PORTS Louis Stops Godoy in Eighth
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FRIDAYfJUNE 21,1940 PAGE EIGHT CENTERVILLE DAILY IOWEG1 AN & CITIZEN. to short and E. Kopatlch was safe on an error before Doll- doubled to drive in the fifth run that won the CENTERVILLE TO game.;. '„ , i Three times during'the contest, MEET LEADERS IN - Elgin's left'the. field, declaring the side was retired and the umpires Thillips PORTS were crooked. Each',tlme they went NEXUOOP GAME back to run into some new storm of protest over some incident. Pro bably the biggest squad came Local Entry In Southeastern Iowa when West was called out at third as Medland trapped the ball in his ''League Meets aBtavIa In Con mitt' and tagged West with his bare hand. test Hero Sunday Louis Stops Godoy In Eighth , - Bitter Struggle It is certain there nas.not been Only team in the league to beat pened Godoy went plunging across a more bitterly contested game this Batavla, .Charley Poffenberger's* Toogh...and proud of it! the ring to get at Louis and it took FISHER'S, ELGIN'* season and those fans who weren't cellarites will meet the league CHAMPION BEATS the strenuous efforts of four or I.S.U. and Parker's out missed an-event that will be leaders in a game here Sunday af That's the story of LEE Tire five men, including his manage-, historic in local Softball annals. ternoon at the league park. Al Weill, to calm him down. Bnt WRITE HISTORY IN When the totals, were compiled, Clarkdale, Lovllia, Moulton and treads... arid it's a money- CHILEAN TO PULP it was only a wild, heart-broken it was shown that the losers got Ottumwa have scored wins over gesture. Louis stood calmly and Plan Special Games ten hits to six for Fisher's. It a*lso the Centerville aggregation, but It saving ^story for motorists. watched it, his face still unsuita EXCITING CONTEST shows that six Cavaliers were call remained for the locals to knock IN RETURN FIGHT ed out on the bases and an argu ble. Chicago White Sox, whose John I.S.U, undefeated leaders in the over the league leaders in the-one Never did Louis look more for Centerville Softball league, -wlllf _ ment followed each of the decis game they lost this season. Buy a LEE Tire at a Phillips Rigney held them to five hits in 11 EI ions. HeioT Receives Worst Beating Han. midable than last night At 199 innings. Monte Pearson gave a meet Unionville, la., and Parker's, 8*t Inning Games Goes to Lum. What's more, the Smokers can pounds he obviously was trained b 8-7 Foster, making -his appearance do It every time ,they meet, Pof 66 station ... and you buy good rebuttal until Mike Tresh another strong local team, will | borraen J Score; L S. V. ded Ont Bj- lonls Since to a fine point, trained to punch singled and Bob Kennedy doubled meet Sunstrum's of Oskaloosa in this season, gave • the > lumbermen fenberger says. ' "We have the relentlessly and long against a foe Whips Company G their first hit in the fifth, two in combination and we can work it . guaranteed first-line quality Taking Crown for Chicago's run. It was New the second game of a double bill he knew was rugged. Gradually York's fifth straight setback. booked here Sunday night the sixth and three in the eighth. for a win over Clarkdale anytime he tore Godoy down, and when the Lead Changes. The two-game special will be the Doll, working for the, winners, had we like," the manager has claim plus a 12-months' road haz moment came executed him. The National League lead also first of its kind here this season For five innings last night, Co, one of hia best nights. Although ed. By Gayle Talbot G battled to halt the I. S. U. at he gave ten blows, he Issued only New York, June 21 (AP)—Bat changed hands as the plodding and will give home town fans a No matter when the Smoke Shop ard guarantee in writing. Phillies mobilized behind Klrby chance to see some of the best tack but the second game between six passes and was steady most of tered into a terrible condition by FlBher's and Bob Elgin's went on the time. boys win or lose, Sunday's con Joe Louis- lethal fists and only Higbe and Chuck Klein to beat the teams of this section of the state test should be worth seeing. In Remember... there's many ST. LOUIS MOVES Cincinnati Reds 4-3 in 12 innings. in