Estalished 1878

Vol. LXV No. 57 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1941 Ten Cents -P. A. ALUMNUS ON SHIP COLLEY, HEINER, WATERS ANDOVER STICKMEN MEET SEIZED BY NAZI RAIDER WIN ROBINSON DEBATE ______-BEFORE LARGE AUDIENCE FAVORED EXON IAN TEAM SAILED AS AMBULANCE Penetration Of United States NtcsHCE MO TN A I__DIUIE TO D G!AULLEI Into South Americ a-NoieHEKLIPRA TM L ~UflUJ~~~~~~~~~iJEJ ~~~ DE~~~Debate Subject Prprdress for Seniors forINAD VRS EF S. S. S. Zamzam Sunk In Atlantic; DR US RSDSbaccalaureate services: PasengrsCrew Reotd Dark suits (black, blue, or ox- Andover Offensive Depends Passengers,Reporte ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ford),dark ties, white shirts, On Eccles, Waters, Boone Safe In Unknown Land Spengler, Chavchavadze, Foster -black shoes, no hats. -- .And Macomber CARGO DESTROYED ~~~~~~~~~LoseClose Debate__ CARGODESTROYED ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ___Proper dress for Seniors for SE ONU UC SFL The ort-fithnnua deatefor -gradkia-tion--exeess __EAON___CES Liner Carrying Ambulances,Thfot-itanuldbtBleas letewie Other War Equipment the H-. S. Robinson prize took place Bluetswhite lune tsehit Captain Naugle And Biglow~ last MAonday evening in the Bul- whitesitwtefanl shoes, no hats.,__roesExpected To Star Charles McCarthy, P. A. '33, the finch Debating R~oomn. Dr. Fuess I ____ objet o-f a P ifLIi rvo infe-?view lpresided; and three members of thle No6ot--of-town excuses will be This afternoon the varsity l- several weeks -ago who sailed on the C. A. MCCARTHY, P. A. '33 fclyD.CaeDrLitnd granted on Memorial Day, crosse team, coached by Mr. James, 8,299 ton Egyptian steamer Zam- Mr. Gierasch, acted as the judges. -travels to Exeter, N. H., for the an- cam, seems to be safe with the otherTh prostnwaRelvd passengers and rew, in German GA L R H WN htthe bnieStaimites staegy of LIBRARY DISPLAYS clash. The Andover team, led by hands. The ship is reported by Ger- HAYES EXHIBITION an iiaypntaion ofe ScoutJ NG EPITU Captain Jay Naugle and Manager many to have been sunk and the aniiareerainoouhJN LEPC passengersGerman occu-taken to ~America." The affirmative side con- Dick Sheffield, will be underdog, be- pasengtersittaken to Gaiera occu "'VariationsonRubens Theme' sisted of Allen F. Colley of Gaines- Illustrations To Kipling's ceord Howevers noin egamis eer

and Mr. Ruxton~ Illustrate Complexities of ville, Ga., Gordon G. Heimer, 3d, of ,~Jungle Book Shown taken foera n hnve Andover American press Lexington, Va., and Robert B. ByDrod n xtrme,-ic th daei president of the British-Americani Painters' Problemis \VatersSyracuse, of N. Y. Theo ds ntExover ite gunc hs gne off Ambulance Corps, had-come to the aesoSyaueN.Y Th conclusion that as the ship was four Tw er gMr. Bartlett negative was upheld by William Now on exhibition in the Oliver Many times before in thle history of weeks overdue at Cape Town, it H~ayes made an exhibition for the Frederick Spengler of Menasha, Wdll Holmes Library is a strik- the two schools a much higher fa- must have been snk. The fate of New England Prep Schools which Wisc., David Chavchavadze of New lee o filutainst u-vored team has gone down to defeat the 18 Ameicanswasi doub and the Addison Gallery is now showing York, and Pell Williamn Foster, 3d, Ing oletoofiusrinsoRd and this year is no exception. titehad beernse hati they', ad along wvith prints from Uruguay. Mr. of Englewood, N. yard K-ipling's Junglc Book by Eeea las a odr either drowned or been taken pris- Hayes' exhibition, entitled "Varia- Allen Colley, as the first speaker Mlaurice and Edward Detmold, pre-' ful team, having lost only to Deer- oner.Itno appers tht thelat- tions n a Theme by Rubens." is one frteaimtvshwdgai- sen ted to Phillips Academy-by ilwief~Fl~xanpd--- ter case. arrma se ad- wvhich tries to help people lok at cl) h agru oiini hc Howard Eric of the class of 11. tem suc asHrad n at ter crisin the SouthAermn atlanic paintings by telling them about some the U. S. finds itself today. \'ith A\ majority of these colorful pic- mouth Freshmen. Last Saturday in werusignattaced Sother neuatal of the points of view artists have. England in imminent danger of los- tures portray scenes from Kipling's their windup for the Andover clash, Egytisa taship wtheit neutral 'The 'ex-hibition centers around ing Africa, entirely or in part, and story of the white boy, Mougli, and thybaWocseAadm125 Egypianshipwit itsneuralpainting owned and lent by the Bos- with thie recent French-German his life with the wolf pack. Those However, Andover took this same pasengrsand sank the ship. The '\uem.o ie rssown ho have read this story will re- temiocap1-.E tr'of Gemn li htalpassengers ton rssoig treaty, merica is indeed in narrow mme h aiirnmso emit ap1-.Eee' f ~ L-straits.:-We---must -act- at once to mebrte fmla ae f fensive is built around two men. hicl ng ndoer'~--NIIc~artly,--lle-%Idona-ad-CilA-~Lby saints A(17 fore- in number). - Babo, "the sleepy brown bear who These are M-orris, playing in home,- incldins afeyeovedt Geman oc- bor teilts (17 ina numer)gna aifor- ombat any invasion of the Western teaches the wolf cubs the-law of the an Wisn t tatck The cupied territory, while the ship and wngodtls tha the ignal paintas Hemisphere. This invasion will - ge"Bgertebakpn n isna s tak hs its valuable mercenary cargo des- in ~h~ hsi oy vs probably come via Dakar, in Africa, ju-ngl. Bahea h lc a- two account for a great deal of the tined for Africa was sent to the adfoacetichrhnAt-amid Sott Ainerica. At present, the thr hr an h rae Ir Exeter scores, with Aubrey, also, blottomn of the sea. The ship car- werp, and a photograph of the orig- Germans have begun to build a rail- Kaa, t powerful python whom rignth Y1costely ried 20 (lesert ambulances. 2 trucks, inal in place in the church is showvn. road across lFrench Equitorial wlf monkey people fear, the one rining , the coiternt ha a kitchen, and an X-riay trailer for There are seven cellutex Jpanels. Africa which will end at Dakar. monfkepeople atslves the in-ou played eight games and has won sericewitth Fre Fenc Foces each with an oil study with one par- wvh-era large base is contemplated maboneysol themoldvais. Ehen only one of these. That was the led by General de Gaulle in Africa. tilar point to irake. One shows We must at once penetrate into laiai fteCl ar.Ec 68psigwihwsgvnt The amulancedriver, who that by treatment of color, the artist SuhAeiat tpti hett one of these jungle friends and 168psngwih as ivnt The mbuancedrierswhois able to emphasize whatever lie pti hett -',uhAeiatenemies of Mowgli is portrayed in Worcester. ane Comrsosaie onrh 21s- Wants. In the first panel, the sub- our safety, and we must establish a this fascinating exhibition. Several The season opened as the Boston frnorNwp r, an d arive a1t (Continued on Page 4) strong base in Brazil. (otne nPz )Lcos lb aeu ffre fromYork, New and_____arrived___at William Spengler, speaking for (otne nPr college stars, shellacked the Andover Penmbuco Brzl nArl1t.the negative, pointed out the folly ofbos14.Nxwaadeattth Sth Africa onue Cand Towny BLUE NINE DEJAD.LOCKS& penetration into South America. ANDOVERK TR C TEAM hands of the Tech Freshmen;- 12-3, fouthrieeks atewarst dand only ITNJR OLG Touchy andi arrogant as many South PRPSHO ITR but this was not hard to take, since four weesdid afterwrds ILTON JR COLLEGE American nations are, they would PRPSH O ITR the Tech attack had been led by Al Rux-ton, president of the B. A A. vehlemently, resist any attempts to___ Heckel and Gene Schnell, former C., reveal to the press the fate of Gae cle f n Svnh uupter sovereignty. All the noCp.FseSurDceAndover players. The team's third the American mercy volunteers. In Gm aldOf I eet sr hlC-at ihr tat ikn a telegram to the member of the Inning Due To Sudden benefits we have derived from the W. Fisher, Read Pace loss was to a far superior Dartmouth undergaduate body who inter- Downpour Of Rain Good Neighbor policy would be lost Blue Victory Freshman team. 10-1. Then, the undergraduate ~~~~~~~~~ifwe should undertake this inter- L EYnext week the team came to life to viewed McCarthy before his sail- HIITING IMPROVED fering step. TEAM LACKS KESE wallop Worcester 16-8- -as Ted

