Bank-, Register

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Bank-, Register BANK-, REGISTER VOLUME liXVIIL, NO. 4. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 19,1945 -SECTION ONE—PAGES l-,T0U2. Robert J. Hayward Vincent J. Moyes CommitteesNamed Road Contract In Writes Of His Harvest Home Set Electe'd To Head Heads EatontowiW For Church Fair Eatontown Given Pacific Travels For' Missing Naval Gunner The annual Harvest Home supper Committees for the annual Sea and bazar of tfye Women's Society Rainbow Veterans Legion Post 325 Bright Methodist church fair, Jo To Fred -McDowell On New Destroyer of Christian Service of the Metho- Lost Life In Action be- held Friday, August 47, starting dist church will be held Thursday, at 6;30 p. m. on the church prop- August 23, at the church Fellowship Red Bank Resident Officers Elected At erty, were appointed at a meeting Maple Avenue To Be Petty Officer~Clemens hall. Final plans for the event will lust Thursday nightiof the Wom- be completed by the society execu- Letter To Sister Reveals Death Named Saturday At First Meeting Held an's Society- of Christian Service Improved With Tar Jacobsen "Ribbed" By tive Hoard at a meeting Monday, in the parsonage. August 6. - Ohio Convention Last Friday Night The committee members' and Asphalt, Pea Gravel Pals About Sea Bright Mrs. Roy Inscoe, general chair- Of Albert T. Buchhop In Pacific those in charge of the various man, has announced assisting chair- Robert J, Hayward of Pinckney Eatontown Post 325, American tables are Mrs'. Selma Swenson Fred McDowell of Neptune, with Interesting letters about his men. Mrs. Fred Boyd Is chairman Albert Theodore Buchhop, ion of road was elected national president Legion, elected .officers al'lts ffr and Mrs. Anna Haslam, notions; the low bid of J2.129.58, was award- travels in the Pacific on one of the of the kitchen; Mrs. Albert Lauber, W. Albert Buchhop of iftiantie of-the Rainbow Division Veterans meeting last Friday night in theMrs. Oscar Anderson and Mrse.d the contract for the improve- U. S. Navy's new destroyers, Wal- Jr., dining room; Mrs. Howard' S. John T.-Lawley Highlands, aviation /adloman sec- at the 27th annual reunion held borough hall. Notwithstanding tiliT Conrad Johnson, vegetables and ment of Maple avenue, Eatontown, lace Lind, and some of his exper- Hlgginson, apron booth; Miss Matle ond class, USNR, and reai gunner Friday and Saturday at Cincinnati, announcement that he was not a cake; Oscar'Benson and Rev. Wal- with tar asphalt and pea gravel, at iences, have been received by Mr. Morris, food table, and Mn. Alien Sells His Place in a Navy dive bomber, who has. Ohio. Mr. Hayward served as na- candidate for any office, Vinceni ter B. Williams, "white elephant" a meeting last Friday night of the and Mrs. Nells Jacobaen of 20'Cen- Carmen, white elephant table. been missing: in action since June tional treasurer of the association J. Moyes, the organizer, acceded to sale, and Mrs. Emily Stevens and mayor and council ot that borough. ter street, Sea Bright, from their 20, 1944, lost his life, according to the past four years. a unanimous request that he acMrs. Ella Miles, apron table. Other bidders were Conoyer & Sut- 19-year-old son, Petty Officer qiem- On Conover Lane a letter received Monday from Sec- This Is the second time the local cept the office of commander to Attending the meeting were Mrs. phen of Freehold and Mutual Con- ens Jacobsen, motor machinist's retary of tho Navy James Forrestal New Jersey Chapter of Rainbow serve for the balance of 1945. tracting company of Atlantic High- mate, 3/c USNR. Gopsill Comments by a sister, Miss Norms F. Buchhop Helena Johnson, Mrs. Selma Swen- lands. -• ., . • Division veterans has been hon- Commander Moyes, long prom son, Mrs. Fannie Renshaw, Mrs. Joseph G. McCue of 18 Middletown avenue, Atlantic ored by having a member of their inent in Legion activities through- Emily Stevens, Mrs. Ida Jacobsen, The contract was awarded by res- On SolicitingFunds Highland*. organization elected to this office. out the county and state, is county Mrs. Anna Haslam, Mrs. Augusta olution introduced by Road Com- Agency Of Rumson In 1940 William S. Nevlus of High- adjutant and a past commander of Anderson, Mrs. Petra Nelson and missioner Frederick B. Phllipps on lands was made national president. Shrewsbury Post 188, Red Bank. Mrs. Walter B. Williams. the recommendation of O. W. Mor- By Outside Groups Made The Sale ' James H. Kaufman, Thomas L ris' of Long Branch, borough en Norrio and Frank Holmgren were gineer, and subject to the approval The Joseph G. McCue agency of chosen vice commanders; Clyde J. of the State Highway commission Local Officials Rumson announces the sale of the Hayes, finance officer; Robert County Men In The election of Thomas E. Slate house of former