action. for eight innings before a verdict Bryant and S. Cortesio, with two •eir-consclous still, Arturo Godoy blows each,, led the Elgin hitting the last 'two or three games, the of Chile yet teas able to lift his This was enough to pull the champs Unionville, la., fans will remem was reached. I. S. U. downed the army by a attack. J. Kopatlch'got two, a dou Smokers have played good ball an extra mile buQt into that hamburgered features down In the IN FIRST DIVISION below the idle Brooklyn Dodgers. ber, inflicted a 2-1 defeat on the and their hitting is improving. Higbe allowed only eight hits, one Centerville all-stars last year, one final score of 15-1 before Fisher's ble and a triple, for the winners dressing room at Yankee Stadium and his triple in the eighth broke Hurler's Better. last night and say proudly: of them a homer by Ernie Lom of the few defeats suffered by the and Elgin's tangled in a dog fight extra-strength LEE carcass! bard!, but was behind most of the city team during the season. In a that showed everything the fans up the ball game. Charley Russo and Floyd Pur "But I can take it, can't I Sure, OF JUNIOR CIRCUIT like before going to Fisher's by a The box scores: vis, two Centerville hurlers, seem IlTturo can take it." way. Klein batter in all four of his game this year, Unionville beat Ask your Phillips 66 dealer team's runs, one in the first, two Parker's at Unionville by a score score of 8-7. to be in better shape and may There •*asn't much doubt about -For four innings, the Company AB B. H turn into better than average pit that, and the crowd gathered a- Brownies Knock Boston Out of in the eighth on a homer and the of 9-5. Should I.S.U. come out of about his easy pay plan! winning score in the 12th on a the fracas with a victory, it will battled the I. S. U. boys to a 1-1 Brlnogar,- e 3 0 0 chers before many more games are ronnd the fallen Chilean told him tie but the electricians made con Leak, If 3 1 1 played. so. It appea-ed to make Arturo lead With Twin "Victory* single. be only after the Btiffest kind of competition. nections in the fifth, sixth and sev Allen, 1 ' 3 0 ' 1 .-Brightest spot in the local pic feel much better. He had been Cleveland Takes Over The New York Giants routed enth to win by a top-heavy margin, A. Knapp, ss 3 0 0 Sunstrum's Second ture, however, is the tetter hitting knocked down and out in the eighth Lefty Larry French and beat the tripled and scored on Imus' single. Gates, p 2 0 0 by the Smokers. Bobby Bryant is round of a fight that was too bru Chicago Cubs 6-3 although out hit In the second game Parker's will That was all the winner could T. Knapp, cf 3 0 0 tal and bloody to witness with any By JUDSON BAILEY meet S/"JStrum's for the second hitting the apple at better than a Six of New York's seven safeties get until the fifth. Singles by Leak T. Knapp, cf 3 0 0 .400 clip and Paul Malaney, not relish, but be had acquitted hlm- (Associated Press Sports Writer) and all their runs were clustered time this season. Centerville sports and Allen gave the army a run Wilson, 3 2 0 0 «elf with courage. Baseball's' biggest sensation right followers are well acquainted with counting the Lovllia tie, has been in the sixth and seventh innings. in tho fourth to tie up the ball A. Seals, s e 2 0 0 going near .350 for the season. None of the nine other fighting now is the St Louis Browns—and the brand of ball played by the game, which had been a classic Davis, 2b 2 0 ' 0 pen the big Negro has beaten since yon kui-v why. The Pittsburgh PIrateB also were classy Oskaloosa aggregation. They With tho Lovllia average includ outhit but managed to beat the Bos struggle so far. Apgar, rf 2 0 0 ed, Paul is slugging at .320 as he became champion took more They have just succeeded in cast appeared here on several occasions Increase Lead. awful punishment than was meted ing the already confused first divi ton Bees 8-7. With Elbie Fletcher last season and gave a good per N la his brother, Tom. hitting three consecutive doubles Malaney's double, Bradley's life Totals 25 l a out to Godoy before he finally fell sion of the American League into formance on each appearance. on an error and Deahl's home run Batavla also has something in forward on his battered face last chaos.