ingfote hilis luniBulei) (Continued on Page 3) '- P. A. Scores All But 4 Points (Continued on Page 2)- (Continued on Page 3)Duden, Hudson Sihine At Plate; In Field Events Howe, Vose Hurl For Blue BLUE TENNIS TEAM LEADS CONCERT GIVEN CLUB TRACK TEAMS The Blue baseball nine foughit it (In Saturday Andover was re- BY MUSICAL.~CLUBS STAGEMEETSLAST out o an 11-1-deadlockwith Til-4-3 AS RAIN HALTS PLAY turned the victor in the New Eng -__ ton' junior College in an abbrevi- land P reparatorv School meet, with Romans, Greeks, And Saxons ated game of seven innings. It was Strobut, Peck, And Drake Win a total of 42 points, 10 1-2 points Solo By Coffin Marks Climax -

Are Leading Lae - -- a wild game with plenty of excite- Singles Against halo ou ners opnetInScefdEeig -inent. Starting for Andover was Choate 1Excter. M~oses Brown., St. John's, All the other clubs out at the big Bill Howve, 'who allowed eighti and W\orcester Academy follo-wed Last 5tra nBalyHl track p eemther t en--be singuns o eigh hits EllyVose n Saturday afternoon the Anl, in that order. An\idov'er's victory wvas was given a joint evening of music ergi eo t e ulsin upohvelsn theihrerus lasigt in andym etwh (lover tennis team was leading scored almost completely 'in the with the Beaver Country Day allibut one mheeGandh have se some e ifficulty, gpermitting th Choate 4-3 when the rain stopped field events, only fotir points result- S~chlool glee club -and orchestra -Liid olybut on t ndsix ets hscoe rso ifcltr ermitins.hee the match. Choate was not as strong ing, fromt a pair of fourths-by Larry the combined Mlusical Clubs of Phil- reporeris sef~coLisusin all Aftr th Bluetallid on in te aslast year but did have a goo - 1Blood id Chan I lall being scored lips Academy. This concert was one team. ~~~~~inthle running events Co-Capt of the most successful of the whole trol to keep from computing an first, te visitors came-back -ith a tem averageone meet. for vicious attack. After Rutner walked, Hobe Early was defeated in a Jack Fisher gained telve points to Near. The Romans and Greeks- have W~rhite singled sharply. With' men very close match, 6-,68 -. Ery pc h noe crnbig TeoeigRme a h v%%onfour and lost two each, but on first and second Giroux got life started off the last set with a bang outscored olv bv Moses Brown, chorale \Vhate'er my God ordains, th'C4Romans have a slight edge, hav- On first by an error, loading the but wvas soon tired out and his oppo- Howie Caldwell. Dwight Stuart, is well" from Bach's Church Cantata in scre si ons oeta sacks. Another wvalk forced home nient Cowan took it. Frank Hall was Willo Fisher and Curt von W\edel _No. 75. For this selection Miass the Geeks.TheSxon~ re stll arun and a vicious drive scored also defeated 2-6, 6-3, 6-3. Frank were the brighit spots of tis none- Emily \Walle Harris coiducted the veryn th uchruning ith hree two more men. The fourth and last won the first set easily and lost the too-promnising victory, combined glee clubs. ofr each indth aundg3 - ints taltfhhrrmemecrsen lattoCadl of Choate was a AnIdover's inightv' hamimer throw- Next caine a group of pieces by

