutiii, Ureck, I'Vencb, German, History.Oeogrunhy. Writing. Ariihinetic. .tc ,.Ve. (Jrant street, opposite the Court House, ofFlaweed at JdaGll. Lar,(".0 per keg, ai»i! Riastin J. SCOTT, I have adminislereil IherilCTj of Ihc Church lotlic above named march Ht-Iy. GKO. A. CARHRIJ,. Pris.^. Rajs.—Kooii niixi-(! .'JJ per lb., cash. eentlcman. ihinkinsrtha! he was lo die within a few hours Dr. Salt—Demands from 1,2J lo l,"2ti, according to tin- Hrodie wa< leuderliiK him hlK services, and deserves. I ihmk. j Rciuittunces to Great Britain and DENTIST, cjiiality. uie compliment which the gciu!emaii(;iveahiin for Deschainp's j Ireland. Foi'RTn PTREP:T, :) noous WJST OF .'«ARKET ST. Pig Metai.—Sales have bt-en made a» (olloivs: /Vl'.e consumption remedy. C. DHl.'^lX)!.. • j^t^^l^"!'' under.4:piied hn.«. during the last iiionih, N. R.—,\11 work wnrranted, and if not perfectly gheny 26»i~7; Hangtiis Rock •J7a".i!>. 1 herebv certify that Rev. C. Dnscol is a priest of the Roman Catholic .iioj>e by which, un­ satisfactory, no charge u'i 11 be made. dec. ^7—tf. Niiiis.—lOd. at .i.7 j ^.l. 4,00 per ke>;. ill this ciiy, witli the approbation ol'the prop<.-r ecclesiastical der iiic firm of Tar—Sales Nortii Carolina at 4,'2.')ijer bbl. , BuUionlv. Ju.T. Cul.U.N':^, Y.li. Bt.AKEl.Y *. Co., CIIAKLES B. S€i;£Ll7 Window Glass.—Demand continues bri>.k. Sale; ' he w." :oiidoii and Dublin. Hunk of England notes l>ought:Kxcliange .18—tf. Cornmeal.—Sales al 4ii tts. WOiXDERS WILL NEVER CEASE! procured on France and Germany. 8opt 8—if. Lard, fii elf. per lb. ' Honey.—Sale^al 14 ct«. CTJ'"" -4 Ca.ie ofW Ycar.s Standing. .J^ J. IV, McCLOWBY, I P. ITI'STEEif, Beeswax.—Sales nt iiO cts. per lb. j From a citizen of Cincinnati, not a ficlilious name or place as AHORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bran.—'Phis article ('einanus lUcts. ,)er bij. I \f common aino.ii; the common .\Mluuai:c and Cou^ii, or I.uiii; BRASS FOUNDER AND GAS FITTER, PirrsRLRt.ii, PA., ' IhMoins.—Sales at l.'Z'ia".'..''^'!, as in quality. j lialsains of the present day. \SmkhKeld st., between Diamond Alley and 5th OFFICE IN RAKKUFLL'S RFUDINGS, GRANT ST. BiicKets.—Regular sales of Remver al <;"J,-^0a:2,"i.'.'). ] Be.id the following certificate it need? no comment, it i,* from Opposite l/ie Court House. Fruil.—Dried Peaches sell ,it l,lsal,"J.') per bu. j anold rcstdenterofour city, the nmch respected moihrrof .Mark PirT.SHi;RUH, PA. nov. 21, 1841!—tf. Dried Apples, sa'.es at JO cts. per bu. I P. Taylor lisq., o.ir of oiir City Mai(istraics, who will al any dec. 15—11-. Raisins,good ne'.v«ei!s at l.t'Ta-.OlJ per box. i nine at his olTiee. Third street, near bycainjic, give uny tatia- iw. ItlcBKIDEr ~ I faction that ciKiuirinK IriCiidd may want. ! Catiiolic Aiuianac and Ordo for 1840 Lemons, sales at 4,00 per bo.c I JFutit Keccivcd ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oranges, sales nt ."•> ,00, ;5er bos . I Ci.Nci.-dXATl. January 1.^. l&IO. /^FFICE corner ol Gram street and Strawberry Alley. Busi- .MEstin.s. BKODIE & Ltn—Gratitude and thankfulness by the T GEORGE QFK.LKY'S Itooksiore, 5th street; Catholic Tallow.—Rendered, sales at 7 cts. ^-^ neiis entrusted tohis care will be puuctaally aUcndcd lo. j medium of a Icllei is the only way in my old days {heinj; now A Almanac and Ordo ibrlMil: Shandy .M'<»iiire,or tricks may (C»—If _ Vinegar.