Sheriff John T. Hayes, sergeant-at-arms; Louis and Robert E. Cain as members of Have No Authority Lawley, Conover lane, Middletown Dlngman, chaplain; Kenneth West, Army And Navy the Eatontown fire dep'artment was To Control Them township, to Mr. and Mrs. Heath historian; William Burnett, trustee approved by the council. Wakalee of St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. for three years; William .Paster, A club license was granted, the Wakalee is superintendent of Job trustee for two years and'Kenneth War Casualties Jphn Johnson lodge of Elks. Councilman Thomas M. Gopsill, Planning for the General Cable West, trustee for one year term. The police report was received chairman of the police committee, Company, Perth Amboy. Commander Moyes announced and filed. reported to the Red Bank mayor The attractive modern house has that he will appoint his various Official Lists Of More bids on tax title liens on and council Monday night that the an unusually large living room committee chairmen at the next borough-owned lots were received council has no authority to deny with fireplace, dining room, sun Killed, Missing and will follow their usual course. permission to outside religious or- porch, pantry, kitchen, laundry and meeting and that regular sessions ganizations to solicit funds within lavatory on the first floor and "of the post would be held the sec- And Wounded the borough. These organizations, three bedrooms with tile bath nnd ond and fourth Fridays ' of each Bronze Star For he said, are protected by Federal shower on the second. An oil-fired'' month in the borough hall. laws. He expressed his personal hot water system supplies heat. Twenty-six, representing the en- The War and Navy departments, opinion that it was-unfair for the tire membership at the time, at- through the Office, of War Informa- There is-a three-car garage In Capt. Wodehouse residents .of Red Bank to be sub- the rear of the property, and the j tended Friday's meeting" and all tion, .for the week beginning last jected to requests from out-of-town Friday and ending today, listed the grounds are very attractive with • those who had not been obligated groups, when demands for assist- lawns and flowering shrubs, were given the oath by the com- following Monmouth county men as Former Red Bank Boy P, O. CLEMENS JACOBSEN ance from local groups, must be mander. The present membership casualties of war; also liberated met, is now 34 and the charter will re- prisoners. Honored In (Germany "Shortly after arriving at the A taxicab license, the third with- Court Of Honor ALBERT T. BUCHHOP main open for a short time during All these reports are based on Hawaii Islands," he writes, "we in a month, was issued to John •.vhich all veterans are Invited to prior notification to next of kin. In left on our first long trip lasting Capt Charles J. O. Wodehouse, Marks of 43 West Bergen place, "Your brother," stated the letter sign up. case of divergence between this list 34 days. We did not stop at Sai- on recommendation of Mr. Gopsill. For'11 Troops and information sent to the next of U. S. Army, ol Brooklyn, a former pan, but went right 'on to Luzon, hag been carried on the official j On the recommendation of Mr. resident of Red Bank, ha« been The license was granted subject to records of the Navy department In . ROBERT J. HAYWARD, West that in the selection of dele- kin, the last War Department or Formosa and Hong Kong., Then the procuring of a certificate of Navy Department telegram or let- awarded the Bronze Star Medal we crossed the China Sea to the Affair Scheduled the status of missing in action Mr. Hayward has been an active gates to the county executive com- for meritorious service in connec- necessity from the Office of De- since. June 20, 1944. As a part of mittee the two elected delegates ter to the next of kin Is always the Philippine Islands. Man, was itfense Transportation. Task Force 58 which supported the member of New Jersey chapter for appropriate final authority. tion with military operations in rough! While we were at thefle For Wednesday many years, having served as itsby World War 2 veterans, Thomas Germany from March 30 to May 8. The tavern license of Emil Stal- American Invasion of Saipan Island, L. Norrls and Edwin Blossey were NAVY WOUNDED places, the carrier planes were der wao transferred to Rex G. Wil- the Marianas, your brother was president for two terms. He joined He received the citation recently bombing strategic enemy bases." At a dinner meeting of District the former Red Bank Ambulance chosen with James H. Kaufmann Slhler, Adolpfl, Jr., FFC DSHCB. from Maj. Gen. E. N. Harmon. He liams and his brother-in-law, Wll- 2, Boy Scouts, held Tuesday night aboard a plane, which, together as a proxy.
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