scored. -- - ____ ~astolen base and an infield out. steady player who was too much for ers once more swept the first three Bach played bYvthe P A. orchestra Duorin helsdme.hewn In-th-fourth-Tilon-sC-r-ed-twvo -~al-.--epe-fCot-,vn pt and( could have taken te tinder the direction of Dr. Reese. wasurigett lst andt blewinoc- iore runfs on two walks, a double the-No. 3 singles from Carl Badger, first even places if all our m First was a group of three chorale well over 9 feet with the aid of a steal and a single. The Blue started 6-4, 6-3. Kempner, who was on were cptnsmeicews lrulefomheLteOgabok stout pole. ~~~~rollingin their half of the fourth Choate's team last year, was playing the competition lack Fisher was "Hark, a voice saith-' All is mnor- There are still about four meets with two tallies. After Captain Don good tennis and it cannot be said aiga ofdy n sd talI" "Agnus Dei.' and "Praise left, and who can tell? If the wind Boynton. walked, Hudson singled that Badger did not do a creditable the 12-pound ball "only' 175 ft. 11 God, Christians, with one accord." keepsRockwel u may b blown to right. Then a ot oble by job. Frank Strout was the first to in.. failing to break the record. Afethscieheucsfl P- over 9 feet again. Time (and the Punchy Pyle scored Boynton. Then win a match for Andover. He beat Brother Willo finished a strong ludio" with WVilliam Coffin soloing. prevailing westerlies) will tell. (4Co1tintled. on Page 4) (Continued on Pace 3) (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) PAGE TWO THE P=I4IAN ,WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1941

Andover Track Team Victorious Gerson Weinstein of Bridgton ad In Interscholastics Saturday Bill Fox of Moses Brown. Chan Hall Was'scratched in the THE PH-ILLIPIAN ~ save~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~(oniu~ fo 'ae )low hurdles to give Wally Cahners a chance to get in the finals, which Member of Daily Princetonian Association of . second at 171- ft. 2 in., while Dick he made good. Leon Flint of St.

* _____PeparatoySchoo NesaeRead was taking the three points John's led, the field in a terrific, Represented by National Advertising Service. Inc.A the show position brought with a wind-aided 23.9 finals that saw TH IA I) VE I twirl of 161 ft. 11 1-2 in. Cahners shut out. Editor-i*-Ca4 N lhuhFedCi, lgt Andover's other two points in NORMAN W. BARRETI'lhuhFe hc algt tetakeet aea ar It was demonstrated, once again the 60ther day limbed youngster from Cushing theo tr a etd am auiosLarryj Banness Manager that A ovriinperfect harmony WtNainl Academy, caused the biggest sensa- Bl o eashedrta fousy 2:05. RANDOLPH C H~ARISON Anovr1s ntionNaioa in the' field events when heefit RANDOLPHHARRISON.C. '41 Defense. Those who witnessed the passing of the tion iha ak 880aelntrwo ta et fouh oanly ne-fith, Busisess Maosager-elccf artillery onl MBain street the other day could not have ~o h aei ho ihamr fascn eidLn n ae~ ' PETER C. WELCH. '42 tbeTuk of 167 ft. 7 1-2 in., breaking the old both of St. Johni's. who were, tiedl failed moved by the stirring sight.Trc record of 160 ft. I11 in. set by John for second. Larry's time was more d Ediongnitor upon truck passed by, some of them towing-'sleek, ta ulscn etr-hnta DAVID CHAVCIIAVADZE efficient looking guns-not pushcarts labeled fAdoe wgt oAtfcagrta ull seeeondbtewa thatcon Assigti,,iesf Editor' Tank Gun," but actual guns. As every truck full Statalotbrk heodreod o ud eekr who. wa iscn GILB3ERT D. KITTREDGE of happy conscripts pasdtestopligh~t at4h1apel by taigsecond with a toss of qeo w ek Photographic passdtth 160 ft. 9 1-2 in., and John Dicken (Continued on Page 3) R. OREdAN,or avenue, a piercing cheer rent the air. "A-N- grabbed third at 160 ft. 2 in. Clive, ORDEMAN.'43 ~~D-0-VT-E-R" it went. Tf they didn't know for sure, the winner, had only thrown a jave- Andover Lacrosse Team Meets EDI TORIAL DEPAR TMENT the conscripts must have felt-instinctively tat this lnoc eoei i aer R.Ass,'42 . Associate Editors S.HRWT,'2was the school of the Secretarv of NWrr.' Their in- Jiaoce o Red And Gray At Exeter Today B.. M. Aas. '42 . llosowre. '42ner minds must have told them that Tarzan of the JakFsewsuptinheho D. W. BROWN. '42 E. D. OSERMEYLit. '42 pscnevdo n s alFeigo ocse R. A. FURMAN, '42 J. E. SEARLE. '42 Apsand Uncle Tom's Cabin werecoeidonA- a PulFmng fWresr(CtnedrmPge1 J. S. GRaE&NWAY. '42 P'. R. Tooiiy. '42 dbver Hill. At any rate, the shouts of the smiling sol- Academy put the pill about four(Cniudfo Pae) ADVISORY BOARD diers of Uncle Sam almost deafened the air. It feet farther than he had ever before Heckel was playing the goal for An__ J. R. DiCKEN, '41 W. H. HATIIAWAN'.'41 was a moving sight. to wn at 51 ft. 7 1-2 in. John dover fkor the first time. Deerfield(1, F. G. EA~r '41 JCKSN. 4llrickley, *R *. 240-lb. son of te old .the team thgt defeated Exeter, wal- ELEARLY______41 E Harvard football star, finished loped Andover 18-1. The next BUSINESS DEPARTMENT The war hasht P. Not WohrldWring bu three inches ahead of ack's- 50 ft. gaines were lost to New Hampshire the wartheg "tat Lor subtig npbi in. to take second tor Dean 7-2, 'hrnlr1athno) Circulation Manager su-ahn.Zomr u-ahn npbi thor- A'cademy. defense looked the best it had for JAMES ORB. oug'hfares," sa~ s an old Blue Law, and the forces of Tedsu ho a o y aln ie ihBl ni li the Commonwealth are now going to enforce it. All Thiicstrw a o y alng WHadBill Enspl'r- STAFF over the New Egadcttr-iesun-bathers have Brikley but ack and Willo came fo 1ng2goal w. B. A.'42 BENTLEY. R. T7. STEVEN*S. wasRy brta cunr4id throui aancotkescny, emagi i the dust I12 Lat W.B..A. BENTLEY,'42 been driven out of their favorite places on the high- twouhagintktk scodane Agandoerimlotti C. 11 PNKH~m,3d.'4 E. E.'osE. 42wybbrtlspecial policemen armed with spiked third in 121 ft. 9 in. and 110 ft. 6 in. wevekt the nd o t lGottero D. VAN R. VREEX.AND. '42 sevntsopthcsasnvtelveno ______night-sticks. ( The latter is one of t6 current scan- repcily Dumnmer 8-4. In this game Bob ADVISORY BOARD - dals. of the state's mismanagement.) These inno- - Although the high jump was un- Wtrsaedinngheblwt W. T7. BACON. '41 . E. HKER, '41 cent lovers of the sun have been driven, from the productive from an Andover stand- two gas A. BLUM, '41 R. KRoNEs. '41 Wipit tddpeet- eod PAT WOLF. '41 ~~~R.G. NELB. '41 highways o to -The grass, and wo, knows where Toittddprsn arerl-gl. C. C. PRATT. '41 thev may, not be driven to yet? Drunk with powver breaker in the person of Charlie he ndovr uadr, ich willyto is ublshe an.SturaysdurngWdneday and by the success of it-4 first victory, we have it -Richardson of Mfoses B~rowvn, whose have onerly orinostis rnead o TEE PHILIPIAN ispbihdwdedy n audy uig froii authoritative sources that the legislature plans 6 ft. 1 3-4 in. is the best prep school gvetiralobinthsneom the school year by THE PILLIPIAN bard. tosapotti aI-s ratc (whic the call jump in several years: to Andover. The team's stars should