—Sales nl9 cts. per etUloii by the bb!. j sevcnty.two>throa!;li wliicfl I can return it to you, for the great [ upon travellers, a story oflhc North of Ireland; Doctrinal Catc- White Load.—Sales at Jl.(l«al,(ri, as in iter-^a.law, and her tainily. have lend to the business of li'iiderlaker. He is supplied with.«uid A l4 D E R W A ]\\ ') 00 I used it With much salisfaclion in Severe colds, and I woiilil here keeps constantly on hand. Colhiisof all kinds and si/.es, made ID OFFICE wniUN .t Doons OK THK CA.NAL nRiuot, PEN.N BT • Isaac H. Smith, •' , I conclude, by rccoinmcndmg Deschamp's Remedy to the siiiicr- i order al the shortest notice He has, also, a hue Hearte and I iiig Asiiimiilic. Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. Peter Himmell, '• ) : Carraigus always ready to attend funerals. Terms moderate Signed, HANNAH TAYLOR. april 5—tf. Per Mr. A. J. Kuhn. for I feb.-3«—ly. 1 PHYSFn.\NS' TK.STIMONV. J / 1TI'''K E W IV JiT, Jnhn M-Gough, Blairsviile, i ! Dr. J. .'*. .Moore,of St. I,onis,on board the (iennantown, Sept., JOIli\' €01LE. AUCTIONEER AM) COMMISSION Peter Slimel, " [ h 00 I '4-:. writes: j "I am now on my way home, in better health than I have eii- NOTARY AND CONVEYANCER. MEKCWAIST, Self, " ) j jo""j Je d"'yc'iipl'ha lor five yearss Icrt-H. I have entirelye used ,fou anrd IKIIIICI am Ss oo fmuc youhr improveRemedyd, EEDS, Hoods. Morigaacs, and a'.l other In«irument» ol 114 WOOD STREET. Uli DOOR FRO-M FIFTH ST,, Tk« «.«J'. . r \r-l\ II \T II r- 1 !l",>''"';"°'^*''"'*^'"'<^'''y''<""gni):emBj and my cough has let)'nf entirely : Ihavclwodi.nenwhich D Wniuig prepared with accuracy and dispatch. 'I'itles lo inC trcOll to Jo«. ,A1 Uonalll, i>Ilil t->rePK. j nought trom you, whiealamtaking home ibr my own use ami Reol F.41aie, Records Examined, ic. &.c. Ihlice in .Meiculf A: PITTSBURGH, PA- tiiKiiiiis'iii.iildiiig, I^ourth sircct, near Smilhficld si., Pittsburgh. (V^Refer to the prinni pa! merchants. sep28—tf II .• J I II I I or. no i ''"•'"'"')• ''^"^"'''*'' juiie3—ly. Huntingdon county, should have been §3,00 j _ 'I'hDr.c Miwrfollowine waslargoiieinConsnmpiiog i» from a well knowii physician n in I.^.'tingt.in, instead of *2,00. William Bueltler, •The case for which 1 purchased from you six boiiles or De- l\'cw Boolvs for lloilida}' PreM'nts. FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER, I srhanip's Consumption Remedy, is now improving very lu>t. 1 QUKiLKV Ims lust received n b.t;;e and splen- i Tne lady has hud troublesome dysp,;psia for a number of years, (HICCESSOK TO HEUNAUll PKHHir,) Gy, did nssorlmciit of fancy Rooks suilable for the jdb-» ll.\YI,NG uiken a sinnd on SMITHFIBIJI STREKT, be- 1 oLsliiittte consiipation, dry cougii. gradual decay of l.'ie system, present tea-jon. Rihles and Prayer Books, in tvery SH'f tween Third and Sccon.l streets, respeclfullv invittshis nied. I wiih uterine derangement. She has, since the use of the Keme- I style of pLiiii and e.stra gilt binding, bt. Vincent's f H^old customers to vi*ti iiiiii in iii.i new location, where dy.gaincJ strength, hrr cough and iineusine«« inthe breast have ^**he isprcpared to raamifaclure Uentlenien'g Boots On the 30th ulti-no. MART PETTT,consort of T. Vt. uiiappcarud,aiid h.'r dyspcpi.esvinploiiis ail left. In short.her ! iVlaiiiial, bound in rich velvet, with case and clasps, luid Shoes in Ihebestinariner. ang. 