NNeewwsslleetttteerr ooff tthhee IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall JJeeww’’ss HHaarrpp SSoocciieettyy BoardMatters FeatureComment The opening of the Museum in Yakutsk Franz Kumpl An interview with Fred Crane Deirdre Morgan & Michael Wright RegionalNews PictureGallery Images from the opening of the Museum in Yakutsk Franz Kumpl WebWise IJHS website goes ‘live’ AndFinally… Correspondence NoticeBoard Membership August 2008 Spring / Summer Issue 7 Page 1 of 14 August 2008 Issue 7 BoardMatters – From the President Page 2 FeatureComment – The new Khomus Museum in Yakutsk & Interview with Frederick Crane Page 3 RegionalNews Page 5 PictureGallery Page 12 WebWise Page 13 AndFinally… Page 13 NoticeBoard Page 15 To contribute to the newsletter, send your emails to
[email protected] or post to: Michael Wright, General Secretary, IJHS Newsletter, 77 Beech Road, Wheatley, Oxon, OX33 1UD, UK Signed articles or news items represent the views of their authors only. Cover photograph & insert courtesy of Franz Kumpl & Michael Wright Editorial BoardMatters NEWS HEADLINES From the president THE NEW KHOMUS MUSEUM OPENS IN Dear friends, YAKUTSK. The Journal of the International Jew‟s Harp Society, IJHS LAUNCHES ITS FIRST WEBSITE. besides this Newsletter, is indispensable to our work FRED CRANE STEPPING DOWN AS JOURNAL and an integral part the paying members get for their EDITOR. yearly membership fee. Given that the Society basically runs on goodwill, it History has shown that the difference between Journal never ceases to amaze me how much we manage to and Newsletter are as follows: achieve. Sometimes it may seem that nothing is The Journal is published ideally once per year in a happening much, but, just like the swan swimming printed version and with the objective of providing (above) majestically along on the water, the legs are paddling opportunities for the publication of scientific Michael Wight, like mad beneath.