uindEereh ct ofscn Marchffic3atcasmter 1879er a ice) altogether. W\t here i Andov~r have been Curt von Wedel came off with I; b Larryr Eccles, 'high scorer with I dertisin racton arch icat8n. comiparativ-ely lucy. ,-ere tpe fabute bstj pofteyear tanga eight goals; Lucius Biglow wvho o Advertisingoon rates thng lukx. Ve tipe of botpte esijmpoftieonnakng throughout the season has been Terms: Subscription. $3.50 the year, $1.25 the term wo tigbefore the cops got hold of us (the state surprise fifth in the brbad umpndfu;A THEP~iLIPAN oesnot necessarily endorse statements expressed was keeping the law secret so that it could catch with a leap of 20 ft. 9 3-8 in..I. fin- Wondru;A Cook at attack, and a in communications, or people in the act; ingenious, these Yankees) : ishing only about two inches behind latgbut nhot lastonCatainugoay TuE PHILLIPAN is distributed to subscribers at the Commons and mortermoeauffieeWhiewho Exte hass shonenReyothroughoutscon Isfor sale at the Andover Inn, fsutermorpie Oficertsit e. hsnat en Reymnold ofEeescn xtr the season at cover. point. The out- Ofcofpublication: Smith & outts Co.. Park Street. sueIasienghtck W.tleu-bhngt- mn.. come to a great extent depends on ~~Officeof (l~~~~~~~~~entsof Andover. have been, driven off te streets Andover's best field event points little Ted Heckel in the goal. The Andover, Mass., May 21, 1941 ollto the playing fields. At any moment now even came as Dick Sheridan and Paul one full game Ted 'played was te- this last reftige might be i~4ced . As you may have Davidson tied with Trudeaux Hor- Worcester game. He has not been EditorissueGilbertD. or thi Kitredgegathered, this columnl is (istinctly Sun-bathist in rax of Exeter for first at li1ft .8 iP able to play recently since he has Editor___for______issue-Gilbert_____D.__Kittredge,__ principle, and. althotigl we don't nind being driven iii the pole vault, been out wvith the mumps. off the streets, our last refuge oil the plaving-fields Turning to the track events, wve Don'tTI~~~~~~he Down ~~~must not ble disturbed bv the diabolic. blood-thirstx' find Tom Smith winning his heat The probable starting line-up is: Let'Teams ~~~~~~~statepolice who are scouring the countrvside for in the Iligh hurdles in 16.5 against ADYREEE targets for their hiorrilble new weapons. Be covered a strong wind, and Chan Hall also Necgee. p p, node T-his afternoon the A\ndover lacrosse team travels from the neck down o the streets. but kill on sight qualifying for the finals, which Naglw, p p, ricomn to New Hampshire to play their ancient rivals, the oil fthe paying-fields! -were wvon in 15.7 by. Ted Sparrow, Waters or Esoh'holz, d 14d, Duxbury 2 24. Brooks not the bestThis p~~~~~~~~~~year's team of Browne and Nichols. te1 best Boone, Exonianis nt Thisthe bstear's P. tamAdofIthi yea's hudler.HI l tok Mcme. c, Palmer has ever produced, and also is by no means the worst U D -- of )rs re. a Weaver, 2t 2t, Johnson Prescott, It - It, Wilson T ... heL So rOs Parade fourth, right behind Bernie Roth- Gault or to comesquad. from on thethe Hill.other Exeter's well of Worcester, and Bill Law- Cook, o-h ,oh, Aller hand, is a strong aggregation which represents a rence of Exeter; however, Smith Knapp or Eccles, h ili, Morris great deal nmore experience than ours. However, Lately quite a few sports writers and fans Ilave was edged out by John Carey of Also to see action for 'Andover gotten excited over the coining heavyweight bout Milton for the fifth position. will be: Ennis, Secconmbe, M\,cNulty, evntogl eaeteuddgteei ora between Louis and Buddy B~aer in Wshington this T-he speedy Caldwell ran a sen- Zeigler, 'hite, Hudner, Seaver, son o gi'ehe gnletp beore nd tke i forgran- Fiday ight. It is a accepted opinion that Joe is sational 10.0 against the stiff wind Carrington. ed that Exeter will win. No team can become vic- sluoving ill andI doesn't have the old fight of a few to wvin the 100 from Bucksbaum of*** 'torious without a certain amount of support unless years ago. -Many)people are of te opinion that this Kimball Union. Bud Wooldredge The Andover authorities are trv- it is an exception. Tis year's lacrosse team is by fighit niay well decide Louis' downfall. Joe certainly Warmed up for tle Andover meet ing to get enough boys to nmake t e no mansallexcptinad,nedsallthesuporttht won his first few fights after winning te champion- by grabbing the third, wvlile the journey to Exeter to cheer the team nonean callxpto n i ed l h sipr h sllip far more easily than of late, and his opponents heavily-mutscled Sands- Patterson of on to victory. student hlo 'n gv t to conle through with a latelh have been, if anything, inferior to those he Hebron was causing many a female*** victory. fought at the beginning of his chanlpionship career. heart to flutter as he took fifth. The game will start at three The lacr(,se gaime today begins the Spring series The good showing of Abe Sinmons, Arturo Godoy The mile saw Art Upton hold] o'clock. of Exeter contests which by all ineans should be and Tommy Farr showvs that Louis is by no means fifth for the first two or three laps,*** thoroughly successf ul this year. None of, otir teams invincible. If once a fighter cotild get the "Bri'oii then fade to seventh as James Andover's Lacrosse team starting. aret Exter'o iiferor tht vitor is mposibl. honiber" o the run, so to speak, he would have O'Leary of St. John's won in meet. line-up will be made up of only and foritei t paetr th yeatr' s pgsatle little trouble in beating him. Schmelling did this record time of 4:37.0. two Seniors, seven Uppers. and pos- andostpar or heths yer'sSprng thltic onfce, and most of you know the result-a Despite the fact that Ben Calder siblv two Lowers. teams on t HIlare superior or at least eqtial to in the 12th round. A few good, hard punches on the and Jim McMahon both broke 53* * those of otir New Hampshire rivals. Te game this part of thie cllallenger might mean the heavyweight seconds in the quarter-mile, An- Wilson. one of Exeter's offensive afternoon may well be anl omen bothl for the success of crown for 'Iliri. However, is no pushover dover was shut out in this event, as stars, will be unable to play, since the teams and te upport they w~ill get. If an ex- in the ring alit won't b&for a long while. The box- Ted Withington of Exeter scored 'le lost weeks with a pulled tendon anlple is' set today that the school can be proud of, ers aren't as afraid of him as they were a few years 50.2 to win, followed closely by in his leg. ago, but tey are by no nleans overconfident. Both the entlltrsiasm o f the student bodv for the following ikilly- Conn and Lou Nova seem to think they are the contests will be greatly raised. 'onl'iones capable of defeating Louis, but they talk The track tami, which Ilolds its big meet this mlostly, to keep up their own courage. coiling Sattirday, will undloubtedly receive a great Joe may retire at the end of this sumnler, if he ______dealofothhecuse upprt, t i a avorte o wl ilas ilot been defeated or called to the draft. The deabth ofsupor, becus itis faorte o Wll great D~etroit slugger has made a large berth for ____ and also because the nleet is here at Andover. It is, himself in history aild will go down as one 'however, te other teams that have their games away of the "reats" of all tinle. Perhaps Joe feels tat from homec which need the most support as the rival hie will Ile ilore famous if he retires before being galleries, will lie larger there and te rival teams' ',,ill defeated. This nmay 'le true, but it seenls uinlikely b~e jtutmore trialinspired.that muh a loss n10ow, would mlar his career to any great Aest~ it hirlstm yere inire cal sol exteilt. A\ll peolple growv old, ad in te boxing S O HW N As t yarSenorsesecillysholdi 'teirlat world a person's prime quickly passes. Withdut a-______he only too1 glad t feel that tlley have done their part (lojbt Joe is onl the down grade, but just how long to putt Andover n te victor's positioll once more lie w~ill lie alble to slide without going lower than his Althlough1 te iitmler of students travelinlg to Fxeter rivals ik a question that tinle alone can answer. TODAY ONLY A Special RePresentative toda wil narle n','-lwe tat oilg t t~e bse- Looking at baseball we fihd 'that for a while Casey ball g etremen canl hi'atwt al S1fe-ten gel ushed his Braves out of the second division. Will Exhibit A Fine Array Of Quality Shoes, game tle~e(10ther hat 'vith fel- Thex' are back in sevellth place now,, but some _-ing thrat they hlave ilot only hclped contribute to the may- have heard of their specticular-playing- dtiring A poraeFrSrn n iizie'Va tean's succvs-,. 'hlt also to Andover itself Let's tllC stiimler of 1919. Starting fronf the cellar in theAprp tFo SrigA dSuyf& W ar take on tle attitude that everything we do does, not last two weeks of August, the B-raves moved up to- have to be for our owvi pleasure. and sacrifice sll first place and tok the pennant. As if that wasn't spare tinie even though we ourselves care little about enotigl this invincible team then took the World's i doing whatever it is. Te teams will greatly appre- Serie~s i straight games. That was a long time T H 1D VI~ l diate any support given them and more likely than azo, however, atid it seems illogical that the present ...VpoqlOnrp BY not will return wih a victory as an acknowledgment climb could ever (lo such a feat, to say nothing of zm oK of the interest shown in their behalf. keeping in the first division. . iNRC THE -PAQE =RE