19—tf. Hloelhnr.i III llio IJOt'i vcar of her ai»e ^f-iv she rest I f""'""*'* »'"' '"•' own mind i^ relieved from the heavy and gloomy \-c.; Christians' (jiiide lay r.ie rest ] apprehension that ..;he would die a consmnptive's death. She is ! Prayer Rook published in the United State:; the Ori­ Chairs! Chairs!: in peace. ; now cured.'' ental Pearl or llic (^itbolic F.ini^rntits, by .Mrs. .Anna rptil': imdcrsigiieil would respectfully inform the puhlie that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i The aliove are extracts, and are only a few among the hun • : H. l.torsey, just published; the Ror-o liusii; Uie R"se of JL Uicy have asfocialcd ihi inselves together .'or Ihc purjK'Se of ^^^^S?^F^^™f^'^^^'**^^'^^^^'^"'''^^^""""***^SS? i greds received weekly. carryingun the Cbnir 91nkiii<; Kuiflncsa in ail ns various I .St. John, «.Vc ., together with nil the iaieslinjral tales r^fipsn rnr> C'llo i O* RKMKMI'KH DesciiAStr's RsMKov is W'AaSA.NTED. branches, at tho warehouse of llie late firm of Roberts &. Kane, • arillfttfl ...in.. I 5,^iKi,sibe(;,rfeilure. 1 for the young; .Medals of the Blessed Virgin .Mary in W, Third sirecl, between \Yocid and .Market, where Ibey would respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Rnh being drlphiVALl^ABLa turi!p-.ke.E ThTRAe FarnC T O; Ftoi.'. LAa ND ns . xiuluairT acie:d >in oUn'tf laudy ,town o - j gj.OUd is ofTci-cd (notURODI for a beticrK t ) LEVIbut fo,r so.'iw eequal PropOelor*, , j glass e.Tses, with t^old bands. The above with every ship. WestmarelHrn! cocaty. with.n 1 of a mile ef the I'h.la- j Vorsalc wluleaale iindreiaii by practical Chair-niakerH, will enable us to warranl cv- ry articio AJW) acres cleared—has IAO griod log bou'cs. two 'oamsi ucd u I Cinciiiimti. Oiilo. i ('atholic work of merit publislied in the United States ino.irlii.c. 0-DONNKL & MFLLF:M. gotnl lenai.l houpe ifierro!:—.i yvuvr ar.ti proni.siiig orchaid of «V)ld by i k.^pt constantly on hand. Also, x\Kont for the Uniti.'d clu>ire trun ; has an abiiiid'i'it.r of ccal and iihoice tmiher, and | JOHN m;R(; i o..., \^ Stcnmboat Chairs made with ncatnesa and dispatch. the wl^ole I'arraiswtil waitrn' U ct.u)d I.e (..vidcd into two i But'er. Hurler coiintv. Pa. ! .States Catholic iMagazinc and the New York Free .luly J.—If. farms. BTUI wi'.l be sold on bL-wii' tem:.;. or eT'-tnnfe'f for proper­ Dr. W.M. JOHNSTON, • man's .loiirnnl. ty ill the cr.y of Ptiuhurgn cr A;lig;ieay. il is sauaiB widivn Seventh slreei. above Grant, Piitsburgh, Pa. JAIflES ll<>WAiei> A to.. " For sale wholesale and retail bv j (c^ Onlers from tbe country failhfiilly attended to. ivo miles of iho Yourpaiowu A^iwiti y. i'tiK."'. de»:riiig 'o All works sold either wholes.nle or retsil, nt the iow- ANUFACTUREJIS of WaU Paper & Bor­ exchange, or purchase, ran tr.f,u.re ot'firJo, ?tiF.l!o:il)», on '.he Gl^RGE MFIGUCY. General Agent. ders, also V»'ritin(5, Letter, Priutin;;, 'Pea, and Pinladelphia iurnp:ke, near iKe i'»rm,ot t.i Jens COJLC, Fourth Cuitn>lic Bookstore. i est prices. GFO. QUKiLKY, M i't.'-cel, PitisbuteU. Fift). street, near Siniihfield. PitSshurgh, Pa. I Catholic Bookseller, Wranping I'apers, Wood itreet, below Diamond Al au8.4-tr. : .. •• j.«jgE|S_JipO||^^.. N. B;—Call and jei a PampWei, with full direeiions. and eet' ley. : : sep.27—tf. tificawi. • feb. IT—Bin. ' dec. IG-tf, 5th street, near Suiithfield.