GREEKS AND GAULS Charles McCarthy; Andover 33 Andover Track Team Victorious economic benefits of American pene- conference'-all the Western Hemi- WIN LAST GAMES On Sunken Steamship Zamzam In' Interscholastics Saturday tration, The U. S must be prepared sphere nations agreed to stamp, odt now to aid the South American na- Fifth Columnists and "provide fr (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 2) tions economically, for they are the common defense." It is much bet- Last Friday afternoon the Greeks sil nne fi:I eun e-t-eiedorevsb ooea virtually clinched the club baseball did 11r. Ruxton reveal 12 hours - The last event, the 220-yard dash, Sothl 'einaneed in reorn, tiro defnd ougrslveb co-oera-in chanipionship as they outlasted the before the national press carried produced a new record of 20.7 for SotAmrcmutadsinon- iothnbagesveperto, mon defense of the Western He6mi- which is contrary to our democratic Saxons to win.7-6. Meanwhile the the story the fate of the 138 Ameni- Howie Caldwelli-as-he officials de- sphere. Hitler's mistake was in stop- principles. Gauls were winning anothe-r-close cas aboi4 h rtshudr ie t the gale then. blowing had pigtclaouFaneisedof Ithrbtalpngrbogt one from the Romans.'cn.TeBiihudr cie pigttha u rtceisedo nterbutlSege ruh writers, Lloyds; of London, gave stopped where Caldwell was flying going out after England. We must out the point that the Dakar railway The Greek-Sax-ons game was theal noth throughout the game a close vessel, up for lost before the over the cinders. However, Cald- no alit h ame trap. We must, wouldn't be finished for two years. u ~~~~~~~German naval circles admitted the well had previously proved himself by loans and decrease of trade bar- Colley replied that France also The Greeks started the scoring as atako hnhp iers, be prepared to help South waited too long until an emergency ,hey leaped to a 3-0 lead but imme- atako-h hp by running his century against the America now, arose j4efore she acted. diately the Saxons tied it up. In the .C. A. McCarthy entered P. A. wind, so we feel he -deserves the -There is no eason to change our The decision, then, went to the af- hfth each team scored twice to make in the fall of 1931 as a Lower M\'id- record. Don Green had been just, prsn it 5-5. However, the Greeks put dler. He had previously attended edged out-in--the-first heat by Fur- prsn olicy, replied Pell Foster firniative' team of Colley, Heiner, overrus wointhe frst o the the Weston Public High School. He her of Exeter, who proceeded for the negative. At the and WVaters. sixth, and the Saxoins-in their turn was born September first, 1911, the' come in fourth in the finals. at bat'could only send one man over, son of Albert McCarthy. His father A rumor that Kelsey and Fisher ______fought as an ambulance driver in would go to the Brown Interscho- 'Wh isa Aro Sirtlk areygr? Andover Musical Clubs Hold the last war, and received the lastics May 30 was confirmed overWh ia row itlk pety rl French Croix de Guerre for it. Son the week-end. Fisher is without Concert With Beaver School Charlie followed in his footsteps, doubt the best- schoolboy hJammer y winning last fall, before the fall of thrower in the country, and we con-

__ (Continued from Page 1) F'rance, hs own Croix de Guerre tedhaKesyitebstah Under the direction of Dr. Rus- aloftecpin1baeyudr man of any age east of the Miss~s- sellook mesws gien "Lndon fire. AVt Andover he was a meml- sippi. This argument will be settled ~/~ Stre Cies" byo Oandove Gibonsn ber of the glee club. He lived of on Memorial Day when Kelsey, late on Meadowbrook road, Wis- holder of 9.5 and 21.1 times in the ______a fantasy for voices and string or- oMas-H-1a-nrcned, 10an22,rsetvl;Cdwl,('AY '{ - a ~,u~by-asail horu tr~ ')een working in the lbusiness of- whose best times are'9.3 and 20.7; eachgleecluandstrig ochesra.fices of Liberty magazine, and The and Paul Cowie of La Salle Mili- I " Following this the combined glee ANew Yorker. tary Academy, who rocketed- dubs nderI~r.fattichersang After being picked out of 3000 around the small Boston -Garden "-Spring" from the oratorio, "The aplcnswith Dr. Fuess' help and board track in .a 32.3 300 this win- v Seasons" by Joseph Haydn. The apiat ~olostsarbaa ere CofinWil-recommendaiion, McCarthy sailed ter, meet in one or both of the sprint- .,0oissarbra wre offn, il-with his fellow 23 drivers after a races. OneCoffn the hhlhs oVthive-Te2imuacsaeetnae yu.crepnetmd sprt ~ ~ rainandChares offi, Viian. stiff four weeks' training course. Mr. Boyle, Mr. X-thynard, and- i

fing was the "Symphony in F ma- served with the Free French de forecasts of the Andover-Exeter ' jor'. by Carl von Dittersdorf, which Gaulle forces in the -LIake Chad meet this coming SaturdaY. and we ras played by the combined orches- region. In his interview for the all came out with the same result, '.r conducted by Dr. Cook. Phillips Academy Alumni Bulletin 70-56, in favor of the Blue. This Bcuete ohbigyu red rud For solos, the Beaver Country representative, he reported that he meet should be no walkaway and it Bcuete ohbigyu red rud Day school glee' club gave a group expected to stay in Africa' a year. would be well not to get too over- ofthree daring waltz~is by Brahms. and he expressed his awareness of confident, although so far the ii- To keep the walves from your girl, wvear Arrow shirts. Charon The final number of the program the fact that his life would be in dover "esprit de corps" has been her with one of those new multi-striped jobs that has the low asPsalm CXLVIII by Gustav danger every moment from when practically invincible. See Friday's slope, long-pointed Arrow Bruce col- Holst which was sung by combined he left the American, shores. But special edition for a detailed fore- lar. It's up to the -minute in style and - ie clubs and orchestras under the like his father in 1915, he expre~-- cast.ft 2u..alorteorgaor ~'ection of Dr. CookL no fear but only a desire to help inuane Colley, Heiner, And Waters Win / The program was as follows: liberty.ohr'uasitersrglefr Torale, "Whate'er my God ordains, Is Robinson Debate On Monday To keep the wolves from your drawer, 1 / well" from Church Cantata No. 7 109 American missionaries sailed -get a padlock. Wolves just-naturally Bach also on the Zanizamt for their mis-" fothcu from 1Page 1) -go& ecu-of an Arrow, for it Combined Glee Clubs sini fia nlteswitn(Continuedsion in writtenAfrica. -In letters ~~~~~~~~isMitoga-cut to fit the torso. We ad- Tree Chorale P!'eludes Bach to the Bulletin reporter, the amibu- The threat from Dakar and its vise a bolt and chain for those irresist--/ (a) "Hark, a voice. saith-2all is lnedieswiigfo rzl peeto a h agmn filwikerssat ro ista'I mortal"' clained ofve he eat themhraih probertioWaters ofthe armantive, harnle resisan, $1.50. te yourat' Agnes Del cmlie ftehatehg oetWtr fteafraie amnz.$ n 15.Seyu P-raise God, Christians, ith one prices of liquor abjoard the ship, the Should a German base be estab- 'Arrow dealer today. accord attitude of their fellow passengers, lished there with a rM-froad to sup- (b) Preludio temsinrewosee o pyiw ol ei meit William S. Coffin, Soloist temsinrewa emdi h t v ol ei meit The Phillips Academy Orchestra completely ignoring- the ambulance danger of invasion, since the dis-1 0/ 7H LoWndon Street Cries" Gibbons drvers because they thought them tance from DakaT-to Brazil is onlyH A small chorus from each - unholy. The captain, an' English 1800 miles. The Panama Canal, -1 f f 0, S1 Glee Club and String Orchestra naval officer, Bill Smith, in corn- vital link in our defenses, would thus r spring," from the,ratorio "The mand of "An All-Egyptian crewv"' be endangered. The only feasible Seasons" HIaydn forbade the drivers to turn on their step is immrrediate penetration. r Soloists______Barbara Coffin, Charles Vivian, radios at night, and as there was Teilefctofpnraonno William. Coffinlittle to do on board, the drivers Thilefctofpnraonno Combined Glee Clubs soon became very bored. Charlie SuhAei eepeetdb ypoy in F major Dittersolorf writing fron Brazil, reported a big David Chavchavadze. The whole CombintedCoeeWalte OrcnesaraslotOrsunstan, of sleep, and much too idea of goodwhn~ecmitd neighbors would sucli-arL, be ex-- AL T e Beaver School and Glee Club hs much heat.1 HE PHILLIPIAN hopes pgodedsv c.TeSuhAeia n r andArms, from Samson" opeeti h er ftr nations would be thrown into Hit- C L R Handel through the courtesy and co-opera- n w oudbeal h COLORS '~iritual Song Bach tion of the British-American Arnbu-le'laan we oudbalth ru ongees fo Bacanhe" lneCrsteso~n hri' more easily defeated. Co-operation,- e ~ ~ ~ ~ Slivn cpue hriepoie h u- not militarjypenetration, is the only Phillips Academy Glee Club letin reporter that he was. going to teptary.ledt utmtevc ~a 1m CXI.vlms Hoist write exclusively for THE PHIL- toy g Gee Clubs and Orchestras LIPIAN and the Billetin on his ad- Gordon Heiner's argument was ventures.' one which attempted to show the

ueTennis Team Leads Choate ______As Rain Halts Match At 4-3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HEArrows are passing in review -a whole Tregiment of shirts, handkerchiefs, ties, and

-e (Cniudfo ae1 -- IU~underwear in sharp, neat, "go together" patterns 11 mr63 36 -. Srotpae r1i~Preflecting the fashion trend to gayer and bolder arhbter than he6had Stheu Wlaed colors. h -Wed-better than he had the ~~~~~~~INC. Be sure to take a look at the new collar styles: day before. Ray Peck kept his -button-down, wide-spread, and long points. Al defeated singles record by beating Arrow shirts are M~itoga. cut and guaranteed to rrr, 6-2, 7-9, 6-4. Although the retain their perfect fit Exercise your inalienable ote man was leading in the lasf -The J. Pr e ss S emii. rights and pick up some of these handsome Arrow IPeck still held together and foursomes today. erane this lead. In the No. 6 ' A n a a h S l Phil Drake won his match 6-1, A a h S l 2.His opponent, R. Burdick, was custorned to the courts and Starts attheAn o e rf ore was. at a disadvantage, tAn o e is put the score at 3 AutStdiithd es ay Sbles to go. upt with, W dn3day

-- Strout and Badger were the only to finish~ their doubles. They MIa y 2 1s t Kernpner and Warner 6-4, 6-3. is pair have been improving eily and turned in their best per- ~Si'nce to date. Early and Hall, ArwSit 2u No. team, had lost a set when R prsne yArwTe 1~n 15 rain caine. In the No. 3 position Aro ndrUr 5 fkand Drake were winning in KE~N FRA~JNK~ Arrow Hlandkerdlfs . 2c vp second set after taking the first

Tdythe team faces Wvinchester Gentlemen's Tailors 66 Main StreeT, Telephone 1169 g~School. This team should be and Furnishers______lystrong but the Andover team ______Saored. ______WEDNESDA-YY,3MA--2-1AD14j PAGE FOUR TH P 1LIPIAN-

century dress Blue Nine Deadlocks Tilton; Addison Gallery Exhibiting One of the most interesting pan- flowing seventeenth proportion). Hudson Shine At Plate Work By'Mr. Bartlett Hayes els is labeled "Abstraction," and style (in miathematical Duden, was made by Mr. Hayes to how Other effects that are shown. are (Contiued frm Page1)(Cotinuedtrom Pge 1) how an abstract painting could be a "classical" or symmetrical-placing made of the general forms in the of figures, a study in lines and fat ~ Cnine ro ae )(oniud rmPNe1 a study in which the N M i with men on first and third Doug ject of the picture is emphasized, Rubens, painting. He also shows colors, and mgde very solid. Many Sturgis hit to shortstop, who shot the Madonna and Child. Another that the abstract painting is to mod- figures are WESLEYAN presented in the ex. onn.,the ball home, eliminating Hud- study shows how the artist could emn clean-cut architecture and mod- ideas are John HRiegeofMadson, complexities Doug stole second a have used very bright colors to give ern dress styles as Ritbens' painting hibition, showing the has been elected to the sophomore so.After te seondingl talied un. n airof to a wild Baroque church, and of the painter's problems. editorial board of the Olla Podrida, Hw igetlidtescn Howe u.a i o xieet undrgrduaeearboo- ublcaton The score was now 8-6 Tilton. In at W'esleyan University. te etingthemoers Riege is a member of the fresh- were made by the Blue three hits. man class and is affiliated with the Also Tilton in this frame scored ApaDelta Phi fraternity, two more runs on a single by Grant Alpha ~ ALEwithte bases jammed. Mohn . Mkalo on of Mr.t andht f rame, the Blue really went to town. MrsL 0 Mloof50 EstEiht On four successive base knocks by Avenue, Denver, Colo., has been Asbury, Bush, Dudeh and Boynton. elected to the 1944 business board a ife~ot nerr n n who prparedforYle atAadnvr Itele faltre in terseventh an- i %C hseled of the Yale Record, student humor other 'hit, a quintet of Blue players magazine at Yale, where he is a crossed the plat-ter. member of the freshman class. Malo, With a decisive margin of 11-8, ht a k wt h will be a member of Pierson College lowing three run-s to score. Eilly i h la a k w t - h next year. \Vose gave Giroux a single and i h -e ie then walked two batters. After Club Lacrosse Ranks Add a run walked across via another COOLER, MILIDER, BETTER TASTE Demoted I'~~~~~~arsity Players paBots-o1od fontht______saild deep into right for a single., The ranks of club lacrosse havebrnighm tw talstoen been swelled considerably by cuts the score 11-il. The heavens now frovrsiy th s aresltof he darkened, but the Blue staged aT valiant rally. justithyotwonoaway'lDalwaysfindst disastrous rating. But in spite of ite this new migration al seems to be den got his third hit of the day and colras th knowes yo'leaws in quito't clbfott Donniy B~oynton walked. With niolraetebahssoesnnivte third, Freddy Hudson can always count on Chesterfield for a que nte lubt frhont an .on first-and Milder- fente Bwount Jxeonon and ah skied out mightily to center. As the - C6ooler'smoke that's refreshingly fewothrsereexcptinalin hetorrents belched forth from the last gamne and all are working hard skeupr o hlnhle---and far Better-Tasting. for the approaching tilt with Exeter. thies proens ETembodWwhasmkeshheserfedd of the best KilNgs JOngDl Booy Scenesy The sluggers of the day were 'likes their right combination NowDsply n InLibary Dick Duden and Freddy Hudsontoacshtgrwioronohan with three singles apiece. tbco htgo noronSuha * * * (Continued from Page 1) -- and that we bring from far-off Turkey graphic scenes of the battle between Bill Howve allowed but five hits.a rte monkey-people and the above- He passed nine men, however. Both and Greece. THEY SATISFY. mentonedfriends of Mowgl ae teamis together walked 20 men. also shown.*** In addition to these illustrations The Tilton boys made five mis- of the story of 1ogl, resome cues against our-three. others fromn Kipling's Toomai of The box score: the Elephants and Rikke-Tikki- ANDOVER Tav'i, the cobra-hiunting m-ongoose. olan f ab r bh apoe GRABLE The Elephant Dance is portraved. Abry3b211010BETTY alid also a meeting 'between Rikki- Bush, lb 5 1 1 09 1 starring in black Duden, rf 4 2 3 2 00 20th Century-Fos hit Tikki-Tavi and the venomous Boynton, ss 2 3 1 52 0 "" __cobra__Xag___These~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jPr~~~~~p"~~~~~~In-_ I Technicolor. are very wvell done, and all who Plc 4 2 1 17 0 take pleasure in reading Kipling's5 Sturgis 4 1 0 1 12 stories are urged to view these illuis- How'e 4 2 10 0 rations which portrav vividlV the Vose - country about which the books are Totals 31 11 12 10 21 3 written. TILTON- ______~~~~~~~~abr 'bh apoe

______- Bargin, c 4 0 1 2 7 2 2 D ~~Hyde, '3b 4 0 22 Chesterfield's Program40 Bobotas, 2b 4 0 1 20 0 - Rubner, ss 3 1 000 0 Fred Waring's Pleasure Time Wie f 5 Leading N'BC Stations Giroux, lib 4 3 1 04 0 Mon. Tues. Blateh'ford, cf 1I1 0 0 51 Thurs. Fri. Wedays Grnr322020 7:00OPM EST 7:O¶mT Crocker, p r~f 01 0000 6:00 PM CST 6: 00 PM CST 'McCorrison 1I0 1 000 10:00 PM CST 5:00 PM MT - 9:00 PM MT 4: 00 PM PT Totals 27 11 7 821 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:00 PM -PT -1 .j Glenn Miller's Moonlight Serenade Andover 1 0 0 2 3 5. 0 Leading CBS Stations- Tilton 0 4 0 2 2 03 Tues., Wed., Thus'. Sacrifice hits:, Asbury, Boynton, ----- 10:00 PM EST trce;Stolen il7ases: Colemuw-Hud- 9:00 PM CST son. Sturgis, Burguin, Grant Y,Crock- -. - - 8:00 PM MT er; Left on base: Andover 10, Tilton Copyright 1941. Liccre &Mms TosAcco Co. 7:00 PM PT 7; Two ba se hits: Pyle; Base on .balls: Professor Quiz off Howe, 9 in-6 inn.; off vase, 3 in 1 ______DR. ADELBERT FERN Leading CBS Stations inn.; off White 4; 6ff -McOorrison 4,; off Vose PRESCRIPTIONS A Treadway In ORTHODONTISIT Tuesday Hits: off Ho'we 5 in 6 inn.; wilb ttejsa nim 9:30 PM EST 2 in 1inn.; off White 3in4 Inn.;off hr ilsol McCoririson 9 in 3 inn.; Wild pitches i DWM1- I 8: 30 PM CST D V N every Friday weehewilpol 7:30 PM MT McCorrison; Passed balls: Pyle 2,' TEHRIA HRAYA of to Unipires: - ana ~u t DINNER $1.00 I ze In the straightening 6:30 PM P'F Bargin .4; Balks: White; -MinatCietIut-LUNCHEONS 75c I Office hours 9:00 to,4:S0. Sol"~ Whelan and Ryley. p______FTERNOON TEA 2'.. office. 29 Commonwealth AveflU ______~ Kenmore 6275.

See Your ANDOVER ART STUDIO -LUMBER FOR SLOID WORK f'flflfl UIII~~flflMANPNrtrailts and Groups PAINT - BRUSHES Miller's Shoe Store 49niMangnESrt e el.arnd. - UUUU0000flUIVI~~~~~~fl~SIWapshot Picture framing and reparing J.E. PITMAN ESTATE E9Manpet ho Rel.Airnd. HUMOR MAN Agent on the Hill For 123 MaIn Street Tel. 1011 63 Park Street Tel. And. 664 Hardy 2 QualityIceCream ______j ~~~~~~~~~H.J.ROSE, Delicious 1 TML' BOS'flAIiURTR Cool - Temptin~ CROSS CO.* 'Whero r PamchrayI sa rfsovictor,rfsin Fir.PQRTAHLE~-OL' Dlea. and PIONOGRAPOS Buswc O-SStd RECORDLmSEc F~~E~~ Good Humor Ice Cream ______S6rMainStudt Laps dc ORDS J 1.6~~~~~Maln- Street Man Sre JOHN H. GRECOE ______~~~~~~~CARILE. ELANDER I L EO-N'S Free Collection and Delivery lb For Good Sandwiches OPTICMA NEJWEE 66 Main Street Telephone iies Sodas and Ice Cream OTCA

______~~~~~~~~~~FuilLine Of Quality-

ture Wire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~56Main Street Andowtf

ANDOVERNATIONAL BANK ~Tel. And. M50R ANOE AIOA AKTk, BugusfLittle fJwefrY Slur' The Andover Bookstore 45MainW Street R. HILL-Tel. And. 102 In tke sitea.